
PubFactory Platform FAQs

CURRENT FAQs 1. What am I buying? 2. What is an ePub file? 3. What is a PDF file? 4. What’s the difference between PDF and ePub files? 5. Is there an app that I should use to purchase? 6. How do I download and access the eBook after I bought it? 7. Is there a separate login process for ? 8. How do I read my eBooks online? 9. Are there member prices on ASHP eBooks? 10. Can I return the eBooks purchased? 11. Can I print the eBook? 12. How does search work? 13. Where do I find my after purchasing? 14. Where can I buy a print copy of the books? 15. Can I use my ASHP username and password to login? 16. How do I change my password? 17. How do I bookmark a page? 18. Whom do I contact for questions? 19. Do you offer institutional access? 20. Whom do I contact for institutional access? 21. How do I administer my institutional account? 22. Do you offer concurrent user access for individual titles? 23. My institution has a subscription for eBooks. Does that mean I can download it to read outside of the institution’s IP range? 24. Can I view a sample eBook? 25. How can I copy parts of a text?

1. What am I buying? You are purchasing an ASHP eBook. When you purchase an eBook from ASHP's Store, you can read it by clicking on the eBook’s link within “My Library.” You can also download the in PDF or ePub format to view on your or tablet.

2. What is an ePub file? An ePub is a type of file that has been designed for reflowable content, meaning that an ePub reader can optimize text for a particular display device. Examples where you would download ePub files for your smartphone or tablet would be for iBooks andGoogle PlayBooks. ePub files can be opened in most eBook readers, like the B&N Nook and Kobo eReader. ePub files have to be converted to .Mobi format before they're usable on the Kindle device or app.

For your computer, the easiest way to open an ePub file is to double-click on it and let your PC decide which default application should open the file. If no program opens the ePub file, then you probably don't have an application installed that can view ePub files. ePub files can also be opened on a computer with various free programs including .

3. What is a PDF eBook file? Portable Document Format (PDF) is a used to present documents in a manner independent of application software, hardware, and operating systems.

To view a PDF on your iOS device, you can view it in Adobe Reader, iBooks, or any PDF reader of your choice. Similarly, use Adobe Reader or any PDF reader of your choice for viewing.

To view on your computer, simply view in your browser, or open in Adobe Reader to download for offline reading.

4. What’s the difference between PDF and ePub files? ePub files are reflowable content that adapts to your reader, and PDF files are a fixed layout format. You can view either format, and see which you prefer, depending on how you are viewing the eBook.

5. Is there an app that I should use to purchase? No, the purchase is handled within the ASHP Store; then you can view the eBook in My Library and download to view in the eReader of your choosing, or online.

6. How do I download and access the eBook after I bought it? See the above documentation on ePub and PDF options for viewing and downloading.

7. Is there a separate login process for eBooks? If you already have an ASHP account created, you will use the same account to log in to My Library. If you are a new customer, you will need to create an account in order to purchase, and use that same information to access. You can sign up for an account through this link.

8. How do I read my eBooks online? You can read the eBooks online with an internet connection within the product page of the eBook you have purchased. This can be done with Safari, Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Google Chrome.

9. Are there member prices on ASHP eBooks? Yes, ASHP offers member and list prices for eBooks just like with print publications.

10. Can I return the eBooks purchased? No, the eBooks purchased cannot be returned, so make sure you look at the table of contents and sample chapter before purchasing. All front matter is freely available to view in full.

11. Can I print the eBook? Yes, but you can only print individual chapters or content units.

12. How does search work? You can either search for a key term throughout the entire ASHP eBooks collection, or just within the one eBook you are viewing. All eBooks can be searched for purchase within the ASHP Store at https://store.ashp.org/default.aspx.

13. Where do I find my books after purchasing? After you purchase, simply follow the link in the confirmation email or go to publications.ashp.org, and after logging in you will see your purchased eBooks available to view and download.

14. Where can I buy a print copy of the books? If interested in a print version of any of ASHP eBook titles, please visit https://store.ashp.org/default.aspx.

15. Can I use my ASHP username and password to login? Yes, that is all you will need to log in to ASHP eBooks.

16. How do I change my password? From your account, click "Profile Setting," then "Change Password." You will be prompted to enter your old password and your new password.

17. How do I bookmark a page? You can bookmark title and chapter on the PubFactory platform.

18. Whom do I contact for questions? For general questions, contact ASHP Customer Relations at [email protected] or 866-279-0681.

If I still have questions about viewing and downloading my eBook, who can I contact for support?

If you are still having issues, you may email [email protected]. Please note, ASHP only provides support and assistance for viewing through iBooks, Google Playbooks, and Adobe Digital Editions. You are free to use the eReader of your choice, but we do not support those at this time.

19. Do you offer institutional access? Yes, there are several collections offered for institutions and libraries as annual subscriptions. These include the entire eBooks collection, a core titles collection, and collections for pharmacy technicians, pharmacy students, clinical resources, and management resources.

20. Whom do I contact for institutional access? For institutional access, contact Chris Jezowski at [email protected].

21. How do I administer my institutional account? You will need to provide your IP range information, and then anyone within that IP range will have access to the eBooks in your collection.

22. Do you offer concurrent user access for individual titles? Yes, please contact Chris Jezowski at [email protected] to set up this type of access.

23. My institution has a subscription for eBooks. Does that mean I can download it to read outside of the institution’s IP range? You would only have access within your institution’s IP range. If you want to have a book for viewing outside that area, you would need to purchase it for yourself.

24. Can I view a sample eBook? Most eBooks provide the entire front matter (table of contents, contributor information, preface) for free in order to preview the eBook.

25. How can I copy parts of a text? You can copy text using the options provided by your PDF reader or copy text in your browser reader.