Received bv NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM OMB No. 1124-0002; Expires May 31, 2020 U.S. Department of Justice Supplemental Statement

Washington, dc 20530 Pursuant to the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended

For Six Month Period Ending 04/30/19

(Insert date) I - REGISTRANT

1. (a) Name of Registrant (b) Registration No.

Venable LLP 5931

(c) Business Address(es) of Registrant 600 Massachusetts Ave NW Washington DC, 20001

2. Has there been a change in the information previously furnished in connection with the following? (a) If an individual: (1) Residence address(es) Yes □ No □ (2) Citizenship Yes □ No □ (3) Occupation Yes □ No □ (b) If an organization: (1) Name Yes □ No 0 (2) Ownership or control Yes □ No [x] (3) Branch offices Yes □ No [Y| (c) Explain fully all changes, if any, indicated in Items (a) and (b) above. N/A

IF THE REGISTRANT IS AN INDIVIDUAL, OMIT RESPONSE TO ITEMS 3,4, AND 5(a). 3. If you have previously filed Exhibit C*1, state whether any changes therein have occurred during this 6 month reporting period. Yes □ No 0 If yes, have you filed an amendment to the Exhibit C? Yes □ No □ If no, please attach the required amendment.

1 The Exhibit C, for which no printed form is provided, consists of a true copy of the charter, articles of incorporation, association, and by laws of a registrant that is an organization. (A waiver of the requirement to file an Exhibit C may be obtained for good cause upon written application to the Assistant Attorney General, Division, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, DC 20530.)

FORM NSD-2 Revised 05/17 Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM (PAGE 2)

4. (a) Have any persons ceased acting as partners, officers, directors or similar officials of the registrant during this 6 month reporting period? Yes 0 No EH If yes, furnish the following information: Name Position Date Connection Ended See attachment

(b) Have any persons become partners, officers, directors or similar officials during this 6 month reporting period? Yes EH No □ If yes, furnish the following information: Name Residence Address Citizenship Position Date Assumed See attachment

5. (a) Has any person named in Item 4(b) rendered services directly in furtherance of the interests of any foreign principal? Yes □ No |x] If yes, identify each such person and describe the service rendered.

(b) During this six month reporting period, has the registrant hired as employees or in any other capacity, any persons who rendered or will render services to the registrant directly in furtherance of the interests of any foreign principal(s) in other than a clerical or secretarial, or in a related or similar capacity? Yes EH No EH

Name Residence Address Citizenship Position Date Assumed

(c) Have any employees or individuals, who have filed a short form registration statement, terminated their employment or connection with the registrant during this 6 month reporting period? Yes EH No [x] If yes, furnish the following information: Name Position or Connection Date Terminated

(d) Have any employees or individuals, who have filed a short form registration statement, terminated their connection with any foreign principal during this 6 month reporting period? Yes EH No EH If yes, furnish the following information: Name Position or Connection Foreign Principal Date Terminated

6. Have short form registration statements been filed by all of the persons named in Items 5(a) and 5(b) of the supplemental statement? Yes [x] No □ If no, list names of persons who have not filed the required statement.

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7. Has your connection with any foreign principal ended during this 6 month reporting period? Yes □ No [x] If yes, furnish the following information:

F oreign Principal Date of T erm ination

8. Have you acquired any new foreign principal(s)2 during this 6 month reporting period? Yes [x| No □ If yes, furnish th following information:

Name and Address of Foreign Principal(s) Date Acquired Greenberg Traurig LLP, on behalf of the Republic of 1/1/19

9. In addition to those named in Items 7 and 8, if any, list foreign principal(s)2 whom you continued to represent during the 6 month reporting period. Embassyof the Stateof Qatar Hong Kong Trade Development Council Kili/Bikini/Ejit Local Government Council

10. (a) Have you filed exhibits for the newly acquired foreign principal(s), if any, listed in Item 8? Exhibit A3 Yes |x] No □ Exhibit B4 Yes ED No □ If no, please attach the required exhibit.

(b) Have there been any changes in the Exhibits A and B previously filed for any foreign principal whom you represented during this six month period? Yes □ No [x| If yes, have you filed an amendment to these exhibits? Yes □ No □ If no, please attach the required amendment.

2 The term "foreign principal" includes, in addition to those defined in Section 1(b) of the Act, an individual organization any of whose activities are directly or indirectly supervised, directed, controlled, financed, or subsidized in whole or in major part by a foreign government, foreign political party, foreign organization or foreign individual. (See Rule 100(a) (9)). A registrant who represents more than one foreign principal is required to list in the statements he files under the Act only those principals for whom he is not entitled to claim exemption under Section 3 of the Act. (See Rule 208.) 3 The Exhibit A, which is filed on FormNSD-3, sets forth the information required to be disclosed concerning each foreign principal. 4 The Exhibit B, which is filed on FormNSD-4, sets forth the information concerning the agreement or understanding between the registrant and the foreign principal. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM (PAGE 4) III - ACTIVITIES

11. During this 6 month reporting period, have you engaged in any activities for or rendered any services to any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement? Yes 0 No □

If yes, identify each foreign principal and describe in full detail your activities and services: See attachment

12. During this 6 month reporting period, have you on behalf of any foreign principal engaged in political activity5 *as defined below? Yes [x] No □

If yes, identify each such foreign principal and describe in full detail all such political activity, indicating, among other things, the relations, interests and policies sought to be influenced and the means employed to achieve this purpose. If the registrant arranged, sponsored or delivered speeches, lectures or radio and TV broadcasts, give details as to dates, places of delivery, names of speakers and subject matter. See attachment

13. In addition to the above described activities, if any, have you engaged in activity on your own behalf which benefits your foreign principal(s)? Yes □ No [x]

If yes, describe fully.

5 "Political activity," as defined in Section l(o) of the Act, means any activity that the person engaging in believes will, or that the person intends to, in any way influence any agency or official of the Government of the or any section of the public within the United States with reference to formulating, adopting or changing the domestic or foreign policies of the United States or with reference to political or public interests, policies, or relations of a government of a foreign country or a foreign political party. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM (PAGE 5)


14 (a) RECEIPTS-MONIES During this 6 month reporting period, have you received from any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement, or from any other source, for or in the interests of any such foreign principal, any contributions, income or money either as compensation or otherwise? Yes 0 No □

If no, explain why.

If yes, set forth below in the required detail and separately for each foreign principal an account of such monies.6 Date From Whom Purpose Amount See attachment


(b) RECEIPTS - FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN During this 6 month reporting period, have you received, as part of a fundraising campaign7, any money on behalf of any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement? Yes □ No El If yes, have you filed an Exhibit D8 to your registration? Yes □ No □

If yes, indicate the date the Exhibit D was filed. Date

(c) RECEIPTS-TfflNGS OF VALUE During this 6 month reporting period, have you received any thing of value9 other than money from any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement, or from any other source, for or in the interests of any such foreign principal? Yes □ No IE]

If yes, furnish the following information:

Foreign Principal Date Received Thing of Value Purpose

6, 7 A registrant is required to file an Exhibit D if he collects or receives contributions, loans, moneys, or other things of value for a foreign principal, as part of a fundraising campaign. (See Rule 201(e)). 8 An Exhibit D, for which no printed form is provided, sets forth an account of money collected or received as a result of a fundraising campaign and transmitted for a foreign principal. 9 Things of value include but are not limited to gifts, interest free loans, expense free travel, favored stock purchases, exclusive rights, favored treatment over competitors, "kickbacks," and the like. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM

(PAGE 6)

15. (a) DISBURSEMENTS-MONIES During this 6 month reporting period, have you (1) disbursed or expended monies in connection with activity on behalf of any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement? Yes [x] No □ (2) transmitted monies to any such foreign principal? Yes □ No 0

If no, explain in full detail why there were no disbursements made on behalf of any foreign principal.

If yes, set forth below in the required detail and separately for each foreign principal an account of such monies, including monies transmitted, if any, to each foreign principal.

Date To Whom Purpose Amount See attachment


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM

(PAGE 7) (b) DISBURSEMENTS-TfflNGS OF VALUE During this 6 month reporting period, have you disposed of anything of value10 other than money in furtherance of or in connection with activities on behalf of any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement? Yes □ No § If yes, furnish the following information:

Date Recipient Foreign Principal Thing of Value Purpose

(c) DISBURSEMENTS-POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS During this 6 month reporting period, have you from your own funds and on your own behalf either directly or through any other person, made any contributions of money or other things of value11 in connection with an election to any political office, or in connection with any primary election, convention, or caucus held to select candidates for political office? Yes 0 No □

If yes, furnish the following information:

Date Amount or Thing of Value Political Organization or Candidate Location of Event See attachment

10,11 Things of value include but are not limited to gifts, interest free loans, expense free travel, favored stock purchases, exclusive rights, favored treatment over competitors, "kickbacks," and the like.

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM


16. (a) During this 6 month reporting period, did you prepare, disseminate or cause to be disseminated any informational materials?12 Yes □ No E\ If Yes, go to Item 17. (b) If you answered No to Item 16(a), do you disseminate any material in connection with your registration? Yes □ No |x] If Yes, please forward the materials disseminated during the six month period to the Registration Unit for review. 17. Identify each such foreign principal. N/A

18. During this 6 month reporting period, has any foreign principal established a budget or allocated a specified sum of money to finance your activities in preparing or disseminating informational materials? Yes □ No S If yes, identify each such foreign principal, specify amount, and indicate for what period of time.

19. During this 6 month reporting period, did your activities in preparing, disseminating or causing the dissemination of informational materials include the use of any of the following: D Radio or TV broadcasts □ Magazine or newspaper D Motion picture films □ Letters or telegrams □ Advertising campaigns □ Press releases □ Pamphlets or other publications □ Lectures or speeches □ Other (specify) Electronic Communications □ Email □ Website URL(s): □ websites URL(s): □ Other (specify)

20. During this 6 month reporting period, did you disseminate or cause to be disseminated informational materials among any of the following groups: □ Public officials □ Newspapers □ Libraries □ Legislators □ Editors □ Educational institutions □ Government agencies □ Civic groups or associations □ Nationality groups

□ Other (specify)

21. What language was used in the informational materials: □ English □ Other (specify)

22. Did you file with the Registration Unit, U.S. Department of Justice a copy of each item of such informational materials disseminated or caused to be disseminated during this 6 month reporting period? Yes 121 No 21

23. Did you label each item of such informational materials with the statement required by Section 4(b) of the Act? Yes □ No □

12 The term informational materials includes any oral, visual, graphic, written, or pictorial information or matter of any kind, including that published by means of advertising, books, periodicals, newspapers, lectures, broadcasts, motion pictures, or any means or instrumentality of interstate or foreign commerce or otherwise. Informational materials disseminated by an agent of a foreign principal as part of an activity in itself exempt from registration, or an activity which by itself would not require registration, need not be filed pursuant to Section 4(b) of the Act.

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(PAGE 9)

VI - EXECUTION In accordance with 28 U.S.C. § 1746, the undersigned swear(s) or affirm(s) under penalty of perjury that he/she has (they have) read the information set forth in this registration statement and the attached exhibits and that he/she is (they are) familiar with the contents thereof and that such contents are in their entirety true and accurate to the best of his/her (their) knowledge and belief, except that the undersigned make(s) no representation as to truth or accuracy of the information contained in the attached Short Form Registration Statement(s), if any, insofar as such information is not within his/her (their) personal knowledge.

