Hist Studies Vol 77 (Anglais)
Historical Studies 2011 VOLUME 77 The Journal published by The Canadian Catholic Historical Association (founded June 3, 1933) Elizabeth W. McGahan, Ph.D. The Canadian CatholicEditor Historical Association Indre Cuplinskas, Ph.D. Associate Editor Editorial Board Terrence Murphy, Ph.D. Richard A. Lebrun, Ph.D. Raymond Huel, Ph.D. John S. Moir, Ph.D. Glenn Wright, M.A. Fred McEvoy, M.A. Elizabeth Smyth, Ed.D. Roberto Perin, Ph.D. Jeanne Beck, Ph.D. Mark McGowan, Ph.D Peter Meehan, Ed.D. A National Society for the Promotion of Interest in Catholic History HHistist SStudiestudies vvolol 7777 ((anglais)anglais) FFinal.inddinal.indd 1 22011-06-06011-06-06 008:12:408:12:40 The Seventy-seventh annual meeting of the English Section of the Canadian Catholic Historical Association was held at Concordia University, Montreal 31 May – 1 June 2010 CANADIAN CATHOLIC HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION HISTORICAL STUDIES Historical Studies, a publication of the Canadian Catholic Historical Association, features papers read at its annual conference. All articles are refereed, and are usually on the history of Catholicism in Canada or on topics having a connection with the Catholic Church in Canada. Historical Studies is published annually. Subscriptions are available through the Secretary, Canadian Catholic Historical Association, 81 St. Mary Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1J4. For mailing addresses in Canada, the amount is $40 per year; for U.S. mailing addresses, the amount is $45 per year; for European addresses, the amount is $50 per year; for students, the amount is $25 per year. Copies of most back issues can be obtained from the same address at $25 per volume, postage and handling $5 in Canada and $15 for International addresses.
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