Group 1 – Mounts A B C D E 1.101 (D) 1.201 (D) 1.301 (D) 1.401 (D) 1.501 Free leap or jump to stand on one or both Free jump with 1/2 turn (180°) leap forward with leg change Free jump with 1/1 turn (360°) legs at middle, end or diagonal to beam – In fight phase to tuck or straight (180° leg separation) at end of beam in fight phase to a tuck or take-off from one or both legs stand –approach at end or diagonal to straight stand –take-off from beam both legs –approach at end or diagonal to beam



Also, straddle jump onto end of beam Free leap to stand on one or both legs at end (180° leg² separation) or diagonal to beam with lowering to scale- 360 take off from one leg

1.102 1.202 (D) 1.302 1.402 1.502 Scissors leap to cross sit on L or R thigh Thief vault – take-off from one leg – diagonal approach to beam (D) free leap over beam, one leg after another to rear support - 90° approach to beam

  (D) indicates element is considered a Value Part One foot take-off, leg with 1/4-1/4 turn

(total 180°) to front support – 90°180 approach to beam  180

Scissors leg swing with 1/2 turn (180°) to cross straddle sit (Not illustrated) (D)

175 Revised October 2016 Group 1 – Mounts A B C D E 1.103 1.203 1.303 1.403 1.503 From side stand frontways – fank From side stand frontways – double Two fank circles followed by leg “fair” Three fying fairs (Homma) over or straddle cut forward to rear leg swing (Kehre-in) with 1/2 turn (Baitova) support (180°) to rear support


2 X 360 360 3 X 360 180

1.104 (D) 1.204 1.304 1.404 1.504 From side stand facing beam – jump Jump with 1/2 turn (180°) to clear Round-off, straddle pike jump back- (with or without hand support) to side straddle support – 90° approach to ward over the beam into immediate hip straddle stand or split sit beam circle backward– 90° approach to beam     (D) indicates element is considered a 180 Dance Value Part



 also with hand support to 1/4 turn (90°) to cross split sit 90 90



176 Revised October 2016 Group 1 – Mounts A B C D E 1.105 (D) 1.205 1.305 (D) 1.405 (D) 1.505 Leap to cross split sit from one foot take- Free jump to cross split sit from two Split leap forward with leg change off – diagonal approach to beam (support foot take-off –diagonal approach to (180° split) to cross split sit (no hand of one hand permitted) beam support) –diagonal approach to beam  (Whitney)

Free jump with 1/2 turn (180°)180 to cross Split leap forward with leg change to split sit from two foot take-off –diagonal straddle split sit sideways with 90support approach to beam on one hand 180  90

1.106 1.206 1.306 1.406 1.506 From side stand frontways – jump to tuck From side stand - squat or stoop through stand, squat through or stoop through to to clear pike support (hold 2 seconds) rear support 


 (D) indicates element is considered a Dance Value Part  


177 Revised October 2016 Group 1 – Mounts A B C D E 1.107 1.207 1.307 1.407 1.507 Jump to roll forward at end or middle of beam, Free forward roll at end of beam Hecht roll (Extended hip angle in fight phase) – also from clear straddle support on end of beam approach at end or diagonal to beam – swing backward to roll forward

1.108 1.208 1.308 1.408 1.508 Chest or head stand Jump to chest stand, 1/2 turn (180°) over shoul- Jump to chest stand, 1/1 turn (360°) over shoul- der to shoulder stand der to chest stand (Silivas)  180 



From a side stand facing180 away from the beam, jump with a 1/2 turn (180°) to chest stand


178 Group 2 – Leaps, Jumps, and Hops A B C D E

2.101 2.201 2.301 2.401180 2.501 Split leap forward (take-off from Split leap forward with 1/4 turn Split or stag-split leap or split Split jump with 3/4 turn begin- From cross stand – jump to one leg (90°) – landing of legs one after jump forward with 1/2 turn (180°) ning in cross or side position cross split (split over 180°) and another or on both legs in side – landing alternately or on both backward bending (arch) of up-

stand 90 legs per body (Yang-Bo)