(Date of signature) (Print or type name under each signature or provide electronic signature13)

May 30,2Q19 /s/Andrew Bigart eSigned

13 This statement shall be signed by the individual agent, if the registrant is an individual, or by a majority of those partners, officers, directors or persons performing similar functions, if the registrant is an organization, except that the organization can, by power of attorney, authorize one or more individuals to execute this statement on its behalf.

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM

Venable LLP (Registration No. 5931) Supplemental Statement for Six Month Period Ending 4/30/2019

Response to 4(a)

Venable LLP has more than 340 partners in offices around the country. No partners or similar officials who have performed services for foreign principals have joined or left the firm. From time to time, partners or similar officials in other practice areas join or leave the firm.

Response to 4(b)

Venable LLP has more than 340 partners in offices around the country. No partners or similar officials who have performed services for foreign principals have joined or left the firm. From time to time, partners or similar officials in other practice areas join or leave the firm.

Response to 11 & 12

During this six-month reporting period, certain individuals who filed Short-Form Registration Statements engaged in activities for or rendered services to Foreign Principals named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this Supplemental Statement. The following identifies each Foreign Principal and describes in detail the Short Form Registrant’s activities and services performed on their behalf. Here, the Hong Kong Trade Development Council is referred to as “HKTDC,” the Kili/Bikini/Ejit Local Government Council is referred to as “KBE,” the Embassy of the State of Qatar is referred to as “Qatar,” and Greenberg Traurig LLP, on behalf of the Republic of Turkey is referred to as “Turkey.”

Short Form Foreign Date Contact Position Type of Subject matter Registrant Principal Name Contact Loren Aho, Turkey 1/11/19 Christine Legislative Email Invite Member Legislative Wagner Assistant, Rep. to dinner with Assistant Stephanie Turkish Murphy Ambassador

Alii Everton Scheduler, Rep. Stephanie Murphy______Loren Aho, Turkey 1/11/19 Elizabeth Chief of Email Invite Member Legislative Natonski Operations, to dinner with Assistant Rep. Jason Turkish Crow Ambassador Loren Aho, Turkey 1/11/19 Eddie Scheduler, Email Invite Member Legislative Relingh Rep. Suzan to dinner with Assistant DelBene Turkish Ambassador Loren Aho, Turkey 1/11/19 Luis Scheduler, Email Invite Member Legislative Guerrero Rep. Lloyd to dinner with Assistant Doggett Turkish Ambassador


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM

Venable LLP (Registration No. 5931) Supplemental Statement for Six Month Period Ending 4/30/2019

Short Form Foreign Date Contact Position Type of Subject matter Registrant Principal Name Contact Loren Aho, Turkey 1/11/19 Ellen Young Scheduler, Email Invite Member Legislative Rep. Mike to dinner with Assistant Doyle Turkish Ambassador Loren Aho, Turkey 1/11/19 Cooper Scheduler, Email Invite Member Legislative Ehrendreich Rep. Brian to dinner with Assistant Higgins Turkish Ambassador Loren Aho, Turkey 1/11/19 Maria Scheduler, Email Invite Member Legislative Ewing Rep. Ann to dinner with Assistant Kuster Turkish Ambassador Loren Aho, Turkey 1/11/19 Jennifer Scheduler, Email Invite Member Legislative Sypolt Rep. Dan to dinner with Assistant Lipinski Turkish Ambassador Loren Aho, Turkey 1/11/19 Travis Scheduler, Email Invite Member Legislative Baggett Rep. Ben to dinner with Assistant Lujan Turkish Ambassador Loren Aho, Turkey 1/11/19 Kevin Scheduler, Email Invite Member Legislative Golden Rep. Sean to dinner with Assistant Maloney Turkish Ambassador Loren Aho, Turkey 1/11/19 Christopher Scheduler, Email Invite Member Legislative Hadad Rep. Bill to dinner with Assistant Pascrell Turkish Ambassador Loren Aho, Turkey 1/11/19 Rebekah Scheduler, Email Invite Member Legislative Solem Rep. Collin to dinner with Assistant Peterson Turkish Ambassador Loren Aho, Turkey 1/11/19 Janssen Scheduler, Email Invite Member Legislative White Rep. David to dinner with Assistant Price Turkish Ambassador Loren Aho, Turkey 1/11/19 Erin Scheduler, Email Invite Member Legislative Isenberg Rep. Tim Ryan to dinner with Assistant Turkish Ambassador Loren Aho, Turkey 1/11/19 Salem Scheduler, Email Invite Member Legislative Mariam Rep. Adam to dinner with Assistant Smith Turkish Ambassador

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM

Venable LLP (Registration No. 5931) Supplemental Statement for Six Month Period Ending 4/30/2019

Short Form Foreign Date Contact Position Type of Subject matter Registrant Principal Name Contact Loren Aho, Turkey 1/11/19 Liana Scheduler, Email Invite Member Legislative Guerra Rep. Darren to dinner with Assistant Soto Turkish Ambassador Loren Aho, Turkey 1/11/19 Beth Scheduler, Email Invite Member Legislative Sarvour Rep. Juan to dinner with Assistant Vargas Turkish Ambassador Loren Aho, Turkey 1/11/19 Vanessa Scheduler, Email Invite Member Legislative Feldman Rep. Chrissy to dinner with Assistant Houlahan Turkish Ambassador Loren Aho, Turkey 1/14/19 Elizabeth Chief of Email Follow up on Legislative Natonski Operations, invitation for Assistant Rep. Jason dinner with Crow Turkish Ambassador Loren Aho, Turkey 1/17/19 Eduardo Chief of Staff, Email Request meeting Legislative Lerma Rep. Veronica to discuss U.S.- Assistant Escobar Turkish relations Loren Aho, Turkey 1/17/19 Emma Legislative Email Request meeting Legislative Norvell Director, Rep. to discuss U.S.- Assistant Gil Cisneros Turkish relations Loren Aho, Turkey 1/17/19 Aisha Chief of Staff, Email Request meeting Legislative Woodward Rep. Jared to discuss U.S.- Assistant Golden Turkish relations Loren Aho, Turkey 1/17/19 Eric Werwa Legislative Email Request meeting Legislative Director, Rep. to discuss U.S.- Assistant Deb Haaland Turkish relations Loren Aho, Turkey 1/17/19 Graham Legislative Email Request meeting Legislative Kelly Director, Rep. to discuss U.S.- Assistant Katie Hill Turkish relations Loren Aho, Turkey 1/17/19 Brady King Chief of Staff, Email Request meeting Legislative Rep. Kendra to discuss U.S.- Assistant Horn Turkish relations Loren Aho, Turkey 1/17/19 Amy Chief of Staff, Email Request meeting Legislative Pfeiffer Rep. Andy to discuss U.S.- Assistant Kim Turkish relations Loren Aho, Turkey 1/17/19 Brian Deputy Chief Email Request meeting Legislative Sowyrda of Staff, Rep. to discuss U.S.- Assistant Torres Small Turkish relations Loren Aho, Turkey 1/17/19 Jackie Bart Deputy Chief Email Request meeting Legislative of Staff, Rep. to discuss U.S.- Assistant Turkish relations

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM

Venable LLP (Registration No. 5931) Supplemental Statement for Six Month Period Ending 4/30/2019

Short Form Foreign Date Contact Position Type of Subject matter Registrant Principal Name Contact Loren Aho, Turkey 1/18/19 Ryan Ehly Legislative Email Request meeting Legislative Director, Rep. to discuss U.S.- Assistant Donald Turkish relations Norcross Loren Aho, Turkey 1/18/19 Janelle Legislative Email Request meeting Legislative McClure Director, Rep. to discuss U.S.- Assistant Turkish relations Loren Aho, Turkey 1/18/19 Ben Legislative Email Request meeting Legislative Goldeen Assistant, Rep. to discuss U.S.- Assistant Turkish relations Loren Aho, Turkey 1/18/19 Catherine Legislative Email Request meeting Legislative Rowland Director, Rep. to discuss U.S.- Assistant Turkish relations Loren Aho, Turkey 1/18/19 Imani Legislative Email Request meeting Legislative Augustus Director, Rep. to discuss U.S.- Assistant Turkish relations Loren Aho, Turkey 1/18/19 Maryam Legislative Email Request meeting Legislative Janani Director, Rep. to discuss U.S.- Assistant Abigail Turkish relations Spanberger Loren Aho, Turkey 1/18/19 Christina Legislative Email Request meeting Legislative Tsafoulias Director, Rep. to discuss U.S.- Assistant Turkish relations Loren Aho, Turkey 1/19/19 Janelle Legislative Email Follow up on Legislative McClure Director, Rep. meeting request Assistant Colin Allred to discuss U.S.- Turkish relations Loren Aho, Turkey 1/22/19 Hannah Director of Email Confirm meeting Legislative Nayowith Operations, date and time Assistant Rep. Katie Hill Loren Aho, Turkey 1/22/19 Catherine Legislative Email Work on dates Legislative Rowland Director, Rep. for meeting Assistant Andy Levin Loren Aho, Turkey 1/23/19 Alexander Legislative Email Confirm date Legislative Krupnick Correspondent, and time for Assistant Rep. Donald meeting Norcross Loren Aho, Turkey 1/23/19 Eduardo Chief of Staff, Email Request meeting Legislative Lerma Rep. Veronica to discuss U.S.- Assistant Escobar Turkish relations Loren Aho, Turkey 1/23/19 Emma Legislative Email Request meeting Legislative Norvell Director, Rep. to discuss U.S.- Assistant Gil Cisneros Turkish relations


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM

Venable LLP (Registration No. 5931) Supplemental Statement for Six Month Period Ending 4/30/2019

Short Form Foreign Date Contact Position Type of Subject matter Registrant Principal Name Contact Loren Aho, Turkey 1/24/19 Ben Legislative Email Request meeting Legislative Goldeen Assistant, Rep. to discuss U.S.- Assistant Jim Costa Turkish relations Loren Aho, Turkey 1/24/19 Hannah Director of Meeting U.S.-Turkish Legislative Nayowith Operations, relations Assistant Rep. Katie Hill Loren Aho, Turkey 1/24/19 Christian Senior Meeting U.S.-Turkish Legislative Healey Legislative relations Assistant Assistant, Rep. Loren Aho, Turkey 1/24/19 Imani Legislative Email Request meeting Legislative Augustus Director, Rep. to discuss U.S.- Assistant Dean Phillips Turkish relations Loren Aho, Turkey 1/24/19 Maryam Legislative Email Request meeting Legislative Janani Director, Rep. to discuss U.S.- Assistant Abigail Turkish relations Spanberger Loren Aho, Turkey 1/24/19 Kara Legislative Email Request meeting Legislative Benson Fellow, Rep. to discuss U.S.- Assistant Abigail Turkey relations Spanberger Loren Aho, Turkey 1/24/19 Christina Legislative Email Request meeting Legislative Tsafoulias Director, Rep. to discuss U.S.- Assistant David Trone Turkish relations Loren Aho, Turkey 1/24/19 Jonathan Legislative Meeting Discussion on Legislative Halpem Director, Rep. U.S.-Turkish Assistant Sanford relations, Turkey Bishop Caucus; set follow up meeting______Loren Aho, Turkey 1/25/19 Aisha Chief of Staff, Email Request meeting Legislative Woodward Rep. Jared to discuss U.S.- Assistant Golden Turkish relations Loren Aho, Turkey 1/25/19 Eric Werwa Legislative Email Request meeting Legislative Director, Rep. to discuss U.S.- Assistant Deb Haaland Turkish relations Loren Aho, Turkey 1/25/19 Brady King Chief of Staff, Email Request meeting Legislative Rep. Kendra to discuss U.S.- Assistant Horn Turkish relations Loren Aho, Turkey 1/25/19 Amy Chief of Staff, Email Request meeting Legislative Pfeiffer Rep. Andy to discuss U.S.- Assistant Kim Turkish relations


