

Manuscript received 22 July 2019 Revised manuscript received 21 January 2020 Manuscript accepted 23 January 2020

© 2020 The Authors. Gold Open Access: This paper is published under the terms of the CC-BY license. Published online 27 February 2020

What lies beneath? Reconstructing the primitive fueling voluminous silicic using -hosted melt inclusions Simon J. Barker1*, Michael C. Rowe2, Colin J.N. Wilson1, John A. Gamble1,3, Shane M. Rooyakkers1,4, Richard J. Wysoczanski5, Finnigan Illsley-Kemp1 and Charles C. Kenworthy2 1School of Geography, Environment and Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington, P.O. Box 600, Wellington 6140, New Zealand 2School of Environment, University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142, New Zealand 3School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University College Cork, Cork T12 YN60, Ireland 4Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec H3A 0E8, Canada 5National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), Private Bag 14901, Kilbirnie, Wellington 6021, New Zealand

ABSTRACT 1994). Most evidence for mafic-silicic Understanding the origins of the melts that drive voluminous silicic volcanism is interactions therefore comes from mingled mag- challenging because primitive magmas are generally trapped at depth. The central Taupō mas, foreign crystal populations or zoned crys- Volcanic Zone (TVZ; New Zealand) hosts an extraordinarily productive region of rhyolitic tals, or co-erupted mafic enclaves (Bacon, 1986; caldera volcanism. Accompanying and interspersed with the rhyolitic products, there are Pritchard et al., 2013; Barker et al., 2016). traces of to andesite preserved as enclaves or pyroclasts in caldera eruption products The central Taupō Volcanic Zone (TVZ; and occurring as small monogenetic eruptive centers between calderas. These mafic materi- Fig. 1), New Zealand, is a frequently active and

als contain MgO-rich (Fo79–86) that host melt inclusions capturing the most primitive exceptionally productive region of Quaternary basaltic melts fueling the central TVZ. Olivine-hosted melt inclusion compositions associated silicic volcanism, ultimately fueled by a basalt with the caldera volcanoes (intracaldera samples) contrast with those from the nearby, mafic flux from the mantle that is unusually high for its intercaldera monogenetic centers. Intracaldera melt inclusions from the modern caldera vol- setting (Wilson et al., 2009). The canoes of Taupō and Okataina have lower abundances of incompatible elements, reflecting mantle processes driving this extreme flux are distinct mantle melts. There is a direct link showing that caldera-related silicic volcanism challenging to study because unmodified man- is fueled by basaltic magmas that have resulted from higher degrees of of a tle-derived are rarely erupted through the more depleted mantle source, along with distinct signatures. The locations and crustal silicic reservoirs. Over the past ∼60 k.y., vigor of Taupō and Okataina are fundamentally related to the degree of melting and flux of a volume of >780 km3 magma (>99% silicic) basalt from the mantle, and intercaldera mafic eruptive products are thus not representative has erupted from the central TVZ, almost en- of the feeder magmas for the caldera volcanoes. Inherited olivines and their melt inclusions tirely from two caldera volcanoes: Okataina and provide a unique “window” into the mantle dynamics that drive the active TVZ silicic mag- Taupō (Fig. 1; Wilson et al., 2009). Between matic systems and may present a useful approach at other volcanoes that show evidence for Taupō and Okataina, volcanic activity since ca. mafic recharge. 200 ka also includes scattered intercaldera maf- ic (basaltic to basaltic andesite), small-volume INTRODUCTION mentally driven from below by mantle-derived (collectively ∼1 km3) eruptive centers that are The magmatic systems that underpin large- basaltic magmas. Therefore, the question aris- typically aligned along northeast-southwest– scale silicic volcanism encompass large portions es: Are the basalts parental to the generation of trending faults (Gamble et al., 1993; Table DR1 of the , with partially molten mushy res- large silicic volcanic eruptions derived from a in the GSA Data Repository1). ervoirs that can be thousands of cubic kilome- different source compared to surrounding re- Here, we investigated the compositions of ters in volume (Bachmann and Huber, 2016). gional volcanism, or do they just represent local- primitive melts feeding young volcanism in the Although dominated by evolved compositions ly enhanced (spatially and temporally) magma central TVZ to see if there were any differences at upper-crustal levels, these systems are funda- fluxes? This question is challenging to address between the caldera centers and the less active because ascending primitive magmas are gener- areas in between. We used the novel approach of ally intercepted by large silicic reservoirs and analyzing olivine-hosted melt inclusions (MIs) *E-mail: [email protected] are rarely erupted in unmodified form (Wiebe, contained within juvenile mafic materials that