270 180

180 180

From cross position, take-off  from both legs,90 Split jump in place, (180° leg separation) to land on two feet Split jump in side position with 180 both legs straight or the rear leg 360 upward, backward (Heinrich), 90 From side stand- jump to cross 180 split (split over 180°) and back- . ward bending (arch) of upper body (Teza) From cross position - jump with Stag leap forward (take-off from From cross position, take-off 1/4 (90°) turn to split jump in one leg, also with 1/4 turn (90°) side position (not illustrated) (not illustrated) from both legs, Split jump with  1/4 (90° turn) after split to land in . side stand on two feet Note: Above leap variations 90 . are considered same element

Leap forward (minimum 135° Stag or double stag jump in place leg separation) to land on one Split jump from cross or side (take-off from both legs in cross leg with grasp of rear leg prior position with 1/1 turn (360°) – position, also with 1/4 (90° turn) to landing, free leg held in vertical take-off from both feet split (180°) with hand above (Not illustrated) From side position, take-off Split jump with change of legs head, freel hand optional - not from both legs, Jump with 1/4 (minimum of 30° leg separation) illustrated 360 turn to Split jump in cross posi- prior to split position (Sweetin) (Dillman) tion (not illustrated) 360 Note: Stag or double stag jump are considered the same ele- ment Stag leap or stag jump in place (take-off from both legs in cross position) with 1/2 (180° turn) (Not illustrated)

185 Revised October 2016 Group 2 – Leaps, Jumps, and Hops A B C D E 2.102 2.202 2.302 90 2.402 2.502 Straddle pike jump (Hill) or side Straddle pike jump or side split jump Straddle pike jump or side split jump Straddle pike jump or side split jump- split jump from in cross position – from side position – (180°) leg separa- with 1/2 turn (180°) (Borden) or with 1/1 turn (360°) from a cross or (180°) leg separation tion 3/4 turn (270°) from a cross or side side position with (180°) leg separa- . position (180°) leg separation (not tion

90 illustrated) .

Straddle pike jump or side split Straddle pike jump or side split jump in 180 360 jump in cross position – (180°) side position – (180°) leg separation, 90

leg separation, 90with a 1/4 turn with a 1/4 turn (90˚) to fnish in cross- (90˚) to fnish in side position position .


180 . . . 180. 360 90 90

360 From side position, jump with a 1/4 From cross position, jump with a 1/4 180 turn (90˚) to Straddle pike jump or turn (90˚) to Straddle pike jump or side side split in cross 90position – (180°) split in side position – (180°) leg separa- leg separation tion .

90 90


186 Revised 7/16/13 Group 2 – Leaps, Jumps, and Hops A B C D E 2.105 2.205 2.305 2.405 2.505 Stag leap forward with leg change Split leap forward with change of legs Split leap forward with leg change (180° Split leap forward with change of legs (180° separation after leg change), also separation after leg change) and 1/4 (180° separation after leg change) to scale forward (2 sec.) turn (90°) to side split or straddle pike with 1/2 (180°) turn position (Johnson), also with additional 1/4 turn (90°) ..




Stride leap forward with change of legs to wolf position 90 Split leap forward with leg change 90 90 (180° separation after leg change) and 1/4 turn (90°) to side split leap 90 90 (180°) or straddle pike position (John- Split leap forward with 90 leg change and son) with additional 1/2 or 3/4 (Ikoma) 1/4 turn (90°) to front support, also with 90 turn (180°) hip circle backward

90 90 180 90 90

90 90

From a side stand, take off on one foot– 90 swing free leg forward to a minimum of 90 180 90 45˚, then swing leg backward to show Split leap forward with leg change 90 180˚ leg separation in the air (switch leg) (180° separation after leg change) land on one or two feet (Concannon) and backward arch bending of upper 90  body with head release (Switch-leg Yang Bo) (Courville)

Split leap with leg change to straddle - take off and fnish in cross position (Clauson)

189 Group 2 – Leaps, Jumps, and Hops A B C D E 2.106 2.206 2.306 2.406 2.506 Pike jump from cross position (hip Pike jump from side position (hip Pike jump from side position Pike jump (take-off from two feet) < 90°) < 90˚) (hip < 90°) with 1/2 (180°) or 3/4 from side or cross position (hip <  turn (270˚) (not illustrated) 90°) with 1/1 turn (360°) (Cox)  180


Pike jump (Sekerova) 180 from cross  position (hip < 90°) with 1/2 turn (180°) Pike jump from cross position (hip 180 < 90°) with 3/4 turn (270˚)