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM

Venable LLP (Registration No. 5931) Supplemental Statement for Six Month Period Ending 4/30/2019

Short Form Foreign Date Contact Position Type of Subject matter Registrant Principal Name Contact Loren Aho, Turkey 1/25/19 Brian Deputy Chief Email Request meeting Legislative Sowyrda of Staff, Rep. to discuss U.S.- Assistant Torres Small Turkish relations Loren Aho, Turkey 1/25/19 Alicia Molt Chief of Staff, Email Request meeting Legislative Rep. Lori to discuss U.S.- Assistant Trahan Turkish relations Loren Aho, Turkey 1/28/19 Christina Legislative Email Follow up on Legislative Tsafoulias Director, Rep. meeting request; Assistant David Trone confirm date and time of meeting Loren Aho, Turkey 1/28/19 Amy Chief of Staff, Email Work on Legislative Pfeiffer Rep. Andy possible future Assistant Kim meeting dates Loren Aho, Turkey 1/28/19 Jonathan Legislative Email Cancel meeting; Legislative Halpem Director, Rep. look at possible Assistant Sanford new dates Bishop Loren Aho, Turkey 1/28/19 Alexander Legislative Email Cancel meeting; Legislative Krupnick Correspondent, work on possible Assistant Rep. Donald new dates Norcross Loren Aho, Turkey 1/29/19 Ashley Policy Email Work on Legislative Baker Advisor, Rep. possible meeting Assistant Deb Haaland dates Loren Aho, Turkey 2/4/19 Brian Deputy Chief Email Look at dates for Legislative Sowyrda of Staff, Rep. future meeting Assistant Torres Small Loren Aho, Turkey 2/6/19 Tom Smith Legislative Email Work on dates Legislative Assistant, Rep. for future Assistant meeting_____ Loren Aho, Turkey 2/12/19 Senator Jack U.S. Senator Meeting Discussion on Legislative Reed U.S.-Turkish Assistant relations, S-400, F-35 Loren Aho, Turkey 2/13/19 Algene Senior Email Follow up on Legislative Sajery Advisor, Turkey meeting Assistant Senator Ben Cardin Loren Aho, Turkey 2/13/19 Christina Legislative Email Follow up on Legislative Tsafoulias Director, Rep. meeting request; Assistant David Trone confirm date and time of meeting


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM

Venable LLP (Registration No. 5931) Supplemental Statement for Six Month Period Ending 4/30/2019

Short Form Foreign Date Contact Position Type of Subject matter Registrant Principal Name Contact Loren Aho, Turkey 2/13/19 Catherine Legislative Email Confirm date Legislative Rowland Director, Rep. and time of Assistant Andy Levin meeting____ Loren Aho, Turkey 2/13/19 Kara Legislative Email Work on time Legislative Benson Fellow, Rep. and date for Assistant Abigail meeting Spanberger Loren Aho, Turkey 2/15/19 Alexander Legislative Email Confirm meeting Legislative Krupnick Correspondent, date and time Assistant Rep. Loren Aho, Turkey 2/19/19 Catherine Legislative Meeting U.S.-Turkish Legislative Rowland Director, Rep. relations Assistant Andy Levin Loren Aho, Turkey 2/19/19 Christina Legislative Meeting U.S.-Turkish Legislative Tsafoulias Director, Rep. relations Assistant David Trone Loren Aho, Turkey 2/19/19 Alexander Legislative Meeting U.S.-Turkish Legislative Krupnick Correspondent, relations Assistant Rep. Donald Ryan Ehly Norcross Legislative Director, Rep. Donald Norcross Loren Aho, Turkey 2/19/19 Tim Legislative Meeting U.S.-Turkish Legislative Churchill Assistant, Rep. relations Assistant Steve Watkins Loren Aho, Turkey 2/19/19 Kara Legislative Email Confirm meeting Legislative Benson Fellow, Rep. date and time Assistant Loren Aho, Turkey 2/21/19 Kara Legislative Meeting U.S.-Turkish Legislative Benson Fellow, Rep. relations Assistant Abigail Spanberger Loren Aho, Turkey 2/26/19 Ryan Legislative Email Request meeting Legislative Uyehara Assistant, Rep. to discuss U.S- Assistant Turkish relations Loren Aho, Turkey 2/26/19 Ben Legislative Email Request meeting Legislative Goldeen Assistant, Rep. to discuss U.S.- Assistant Jim Costa Turkish relations


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM

Venable LLP (Registration No. 5931) Supplemental Statement for Six Month Period Ending 4/30/2019

Short Form Foreign Date Contact Position Type of Subject matter Registrant Principal Name Contact Loren Aho, Turkey 2/26/19 Eddie Legislative Email Request meeting Legislative Meyer Assistant, Rep. to discuss U.S.- Assistant Turkish relations Loren Aho, Turkey 2/26/19 Todd Sloves Legislative Email Request meeting Legislative Director, Rep. to discuss U.S.- Assistant Adriano Turkish relations Espaillat____ Loren Aho, Turkey 2/26/19 Corey Legislative Email Request meeting Legislative Jacobson Director, Rep. to discuss U.S.- Assistant Turkish relations Loren Aho, Turkey 3/1/19 David Legislative Email Confirm date Legislative Kimelman Assistant, Rep. and time of Assistant Adriano meeting Espaillat_____ Loren Aho, Turkey 3/4/19 Arthur Chief of Staff, Meeting U.S.-Turkish Legislative Sidney Rep. Hank relations Assistant Johnson Loren Aho, Turkey 3/5/19 Corey Legislative Email Follow up on Legislative Jacobson Director, Rep. meeting request Assistant Ted Lieu Loren Aho, Turkey 3/6/19 Ryan Legislative Email Follow up on Legislative Uyehara Assistant meeting request Assistant Loren Aho, Turkey 3/6/19 Ben Legislative Email Request meeting Legislative Goldeen Assistant, Rep. to discuss U.S.- Assistant Jim Costa Turkish relations Loren Aho, Turkey 3/7/19 Ryan Legislative Email Confirm meeting Legislative Uyehara Assistant, Rep. date and time Assistant Ami Bera Loren Aho, Turkey 3/19/19 Diamond Staff Assistant, Meeting U.S.-Turkish Legislative McDonald Rep. Juan relations Assistant Vargas______Loren Aho, Turkey 3/19/19 David Legislative Meeting U.S-Turkish Legislative Kimelman Assistant, Rep. relations Assistant Adriano Espaillat_____ Loren Aho, Turkey 3/19/19 Ryan Legislative Meeting U.S.-Turkish Legislative Uyehara Assistant, Rep. relations Assistant Ami Bera Loren Aho, Turkey 3/25/19 James Legislative Email Request meeting Legislative Walsh Director, Rep. to discuss U.S.- Assistant Ted Yoho Turkish relations


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM

Venable LLP (Registration No. 5931) Supplemental Statement for Six Month Period Ending 4/30/2019

Short Form Foreign Date Contact Position Type of Subject matter Registrant Principal Name Contact Loren Aho, Turkey 4/16/19 Janice Legislative Email Follow up on Legislative Bashford Director, Rep. MECEA invite Assistant Loren Aho, Turkey 4/16/19 Michael Legislative Email Follow up on Legislative Mansour Director, Rep. MECEA invite Assistant Loren Aho, Turkey 4/16/19 John Chief of Staff, Email Follow up on Legislative McCarthy Rep. Brendan MECEA invite Assistant Boyle Loren Aho, Turkey 4/17/19 Jamie Smith Communicatio Email Forward social Legislative ns Director, media postings Assistant Rep. Gerry about Connolly Congressman Connolly’s trip to Armenia Loren Aho, Turkey 4/25/19 Naz Senior Policy Email Follow up on Legislative Durakoglu Advisor, MECEA invite Assistant Senator Jeanne Shaheen Loren Aho, Turkey 4/25/19 Algene Senior Email Follow up on Legislative Sajery Advisor, MECEA invite Assistant Senator Ben Cardin Loren Aho, Turkey 4/29/19 Nancy Scheduler, Email Follow up on Legislative Dehlinger Delegate jazz evening Assistant Aumua Amata invite Coleman Radewagen Loren Aho, Turkey 4/29/19 Beth Scheduler, Email Follow up on Legislative Farvour Rep. Juan jazz evening Assistant Vargas invite Loren Aho, Turkey 4/29/19 Emily Scheduler, Email Follow up on Legislative Fritcke Rep. Jim jazz evening Assistant Himes invite Loren Aho, Turkey 4/29/19 Maya Scheduler, Email Follow up on Legislative Ashwal Senator Chris jazz evening Assistant Murphy____ invite Loren Aho, Turkey 4/29/19 Liana Scheduler, Email Follow up on Legislative Guerra Rep. Darren jazz evening Assistant Soto invite Loren Aho, Turkey 4/29/19 Jennifer Scheduler, Email Follow up on Legislative Sypolt Rep. Dan jazz evening Assistant Lipinski invite

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM

Venable LLP (Registration No. 5931) Supplemental Statement for Six Month Period Ending 4/30/2019

Short Form Foreign Date Contact Position Type of Subject matter Registrant Principal Name Contact Loren Aho, Turkey 4/29/19 Candace Scheduler, Email Follow up on Legislative Johnson Rep. Jamie jazz evening Assistant Raskin invite Loren Aho, Turkey 4/29/19 Mia Hartley Scheduler, Email Follow up on Legislative Rep. Betty jazz evening Assistant McCollum invite Loren Aho, Turkey 4/29/19 Rebekah Scheduler, Email Follow up on Legislative Solem Rep. Collin jazz evening Assistant Peterson invite Loren Aho, Turkey 4/29/19 Maria Scheduler, Email Follow up on Legislative Ewing Rep. Ann jazz evening Assistant Kuster invite Loren Aho, Turkey 4/29/19 Bob Evans Scheduler, Email Follow up on Legislative Rep. Bill jazz evening Assistant Pascrell invite Loren Aho, Turkey 4/29/19 Matthew Scheduler, Email Follow up on Legislative Hoeck Rep. Ben jazz evening Assistant Lujan invite Loren Aho, Turkey 4/29/19 Cooper Scheduler, Email Follow up on Legislative Ehrendreich Rep. Brian jazz evening Assistant Higgins invite Loren Aho, Turkey 4/29/19 Kevin Scheduler, Email Follow up on Legislative Golden Rep.Sean jazz evening Assistant Maloney invite Loren Aho, Turkey 4/29/19 David Scheduler, Email Follow up on Legislative Mastrangelo Rep. Paul jazz evening Assistant Tonko invite Loren Aho, Turkey 4/29/19 Erin Scheduler, Email Follow up on Legislative Isenberg Rep. Tim Ryan jazz evening Assistant invite Loren Aho, Turkey 4/29/19 Daniel Scheduler, Email Follow up on Legislative Maher Rep. Brendan jazz evening Assistant Boyle______invite Loren Aho, Turkey 4/29/19 Ellen Young Scheduler, Email Follow up on Legislative Rep. Mike jazz evening Assistant Doyle invite Loren Aho, Turkey 4/29/19 Madeline Scheduler, Email Follow up on Legislative Abadie Rep. Henry jazz evening Assistant Cuellar invite Loren Aho, Turkey 4/29/19 Mary Kate Scheduler, Email Follow up on Legislative McTague Rep. Suzan jazz evening Assistant DelBene invite