1GSA Data Repository item 2020145, geochemical data tables, primary melt–corrected trace-element figure, and trace-element models, is available online at http:// www.geosociety.org/datarepository/2020/, or on request from [email protected].

CITATION: Barker, S.J., et al., 2020, What lies beneath? Reconstructing the primitive magmas fueling voluminous silicic volcanism using olivine-hosted melt inclusions: Geology, v. 48, p. 504–508, https://doi.org/10.1130/G47422.1

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S38 Fig. 4 glass enclave 0 20 km Rt profile New HT KA Ok Zealand Kp 6 Oh TVZ 5 Rp o 4 Wk 3 S38.5 Olivine crystals 1 2

TVZ young Inter-caldera outline (<350 ka) centres sampled Tp Andesite lavas Other basalt vents

Silicic lavas Inferred active o (dacite to rhyolite) young calderas S39 Axial ranges 5 mm Lakes and ocean Extinct calderas <350 ka Tongariro B Fo85 Olivine Figure 1. Map showing setting of Taupo¯ Volcanic Zone (TVZ) in New Zealand (inset) with sample xenocryst locations. Outlines of calderas and young TVZ (≤350 ka) boundary are from Wilson et al. (2009), and locations and compositions of young lavas are from Leonard et al. (2010). Location of Ker- madec arc (KA) northeast of New Zealand is shown by black triangles, and Havre Trough (HT) back-arc basin is denoted by black dashed line. Intercaldera samples discussed here: 1—Kin- loch, 2—Punatekahi, 3—Tatua, 4—Kakuki, 5—Ongaroto, 6—Harry Johnson Road. The two most recently active caldera volcanoes Tp (Taupo¯) and Ok (Okataina) are sources for intracaldera samples discussed here. Other caldera outlines: Kp—Kapenga, Oh—Ohakuri, Rp—Reporoa, Rt—Rotorua, and Wk—Whakamaru. See Table DR3 (see footnote 1) for further sampling details. Trapped Black dashed line shows approximate line of schematic cross section in Figure 4. pockets of melt (melt inclusions) were erupted during rhyolitic events at the cal- tions to reach the surface in this area over the dera volcanoes and compared these with their past ∼200 k.y. (Gamble et al., 1993; Table DR1). counterparts from the interspersed intercaldera Olivines in the sampled units overlap in compo- 100 µm

