The Deadly Mission of Phineas Snodgrass

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The Deadly Mission of Phineas Snodgrass 1 ^ JUNE • 1962 • 50c • K c z Galaxy in ^ :i The Wall The ilge By James and Virginia Blish For Love By Algis Budrys The Seed of o Earth By Robert Silverberg YOURS THE NEXT 16 BIG ISSUES OF IF FOR ONLY $3.95 -SAVING YOU $1 65- IF YOU ACCEPT THIS SPECIAL OFFER If you wonder what happened to the "wonder” in your science-fiction stories — it's in iF! Every issue packed with new, fast taies of tomorrow and space! THE KIND OF SCIENCE FICTION THAT YOU'VE MISSED FOR YEARS IF brings you new stories by old masters, plus the best of today’s new writers-challenging ideas combined with skillful writing and all the adventure and thrills of interstellar space Itself! The greatest names in science fiction WRITE FOR IF Del Rcy, Clarke, Harmon, Schmitz, Pohl, Davidson, Simak, DIoch, Keyes, Sturgeon, Galouye, Sharkey, McIntosh, Fyfe: Dickson — they're all in IF! .CUP COUPON AND MAIL TODAY if 421 Hudson St., New York 14, N. Y. Yes! Send me the next 16 big issues of IF! I enclose S3. 95. (Outside of N. and S. America add $1.35 postage.) Name Address City Zone . State Use coupon or order by letter if you wish llullnpuBCU§ied^a£ti-o^M^ brotherhood THERE are some things that cannot organization) an age-old be generally told - things you ought to of learning, have preserved this secret centu- know. Great truths are dangerous to wisdom in their archives for some — but factors for personal power ries. They now invite you to share the i their teachings. an^y accomplishment in the hands of practical helpfulness of the those who understand them. Behind Write today for a free copy of Within the tales of the miracles and mysteries book, "The Mastery of Life.” life oppor- of the ancients, lie centuries of their its pages may lie a new of secret probing into nature’s laws — tunity for you. Address: Scribe eX.E. their amazing discoveries of the hid- ^ SEND THIS COUPON den processes of man’s mind, and the ; E.C.E. 1 Scribe problems. Once shroud- | mastery of life’s The ROSICRUCIANS (AMORC) ed in mystery to avoid their destruc- i \ I Sao Jose, California i tion by mass feat and ignorance, these Please send me the /rw book, TAr { j useful heritage for the o/Z-r/tf, explains how I may learn to facts remain a I which | and powers of mind. thousands of men and women who pri- I use my faculties t I in their homes today. vately use them ' Name j ! Address THIS FREE BOOK } The Rosicrucians (not a religious UBe Rosicrucians (AMORO SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, U.S.A ALL STORIES NEW • NO REPRINTS eaiaxy MAGAZINE JUNE, 1962 • VOL. 20 NO. 5 M-31 in Andromeda. 2,000,- CONTENTS 000 light-years away, this galaxy, nearly identical COMPLETE SHORT NOVEL to our own, is the farthest ob- THE SEED OF EARTH 105 ject visible to the naked by Robert Silverberg eye. It appears as a faint smudge of light south of NOVELETTES Cassiopeia. FOR LOVE 9 by Algis Budrys ROBERT M. GUINN Publisher ON THE WALL OF THE LODGE 52 by James and Virginia Blish FREDERIK POHL Managing Editor SHORT STORIES THE LAMPS OF THE ANGELS 27 WILLY LEY by Richard Sabia Science Editor DAWNINGSBURGH 76 SAM RUVIDICH by Wallace West Art Director DREAMWORLD 98 GALAXY MAGAZINE is published by R. A. Lafferty bi-monthly by Galaxy Publishing Corporation. Main offices: 421 Hudson street. New York 14, ARTICLE N. Y. SOb' per copy. Subscrip- ORIGINS OF tion: (6 copies) S2.50 per year GALACTIC PHILOSOPHY 85 in the United States, Canada, by Edward Wellen Mexico, South and Central America and U. S. Possessions. Elsewhere $3.50. Second-class SCIENCE DEPARTMENT postage paid at New York, N. Y. and Holyoke, Mass. Copyright, FOR YOUR INFORMATION 38 New Yorx 1962, by Galaxy Pub- lishing Corporation, by Willy Ley Robert M. Guinn, President. Ail rights, in- cluding translations reserved. FEATURES All material submitted must be accompanied by self-addressed EDITOR’S PAGE 5 stamped envelopes. The pub- lisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material. All FORECAST 75 stories printed In this magazine are fiction, and any similarity between GALAXY’S FIVE STAR SHELF 191 characters and actual persons is coincidental. by Floyd C. Gale Printed in the U. S. A. By The Guinn Co., Inc. N. Y. Cover by TREMBATH illustrating The Lamps of the Angels Title Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. Next issue (August) on sale June 7th. ) THE DEADLY MISSION OF PHINEAS SNODGRASS ^^HIS is the story of Phineas of Year One living habits. (He Snodgrass, inventor. He built stole the idea from a science- a time