ProDaylight 800 Air ProBallast 800 User´s Guide EN

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2 ProDaylight 800 Air Enjoy yourProfotoproduct! Enjoy lightwithonlyafewdifferent reflectors. yourown create the uniqueProfotofocusingsystemoffersyoupossibilityto itsspecial lightand creates singlereflectorandaccessory Every light. andadjustingtheirown unlimited possibilitiesforcreating extensive range of Light Shaping Tools offers value Profoto’s expertiseinlightingandlight-shaping. Our cometo aroundtheworldhave Professional photographers Profoto equipmenthasbeenused. Some photographerscantelljustfromseeingapicture, if London, Milan, New York, Tokyo toCape Town. used inrentalstudiosandhousesworldwide, fromParis, quality andsafety. For thisreasonourflashequipmentiswidely each individualproductcomplywithspecifiedperformance, pass an extensive and strict testing program. We check that photographers. them Beforeourproductsareshippedwehave can offerevenyetbettertoolsforthemostdemanding the perfectlight. we pushesusisourconvictionthat What ProDaylight unit. For sought morethanfourdecades wehave usyourconfidencebyinvestingina Thanks forshowing Thank youforchoosingProfoto

3 ProDaylight 800 Air 4 ProDaylight 800 Air Safety instructions and competent service personnel! and competentservice touch thebulbwithbarehands. Equipmentmustonlybeserviced, modifiedorrepairedbyauthorized orthermallydeformed.changed iftheyaredamaged When placingalampintotheholderensurenotto theireffectiveness is impaired,an extentthat forexample by cracks or deepscratches. Lampsshallbe closelamp ifusedat distances. tosuch Glasscoversshallbechangedifithasbecomevisiblydamaged Minimum distance to flammable surfaces is 400 cm in front of the lamp. Limit in front of the supplied protective glass covers or protective grids. lamp while in operation. Do not stare directly at brands. Only use ballast, tools as specified by Profoto. lamps and light shaping Do not use lamp without intheunit. water this couldleadtocondensation Donotconnectthisequipmenttofromother near theequipment. changesinhumidconditionsas Donotexposetheequipmenttohastytemperature Do notexposetheequipmenttodrippingorsplashing. objectsfilledwithliquidsonor Donotplaceany higherthan+35°C(+95°F).flammable gasesordust!Donotusetheequipmentinambienttemperature the equipmentwhereitcanbeexposedtomoisture, fieldsorinareaswith extremeelectromagnetic professional use! use.The equipmentisonlyintendedforindoorphotographic Do notplaceoruse accompaniedtheequipment!Profotoproductsareintendedfor Profoto SafetyInstructionsisalways Makesurethat injuriesordamages! carefullytoavoid allsafetyinstructionsbelow Read andfollow Safety Prec electronic equipmenton theEuropeanmarket, whenproductlifehasended! disposalofwaste,local legalrequirements forseparate forinstance WEEE directivefor electricaland Equipment maybereturnedtoProfotodistributors freeofchargeforrecycling accordingto WEEE. Follow couldbeharmfultotheenvironment.Equipment containselectricalandelectronic components that Final Disposal with otherusers. Interferencecannotberuledout. accordingtolocalregulations.device isoperated The frequency spectrumthisdeviceisusingshared range.are followed, andsupplyvoltage temperature especially thoseconcerningoperating Makesurethe takenwhenthedeviceisintegrated withinthisdocument allspecifications Makesurethat This equipmentmakesuseoftheradiospectrumandemitsfrequency energy. Propercareshould Note aboutRF! materials, etc. ordirectlyoverprotectiveglasscover. overinletsandoutletsoftheequipmentventilation byplacingfilters, fromlampheadbeforeuse!Donotobstructventilation Remove transportcap diffusing NO outhotparticles!All lampsmayonrareoccasionsexplodeandthrow in use, wait10minutesbeforeremovingtheprotectiveglasscover. Donotpointlamptooclose topersons. of+200°C(+392°F). whenused!Reflectorpartsmayreachatemperature heat When thelamphasbeen Do nottouchhotpartswithbarefingers!Bulb, protectiveglasscoverandcertainmetalpartsemitstrong Caution –BurnHazardHotParts! with highvoltage. Disconnectlampheadcable betweenballastandlampheadwhenchangingbulb! extension cablesandmainscables!Donotopenordisassembleballastlamphead!Equipmentoperates supplyoutlet!OnlyuseProfoto beconnectedtogroundedmainspower The equipmentshallalways WARNING –ElectricalShockHighVoltage! TICE –EquipmentOverheatingRisk autions! List of compatible Profoto Light Shaping ProfotoLightShaping List ofcompatible Tools ...... Trouble shooting...... Maintenance ...... Remote control...... instructions...... Operating ProBallast...... Functionality ...... Nomenclature...... System description...... Table ofContents Changing fuse...... Changing lamp...... Light intensitysetting...... Turn uniton/off...... Turn unitoff...... Changing settingsinstandbymode...... Read outfirmwareversionandtimervalue...... Adjusting lightintensity...... Cooling setting...... Radio settings...... Power connection...... mounting...... Changing glasscover...... Remove protectingcap Stand mounting...... Frequency mode...... Power on/off...... Power supply...... Built-in timers...... Cooling system...... Remote control...... Light intensity...... Reflector ...... Glass cover...... Metal halidelamp...... Profoto Air ...... 18 17 16 15 12 11 16 16 15 15 14 14 14 14 14 13 13 13 12 12 12 11 11 11 10 10 10 9 8 9 9 9 9 7 7

