Rahway Leagues

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Rahway Leagues Rahway Public Library 1175 13* - George Avev. PAGE 20 THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1972 RAHWAY NEWS-RECORD/CLARK PATRIOT Rahway, N, J. 07065 r— • I asa Bpl BBfl £EB9 BB ItfST^ffl 6ffXl> Academy Honors I •Z-M Michael James Angelo of 4 p.m. at the Roselle school. tics and science. Robert Clark Ward and Rahway will be the valedic- Mr. Simon will be grad- The rwo honor students James Dennis Zupkus. Senator Case £ are among the 12 Railway THIS WEEK torian and John Philip Simon uated with highest honors in Clark students are Ray- residents and five Clark re- -Oj£-Clark the salutatorian at history and French and sec- mond Edward Hirsche, Tho- Since Commissioner T. a letter giving a . United Statee Senator * sidents who are candidates tte commencement ex- ond highest honors In English. mas Edward Juzefyk, Rob- Ritter was the only member tentative encroachmentllne," Clifford P. Case of Rahway *fi for graduation. Mr. Baker said. "We're in 2 excises of RoseUe Catholic Mr. Angelo will receive the ert Michael Olearczyk, John present out of the 10-member has been given the Citizen's 0 NEW JERSEY'S OLDEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER EST. 1822 High School on Saturday at highest honors In mathema- Rah way aru dents are Ri- Philip Simon and Joseph panel of the New Jersey the process of getting signa- tures from homeowners Award of the Academy of fl chard Joseph Adinolfi, Mi- Benedict Sutter. State Water Policy Council, Medicine of New Jersey for |i chael James Angelo, Ray- participants agreed to a post- along this stream to give the 388-3388 city rights to dig-up land up his support of health legisla- 2 mong Edward Duffy, Gary- ponement of the special hear- tion in Congress. p Joseph Fisher, Ronald Tho- ing scheduled for last to 15 feet for the purpose of 15 CENTS mas Hayes, Walter Joseph Service League RAHWAY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1972 Wednesday afternoon in the widening the stream. Sisto's n VOLUME 150, NO- 24 Milne, William John o'Ma- council chamber of the State side should be opened to full Senator Case received his honey, Patrick Joseph Red- Bureau of Water Resources, channel width within the set annual award at a ceremony mond, Louis James Saplenza, Donates Trees a division of the State De- encroachment line for the in Mayfair Farms, West Or- Robert Lawrence- Valeru, partment of Environmental 276 HAMILTON ST J. F w e n t y-five Emerald purpose of straightening the ange. The award honors the Protection. water flow. Some homeown- New Jersey resident who has w fviuccn maple trees were do- nated to the Woodbridge State Joseph M. Feinberg, an ers are holding out until they given "distinguished service ~ RAHWAY Assumes Duties School last week by the Rah- attorney representing the know that Siato Brothers have in die interest of health and Q welfare of the general pub- fl w,jy Service League. Sisto Brothers, and George given this approval, which BB3f MB^S BEBEBI KB^SP M5HSI should be requested by the Take off! We're less than j J hoL,r Jnve away F. Bartell, an attorney for I'he- presentation to the the Rahway Citizens for state." Tee off—time reserved! No *.j.t -g to meet the school was made by Mrs. Flood Control Inc., both de- The RCl-'C secretary, Mrs. Robert J. Cotte of 372 W. challenge of our 27 famous - Nj,:ipions,Mip holes clined die offer to continue Scott Avenue, Rahway, took Anew Donald Lucov, community Stephanie Cedervall, re- Christopher Dletz of Rah- The election took place Bring the family! Swimming. ILMUHS i-or :>eb*ick the hearing, which would be office as Rahway's building relations chairman, and ported receiving several tele- way was elected Democratic shortly after Democrats riding, boating, fishing, lots mo'e career Mrs. William Assell, presi- transcribed for the other phone calls complaining opened their reorganization Inspector as being sworn In absent members of the panel county chairman Tuesday at a ceremony in his home Enjoy It all! Groat food, (me du•<.,•! viL.:.i!u-ns dent. about continued dumping of night by acclamation. meeting of the county com- (choice of 1 15 atr-conditionri! -OON'-I to study. Mr. Bartell said by City Clerk Robert W. land fill on Quadrel Bro- No opposition was fielded mittee at the Charade Res- entertainment, all in a spei-tji .,IJ- ^eti ^ that if at least three council Schrof. Municipal Council and— GOP councilman,Mrs. The trees, between 10 and thers property along the against the Rahway attorney taurant, 100 Elizabeth Ave- 12 feet in height, will provide memben=PwiEjfe present, the Rahway River near Law- nue, Linden, at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Cotte held the Bible representatives of Local 286 Forsythe, Mr. Voynik and And we've got 2 great plans shade for the children of the hearing might have contin- rence Street bridge. Four hundred and eighty- for the ceremony. The fam- of the Teamstere Union, bar- Mr-. Donovan. ued.