
Differential theories as sheaves on

Peter J. Haine May 16, 2020


1 Sheaves on the of manifolds 2 1.1 Checking equivalences on stalks ...... 4 1.2 Digression: Excision & the condition ...... 5 1.3 Digression: relation to infinite dimensional manifolds ...... 8

2 퐑-invariant sheaves 9 2.1 Description of the ...... 12 2.2 Criteria for 퐑-invariance ...... 13

3 퐑-localization 15 3.1 The Morel–Suslin–Voevodsky construction ...... 15 3.2 Proof of the Morel–Suslin–Voevodsky formula ...... 16 3.3 Simplicial in ∞-categories ...... 19

4 The Transfer Conjecture 22 4.1 Categories of spans ...... 23 4.2 Spans and commutative monoids ...... 25 4.3 The Transfer Conjecture after Bachmann–Hoyois ...... 26

5 Structures in the stable case 28 5.1 The fracture square ...... 28 5.2 The differential cohomology diagram ...... 30 5.3 Differential refinements ...... 32

A Technical details from theory 35 A.1 From sheaves of spaces to 퐶-valued sheaves ...... 35 A.2 Restriction to a ...... 36 A.3 Sheafification ...... 37 A.4 Constant sheaves are 퐑-invariant ...... 38 A.5 Background on notions of completeness for higher topoi ...... 39 A.6 Tensor products with compactly generated ∞-categories ...... 40

1 A.7 A conservative family of points ...... 41 A.8 Sheaves on the cartesian site ...... 43 A.9 The sheafification of an 퐑-invariant presheaf ...... 44

References 46


In these notes we up differential cohomology theories as sheaves of spectra on the category of manifolds, and prove the basic structural results that we need to work with differential cohomology theories. Since we’ll also want to work with sheaves of spaces or chain complexes, throughout we work with sheaves valued in an arbitrary presentable ∞-category. 1 gives the definition of a sheaf on the category of manifolds and states a few immediate consequences from the definition. We also describe the embeddings of the categories of Banach and Fréchet manifolds into sheaves of sets on the category of man- ifolds. Section 2 gives a discussion of Dugger’s Theorem that the 퐑-invariant sheaves on the category of manifolds coincide with the constant sheaves. In Section 3 we use a con- struction of Morel–Suslin–Voevodsky to give a concrete description of the left adjoint to the inclusion of 퐑-invariant sheaves into all sheaves. In Section 4 we explain how to deduce Quillen’s Transfer Conjecture as a special case of work of Bachmann–Hoyois [4, Appendix C]. Section 5 is dedicated to the stable case. In this setting we show that there is a differential cohomology ‘Fracture Theorem’ that says that sheaves on manifolds can be reconstructed from the subcategories of 퐑-invariant sheaves and sheaves with triv- ial global sections. We then explain how to construct the Simons–Sullivan ‘differential cohomology diagram’ in this setting. Throughout these notes there are a number of important results that have somewhat involved proofs. Since only the results are used, and their proofs are not immediately important to know, we have relegated them to Ap- pendix A. Appendix A also breifly reviews a few subtle points from the theory of higher topoi that are relevant to these technical proofs.

1 Sheaves on the category of manifolds

1.0.1 Notation. We write Man for the (ordinary) category of smooth manifolds, in- cluding the empty manifold. The category Man has a Grothendieck where the covering families are families of open embeddings

{푗훼 ∶ 푈훼 ↪ 푀}훼∈퐴 such that the family of open sets {푗훼(푈훼)}훼∈퐴 is an open of 푀. Whenever we regard Man as a site, we use this topology. Note that representable are sheaves with respect to this topology on Man. 1.0.2 Remark. Since the category Man is equivalent to the category of manifolds with a fixed embedding into 퐑∞, the category Man is essentially small.

2 1.0.3 Definition. Let 퐶 be a presentable ∞-category. We write PSh(Man; 퐶) ≔ Fun(Manop, 퐶) and write Sh(Man; 퐶) ⊂ PSh(Man; 퐶) for the full subcategory spanned by the 퐶-valued sheaves on the site Man with respect to the given by open covers. Explicitly, a 퐶-valued presheaf 퐸∶ Manop → 퐶 is a sheaf if and only if for each manifold 푀, the restriction 퐸|Open(푀) of 퐸 to the site Open(푀) of open submanifolds of 푀 is a sheaf on the topological 푀.

1.0.4 Notation. We write SMan ∶ PSh(Man; 퐶) → Sh(Man; 퐶) for the left adjoint to the inclusion, that is, the sheafification functor. 1.0.5 Notation. We write Spc for the ∞-category of spaces and Sp for the ∞-category of spectra. 1.0.6 Definition. The ∞-category of differential cohomology theories is the ∞-catego- ry Sh(Man; Sp) of sheaves of spectra on Man. For most of this text we work in the generality of sheaves with values in a general presentable ∞-category, or stable presentable ∞-category. The main reason for doing this is because we have reason to consider sheaves of spaces, sheaves of chain complexes, and sheaves of spectra, and want to treat them on the same footing. 1.0.7 Remark. Wetake the approach of Freed–Hopkins [18] and consider sheaves on the category of smooth manifolds. The general setup here is very robust, and one can take the basic objects to be manifolds with corners without essential change to how theory works; this the approach taken by Hopkins–Singer [22] and Bunke–Nikoulas–Völkl [14]. The first basic fact is that to check that a of sheaves on Man is an equiva- lence, it suffices to check the claim on each Euclidean space. 1.0.8 Recollection. Let 푀 be an 푛-manifold. An open cover U of 푀 is good if for every finite set 푈1, …, 푈푚 ∈ U of opens in U, the intersection 푈1 ∩ ⋯ ∩ 푈푚 is either empty or diffeomorphic to 퐑푛. 1.0.9 Notation. Let 푇 be a and 푈 ⊂ 푇 be open. For every open cover U of 푈, write I(U) ⊂ Open(푇) for the full subposet consisting of all nonempty finite intersections of elements in U. 1.0.10 Lemma. Let 퐶 be a presentable ∞-category. A morphism 푓∶ 퐸 → 퐸′ in Sh(Man; 퐶) is an equivalence if and only if for all 푛 ≥ 0 the morphism 푓(퐑푛)∶ 퐸(퐑푛) → 퐸′(퐑푛) is an equivalence in 퐶. Proof. Let 푀 be a manifold and U a good cover of 푀. The morphism 푓 induces a com- mutative square ∼ 퐸(푀) lim푈∈I(U)op 퐸(푈)


′ ∼ ′ 퐸 (푀) lim푈∈I(U)op 퐸 (푈) ,

3 where the horizontal are equivalences because 퐸 and 퐸′ are sheaves. Since the cover U is good and 푓 is an equivalence on Euclidean spaces, we see that the induced morphism ′ 푓∶ 퐸|I(U)op → 퐸 |I(U)op of I(U)op-indexed diagrams in 퐶 is an equivalence, which proves the claim. 1.0.11 Remark. In fact, Lemma 1.0.10 can be refined. Let Cart ⊂ Man denote the full subcategory spanned by 퐑푛 for 푛 ≥ 0 and the empty manifold. We endow Cart ⊂ Man with the induced Grothendieck topology. Then right Kan extension along the inclusion Cartop ↪ Manop defines an equivalence of ∞-categories

(1.0.12) Sh(Cart; 퐶) ⥲ Sh(Man; 퐶) .

Proving the equivalence (1.0.12) requires a bit of a technical digression about hypercom- pleteness and bases for hypercomplete ∞-topoi. Since we do not actually need to use the equivalence (1.0.12), we defer the proof to §A.8.

1.1 Checking equivalences on stalks We now explain that equivalences of sheaves on Man with values in a compactly gener- ated ∞-category can be checked on ‘stalks’ at the origins in 퐑푛 for 푛 ≥ 0. The proof of this requires a few technical detours which we defer to Section A.7.

1.1.1 Notation. Let 푀 be a manifold and 푥 ∈ 푀. We write Open푥(푀) ⊂ Open(푋) for the full subposet spanned by the open neighborhoods of 푥 ∈ 푀. 1.1.2 Definition. Let 퐶 be a presentable ∞-category, 퐸 ∈ Sh(Man; 퐶) a 퐶-valued sheaf on Man, 푀 a manifold, and 푥 ∈ 푀. The of 퐸 at 푥 ∈ 푀 is the colimit

푥⋆(퐸) ≔ colim 퐸(푈) op 푈∈Open푥(푀) in 퐶.

푛 1.1.3 Notation. For each 푛 ≥ 0, write 0푛 ∈ 퐑 for the origin, and write

푛 B퐑푛 (1/푘) ⊂ 퐑

푛 for the open ball in 퐑 of radius 1/푘 centered at the 0푛. op ⋆ 1.1.4. Let 퐸∶ Man → 퐶 be a sheaf on Man. Note that the stalk 0푛 (퐸) can be computed as the colimit ⋆ 0푛 (퐸) ≃ colim 퐸(B퐑푛 (1/푘)) . 푘→∞ The following result comes from the functoriality of a sheaf on Man in all manifolds, the fact that for ever 푛-manifold 푀 and point 푥 ∈ 푀, there exists an open embedding 푛 푗∶ 퐑 ↪ 푀 such that 푗(0푛) = 푥, and that equivalences in sheaves on 푀 can be checked on stalks. In Section A.7 we provide a detailed proof.

4 1.1.5 Proposition. Let 퐶 be a compactly generated ∞-category. A morphism 푓 in Sh(Man; 퐶) ⋆ is an equivalence if and only if 0푛 (푓) is an equivalence in 퐶 for all integers 푛 ≥ 0. 1.1.6 Remark. Proposition A.7.4 is important from our perspective. Freed and Hop- kins work with differential cohomology theories using the language of simplicial sheaves and model categories [18]. Combining Proposition A.7.4 with [HTT, Remark & Proposition] shows that the model structure on simplicial presheaves on Man considered in [18, §5] presents the ∞-category Sh(Man; Spc). 1.1.7 Warning. Proposition 1.1.5 does now hold when 퐶 is replaced by an arbitrary presentable ∞-category.

1.2 Digression: Excision & the sheaf condition The goal of this subsection is to prove a convenient reformulation of the sheaf condition in terms of an excision property. We do not make use of the reformation in this text, but present it here because it is the manifold analogue of Nisnevich excision from algebraic [SAG, Proposition B.5.1.1; 2, §3.2; 32, §3.1, Proposition 1.4]. 1.2.1 Theorem ([9, Theorem 5.1]). Let 퐶 be a presentable ∞-category. A 퐶-valued presheaf 퐹∶ Manop → 퐶 on Man is a sheaf if and only if 퐹 satisfies the following conditions: ( The object 퐹(∅) is terminal in 퐶. ( For every manifold 푀 and pair of open 푈, 푉 ⊂ 푀 such that 푈 ∪ 푉 = 푀, the induced square

퐹(푀) 퐹(푉)

퐹(푈) 퐹(푈 ∩ 푉)

is a pullback square in 퐶. ( For every manifold 푀 and 퐍-indexed sequence of open sets

푈0 ⊂ 푈1 ⊂ ⋯ ⊂ 푀

such that ⋃푛≥0 푈푛 = 푀, the induced morphism

퐹(푀) → lim 퐹(푈푛) 푛≥0 is an equivalence in 퐶. The idea of Theorem 1.2.1 is as follows. Conditions ( and ( guarantee that 퐹 satisfies the sheaf condition with respect to finite open covers. Given descent with respect to finite open covers, by writing a countable cover as a union of a sequence of finite covers of smaller subspaces, ( implies descent with respect to countable open covers. Note that implicit in Theorem 1.2.1 is the claim that descent with respect to countable open covers implies descent with respect to arbitrary open covers.

5 Since the sheaf condition on Man is defined after restriction to each manifold, The- orem 1.2.1 follows from an analogous rephrasing of the sheaf condition for a presheaf on an individual manifold (Proposition 1.2.5). The manifold structure isn’t really used here; all that is necessary is that an open cover of an open of a manifold admits a countable subcover. Hence we work at this level of generality. 1.2.2 Observation. Let 푇 be a topological space and 퐶 a presentable ∞-category. Since limits of finite cubes can be written as iterated pullbacks, the following are equivalent for a presheaf 퐹 ∈ PSh(푇; 퐶) on 푇: ( The presheaf 퐹 satisfies descent with respect to nonempty finite covers. ( For all opens 푈, 푉 ⊂ 푇, the induced square

퐹(푈 ∪ 푉) 퐹(푉)

퐹(푈) 퐹(푈 ∩ 푉)

is a pullback square in 퐶. 1.2.3 Recollection. A topological space 푇 is Lindelöf if every open cover of 푇 has a countable subcover. The following conditions are equivalent for a topological space 푇: ( Every open subspace of 푇 is Lindelöf. ( Every subspace of 푇 is Lindelöf. We say that 푇 is hereditarily Lindelöf if 푇 satisfies the equivalent conditions (– ( Note that every second-countable topological space (e.g., manifold) is hereditarily Lindelöf. 1.2.4 Lemma. Let 푇 be a hereditarily Lindelöf topological space and 퐶 a presentable ∞- category. The following are equivalent for a presheaf 퐹 ∈ PSh(푇; 퐶) on 푇: ( The presheaf 퐹 is a sheaf on 푇. ( The presheaf 퐹 satisfies descent with respect to countable open covers. Proof. Clearly (⇒( To see that (⇒(, let 푈 ⊂ 푇 be open and let U be an open cover of 푈 Since 푇 is hereditarily Lindelöf, there exists a countable subset U0 ⊂ U that also covers 푈. To conclude, note that have a commutative triangle 퐹(푈) ∼

lim 퐹(푉) ∼ lim 퐹(푉) , op op 푉∈I(U) 푉∈I(U0) where the right-hand diagonal morphism is an equivalence by ( and the hori- op op zontal morphism is an equivalence because the inclusion I(U0) ⊂ I(U0) is - cofinal.

