PROGRAMME and ABSTRACTS Edited by Graham Martin & Alfonso Marzal
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SPC Conference website: Designed by Graham Martin LOC Conference website: Designed by Alberto Reynolds Cover and poster design: Luna García-Longoria [email protected] House martins’ paints: Maria Luisa Batanete PROGRAMME and ABSTRACTS Edited by Graham Martin & Alfonso Marzal Table of contents 1. Information from Organizers 2. Welcome from the EOU President 3. Welcome from Local Organizing Committee 10th EOU Conference 4. Programme 5. Abstracts a. Plenary speakers b. Symposia c. Round tables d. Oral Communications e. Posters 6. Special guest talk: Josep del Hoyo (Lynx editorial) 7. Mid-congress tours 8. Information on Conference Venue 9. Birding Extremadura 10th CONFERENCE of the EUROPEAN ORNITHOLOGISTS’ UNION BADAJOZ, 24-28 AUGUST 2015 Conference Organizers: University of Extremadura Local Organizing Committee Alfonso Marzal, University of Extremadura (Chair) Florentino de Lope, University of Extremadura Javier Balbontín, University of Seville José Antonio Masero, University of Extremadura Juan Manuel Sánchez-Guzmán, University of Extremadura Casimiro Corbacho, University of Extremadura José Luis Pérez Bote, University of Extremadura Carlos de la Cruz, University of Extremadura Deseada Parejo, University of Extremadura Yolanda Refoyo, University of Extremadura Sergio Magallanes, University of Extremadura Luz García-Longoria, University of Extremadura Carmen Relinque, University of Extremadura Maribel Reviriego, University of Extremadura Auxiliadora Villegas, University of Extremadura Francisco Santiago, University of Extremadura Cosme López, University of Seville Manuel González, University of Extremadura Scientific Programme Committee Graham Martin, University of Birmingham (Chair) Jim Reynolds, University of Birmingham Jan-Åke Nilsson, Lund University Barbara Helm, University of Glasgow Olivier Duriez, Université Montpellier 2 Christiaan Both, University of Groningen John Quinn, University College Cork Arie J van Noordwijk, Netherlands Institute of Ecology Swen C. Renner, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Sergej Soloviev, Omsk State University after F.M. Dostoevsky Jan O.Engler, University of Göttingen Welcome from the President A cordial welcome to delegates from Europe and far beyond to the 10th Conference of the European Ornithologists’ Union in Badajoz, Spain. This exciting meeting promises to become another milestone in the development of the EOU. The EOU was founded in Bologna in 1997, when the Cold War had ended, in hopes to bring together ornithologists from across Europe for advancing the scientific study of birds. At its 10th meeting, the EOU has grown to be a vibrant community, where people from former “east” and “west” mingle effortlessly and work together in dynamic networks. Young ornithologists have self-organised and will meet and encourage each other in specific, dedicated “Fledgeling” events. The British Ornithologists’ Union is generously supporting our Early Career Researchers. The Migratory Landbird Study Group, founded during the 9th EOU meeting in Norwich, is organising a Satellite meeting to discuss migration research, and many excellent Symposia and Round Tables will highlight and forge a broad range of research initiatives. It is a real pleasure to watch, and shelter from the winds, the sparks of new collaborative efforts that spring from the platform of EOU conferences. It is our hope that the EOU conference in Badajoz will initialize many further synergisms. Several people have dedicated a major portion of their time and energy to generate this opportunity. Having observed these efforts, I cannot overstate how grateful I am to Alfonso Marzal and his Local Organising Committee, as well as to Graham Martin and his Scientific Programme Committee. Thank you also to the generous support of many Spanish organisations in these times of difficult funding. On behalf of Council and Officers of the EOU, I wish you all an inspiring, invigorating and joyful meeting. Let us make the most of the great efforts that have gone into preparing for it. Glasgow, August 2015 Barbara Helm EOU President Welcome to Badajoz for the EOU 2015 Conference On behalf of the Local Organizing Committee I am pleased to welcome all delegates to the 10th Conference of the European Ornithologist’s Union. We are delighted to be your host during the conference in Badajoz, the biggest city in Extremadura. Our region is recognized nowadays in Europe as an ecological territory with unique nature spaces in Europe, and a real treasure for birdwatchers. Extremadura offers the possibility of birdwatching in natural habitats of great beauty and also of enjoying its interesting cultural and historical heritage. We