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM

Venable LLP (Registration No. 5931) Supplemental Statement for Six Month Period Ending 4/30/2019

Short Form Foreign Date Contact Position Type of Subject matter Registrant Principal Name Contact Loren Aho, Turkey 4/29/19 Salem Scheduler, Email Follow up on Legislative Mariam Rep. Adam jazz evening Assistant Smith invite Loren Aho, Turkey 4/29/19 Darlene Scheduler, Email Follow up on Legislative Murray Rep. Eliot jazz evening Assistant Engel invite Loren Aho, Turkey 4/29/19 Rosanne Scheduler, Email Follow up on Legislative Haroian Senator Jack jazz evening Assistant Reed invite Loren Aho, Turkey 4/30/19 Arthur Chief of Staff, Email Follow up on Legislative Sidney Rep. Flank jazz evening Assistant Johnson attendance Loren Aho, Qatar 11/19/18 Robert Military Meeting Discussion on Legislative Waisanen Legislative Qatar CODEL in Assistant Assistant, December Senator-Elect Jacky Rosen Loren Aho, Qatar 11/21/18 Robert Military Email Follow up on Legislative Waisanen Legislative Qatar CODEL Assistant Assistant, invitation Senator-Elect Jacky Rosen Loren Aho, Qatar 11/26/18 Eduardo Chief of Staff, Email Inquiry into Legislative Lerma Rep- Elect interest about Assistant Veronica attending a Escobar CODEL in Qatar Loren Aho, Qatar 11/28/18 Ned Administrative Email Inquiry in Legislative Michalek Assistant, Rep. Congressman Assistant Eliot Engel Engel’s interest in attending CODEL to Qatar Loren Aho, Qatar 12/4/18 Mitchell Chief of Staff, Email Follow up on Legislative Rivard Rep. Dan Qatar CODEL Assistant Kildee invitation Loren Aho, Qatar 12/18/18 Tommy Legislative Meeting Discussion on Legislative Brown Assistant, Rep. Qatar Assistant Loren Aho, Qatar 12/19/18 Tommy Legislative Email Follow up on Legislative Brown Assistant, Rep. possible CODEL Assistant Brad Schneider trip to Qatar in 2019 for Rep. Brad Schneider


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM

Venable LLP (Registration No. 5931) Supplemental Statement for Six Month Period Ending 4/30/2019

Short Form Foreign Date Contact Position Type of Subject matter Registrant Principal Name Contact Loren Aho, Qatar 12/27/18 Arthur Chief of Staff, Email Invite Rep. Legislative Sidney Rep. to Assistant Johnson attend dinner with Qatar Ambassador on January 3,2019 Loren Aho, Qatar 12/27/18 Jonathan Legislative Email Invite Rep. Legislative Halpem Director, Rep. Bishop to attend Assistant Sanford dinner with Lauren Bishop Qatar Hughes Scheduler for Ambassador on Congressman January 3,2019 Sanford Bishop______Loren Aho, Qatar 1/15/2019 Ryan Ehly Legislative Email Set up a future Legislative Director, Rep. meeting meeting Assistant Donald to discuss Qater Norcross Loren Aho, Qatar 1/24/2019 Hannah Director of Meeting Discussion about Legislative Nayowith Operations, possible Assistant Rep. Katie Hill MECEA trip Loren Aho, Qatar 2/12/19 Michael National Meeting Discussion about Legislative Kuiken Security U.S-Qatar Assistant Advisor, relations and Senate possible trip to Minority Qatar Leader Loren Aho, Qatar 2/19/19 Catherine Legislative Meeting U.S.-Qatar Legislative Rowland Director, Rep. Email relations Assistant Andy Levin Inquire about possible MECEA trip Loren Aho, Qatar 2/19/19 Alex Legislative Meeting U.S.-Qatar Legislative Krupnick Correspondent, Email relations Assistant Rep. Donald Inquire about Ryan Ehly Norcross possible Legislative MECEA trip Director, Rep. Donald Norcross Loren Aho, Qatar 2/19/19 Christina Legislative Meeting U.S.-Qatar Legislative Tsafoulias Director, Rep. Email relations Assistant David Trone 12

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM

Venable LLP (Registration No. 5931) Supplemental Statement for Six Month Period Ending 4/30/2019

Short Form Foreign Date Contact Position Type of Subject matter Registrant Principal Name Contact Inquire about possible MECEA trip Loren Aho, Qatar 2/21/19 Kara Defense Meeting U.S.-Qatar Legislative Benson Fellow, Rep. Email relations Assistant Abigail Inquire about Spanberger possible MECEA trip Loren Aho, Qatar 2/25/19 Eduardo Chief of Staff, Email Invite Rep. Legislative Lerma Rep. to Assistant Escobar MECEA trip to Qatar Loren Aho, Qatar 3/4/19 Arthur Chief of Staff, Meeting Discussion on Legislative Sidney Rep. Blank U.S.-Qatar Assistant Johnson relations, possible MECEA trip to Qatar Loren Aho, Qatar 4/26/19 Ryan Ehly Legislative Meeting Discussion about Legislative Director, Rep. possible Assistant Donald MECEA trip to Norcross Qatar R. Hegg, HKTDC 1/16/19 Elliot Engel Member of Meeting Trade and travel Senior Policy Congress issues related to Advisory Hong Kong R. Hegg, HKTDC 3/27/19 Susan Member of Meeting Trade and travel Senior Policy DelBene Congress issues related to Advisory Hong Kong R. Hegg, HKTDC 3/27/19 Earl Member of Meeting Trade and travel Senior Policy Blumenauer Congress issues related to Advisory Hong Kong R. Hegg, HKTDC 3/28/19 Derek Member of Meeting Trade and travel Senior Policy Kilmer Congress issues related to Advisory Hong Kong D. Mullon, KBE 11/20/18 Isaac Senior Email Inquiry as to Mr. Jr., Partner Edwards Republican Edwards’ Counsel, availability for a Senate meeting with the Committee on Kili/Bikini/Ejit Energy and Mayor and Natural members of the Resources K/B/E Local Government


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM

Venable LLP (Registration No. 5931) Supplemental Statement for Six Month Period Ending 4/30/2019

Short Form Foreign Date Contact Position Type of Subject matter Registrant Principal Name Contact Council later in the month_____ D. Mullon, KBE 11/26/18 Isaac Senior Email Follow-up on Jr., Partner Edwards Republican previous inquiry Counsel, as to Mr. Senate Edwards’ Committee on availability for a Energy and meeting with the Natural Kili/Bikini/Ejit Resources Mayor and members of the K/B/E Local Government Council______D. Mullon, KBE 11/27/18 Isaac Senior Phone Confer with Mr. Jr., Partner Edwards Republican Edwards Counsel, regarding the Senate prior request for Committee on a meeting with Energy and the Natural Kili/Bikini/Ejit Resources Mayor and members of the K/B/E Local Government Council and recent news articles______D. Mullon, KBE 11/29/18 Isaac Senior Email Additional Jr., Partner Edwards Republican follow-up on Counsel, previous Senate inquiries as to Committee on Mr. Edwards’ Energy and availability for a Natural meeting with the Resources Kili/Bikini/Ejit Mayor and members of the K/B/E Local Government Council______D. Mullon, KBE 11/29/18 Isaac Senior Emails Confirming time Jr., Partner Edwards Republican and room Counsel, number for a 14

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Venable LLP (Registration No. 5931) Supplemental Statement for Six Month Period Ending 4/30/2019

Short Form Foreign Date Contact Position Type of Subject matter Registrant Principal Name Contact Senate meeting on Committee on November 30, Energy and 2018, between Natural Mr. Edwards Resources and the Kili/Bikini/Ejit Mayor and members of the K/B/E Local Government Council , Qatar 11/21/18 Ned Administrative Email Inquire about Partner Michalek Assistant, upcoming Congressman hearings Eliot Engel regarding in House Foreign Affairs Committee Bart Stupak, Qatar 11/27/18 Mark Chief of Staff, Email Invite Rep. Partner Henson Rep. to Himes CODEL in Qatar Bart Stupak, Qatar 11/28/18 Ned Administrative Email Question on Partner Michalek Assistant, Rep. whether Rep. Eliot Engel Eliot Engel would be interested in traveling to Qatar Bart Stupak, Qatar 11/28/18 Mira Senior Call Inquire about Partner Reznick Professional any potential Staff, House hearings Committee on regarding Saudi Foreign Affairs Arabia Bart Stupak, Qatar 11/28/18 Mark Chief of Staff, Email Follow up on Partner Henson Rep. Jim Rep. Himes Himes attendance at CODEL in Qatar Bart Stupak, Qatar 12/14/18 Brendan Congressman Email Email about Partner Boyle CODEL visit to Doha, Qatar Bart Stupak, Qatar 12/19/18 John Chief of Staff, Email Email about Partner McCarthy Congressman dinner with Qatar


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM

Venable LLP (Registration No. 5931) Supplemental Statement for Six Month Period Ending 4/30/2019

Short Form Foreign Date Contact Position Type of Subject matter Registrant Principal Name Contact Ambassador and Rep. Boyle____ Bart Stupak, Qatar 12/19/18 Dan Maher Scheduler, Email Email about Partner Congressman dinner with Brendan Boyle Qatar Ambassador and Rep. Boyle____ Bart Stupak, Qatar 12/19/18 Tina Reyes Scheduler, Email Email about Partner Congressman dinner with Qatar Ambassador and Rep. Kildee Bart Stupak, Qatar 12/21/18 Tina Reyes Scheduler, Email Follow up about Partner Congressman dinner with Dan Kildee Qatar Ambassador and Rep. Kildee Bart Stupak, Qatar 12/21/18 John Chief of Staff, Email Follow up about Partner McCarthy Congressman dinner with Brendan Boyle Qatar Ambassador and Rep. Boyle____ Bart Stupak, Qatar 12/28/18 Korry Scheduler, Email Invite Rep. Partner Baack Rep. Pete Visclosky to Visclosky dinner with Ambassador Bart Stupak, Qatar 1/3/19 Rep. Congressman Meeting Discussion about Partner Brendan dinner with Boyle Ambassador Bart Stupak, Qatar 1/3/19 Rep. Jim Congressman Meeting Discussion about Partner Himes dinner with Ambassador Bart Stupak, Qatar 1/10/19 Ned Administrative Email Inquire about Partner Michalek Assistant, Rep. upcoming House Eliot Engel Foreign Affairs Committee hearings______Bart Stupak, Qatar 1/15/19 Clay Chief of Staff, Email Discussion about Partner Phillips Rep. Kathy Qatar Caucus Castor Bart Stupak, Qatar 1/23/19 Clay Chief of Staff, Email Follow up Partner Phillips Rep. Kathy discussion about Castor Qatar Caucus


