A Budget of Confidence INCOME £1,039.8M Spending £1,037.8M
Personal Tax allowance Isle of Man Child Benefit Rates (£) £25 £22.60 £21.50 2019 £14,000 £20.80 £20.40 2018 £13,250 budg£t £14.90 £14.20 £12,500 £13.75 2017 £13.50 2016 £10,500 £9,500 2015 £0 0 £3,500 £7,000 £10,500 £14,000 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2019-20 Rate for 1st or only child £pw rate for additional child(ren) £pw A budget of confidence INCOME £1,039.8m spending £1,037.8m Fees, charges and employee pension Health & Environment, Food Other income contributions Social Care & Agriculture £132.6m £26.8m £276.7m (+£5.2m) £20.6m (+£1.1m) Value added tax Other Customs V.A.T and Excise Revenue education, sport Government Grants £287.2m £93.3m and culture and Reserves £118.8m (+£7.3m) £13.4m (+£4.3m) Resident Income Tax Company Tax £198.9m £12.3m Infrastructure, Home Affairs, including Non-Resident Tax national Insurance including roads, ports, Police, Prison and on social social housing, buses, Probation, and Fire and £19.3m £269.4m trains and trams Rescue Service Chips Cafe S HOP £124.6m (+£5.4m) £38.7m (+£4.4m) Select Capital projects OPTIC Tax, Benefits and Enterprise, including TT, Financial Governance business support and air Administration and ship registries media Douglas Prom Communities, Glens The Douglas Promenade More investment will be made to (+£0.3m) Refurbishment scheme will step up maintain and improve our glens and £24.6m (+£0.9m) £26.7m a gear over the coming months, with footpaths.
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