5 ProDaylight 800 Air 6 ProDaylight 800 Air ...... Japan andCanada...... Unites States ...... information Regulatory Warranty ...... Technical...... data Warning (Part 15.21)...... F.C.C. Canada...... andIndustry Declaration ofConformity –ProBallast800...... Declaration ofConformity –ProDaylight800 Air ...... ProBallast 800...... 800 Air...... ProDaylight 23 22 20 19 22 22 21 20 19 19 19 groups, onceinMastermode, eitherallat orinindividualgroups. The devicecontrolspracticallyaninfinitenumberofProDaylight800 Air unitsinuptosix The Profoto Air RemotedeviceoffersremotecontrolofyourProDaylight 800 Air unit. Profoto AirRemote The Profoto in theProDaylight800 Air radiosystemisfullyintegrated Air. as300m/1000ft(freelineofsight). as faraway GHz radiofrequency band, for worldwideuse. Profoto controlofyourlightfrom Air allows The Profoto ononeofeightselectableradiochannelsthe2.4 Air systemisoperating Profoto Air is a system for convenient remote control ofand studio generators lamps. Profoto Air way.your own Video Lights–fitperfectlywiththeProDaylight800 Air, thelight enablingyoutoshape needs. Profoto’s Light Shaping Tools –including thenewlineofLightShaping Tools for orvideographer,As aprofessionalphotographer specialstyleand yourown youhave The ProDaylight800 fromaflicker-freeAir ispowered electronicballast. multi-voltage situations. components aresolid, reliableandwithstandeventhemostdemandingshooting The ProDaylight800 use.Air isdesignedforheavy-duty Itsmetalhousingandall photo andvideoshoots. metal halide lamp provides daylight temperature,powerful which is ideal for many ProDaylight 800 Air isametalhalidebased(HMItype)continuouslightsource. The System description

7 ProDaylight 800 Air 8 ProDaylight 800 Air Nomenclature 4a. 4. 3b. 3a. 3. 2b. 2a. 2. 1. Display Cooling Button Cooling Button Radio Button On/Off Radio Indicator Radio Indicator Power COOLING CONTROL RADIO CONTROL POWER CONTROL 11 8 7 3 2 1 RADIO ON COOLING 12 CHANNEL SET MAX SILENT 12. 11. Protectiveglasscover 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4c. 4b. Handle