__ lie .an I'd that having Mr. Baker added, ' 'it's —five- committeemen andcom- ilies of Mr nnri MrR. .Coite 'jgalning agent, for the public r nnri fri^ndd wort* prfiRf*nr. w6rks~and water department" gottin pro :jrm? TTir our were sent ndyBoard of AdjusrmenT ro at the meeting ae well as uotte, 297 employ e e s—of—the—ci cy,—will 4 DAYS ANO 3 NIGHTS meet on Monday at 7 p.m. 3 DAT5~«NP 2 NIGHTS proper hearing of witnesses, issue a aternnew.srelea.se, - abotrt-l-50-on—looker s-r cated at Haaran High School, .^inTOissi-oner fitter as- announcing a policy of no Mi*r- Die ttf-h ad-the-bacteing" N HLalL—liL-an. efloxx.- QN THE OCEAN sured the attending partici- bulldlng~permits To "anyone of 18 of the 21 municipal Institute of Design and Con- to reach an agreement on a struction-;—New—¥ork—&ky-,- D«r port on, dbl. oct upjn. 'SPRING LAKE, "N. J- 077G7 pants that a quorum of five not having a state permit to chairman and was given the contract. —• ——— -i ill—o*—othcrw^ac—aitm a~ where he completed two Council President Char- room. 9 meji on nod—in—R-oselle -and ILinden- the Full Am*rtcan Plan .nui • PRIVATE POOL • ALL SPOBTS • sent for the next hearing waterway." years of study of architec- les £. Crowell announced CHEEUFUL ROOM SETTINGS • SU- on Monday. diralf Reduced jic^ scheduled in-a raonchorraur-c. ture. He also^has taken-cour— that the-meeting between city « WoNDtKI'Ul FOOtST " The RCFC president, Ho- see at Pratt Institute, New TrfficttrrB~~and the~^aiTton~rtjp-' For Inlcmjlion am: mc'vaiioni leadership of the Democratic ATTRACTIVE RATES ••waxd'-H. Baker, commented party in Union County against York University andMechan- reeentadves would be held A radar speed gun, which XTub to LauncfT inflHmm nil 1 Mnprtfly nfr^r rhpf.nim- will be used by the Rahway Wr it« tor Brochur« that the hearing was proof iothex~Rahwayan, James J. Police Department in an ef- that Sisto Brothers did not KinneaUy, Sr., who had been City. cil at its meeting on Monday Owner-Mflf. fort to control speeding on I FRED have a permit to fill on the party chairman for 18 years. Before talcing the position night rejected a resolution 3oi - .u9-aaoo Rockets Sunday city streets, was purchased 1 WARING'S land they own off Robinson's Mr. Kinneally announced of building inspector, Mr. approving art agreement. PREE A—jjomono oration oi build-~ by the Municipal Council at "Branch of the Rahway River, his retirement when advised Cotte was senior draftsman The vote was 6-2. ing and launching of model and n««iRr,inr Jr»h rnprnin for Monday- night R -meeting-Jn- avanee wan Come'Seplerhb'er TJnion C0"f?ge bounded- by St. George Ave- -ce-<fcy—so-by—his doctor,'Mr. ON THE JOB ... Robort J. Cott^^ciglii, IR swnrn in aa Rahway'fi. building-inspector by Cjty_. Acting against ^e resolu- THE POCONO'S GGLf RESORT OPEN rockets will be sponsored Clerk Robert W. Schrof at the Cunte hume. 372 W. Scott Avenue, with Mrs. Cotte holding the City Hall. ni r, and nue and Church Street. Kinneally had stated. Henri A. -Legendre and tion were four Republican Shawn«yr-on Deljwar* PJ lSibb c JUNE 25 by the Trailside Model Roc- sociates, architects, of New Bible for the ceremony. councilmen, Mrs. Esther The equipment was bought (717) 421 lbOO "They have no permit to The veteran Democrat was ket Club on Sunday begin- York City. Projects on which Forsythe, Richard J. Voy-^ from the George P» Cake -I ft merifii s u'DctH CUbib " vOu C ning at 2 p.m. The public also Indicted by the Union 1 he was employed Included nik, Peter M. Donovan and Corporation for $1,029.50. .«.- : . • hi- <i''i "••'J KH»rn AHIP J '"'" Christopher J. Dleti County Grand Jury at the is invited. the Brooklyn Navy Yard com- James R. Pickens, and two Cake's bid was $370-50 low- /,-• i(.-,_)(• ••:• . -.ri'.-ni 0 ";' "ni ,'i ,ii DRUG STORE time of his announced re- The demonstration will be who was expected to walk plex rehabilitation work, Democratic councilmen, er than that of-Tri-County '•' v'mV '•" "•'••'!• "Mr tM.Hu • staged in an area in back away with the chairmanship tirement. Police Supply Company Inc. % Milbank Frawley Urban Re- Francis R. Senkowsky and i;:C J: . d'.'-i". i'.-.^r. \-i: -•- JL, JIL' b • •' of the Irailside Planetarium after having received, the It had been expected on newal, Central HarlenNurs- Mr.
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