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DP/1984/INF/2/Rev.2 Page 3 UNITED DP NATIONS GoverningCouncil of the Distr. United Nations GENERAL Development Programme DP/I 984/INF/2/Rev.2 5 September 1984 ENGLISH/FRENCH/SPANISH III III GOVERNING COUNCIL Thirty-first session Geneva, 4-30 June 1984 LIST OF REPRESENTATIVES LISTE DES REPRESENTANTS LISTA DE LOS REPRESENTANTES President Pr4sident H.E. Mr. Hortencio J. BRILIANTES (Philippines) Presidente First Vice President Premier Vice-pr4sident Mr. Jacques G. VAN HELLENBERG HUBAR Primer Vice-Presidente (Netherlands) Second Vice President i_/ S.E. Dr. Miguel A. ALBORNOZ (Ecuador) Deuxi~me Vice-pr4sident Sra. Graciela VAZQUEZ-DIAZ (Mexico) Segundo Vice-Presidente Third Vice President 2/ S.E.M. Ahmed OUID SID’AHMED (Mauritania) Troisi~me Vice-pr~sident H.E. Mr. Thabo MAKEKA (Lesotho) Tercer Vice-Presidente Fourth Vice President Quatri~me Vice-pr4sident Mr. Janusz CZAMARSKI (Poland) Cuarto Vice-Presidente Secretary ,i Secr~taire Mr. Uner KIRDAR Secretario i-/Sra. Graciela VAZQUEZ-DIAZ (Mexico) was elected Second Vice President at the nineteenth meeting following the departure of S.E. Dr. Miguel A. ALBORNOZ (Ecuador). 2-/H.E. Mr. Thabo MAKEKA (Lesotho) was elected Third Vice President the nineteenth meeting following the departure of S.E.M. Ahmed OULD SID’AHMED (Mauritania). DP/1984/INF/2/Rev. 2 Page 2 ARGENTINA Representantes: Arquitecto Oscar YUJNOVSKY, Subsecretario de Cooperaci6n Internacional, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto H.E. Sr. Osvaldo LOPEZ NOGUEROL, Representante Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra Representantes Alternos: Sr. Julio FREYRE, Primer Secretario, Embajada Argentina ante las Con~nunidades Europeas, Bruselas Sr. Jorge PEREIRA, Primer Secretario, Misi6n Permanente en Ginebra Sr. Pablo Anselmo TETgAMANTI, Segundo Secretario, Misi6n Permanente, Nueva York Sr. Sergio CERDA, Segundo Secretario, Misi6n Permanente en Ginebra AUSTRALIA Representative: Mr. L. CORKERY, First Assistant Secretary, Policy, Training and Organisations Division, Australian Development Assistance Bureau Alternate Representatives: Mr. Michael CURTIN, Minister, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Geneva Mr. Gary Francis QUINIAN, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, New York Mr. Jirra MOORE, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva AUSTRIA Representative: Mr. Franz SCHMID, Director for Development Cooperation, Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs Alternate Representatives: Mr. WernfriedKOEFFLER, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. Joachim STORFA, Counsellor, Department for Development Cooperation, Federal Chancellory BAHRAIN Representative: S.E.M. Karim E. AL-SHAKAR, Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office, Geneva DP/1984/INF/2/Rev.2 Page 3 Alternate Representatives: Mr. Ahmed ABBAS, First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. EbrahimAi-M~JED, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. Abdallah AI-ANSARI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva BANGIADESH Representatives: H.E. Mr. M. MUNIR-UZ-ZAMAN, Secretary, External Resources Division H.E.M. All Kaiser Hasan MORSHED, Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office, Geneva Alternate Representatives: Dr. Md. FARASHUDDIN, Joint Secretary, Finance Divisfon Mr. Habibur RAHMAN, Economic Minister, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. D. MONDAL, Chief, External Resources Division Mr. Kazi Afzalur RAHMAN, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, New York BARBADOS Representative: H.E. Mr. Harley S.L. MOSELEY, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the united Nations New York Alternate Representative: Miss ~]ivia Rozanne OSBORNE, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, New York ~EDGIUM Repr4sentant: S.E.M. Francois-Xavier de DONNEA, Secr~taire d’Etat ~ la Coop4ration au d4veloppement, Minist~re des affaires 4trang~res Repr~sentants suppl4ants: M. A. SAINTRAINT, Administrateur g4n4ral de l’Administration g4n4rale de la Coop4ration au d4veloppement Mme. S. VERVALCKE, Directeur d’administration ~ la Cooperation multilat4rale Mlle B~n~dicte FRANKINET, Premier Secr~taire, Mission permanente New York M. C. PANNEELS, Attach4 ~ la Coop~rationmultilat4rale Mlle. Jeanine HARROY, Attach4, Mission permanente ~Gen~ve Qoo DP/1984/INF/2/Rev.2 Page 4 B~JTAN Representatives- H.E. Mr. Dago TSHERING, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative to the United Nations, New York Mr. Pema 9~%NGDI, Deputy Secretary, Planning Commission Alternate Representatives: Mr. Ac/~ut BHANDARI, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, New York Mr. Sonam TSHONG, Planning Officer, Planning Commission BRAZIL Representative: Mr. Sebbastiao de REGO BARROS NE~), Ambassador, Chief of the Department of Scientific, Technical and Technological Co-operation, Ministry of External Relations Alternate Representatives: Mr. Roberto RIBEIRO