2.107 2.207 2.307 2.407 2.507 Sissonne, take off from both Ring or stag-ring leap or jump Tuck jump with arch (Sheep Split leap forward with leg change legs, land on one leg (legs (rear leg at head height) jump), feet at head height to ring leap (180° separation < in a diagonal position with after leg change) 180° leg separation; front leg a minimum of 45°)

From a side stand, take off on one foot, swing free leg forward to a minimum of 45˚ then swing leg Split leap forward with leg change backward to show 180˚ leg sepa- to Stag-ring leap (180° separation ration in a double stag ring position < after leg change) in the air (switch leg) and land on one. or two feet (Concannon)

190 Revised October 2016 Group 2 – Leaps, Jumps, and Hops A B C D E 2.111 2.211 2.311 2.411 2.511 Wolf hop or jump (one leg Wolf hop or jump from side or Wolf hop or jump from side Wolf hop or jump from side Wolf hop or jump from a side tucked, one leg extended for- cross position with 1/2 turn or cross position with 3/4 turn or cross position with 1/1 turn or cross position  with 1½ turn ward - both extended leg & thigh (180°), also landing in front sup- (270°), also landing in front (360°) (540°)(Vituj) of bent leg at or above horizon- port support     tal) from side or cross position 360

540 180 


270  360   540

180   270



193 Group 3 – Turns A B C D E 3.101 3.201 3.301 3.401 3.501 1/1 turn (360°) on one leg 1½ turn (540°) on one leg 2/1 turn (720°) on one leg 3/1 turn (1080°) on one leg (Okino)

360 720



3.102 3.202 3.302 3.402 3.502 1/1 turn (360°) on one leg, thigh 1/1 turn (360°) on one leg, thigh 1½ turn (540°) on one leg, thigh of free leg backward-upward in of free leg backward-upward in of free leg backward-upward in back attitude below horizontal back attitude at or above hori- back attitude at or above hori- but at a minimum of 45° through- zontal throughout the turn zontal throughout the turn out the turn


540 360

194 Revised October 2016 Group 3 – Turns A B C D E 3.103 3.203 3.303 3.403 3.504 1/1 turn (360°) with heel of free leg for- 1/1 turn (360°) with heel of free leg forward, at or above 1½ turn (540°) with heel of free leg forward, at or ward below horizontal but at a minimum horizontal throughout the turn, forward leg extended or above horizontal throughout the turn, forward leg of 45° throughout the turn, forward leg bent, without hand holding360 leg extended or bent

extended or bent 360

540 540

360 360 360

540 540



3.104 3.204 3.304 3.404 3.504 1/1 turn (360°) in arabesque, free leg at or above hori- 1½ turn (540°) in arabesque, free leg at or above. zontal throughout the turn above horizontal throughout the turn



195 Revised October 2016 Group 3 – Turns A B C D E 3.105 3.205 3.305 3.405 3.505 1/2 Illusion turn (180°) through 1/1 Illusion turn (360°) through standing split without touch- standing split without touching ing beam with free leg (brief beam with free leg (brief touching of beam with one hand touching of beam with one hand permitted permitted; also to immediate scale (leg at horizontal or above-2 sec.hold)(Jarred/ Medvitz) 180 360

3.106 3.206 3.306 3.406 3.506 1/1 turn (360°) in knee scale – 1/1 turn (360°) in tuck stand on 1½ turn (540°) in tuck stand 2/1–2½ turn (720°–900˚) in tuck 3/1 turn (1080˚) in tuck stand hand support alternate3/4 one leg, free leg in forward hori- on one leg, free leg in forward stand on one leg, free leg in for- on one leg, free leg in forward zontal, placing of free leg at end horizontal, placing of free leg at ward horizontal, placing of free horizontal, placing free leg at of 1/1 turn (360°) end of 1½ turn leg at end of turn (Humphrey), end of turn (George) also rising to fi nish turn in 360 540 stand (Swartzentruber) (not 360 illustrated)

360 13/4 (630°) turn 720in tuck stand, one 00˚ 720˚–900˚ leg extended to side to initiate; 1½ turn (540°) in540 knee scale – f nish in tuck/kneeling position hand support alternate (Ferguson)