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM

Venable LLP (Registration No. 5931) Supplemental Statement for Six Month Period Ending 4/30/2019

Short Form Foreign Date Contact Position Type of Subject matter Registrant Principal Name Contact Bart Stupak, Qatar 1/28/19 Ned Administrative Email Inquire about Partner Michalek Assistant, Rep. upcoming House Eliot Engel Foreign Affairs Committee hearings______Bart Stupak, Qatar 1/28/19 Megan Scheduler, Email Invitation to Partner Birleson Rep. Elissa event in Detroit Slotkin Bart Stupak, Qatar 2/1/19 Megan Scheduler, Email Follow up on Partner Birleson Rep. Elissa event in Detroit Slotkin Bart Stupak, Qatar 2/5/19 Ned Administrative Email Inquire about Partner Michalek Assistant, Rep. upcoming House Eliot Engel Foreign Affairs Committee hearings and submitting questions for the record Bart Stupak, Qatar 2/5/19 Clay Chief of Staff, Meeting Discussion about Partner Phillips Rep. Kathy Qatar Caucus Castor Bart Stupak, Qatar 2/10/19 Ryan Chief of Staff, Email Set meeting on Partner Anderson Rep. Rashida Qatar Tlaib Bart Stupak, Qatar 2/13/19 Mela Chief of Staff, Meeting Discussion on Partner Norman Rep. Elissa Qater, MECEA Slotkin trip______Bart Stupak, Qatar 2/14/19 Derek Congressman Meeting Discuss Qatar Partner Kilmer and Soccer Caucus Bart Stupak, Qatar 2/22/19 Clay Chief of Staff, Email Follow up about Partner Phillips Rep. Kathy Qatar Caucus Castor Bart Stupak, Qatar 2/22/19 Dave Staff Director, Email Forward Partner Rap alio Oversight and potential Reform questions for Committee hearing____ Bart Stupak, Qatar 3/1/19 Jason Lumia Legislative Email Forward Partner Director, Rep. potential questions to ask during Oversight and Reform


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM

Venable LLP (Registration No. 5931) Supplemental Statement for Six Month Period Ending 4/30/2019

Short Form Foreign Date Contact Position Type of Subject matter Registrant Principal Name Contact Committee hearing Bart Stupak, Qatar 3/4/19 Clay Chief of Staff, Email Follow up about Partner Phillips Rep. Kathy Qatar Caucus Castor Bart Stupak, Qatar 3/4/19 Josh Chief of Staff, Email Follow up about Partner Connolly Rep. Jackie Qatar Caucus Speier______and trip to Qatar Bart Stupak, Qatar 3/10/19 Dave Staff Director, Email Follow up on Partner Rap alio Oversight and hearing Reform questions Committee Bart Stupak, Qatar 3/20/19 Mela Chief of Staff, Email Follow up on Partner Norman Rep. Elissa Qatar trip Slotkin Bart Stupak, Qatar 3/28/19 Michael Chief of Staff, Email Follow up on Partner Iger Rep. Carolyn Qatar Caucus Maloney co-chair; confirm co-chair Bart Stupak, Qatar 3/29/19 Matt Legislative Meeting U.S.- Qatar Partner Jackson Correspondent, relations Rep. Harley Rouda Bart Stupak, Qatar 3/29/19 Jordan House Meeting U.S.-Qatar Partner Dashow Judiciary relations Aaron Hiller Committee Perry staff Apelbaum Bart Stupak, Qatar 4/2/19 Ryan Chief of Staff, Email Invite Member Partner Hedgepeth Rep. Brenda to trip to Qatar Lawrence Bart Stupak, Qatar 4/16/19 John Chief of Staff, Email Follow up Partner McCarthy Rep. Brendan regarding co­ Boyle chair of Qatar Caucus Bart Stupak, Qatar 4/29/19 John Chief of Staff, Email Follow up Partner McCarthy Rep. Brendan regarding co­ Boyle chair of Qatar Caucus Bart Stupak, HKTDC 12/19/19 Ned Chief of Staff, Email Meeting request Partner Michalek Rep. Eliot with Rep. Engel Engel


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Venable LLP (Registration No. 5931) Supplemental Statement for Six Month Period Ending 4/30/2019

Short Form Foreign Date Contact Position Type of Subject matter Registrant Principal Name Contact Bart Stupak, HKTDC 1/3/2019 Congressma Chairman of Meeting U.S.-Hong Kong Partner n Eliot the House relations Engel Foreign Affairs Committee Bart Stupak, HKTDC 1/11/2019 Ned Chief of Staff, Email Meeting request Partner Michalek Rep. Eliot with Rep. Engel Engel and Hong Kong Darlene Scheduler, Commissioner Murray Rep. Eliot Engel______Bart Stupak, HKTDC 1/15/2019 Ned Chief of Staff, Email Follow up on Partner Michalek Rep. Eliot meeting request Engel with Rep. Engel Darlene Scheduler, and Hong Kong Murray Rep. Eliot Commissioner Engel______Bart Stupak, Turkey 1/28/19 Shana Chief of Staff, Email Request meeting Partner Chandler Rep. Adam with Rep. Smith Smith and Chairman Jon Pawlow Legislative Bozkir Director, Rep. Salem Mariam Scheduler, Rep. Adam Smith Bart Stupak, Turkey 1/28/19 Mike Henry Chief of Staff, Email Request meeting Partner Senator Tim with Senator Ryan Kaine Kaine and Colvert Senior Defense Chairman Policy Bozkir Advisor, Senator Tim Kaine Bart Stupak, Turkey 1/28/19 Ron Grimes Chief of Staff, Email Request meeting Partner Erin Rep. Tim Ryan with Rep. Ryan Isenberger Scheduler, and Chairman Rep. Tim Ryan Bozkir Bart Stupak, Turkey 1/28/19 Justin Chief of Staff, Email Request meeting Partner Oswald Rep. Grace with Rep. Meng Meng and Chairman Brenda Scheduler, Bozkir Connolly Rep. Grace Meng______


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM

Venable LLP (Registration No. 5931) Supplemental Statement for Six Month Period Ending 4/30/2019

Short Form Foreign Date Contact Position Type of Subject matter Registrant Principal Name Contact Bart Stupak, Turkey 1/28/19 Jessica Scheduler, Email Request meeting Partner Sunday Rep. Mac with Rep. Thomberry Thomberry and Chairman Bozkir Bart Stupak, Turkey 1/28/19 Ned Chief of Staff, Email Request meeting Partner Michalek Rep. Eliot with Rep. Engel Engel and Chairman Darlene Scheduler, Bozkir Murray Rep. Eliot Engel______Bart Stupak, Turkey 1/28/19 Christopher Chief of Staff, Email Request meeting Partner Lynch Senator with Senator Benjamin Cardin and Debbie Bardin Chairman Y amada Scheduler, Bozkir Senator Benjamin Cardin Bart Stupak, Turkey 1/28/19 Stacy Chief of Staff, Email Request meeting Partner McBride Senator Roy with Senator Blunt Blunt and Richard Scheduler, Chairman Eddings Senator Roy Bozkir Blunt Bart Stupak, Turkey 1/28/19 Neil Chief of Staff, Email Request meeting Partner Campbell Senator Jack with Senator Reed Reed and Rosanne Scheduler, Chairman Elaroian Senator Jack Bozkir Reed Bart Stupak, Turkey 1/30/19 Rosanne Scheduler, Phone/E Discuss meeting Partner Haroian Senator Jack mail and logistics Reed Bart Stupak, Turkey 1/30/19 Mike Henry Chief of Staff, Email Follow up on Partner Senator Tim meeting request Kaine Bart Stupak, Turkey 1/30/19 Shana Chief of Staff, Email Follow up on Partner Chandler Rep. Adam meeting request Smith Jon Pawlow Legislative Director, Rep. Salem Adam Smith Mariam 20

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Venable LLP (Registration No. 5931) Supplemental Statement for Six Month Period Ending 4/30/2019

Short Form Foreign Date Contact Position Type of Subject matter Registrant Principal Name Contact Scheduler, Rep. Adam Smith Bart Stupak, Turkey 1/30/19 Ron Grimes Chief of Staff, Email Follow up on Partner Erin Rep. Tim Ryan meeting request Isenberger Scheduler, Rep, Tim Ryan Bart Stupak, Turkey 1/31/19 Rosanne Scheduler, Email Confirm meeting Partner Haroian Senator Jack and attendees Reed Bart Stupak, Turkey 2/1/19 Debbie Scheduler, Email Confirm meeting Partner Y amada Senator date and time Benjamin Cardin Bart Stupak, Turkey 2/12/19 Jack Reed Senator Meeting U.S.-Turkish Partner relations, S-400 Bart Stupak, Turkey 2/12/19 Benjamin Senator Meeting U.S.-Turkish Partner Cardin relations, S-400 Bart Stupak, Turkey 4/3/19 Michael Members of Meeting U.S.-Turkish Partner McCaul Congress relations Eliot Engel meeting with Turkish Foreign Minister J. Finestone, Qatar 11/8/18 Patrick Deputy Chief Email Follow up on Senior Policy Large of Staff, CODEL to Qatar Advisor Congressman J. Finestone, Qatar 11/8/18 Bobby Chief of Staff, Email Follow up on Senior Policy Saparow Congressman invitation to Advisor Drew Ferguson CODEL to Qatar J. Finestone, Qatar 11/13/18 Bobby Chief of Staff, Email Follow up on Senior Policy Saparow Congressman invitation to Advisor Drew Ferguson CODEL to Qatar J. Finestone, Qatar 11/20/18 Jordan Chief of Staff, Email Invite Member Senior Policy Downs Rep-Elect to CODEL to Advisor Michael Guest Qatar J. Finestone, Qatar 11/28/18 Bobby Chief of Staff, Email Invite Member Senior Policy Saparow Congressman to be speaker at Advisor Drew Ferguson Qatar National Day Event J. Finestone, Qatar 11/28/18 Patrick Deputy Chief Email Follow up on Senior Policy Large of Staff, CODEL to Qatar Advisor Congressman Steven Palazzo 21

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Venable LLP (Registration No. 5931) Supplemental Statement for Six Month Period Ending 4/30/2019

Short Form Foreign Date Contact Position Type of Subject matter Registrant Principal Name Contact J. Finestone, Qatar 11/29/18 Dustin Chief of Staff, Email Invite Member Senior Policy Carmack Congressman and Call to be speaker at Advisor John Ratcliffe Qatar National Day Event J. Finestone, Qatar 11/29/18 Brent Chief of Staff, Email Invite Member Senior Policy Robertson Congressman to be speaker at Advisor Roger Qatar National Marshall Day Event J. Finestone, Qatar 11/29/18 Tim Baker Chief of Staff, Email Invite Member Senior Policy Congressman to be speaker at Advisor Rick Allen Qatar National Day Event J. Finestone, Qatar 12/18/18 Bobby Chief of Staff, Email Invite Member Senior Policy Saparow Congressman to dinner with Advisor Drew Ferguson Ambassador J. Finestone, Qatar 12/18/18 Steve Chief of Staff, Email Set up meeting Senior Policy Gilleland Congressman to discuss Qatar Advisor Michael in 2019 McCaul J. Finestone, Qatar 12/19/18 Bobby Chief of Staff, Email Set date for Senior Policy Saparow Congressman dinner with Advisor Drew Ferguson Qatar Ambassador and Rep. Ferguson J. Finestone, Qatar 12/20/18 Jenna Heard Scheduler, Email Work on Senior Policy Congressman logistics of Advisor Drew Ferguson dinner between Qatar Ambassador and Rep. Ferguson J. Finestone, Qatar 1/2/19 John Chief of Staff, Email Invite Rep. Senior Policy Donnelly Congressman Graves to dinner Advisor Tom Graves with Qatar Kristin Scheduler, Ambassador Fillingim Congressman Tom Graves J. Finestone, Qatar 1/2/19 Dustin Chief of Staff, Email Invite Rep. Senior Policy Carmack Congressman Ratcliffe to Advisor John Ratcliffe dinner with Crystal Scheduler, Qatar Johnson Congressman Ambassador John Ratcliffe