6 Now we provide a characterization of sheaves on a hereditarily Lindelöf topologi- cal space in terms of an excision property. This characterization immediately implies Theorem 1.2.1. 1.2.5 Proposition. Let 푇 be a hereditarily Lindelöf topological space and 퐶 a presentable ∞-category. A 퐶-valued presheaf 퐹 ∈ PSh(푇; 퐶) on 푇 is a sheaf if and only if 퐹 satisfies the following conditions: ( The object 퐹(∅) is terminal in 퐶. ( For all opens 푈, 푉 ⊂ 푇, the induced square

퐹(푈 ∪ 푉) 퐹(푉)

퐹(푈) 퐹(푈 ∩ 푉)

is a pullback square in 퐶.

( For every 퐍-indexed sequence of open sets 푈0 ⊂ 푈1 ⊂ ⋯ ⊂ 푇, the induced morphism 퐹 (⋃ 푈푛) → lim 퐹(푈푛) 푛≥0 푛≥0 is an equivalence in 퐶. Proof. First note that ( and ( are equivalent to saying that 퐹 satisfies de- scent with respect to finite covers. By Lemma 1.2.4, it suffices to show that 퐹 satisfies descent with respect to countable covers. Let 푉 ⊂ 푇 be open and U = {푉푖}푖∈퐍 a countable open cover of 푉. For each 푛 ∈ 퐍, define 푛

푈푛 ≔ ⋃ 푉푖 and U푛 ≔ {푉0, …, 푉푛} . 푖=0

Then U푛 is a finite open cover of 푈푛 and we have inclusions 푈푛 ⊂ 푈푛+1 and U푛 ⊂ U푛+1. Note that the poset I(U) is the filtered union

I(U) = colim I(U푛) . 푛≥0 Since 퐹 satisfies descent with respect to finite covers, by( we see that we have natural equivalences

퐹(푉) ⥲ lim 퐹(푈푛) 푛≥0 ⥲ lim lim 퐹(푈) op 푛≥0 푈∈I(푈푛) ≃ lim 퐹(푈) . 푈∈I(U)op Hence 퐹 satisfies descent with respect to the countable cover U, as desired. Proof of Theorem 1.2.1. Since manifolds are second-countable and open subsets of man- ifolds are manifolds, the claim is immediate from Proposition 1.2.5 and the definition of what it means to be a sheaf on Man (Definition 1.0.3).

7 1.3 Digression: relation to infinite dimensional manifolds We finish this section by describing ‘Yoneda embeddings’ of Banach and Fréchet mani- folds into sheaves of sets on Man.

1.3.1 Notation. Write Set for the . We write Ban for the category of Banach manifolds, and Fré for the category of Fréchet manifolds. 1.3.2 Construction. Define ‘Yoneda functors’

푖Ban ∶ Ban → Sh(Man; Set) 퐵 ↦ [푀 ↦ Ban(푀, 퐵)] and

푖Fré ∶ Fré → Sh(Man; Set) 퐹 ↦ [푀 ↦ Fré(푀, 퐹)] .

1.3.3 Theorem (Hain [20], Losik [26; 27, Theorem 3.1.1; 39, Theorem A.1.5]). The func- tors 푖Ban and 푖Fré from Construction 1.3.2 are fully faithful. The Fréchet manifold of smooth maps from a compact manifold to an arbitrary man- ifold is sent to the internal-Hom in Sh(Man; Set) under the embedding 푖Fré. In particular, free loop spaces are correctly represented in Sh(Man; Set). To state this result, let us first recall the internal-Hom in sheaves on Man.

1.3.4 Remark (cartesian closedness). Like any topos, the category Sh(Man; Set) of sheaves of sets on Man is cartesian closed. In particular, Sh(Man; Set) has an internal-Hom de- fined by

′ op HomSh(Man;Set)(퐸, 퐸 )∶ Man → Set ′ 푀 ↦ MapSh(Man;Set)(퐸 × 푀, 퐸 ) . 1.3.5. If 푀 and 푁 are manifolds, and 푀 is compact, then the topological space C∞(푀, 푁) of smooth maps 푀 → 푁 has a natural Fréchet manifold structure. See [19, Chapter III, §1], in particular [19, Chapter III, Theorem 1.11], for details. 1.3.6 Theorem (Waldorf [39, Lemma A.1.7]). Let 푀 and 푁 be manifolds. If 푀 is compact, then there is a natural

∞ 푖Fré(C (푀, 푁)) ≅ HomSh(Man;Set)(푀, 푁) .

8 2 퐑-invariant sheaves

In this section we investigate 퐑-invariant (or invariant) sheaves on Man. First, we give a proof of Dugger’s observation that the global sections functor induces an equiv- alence from the subcategory Sh(Man; 퐶) of 퐑-invariant sheaves to 퐶 (Proposition 2.0.9). Once we know that constant sheaves on Man are 퐑-invariant, the claim is more-or-less formal, so the bulk of the work is in showing that constant sheaves are 퐑-invariant. We then use this characterization of the constant sheaves to show that the constant sheaf functor Γ⋆ ∶ 퐶 → Sh(Man; 퐶) is given by the assignment

푋 ↦ [푀 ↦ 푋Π∞(푀)] ,

Π∞(푀) where 푋 denotes the cotensor of 푋 ∈ 퐶 by the underlying homotopy type Π∞(푀) of the manifold 푀 (Recollection 2.1.1). 2.0.1 Definition. Let 퐶 be a presentable ∞-category. We say that 퐶-valued presheaf 퐹∶ Manop → 퐶 is 퐑-invariant, homotopy-invariant, or concordance-invariant if for every manifold 푀, the morphism 퐹(푀) → 퐹(푀 × 퐑) induced by the first projection pr푀 ∶ 푀 × 퐑 → 푀 is an equivalence. Write

Sh퐑(Man; 퐶) ⊂ Sh(Man; 퐶) and PSh퐑(Man; 퐶) ⊂ PSh(Man; 퐶) for the full subcategories spanned by the 퐑-invariant 퐶-valued sheaves and presheaves, respectively.

2.0.2 Notation. Write Γ⋆ ∶ Sh(Man; 퐶) → 퐶 for the global sections functor, defined by ⋆ Γ⋆(퐸) ≔ 퐸(∗). Write Γ ∶ 퐶 → Sh(Man; 퐶) for the left adjoint to Γ⋆, i.e., the constant sheaf functor. It turns out that the global sections functor also has a right adjoint. 2.0.3 Lemma. Let 퐶 be a presentable ∞-category. Then the functor Γ! ∶ 퐶 → Sh(Man; 퐶) defined by the formula Γ!(푋)(푀) ≔ ∏ 푋 푚∈푀 is fully faithful and right adjoint to the global sections functor Γ⋆ ∶ PSh(Man; 퐶) → 퐶. (Here the product is over the underlying set of the manifold 푀.) ! Proof. We define the unit and counit of the adjunction. The unit 휂퐹 ∶ 퐹 → Γ Γ⋆(퐹) is defined by the natural

! 퐹(푀) → ∏ 퐹({푚}) ⥲ Γ Γ⋆(퐹)(푀) 푚∈푀

! induced by the inclusions {푚} ↪ 푀 for all 푚 ∈ 푀. The counit 휀푋 ∶ Γ⋆Γ (푋) → 푋 is given by the natural identification ∏∗ 푋 ≃ 푋. The triangle identities are immediate from the definitions. To conclude, note that since the counit 휀 is an equivalence, the functor Γ! is fully faithful.

9 2.0.4 Corollary. Let 퐶 be a presentable ∞-category. The global sections functor

Γ⋆ ∶ Sh(Man; 퐶) → 퐶 admits a fully faithful right adjoint Γ!. Consequently, the constant sheaf functor Γ⋆ is fully faithful. Proof. Note that it is immediate from Definition 1.0.3 that for each 푋 ∈ 퐶, the presheaf Γ!(푋) is a sheaf on Man. Hence Lemma 2.0.3 shows that the fully faithful functor Γ! ∶ 퐶 ↪ ⋆ Sh(Man; 퐶) is right adjoint to the global sections functor Γ⋆. Since Γ is left adjoint to ! ⋆ Γ⋆, the fact that Γ is fully faithful implies that Γ is fully faithful (see [30, Chapter VII, §4, Lemma 1]). 2.0.5 Corollary. Let 퐶 be a presentable ∞-category. For every 퐹 ∈ PSh(Man; 퐶), the unit 퐹 → SMan(퐹) induces an equivalence on global sections. Proof. Combine Lemma 2.0.3 and the fact that Γ!(푋) is a sheaf for all 푋 ∈ 퐶 (Corol- lary 2.0.4). 2.0.6 Remark. The functor Γ! does not play a significant role in the approach to differ- ential cohomology presented here. Rather, it serves as a convenient way to see that Γ⋆ preserves colimits and Γ⋆ is fully faithful.

′ 2.0.7 Lemma. Let 퐶 be a presentable ∞-category. A morphism 푓∶ 퐸 → 퐸 in Sh퐑(Man; 퐶) is an equivalence if and only if Γ⋆(푓) is an equivalence in 퐶. Proof. This follows from Lemma 1.0.10 and the assumption that 퐸 and 퐸′ are 퐑-invariant.

It turns out that every constant sheaf on Man is 퐑-invariant. While this is intuitively plausible, the proof requires some technical work. Since we only need the result and not the method of proof, we have relegated the proof to Appendix A. 2.0.8 Lemma (Lemma A.4.3). For any presentable ∞-category 퐶, the constant sheaf func- tor Γ⋆ ∶ 퐶 → Sh(Man; 퐶) factors through the full subcategory Sh퐑(Man; 퐶) ⊂ Sh(Man; 퐶) The following result of Dugger is now immediate from the fact that Γ⋆ is fully faithful, and Γ⋆ is conservative when restricted to the 퐑-invariant sheaves (Lemma 2.0.7). 2.0.9 Proposition. Let 퐶 be a presentable ∞-category. Then the global sections functor ⋆ Γ⋆ ∶ Sh퐑(Man; 퐶) → 퐶 is an equivalence with inverse given by Γ . ⋆ Proof. Since Γ ∶ 퐶 ↪ Sh퐑(Man; 퐶) is fully faithful, it suffices to show that for each 퐑- ⋆ invariant sheaf 퐸, the counit 휀퐸 ∶ Γ Γ⋆(퐸) → 퐸 is an equivalence. By Lemma 2.0.7, it suffices to show that ⋆ Γ⋆(휀퐸)∶ Γ⋆Γ Γ⋆(퐸) → Γ⋆(퐸) is an equivalence. The claim now follows from the triangle identity and the fact that the ⋆ ⋆ unit id퐶 → Γ⋆Γ is an equivalence (since Γ is fully faithful).

10 2.0.10 Remark (history of Proposition 2.0.9). Dugger [16, Theorem 3.4.3; 17, Proposi- tion 8.3] sketches a proof of Proposition 2.0.9 in the special case that 퐶 = Spc, using the language of model categories. See also [32, Proposition 3.3.3] for a related statement. Bunke and collaborators [12; 13; 14] claim Proposition 2.0.9 in various degrees of generality. Bunke’s notes claim a proof of Proposition 2.0.9 in the case 퐶 = Spc [12, Problem 4.21]. Work with Gepner proves Proposition 2.0.9 under restrictive hypotheses on 퐶 by checking equivalences on stalks [13, Lemma 6.60] in the sense of §1.1. Work with Nikoulas and Völkl claims Proposition 2.0.9 in its full generality [14, Proposition 2.6], citing Dugger’s work. 2.0.11 Remark. An analogue of Proposition 2.0.9 holds where the category of manifolds is replaced by the category of smooth complex analytic spaces, and 퐑 is replaced by the open unit disk in 퐂; see [3, Remarque 1.9].

2.0.12. By Proposition 2.0.9, the ∞-category Sh퐑(Man; 퐶) is presentable and is closed under colimits in Sh(Man; 퐶). Moreover, since limits in Sh(Man; 퐶) are computed point- wise, the full subcategory Sh퐑(Man; 퐶) is also closed under limits. The Adjoint Functor Theorem [HTT, Corollary] implies that the inclusion

Sh퐑(Man; 퐶) ↪ Sh(Man; 퐶) admits both a left and right adjoint, which we denote by Lhi and Rhi, respectively. We refer to the left adjoint Lhi as the homotopification functor. Thus we have a chain of adjunctions

L hi Γ⋆ Sh(Man; 퐶) Sh퐑(Man; 퐶) 퐶 , Γ Rhi ⋆ where the right-hand adjunction is an adjoint equivalence. Consequently, the functor ⋆ Γ⋆ Lhi is left adjoint to the constant sheaf functor Γ ∶ 퐶 → Sh(Man; 퐶). We denote this left adjoint by Γ! ∶ Sh(Man; 퐶) → 퐶 . ⋆ ⋆ In this notation, we have equivalences Lhi ≃ Γ Γ! and Rhi ≃ Γ Γ⋆. Thus we have a chain of four adjoints

Γ! (2.0.13) Sh(Man; 퐶) Γ⋆ 퐶 , Γ⋆ Γ! where functors lie above their right adjoints. 2.0.14 Remark (cohesion). Much of the structure of sheaves on Man that we are inter- ested in for studying differential cohomology (particularly Section 5) only depends on the existence of the chain of four adjoints (2.0.13). In the case where 퐶 = Spc, the ex- istence of these extra adjoints for the global sections geometric morphism (along with the condition that the extreme left adjoint Γ! preserve finite products) is what Schreiber

11 calls a cohesive ∞-topos [36, Definition 3.4.1]. The primary examples of cohesive ∞- topoi are sheaves on Man and global spaces [35]. Cohesive ∞-topoi are a very general setting in which one can talk about a generalized form of ‘differential cohomology’. Many of the ideas about cohesive ∞-topoi go back to work of Simpson and Teleman [38].