2/1 turn (720°) in knee scale, of which 1/1 is free


196 Revised October 2016 Group 3 – Turns A B C D E 3.107 3.207 3.307 3.407 3.507 1/2 turn (180°) in prone position – hand sup- 1/1 turn to 1½ turn (360° - 540°) in prone posi- 1¼ (450°) turn on back in kip position (hip-leg port alternate tion –alternate hand support permitted angle closed) (LiLi)






3.108 3.208 3.308 3.408 3.508 1/1 turn (360°) fank circle, legs together One leg circle with “fair” (legs separated) (Talavera)


360 360

3.109 3.209 3.309 1/1 turn (360°) with hand holding leg at a 1/1 turn (360°) with hand holding leg at a minimum of horizontal but less than 45° minimum of 45° above horizontal above horizontal

360 360

197 Revised October 2016 Group 4 – Waves All Wave elements are considered Dance Value Parts A B C D E 4.101 (D) 4.201 (D) 4.301 4.401 4.501 Body wave forward to balance stand (2 sec.) on both legs Body wave forward to balance stand (2 sec.) on one leg

Balance stand indicates a stand on the ball of the foot in high relevé.

(D) indicates element is considered a Dance Value Part

4.102 (D) 4.202 (D) 4.302 4.402 4.502 Body wave backward to balance stand (2 sec.) on both legs Body wave backward to balance stand (2 sec.) on one leg

198 Revised October 2016 Group 4 – Waves All Wave elements are considered Dance Value Parts A B C D E 4.103 (D) 4.203 (D) 4.303 4.403 4.503 Body wave sideward to balance stand (2 sec.) on both legs Body wave sideward to balance stand (2 sec.) on one leg  

Balance stand indicates a stand on the ball of the foot in high relevé.

(D) indicates element is considered a Dance Value Part

4.104 4.204 (D) 4.304 4.404 4.504 From kneeling sit position, rise upward with body wave through toe-balance stand (Toe rise) (No hold required)

199 Revised October 2016 Group 5 – Holds–Stands A B C D E 5.101 (D) 5.201 (D) 5.301 5.401 5.501 Scale forward, support leg extended Scale forward in balance stand, sup- or bent and free leg above horizontal port leg extended or bent and free leg (2 sec.), also with hand holding free above horizontal (2 sec.), also with leg hand holding free leg Balance stand indicates a stand on the ball of the foot in high relevé.

(D) indicates element is considered a Dance Value Part

5.102 (D) 5.202 5.302 (D) 5.402 (D) 5.502 Standing split forward with hand sup- Standing split backward, in stand on Scale backward in balance stand (2 port in front of leg (separation <180°) whole foot (2 sec.) sec.) – Needle scale (2 sec.)

200 Revised October 2016 Group 5 – Holds–Stands A B C D E 5.103 (D) 5.203 (D) 5.303 5.403 5.503 Stand on one leg (whole foot) free leg in forward or sideward Balance stand on one foot, free leg in sideward upward hold hold above (90°) (2 sec.); also with hand holding free leg. above 140° (2 sec.); also with hand holding free leg.

Balance stand indicates a stand on the ball of the foot in high relevé.

(D) indicates element is consid- ered a Dance Value Part

5.104 5.204 5.304 5.404 5.504 Free lying with large leg amplitude – torso position at end or side Clear pike or straddle “V”- support (2 sec.) of beam (2 sec.)

201 Revised October 2016 Group 5 – Holds–Stands A B C D E 5.105 5.205 5.305 5.405 5.505 Planche with support on one or both arms (2 sec.) Jump, press or swing to cross or side handstand – or walkover backward or cartwheel to cross or side handstand – lower to cross or side planche (2 sec.) . .

. .


202 Group 5 – Holds–Stands A B C D E 5.106 5.206 5.306 5.406 5.506 Kick to cross or side handstand (2 sec.) with From side front support, cast to handstand Cross or side handstand with horizontal leg various leg positions; also with 1/2 turn (180˚) or from kick-up to handstand with large hold – reverse planche in different variations (No hold required on turning handstands) arch span in cross or side position also (2 sec.) piked with one leg vertical, other leg bent (2 sec.)