Silent Indicator Silent Zoom Scale Zoom Adapter Stand Locking Knob Lamp Cable Setting Knob Channel SetButton Max Indicator 10 9 6 5 4 The SettingKnob[6]isusedtoadjust thelightintensity, in1% or10%increments. output. intheDisplay[1],The currentlightintensityisshown inpercent(%)ofmaximum light Light intensity handlingof thereflectors,fastening systemprovidessecureandrapid alsowhenhot. for eachlightingpurpose. canbecreated several lightshapes The uniquerubbercollar By mountingareflectorandplacingitindifferentpositions, usingthe Zoom Scale[12], Reflector adjustments. fordistinctivecolortemperature and withdifferentcoatings indifferentversions; withfrostedandclearThe protectiveglasscoverisavailable glass tothelamptypespecifiedbyProfoto.cover ismatched OnlyuseProfotospecifiedlamps. glasscovermustneverbeused! (crackedorscratched) A damaged The levelofUVprotectionprovidedbytheglass SAFETY PREC 13)itisnotpossibletoturnontheProDaylight 800 mounted (seepage Air unit. and UV radiation.which protectsfromlampshatter Unlessthe glass cover is correctly safety measures. The ProDaylight800 Air unitisequippedwithaprotectiveglasscover, andrequirespecial underhighpressureandtemperature Metal halidelampsoperate Glass cover life timeofthelamp. after turningiton, considerablyreducesthe sinceturningthelamponandoffrepeatedly lamp can be turned on again. It is recommended least 15 tominutes let the lamp run for at If theProDaylight800 Air unitisturnedoff, ittakesabouttwominutesbeforethewarm warm upperiodcanbeafewminutes. time, Duringthat thecoloroflightwillvary. beginproducingitsfulllightcapacity.A coldmetalhalidelampdoesnotimmediately The HMI typelamps. NeveruseothertypesoflampsthantheonesspecifiedbyProfoto. Profoto onlyusesUV-doped CSR-lamps, comparedtoclassic whichemitafractionofthehazardousUVradiation SAFETY PREC daylight colortemperature. The ProDaylight800 metalhalidelamp,Air unitisequippedwithapowerful providing Metal halidelamp Functionality AUTION! AUTION!

9 ProDaylight 800 Air 10 ProDaylight 800 Air only bereadoutandresetviatheProfoto Air system. There isalsoanothertimer, whichcannotberesetfromthepanelinterface. This timercan isincludedfeature tomakeiteasierkeeptrackoflamplife. The lamp has a built-in timer, which can be read out and reset in standby mode. The timer Built-in timers when theairventsareblocked. turned off. protection will only interfere under extreme conditions,This automatic such as ProDaylight 800 Air unitexceedsmaximumsetlevels, theProDaylight800 Air unitwillbe The coolingsystemincludes protection. overheating automatic ofthe Ifthetemperature unwantednoise.optimal coolingwithoutgenerating The ProDaylight800 Air unitisequippedwithaneffectivecoolingsystem, designedfor Cooling system Air RemoteorProfoto Air USB/ProfotoStudio Air. For aboutremotecontrol, moreinformation pleaserefertotheUser’s GuidesforProfoto andcoordinated.created multiple lightingsetupsincluding numerouscontinuouslightsandflashunitscanbe remotely andthelightintensitycanbeadjusted. With theProfotoStudio Air software, With the Profoto Air Remote device, the ProDaylight 800 Air unit can be turned on/off wireless remotecontrol. The Profoto intheProDaylight800 Air radiosystemisfullyintegrated Air unit, allowing Remote control 800 Air unit. The ProBallast800hasapassivecoolingsystemforquietoperation. The ProBallast800isaflicker-free fortheProDaylight electricballastdevicededicated andcurrent.ProDaylight lamps require an electronic ballast to deliver the proper voltage ProBallast video shootswithout flicker. The ModeButton[G1]isused toselectthefrequency setting. free) and300Hz(high speed). A higher frequency (fps) during higherframerates willallow The frequency betweenSILENT (50Hz), isswitchable of theoutputvoltage 100Hz(flicker Frequency mode The StopButton[D]isusedtoturnoff theProDaylight800 Air unit. The StartButton[C]isusedtoturnon theProDaylight800 Air unit. The On/OffSwitch[A]isusedtoturn on/off theProBallast800. Power on/off Technical. data and frequency. to the supplied voltage and adapts Only use fuses specified in section The ProBallast800canbeconnectedto95-265 VAC, 50-60Hz. senses Itautomatically Power supply E. D. C. B. A. Power Connector Stop Button Start Button Lamp Connector On/Off Switch B C D A G E F. G2. ModeIndicator G1. ModeButton G.