2.1 Description of the constant sheaf functor We now use Proposition 2.0.9 to give a concrete description of the constant sheaf functor (Lemma 2.1.5). To do this, we first recall the natural cotensoring of a presentable ∞-cat- egory over Spc. 2.1.1 Recollection (cotensoring over Spc). Every presentable ∞-category 퐶 is naturally cotensored over the ∞-category Spc of spaces [HTT, Remark]. That is, there is a functor (−)(−) ∶ Spcop × 퐶 → 퐶 (퐾, 푋) ↦ 푋퐾 , along with natural equivalences ′ 퐾 ′ Map퐶(푋 , 푋 ) ≃ MapSpc(퐾, Map퐶(푋 , 푋)) . 2.1.2 Example. If 퐶 = Sp is the ∞-category of spectra, then the cotensoring is given by 퐾 ∞ 푋 ≔ HomSp(Σ+ 퐾, 푋) , where HomSp denotes the mapping in Sp.

2.1.3 Notation. For a topological space 푇, we write Π∞(푇) ∈ Spc for the underlying homotopy type of 푇. 2.1.4 Construction. Let 퐶 be a presentable ∞-category. Using the cotensoring of 퐶 over Spc, define a functor sm∶ 퐶 → Sh퐑(Man; 퐶) by the assignment 푋 ↦ [푀 ↦ 푋Π∞(푀)] . Given 푋 ∈ 퐶, the presheaf sm(푋) is obviously 퐑-invariant. Moreover, the van Kampen Theorem [HA, Proposition A.3.2] implies that sm(푋) is a sheaf on Man. Construct a 훼∶ Γ⋆ → sm as follows. For each 푋 ∈ 퐶, note that we have a canonical identification Γ⋆ sm(푋) = 푋. Then 훼 is the natural transforma- tion whose component at 푋 corresponds to id푋 under the equivalence ⋆ MapSh(Man;퐶)(Γ (푋), sm(푋)) ≃ Map퐶(푋, Γ⋆ sm(푋)) = Map퐶(푋, 푋) . 2.1.5 Lemma. For any presentable ∞-category 퐶, the natural transformation 훼∶ Γ⋆ → sm is an equivalence. Proof. Since Γ⋆ and sm take values in 퐑-invariant sheaves, by Lemma 2.0.7 it suffices to ⋆ check that Γ⋆(훼)∶ Γ⋆Γ → Γ⋆ sm is an equivalence. This follows from the identification ⋆ Γ⋆ sm = id퐶 and the fact that the unit id퐶 → Γ⋆Γ is an equivalence (Proposition 2.0.9).

12 2.2 Criteria for 퐑-invariance In this subsection we collect two reformulations of 퐑-invariance are due to Voevodsky [31, Lemma 2.16]. To state these reformulations, we first need some notation.

2.2.1 Notation. Let 푀 be a manifold and 푡 ∈ 퐑. We write 푖푀,푡 ∶ 푀 ↪ 푀 × 퐑 for the smooth embedding defined by 푥 ↦ (푥, 푡).

2.2.2 Observation. For all manifolds 푀 and 푡 ∈ 퐑, the map 푖푀×퐑,푡 is given by the com- posite

푖푀,푡×id퐑 id푀 × swap 푀 × 퐑 푀 × 퐑 × 퐑 ∼ 푀 × 퐑 , where swap∶ 퐑 × 퐑 ⥲ 퐑 × 퐑 is the map that swaps the two factors. 2.2.3 Proposition. Let 퐶 be a presentable ∞-category. The following are equivalent for a presheaf 퐹∶ Manop → 퐶: ( The presheaf 퐹 is 퐑-invariant. ( For all manifolds 푀, the induced map

⋆ 푖푀,0 ∶ 퐹(푀 × 퐑) → 퐹(푀) is an equivalence. ( For all manifolds 푀, the induced maps

⋆ ⋆ 푖푀,0, 푖푀,1 ∶ 퐹(푀 × 퐑) → 퐹(푀) are equivalent. Proof. Since the embeddings

푖푀,0, 푖푀,1 ∶ 푀 ↪ 푀 × 퐑 are sections of the projection pr푀 ∶ 푀 × 퐑 → 푀, it is clear that (⇔( and (⇒( To complete the proof, we show that (⇒( Assuming (, since 푖푀,0 is a section or the projection pr푀 ∶ 푀 × 퐑 → 푀, it suffices to show that we have an ⋆ ⋆ equivalence pr푀 푖푀,0 ≃ id퐹(푀×퐑). To see this, write mult∶ 퐑 × 퐑 → 퐑 for the multipli- cation map, and notice that we have a in Man

푖 ×id 푖 ×id 푀 × 퐑 푀,0 퐑 푀 × 퐑 × 퐑 푀,0 퐑 푀 × 퐑

(2.2.4) id푀 × mult pr

푀 × 퐑 푀 푖푀,0

⋆ ⋆ Since 푖푀×퐑,0 ≃ 푖푀×퐑,1 by assumption, Observation 2.2.2 shows that

⋆ ⋆ (2.2.5) (푖푀,0 × id퐑) ≃ (푖푀,1 × id퐑) .

13 Equation (2.2.5) and the commutativity of the diagram (2.2.4) now show that

⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ pr푀 푖푀,0 ≃ (푖푀,0 × id퐑) ∘ (id푀 × mult) ⋆ ⋆ ≃ (푖푀,1 × id퐑) ∘ (id푀 × mult)

≃ id퐹(푀×퐑) , as desired.

14 3 퐑-localization

In this section we show how to use the fact that the sheafification of an 퐑-invariant presheaf on Man is 퐑-invariant to provide a formula for the functors Γ! and Lhi. Since proving this first fact is a bit of a technical digression, we defer the proof to Appendix A. 3.0.1 Proposition (Proposition A.9.10). Let 퐶 be a presentable ∞-category. Then for op ⋆ every 퐑-invariant presheaf 퐹∶ Man → 퐶, the counit Γ Γ⋆ SMan 퐹 → SMan 퐹 is an equiv- alence. In particular, SMan 퐹 is 퐑-invariant.

Proposition 3.0.1 immediately gives a description of the homotopicification functor Lhi in terms of the 퐑-localization functor for presheaves.

3.0.2 Notation. Write L퐑 ∶ PSh(Man; 퐶) → PSh퐑(Man; 퐶) for the left adjoint to the inclusion. We refer to the functor L퐑 as the 퐑-localization functor. 3.0.3 Corollary. Let 퐶 be a presentable ∞-category. Then the composite

SMan L퐑 ∶ Sh(Man; 퐶) → Sh퐑(Man; 퐶) is left adjoint to the inclusion Sh퐑(Man; 퐶) ↪ Sh(Man; 퐶). That is, Lhi ≃ SMan L퐑.

Thus in order to describe the functors Γ! and Lhi, it suffices to describe the presheaf 퐑- localization functor L퐑. In Subsection 3.1 we explain an explicit construction of L퐑 due to Morel, Suslin, Voevodsky. In Subsection 3.2 we’ll prove the Morel–Suslin–Voevodsky formula one detail on simplicial homotopies in ∞-categories. In Subsection 3.3 we prove this minor detail after recalling the basics of simplicial homotopies in ∞-cate- gories.

3.1 The Morel–Suslin–Voevodsky construction By appealing to the ‘Sing construction’ of Morel–Suslin–Voevodsky [32, §2.3], we pro- vide a simple description of the functor L퐑. In light of Corollary 3.0.3, this also provides a more simple description of the homotopification functor Lhi. 푛 푛+1 3.1.1 Notation. Let 푛 ≥ 0 be an integer. Write Δalg for the in 퐑 defined by 푛 푛+1 푛+1 Δalg ≔ { (푡0, …, 푡푛) ∈ 퐑 | 푡0 + ⋯ + 푡푛 = 1 } ⊂ 퐑 , 푛 푛 푛 so that as a smooth manifold Δalg is diffeomorphic to 퐑 . We call Δalg the algebraic 푛- simplex. In the usual way, the algebraic 푛-simplices for 푛 ≥ 0 assemble into a cosimplicial manifold • Δalg ∶ 횫 → Man . 3.1.2 Proposition (Morel–Suslin–Voevodsky construction). Let 퐶 be a presentable ∞- category. The left adjoint

L퐑 ∶ PSh(Man; 퐶) → PSh퐑(Man; 퐶) is given by the geometric realization

• L퐑(퐹)(푀) ≔ |퐹(푀 × Δalg)| .

15 3.1.3 Remark. We call the construction

• 퐹 ↦ |퐹(− × Δalg)| the Morel–Suslin–Voevodsky construction. Morel and Voevodsky provide a very general version of the Morel–Suslin–Voevodsky construction for ‘sites with an interval object’ [32, §2.3], which covers the site Man with 퐑 as the interval object (see also [1, §4.3; 2, §4]). However, their arguments are -theoretic and apply to a more specific situation than what we’re interested in, so we provide separate argument. So as to not take us too far afield, we settle for working with the site of manifolds rather than a general site with an interval object. Our proof of Proposition 3.1.2 takes the approach used in Brazelton’s notes on motivic [10, §3]. We defer the proof of Proposition 3.1.2 to §§3.2 and 3.3 and first derive some useful conseqences.

3.1.4 Corollary. Let 퐶 be a presentable ∞-category. The left adjoint Γ! ∶ Sh(Man; 퐶) → 퐶 to the constant sheaf functor is given by

• Γ!(퐸) ≃ |퐸(Δalg)| .

Proof. By Corollary 3.1.4 and the identification Γ⋆ Lhi ≃ Γ!, it suffices to show that for every sheaf 퐸 on Man, the global sections of SMan L퐑 퐸 are given by the geometric real- • ization |퐸(Δalg)|. Since the unit

L퐑 퐸 → SMan L퐑 퐸 of the sheafification adjunction induces an equivalence on global sections (Corollary 2.0.5), the claim now follows from Proposition 3.1.2. 3.1.5 Corollary. Let 퐶 be a presentable ∞-category. If geometric realizations commute with finite products in 퐶 (e.g., 퐶 is an ∞-topos), then the functor Γ! ∶ Sh(Man; 퐶) → 퐶 preserves finite products.

⋆ 3.1.6. Since Lhi ≃ Γ Γ!, Lemma 2.1.5 and Corollary 3.1.4 show that Lhi is given by the formula • Π∞(푀) Lhi(퐸)(푀) ≃ |퐸(Δalg)| .

3.2 Proof of the Morel–Suslin–Voevodsky formula We prove Proposition 3.1.2 by applying the following recognition principle for localiza- tion functors. 3.2.1 Proposition ([HTT, Proposition]). Let 퐶 be an ∞-category and 퐿∶ 퐷 → 퐷 a functor with essential image 퐿퐷 ⊂ 퐷. Then the following are equivalent: ( There exists a functor 퐹∶ 퐷 → 퐷′ with fully faithful right adjoint 퐺∶ 퐷′ ↪ 퐷 such that 퐺퐹 ≃ 퐿. ( The functor 퐿∶ 퐷 → 퐿퐷 is left adjoint to the inclusion 퐿퐷 ↪ 퐷.

16 ( There is a natural transformation 휂∶ id퐷 → 퐿 such that for all 푑 ∈ 퐷, the morphisms 휂퐿(푑), 퐿(휂푑)∶ 퐿(푑) → 퐿(퐿(푑)) are equivalences. 3.2.2 Notation. Let us temporarily write H∶ PSh(Man; 퐶) → PSh(Man; 퐶) for the func- tor defined by • H(퐹)(푀) ≔ |퐹(푀 × Δalg)| . 3.2.3 Construction. Let 퐶 be a presentable ∞-category. Define a natural transfoorma- tion 휂∶ idPSh(Man;퐶) → H as follows. Let 푀 be a manifold, and also simply write 푀 for the cosntant cosimplicial manifold at 푀. Projection onto the first factor defines a morphism of cosimplicial man- • • ifolds pr푀 ∶ 푀 × Δalg → 푀 from the product cosimplicial manifold 푀 × Δalg to the constant cosimplicial manifold at 푀. For each 퐶-valued presheaf 퐹 ∈ PSh(Man; 퐶), the morphism 휂퐹 ∶ 퐹 → H(퐹) is defined as the geometric realization

⋆ • 휂퐹(푀) ≔ | pr푀 |∶ 퐹(푀) ⥲ |퐹(푀)| → |퐹(푀 × Δalg)| = H(퐹)(푀) .

