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St Ann’s Bulletin, Volume 2014, Issue #005 Feb 2, 2014 Saint Ann Catholic Church • Maronite Rite A Catholic Parish of the Antiochian Syriac Maronite Church Jurisdiction: Eparchy of Saint Maron of Brooklyn ( Eparchial Bishop: Most Reverend Gregory John MANSOUR, S.T.L. 109 Remsen Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201 Tel: (718) 237-9913; Fax: (718) 243-0444 Pastor: Reverend George BOUCHAAYA, M.L.M. (Congregation of Maronite Lebanese Missionaries) Church, Office & Rectory 1919 Third Avenue, Watervliet, NY 12189 Phone: (518) 272-6073; For Emergency ONLY, call Father George at (518) 466-0868 E-Mail: [email protected] | Website: Facebook:!/pages/St-Ann-Catholic-Church/317821088244238 Mass Schedule Parish Vocations Sundays: 10:00 AM | Tuesdays – Saturdays: 7:30 AM Priesthood: Chorbishop Joe Kaddo, (Pastor of St. Anthony Fall River) Holy Days of Obligation: Religious Life: Brother Paul HOOVER of the Most Holy Trinity Monastery Vigil Liturgy: 6:30 PM | Actual Feast Day: 7:30 AM Candidate to subdiaconate: Richard THORNTON Office Hours CHURCH ORGANIZATIONS Tuesday through Friday: 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM Mondays: office is closed. | Saturdays: by appointment. Parish Pastoral Council As an advisory Board, this council meets on the 1st Wednesday of every month. LITURGICAL SERVICES – President: Rosemary PATNODE. Daughters of St. Ann Sacraments of Baptism & Confirmation This woman’s organization meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30 Please call the parish office for arrangements 3 weeks prior to the PM. – President: Patti THORNTON. celebration of the Sacrament. Parents & Godparents should meet with the Pastor to schedule a date & arrange for proper parental preparation. St. Maron Men’s Society This men’s organization meets on the 1st Sunday of each month after Mass. – Sacrament of Penance & Reconciliation President: Al PATNODE. Confession can be heard before and after Liturgies or by appointment Junior MYO Sacrament of Matrimony (Marriage) The Junior MYO is a group of young people 10 years old and up. The For Weddings, 6 months advance notice is required in order that proper Youth organization meets on the last Sunday of every month after 10 am preparation may be made for the celebration of the Sacrament. Mass in the church. – Coordinator: Carol SHUFELT. Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick Religious Education If a family member is seriously ill at home or in a hospital, or they are Religious Education is available for all children in 1st through 6th grades. unable to come to Church and would like to receive communion at home, Classes are scheduled for 1 Friday and 1 Saturday a month. – Coordinator: Sr please call the parish office to arrange for Communion, Confession or the Florence Joseph FLAHERTY, D.C. Anointing of the Sick with Holy oil. The list is updated every Thursday; if you would like to add a name, please St. Ann Liturgical Choir call the parish office no later than Wednesday. Choir practice takes place the first Monday of each month at 6:30 pm. No Funerals special training is required. – Director: Richard THORNTON. Please contact the Pastor as soon as possible after the death of a loved one. Family & Sanctity of Life Committee The Purpose of this committee is to promote within our parish prayer, Mass Intention Dedications education, and action in the defense of all life. Meets on the 2nd Sunday of If you would like to have a mass dedicated, Mass cards are available for each month after 10 AM Mass. – Chairperson: Richard THORNTON. various intentions including memorials. Your voluntary gifts of any amount are gratefully accepted. Mass reservations should be made in advance. Liturgical & Spiritual Committee You can request an announced or an unannounced Mass Intentions to be said for a living or deceased family member, friend or loved one by calling the parish office or sending an e-mail to schedule intentions. Upcoming events – Mark your calendars Upcoming MEETINGS Sun Feb 2 St. Maron Luncheon & Massabki Award Celebration Sun Feb 09 Mass of St. Maron Men’s Society Wed Feb 5 Parish Pastoral Council Sun Feb 16 World Day of Prayer for the sick / Sunday of the Sun Feb 9 St. Maron Men’s Society Righteous & Just: Healing Mass and Family and Sanctity of Life Committee Anointing of the Sick Mass Thu Feb 20 Daughters of St. Ann Sun Feb 16 (11.30 am) Parish Town Hall Meeting (2014 Parish Budget) Note: Choir practice is cancelled for February! "Apart from the cross, there is no other ladder by which we may get to heaven." - St. Rose of Lima Page 1 St Ann’s Bulletin, Volume 2014, Issue #005 Feb 2, 2014 Altar Gifts for Feb 2014 Acts 8:14-25 Lk 18:11-19 In memory of Dorothy RILEY. 