FuseHolder MODE CONTROL F 11 ProDaylight 800 Air 12 ProDaylight 800 Air 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Changing glasscover 2. 1. protectingcap Remove 2. 1. Stand mounting Operating instructions pin out. 2. Pullthesafety Unlock glasscover Changing glasscover

by oneunderthetop screw. andthenpushingthemone Secure theglasscoverbypressing safetypinsdown into theholesoneachsideofglass cover. both safetypinsfitproperly andthat thecircuitbreakerispresseddown Make surethat Gently removetheglasscoverandfit thenewglasscoverinplace. Unlock theglasscoverbyliftingsafety pinsandthenpullingthemonebyone. protective gloves. If theProDaylight800 Air unithasbeeninuse, oruse wait fortheunittocooldown connected. theProDaylight800 Ensure that theLampCable[8]isnot Air unitisturnedoffandthat fromtheProDaylight800 Gently removetheprotectingcap Air unit. Unlock theclasp ontheprotectingcap. Fasten theLockingKnob[9]whenunitiscorrectlydirected. whentheLockingKnob[9]isloosened.The unitcanbedirectedupwards/downwards the Stand [10].Adapter Mount andfastentheProDaylight800 Air unitonthestandusinglockingknob safety pintorelease. 1. Liftandremovethe 2. Pushthesafetypinin. on theglasscover. existing holeslocated 1. Fit thesafetypinsin Lock glasscover Changing glasscover to lock. under thescrew safety pinandfit 3. the Pressdown 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Radio settings 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Power connection 3. 2. 1. Reflector mounting

intensity.) Wait untiltheDisplay[1]stopsflashing. thelight show (TheDisplay[1] will now letter. clockwise toincreasethegroupletter(AF)andcounter-clockwise todecreasethe While theDisplay[1]isflashing, andturntheSettingKnob[6] press andholddown radio channelnumber(1to8)andcounter-clockwise todecreasethenumber. While theDisplay[1]isflashing, turntheSettingKnob[6]clockwise toincreasethe radio channelnumbertotheleftandgroupletterright. Press theChannelSetButton[5]. The Display[1]willstartflashing, thecurrent showing (green). [3b]isilluminated the RadioIndicator thebuilt-inradiotransceiverbypressingRadioButton [3a]andverifythat Activate [2b]ontheProDaylight800 The Power Indicator begreen.Air unitwillnow the ProBallast800toturnonProDaylight800 Air unit. Press theOn/OffButton[2a]onProDaylight800 Air unitortheStartButton[C] on butisinstandbymode.unit isreceivingpower [2b]ontheProDaylight800 The Power Indicator Air unitwillbered, the that indicating Use theOn/OffSwitch[A]toturnonProBallast800. supplyoutlet.the mainspower Connect the AC mains cable tothe Power Connector [E] on theProBallast 800 andto by turningtheringonplugclockwise. aligning the whitedots onthe cableplugwith thewhite dotonthe ballast panel. Secure Connect theLampCable[8]toConnector[B]onProBallast800by Secure thereflectorbylockingclasp. the reflectorindesiredposition. Slide thereflectorontoProDaylight800 Air unit. UsetheZoomScale[12]toplace Unlock theclasp onthereflector. 13 ProDaylight 800 Air 14 ProDaylight 800 Air SILENT: • The CoolingButton[4a]isusedtoselectcoolingmode: Cooling setting 4. 3. 2. 1. Turn unitoff the SettingKnob[6]willlightupsettingsandmakeitpossibletochange setvalues. All settingsonthelampcanbereachedandchangedinstandbymode. A shortpresson Changing settingsinstandbymode 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. To readoutthefirmwarerevisionandtimervalue, thelampmustbeinstandbymode. Read outfirmwareversionandtimervalue Press • Turn • Use theSettingKnob[6]toadjustlightintensity: Adjusting lightintensity MAX: •

