The London Diary for the Ancient Near East No 43 April – September 2009 Compiled and circulated by the London Centre for the Ancient Near East The compilers of the Diary and officers of the London Centre and BANEA cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the information supplied in this Diary. The events listed may be subject to changes or cancellation. Events are free and open to non-members unless indicated otherwise. Please direct enquiries to the organisers and not to the Diary Editor Birkbeck courses in Ancient Near Eastern Studies 2009-10 Introduction to Ancient Near Eastern and Aegean Studies – Tuesdays from 30 Sept; Introduction to Akkadian and the Cuneiform Script – Wednesdays from 1 October; Intermediate Akkadian – Thursdays from 1 October. More info Birkbeck College: 020 7631 6631; email:
[email protected], City University courses for Egyptology 2009-10 For more information on City University courses, tel: 020 7040 8268, Mon 20 April 18.00 Dennis Mizzi The Qumran caves: a re-evaluation of the evidence Stevenson Lecture Theatre, British Museum, Great Russell St WC1. Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society lecture. All welcome. Enquiries: 020 7691 1467. Website: Mon 20 April 18.45 David Katz title tbc UCL, reception 18.15 in the Terrace Restaurant. Institute of Jewish Studies lecture. All welcome. Further information 020 7679 3520,
[email protected], Wed 22 April 13.15 Neal Spencer Egyptian temple decoration British Museum, Great Russell St WC1.