'-■ f ''yZp»^ -■' ’I. ,* ' ,\ • tfi r . i t - -1- ^ • \ \ f • -f i|: ■ -•: r- i J: '-S 1. -Vv- -‘ '*■' i'l "..■ •• -f. :il m- T U E SD A Y , M A Y T, 1 9 « t iPAOI 8IXTEBM ATMige Daily Net Run The Weather \ jianrhratrr Svrnhvs Hpjhtlli Per.tlM Week laded rwreeaet of U. & Weather April SO, U8> 'The Lucy Spencer Group will St. Franclg-iKfpthar Cabiinl Moth FOR RINT Cloudy odd worm with ohanoe m6et in the Second Congregation ers Circle 'wlll meet tomorrow at Building Committee Seeks 13,974 at ehowere toolght aud ^ ofota About Town 8:16 p.m. at the home of Mrs. An- 8 and I t mm. Mavl* al Church parlor tomorrow at 2 —souad or aUeat, bIm Tbursduy. Low tonight oeor #0l p.m. for sewing. Mrs. Nelson gelo'Biase, 84 Henry St. Mrs. Al- jftadier e< the Andit ■Udo projooton. mneau at Cftraoletlaa High Thnrsdny around 8e. Fredwiiat Bey«r of Plalnvllle, Smith and Mrs. James Shearer pelt Puzzo will be co-hostess. Voice in Picking Architects MqnehdiUtr— A CUy o f VXUago Charm grand ohanaellot, will make Hla of will be hostesses. > WELDON DRUO CO^ ficial vlalt tomorrow -at 8 p.m. to Orford Parish, Daughters of the According to the town charter,# tee would like to Ml Bfatai 8W M . Ml M ttl Unne Lodge, Knlghte of Pythlae. The Hockanum Dog Club will American Revolution, will have Its procedure that wouW be followed annual meeting, election and in- the director of p\diltc wor)u le re- TO L. LX X X n , NO.
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