Equivalently, the morphism 휂퐹(푀) is the composite

0 • 퐹(푀) ≃ 퐹(푀 × Δalg) → |퐹(푀 × Δalg)|

0 0 of the equivalence 퐹(푀) ⥲ 퐹(푀 × Δalg) induced by the projection 푀 × Δalg ⥲ 푀 with 0 • the induced map 퐹(푀 × Δalg) → |퐹(푀 × Δalg)| from the 0-simplices of the simplicial • object 퐹(푀 × Δalg) to its geometric realization. In order to apply Proposition 3.2.1, the first thing to check is that H(퐹) is actually 퐑-invariant. This is not difficult, but for the proof we need to recall some background on simplicial homotopies in an arbitrary ∞-category, so we defer the proof of the following lemma to §3.3.

3.2.4 Lemma. Let 퐶 be a presentable ∞-category. For any presheaf 퐹∶ Manop → 퐶, the presheaf H(퐹) is 퐑-invariant.

The second thing to check is that 휂퐻(퐺) is an equivalence for every presheaf 퐺. Combined with Lemma 3.2.4 this guarantees that the essential image of the functor

H∶ PSh(Man; 퐶) → PSh(Man; 퐶) is PSh퐑(Man; 퐶). 3.2.5 Lemma. Let 퐶 be a presentable ∞-category. If 퐹∶ Manop → 퐶 is 퐑-invariant, then the map 휂퐹 ∶ 퐹 → H(퐹) is an equivalence.

17 푛 푛 Proof. Let 푀 be a manifold. Since 퐹 is 퐑-invariant and Δalg ≅ 퐑 for each 푛 ≥ 0, the • • projection pr푀 ∶ 푀 × Δalg → 푀 from the cosimplicial manifold 푀×Δalg to the constant cosimplicial manifold at 푀 induces an equivalence

⋆ • pr푀 ∶ 퐹(푀) → 퐹(푀 × Δalg) of simplicial objects in 퐶. The claim now follows by passing to geometric realizations.

3.2.6 Corollary. Let 퐶 be a presentable ∞-category. The essential image of the functor H∶ PSh(Man; 퐶) → PSh(Man; 퐶) is PSh퐑(Man; 퐶).

Now we complete the proof by showing that see that H(휂퐹) is an equivalence. 3.2.7 Lemma. Let 퐶 be a presentable ∞-category. For all 퐹 ∈ PSh(Man; 퐶), the maps

휂H(퐹), H(휂퐹)∶ H(퐹) → H(H(퐹)) are equivalences.

Proof. By Lemma 3.2.5 and Corollary 3.2.6, the morphism 휂H(퐹) is an equivalence. To see that H(휂퐹)∶ H(퐹) → H(H(퐹)) is an equivalence, note that for all manifolds 푀,

푚 H(퐹)(푀) = colim 퐹(푀 × Δalg) [푚]∈횫op and

푚 푛 H(H(퐹))(푀) = colim colim 퐹(푀 × Δalg × Δalg) [푚]∈횫op [푛]∈횫op 푚 푛 ≃ colim 퐹(푀 × Δalg × Δalg) . ([푚],[푛])∈횫op×횫op

Moreover, the map H(휂퐹)∶ H(퐹) → H(H(퐹)) is induced on colimits by the fully functor 횫op ↪ 횫op × 횫op given by the assignment [푚] ↦ ([푚], [0]). First taking the colimit op over the variable [푚] ∈ 횫 , we see that the map H(휂퐹)(푀) is induced by the map • from the 0-simplices H(퐹)(푀) of the simplicial object H(퐹)(푀 × Δalg) to its geometric realization. Since H(퐹) is 퐑-invariant (Lemma 3.2.4), the simplicial object H(퐹)(푀 × • Δalg) is equivalent to the constant simplicial object at H(퐹)(푀), hence the induced map

푛 H(퐹)(푀) → colim H(퐹)(푀 × Δalg) [푛]∈횫op from the 0-simplices is an equivalence. Proof of Proposition 3.1.2. Combine Corollary 3.2.6, Lemma 3.2.7, and Proposition 3.2.1.

18 3.3 Simplicial homotopies in ∞-categories In order to prove Lemma 3.2.4, we need to use a little bit on simplicial homotopies. Since we’re working natively to ∞-categories and not in simplicial sets or simplicial presheaves, we need to reformulate the definition if a simplicial homotopy to make sense in our context.

3.3.1 Notation. We write 푢∶ 횫/[1] → 횫 for the . For 푖 ∈ [1], we write 푗푖 ∶ 횫 ↪ 횫/[1] for the fully faithful functor given on objects by the assignment

[푛] ↦ [[푛] → {푖} ↪ [1]] , with the obvious assignment on morphisms.

3.3.2 Observation. For each 푖 ∈ [1], the fully faithful functor 푗푖 ∶ 횫 ↪ 횫/[1] is left −1 adjoint to the functor 횫/[1] ↪ 횫 that sends an object 푠∶ [푚] → [1] to the 푠 (푖) of 푠 over 푖 (with the induced ordering), and the obvious assignment on morphisms. 3.3.3 Definition ([HA, Definition]). Let 퐷 be an ∞-category and let

푓0, 푓1 ∶ 푋• → 푌• be morphisms in the ∞-category Fun(횫op, 퐷) of simplicial objects in 퐷.A simplicial homotopy from 푓0 to 푓1 consists of the following data: ⋆ ⋆ op ( A morphism ℎ∶ 푢 (푋•) → 푢 (푌•) in Fun((횫/[1]) , 퐷). ⋆ ⋆ op ( Equivalences 푗0 (ℎ) ≃ 푓0 and 푗1 (ℎ) ≃ 푓1 of morphisms 푋• → 푌• in Fun(횫 , 퐷). ⋆ ⋆ We often simply write ℎ∶ 푢 (푋•) → 푢 (푌•) for the entire data of a simplicial homo- topy from 푓0 to 푓1. 3.3.4 Remark (relation to classical simplicial homotopies). It is not immediately clear that Definition 3.3.3 recovers the classical notion of a simplicial homotopy in the cat- egory 푠Set ≔ Fun(횫op, Set) of simplicial sets. Let us explain why, given simplicial sets 1 푋• and 푌•, the set of simplicial homotopies 푋• × Δ → 푌• is in natural bijection with ⋆ ⋆ simplicial homotopies 푢 (푋•) → 푢 (푌•) in the sense of Definition 3.3.3. First we recall the relationship between presheaf categories and slice categories. Let 푆 be a small category and 푠 ∈ 푆. Then the colimit-preservng extension of the ‘sliced Yoneda embedding’

op 푆/푠 ↪ Fun(푆 , Set)/ょ(푠) [푠′ → 푠] ↦ [よ(푠′) → よ(푠)]

op op defines an equivalence of categories Fun((푆/푠) , Set) ⥲ Fun(푆 , Set)/ょ(푠). Under this op op identification, the functor Fun(푆 , Set) → Fun((푆/푠) , Set) given by precomposition with the forgetful functor 푆/푠 → 푆 is identified with the functor

op op よ(푠) × (−)∶ Fun(푆 , Set) → Fun(푆 , Set)/ょ(푠) .

19 Moreover, functor よ(푠) × (−) is right adjoint to the forgetful functor

op op Fun(푆 , Set)/ょ(푠) → Fun(푆 , Set) . Now we specialize to the case 푆 = 횫 and 푠 = [1]. Write

푢! ∶ 푠Set/Δ1 → 푠Set for the forgetful functor. For all simplicial sets 푋• and 푌•, we have have natural bijections

⋆ ⋆ ⋆ 푠Set/Δ1 (푢 (푋•), 푢 (푌•)) ≅ 푠Set(푢!푢 (푋•), 푌•) 1 ≅ 푠Set(푋• × Δ , 푌•) . Hence simplicial homotopies in the sense of Definition 3.3.3 are in natural bijection with simplicial homotopies in the classical sense.

⋆ ⋆ The main useful fact about simplicial homotopies is that if ℎ∶ 푢 (푋•) → 푢 (푌•) is a simplicial homotopy from 푓0 to 푓1, then 푓0 and 푓1 induce the same map |푋•| → |푌•| on geometric realizations. 3.3.5 Lemma. Let 퐷 be an ∞-category that admists geometric realizations of simplicial objects. Let 푓0, 푓1 ∶ 푋• → 푌• be morphisms of simplicial objects in 퐷 and let ℎ be a sim- plicial homotopy from 푓0 to 푓1. Then the simplicial homotopy ℎ induces an equivalence |푓0| ≃ |푓1| between the induced morphisms

|푓0|, |푓1|∶ |푋•| → |푌•| on geometric realizations.

op op Proof of Lemma 3.3.5. Since the functors 푗0, 푗1 ∶ 횫 ↪ (횫/[1]) are right adjoints (Ob- servation 3.3.2), both 푗0 and 푗1 are colimit-cofinal. Since 푢푗0 = id횫op and 푢푗1 = id횫op , we op op see that the functors 푗0, 푗1 ∶ 횫 ↪ (횫/[1]) are also colimit-cofinal. Hence the simpli- cial homotopy ℎ provides equivalences

|푓 | ≃ |푗⋆(ℎ)| ≃ colim ℎ∶ |푋 | ≃ colim 푢⋆(푋 ) → colim 푢⋆(푌 ) ≃ |푌 | 0 0 op • op • op • • (횫/[1]) (횫/[1]) (횫/[1]) and

|푓 | ≃ |푗⋆(ℎ)| ≃ colim ℎ∶ |푋 | ≃ colim 푢⋆(푋 ) → colim 푢⋆(푌 ) ≃ |푌 | . 1 1 op • op • op • • (횫/[1]) (횫/[1]) (횫/[1])

Hence |푓0| ≃ |푓1|, as desired. Now we are ready to apply the technology of simplicial homotopies to prove that H(퐹) is 퐑-invariant (Lemma 3.2.4). 3.3.6 Lemma. For all manifolds 푀, there is a natural simplicial homotopy in Manop from the map • • 푖 • pr • ∶ 푀 × Δ × 퐑 → 푀 × Δ × 퐑 푀×Δalg,0 푀×Δalg alg alg to the identity.

20 Proof. Define a simplicial homotopy

⋆ • ⋆ • ℎ∶ 푢 (푀 × Δalg × 퐑) → 푢 (푀 × Δalg × 퐑)

′ 푛 푛 as follows. For each map 휎∶ [푛] → [1] in 횫, write ℎ휎 ∶ Δalg × 퐑 → Δalg × 퐑 for the smooth map defined by the formula

′ ℎ휎(푡0, …, 푡푛, 푥) ≔ (푡0, …, 푡푛, 푥 ∑푘∈휎−1(1) 푡푘) .

푛 푛 ′ Define ℎ휎 ∶ 푀 × Δalg × 퐑 → 푀 × Δalg × 퐑 by setting ℎ휎 ≔ id푀 ×ℎ휎. It is immediate from the definitions that ℎ defines a simplicial homotopy

⋆ • ⋆ • 푢 (푀 × Δalg × 퐑) → 푢 (푀 × Δalg × 퐑) , and, moreover,

⋆ ⋆ 푗 (ℎ) = 푖 • pr • and 푗 (ℎ) = id • . 0 푀×Δalg,0 푀×Δalg 1 푀×Δalg×퐑

Proof of Lemma 3.2.4. Let 푀 be a manifold. Since pr푀 푖푀,0 = id푀, to see that

⋆ pr푀 ∶ H(퐹)(푀) → H(퐹)(푀 × 퐑) is an equivalence, it suffices to show that

⋆ ⋆ pr푀 푖푀,0 ≃ idH(퐹)(푀×퐑) . This follows from combining Lemmas 3.3.5 and 3.3.6.

21 4 The Transfer Conjecture

Let 푋 be a space. We have seen that the constant sheaf Γ⋆(푋) on Man is given by the formula ⋆ Γ (푋) = MapSpc(Π∞(푀), 푋) (Lemma 2.1.5). If 푋 = Ω∞퐸 is the infinite loop space of a spectrum 퐸, then the sheaf Γ⋆(푋) acquires additional functoriality: for any finite covering map between manifolds ∞ ∞ 푓∶ 푁 → 푀, the Becker–Gottleib transfer Σ+ Π∞(푀) → Σ+ Π∞(푁) induces a transfer map ⋆ ⋆ 푓⋆ ∶ Γ (푋)(푁) → Γ (푋)(푀) . This enhanced functoriality can be used to make Γ⋆(푋) into a copresheaf on a 2-category Corrfcov(Man) with objects smooth manifolds and morphisms correspondences

푁 푓

푀0 푀1 , where 푓 is a finite covering map. For a sheaf 퐹 on Man, Quillen conjectured that an extension of 퐹 to Corrfcov(Man) is just another way of encoding an E∞-structure on 퐹. However, when Quillen originally formulated this Transfer Conjecture, the language to express the higher coherences nec- essary for the validity of the result was not available. Moreover, Quillen’s original formu- lation was disproven by Kraines and Lada [25; 34]. The goal of this section is explain how to deduce the following corrected version of the Transfer Conjecture from very general results of Bachmann–Hoyois on commuta- tive algebgras and ∞-categories of spans [4, Appendix C]. 4.0.1 Theorem (Transfer Conjecture; Corollaries 4.3.5 and 4.3.6). Let 퐶 be a presentable ∞-category. There is an equivalence of ∞-categories

Funloc(Corrfcov(Man), 퐶) ⥲ Sh(Man; CMon(퐶)) op between functors Corrfcov(Man) → 퐶 whose restriction to Man is a sheaf and sheaves of commutative monoids 퐶. This further restricts to an equivalence

Funloc,퐑(Corrfcov(Man), 퐶) ⥲ CMon(퐶) op between functors Corrfcov(Man) → 퐶 whose restriction to Man is an 퐑-invariant sheaf and commutative monoids in 퐶. 4.0.2 Example. Setting 퐶 = Spc in Theorem 4.0.1 gives an equivalence between functors

Corrfcov(Man) → Spc op whose restriction to Man is an 퐑-invariant sheaf and E∞-spaces. Restricting to - like objects on both sides and applying the recognition principle [HA, Remark] provides an equivalence between grouplike objects of Funloc,퐑(Corrfcov(Man), Spc) and the ∞-category Sp≥0 of connective spectra.