Kick to cross handstand with various leg posi- tions with 1/1 turn (360˚) (No hold required on 180 turning handstands), ending position optional 



203 Revised July 2015 Group 5 – Holds–Stands A B  C D E 5.107 5.207 5.307 5.407 5.507 Back walkover in cross position  to Walkover backward in side handstand on one arm (2 sec.) position to handstand – shift weight to handstand on one  arm (2 sec.), also with planche    on one arm (2 sec.) (Shaposh- nikova)   Side handstand (2 sec.) – release   one hand with swing down sideward   (fank) to side sit back lying or other   end position (Hand-Li)        Cross or side handstand on one arm (2 sec.)   

5.108 5.208 5.308 5.408 5.508 Jump to cross or side handstand (2 sec.) From a side stand, jump with ½ (180°) turn to arrive in a chest stand (with legs straddled) in side position (Kmieciak) 




204 Revised October 2016 Group 7 – Walkovers, Cartwheels, etc... A B C D E 7.102 7.202 7.302 7.402 7.502 Handspring forward with fight before Handspring forward with leg change in Free (aerial) walkover forward Jump backward (fic-fac take-off) with or after support of hands, also with fight phase 1/2 twist (180°) to walkover forward altenate hand support (Tinsica spring) (Onodi)    

 180  Free (aerial) walkover forward passing  From a stand on one leg, swing free free leg backward to fnish in a scale Handspring forward with support on leg through to free (aerial) walkover (leg horizontal or above) (2 sec.) one arm forward (Swing through front aerial)  (George),  also to land in kneel/sit (Stevens) -  not illustrated       

Free (aerial) walkover forward to land on two feet (Davidson)

Note: The front aerial and swing- through front aerial are considered different elements for Value-Part credit; however, the swing-through variations are considered the same element. 209 Revised July 2015 Group 7 – Walkovers, Cartwheels, etc... A B C D E 7.103 7.203 7.303 7.403 7.503 Cartwheel, also with support of one Cartwheel with fight phase be- Free (aerial) cartwheel, also from stand on one leg-swing free Butterfy arm or bending of both arms or on fore or after hand support leg through backward forearms through chest stand

Free (aerial) cartwheel landing in a side position  Free (aerial) cartwheel across the width of the beam)

Round-off Free (aerial) cartwheel with additional 1/4 (90°) turn out (Perry)

90 90

Free (aerial) cartwheel with switch of legs-take-off and land on same leg (Baudhuin) Free (aerial) cartwheel from a kneeling position (Clore)

Free (aerial) cartwheel, swing back (free leg forward- upward to stand on one foot with leg held above 140° with the hand Free (aerial) cartwheel to an im- (Marinez) Not illustrated. mediate scale with back leg main- tained at a minimum of horizontal for 2 sec.) (Peko) Free (aerial) round-off, landing on both legs, also from stand on one leg, swing free leg through backward (Burgess)

210 Revised October 2016 Group 7 – Walkovers, Cartwheels, etc... A B C D E 7.104 7.204 7.304 7.404 7.504 Walkover backward, also with Scale forward, 1/2 turn (180°) Walkover backward in side posi- Press to side handstand – walk- support of one arm or with alter- to walkover backward (Turning tion to side stand over forward to side stand on nate hand support (Tinsica) or bridge) both legs (Phillips) with swing down to cross sit-       


Back walkover to bridge360 1/1 turn (360°) on one foot (one-hand support) to sit



211 Group 7 – Walkovers, Cartwheels, etc... A B C D E 7.105 7.205 7.305 7.405 7.505 Walkover forward, backward (Tic-toc) Walkover backward – lower to clear straddle Walkover backward with stoop through of one support leg to cross split sit    

7.106 7.206 7.306 7.406 7.506 From back lying position, push up to bridge From extended tuck sit – walkover backward From extended tuck sit – walkover backward (support on head and/or hands), kickover (Valdez) with 1/1 turn (360°) – 1/2 turn (180°) in hand- backward stand on one arm second 1/2 turn (180°) with .. late support of second arm (Diamidov)

. 180 180 

also with support on one arm .. From extended tuck sit –”Valdez” swing over backward through horizontal plane with sup- port on one arm (Garrison)  180 Valdez with 1/2 turn 180 (180°) in handstand 180

