The Impact of World War I
IMPACTIMPACT OF OF WORLD WORLD WAR WAR I I •• WorldWorld War War I I has has been been called called a a ““warwar with with many many causes causes but but no no objectivesobjectives..”” •• ThisThis profound profound sense sense of of wastewaste andand pointlessness pointlessness willwill shape shape EuropeanEuropean politics politics in in the the post post-- warwar period. period. NewNew Horrors Horrors for for a a New New Century Century •• TotalTotal WarWar •• IndustrialIndustrial weaponsweapons ofof massmass--killingkilling •• ExtremeExtreme NationalismNationalism •• CiviliansCivilians targetedtargeted •• Genocide:Genocide: TurksTurks slaughterslaughter ArmeniansArmenians •• CommunistCommunist RevolutionRevolution •• TerrorismTerrorism AftermathAftermath ofof WorldWorld WarWar I:I: ConsequencesConsequences SocialSocial:: •• almostalmost 1010 millionmillion soldierssoldiers werewere killedkilled andand overover 2020 millionmillion areare woundedwounded •• millionsmillions ofof civilianscivilians dieddied asas aa resultresult ofof thethe hostilities,hostilities, famine,famine, andand diseasedisease •• thethe worldworld waswas leftleft withwith hatred,hatred, intolerance,intolerance, andand extremeextreme nationalism.nationalism. WorldWorld War War I I Casualties Casualties 10,000,000 9,000,000 Russia 8,000,000 Germany 7,000,000 Austria-Hungary 6,000,000 France 5,000,000 4,000,000 Great Britain 3,000,000 Italy 2,000,000 Turkey 1,000,000 US 0 TheThe Spanish Spanish Flu Flu (Influenza) (Influenza) -- 19181918 •• StruckStruck inin thethe
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