CURRICULM VITAE 簡文政 教授 Wen-Jhan Jane Professor Office Address: Dept. of Economics, Shih Hsin University, No. 111, Sec.1, Mucha Rd., Wunshan District, Taipei, Taiwan (116). Tel: 886-2-2236-8225 Ext. 63407; Fax: 886-2-2236-1658; E-mail:
[email protected] CITIZENSHIP: Taiwan DEGREES: Ph.D., Industrial Economics, National Central University, 2007 Biography Wen-Jhan Jane is a Professor of Economics and a former Chair of the Department of Economics (2017-18) at Shin Hsin University. His recent research focuses on the Industrial Economics, Labor Economics, Economics of Sport and Recreation, specifically the topics of peer effects, competitive balance in the professional leagues, salary discrimination, and information cascade in the motion picture industry. Current Position: Professor, Dept. of Economics, Shih Hsin University, 2015/2- Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Physical Education, National Taiwan Normal University, 2017/2- Past Position: Department Chair, Dept. of Economics, Shih Hsin University, 2017/8 - 2018/7 Visiting Professor, Department of Economics, Osaka University, Winter 2018. Associate Professor, Dept. of Economics, Shih Hsin University, 2011/2-2015/1 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Economics, Shih Hsin University, 2007/8-2011/1 -1- (1) FIELDS OF SPECIALIZATION Applied Microeconometrics, Analysis of Labor Markets, Sports Economics. (2) Professional Associations 1. Taiwan Economic Association(台灣經濟學會),Annual Meeting Committee(委員會委員) (2016-2017 年)。 2. National Press Council (中華民國新聞媒體自律協會),Advisory Committee(評審委員) (2017)。 3. 2014-2015 East Asia Economic and Management Association 東亞經濟與管理學會, Annual Meeting Committee (研討會籌備委員)。 (3) Honors and Awards 1. Award for Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) Special Award for outstanding research talent, 2018 / 科技部 107 年度大專校院特殊優秀人才獎勵.