3494 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 3 February 10, 2009 nickname by remaining constant in its efforts preme Court in that case, as well as many Griffin Boyette Bell to the State of in promoting equality for all. other laws that promoted segregation. Mar- Georgia and the United States as a The NAACP has grown considerably since shall would go on to become the first African- legal icon. its inception. Today, the NAACP has over American Justice on the Supreme Court. The Clerk read the title of the resolu- 500,000 members with more than 1,300 na- The NAACP fought against lynchings, Jim tion. tional and international branches, and over 45 Crow laws, and otherwise challenged the sys- The text of the resolution is as fol- branches in the State of Illinois. tem of laws which denied full citizenship for lows: Recently, three students from the Chicago Blacks. The election of President Barack H. RES. 71 Westside Branch, located in the Seventh Con- Obama represents a culmination of the Whereas Griffin Boyette Bell was born on gressional District, won at the 2008 National NAACP’s efforts over the years, particularly in October 31, 1918, in Americus, Georgia, to ACT–SO competition. The ACT–SO program, gaining full voting rights for African-Americans. Thelma Leola Pilcher and Adlai Cleveland founded by the NAACP, is a year-long pro- The work of the NAACP has not been with- Bell, a cotton farmer; Whereas Griffin Boyette Bell died on Janu- gram that is used to enrich African American out danger. Many NAACP members and staff ary, 5, 2009, at Piedmont Hospital in Atlanta, high school students’ lives by encouraging have been victims of racial violence.
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