Please read this form carefully and ask the funeral director or cemetery staff to explain anything that you do not understand. You are strongly recommended to visit the Cemetery and see the grave of your choice before you sign this form.

LAWN GRAVES Cannot be planted or maintained by relatives. Only memorials of a certain type and size are allowed. The whole grave is turfed over and maintained by the Council and nothing can be placed on the turf.

TRADITIONAL GRAVES Can be planted and maintained by families. A greater range of memorials and kerbstones are permitted.

WOODLAND GRAVES No headstones, vases or other memorials allowed. A tree is planted after the burial and the area is developed by the Council as a woodland.

RE-USED GRAVES Old public graves with room for one interment. Only available in Cemetery. The least expensive grave.

BABY GRAVES Traditional half size graves for babies only.

CONSECRATED GROUND Ground set aside for the Church of .

UNCONSECRATED GROUND Ground set aside for other religions

The completed form should be given to the funeral director or sent to the address shown above with the appropriate fee before the grave can be allocated or the burial take place.

I / we (print full names in BLOCK capitals) ……….…………………………………………...

……………………………………………..………………………….…………………………… of (print full postal address in BLOCK capitals) ……………………………..………......

…………………………………..………………………..…post code …………………...... apply to Council to purchase a grave as follows:- 1 Grave type 3 Ground*

2 Cemetery 4 Interments

(*Check that consecrated or unconsecrated graves are available in the cemetery of your choice - see overleaf for availability by cemetery.) and I / we agree to abide by the cemetery Rules of Management.

Signature(s) ……………………..……………………………..… Date ………………… GRAVES AVAILABLE IN EACH CEMETERY.

LAWN GRAVES , Thorntree Roman Catholic and Acklam Cemeteries

TRADITIONAL GRAVES Thorntree, Thorntree Roman Catholic, Acklam, Linthorpe and North Cemeteries


BABY GRAVES Thorntree, Thorntree Roman Catholic and Acklam Cemeteries

MUSLIM GRAVES Thorntree Cemetery

JEWISH GRAVES Linthorpe Cemetery

QUAKER GRAVES Linthorpe Cemetery

PUBLIC GRAVES Thorntree, Thorntree Roman Catholic, Acklam, Linthorpe and Cemeteries

These are graves where people of different families are buried because it is not desired tom purchase the right of burial.


RE-USED GRAVES Rights are granted for 80 years

ALL OTHER GRAVES Rights are granted for 100 years

When you buy a grave you in fact purchase the “Exclusive Right of Burial” The ground always remains in the ownership of the Council.

All Rights of Burial are sold subject to the Cemetery Rules of Management for the time being. However, they are revised from time to time.

Ornaments on Graves

There are rules governing windmills, windchimes, solar lights and toys etc on graves. Unauthorised memorials will be removed.


You are advised to read the above Rules and leaflet, available from funeral directors or the Council, for full details of the rules and graves available.