7:30 am Divine Liturgy Requested by Thomas Riley, Sr. The Sanctuary Lamp burns continuously, reminding us of Christ, Fri, Feb 7; the eternal and everlasting light. 2 Cor 3:1-6 Jn 7:37-39 It is proper and fitting to offer our Sanctuary lamp in memory, to 7:30 am Divine Liturgy honor a loved one or for a special intention. Sat, Feb 8; The 2014 Calendar is now available to register your intentions. These 2 Cor 3:7-14 Jn 19:28-37 are scheduled on a first-come- first-served-basis to ensure an equal 7:30 am Divine Liturgy opportunity for everyone. Contact the office to arrange your memorial. Sun, Feb 9 – Feast of St. Maron (Actual) Divine Liturgy Intentions Sunday of the Priests Season of the Glorious Epiphany 2 Tim 3:10-17 Jn 12:23-30 th Sun, Feb 2 – 4 Sunday after Epiphany The Divine Liturgy intentions are in memory of: Feast of St. Maron Eileen KELLY, requested Evelyn Hakim Presentation of Christ in the Temple For the blessing and special intentions of: Rom 7:1-6 Jn 4:5-7, 9-26 Good health of Cancer patients, our sick & homebound The Divine Liturgy intentions are in memory of: Ushers David Nicholas, Richard Peters Nawal FAKHOURY, requested by the Daughters of St. Greeter Richard Peters Ann Ar. Lector Georgette Hannoush Yasmine Michel FRANGIEH, Sayed Frangie’s mother- En. Lector Bob Stolar in-law; requested by St. Ann’s Intercessions Gabriella Hannoush For the blessing and special intentions of: Pope’s Feb Prayer Intentions For deceased and living recipients of the Silver Massabki Elders: That the Church and society may respect the wisdom Award of St. Ann Parish and experience of older people. For living and deceased members of St. Ann’s Collaboration in Evangelization: That priests, religious, and For all those who have made commitments in the lay people may work together with generosity. consecrated life, on the occasion World Day for Consecrated Life Pray for our Sick and Homebound For the emotional, physical, and spiritual healing of all Heal Your servants, who are sick, O Lord, and send them help and comfort from Your holy place. those impacted by human trafficking on the occasion of the National Day of Prayer for Victims and Wadad FRANGIE, Chantelle BOUDIWAN, Jay MOONEY, Chas TANGREDI, Paul STAVIS, Foutine FRANGIE, Joyce & Christy FIRSTIUN, Juliann HALLAL, Donata Survivors of Human Trafficking (Feb. 8) CALDARONI, Alisa BURKE, Jamileh K-MOUAWAD, Caroline-Marjorie FIELDS, Della Good health of Cancer patients, our sick & homebound MAWAD, Katherine RIBUSTELLI, Marilyn MARVIN, Margaret McDonough; Pauline NAHAL, Sarah BRENENSTUHL, Thomas RILEY, Sr., Gail MOFFRE, Ellen DEEB Ushers Al Patnode, Sayed Frangie Greeter Gerard Golden Requested prayers from the Book of prayers Ar. Lector Rita Frangieh The speedy recovery of Ellen Deeb. En. Lector Al Nahal For a young man who is suffering from Intercessions Karen Rezey depression and has lost his desire for everything. For children in the foster care system and the Weekly Schedule families who care for them. Mon, Feb 3; Sts. Simeon the Venerable and Anna the For adopted children, their adoptive families and Prophetess, C the mothers who arranged for their adoption. Rom 7:7 - 13 Jn 4:31-38 February BIRTHDAYS NO Divine Liturgy As they celebrate their birthdays this month, we hold up to Tue, Feb 4; Rom 7:14-25 Jn 4:39-42 God the lives of: 7:30 am Divine Liturgy 1 Elizabeth Karrat 3 Albert Hannoush 6 John Karrat 10 MaryLou Carroll Wed, Feb 5; St. Agatha, M Acts 8:4-13 Lk 9:51-56 20 Gabriella Hannoush 7:30 am Divine Liturgy We ask that many blessings be theirs in the coming year. Thu, Feb 6; "Apart from the cross, there is no other ladder by which we may get to heaven." - St. Rose of Lima Page 2 St Ann’s Bulletin, Volume 2014, Issue #005 Feb 2, 2014 Schedule of Coffee Hour Sponsors St. Maron’s Luncheon Sign-up sheets are in the binder on the table in front of St. Ann St. Ann’s Parish family will celebrate the Feast of St. in the main entrance of the church. Maron with a Divine Liturgy (Sunday, Feb 02 at Please consider sponsoring Sunday refreshments. Thank you. 10:00am) in his honor and by holding a luncheon at the Feb 02 Luncheon of St. Maron Church Hall. The luncheon is a potluck dinner and is Feb 09 Daughters of St. Ann in honor of St. Maron Men’s Society open to all members of the parish, their families and Feb 16 Sayed Frangie and Family friends. The festivities will include the awarding of the Feb 23 AVAILABLE 2013 Silver Massabki Medal. Mar 02 AVAILABLE We are also setting up on Saturday, Feb 01 at 4pm. Volunteers are needed and appreciated! nd Please contact the organizers, below, to confirm your 2 Special Collections for Feb attendance, indicate the number in your party and the 2/02 Building Fund dish you will provide for the luncheon.