Valentia Transatlantic Cable Foundation Presentation March 9th 2021

1 Valentia Transatlantic Cable Foundation Meeting with the Cable Station Neighbours March 9th 2021

The Cable Station – Innovation Hub, Visitor Experience and the UNESCO goal


7.30pm Welcome, Introductions and Context – Leonard Hobbs

7.35pm The journey to date – Mary Rose Stafford

7.45pm UNESCO submission and process – Michael Lyne

7.55pm Roadmap – Leonard Hobbs

8.00pm Q&A

8.30pm Close • How to engage going forward • Future meetings

The Gathering 2013

4 Professor Al Gillespie chats with Canadian Ambassador to Mr Kevin Vickers at the 150th celebrations on Valentia in July 2016 Valentia Transatlantic Cable Foundation 2016

6 Transatlantic Cable Foundation Board 2016


We have ambitious plans to restore the key historical sites on the island to their former glory and to create a place which recalls the wondrous technological achievements of a time past while driving opportunities for Valentia in the future.

Successful outcomes of this project will - Preserve our heritage

- Complete a UNESCO World Heritage Application

- Create and support local employment and enterprise The ‘Valentia Lecture and Gala dinner’ series is launched in 2017 to draw national attention to the project and engage the local community

Professor Jeffrey Garten of Yale University with Martin Shanahan, CEO of IDA at the Inaugural Valentia Lecture, July 2017 in the Cable Station

Jeffrey Garten “ the notion to me that this wouldn't be a UNESCO site is absurd “

8 Published December 2017 Published April 2018

9 2018 President of Ireland’s Visit to the Valentia Cable Station


The historic Cable Station building is handed over by the current owner, Mrs Ranka Pollmeier, and was accepted on behalf of the people of Valentia by the Mayor of Kerry, Ms July 2018

12 Valentia Lecture and Gala Dinner

July 13th 2018

 Ms Irina Bokova, former Director General at UNESCO  Professor Genevieve Bell, Australian National University & Senior Fellow, Intel Corporation  Professor Chris Morash, Vice Provost and the Seamus Heaney Professor in Irish Writing at TCD  Mr Robert Mauro, Director at Global Leadership Institute at Boston College

“I do believe that this is an extraordinary fantastic story. UNESCO heritage is a journey that brings something to the whole world” Ms Irina Bokova, former DG at UNESCO

13 Oct 8th 2018. The Minister for Sports and Tourism, Mr. Griffin announcing a grant of €200K for the Cable Station from Fàilte Ireland and with him are the Kerry County Manager Moira Murrell, the Minister for Sports and Tourism Mr Mitchelmore and John Griffin Tourism officer for Kerry 2019 Valentia Lecture “ “ Globalisation – Our Interconnected and interdependent World “ “ at the Cable Station

15 Valentia Cable Project Plan 2019

16 Digital Hub Workshop commences 2019 UNESCO workshop in , February 2020 with members of the VIDCO, The Foundation Board, , the Department of Heritage and Parks Canada Building Ireland, RTE 2020 Town of Heart’s Content Development Newfoundland and Labrador, Company Canada , Ireland 2021 Fàilte Ireland Project 2021

22 23 24 25 The Innovation Hub at the Cable Station – an interconnected place to be inspired, collaborate and create

• Research and Education • Enterprise o Tech Enabled, IoT, Pervasive Nation o Remote Working Offering o Island Trials o Corp Satellite Offering o University Connections, Events, including Canada o Entrepreneurship - Startups o Upstairs, downstairs, Heritage Connection – Tourist Tech

Enablers & Networks • • Community o Management and Governance o Outreach o Broad Band & Work space design o IT Education & Experience o Marketing Collateral o Academy and Internships o Ecosystem Connectivity – Regional Innovation District o Events, Hackathons, Dojos o Funding o Hot Desking o ‘Alumni’ Connectivity L1 M1 L2 8 person office L1 Meeting Room M1 6 person office L2 Meeting Room M2 5 person office L3 Community 5 person office L4 Board Room 5 person office L5 Tea Room L3 L4 5 person office L6 4 person office L7 3 person office L8 3 person office L9 1 person office L10

L5 L6



L8 M2 L9 Community Board Room/Video

The Hub at the Cable Station, a draft design Update April 5th 2020 UNESCO – Industrial Heritage Submission & Process

28 Roadmap 2020

 Tentative List Draft Submission

 4th Valentia Lecture by Zoom

 Broadband connection for the Cable Station as part of the National Broadband roll out  Fáilte Ireland Transatlantic Cable Experience selects a provider

 The Department responsible for Heritage completes a detailed “Heritage Study of Valentia Cable Station and the sites associated with the laying of the first trans- Atlantic telegraph cable on Valentia Island “

29 Roadmap 2021

Innovation Hub early programming begins with Zita Cobb Lecture in partnership with the Ireland Canada University Foundation and Trinity College Request for Tender for “Multi-Disciplinary Design Team for the Conservation and Adaptation of the Valentia Trans-Atlantic Cable Station” is actioned Expert Panel document, as assembled by Donard De Cogan is published Project formally submitted to the Irish Tentative List The Cable Exhibit opens 5th Valentia Lecture on Sept 24th

30 Roadmap 2022-2025

2022  Conservation work begins on the Cable Station,  Innovation Hub kit out funding is secured 2023  The Cable Station is restored  The Innovation Hub formally opens  Project is submitted to UNESCO by Dept of Heritage and Parks Canada 2024  The Innovation Hub reaches capacity 2025  UNESCO Inscription is secured Thanks to our sponsors and supporters