Disconnect the AC mainscable ontheProBallast800frommainspower. Use theOn/OffSwitch[A]toturnoff ProBallast800. but isinstandbymode.unit isreceivingpower [2b]ontheProDaylight800 The Power Indicator Air unit willbered, the that indicating the ProBallast800toturnoffProDaylight800 Air unit. Press theOn/OffButton[2a]onProDaylight800 Air unit ortheStopButton[D]on Return tostandbybypressingtheSettingKnob[6]. Reset thetimervaluebypressingChannelSetButton[5]. [6] clockwise andcounter-clockwise. Toggle between the timer value and the firmware revision by turning the Setting Knob bedisplayed.The timervalueinhourswillnow Press andholdtheSettingKnob[6]for1second, thenreleasetheknob. in10%incrementsandcounter-clockwiseenergy todecrease. counter-clockwise todecrease. conditions. temperature underextreme for useonlywhensoundlevelisnotanissueandthelampoperated oftheequipment.keeping thenoiseleveltoaminimumwithoutriskingoverheating the

Maximum and

“Normal” Setting hold down Knob cooling

cooling. the [6] clockwise is Setting

In provided this mode Knob to for increase [6] the lamp and cooling and turn the accessories. light adapts the knob intensity to the clockwise

This ambient in 1% mode increments to environment, increase is intended and the

Press • the lightintensity: Buttons(+)and(-)ontheProfoto Use theEnergy Air Remotedevicetoincrease/decrease Light intensitysetting ProDaylight 800 Air unitonandoff. Use theHeadorModelButtons(1)and(0)onProfoto Air Remotedevicetoturnthe Turn uniton/off program, pleaserefertothecorrespondingUser’s Guide. For radiochannelandgroupsettingsontheProfoto Air devicesandtheProfotoStudio Air to besetontheProDaylight800 Air unitandintheProfotoStudio Air program. For remotecontrolusingProfoto Air USBandProfotoStudio Air, thesameradiochannelhas set ontheProDaylight800 Air unitandtheProfoto Air device. For remotecontrolusingProfoto Air Remote, tobe thesameradiochannelandgroup have Remote control Press • the the Energy Energy Button Button < > 2 2 seconds seconds to to increase/decrease increase/decrease in in 1% 10% increments. increments.

15 ProDaylight 800 Air 16 ProDaylight 800 Air SAFETY PREC 4. 3. 2. 1. There isoneexchangeablefuseinthe ProBallast800. Changing fuse 11. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Changing lamp Maintenance cloth isincluded withProfotosuppliedbulb. Do nottouchbulbwithbarehand. Cleaning