22 In order to give a more precise formulation of Theorem 4.0.1, we’ll first review con- structing 2-categories of correspondences or spans from 1-categories (§ 4.1). We then briefly recall the role that ∞-categories of spans play in encoding E∞-structures (§4.2). Finally, we walk through [4, Appendix C] in the case of interest and explain how to deduce the Transfer Conjecture from their results (§4.3).

4.1 Categories of spans

In this subsection we explain how to construct the 2-category Corrfcov(Man) of corre- spondences of manifolds appearing in the Transfer Conjecture. This is a special case of a general construction for ∞-categories due to Barwick [6, §§3–5]. If 퐷 is an 푛-category, then Barwick’s ∞-category of spans in 퐷 is an (푛 + 1)-category. In order to avoid ex- plaining how to deal with the homotopy coherence problems that arise, we only present the 1-categorical case since we can give a simple definition as a 2-category.

4.1.1 Construction (2-category of spans). Let 퐷 be a 1-category, and let 퐿, 푅 ⊂ Mor(퐷) be two classes of morphisms in 퐷 satisfying the following properties: ( The classes 퐿 and 푅 contain all . ( The classes 퐿 and 푅 are each stable under composition.

( Given a morphism ℓ∶ 푋 → 푍 in 퐿 and morphism 푟∶ 푌 → 푍 in 푅, there exists a pullback diagram 푊 ̄푟 푌 ⌟ ℓ̄ 푟 푋 푍 ℓ in 퐷 where ℓ̄ ∈ 퐿 and ̄푟∈ 푅. Define a 2-category Span(퐷; 퐿, 푅) as follows. The objects of Span(퐷; 퐿, 푅) are the objects of 퐷. Given objects 푋0, 푋1 ∈ 퐷, the MapSpan(퐷;퐿,푅)(푋0, 푋1) has objects diagrams 푌 ℓ 푟

푋0 푋1 , in 퐷 where ℓ ∈ 퐿 and 푟 ∈ 푅, and morphisms isomorphisms of diagrams. Composition is given by pullback of spans: given morphisms 푋0 → 푋1 and 푋1 → 푋2 corresponding to spans 푌 푍 and

푋0 푋1 푋1 푋2 ,

23 the composite morphism 푋0 → 푋2 in Span(퐷; 퐿, 푅) is defined as the large pullback span 푌 × 푍 푋1

푌 푍

푋0 푋1 푋2 .

4.1.2 Notation. Let 퐷 be a 1-category. We write all ≔ Mor(퐷) for the class of all mor- phisms in 퐷. If 퐷 has pullbacks, we write

Span(퐷) ≔ Span(퐷; all, all) for the 2-category of spans of arbitrary morphisms in 퐷. 4.1.3 Example. Let 퐷 be a category and 푅 a class of morphisms in 퐷 such that the pullback of a morphism in 푅 along an arbitrary morphism of 퐷 exists, and the class 푅 is stable under pullback. Then there is a natural faithful functor

퐷op → Span(퐷; all, 푅) given by the identity on objects, and on morphisms by sending a morphism 푓∶ 푋 → 푌 to the span 푋 푓

푌 푋 . 4.1.4 Example. Write fcov for the class of finite covering maps of manifolds. Note that the pullback of a finite covering map of manifolds along any morphism exists, and the class of finite covering maps is stable under pullback. We write

Corrfcov(Man) ≔ Span(Man; all, fcov) for the 2-category with objects manifolds and morphisms correspondences1 of manifolds

푁 푓

푀0 푀1 , where 푓 is a finite covering map. 4.1.5 Example. Write fold for the class of maps that are finite coproducts of fold maps of manifolds, i.e., finite coproducts of fold maps ∇∶ 푀⊔푖 → 푀 from a finite disjoint union of copies of 푀 to 푀. Note that coproduct decompositions are stable under all pullbacks

1The term ‘correspondence’ is just another name for a span; ‘correspondence’ seems to be the more com- mon term in geometry.

24 that exist in the category of manifolds, hence the class fold is stable under pullback. We write Corrfold(Man) ≔ Span(Man; all, fold) for the 2-category with objects manifolds and morphisms correspondences of manifolds

푁 푓

푀0 푀1 , where 푓 is a finite coproduct of fold maps. Note that fold ⊂ fcov, so that Corrfold(Man) defines a subcategory of Corrfcov(Man) that contains all objects.

4.2 Spans and commutative monoids In this subsection we briefly recall the role that ∞-categories of spans play in encoding E∞-structures. We begin by introducing the relevant 2-category of spans. 4.2.1 Notation. Write Fin for the category of finite sets. 4.2.2 Recollection. Let 퐶 be an ∞-category with finite products. A commutative monoid or E∞-monoid in 퐶 is a functor 푀∶ Fin∗ → 퐶 such that for every integer 푛 ≥ 0, the collapse maps {1, …, 푛}+ → {푖}+ induce an equivalence 푛

푀({1, …, 푛}+) ⥲ ∏ 푀({푖}+) . 푖=1

We write CMon(퐶) ⊂ Fun(Fin∗, 퐶) for the full subcategory spanned by the commuta- tive monoids. 4.2.3 Observation. The 2-category Span(Fin) is semiadditive: the in Span(Fin) is given by disjoint union of finite sets. See [4, Lemma C.3; 6, Proposition 4.3] for more general results on the semiadditivity of ∞-categories of spans. 4.2.4 Observation. Write inj for the class of injective maps in Fin There is an equivalence of categories Fin∗ ⥲ Span(Fin; inj, all) given by sending 푋+ ↦ 푋 and a morphism 푓∶ 푋+ → 푌+ to the span 푓−1(푌) 푓

푋 푌 .

The importance of transfers in E∞-structures is explained by the following of the 2-category Span(Fin) of spans of finite sets. 4.2.5 Proposition (Cranch [4, Proposition C.1; 15, §5]). Let 퐶 be an ∞-category with finite products. Then the restriction

Fun(Span(Fin), 퐶) → Fun(Fin∗, 퐶) along the inclusion Fin∗ → Span(Fin) restricts to an equivalence between:

25 ( Functors 푀∶ Span(Fin) → 퐶 that preserve finite products (equivalently, 푀|Finop preserves finite products). ( Commutative monoids in 퐶. The inverse is given by right Kan extension.

The 2-category Span(Fin) has a second (related) universal property: Span(Fin) is the free semiadditive ∞-category generated by a single object. 4.2.6 Proposition (Harpaz [21, Theorem 1.1]). Let 퐶 be a semiadditive ∞-category. Then evaluation at ∗ ∈ Span(Fin) defines an equivalence

Fun⊕(Span(Fin), 퐶) ⥲ 퐶 .

4.3 The Transfer Conjecture after Bachmann–Hoyois In this subsection we outline work of Bachmann–Hoyois that implies the Transfer Con- jecture [4, Appendix C]. The perspective on commutative monoids in 퐷 as finite product- preseriving functors Span(Fin) → 퐷 (Proposition 4.2.5) is fundamental to proving the transfer conjecture. The first step is to relate finite product-preseriving functors Corrfold(Man) → 퐷 to presheaves of commutative monoids on Man. Then we impose the sheaf condition to pass from Corrfold(Man) to Corrfcov(Man). op 4.3.1 Notation. Write Θ∶ Man × Span(Fin) → Corrfold(Man) for the functor given on objects by the assignment (푀, 퐼) ↦ 푀⊔퐼 and on morphisms by the assignment

푀⊔퐽 (푀 → 푁, 퐼0 ← 퐽 → 퐼1) ↦

푁⊔퐼0 푀⊔퐼1 .

The functor Θ is the universal functor that preserves finite products in each variable: 4.3.2 Proposition ([4, Proposition C.5]). Let 퐶 be an ∞-category with finite products. Then the restriction functor

⋆ op Θ ∶ Fun(Corrfold(Man), 퐶) → Fun(Man × Span(Fin), 퐶) restricts to an equivalence

× × op Fun (Corrfold(Man), 퐶) ⥲ Fun (Man , CMon(퐶)) .

The inverse is given by right Kan extension along Θ. Since every finite covering map is locally a fold map, we see:

26 4.3.3 Proposition ([4, Proposition C.11]). Let 퐶 be an ∞-category with finite products. Then the restriction functor

Fun(Corrfcov(Man), 퐶) → Fun(Corrfold(Man), 퐶) induces an equivalence between the full subcategories of those functors whose restrictions to Manop are sheaves. The inverse is given by right Kan extension. 4.3.4 Notation. Write

Funloc(Corrfcov(Man), 퐶) ⊂ Fun(Corrfcov(Man), 퐶) for the full subcategory spanned by those functors 퐹 whose restrictions to Manop are sheaves. We now arrive at Quillen’s Transfer Conjecture: 4.3.5 Corollary (Transfer Conjecture). Let 퐶 be an ∞-category with all limits. Restriction op along the inclusion Man ↪ Corrfcov(Man) defines an equivalence of ∞-categories

Funloc(Corrfcov(Man), 퐶) ⥲ Sh(Man; CMon(퐶)) .

4.3.6 Corollary. Let 퐶 be a presentable ∞-category. Restriction along the inclusion Manop ↪ Corrfcov(Man) defines an equivalence of ∞-categories

Funloc,퐑(Corrfcov(Man), 퐶) ⥲ Sh퐑(Man; CMon(퐶)) .

Post-composing with the global sections functor Γ⋆ defines an equivalence

Funloc,퐑(Corrfcov(Man), 퐶) ⥲ CMon(퐶) .

4.3.7. Unwinding the definitions we see that restriction along the inclusion

Span(Fin) ⊂ Corrfcov(Man) defines an equivalence

× Funloc,퐑(Corrfcov(Man), 퐶) ⥲ Fun (Span(Fin), 퐶) ≃ CMon(퐶) .

27 5 Structures in the stable case

In ordinary differential cohomology, we had the Simons–Sullivan ‘differential cohomol- ogy diagram’

0 0

−훽 H∗−1(푀; 퐑/퐙) H∗(푀; 퐙)

(5.0.1) ∗−1 ̂ ∗ ∗ HdR (푀) H (푀; 퐙) HdR(푀)

Ω∗−1(푀) ∗ ∗−1 Ωcℓ(푀)퐙 Ωcℓ (푀)퐙 푑

0 0 , which actually characterized ordinary differential cohomology [37, Theorem 1.1]. We want to be able to reproduce an analogue of the differential cohomology diagram for any sheaf of spectra on Man. To do this, we need to identify how cohomology with ∗−1 ∗−1 ∗ coefficients in 퐑/퐙, 퐙, and 퐑 as well as Ω (푀)/Ωcℓ (푀)퐙 and Ωcℓ(푀)퐙 fit into the story. First we define the sheaf of spectra on Man that plays the role of closed forms with integer periods. We use this to prove that the category of sheaves of spectra on Man is the recollement of the subcategory of 퐑-invariant sheaves and the subcageory of ‘purely geometric’ sheaves; i.e., those sheaves with trivial global sections (Theorem 5.1.7). We conclude by producing the remainder of the differential cohomology diagram (Propo- sition 5.2.4 and (5.2.7)).

5.1 The fracture square

The first thing to notice is that for any sheaf 퐸 on Man, the sheaf Rhi(퐸) is 퐑-invariant, and we have a counit morphism Rhi(퐸) → 퐸. This naively suggests that Rhi(퐸) should play the role of 퐑/퐙. 5.1.1 Definition. Let 퐶 be a stable presentable ∞-category. Define a functor

Z∶ Sh(Man; 퐶) → Sh(Man; 퐶) and a curvature natural transformation curv∶ id → Z by the cofiber sequence

휀 curv Rhi id Z , where 휀∶ Rhi → id is the counit. For a 퐶-valued sheaf 퐸 on Man, we call Z(퐸) the sheaf of differential cycles associated to 퐸.

28 5.1.2 Observations.

( Since the global sections functor Γ⋆ ∶ Sh(Man; 퐶) → 퐶 is exact and the counit Rhi(퐸) → 퐸 induces an equivalence on global sections, we have Γ⋆ ∘ Z ≃ 0. Hence Rhi ∘푍 ≃ 0.

( Since Rhi Lhi ≃ Lhi, for any 퐶-valued sheaf 퐸 on Man, the cofiber sequence defining Z gives a cofiber sequence

∼ Rhi Lhi(퐸) Lhi(퐸) ZLhi(퐸) .

Hence Z ∘ Lhi ≃ 0. 5.1.3 Definition. Let 퐶 be a stable presentable ∞-category. A sheaf 퐸∶ Manop → 퐶 is pure if Γ⋆(퐸) = 퐸(∗) ≃ 0 . Write Shpu(Man; 퐶) ⊂ Sh(Man; 퐶) for the full subcategory spanned by the pure sheaves.

