1896 Moller 2m CONVENTION Zion’s Lutheran Church, East Germantown T RA VE L N O T E S R E G I S T RA TION Organ Historical Society National Convention at a glance Karl Moyer, organist Mail to: OHS Convention Central Indiana ° July 11-17, 2007 Convention HoteL Organ Historical Society Registration form must accompany your remittance ❑ ❑ ❑ 1966 E.H. Holloway Corporation 3m The Sheraton Indianapolis Hotel & Suites is OHS P. O. Box 26811 check (payable in U.S. $ to OHS) or Visa Master Card W E D ne SDAY, JULY 11 www.organsociety.org/2007 e-mail
[email protected] Dinner on your own St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Richmond convention headquarters. It is located on the north Richmond, Virginia 23261 phone 804.353.9226 fax 804.353.9266 Buses depart 7:10 P.M. David Lamb, organist side of Indianapolis in a complex named Keystone Registration: 2:00–7:00 p.m., 10:00–11:00 p.m. at the Crossing, on the southeast corner of where 1906 Hook & Hastings, rebuilt by Wicks 3m the I-465 Beltway and Keystone Avenue (State CREDIT CARD NUMBER . EXP. ������������������� Please use a separate form for each registrant. 2001 Reynolds 3m Reid Memorial Presbyterian Church, Richmond Road 431) intersect. The hotel is connected to the Bruce Stevens, organist 100-store Fashion Mall (with a food court) and is Broadway U.M. Church NAME �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Choir, Organ and Orchestra Concert closely surrounded by many shopping, dining, and Jack Fox, conductor 1927 Barton 3m entertainment venues. NAME TO APPEAR ON BADGE ������������������������������������������������������������������ Chris Schroeder, organist Warren Center for the Performing Arts, Indianapolis Mark Herman, organist TRAveL to INDI ANAPOLIS ADDRESS ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Indianapolis is intersected by four interstates THURSDAY, JULY 12 CITY .