Gently pushtheFuse Holder[F]inplace. in sectionTechnical. data Gently pushthenew fuse all thewayintoFuseHolder [F]. Onlyusefusesspecified Pull outtheFuseHolder[F]andremove theoldfuse. Disconnect theProBallast800from AC mainspower. by oneunderthetopscrew. andthenpushingthemone Secure theglasscoverbypressingsafetypinsdown into theholesoneachsideofglasscover, 13. see figureonpage bothsafetypinsfitproperly andthat thecircuitbreaker ispresseddown Make surethat Gently fittheglasscoverinplace. screws. Fit inplace, thereflectorplate withtheglossysidefacingoutwards. Tighten thetwo hands. Insert anewmodelinglamp, straightintothesocket. Donottouch thelampwithbare Pull thelampstraightoutofsocket. useprotective gloveswhendoingthis.Always Unscrew thetwoscrewsandremovereflectorplate. Gently removetheglasscover. one, 12. seefigureonpage and then pulling them one by Unlock the glass cover by pressing the safety pins down If theProDaylight800 Air unithasbeeninuse, waitfortheunittocooldown. connected. theLampCable[8]isnot theProBallast800isturnedoffandthat Ensure that AUTION! shall faceoutwards. the reflectorplate The glossysideof Trouble shooting illuminated [2b] not Power Indicator Symptom automatically automatically turns off unit 800 Air The ProDaylight Internal fusedefect. ballast or AC mains. Bad connectiontothe Diagnose The unitisoverheated Check • Check • Action • • Ensure • connected. the AC mainscablearecorrectly nearest Profoto service station. nearest Profotoservice replacing thefuse, contactyour 800. Iftheproblemremainsafter service station.service contact yournearestProfoto turned onagain. decreases beforetheunitis Wait If the until problem the that better the fuse the temperature ventilation. remains Lamp on the Cable ProBallast please

[8] and 17 ProDaylight 800 Air 18 ProDaylight 800 Air HR • HR • shapers: The ProDaylight800 Profotolight withthefollowing Air canbeusedincombination List ofcompatibleProfotoLightShapingTools Profoto • Profoto • ProFresnel • Disc • ProTube • Tele • ProCine • Wide • Narrow • Narrow • Zoom • Magnum • Softlight • Profoto • Grid • • ProGlobe • Spot • Fresnel • ProBox • Hardbox • Standard • Grids • Profoto • Light shapers: The ProDaylight800 Profoto Air 800isnotrecommended tobeusedwiththefollowing Lanterns, Zoom and reflector Small Zoom reflector Translucent Silver Giant white Small beam beam reflector filter reflector reflector softboxes reflector Spot reflector

except reflectors umbrellas umbrellas holder travel reflector including umbrellas reflector HR (parabolic) Lantern (with lenses ProCine (with 1.7’ ProCine FLAT reflector (Max reflector only). 400W)