5.1.4 Observation. Since the global sections functor Γ⋆ preserves all limits and colimits, the subcategory of pure sheaves is stable under limits and colimits. Hence Shpu(Man; 퐶) is presentable and the inclusion Shpu(Man; 퐶) ↪ Sh(Man; 퐶) admits both a left and a right adjoint. The curvature map curv∶ id → Z is a unit morphism that exhibits Z∶ Sh(Man; 퐶) → Shpu(Man; 퐶) as the left adjoint to the inclusion. Thus we have a chain of adjunctions

Lhi Z Sh퐑(Man; 퐶) Sh(Man; 퐶) Shpu(Man; 퐶) . Rhi

5.1.5 Remark. Note that the subcategory Shpu(Man; 퐶) of pure sheaves is the right-orth- ogonal complement of Sh퐑(Man; 퐶) in Sh(Man; 퐶); i.e., the full subcategory spanned by those objects 퐸 such that for every 퐑-invariant sheaf 퐻 we have

(5.1.6) MapSh(Man;퐶)(퐻, 퐸) ≃ ∗ . To see this, note that since the 퐑-invariant sheaves are exactly the constant sheaves, the condition that the mapping space MapSh(Man;퐶)(퐻, 퐸) is contractible for each 퐑- invariant sheaf 퐻 is equivalent to the condition that for every object 푋 ∈ 퐶,

⋆ MapSh(Man;퐶)(Γ (푋), 퐸) ≃ Map퐶(푋, Γ⋆(퐸)) is contractible. That is, Γ⋆(퐸) is a terminal object of 퐶. The following is now a general fact about stable recollements [HA, §A.8; 7, Lemma 5].

29 5.1.7 Theorem (fracture square). Let 퐶 be a stable presentable ∞-category. For every sheaf 퐸∶ Manop → 퐶, the fracture square

퐸 curv Z(퐸) (5.1.8)

Lhi(퐸) Lhi Z(퐸) Lhi(curv) is a pullback square, where the vertical morphisms are induced by the unit id → Lhi. Equivalently, Sh(Man; 퐶) is the recollement of Sh퐑(Man; 퐶) with Shpu(Man; 퐶). That is, Sh(Man; 퐶) is the ∞-category of triples

(퐸퐑, 퐸pu, 휙∶ 퐸퐑 → Lhi 퐸pu) , where 퐸퐑 is a 퐑-invariant sheaf, 퐸pu is a pure sheaf, and 휙 is any morphism. 5.1.9 Recollection. Let 퐶 be a pointed ∞-category and

푓̄ 푊 푌 (5.1.10) 푋 푍 푓 a commutative square in 퐶. Then we have a natural equivalence ̄ fib(푊 → 푋 ×푍 푌) ≃ fib(fib(푓) → fib(푓)) .

In particular, if 퐶 is stable and fib(푓)̄ ⥲ fib(푓), then the square (5.1.10) is a pullback square. See [5, §2; 33] for more details. Proof of Theorem 5.1.7. We give a proof that the fracture square is a pullback. For the fact that Sh(Man; 퐶) is a recollement of the 퐑-invariant and pure sheaves, see [7, Lemma 5]. By Recollection 5.1.9, to show that the square (5.1.8) is a pullback, it suffices to show that the fibers of the top and bottom rows of (5.1.8) are equivalent. By definition we have fib(curv) ≃ Rhi(퐸). On the other hand, since Lhi is left exact, we have equivalences

fib(Lhi(curv)) ≃ Lhi(fib(curv))

≃ Lhi(Rhi(퐸))

= Rhi(퐸) , where the last identification follows from the fact that Rhi(퐸) is 퐑-invariant.

5.2 The differential cohomology diagram We now finish constructing the differential cohomology diagram for a general differen- tial cohomology theory.

30 5.2.1 Definition. Let 퐶 be a stable presentable ∞-category. Define a functor

A∶ Sh(Man; 퐶) → Sh(Man; 퐶) by the fiber sequence 휂 A id Lhi , where 휂∶ id → Lhi is the unit. For a 퐶-valued sheaf 퐸 on Man, we call A(퐸) the sheaf of differential deformations associated to 퐸. 5.2.2 Observations.

( Since Lhi is idempotent and exact, we see that Lhi ∘A ≃ 0.

( Since Lhi Rhi ≃ Rhi, for any 퐶-valued sheaf 퐸 on Man, the fiber sequence defin- ing A gives a fiber sequence

∼ ARhi(퐸) Rhi(퐸) Lhi Rhi(퐸) ,

hence A ∘ Rhi ≃ 0. 5.2.3 Notation. We write d∶ A → Z for the composite

d∶ A id curv Z .

5.2.4 Proposition. Let 퐶 be a stable presentable ∞-category. Then there is a commutative diagram

−1 d Σ Lhi Z A Z

(5.2.5) 휀 Rhi id curv Z 휂

Lhi Lhi , where the rows and columns are fiber sequences and the upper left square is a pullback. Proof. The right vertical and bottom horizontal sequences are fiber sequences by def- inition. To see that the left vertical sequence is a fiber sequence, first note that Lhi is exact. Because Rhi already lands in 퐑-invariant sheaves, we see that Lhi Rhi = Rhi. Thus applying Lhi to the fiber sequence

휀 curv Rhi id Z gives a fiber sequence

휀 Lhi(curv) (5.2.6) Rhi Lhi Lhi Z .

31 We conclude by rotating the fiber sequence. Now we show that the upper left square of (5.2.5) is a pullback, and use this to deduce that the top horizontal squence is a fiber sequence. By Recollection 5.1.9, to see that the upper left square is a pullback it suffices to show that the vertical fibers are equivalent. This follows from the fact that the vertical sequences in(5.2.5) are fiber sequences (so −1 the vertical fibers are given by Σ Lhi). To see that the top sequence is a fiber sequence, note that fib(d) can be computed as the iterated pullback

−1 Σ Lhi Z A

Rhi 휀 id

□ curv

0 Z .

5.2.7. Rearranging the diagram (5.2.5), for each 퐸 ∈ Sh(Man; 퐶) we get the following ‘differential cohomology diagram’

Rhi(퐸) Lhi(퐸)

−1 Σ Lhi Z(퐸) 퐸 Lhi Z(퐸) curv

A(퐸) Z(퐸) , d where the diagonals are fiber sequences and the top and bottom rows are extensions of fiber sequences by one term.

5.3 Differential refinements 5.3.1 Definition. Let 퐶 be a presentable stable ∞-category. A differential refinement of a an object 퐸 ∈ 퐶 is pair (퐸, 휙) of a sheaf 퐸 ∈ Sh(Man; 퐶) together with an equivalence 휙∶ Γ!(퐸) ⥲ 퐸 in 퐶. 5.3.2. From the fracture square (Theorem 5.1.7), a differential refinement of 퐸 ∈ 퐶 is ̂ equivalently the data of a pure sheaf 푃 ∈ Shpu(Man; 퐶) along with a morphism 퐸 → ̂ Γ!(푃) in 퐶. Given this data, we can construct a differential refinement 퐸 in the sense of

32 Definition 5.3.1 as the pullback

퐸 푃̂

⋆ ⋆ ̂ Γ (퐸) Γ Γ!(푃) .

In this case, we have:

( A(퐸) ⥲ A(푃)̂ . ( Z(퐸) ⥲ 푃̂.

( Γ⋆(퐸) fits into a fiber sequence

̂ Γ⋆(퐸) 퐸 Γ!(푃) .

5.3.3 Construction (pullback of a differential refinement). Let 퐶 be a presentable stable ∞-category, 푓∶ 퐸 → 퐸′ a morphism in 퐶, and (퐸′, 휙′) a differential refinement of 퐸′. Form the pullback

푓̂ 퐸 퐸′

(5.3.4) □

Γ⋆(퐸) Γ⋆(퐸′) , Γ⋆(푓)

′ ⋆ ′ ′ ′ ′ where the morphism 퐸 → Γ (퐸 ) is adjoint to the given equivalence 휙 ∶ Γ!(퐸 ) ⥲ 퐸 . Since Γ! is exact, applying Γ! to the square (5.3.5) gives a pullback square

′ Γ!(퐸) Γ!(퐸 )

(5.3.5) 휙 □ 휙′ ∼

퐸 퐸′ , 푓 which provides an equivalence 휙∶ Γ!(퐸) ⥲ 퐸. The pullback differential refinement of (퐸′, 휙′) along 푓 is the differential refinement (퐸, 휙) of 퐸. 5.3.6 Lemma. In the notation of Construction 5.3.3, the following

( The morphism A(푓)∶̂ A(퐸) → A(퐸′) is an equivalence. ( The morphism Z(푓)∶̂ Z(퐸) → Z(퐸′) is an equivalence.

33 ( The global sections of 퐸 is given by the pullback

̂ Γ⋆(푓) ′ Γ⋆(퐸) Γ⋆(퐸 )

퐸 퐸′ . 푓

34 A Technical details from topos theory

The purpose of this appendix is to prove a number of technical results used throughout the text. We have relegated these proofs to this appendix either because they are lengthy and, while the result is important, the proof is not important to know, or because they require some knowlege from the theory of higher topoi. Since we are mostly interested in sheaves of spaces in this appendix, we adopt the following notational convention. A.0.1 Notation. We write Sh(Man) ≔ Sh(Man; Spc) for the ∞-topos of sheaves of spaces on Man. A.0.2 Remark. For this appendix, it is sufficient to know that the ∞-category of sheaves of spaces on a site is an ∞-topos, and that a geometric morphism of ∞-topoi is a right ⋆ adjoint functor 푓⋆ ∶ 푿 → 풀 whose left adjoint 푓 is left exact.

A.1 From sheaves of spaces to 퐶-valued sheaves Let 퐶 be a presentable ∞-category. In this section we explain a formal procedure that allows us to pass from the ∞-category Sh(Man; Spc) of sheaves of spaces on Man to the ∞-category Sh(Man; 퐶) of 퐶-valued sheaves on Man. We’ll also recall the basics of tensor products of presentable ∞-categories and explain how to describe Sh(Man; 퐶) as the tensor product Sh(Man; Spc) ⊗ 퐶. The first thing to observe is that if 퐺∶ Sh(Man; Spc)op → 퐶 is a functor that pre- serves limits, then the restriction 퐺∶ Manop → 퐶 is a sheaf. It turns out that all 퐶-valued sheaves arise in this way. A.1.1 Proposition ([SAG, Proposition]). Let (푆, 휏) be an ∞-site and 퐶 an ∞- category with all limits. Write よ ∶ 푆 → Sh휏(푆; Spc) for the sheafification of the Yoneda embedding. Then pre-composition with よ defines an equivalence

lim op Fun (Sh휏(푆; Spc) , 퐶) ⥲ Sh휏(푆; 퐶) . Now we give the ∞-category Funlim(Sh(Man)op, 퐶) a description in terms of a uni- versal property of presentable ∞-categories. A.1.2 Recollection ([HA, Proposition]). Let 퐶 and 퐷 be presentable ∞-cate- gories. The tensor product of presentable ∞-categories 퐶 ⊗ 퐷 along with the functor ⊗∶ 퐶 × 퐷 → 퐶 ⊗ 퐷 are characterized by the following universal property: for any pre- sentable ∞-category 퐸, restriction along ⊗ defines an equivalence

FunL(퐶 ⊗ 퐷, 퐸) ⥲ FunL,L(퐶 × 퐷, 퐸) , where FunL,L(퐶×퐷, 퐸) ⊂ Fun(퐶×퐷, 퐸) is the full subcategory spanned by those functors 퐶 × 퐷 → 퐸 that preserve colimits separately in each variable. The tensor product of presentable ∞-categories defines a functor

⊗∶ PrL × PrL → PrL and can be used to equip PrL with the structure of a symmetric monoidal ∞-category.

35 The tensor product 퐶 ⊗ 퐷 admits the following useful asymmetric description: 퐶 ⊗ 퐷 ≃ Funlim(퐶op, 퐷) . If 퐹∶ 퐷 → 퐷′ is a right adjoint functor of presentable ∞-categories, then the induced right adjoint

lim op lim op ′ ′ id퐶 ⊗퐹∶ 퐶 ⊗ 퐷 ≃ Fun (퐶 , 퐷) → Fun (퐶 , 퐷 ) ≃ 퐶 ⊗ 퐷 is given by post-composition with 퐹. Unfortunately, the left adjoint to id퐶 ⊗퐹 does not generally admit a simple description. However, if 퐶 is compactly generated and the left adjoint to 퐹 is left exact, then the left adjoint to id퐶 ⊗퐹 admits a simple description (see Observation A.6.3). A.1.3 Example. For any presentable ∞-category 퐶, we have a natural equivalence Sh(Man) ⊗ 퐶 ⥲ Sh(Man; 퐶) .

A.2 Restriction to a manifold We now give an alternative description of the functor Sh(Man; 퐶) → 퐶 that sends a sheaf to its value on a manifold 푀. A.2.1 Notation. Let 푇 be a topological space and 퐶 a presentable ∞-category. Write PSh(푇; 퐶) ≔ Fun(Open(푇)op, 퐶) and write Sh(푇; 퐶) ⊂ PSh(푇; 퐶) for the ∞-category of 퐶-valued sheaves on 푇. Write

Γ푇,⋆ ∶ Sh(푇; 퐶) → 퐶 ⋆ for the global sections functor, defined by Γ푇,⋆(퐹) ≔ 퐹(푇), and write Γ푇 ∶ 퐶 → Sh(푇; 퐶) for the left adjoint to Γ푇,⋆, i.e., the constant sheaf functor. A.2.2 Observation. Let 퐶 be a presentable ∞-category and 푀 a manifold. The forgetful functor Open(푀) → Man induces a restriction functor

(−)|푀 ∶ PSh(Man; 퐶) → PSh(푀; 퐶) .