thank to EOU Council and Scientific Programme Committee for having displayed their confidence in the Spanish delegation for the organization of the Conference. We also would like to acknowledge to Gobierno de Extremadura, Ayuntamiento de Badajoz, University of Extremadura, Diputación de Badajoz and many other Spanish organizations for their invaluable support. We are also grateful to many companies for their sponsorship. We sincerely hope that your attendance to the conference and the sharing of your knowledge will contribute to the advancement of ornithology and the promotion of the scientific studies of birds. Badajoz, August 2015 Alfonso Marzal Chairman of the Local Organizing Committee EOU2015 PROGRAMME ______________________________ MONDAY, 24th AUGUST 2015 08:30 – 17:00 Migratory Landbird Study Group (MLSG) Satellite meeting SALA1 14:30 – 16:30 EOU Council meeting SALA 2 17:00 – 19:15 Registration OFICINA TÉCNICA 19:15 – 19:30 Opening Ceremony AUDITORIO 19:30 – 20:30 Plenary 1: Pérez-Tris AUDITORIO 20:30 – 21:30 Welcome reception PATIO TUESDAY, 25th AUGUST 2015 9:00 – 9:50 Plenary 2: Bonadonna AUDITORIO 9:50 – 10:30 Break / Posters PATIO / SALA EXPOSICIONES 10:30 – 12:30 Parallel Symposia 1 Symposium 4 (SALA AZUL): Alone or in groups: different strategies of juvenile migrants Symposium 6 (AUDITORIO): Coping with the stress of city life: mechanistic studies in urban ecology Symposium 9 (SALA 1): Light, colours and perfumes: bird sensory ecology Symposium 10 (SALA 2): Ecophysiological adaptations to the environment in birds Symposium 11 (SALA 3): Mediators of individual quality in birds 12:30 – 14:00 Lunch / Posters / Exhibition PATIO / S. EXPOSICIONES / CAFETERÍA 14:00 – 14:50 Plenary 3: Laiolo AUDITORIO 14:50 – 15:30 Break / Posters PATIO / SALA EXPOSICIONES 15:30 – 16:50 Parallel Oral Sessions 1 – 5 Oral Session 1 (AUDITORIO): Ecology Oral Session 2 (SALA 1): Physiology and Parasitology Oral Session 3 (SALA AZUL): Migration Oral Session 4 (SALA 3): Reproduction Oral Session 5 (SALA 2): Distribution, Taxonomy, Evolution, Behaviour 16:50 – 18:00 Parallel Round Tables 1 Round Table 1 (SALA AZUL): Crossing borders: collaborative and integrative research for migrant landbirds across the flyway PROGRAMME Round Table 3 (SALA 3): Drivers of spatial and phenological change in migratory systems Round Table 6 (SALA 1): The European Turtle Dove as a case study: how to conserve a declining species of hunting interest? Round Table 7 (SALA 2): Creation of multiple genome alignments and clade-based tools to facilitate the study of speciation and adaptation in birds 18:00 – 18:30 SPECIAL TALK: DEL HOYO HBW AUDITORIO 18:30 – 19:20 BOU / ECR EVENT SALA AZUL 19:00 - 20:30 POSTERS SALA EXPOSICIONES 20:30 – 23:00 FLEDGELING EVENT (PUB Mercantil) WEDNESDAY, 26th AUGUST 2015 BIRD - TOURS THURSDAY, 27th AUGUST 2015 9:00 – 9:50 Plenary 4: Piersma AUDITORIO 9:50 – 10:30 Break / Posters PATIO / SALA EXPOSICIONES 10:30 – 12:30 Parallel Symposia 2 Symposium 1 (SALA AZUL): The scale of migratory connectivity and population dynamics in Palearctic-African migrant landbirds Symposium 5 (SALA 2): Phylogenetics of Passerine birds: unraveling their evolution at the macro- and micro-scales Symposium 12 (SALA 3): Early life experiences: merging mechanistic and functional approaches to reveal their meaning Symposium 13 (AUDITORIO): Studies on bird, vector, and blood parasite interactions in a changing world Symposium 15 (SALA 1): Internal and external drivers of variation in landbird migration 12:30 – 14:00 Lunch / Posters / Exhibition PATIO / S. EXPOSICIONES / CAFETERÍA 14:00 – 14:50 Plenary 5: Shamoun - Baranes AUDITORIO 14:50 – 15:30 Break / Posters PATIO / SALA EXPOSICIONES 15:30 – 16:50 Parallel Oral Sessions 6 – 10 PROGRAMME Oral Session 6 (AUDITORIO): Ecology Oral Session 7 (SALA 1): Behaviour Oral Session 8 (SALA 3): Conservation Oral Session 9 (SALA 2): Parasitology, Morphology, Genetics Oral Session 10 (SALA AZUL): Migration 16:50 – 18:00 Parallel Round Tables 1 Round Table 2 (SALA AZUL): The role of social media in ornithology Round Table 4 (SALA 3): Radar aeroecology: unravelling population scale patterns of avian movement Round Table 5 (SALA 1): Macroecology, global change, and the state of modelling avian distributions 18:00 – 19:00 The EOU: Future Direction & General meeting AUDITORIO 19:00 – 20:00 FLEDGLINGS. Meet the editor SALA AZUL 20:30 – 23:30 Conference dinner MEIAC FRIDAY 28th AUGUST 2015 9:00 – 11:00 Parallel Symposia 3 Symposium 2 (SALA 3: From analysis to action: mitigating the impacts of environmental change on alpine birds Symposium 3 (SALA 1): Female ornaments and armaments Symposium 7 (AUDITORIO): Current Research on animal personality in birds Symposium 8 (SALA 2): Significance of intraspecific variation in avian sperm