machine. fiction novel by L. Sprague de built Camp, called Lest He a time machine and in Darkness Fall. it he went back some two thou- His time machine wasn’t very sand years, to about the time of big, but his heart was, so Snod- the birth of Christ. He made him- grass selected his cargo with the self known to the Emperor Augus- plan of providing the maximum tus, his Lady Livia and other rich immediate help for the world’s and powerful Romans of the day people. The principal features of and, quickly making friends, se- ancient Rome were dirt and dis- cured their cooperation in bring- ease, pain and death. Snodgrass ing about a rapid transformation decided to make the Roman 5 world healthy and to keep its Everybody got healthy. people alive through 20th century Infant mortality dropped at medicine. Everything else could once, from ninety deaths in a take care of itself, once the human hundred to fewer than two. Life race was free of its terrible expectancies doubled immediate- plagues and early deaths. ly. Everyone was well, and dem- Snodgrass introduced penicillin onstrated their health by having and aureomycin and painless den- more children, who grew in health tistry. He ground lenses for spec- to maturity and had more. tacles and explained the surgical It is a feeble population that techniques for removing cataracts. cannot double itself every gener- He taught anesthesia and the ation if it tries. germ theory of disease, and These Romans, Goths and showed how to purify drinking Mongols were tough. Every water. He built Kleenex factories thirty years the population of the and taught the Romans to cover world increased by a factor of their mouths when they coughed. two. In the year 30 A.D. the world He demanded, and got, covers for population was a half billion. In the open Roman sewers, and he 60 A.D. it was a full billion. By pioneered the practice of the bal- the time Snodgrass passed away, anced diet. a happy man, it was as large as it Snodgrass brought health to is today. the ancient world, and kept his own health, too. He lived to more TT IS too bad that Snodgrass did than a hundred years. He died, in -* not have room in his time ma- fact, in the year 100 A.D., a very chine for the blueprints of cargo contented man. ships, the texts on metallurgy to When Snodgrass arrived in build the tools that would make Augustus’s great palace on the the reapers that would harvest Palatine Hill, there were some the fields — for the triple-expan- 250,000,000 human beings alive sion steam turbines that would in the world. He persuaded the generate the electricity that principate to share his blessings would power the machines that with all the world, benefiting not would run the cities — for all the only the hundred million subjects technology that two thousand of the Empire, but the other hun- subsequent years had brought dred millions in Asia and the tens about. of millions in Africa, the Western But he didn’t. Hemisphere and all the Pacific Consequently by the time of islands. his death conditions were no long- 6 GALAXY er quite perfect. A good many transmutation converted any people were hungry. A great matter into food. This was neces- many were badly housed. sary, because there was no longer On the whole, Snodgrass was any room for farms. The Earth pleased, for all these things could was getting crowded. By the mid- surely take care of themselves. dle of the 6th century the 60,000,- With a healthy world population, 000 square miles of land surface the increase of numbers would be on the Earth was so well covered a mere spur to research. Bound- that no human being standing less nature, once its ways were anywhere on dry land could studied, would surely provide for stretch out his arms in any di- any number of human beings. rection without touching another Indeed it did. Steam engines human being standing beside on the Newcomen design were him. lifting water to irrigate fields to But everyone was healthy, and grow food long before his death. science marched on. The seas The Nile was dammed at Aswan were drained, which immediately in the year 55. Battery-powered tripled the available land area. street cars replaced oxcarts in (In fifty years the sea bottoms Rome and Alexandria before 75 were also full.) Energy which had A.D., and the galley slaves were come from the fusion of marine freed by huge, clumsy Diesel out- hydrogen now came by the tap- boards that drove the food ships ping of the full energy output of across the Mediterreanean a few the Sun, through gigantic “mir- years later. rors” composed of pure force.
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