Volume 2-2A.Indd
ORIGIN AND CURRENT STATUS OF THE and St. Clair (2002) argued that southwestern British PACIFIC POND TURTLE (ACTINEMYS Columbia had suitable habitat and the species might have been native. MARMORATA) IN BRITISH COLUMBIA This article reviews historical and recent reports of the Pacific (Western) Pond Turtle for Francis R. Cook¹, R. Wayne Campbell² and Glenn British Columbia and provides documentation for R. Ryder³ a previously unrecorded introduction of turtles at Burnaby Lake on the southwest mainland coast of ¹13078 Land O’Nod Road, R.R. 3, North Augusta, the province. ON, K0G 1R0 Historical Distribution in British Columbia ²2511 Kilgary Place, Victoria, BC, V8N 1J6 The Pacific Pond Turtle is endemic to western North America. There is a cluster of records for ³Lions Grove Estates, #302, 2888-273 Street, western Washington but the species mainly ranges Aldergrove, BC, V4W 3M6 from extreme southwestern Washington and western Oregon south through California, to northwestern Abstract Baja California and into Mexico, with a pocket in The early history and present status of the Pacific western north-central Nevada (Nussbaum 1983, (Western) Pond Stebbins 1985, Turtle (Actinemys “...Actinemys marmorata were found Iverson 1992). It marmorata) in has been introduced British Columbia several years after the exotics, leading in central Oregon is documented to speculation that they could have been (Stebbins 1985, including known Iverson 1992). i n t r o d u c t i o n s . part of replacement market imports for British Columbia Evidence strongly exotics...” records have been suggests that the variously treated. species is extirpated In the and never did occur naturally in the province.
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