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Venable LLP (Registration No. 5931) Supplemental Statement for Six Month Period Ending 4/30/2019

Short Form Foreign Date Contact Position Type of Subject matter Registrant Principal Name Contact J. Finestone, Qatar 1/2/19 Paul Sawyer Chief of Staff, Email Invite Rep. Senior Policy Congressman to Advisor Allison Garret Graves dinner with Hagan Scheduler, Qatar Congressman Ambassador Garret Graves J. Finestone, Qatar 1/2/19 Chris Carter Chief of Staff, Email Invite Rep. Senior Policy Congressman Hudson to Advisor Laura Richard dinner with Engquist Hudson Qatar Scheduler, Ambassador Congressman Richard Hudson J. Finestone, Qatar 1/3/19 Brent Chief of Staff, Email Invite Rep. Senior Policy Robertson Congressman Marshall to Advisor Roger dinner with Katie Moore Marshall Qatar Scheduler, Ambassador Congressman Roger Marshall J. Finestone, Qatar 1/3/19 Jon Dewitte Chief of Staff, Email Invite Rep. Senior Policy Congressman Huizenga to Advisor Emily Zajac dinner with Scheduler, Qatar Congressman Ambassador Bill Huizenga J. Finestone, Qatar 1/3/19 RJ Laukitis Chief of Staff, Email Invite Rep. Senior Policy Congressman Walberg to Advisor Mary dinner with Stringer Scheduler, Qatar Congressman Ambassador Tim Walberg

J. Finestone, Qatar 1/3/19 Brendan Chief of Staff, Email Invite Rep. Senior Policy Belair Congressman Collins to dinner Advisor Doug Collins with Qatar Erin Wall Scheduler, Ambassador Congressman Doug Collins J. Finestone, Qatar 1/3/19 Paul Sawyer Chief of Staff, Email Follow up on Senior Policy Congressman invite Rep. Advisor Garret Graves Garret Graves to 23

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Venable LLP (Registration No. 5931) Supplemental Statement for Six Month Period Ending 4/30/2019

Short Form Foreign Date Contact Position Type of Subject matter Registrant Principal Name Contact dinner with Qatar Ambassador J. Finestone, Qatar 1/3/19 Tucker Chief of Staff, Email Invite Rep. Senior Policy Knott Congressman Holding to Advisor George dinner with Katie Smith Holding Qatar Scheduler, Ambassador Congressman George Holding_____ J. Finestone, Qatar 1/3/19 Corey Chief of Staff, Email Invite Rep. Senior Policy Norman Congressman Curtis to dinner Advisor John Curtis with Qatar Stephanie Scheduler, Ambassador Heinrich Congressman John Curtis J. Finestone, Qatar 1/3/19 Chris Chief of Staff, Email Invite Rep. Senior Policy Crawford Congressman Carter to dinner Advisor with Qatar Brooke Scheduler, Ambassador Miller Congressman Buddy Carter J. Finestone, Qatar 1/3/19 Lance Chief of Staff, Email Invite Rep. Senior Policy Williams Congressman Duncan to Advisor dinner with Thomas Scheduler, Qatar McAllister Congressman Ambassador Jeff Duncan J. Finestone, Qatar 1/3/19 Jon Oehmen Chief of Staff, Email Invite Rep. Senior Policy Congressman Duncan to Advisor Jessica Bill Flores dinner with Harrison Scheduler, Qatar Congressman Ambassador Bill Flores J. Finestone, Qatar 1/4/19 Brent Chief of Staff, Email Confirm dinner Senior Policy Robertson Congressman attendance; Advisor Roger change date of Marshall dinner due to J. Finestone, Qatar 1/4/19 Mark Chief of Staff, Email Confirm dinner Senior Policy Dreiling Congressman attendance; work Advisor on setting up 24

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Venable LLP (Registration No. 5931) Supplemental Statement for Six Month Period Ending 4/30/2019

Short Form Foreign Date Contact Position Type of Subject matter Registrant Principal Name Contact meeting regarding World Cup Soccer; notification of change in date for dinner due to State of the Union J. Finestone, Qatar 1/4/19 Jenna Heard Scheduler, Email Confirm dinner Senior Policy Congressman attendance; Advisor Drew Ferguson change date of dinner due to State of the Union J. Finestone, Qatar 1/4/19 Kristin Scheduler, Email Confirm dinner Senior Policy Fillingim Congressman attendance; Advisor Tom Graves change date of dinner due to State of the Union J. Finestone, Qatar 1/4/19 RJ Faukitis Chief of Staff, Email Notify change of Senior Policy Congressman date of dinner Advisor Tim Walberg due to State of the Union J. Finestone, Qatar 1/4/19 Chris Carter Chief of Staff, Email Notify change of Senior Policy Congressman date of dinner Advisor Kristine Richard due to State of Bieniek Hudson the Union Scheduler, Congressman Richard Hudson J. Finestone, Qatar 1/4/19 Jon Oehmen Chief of Staff, Email Notify change of Senior Policy Congressman date of dinner Advisor Jessica Bill Flores due to State of Harrison Scheduler, the Union Congressman Bill Flores J. Finestone, Qatar 1/4/19 Chris Chief of Staff, Email Notify change of Senior Policy Crawford Congressman date of dinner Advisor Buddy Carter due to State of Brooke Scheduler, the Union Miller Congressman Buddy Carter 25

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Venable LLP (Registration No. 5931) Supplemental Statement for Six Month Period Ending 4/30/2019

Short Form Foreign Date Contact Position Type of Subject matter Registrant Principal Name Contact J. Finestone, Qatar 1/4/19 Corey Chief of Staff, Email Notify change of Senior Policy Norman Congressman date of dinner Advisor John Curtis due to State of Stephanie Scheduler, the Union Heinrich Congressman John Curtis J. Finestone, Qatar 1/4/19 Tucker Chief of Staff, Email Notify change of Senior Policy Knott Congressman date of dinner Advisor George due to State of Katie Smith Holding the Union Scheduler, Congressman George Holding_____ J. Finestone, Qatar 1/4/19 Jon Dewitte Chief of Staff, Email Notify change of Senior Policy Congressman date of dinner Advisor Emily Zajac Bill Huizenga due to State of Scheduler, the Union Congressman Bill Huizenga J. Finestone, Qatar 1/4/19 Brent Chief of Staff, Email Notify change of Senior Policy Robertson Congressman date of dinner Advisor Roger due to State of Katie Moore Marshall the Union Scheduler, Congressman Roger Marshall J. Finestone, Qatar 1/6/19 John Chief of Staff, Email Notify change of Senior Policy Donnelly Congressman date of dinner Advisor Tom Graves Kristin Scheduler, Fillingim Congressman Tom Graves J. Finestone, Qatar 1/6/19 RJ Laukitis Chief of Staff, Email Notify change of Senior Policy Congressman date of dinner Advisor Mary Tim Walberg Stringer Scheduler, Congressman Tim Walberg J. Finestone, Qatar 1/6/19 Jon Dewitte Chief of Staff, Email Notify change of Senior Policy Congressman date of dinner Advisor Emily Zajac Bill Huizenga


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Venable LLP (Registration No. 5931) Supplemental Statement for Six Month Period Ending 4/30/2019

Short Form Foreign Date Contact Position Type of Subject matter Registrant Principal Name Contact Scheduler, Congressman Bill Huizenga J. Finestone, Qatar 1/7/19 Jon Dewitte Chief of Staff, Email Confirm Senior Policy Congressman Congressman Advisor Emily Zajac Bill Huizenga Huizenga’s Scheduler, attendance at Congressman dinner Bill Huizenga J. Finestone, Qatar 1/9/19 Paul Sawyer Chief of Staff, Email Follow up on Senior Policy Congressman invitation for Advisor Allison Garret Graves new date on Hagan Scheduler, dinner with Congressman Qatar Garret Graves Ambassador J. Finestone, Qatar 1/10/19 Tucker Chief of Staff, Email Follow up on Senior Policy Knott Congressman invitation for Advisor George dinner. Katie Smith Holding Scheduler, Congressman George Holding_____ J. Finestone, Qatar 1/10/19 Jenna Heard Scheduler, Email Confirm dinner Senior Policy Congressman attendance; send Advisor Drew Ferguson follow up information J. Finestone, Qatar 1/10/19 Mary Scheduler, Email Confirm dinner Senior Policy Stringer Congressman attendance; send Advisor Tim Walberg follow up information J. Finestone, Qatar 1/10/19 Emily Zajac Scheduler, Email Confirm dinner Senior Policy Congressman attendance; send Advisor Bill Huizenga follow up information J. Finestone, Qatar 1/10/19 Katie Moore Scheduler, Email Confirm dinner Senior Policy Congressman attendance; send Advisor Roger follow up Marshall information J. Finestone, Qatar 1/10/19 Mark Chief of Staff, Email Confirm dinner Senior Policy Dreiling Congressman attendance; send Advisor Don Bacon follow up information


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Venable LLP (Registration No. 5931) Supplemental Statement for Six Month Period Ending 4/30/2019

Short Form Foreign Date Contact Position Type of Subject matter Registrant Principal Name Contact J. Finestone, Qatar 1/10/19 Stephanie Scheduler, Email Confirm dinner Senior Policy Heinrich Congressman attendance; send Advisor John Curtis follow up information J. Finestone, Qatar 1/10/19 Brooke Scheduler, Email Confirm dinner Senior Policy Miller Congressman attendance; send Advisor Buddy Carter follow up information J. Finestone, Qatar 1/14/19 Madeline Executive Email Update on Senior Policy Gale Assistant, Congressman’s Advisor Congressman attendance at Roger dinner Marshall J. Finestone, Qatar 1/17/19 Leslie Scheduler, Email Confirm Senior Policy Churchwell Congressman changed date of Advisor Steven Palazzo dinner J. Finestone, Qatar 1/18/19 Kristin Scheduler, Email Confirm dinner Senior Policy Fillingim Congressman attendance at Advisor Tom Graves revised date J. Finestone, Qatar 1/24/19 Chrisa Executive Email Follow up on Senior Policy Kouskoulas Assistant, Congressman Advisor Congressman Moolenaar’s John attendance at Moolenaar dinner with Ambassador J. Finestone, Qatar 1/29/19 Jenna Heard Scheduler, Email Notification of Senior Policy Congressman change in date of Advisor Drew Ferguson dinner with Ambassador; inquire about attendance on new date J. Finestone, Qatar 1/29/19 Emily Zajac Scheduler, Email Notification of Senior Policy Congressman change in date of Advisor Bill Huizenga dinner with the Ambassador J. Finestone, Qatar 1/30/19 Kristin Scheduler, Email Confirm dinner Senior Policy Fillingim Congressman attendance at Advisor Tom Graves revised date; inquire about possible MECEA trip