is purchased. wheretheproduct ofthecountry to andshallbeinterpreted inaccordancewiththelaw station.please getincontact withanauthorizedProfotoservice The Warranty issubject improper useoraccessories madebyothercompanies. technicalproblems any Ifyouhave andcables.batteries by Profotoisnotresponsiblefortechnicalmalfunctionscreated for aperiodoftwoyearswiththeexception offlashtubes, glasscovers, modelinglamps, andguaranteed thecompany All Profotoproductsareindividuallytested beforetheyleave Warranty therightmake changeswithoutfurthernotice. aretobeconsideredasnominalandProfotoreserves All data ProDaylight 800Air Technical data ProBallast 800 Weight Dimensions Lamp output Cooling Dimming Power factor Power factorcorrection(PFC) Fuse Input voltage/frequency Lamp wattage Weight Dimensions Nominal colortemperature Lamp life Socket type Lamp type Wattage 6.7 kg 38 x1419cm( Silent (50Hz) 300 Hz(Highspeed) 100 Hz(FlickerFree) Passive 50-100% 0.98 Yes 10A, Fast actingtype, 5x20mm 800W 2.3 kg(5.1lbs) 39 x1318cm( 5600 K 750 hours G 22 GE CSR800/SE/HR/UV-C 800W Automatic sensing:Automatic 95-265 VAC, 50/60Hz 19 ProDaylight 800 Air 20 ProDaylight 800 Air Skarpnäck, 2011 January applied. For ofcompliance, theevaluation been partsofstandardSS-EN60598-1have applicable Directive (LVD) 2006/95/ECandEMCDirective2004/108/EC. Profoto declared the product complies that with the essential requirements of Low Voltage Type: Product: Adress: Manufacturer: for usewiththeProBallastunit. is ametalhalidedischargelampofmaximum800W. The ProDaylight800 Air isintended The ProDaylight800 purposes. forphotographical Air isalightarmature The lightsource directives Low Voltage Directive(LVD) 2006/95/ECandEMCDirective2004/108/EC. The ProDaylight 800 Air has been designed to conform to the relevant parts of the European Declaration ofConformity–ProDaylight800Air information Regulatory ProDaylight 800 Air 800 Air ProDaylight 800 Air Box 2021, 12821SKARPNÄCK, Sweden Profoto AB Bo Dalenius, VP Technology andQA, Profoto AB Skarpnäck, 2011 January applied. For ofcompliance, theevaluation been partsofstandardSS-EN60598-1have applicable Directive (LVD) 2006/95/ECandEMCDirective2004/108/EC. Profoto declared the product complies that with the essential requirements of Low Voltage Product: Adress: Manufacturer: supplyoftheProDaylight800 The ProBallast800isaballastunitusedforpower Air unit. directives Low Voltage Directive(LVD) 2006/95/ECandEMCDirective2004/108/EC. The ProBallast800hasbeendesignedtoconformtherelevantpartsofEuropean Declaration ofConformity–ProBallast800 ProBallast 800 Box 2021, 12821SKARPNÄCK, Sweden Profoto AB Bo Dalenius, VP Technology andQA, Profoto AB 21 ProDaylight 800 Air 22 ProDaylight 800 Air Made inSweden IC: 8167A-RMI ID:FCC W4G-RMI PRODUCT NO: PNZ1808-0000 MODEL: Profoto Air RMI Transmitter /Receiver Profoto AB d’Industrie Canada. suit commelenumérodecertification/d’enregistrement Les lettres ni aucunautrebutqued’identifiercequi ‘IC’ n’ontaucuneautresignification weremet. Canada technicalspecifications The term theIndustry numberonlysignifiesthat ‘IC’ beforethecertification/registration estsusceptibledecompromettrelefonctionnementdudispositif. même sicebrouillage radioélectriquereçu, dudispositifdoitêtreprêtàacceptertoutbrouillage 2)l’utilisateur et 1)il nedoitpasproduiredebrouillage L’utilisation decedispositifestautoriséeseulementauxconditionssuivantes: Ce dispositifestconformeauxnormesRSS-210d’IndustrieCanada. theequipment. authority tooperate bythepartyresponsibleforcompliancecouldvoiduser’s notexpresslyapproved Changes ormodifications Warning (Part 15.21) including maycauseundesiredoperation. interferencethat interferencereceived, 2) thisdevicemustacceptany 1) thisdevicemaynotcauseharmfulinterferenceand, twoconditions: issubjecttothefollowing Operation This devicecomplieswithPartCanada. 15 ofFCCrulesandRSS-210Industry (PartCompliance Statement 15.19) F Unites StatesandCanada .C Canada andIndustry • • useraccesstotheRF-partsmustbehinderedbyusing: and any must be limited to 10 dBm the output power regulations In order to comply with Japanese accordance withtheprovisionsof Article 38-24, 1oftheRadioLaw. Paragraph by typehas been grantedin the above-mentioned certification This isto certify that のであることを証する。 上記のとおり、電波法第 38条の 24第 2.4 GHz Communication Power Data Wide BandLow Article 2, Clause1, Item19 ofspecifiedradioequipment: Classification 特定無線設備の種類 inJapan. forsaleandoperation The modulehasbeengrantedmodularapproval Japan The product must be labelled with the following registration number: registration The productmustbelabelledwiththefollowing An An RF-shield enclosure R 202WW08109201 that that protects needs special the transceiver, tools to

open 1

amplifier 項の規定に基づく認証を行ったも and VCO. 23 ProDaylight 800 Air [email protected] Phone +4684475300 57,Landsvägen Sundbyberg Visiting address: SE-172 65Sundbyberg, SWEDEN P.O. Box1264 Profoto AB

Technical data and product information are subject to change without notice.

284001-1. Printed in Sweden.