Policies Map

Proposed Submission Site Allocations Plan

April 2015 List of maps

Map 1 - Alton

Map 2 -

Map 3 -

Map 4 - Clanfield

Map 5 – Rowlands Castle

Map 6 – and South

Map 7 -

Map 8 - Farringdon

Map 9 - Headley

Map 10 – Holt Pound

Map 11 – Medstead

Map 12 -


1. Introduction

What is the adopted Policies Map?

1.1 The Policy Maps included within this document indicate spatially how the Proposed Submission Local Plan: Housing and Employment Allocations Plan (Site Allocations Plan) apply to the district. The maps show the existing Settlement Policy Boundaries, the proposed changes to Settlement Policy Boundaries, the sites we have allocated within the Plan and the South Downs National Park designation.

What is the purpose of the document?

1.2 In line with the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) () Regulations 2012, a Policies Map must be submitted if the adoption of a Local Plan would result in changes to the adopted Policies Map.

1.3 The policies and proposals included in the Proposed Submission Local Plan: Housing and Employment Allocations Plan have resulted in the need to make changes to the current Policies Maps.

1.4 This document forms part of the Proposed Submission Documents produced alongside the Proposed Submission Local Plan: Housing and Employment Allocations Plan.

1.5 It must be noted that any changes to the Policies Map would not be official until the adoption of the Site Allocations Plan.


East District Council Penns Place Hampshire GU31 4EX 01730 234280


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