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Venable LLP (Registration No. 5931) Supplemental Statement for Six Month Period Ending 4/30/2019

Short Form Foreign Date Contact Position Type of Registrant Principal Name Contact J. Finestone, Qatar 1/30/19 Madeline Executive Email Confirm Senior Policy Gale Assistant, postponement of Advisor Congressman dinner; inquire Roger about possible Brent Marshall MECEA trip Robertson Chief of Staff, Congressman Roger Marshall J. Finestone, Qatar 1/30/19 Emily Zajac Scheduler, Email Confirm Senior Policy Congressman postponement of Advisor Jon DeWitte Bill Huizenga dinner; inquire Chief of Staff, about possible Congressman MECEA trip Bill Huizenga J. Finestone, Qatar 1/30/19 Mary Scheduler, Email Confirm Senior Policy Stringer Congressman postponement of Advisor Tim Walberg dinner; inquire RJ Laukitis Chief of Staff, about possible Congressman MECEA trip Tim Walberg J. Finestone, Qatar 1/30/19 Brooke Scheduler, Email Confirm Senior Policy Miller Congressman postponement of Advisor Buddy Carter dinner; inquire Chris Chief of Staff, about possible Crawford Congressman MECEA trip Buddy Carter J. Finestone, Qatar 1/30/19 Mark Chief of Staff, Email Confirm Senior Policy Dreiling Congressman postponement of Advisor Don Bacon dinner; inquire Claire Scheduler, about possible London Congressman MECEA trip Don Bacon J. Finestone, Qatar 1/30/19 Stephanie Scheduler, Email Confirm Senior Policy Heinrich Congressman postponement of Advisor John Curtis dinner; inquire Corey Chief of Staff, about possible Norman Congressman MECEA trip John Curtis J. Finestone, Qatar Jenna Heard Scheduler, Email Invite Senior Policy Congressman Congressman to Advisor Bobby Drew Ferguson dinner with Saparow Ambassador


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Venable LLP (Registration No. 5931) Supplemental Statement for Six Month Period Ending 4/30/2019

Short Form Foreign Date Contact Position Type of Subject matter Registrant Principal Name Contact Chief of Staff, Congressman Drew Ferguson J. Finestone, Qatar 1/30/19 John Chief of Staff, Email Invite Senior Policy Donnelly Congressman Congressman to Advisor Tom Graves dinner with Kristin Scheduler, Ambassador Fillingim Congressman Tom Graves J. Finestone, Qatar 1/30/19 Madeline Executive Email Invite Senior Policy Gale Assistant, Congressman to Advisor Congressman dinner with Roger Ambassador Brent Marshall Robertson Chief of Staff, Congressman Roger Marshall J. Finestone, Qatar 2/6/19 Kyle Chief of Staff, Email Invite Member Senior Policy Kizzier Rep. Paul to trip to Qatar Advisor Mitchell J. Finestone, Qatar 2/6/19 Brent Chief of Staff, Email Invite Member Senior Policy Robertson Congressman to trip to Qatar Advisor Roger Marshall J. Finestone, Qatar 2/6/19 John Chief of Staff, Email Invite Member Senior Policy Donnelly Congressman to trip to Qatar Advisor Tom Graves

J. Finestone, Qatar 2/6/19 Bobby Chief of Staff, Email Invite Member Senior Policy Saparow Congressman to trip to Qatar Advisor Drew Ferguson J. Finestone, Qatar 2/6/19 Dustin Chief of Staff, Email Invite Member Senior Policy Carmack Rep.John to trip to Qatar Advisor Ratcliffe J. Finestone, Qatar 2/6/19 Chris Carter Chief of Staff, Email Invite Member Senior Policy Rep. Richard to trip to Qatar Advisor Hudson J. Finestone, Qatar 2/6/19 Jordan Chief of Staff, Email Invite Member Senior Policy Downs Rep. Michael to trip to Qatar Advisor Guest J. Finestone, Qatar 2/6/19 Jason Chief of Staff, Email Invite Member Senior Policy Lawrence Rep. Austin to trip to Qatar Advisor Scott 30

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Venable LLP (Registration No. 5931) Supplemental Statement for Six Month Period Ending 4/30/2019

Short Form Foreign Date Contact Position Type of Subject matter Registrant Principal Name Contact J. Finestone, Qatar 2/14/19 Jon Dewitte Chief of Staff, Email Invite Member Senior Policy Rep. Bill to trip to Qatar Advisor Huizenga J. Finestone, Qatar 2/14/19 Chris Chief of Staff, Email Invite Member Senior Policy Crawford Rep. Buddy to trip to Qatar Advisor Carter J. Finestone, Qatar 2/14/19 Steve Chief of Staff, Email Invite Member Senior Policy Gilleland Rep. Michael to trip to Qatar Advisor McCaul J. Finestone, Qatar 2/19/19 Kyle Chief of Staff, Email Follow up on Senior Policy Kizzier Rep. Paul invitation for Advisor Mitchell Member to Qatar J. Finestone, Qatar 2/19/19 Chris Carter Chief of Staff, Email Follow up on Senior Policy Rep. Richard invitation for Advisor Hudson Member to Qatar J. Finestone, Qatar 2/20/19 Devin Wiser Chief of Staff, Email Invite Member Senior Policy Rep. Rob to trip to Qatar Advisor Bishop______J. Finestone, Qatar 3/13/19 Jonah Chief of Staff, Email Invite Member Senior Policy Shumate Rep. Rick to trip to Qatar Advisor Crawford J. Finestone, Qatar 3/13/19 Vivian Chief of Staff, Email Invite Member Senior Policy Moeglein Rep. Bruce to trip to Qatar Advisor Westerman J. Finestone, Qatar 3/13/19 Mark Chief of Staff, Email Invite Member Senior Policy Spannagel Rep. Doug to trip to Qatar Advisor FaMalfa J. Finestone, Qatar 3/13/19 David Sours Chief of Staff, Email Invite Member Senior Policy Rep. to trip to Qatar Advisor J. Finestone, Qatar 3/13/19 Robert Chief of Staff, Email Invite Member Senior Policy Adkerson Rep. Barry to trip to Qatar Advisor Foudermilk J. Finestone, Qatar 3/13/19 Kyle Chief of Staff, Email Invite Member Senior Policy Jackson Rep. Farry to trip to Qatar Advisor Bucshon J. Finestone, Qatar 3/13/19 Rebecca Chief of Staff, Email Invite Member Senior Policy Shaw Rep. Trey to trip to Qatar Advisor Hollingsworth J. Finestone, Qatar 3/13/19 Hayden Chief of Staff, Email Invite Member Senior Policy Haynes Rep. Mike to trip to Qatar Advisor Johnson


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM

Venable LLP (Registration No. 5931) Supplemental Statement for Six Month Period Ending 4/30/2019

Short Form Foreign Date Contact Position Type of Subject matter Registrant Principal Name Contact J. Finestone, Qatar 3/13/19 Luke Chief of Staff, Email Invite Member Senior Policy Letlow Rep. Ralph to trip to Qatar Advisor Abraham J. Finestone, Qatar 3/13/19 Poppy Chief of Staff, Email Invite Member Senior Policy Nelson Rep. Justin to trip to Qatar Advisor Amash J. Finestone, Qatar 3/13/19 Paul Howell Chief of Staff, Email Invite Member Senior Policy Rep. Trent to trip to Qatar Advisor Kelly______J. Finestone, Qatar 3/13/19 Roz Chief of Staff, Email Invite Member Senior Policy Leighton Rep. Kelly to trip to Qatar Advisor Armstrong J. Finestone, Qatar 3/13/19 Kevin Chief of Staff, Email Invite Member Senior Policy Eichinger Rep. Jim to trip to Qatar Advisor Jordan J. Finestone, Qatar 3/13/19 Allison Witt Chief of Staff, Email Invite Member Senior Policy Rep. to trip to Qatar Advisor J. Finestone, Qatar 3/13/19 Gregory Chief of Staff, Email Invite Member Senior Policy Facchiano Rep. Lloyd to trip to Qatar Advisor S mucker J. Finestone, Qatar 3/13/19 Tim Lolli Chief of Staff, Email Invite Member Senior Policy Rep. Anthony to trip to Qatar Advisor Gonzalez J. Finestone, Qatar 3/13/19 Allen Chief of Staff, Email Invite Member Senior Policy Klump Rep. Jeff to trip to Qatar Advisor Duncan Josh Qatar 2/20/19 Chad Chief of Staff, Email Inquire about Raymond, Obermiller Rep. Ami Bera possible Partner Member MECEA trip to Qatar Josh Qatar 2/20/19 Rachel Chief of Staff, Email Inquire about Raymond, Kelly Rep. Derek possible Partner Kilmer Member MECEA trip to Qatar Josh Qatar 2/21/19 Colin Legislative Email Inquire about Raymond, Anonsen Assistant, Rep. possible Partner Earl Perlmutter Member MECEA trip to Qatar


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM

Venable LLP (Registration No. 5931) Supplemental Statement for Six Month Period Ending 4/30/2019

Short Form Foreign Date Contact Position Type of Subject matter Registrant Principal Name Contact Josh Qatar 3/4/19 Jessica Legislative Email Discussion about Raymond, Elledge Assistant, Foreign Partner Senator Chris Relations Murphy Committee hearing and possible Qatar embargo question______Josh Qatar 3/12/19 Joseph Senior Email Request meeting Raymond, Lustig Legislative on U.S.-Qatar Partner Assistant, Rep. relations Josh Qatar 3/13/19 Peter Legislative Email Request meeting Raymond, Gelman Assistant, Rep. on U.S.-Qatar Partner relations Josh Qatar 3/14/19 Molly Cole Legislative Meeting U.S.-Qatar Raymond, Assistant, Rep. relations Partner Gerry Connolly____ Josh Qatar 3/14/19 Rachel Legislative Meeting U.S.-Qatar Raymond, Sorensen Assistant, Rep. relations Partner Raja Krishnamoorth

Josh Qatar 3/14/19 Bess Legislative Meeting U.S.-Qatar Raymond, McWherter Assistant, Rep. relations Partner Jim Cooper Josh Qatar 3/15/19 Jacqui Legislative Meeting U.S-Qatar Raymond, Kappler Director, Rep. relations Partner Hank Johnson Josh Qatar 3/15/19 Betsy Senior Meeting U.S.-Qatar Raymond, Dudley Legislative relations Partner Assistant, Rep. Josh Qatar 3/15/19 Yvette Chief of Staff, Meeting U.S.-Qatar Raymond, Cravins Rep. Lacy relations Partner Clay______

Response to 14(a)

The following information may relate to services and activities that do not require registration under the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended. Further, some of the payments may relate to 33

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Venable LLP (Registration No. 5931) Supplemental Statement for Six Month Period Ending 4/30/2019 services performed in a prior period. Here, the Hong Kong Trade Development Council is referred to as “HKTDC,” the Kili/Bikini/Ejit Local Government Council is referred to as “KBE,” the Embassy of the State of Qatar is referred to as “Qatar,” and Greenberg Traurig LLP, on behalf of the Republic of Turkey is referred to as “Turkey.”