DE CARVALHO, Deputy Secretary General, Secretariat of Planning of the Presidency Mme. Vitoria Alice CLEAVER, Counsellor of Embassy, Chief, Division of Technical Co-operation, Ministry of External Relations Mr. Diogenes Walter OLIVEIRA, Deputy Secretary, Secretariat of International Economic and Technical Co-operation, Secretariat of Planning Mr. Garry SOARES DE LIMA, Co-ordinator of External Co-operation, Secretariat of International Economic and Technical Co-operation, Secretariat of Planning Mr. Roberto Gcmes de Matos JAGUARIBE, Second Secretary of Embassy, Permanent Mission, New York Mr. Paulo Roberto FRANCA, Secretary of Embassy, Permanent Mission, Geneva Representative¯ Mr. Douglas LINDORES, Vice-President, Multilateral Programs, Canadian International Development Agency Alternate Representative: Mr. E.N. HARE, Director General, UN Programs Division, Canadian International Development Agency ool DP/1984/INF/2/Rev.2 Page 5 Advisers: Mr. C. Richard MANN, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, New York Ms. Carolyn McASKIE, Deputy Director, UN Programs Division, Canadian International Development Agency Mr. Denis POTVIN, Senior Program Officer, UN Programs, Canadian International Development Agency Mr. Alexander D. BRYCE, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. James LYNCH, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. William ROBINSON, Senior Program Officer (UNFPA), UN Programs Division, Canadian International Development Agency Dr. JudF HARRINGTON, Population Specialist, Office for Social Development, Canadian International Development Agency CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC Repr4sentant: J M. Oyriaque SAMBA-PANZA, responsable des relations ext4rieures au Minist~re du Plan Repr4sentant suppl4ant: S.E.M. Michel GEEZERA-BRIA, Ambassadeur Extraordinaire et Pl4nipotentiaire, Repr4sentant permanent aupr~s des Nations Unies ~ New York CHAD Repr4sentant: S.E.M. Joseph YODOYMAN, Ministre du Plan et de la Reconstruction Repr4sentant suppl4ant: M. ALLAFOZAALLATCHIMI, Directeur de la Planification, du D4veloppement et de la Reconstruction CHINA Representatives: H.E. Mr. LI Luye, Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office, Geneva Mr. BAI Xingji, Deputy Director, Department of International Relations, Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade (MFERT) Alternate Representatives: Mr. ZHAO Gongda, Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office, Geneva DP/1984/INF/2/Rev.2 Page 6 Mr. NIE Hualiang, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, New York Mr. ZHANG Guanghui, Division Chief, Department of International Relations, MFERT Advisers: Mr. PENG Muyu, Official of MFERT Mr. CHEN Jianping, Official of MFERT Ms. CRAI Xiaolin, Official of MFERT Representative¯ H.E. Ambassador Jens OSTENFELD, Deputy Under-Secretary (Development), Ministry of Foreign Affairs Alternate Representatives: Mr. Johannes DAHL-HANSEN, Deputy Head of Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Kristian HfITERSHOLT, First Secretary of Embassy (Economic Affairs), Permanent Mission, New York Mr. Frits CHRISTIANSEN, Head of Section, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Lars FAABORG-ANDERS~, Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Adviser: Mr. Anders Setup RASMUSSEN, Technical Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DANIDA ~CUADOR Representante: S.E. Dr. Miguel A. ALBORNOZ, Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario, Misi6n Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas en Nueva York Representantes Alternos: Dr. Alfonso IDPEZ ARAUJO, Consejero, Misi6n Permanente en Ginebra St. Marco SAMANIEGO, Segundo Secretario, Misi6n Permanente en Ginebra Sra. Martha RDM~N, Funcionaria, Misi6n Permanente en Ginebra ETHIOPIA Representatives: Mr. Marsie IJIGOU, Minister of Planning H.E. Mr. Kassa KEBEDE, Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Geneva DP/1984/INF/2/Rev.2 Page 7 Alternate Representatives: Mr. Taddesse GEBRU, Head, Department of Social and Economic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Bekele (~LE~OU, UN Technical Cooperation Division, Central Planning Supreme Council FIJI Representative- H.E. Mr. Jonati MAVOA, C.M.G., Minister for Foreign Affairs, Tourism ~ and Civil Aviation Alternate Representatives: Mr. Jioji KOTOBAIAVU, Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Tourism and Civil Aviation Mr. Robin YARROW, Counsellor, Embassy of Fiji, Brussels FINLAND Representative ¯ k// Mr. Martti AHTISAARI, Under-Secretary of State, Ministry for Foreign Affairs Alternate Representatives: Mr. Pekka Juhani HUHTANI~4I, Counsellor (Economic Affairs) Permanent Mission, New York Mr. Matti JASKARI, Counsellor, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Adviser: ..... Mr. Ossi ~IIOSVUORI, Attach4, Permanent Delegation to OECD, Paris FRANCE Repr4sentant: S.E.M. Robert de SOUZA, Ambassadeur, Repr~sentant permanent aupr~s de l’Office des
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