By the definition of the Grothendieck topology on Man, the functor (−)|푀 sends sheaves on Man to sheaves on 푀. Note that the functor given by sending a sheaf 퐸 on Man to its value on 푀 is given by the composite

(−)| Γ Sh(Man; 퐶) 푀 Sh(푀; 퐶) 푀,⋆ 퐶 .

Moreover, if 푝∶ 푁 → 푀 is a morphism in Man, then there is a canonical natural transformation fitting into the triangle

(−)| Sh(Man; 퐶) 푀 Sh(푀; 퐶)

can푝 ⟹ 푝 (−)|푁 ⋆ Sh(푁; 퐶)

36 defined as follows: given a sheaf 퐸 on Man and an open subset 푈 ⊂ 푀, the morphism 퐸(푈) → 퐸(푝−1(푈)) is induced by the projection 푝−1(푈) → 푈 by the functoriality of 퐸. In particular, upon taking global sections, the morphism

can푝 ∶ 퐸(푀) = Γ푀,⋆(퐸|푀) → Γ푀,⋆(푝⋆(퐸|푁)) = 퐸(푁) is the morphism 퐸(푀) → 퐸(푁) induced by 푝 by the functoriality of 퐸.

A.3 Sheafification Next we show that restriction from Sh(Man; 퐶) to Sh(푀; 퐶) commutes with sheafifica- tion. While this is intuitively clear, a bit of work is required. We first recall a construction of the sheafification functor in the higher-categorical setting. A.3.1 Recollection (sheafification in higher ). Let (푆, 휏) be an ∞-site (e.g., 푆 = Man), 퐶 a presentable ∞-category, and 퐹∶ 푆op → 퐶 be a 퐶-valued presheaf on 푆. Write 퐹† ∶ 푆op → 퐶 for the 퐶-valued presheaf given by the assignment 퐹†(푉) ≔ colim lim 퐹(푈) , op 퐼∈Cov휏(푉) 푈∈퐼 where Cov휏(푉) denotes the category of 휏-covering sieves of 푉 (see [HTT, Construction]). The proof of [HTT, Proposition] shows that the sheafification of 퐹 can be obtained as a transfinite iteration of the construction 퐹 ↦ 퐹† (see the discussion at the beginning of [HTT, §6.5.3]). A.3.2 Remark. If 퐶 is a 1-category, then for any presheaf 퐹∶ 푆op → 퐶, the presheaf 퐹† is separated, and if 퐹 is separated, then 퐹† is a sheaf. Moreover, the sheafification of 퐹 is equivalent to the sheaf 퐹†† obtained by applying the †-construction twice. This is the ‘usual’ construction of sheafification in ordinary category theory. A.3.3 Lemma. For any presentable ∞-category 퐶 and manifold 푀, the square

(−)| PSh(Man; 퐶) 푀 PSh(푀; 퐶)

SMan S푀 Sh(Man; 퐶) Sh(푀; 퐶) , (−)|푀 commutes, where the vertical functors are given by sheafification. Proof. Since the square

(−)| PSh(Man; 퐶) 푀 PSh(푀; 퐶)

Sh(Man; 퐶) Sh(푀; 퐶) (−)|푀 commutes, we have a basechange transformation

S푀 ∘(−)|푀 → (−)|푀 ∘ SMan

37 which we wish to show is an equivalence (see [HA, Definition]). In light of Recollection A.3.1, it suffices to show that if 퐸∶ Manop → 퐶 is a presheaf, then we have a natural identification † † (퐸 )|푀 = (퐸|푀) , where on the left-hand side, the † denotes the †-construction for Man, and on the right- hand side, the † denotes the †-construction for Open(푀). Now note that by the defi- † † nition of the Grothendieck topology on Man, both (퐸 )|푀 and (퐸|푀) are given by the assignment 푉 ↦ colim lim 퐸(푈) , 퐼∈Cov(푉) 푈∈퐼op where Cov(푉) denotes the category of covering sieves of the topological space 푉. A.3.4 Corollary. Let 퐶 be a presentable ∞-category, 푋 ∈ 퐶, and 푀 a manifold. Then we ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ have a natural identification Γ (푋)|푀 = Γ푀(푋) of the restriction of Γ (푋) to 푀 with the constant sheaf on 푀 at 푋.

A.4 Constant sheaves are 퐑-invariant In this subsection, we prove that constant sheaves on Man are 퐑-invariant. In light of Corollary A.3.4, this easily follows from the following lemma due to Lurie. A.4.1 Notation. Let 푇 be a topological space. Wewrite pr∶ 푇 × 퐑 → 푇 for the projection onto the first factor. A.4.2 Lemma ([HA, Lemma A.2.9]). Let 퐶 be a presentable ∞-category and 푇 a topo- logical space. Then the pullback functor pr⋆ ∶ Sh(푇; 퐶) → Sh(푇 × 퐑; 퐶) is fully faithful and admits a left adjoint pr! ∶ Sh(푇 × 퐑; 퐶) → Sh(푇; 퐶). Since sheafification commutes with restriction to a particular manifold, Lemma A.4.2 easily implies that constant sheaves are 퐑-invariant: A.4.3 Lemma (Lemma 2.0.8). For any presentable ∞-category 퐶, the constant sheaf func- tor Γ⋆ ∶ 퐶 → Sh(Man; 퐶) factors through the full subcategory Sh퐑(Man; 퐶) ⊂ Sh(Man; 퐶). Proof. In light of Observation A.2.2, it suffices to show that for any manifold 푀 and object 푋 ∈ 퐶, the morphism ⋆ ⋆ canpr ∶ Γ푀,⋆(Γ (푋)|푀) → Γ푀×퐑,⋆(Γ (푋)|푀×퐑) is an equivalence in 퐶. By Corollary A.3.4 we have natural identifications ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ Γ (푋)|푀 = Γ푀(푋) and Γ (푋)|푀×퐑 = Γ푀×퐑(푋) ≃ pr Γ푀(푋) . Under these identifications, the morphism ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ canpr ∶ Γ푀,⋆(Γ푀(푋)) → Γ푀×퐑,⋆(pr Γ푀(푋)) ≃ Γ푀,⋆(pr⋆ pr Γ푀(푋)) ⋆ is induced by the unit idSh(푀;퐶) → pr⋆ pr . Applying Lemma A.4.2 concludes the proof.

38 A.5 Background on notions of completeness for higher topoi There are three notions of ‘completeness’ for an ∞-topos 푿:

(1) Hypercompleteness: Whitehead’s Theorem holds in 푿. (2) Convergence of Postnikov towers: Every object of 푿 is the limit of its Postnikov tower.

(3) Postnikov completeness: 푿 can be recovered as the limit lim푛 푿≤푛 of its subcategories 푿≤푛 ⊂ 푿 of 푛-truncated objects along the truncation functors τ≤푛 ∶ 푿≤푛+1 → 푿≤푛. While all of these properties hold for the ∞-topos Spc of spaces, they need not hold for a general ∞-topos. We have implications (3)⇒(2)⇒(1), and none of the implications are reversible in general. In this subsection we give a brief overview of hypercompletness as it plays a role in relating the Freed–Hopkins approach to differential cohomology from [18] to the ∞-categorical approach we have taken here. Detailed accounts of hypercom- pleteness and Postnikov completeness can be found in [HTT, §6.5] and [SAG, §A.7], respectively. A.5.1 Definition. Let 푿 be an ∞-topos. A morphism 푓 in 푿 is ∞-connective if for every integer 푛 ≥ −2 the 푛-truncation τ≤푛(푓) of 푓 is an equivalence. A.5.2 Definition. Let 푿 be an ∞-topos. An object 푈 ∈ 푿 is hypercomplete if 푈 is local with respect to the class of ∞-connective morphisms in 푿. We write 푿hyp ⊂ 푿 for the full subcategory spanned by the hypercomplete objects of 푿. An ∞-topos is hypercomplete if 푿hyp = 푿. A.5.3. The ∞-category 푿hyp ⊂ 푿 is a left exact localization of 푿, hence an ∞-topos [HTT, p. 699]. Moreover, the ∞-topos 푿hyp is hypercomplete [HTT, Lemma].

A.5.4. The ∞-topos 푿hyp is the universal hypercomplete ∞-topos equipped with a ge- ometric morphism to 푿 [HTT, Proposition]. For this reason we call 푿hyp the hypercompletion of 푿. A.5.5 Observation. Let 푿 be an ∞-topos. Then 푿 is hypercomplete if and only if the pullback functor 푝⋆ ∶ 푿 → 푿post is conservative.

The standard way of working with sheaves of spaces on a site (푆, 휏) in the language of model-categories is to use the Brown–Joyal–Jardine model structure on simplicial presheaves [11; 24]. However, this model structure only presents the hypercompletion of the ∞-topos of sheaves of spaces on (푆, 휏). A.5.6 Proposition ([HTT, Proposition]). Let (푆, 휏) be a site. Then the underlying ∞-category of the category of simplicial presheaves on 푆 in the Brown–Joyal–Jardine model hyp structure is equivalent to the ∞-topos Sh휏(푆; Spc) of hypercomplete sheaves of spaces on 푆. A.5.7 Definition. Let 푿 be an ∞-topos. A point of 푿 is a left exact left adjoint functor 푥⋆ ∶ 푿 → Spc. Given an object 푈 ∈ 푿 and point 푥⋆ of 푿, we call 푥⋆(푈) the stalk of 푈 at 푥⋆.

39 A.5.8 Example. Let 푇 be a topological space and 푡 ∈ 푇. Then the stalk functor

(−)푡 ∶ Sh(푇) → Spc defines a point of Sh(푇). A.5.9 Definition. An ∞-topos 푿 has enough points if a morphism 푓 in 푿 is an equiv- alence if and only if for every point 푥⋆ of 푿, the stalk 푥⋆(푓) is an equivalence in Spc. A.5.10 Example. An ∞-topos with enough points is hypercomplete. A.5.11 Remark. The existence of enough points is incomparable with the convergence of Postnikov towers and is also incomparable with Postnikov completeness (both of which imply hypercompleteness). A.5.12 Example. Let 푀 be a manifold. Then the ∞-topos Sh(푀) is Postnikov complete [HTT, Proposition & Theorem].

A.6 Tensor products with compactly generated ∞-categories Our next goal is to provide a conservative family of points for the ∞-topos Sh(Man). Since we’re also interested in working with sheaves of spectra on Man (i.e., differential cohomology theories) and sheaves on Man with values in the derived ∞-category of a , we’d like to know that we can check equivalences in these ∞-categories on stalks. These ∞-categories are obtained with taking a tensor product of presentable ∞-cate- gories with the ∞-category Sh(Man; Spc); one might try to deduce the desired conser- vativity result formally from the claim for Sh(Man; Spc). However, if 퐶 is a presentable ∞-category and 푓⋆ ∶ 퐷′ → 퐷 is a conservative left adjoint between presentable ∞- ⋆ ′ categories, the functor id퐶 ⊗푓 ∶ 퐶 ⊗ 퐷 → 퐶 ⊗ 퐷 is not generally conservative. In this ⋆ section we show that id퐶 ⊗푓 is conservative provided that 퐶 is compactly generated and 푓⋆ is left exact (Lemma A.6.4). In Section A.7 we provide a conservative family of points for the ∞-topos Sh(Man). A.6.1 Notation. Let 퐶 be an ∞-category. We write 퐶ω ⊂ 퐶 for the full subcategory spanned by the compact objects. Recall that if 퐶 is compactly generated, then 퐶ω ⊂ 퐶 is closed under finite colimits and 퐶 ≃ Ind(퐶ω). A.6.2 Observation. Let 퐶 be a compactly generated ∞-category and 퐷 a presentable ∞-category. Then restriction along the inclusion 퐶ω,op ↪ 퐶op defines an equivalence of ∞-categories

Funlim(퐶op, 퐷) ≃ Funlim(Ind(퐶ω)op, 퐷) ⥲ Funlex(퐶ω,op, 퐷) .

A.6.3 Observation. Let 퐶 be a presentable ∞-category and 푓⋆ ∶ 퐷′ → 퐷 be a left exact left adjoint between presentable ∞-categories with right adjoint 푓⋆. The right adjoint to ⋆ the id퐶 ⊗푓 is identified with the functor

Funlim(퐶op, 퐷) → Funlim(퐶op, 퐷′)

40 given by post-composition with 푓⋆. Note that we have a commutative square of ∞-cat- egories Funlim(퐶op, 퐷) ∼ Funlex(퐶ω,op, 퐷)

푓⋆∘− 푓⋆∘− Funlim(퐶op, 퐷′) ∼ Funlex(퐶ω,op, 퐷′) . Moreover, since 푓⋆ is left exact, the functor

푓⋆ ∘ −∶ Funlex(퐶ω,op, 퐷′) → Funlex(퐶ω,op, 퐷) given by post-composition with 푓⋆ is left adjoint to the functor given by post-composition with 푓⋆. Hence we have a commutative square of ∞-categories

퐶 ⊗ 퐷′ ∼ Funlex(퐶ω,op, 퐷′)

⋆ ⋆ id퐶 ⊗푓 푓 ∘− 퐶 ⊗ 퐷 ∼ Funlex(퐶ω,op, 퐷) .