mafic centers Fig. 2A( ; Fig. DR2). sition (Fo78–90) with the caldera-related olivines (Table DR3), but their MIs are less common OLIVINE IN CENTRAL TVZ ERUPTIVE and tend to be smaller, and all have experienced Figure 2. Images of representative mafic PRODUCTS some postentrapment crystallization. samples from Taupo¯ (New Zealand) highlighting the context of materials analyzed We studied olivine crystals from mafic en- MIs were homogenized through standard in this study. (A) Juvenile mafic enclave from claves in deposits of the 25.5 ka Oruanui and 1 atm heating experiments to remove posten- the 25.4 ka Oruanui eruption (P560) hosting 3.5 ka Waimihia eruptions from Taupō, and the trapment crystallization (Danyushevsky et al., sampled olivine crystals (photo inset). Note 1314 Kaharoa eruption from Okataina (Fig. 2A; 2002; Rowe et al., 2015). Rehomogenized MIs the crenulated margin to the enclave and adhering and ingested rhyolitic pumiceous Fig. DR2). The enclaves are interpreted as ju- and olivine hosts were analyzed for major el- glass, taken to indicate the molten nature of venile because they have crenulated chilled ements by electron microprobe (Table DR3), the enclave upon entrainment (e.g., Rooyak- margins and adhering rhyolitic glass, and they and then MIs >35 μm across were analyzed for kers et al., 2018). (B) High-Fo olivine hosting host rhyolite-derived crystals ingested during trace-element concentrations by laser-ablation multiple large, but partially crystalline, melt syneruptive interactions (Leonard et al., 2002; inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrome- inclusions. See Figure DR2 (see footnote 1) for more images and Table DR3 for details of Rooyakkers et al., 2018). Olivines in these en- try (Table DR4). Following analysis, measured melt inclusion rehomogenization and analyti- claves are Mg-rich (Fo80–86) [Fo = molar Mg/ glass compositions were corrected for over/un- cal techniques. (Mg + Fe2+) × 100] and commonly contain derheating (Rowe et al., 2015) and olivine-melt MIs that are mostly <20 µm, but sometimes up postentrapment reequilibration (Fe loss) using to 100 µm, across (Fig. 2B; Table DR3). The Petrolog3 (Danyushevsky and Plechov, 2011). COMPOSITION OF CENTRAL TVZ MIs are variably crystalline due to residence in A fundamental assumption required for Fe-loss OLIVINE-HOSTED MELT INCLUSIONS the rhyolitic magmas, which promoted crystal corrections is that the whole-rock Fe content is MIs in olivines derived from the five caldera- growth from the inclusion wall (e.g., Danyu- representative of the MIs prior to entrapment. related units (intracaldera samples) were among shevsky et al., 2000). Two basaltic scoria units While a good approximation for basaltic lava, the most primitive melt compositions identified from Okataina were sampled for comparison all enclaves showed clear macroscopic evidence from the TVZ to date, forming a distinct com-

with the 1886 Tarawera and 21.9 ka Okare- for mixing with the silicic magma (Fig. 2A). In positional group with low TiO2, P2O5, and Na2O ka eruption products containing rare olivines these instances, Fe contents of MIs closest to contents when compared to MIs from the in-

(Fo79–82; Table DR3). For contrast, we sampled equilibrium with their host olivine with Fe-Mg tercaldera centers (Figs. 3A and 3B). Compo-

olivines from six small-volume mafic centers be- distribution coefficients (KD) of ∼0.3 were used sitional differences between MIs from the two tween Taupō and Okataina (Fig. 1), the products as the corrected Fe values (Rowe et al., 2011; Taupō samples were minor, with Oruanui MIs of which represent the most primitive composi- full analytical details in Table DR3). having slightly lower TiO2 and Na2O contents

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Compositional Contrasts Between Intra- and Intercaldera Melts Despite the relatively small geographic dis- tances involved (Fig. 1), there are major differ- ences in the melt compositions entering the crust Figure 3. Selected geochemical data from homogenized olivine-hosted melt inclusions (MIs) beneath Taupō and Okataina volcanoes versus from intra- and intercaldera mafic eruptive products from the central Taupo¯ Volcanic Zone (TVZ, those represented in the intercaldera centers. In-