Date From Whom Purpose Amount Total 11/15/18 HKTDC Payment for services $21,473.00 12/19/19 HKTDC Payment for services $21,473.00 12/24/18 HKTDC Payment for services $40,000.00 01/17/19 HKTDC Payment for services $21,479.00 01/29/19 HKTDC Payment for services $21,479.00 03/13/19 HKTDC Payment for services $21,479.00 $147,383.00 N/A KBE N/A N/A

04/15/19 Turkey Payment for services $67,500.00 $67,500.00 11/30/18 Qatar Payment for services $25,000.00 12/07/18 Qatar Payment for services $25,000.00 12/31/18 Qatar Payment for services $25,000.00 03/05/19 Qatar Payment for services $25,000.00 $100,000.00 GRAND TOTAL: $314,883.00

Response to 15(a)

The following information may relate to services and activities that do not require registration under the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended. Further, some of the payments may relate to services performed in a prior period.

Foreign Principal: Embassy of the State of Qatar

Date To Whom Purpose Amount Total 12/03/18 Husch Blackwell Payment for $25,000.00 Strategies, LLC services 12/03/18 Sphere Consulting Payment for $40,000.00 services 12/03/18 Iron Bridge Strategies LLC Payment for $25,000.00 services 12/14/18 Husch Blackwell Payment for $25,000.00 Strategies, LLC services 12/19/18 Sphere Consulting Payment for $40,000.00 services 12/19/18 Iron Bridge Strategies LLC Payment for $25,000.00 services


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Venable LLP (Registration No. 5931) Supplemental Statement for Six Month Period Ending 4/30/2019

Date To Whom Purpose Amount Total 01/30/19 James C. Courtovich Payment for $40,000.00 services 01/30/19 Iron Bridge Strategies LLC Payment for $25,000.00 services 01/31/19 Husch Blackwell Payment for $25,000.00 Strategies, LLC services 03/01/19 Iron Bridge Strategies LLC Payment for $25,000.00 services 03/01/19 Sphere Consulting Payment for $40,000.00 services 03/05/19 Husch Blackwell Payment for $25,000.00 Strategies, LLC services 04/10/19 Husch Blackwell Payment for $25,000.00 Strategies, LLC services 04/10/19 Iron Bridge Strategies LLC Payment for $30,000.00 services 04/10/19 James C. Courtovich Payment for $40,000.00 services 04/23/19 Husch Blackwell Payment for $25,000.00 Strategies, LLC services 04/23/19 James C. Courtovich Payment for $40,000.00 services 04/23/19 Iron Bridge Strategies LLC Payment for $30,000.00 services GRAND TOTAL: $550,000.00**

*The amount of funds received and reported on in 14(a) from the Embassy of the State of Qatar and the amount of funds disbursed and reported on behalf of the Embassy of the State of Qatar in 15(a) may not align completely because payments received or disbursed during this period may relate to services provided in prior periods or some funds received may have been held for potential future disbursements.

In addition to the expenses noted above, the firm incurred the following:

109018 - Hong Kong Trade Development Council Date______Expense______Narrative 11/14/18 $ 5.05 Parking 11/30/18 $ 305.00 FARA Filing Fee 02/13/19 $ 10.28 Taxi 02/13/19 $ 9.82 Taxi 03/19/19 $ 9.09 Taxi 03/27/19 $ 9.63 Taxi 03/28/19 $ 12.06 Taxi 03/28/19 $ 12.06 [ Taxi 35

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM

Venable LLP (Registration No. 5931) Supplemental Statement for Six Month Period Ending 4/30/2019

04/04/19 $ 9.09 Taxi 04/04/19 $ 10.44 Taxi 04/24/19 $ 10.63 Taxi 04/24/19 $ 11.44______Taxi TOTAL $ 414.59

114808/426147 - State of Qatar/Federal Legislative Representation. Expense Narrative 11/20/18 9.55 Taxi 11/20/18 10.55 Taxi 11/27/18 11.09 Taxi 11/27/18 9.50 Taxi 11/30/18 305.00 FARA Filing Fee 12/04/18 11.63 Taxi 12/04/18 10.28 Taxi 12/11/18 10.00 Taxi 12/11/18 11.82 Taxi 12/19/18 37.38 Meal 01/08/19 10.09 Taxi 01/08/19 10.00 Taxi 01/08/19 10.82 Taxi 01/10/19 17.00 Taxi 01/10/19 16.00 Taxi 01/23/19 13.00 Taxi 01/23/19 13.00 Taxi 01/23/19 11.36 Taxi 01/28/19 70.50 Meal 01/28/19 27.00 Meal 02/12/19 11.90 Taxi 02/13/19 10.00 Taxi 02/13/19 11.00 Taxi 02/19/19 19.06 Taxi 03/05/19 16.03 Taxi 03/05/19 19.54 Taxi 03/12/19 19.54 Taxi 03/12/19 12.04 Taxi 03/14/19 12.00 Taxi 03/14/19 12.00 Taxi 03/14/19 12.00 Taxi 03/14/19 12.00 Taxi 03/14/19 35.90 Meal

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM

Venable LLP (Registration No. 5931) Supplemental Statement for Six Month Period Ending 4/30/2019

03/14/19 $ 10.34 Taxi 03/15/19 $ 93.10 Meal 03/18/19 $ 1,046.30 Airfare 03/18/19 $ (801.30) Airfare 03/20/19 $ 1,348.29 Airfare 03/26/19 $ 21.05 Taxi 03/29/19 $ 11.00 Taxi 03/29/19 $ 13.52 Taxi 04/02/19 $ 19.91 Taxi 04/02/19 $ 13.00 Taxi 04/08/19 $ 12.30 Taxi 04/08/19 $ 18.13 Taxi 04/09/19 $ 21.59 Taxi 04/16/19 $ 21.89 Taxi 04/16/19 $ 21.21 Taxi 04/30/19 $ 28.78Taxi TOTAL______$ 2,727.69______

138249 - Kili / Bikini / Ejit Local Government Council Date Expense Narrative 11/30/18 $ 305.00______1 FARA Filing Fee $ 305.00

118318/496450 - Greenberg Traurig LLP/Republic of Turkey - Government Affairs for the Embassy of Turkey Through a Subcontractor Agreement with Greenberg Traurig LLP Date______Expense______Narrative 01/10/19 $ 11.11 Taxi 01/10/19 $ 14.00 Taxi 01/16/19 $ 13.96 Taxi 01/16/19 $ 7.79 Taxi 01/17/19 $ 15.92 Taxi 01/17/19 $ 5.82 Taxi 01/19/19 $ 305.00 FARA Filing Fee 01/23/19 $ 12.86 Taxi 01/23/19 $ 7.14 Taxi 01/24/19 $ 9.65 Taxi 01/24/19 $ 5.95 Taxi 01/30/19 $ 8.47 Taxi 01/30/19 $ 13.74 Taxi

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Venable LLP (Registration No. 5931) Supplemental Statement for Six Month Period Ending 4/30/2019

02/07/19 $ 6.08 1 Taxi 02/07/19 $ 13.49 Taxi 02/10/19 $ 18.00 Taxi 02/12/19 $ 10.48 Taxi 02/12/19 $ 10.31 Taxi 02/12/19 $ 11.00 Taxi 02/12/19 $ 11.00 Taxi 02/12/19 $ 9.42 Taxi 02/14/19 $ 2,216.00 Airfare 02/19/19 $ 9.99 Taxi 02/19/19 $ 6.35 Taxi 02/19/19 $ 9.63 Taxi 02/19/19 $ 6.40 Taxi 02/21/19 $ 6.70 Taxi 02/21/19 $ 13.77 Taxi 02/27/19 $ 8.03 Taxi 02/27/19 $ 13.13 Taxi 03/06/19 $ 12.93 Taxi 03/06/19 $ 8.12 Taxi 03/19/19 $ 9.52 Taxi 03/19/19 $ 7.23 Taxi 03/19/19 $ 6.18 Taxi 03/19/19 $ 9.17 Taxi 03/20/19 $ 12.05 Taxi 03/20/19 $ 11.54 Taxi 03/27/19 $ 11.77 Taxi 03/27/19 $ 6.69 Taxi 04/03/19 $ 13.65 Taxi 04/03/19 $ 13.27 Taxi 04/10/19 $ 13.68 Taxi 04/10/19 $ 10.76 Taxi 04/17/19 $ 9.48 Taxi 04/17/19 $ 9.45 Taxi 04/24/19 $ 11.68 Taxi 04/24/19 $ 8.13 Taxi 04/30/19 $ 18.66 Taxi 04/30/19 $ 13.54Taxi TOTAL______$ 3,028.69______

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM

Venable LLP (Registration No. 5931) Supplemental Statement for Six Month Period Ending 4/30/2019

Response to 15(c)

Individuals who have filed Short-Form Registration Statements in connection with Venable LLP’s registration under the Foreign Agents Registration Act made the following political contributions during the reporting period:

Date Amount Political Organization or Candidate 11/2/19 $300 Morgan for Congress (Matt Morgan) 3/9/19 $2,500 Keystone Fund (Congressman Mike Doyle) 4/30/19 $250 for Congress (Congresswoman Gwen Moore) 11/27/2018 $19.60 VenPac 12/26/2018 $19.60 VenPac 01/25/2019 $19.60 VenPac 02/26/2019 $19.60 VenPac 03/26/2019 $19.60 VenPac 04/26/2019 $19.60 VenPac 02/26/2019 $98.00 VenPac 03/26/2019 $98.00 VenPac 04/26/2019 $98.00 VenPac 11/27/2018 $98.00 VenPac 12/26/2018 $98.00 VenPac 01/25/2019 $98.00 VenPac 02/26/2019 $98.00 VenPac 03/26/2019 $98.00 VenPac 04/26/2019 $98.00 VenPac 11/27/2018 $122.50 VenPac 12/26/2018 $122.50 VenPac 01/25/2019 $122.50 VenPac 02/26/2019 $122.50 VenPac 03/26/2019 $122.50 VenPac 04/26/2019 $122.50 VenPac 11/27/2018 $98.00 VenPac 12/26/2018 $98.00 VenPac 01/25/2019 $98.00 VenPac 02/26/2019 $98.00 VenPac 03/26/2019 $98.00 VenPac 04/26/2019 $98.00 VenPac 11/27/2018 $408.32 VenPac 12/26/2018 $408.32 VenPac 01/25/2019 $408.32 VenPac 02/26/2019 $408.32 VenPac 03/26/2019 $408.32 VenPac 04/26/2019 $408.32 VenPac 1/22/19 $500.00 Friends of Gina Raimondo (Gina Raimondo) 2/11/19 $1,000 Magaziner for Treasurer (Seth Magaziner) 39

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Venable LLP (Registration No. 5931) Supplemental Statement for Six Month Period Ending 4/30/2019

2/1119 $500 Sinema for Arizona (Kyrsten Sinema) 2/23/'19 $500 Friends of Gina Raimotido (Gina Raimondo) 2/26/19 $1,000 Neal for Congress () 3/3/19 $1,000 Portman for Senate (Rob Portman) 4/119 $250 Friends of Joe Shekarchi (Joe Shekarchi) 3/4/19 $100 Beshear/Coleman 2019 (Andy Beshear) 3/13/19 $1,000 Peters for ()

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/30/2019 2:03:16 PM