⋆ A.6.4 Lemma. Let {푓푖 ∶ 푋 → 퐷푖}푖∈퐼 be a collection of left exact left be- ⋆ tween presentable ∞-categories. Assume that the functors {푓푖 }푖∈퐼 are jointly conservative. Then for any compactly generated ∞-category 퐶, the family

⋆ {id퐶 ⊗푓푖 ∶ 퐶 ⊗ 푋 → 퐶 ⊗ 퐷푖}푖∈퐼 is jointly conservative. Proof. In light of Observation A.6.3, it suffices to show that the collection of functors

⋆ lex ω,op lex ω,op {푓푖 ∘ −∶ Fun (퐶 , 푋) → Fun (퐶 , 퐷푖)}푖∈퐼

⋆ is jointly conservative. This is immediate from the assumption that the functors {푓푖 }푖∈퐼 are jointly conservative.

A.7 A conservative family of points In this section we show the stalks at the origins in 퐑푛 for 푛 ≥ 0 form a conservative family of points for the ∞-topos Sh(Man) (Proposition A.7.4). This implies that the model structure on simplicial presheaves on Man considered by Freed–Hopkins in [18, §5] presents the ∞-topos Sh(Man). We also present an observation of Hoyois that shows that the ∞-topos Sh(Man) is Postnikov complete (Proposition A.7.5). We begin by discussing the stalk of a sheaf on Man at a point of a manifold. A.7.1 Observation. Let 푀 be a manifold. Note that the presheaf restriction

(−)|푀 ∶ PSh(Man; 퐶) → PSh(푀; 퐶) is both a left and right adjoint. Since limits of sheaves are computed pointwise and the presheaf restriction preserves sheaves, the restriction (−)|푀 ∶ Sh(Man; 퐶) → Sh(푀; 퐶)

41 preserves all limits. Since restriction to 푀 commutes with sheafification (Lemma A.3.3) and colimits of sheaves are obtained by sheafifying colimits of presheaves, we see that (−)|푀 ∶ Sh(Man; 퐶) → Sh(푀; 퐶) commutes with colimits. The Adjoint Functor The- orem implies that restriction of sheaves on Man to 푀 admits both a left and a right adjoint. A.7.2 Construction. Let 푀 be a manifold and 푥 ∈ 푀. In light of Observation A.7.1, the composition of the restriction to 푀 with the stalk at 푥 defines a left exact left adjoint

(−)| (−) Sh(Man; 퐶) 푀 Sh(푀; 퐶) 푥 퐶 , which we denote by 푥⋆. Given a sheaf 퐸 on Man, we call 푥⋆(퐸) the stalk of 퐸 at 푥 ∈ 푀. A.7.3 Observation. Let 푀 be a manifold and 푗∶ 푈 ↪ 푀 an open embedding. Then, by definition, the triangle (−)| Sh(Man; 퐶) 푀 Sh(푀; 퐶)

푗⋆ (−)|푈 Sh(푈; 퐶) commutes. Thus for any 푥 ∈ 푈, then there is a canonical identification of the stalk func- tor Sh(Man; 퐶) → 퐶 at 푥 ∈ 푈 with the stalk functor at 푗(푥) ∈ 푀.

푛 Recall that for each integer 푛 ≥ 0, write 0푛 ∈ 퐑 for the origin (Notation 1.1.3). A.7.4 Proposition. Let 퐶 be a compactly generated ∞-category. Then the set of stalk ⋆ functors {0푛 ∶ Sh(Man; 퐶) → 퐶}푛≥0 is jointly conservative. In particular, the ∞-topos Sh(Man) is hypercomplete. Proof. In light if Lemma A.6.4, it suffices to treat the case 퐶 = Spc. In this case, first note that the family of restriction functors

(−)|푀 ∶ Sh(Man) → Spc for 푀 ∈ Man is conservative (Observation A.2.2). For each manifold 푀, the ∞-topos Sh(푀) is a hypercomplete ∞-topos and the points of 푀 provide conservative family of points for Sh(푀) [HTT, Corollary]. Thus the stalk functors

푥⋆ ∶ Sh(Man) → Spc for all 푀 ∈ Man and 푥 ∈ 푀 form a conservative family of points for Sh(Man). To con- clude, note that for every manifold 푀 and point 푥 ∈ 푀, there exists an open embedding 푛 푗∶ 퐑 ↪ 푀 such that 푗(0푛) = 푥 and apply Observation A.7.3. We now give a quick argument showing that the ∞-topos Sh(Man) is Postnikov complete. We learned the following argument from Hoyois; it is a slight refinement of the argument for the convergence of Postnikov towers that Hoyois gave in [23]. A.7.5 Proposition. The ∞-topos Sh(Man) is Postnikov complete.

42 Proof. Since Sh(Man) is hypercomplete, by Observation A.5.5 it suffices to show that post the right adjoint 푝⋆ ∶ Sh(Man) → Sh(Man) is fully faithful. That is, we need to show that for every collection of objects {퐹푛}푛≥−2 of Sh(Man) equipped with compatible equiv- alences τ≤푛(퐹푛+1) ⥲ 퐹푛, and integer 푘 ≥ −2, the natural morphism

(A.7.6) τ≤푘 ( lim 퐹푛) → 퐹푘 푛≥−2 is an equivalence. To see this, note that since the restriction functors

{(−)|푀 ∶ Sh(Man) → Sh(푀)}푀∈Man are jointly conservative and commute with limits and truncations, it suffices to show that the morphism (A.7.6) becomes an equivalence after trestriction to each manifold 푀. This last claim follows from the fact that the ∞-topos Sh(푀) is Postnikov complete (Example A.5.12).

A.8 Sheaves on the cartesian site Since every manifold admits an open cover by Euclidean spaces, the category of sheaves of sets on Man is equivalent to sheaves of sets on the full subcategory spanned by the Euclidean spaces. We prove an analogous result for sheaves of spaces; this follows from the hypercompleteness of Sh(Man) along with the general fact that the inclusion of a basis for a site induces an equivalence on hypersheaves. We include a discussion of this here as some authors work with sheaves on this smaller site. A.8.1 Definition. The cartesian site is the full subcategory Cart ⊂ Man spanned by the empty manifold and Euclidean spaces 퐑푛 for 푛 ≥ 0, with the induced Grothendieck topology. Since every manifold admits a cover by Euclidean spaces, the cartesian site is a basis for the Grothendieck topology on Man (see [28, §B.6] for more about bases for Grothendieck ).

A.8.2 Lemma. Let 퐶 be a presentable ∞-category. Then right Kan extension along the inclusion Cartop ↪ Manop defines an equivalence of ∞-categories

Sh(Cart; 퐶) ⥲ Sh(Man; 퐶) with inverse given by restriction of presheaves.

Proof. Since Sh(Cart; 퐶) and Sh(Man; 퐶) are the tensor products of presentable ∞-cat- egories

Sh(Cart; 퐶) ≃ Sh(Cart) ⊗ 퐶 and Sh(Man; 퐶) ≃ Sh(Man) ⊗ 퐶 , it suffices to treat the case where 퐶 = Spc is the ∞-category of spaces. In this case, since the ∞-topos Sh(Man) is hypercomplete (Proposition A.7.4), the claim follows from the fact that Cart ↪ Man is a basis for the topology on Man [8, Corollary 3.12.13].

43 A.9 The sheafification of an 퐑-invariant presheaf In this subsection we show that if 퐹 is an 퐑-invariant presheaf on Man, then the sheafi- fication of 퐹 is 퐑-invariant (Proposition A.9.10). This provides a description of the ho- motopification functor Lhi. First we provide a plausibility argument for why the sheafi- fication of an 퐑-invariant presheaf should be 퐑-invariant. A.9.1. Recall that the sheafification of a 퐶-valued presheaf 퐹 on Man can computed as a transfinite composite of the †-construction of Recollection A.3.1. If 퐹 is 퐑-invariant, then for any 푛-manifold 푀 we have equivalences (A.9.2) 퐹†(푀) = colim lim 퐹(푈) 퐼∈Cov(푀) 푈∈퐼op (A.9.3) ⭁ colim lim 퐹(푈) op 퐼∈Covgood(푀) 푈∈퐼 (A.9.4) ≃ colim lim 퐹(푈)Π∞(푈) op 퐼∈Covgood(푀) 푈∈퐼 (A.9.5) ⭁ colim lim 퐹(∗)Π∞(푈) op 퐼∈Covgood(푀) 푈∈퐼 (A.9.6) ⭁ colim 퐹(∗)colim푈∈퐼op Π∞(푈) 퐼∈Covgood(푀) (A.9.7) ⭁ colim 퐹(∗)Π∞(푀) = 퐹(∗)Π∞(푀) . 퐼∈Covgood(푀)

Here Covgood(푀) ⊂ Cov(푀) denotes the full subcategory spanned by the good covering sieves, i.e., those covering sieves of 푀 where every open is diffeomorphic to 퐑푛. The equivalence (A.9.3) is because good covering sieves are cofinal in all covering sieves, (A.9.4) is because 푈 is contractible, (A.9.5) is due to the assumption that 퐹 is 퐑-invariant, (A.9.6) is by the definition of the cotensor, and the (A.9.7) is by the van Kampen Theorem [HA, Proposition A.3.2]. One might hope that this argument provides an equivalence Γ⋆퐹(∗) ⥲ 퐹† (recall the description of Γ⋆ given by Lemma 2.1.5), so that 퐹† is 퐑-invariant, from which one concludes that the sheafification of 퐹 is 퐑-invariant. However, the equivalence (A.9.3) is not natural in 푀 as good covers are not functorial. What we have shown is that abstractly 퐹†(푀) is given by 퐹(∗)Π∞(푀), but have not provided a morphism Γ⋆퐹(∗) → 퐹† . Moreover, it is not so easy to provide a such a morphism as we do not yet know that 퐹† is a sheaf, and it is easy to map into cotensors, but not out of them. Even though the sheafification of 퐹 is less concrete than 퐹†, using the fact that Γ⋆ is a left adjoint, we can ⋆ construct a morphism Γ 퐹(∗) → SMan 퐹 without much difficulty. A.9.8 Recollection. Let 퐶 be a compactly generated ∞-category, 푇 be a topological space, 푡 ∈ 푇, and 퐹 a 퐶-valued presheaf on 푇. Then the morphism 퐹푡 → S푇(퐹)푡 on stalks at 푡 induced by the unit 퐹 → S푇 퐹 is an equivalence. See [29, Proposition 4.1.4]. A.9.9 Lemma. Let 퐶 be a compactly generated ∞-category, 퐹 ∈ PSh(Man; 퐶), 푀 a manifold, and 푥 ∈ 푀. Then the morphism ⋆ ⋆ 푥 퐹 → 푥 SMan 퐹

44 induced by the unit is an equivalence.

′ ⋆ ′ ′ Proof. By definition, if 퐹 is a presheaf on Man, then 푥 퐹 ≔ (퐹 |푀)푥. By Lemma A.3.3 we have a canonical identification SMan(퐹)|푀 = S푀(퐹|푀). The claim now follows from Recollection A.9.8.

A.9.10 Proposition. Let 퐶 be a presentable ∞-category and 퐹∶ Manop → 퐶 an 퐑- ⋆ invariant presheaf on Man. Then the counit Γ Γ⋆ SMan 퐹 → SMan 퐹 is an equivalence. In particular, SMan 퐹 is 퐑-invariant. Proof. Since the left adjoints

⋆ Γ Γ⋆ SMan, SMan ∶ PSh퐑(Man; 퐶) → Sh(Man; 퐶) are obtained by applying the tensor product of presentable ∞-categories − ⊗ 퐶 to the left adjoints ⋆ Γ Γ⋆ SMan, SMan ∶ PSh퐑(Man; Spc) → Sh(Man; Spc) , it suffices to prove the claim in the case that 퐶 = Spc. In this case, we show that the counit ⋆ 휀퐹 ∶ Γ Γ⋆ SMan 퐹 → SMan 퐹 is an equivalence by checking that 휀퐹 is an equivalence on stalks (Proposition A.7.4). ⋆ op Let 푀 be a manifold and 푥 ∈ 푀, and write Γpre ∶ 퐶 → Fun(Man , 퐶) for the constant presheaf functor. By Lemma A.9.9 it suffices to show that the counit

⋆ ⋆ ⋆ (A.9.11) 푥 Γpre퐹(∗) → 푥 퐹 .

⋆ ⋆ By definition, 푥 Γpre퐹(∗) = 퐹(∗), and

푥⋆퐹 = colim 퐹(푈) , op 푈∈Open푥(푀) where Open푥(푀) ⊂ Open(푀) is the full subposet spanned by those opens containing ′ 푥 ∈ 푀. Let Open푥(푀) ⊂ Open푥(푀) denote the full subposet with elements those opens diffeomorphic to 퐑dim(푀). Note that the inclusion

′ op op Open푥(푀) ⊂ Open푥(푀) is colimit-cofinal. Since 퐹 is 퐑-invariant, we see that

푥⋆퐹 ≃ colim 퐹(푈) ′ op 푈∈Open푥(푀) ≃ colim 퐹(∗) ′ op 푈∈Open푥(푀) ≃ 퐹(∗) .

Unwinding the definitions we see that the counit morphism (A.9.11) is an equivalence.

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