New Zealand). (A) TiO2 versus SiO2. (B) Na2O versus SiO2. (C) Sr/Nb (measure of subduction- tracaldera olivine-hosted MIs associated with related fluid component) versus Zr (measure of degree of partial melting or depletion). (D) silicic eruptions have lower high field strength Nb/Y (degree of mantle depletion) versus Zr. All data have been corrected for crystallization element (HFSE) concentrations, which reflect and olivine-melt postentrapment reequilibration; 2 standard deviation (SD) errors are shown by the black cross, and were calculated from repeated analysis of secondary standards (not fundamental differences in the mantle melting shown for trace elements because they were typically smaller than the size of the symbols; see regimes beneath versus between the caldera Tables DR3 and DR4 [see footnote 1] for further details). Red field represents whole-rock X-ray volcanoes in the central TVZ. Compositions fluorescence data from host intercaldera basalts sampled in this study (Table DR1) and data from the intracaldera MIs can be modeled by from Gamble et al. (1993), Rooney and Deering (2014), and Waight et al. (2017) for comparison; gray field represents pillow glass compositions from Havre Trough back-arc basalt (BAB) lavas ∼10%–30% melting of a depleted mid-ocean- from Wysoczanski et al. (2006). Data from Raoul Island (Kermadec arc) basalt (gray triangle) are ridge mantle (DMM) source across a range of from Barker et al. (2013). For intracaldera MIs: Ok—Okataina, Tp—Taupo¯. Trace-element models different pressures and mineralogies (Figs. 3C for partial melting are shown for nonfractional batch melting adopting a deep (3 GPa) garnet- and 3D; Table DR4). Such compositions could bearing source (light gray) or a shallow (2 GPa) source (dark gray) of depleted mid-oceanic ridge reflect mantle source depletion through previous basalt (MORB) mantle (DMM), from Salters and Strake (2004). Modal mineralogies of deep and shallow mantle sources, and partition coefficients used in batch melting calculations are those melt extraction, although MIs from the largest recommended by Salters and Strake (2004, and references therein). Black triangles represent eruption considered (Oruanui) reflect the high- 1% increments up to 5% melting, and then 5% increments up to 30% melting. est percentage of source melting (∼20%–30%) with a stronger subduction signature, suggesting than those from Waimihia. Okareka MIs from ratios than all other examples. In comparison, that melting may be directly linked to enhanced

Okataina showed slightly higher TiO2 than the MIs from one of the intercaldera samples (On- fluid fluxes from the slab (e.g., ; other intracaldera samples, but otherwise Oka- garoto) showed the highest concentrations of Fig. 3C; Rowe et al., 2009). In contrast, the in- taina and Taupō MIs were very similar in major- Zr (112–163 ppm), Nb (4–7 ppm), and Y (27– tercaldera MI (and their host rock) compositions element compositions. Major-element compo- 33 ppm). Incompatible trace-element concentra- can be modeled by 3%–10% partial melting of sitions of MIs from the six intercaldera centers tions in MIs from another intercaldera sample DMM. Alternatively, the subarc mantle beneath overlapped with published whole-rock data for (Kinloch) fell between those of Ongaroto and the TVZ may be heterogeneous (e.g., Waight monogenetic centers throughout the TVZ (red the intracaldera values, overlapping with pub- et al., 2017) and enriched for the intercaldera field inFig. 3 ). lished whole-rock trace-element data from other basalts. Intercaldera TVZ basalts have higher Trace-element data further highlighted con- intercaldera basalts from the TVZ (red field in HFSE concentrations, with trace-element com- trasts between the intra- and intercaldera sam- Figs. 3C and 3D). positions that extend to those observed in primi- ples. MIs from Taupō and Okataina showed low tive lavas erupted in the Havre Trough back- abundances of incompatible trace elements (e.g., DISCUSSION arc basin, offshore to the north of New Zealand Zr = 30–60 ppm, Nb = 1–3 ppm, and Y = 10– Reconstructing the Primitive Melt (Figs. 1 and 3). There, is primarily 19 ppm) and rare earth elements (Figs. 3C and Compositions driven by low-degree decompression melting 3D; Table DR4). con- In general, the geochemical characteristics with variable, but lesser, inputs from slab fluids, centrations were lowest in the Oruanui-derived of mafic to intermediate arc magmas inevitably reflected in low Sr/Nb, Ba/Nb, and Th/Nb values MIs, which also had higher Sr/Nb and Th/Nb reflect variable degrees of crustal hybridization (Wysoczanski et al., 2006). The central TVZ is

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Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/geology/article-pdf/48/5/504/4980635/504.pdf by guest on 29 September 2021 a segment of rifted continental arc with exten- magma supply, whereby 4–10 times more mafic large-scale, caldera-related silicic volcanism in sion rates of ∼8–15 mm/yr–1, similar to those in melt per unit length of arc is focused into the the central TVZ. We took advantage of two fac- the Havre Trough, which averages ∼20 mm/yr–1 crust beneath the caldera volcanoes, which ul- tors in this study: (1) the entrapment and preser- (Hamling et al., 2015; Caratori Tontini et al., timately provides the magma flux required to vation of the most primitive melts in early crys- 2019). Rift-associated decompression melting is sustain and drive such large-scale silicic reser- tallized high-Fo olivines, and (2) the survival therefore inferred to play a major role in central voirs (Fig. 4; Table DR7). In contrast, measure- of these olivines into the crustally evolved and TVZ magmatism. ments of crustal seismic anisotropy suggest that contaminated enclaves in silicic eruptions or in geothermal activity in the area between Taupō basaltic magmas that ascended rapidly. Target- Implications for Central TVZ Magmatism and Okataina is driven by lower-crustal mag- ing high-Mg olivines in the trace mafic “con- The central TVZ is a complex rifting arc matism, and that shallow magma reservoirs of taminants” of silicic deposits thus provides a (Fig. 1), making it challenging to explain tem- a comparable size do not exist in this region new way to see through the crustal overprints poral and spatial changes in volcanism. Com- (Illsley-Kemp et al., 2019). Pervasive normal in silicic magmatic systems in general, not just positional contrasts between olivine-hosted MIs faulting in the area between Okataina and Taupō in the extreme example in the central TVZ. Our from intercaldera centers versus intracaldera may also help the small-degree basaltic melts approach is applicable to any magmatic system eruptive products show that the basaltic feed- to erupt (Leonard et al., 2010). Second, the where mafic enclaves have been documented, stocks entering the central TVZ crust reflect compositional contrasts between the two data and it offers new possibilities to investigate the both lower degrees of more decompression- suites imply that compositions of mafic magmas dynamics of silicic magmatic systems associated driven melting (intercaldera examples) and feeding caldera systems are distinctly different with caldera-forming events. higher degrees of more subduction-related flux than those of peripheral mafic centers, even over melting (intracaldera examples). These findings distances of <10–20 km. Compositions of the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS highlight two important aspects of modern si- monogenetic intercaldera basalts should thus We thank Adam Kent, Tyrone Rooney, Roger Nielsen, and James Muirhead for helpful discussions, and Joel licic volcanism in the central TVZ. First, there not be used to infer the mantle melting condi- Baker for input during the early stages of this research. is a fundamental mantle control on the loca- tions for caldera-related silicic volcanism in the Frank Tepley, Melissa Drignon, Bruce Charlier, and tions and productivities of Taupō and Okataina, central TVZ (cf. Rooney and Deering, 2014). Stuart Morrow are thanked for analytical assistance. driven by higher degrees of mantle melting and A complicating factor is that the foci of silicic We thank Esteban Gazel, Audrey Bouvier, Maxim Portnyagin, Florence Bégué, and two anonymous supply rates of primitive magmas into the crust volcanism have shifted through time, with mul- reviewers for their helpful comments and suggestions, (Fig. 4). This is supported by seismic imaging tiple caldera centers active at different times and and James Schmitt for editorial handling. We acknowl- of the mantle wedge beneath the TVZ, which locations in the central TVZ (Fig. 1; Gravley edge the Marsden Fund of the Royal Society of New shows that there are large spatial variations in et al., 2016). 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