212 Revised October 2016 Group 7 – Walkovers, Cartwheels, etc... A B C D E 7.110 7.210 7.310 7.410 7.510 Flic-f ac landing on both legs in stand Flic-f ac with support on one arm with legs Flic-f ac with 3/4 twist (270°) to side together, landing on both legs in stand handstand (No hold required) (Omelianchik)


Flic-f ac with 1/4 twist to side hand- stand to immediate 1/1 (360) pirouette (must be continuous), lower to front support. (Fortunato) Also to optional Flic-f ac with end position 1/4 twist (90°)

to side handstand 90 360 (No hold required) 90


7.111 7.211 7.311 7.411 7.511 Gainer f ic-f ac Gainer f ic-f ac with support on one arm Gainer f ic-f ac with 1/1 twist (360°) before hand support (Khorkina)


215 Revised October 2016 Group 7 – Walkovers, Cartwheels, etc... A B C D E 7.112 7.212 7.312 7.412 7.512 All fic-fac variations with high fight phase, and Flic-fac with tucking and stretching of hips in Flic-fac with 1/1 twist (360°) – swing down to swing down to cross straddle sit (Korbut fic-fac) fight phase with swing down to cross straddle sit cross straddle sit (Rulfova-fic) (Chen Flic)

Flic-fac with piking and stretching (Rueda) of hips in fight phase with swing down to cross 360 straddle sit

also gainer fic-fac with piking and stretching of hips

216 Group 8 – Saltos A B C D E 8.101 8.201 8.301 8.401 8.501 From a one or a two foot (Puolin) take-off, Salto Salto forward tucked to cross or side stand Salto forward tucked, take-off from one leg to forward tucked to an extended tuck sit with hand stand on one leg, passing free leg backward to support fnish in a scale (leg horizontal or above)(2 sec.)

From a one or a two foot take-off, Salto180 forward piked to cross or side stand Salto forward tucked, take-off from one leg to stand or to land on one knee and one foot simultaneously (Hawthorne); also from a stand on one leg, swing free leg through backward to front salto tucked (Rowe)

Also, without hand support (Portocarrero)

From a straddle sit, cast and whip to front salto in straddle position to land on the hands in a cross straddle sit (Kivisto) Salto forward tucked with 1/2 twist (180°), take- off from both legs (Grigoras)


217 Revised October 2016 Group 8 – Saltos A B C D E 8.102 8.202 8.302 8.402 8.502 Salto sideward tucked or piked, take off forward Arabian salto tucked (take-off backward with 1/2 or sideward from one leg to side stand twist (180°), salto forward)


Salto forward piked, take-off from one leg, with 1/4 (90°) turn to land in side stand on two feet also from stand on one leg, swing free leg through (Oswalt) to salto sideward tucked or piked (George) 90

All of the above are considered different elements. 8.103 8.203 8.303 8.403 8.503 Salto backward tucked to stand or to scale for- Salto backward tucked in side position (across ward (2 sec.) the beam). 

From a cross stand, salto backward tucked with 1/4 turn (90°) to land sideways on beam (Rosette) 90 Salto backward 90 tucked with step-out and 1/4 (90˚) turn to land in side stand (DeVries)

218 Revised October 2016 Group 8 – Saltos A B C D E 8.104 8.204 8.304 8.404 8.504 Salto back- From a stand on two feet, salto backward Salto backward stretched with legs together ward piked, stretched with step-out to fnish in a scale (leg also stretched held at horizontal or above for 2 seconds (Edlin) with step-out

Salto back- ward tucked with 1/1 twist (360°) to stand (Schischova)

Back salto stretched to swing down to cross 360 straddle sit (Pearce) (Arms swing up above head to set for back salto, then pull down to the front of the thighs & return to high position to reach for the Salto backward beam for stretched with swing-down 1/1 twist (360°) phase to stand


8.105 8.205 8.305 8.405 8.505 Gainer salto backward tucked or piked Gainer salto backward stretched with stepout, Jump forward with 1/2 twist (180°) – salto back- also with leg change in fight ward piked (Produnova)


219 Revised October 2016 Group 9 – Dismounts A B C D E 9.101 9.201 9.301 9.401 9.501 Handspring forward, also with 1/2 twist Handspring forward with 1/1 twist (360°) after Handspring forward with 1½ twist (540°) (180°) after hand support hand support after hand support   

360 540


9.102 9.202 9.302 9.402 9.502 Free (aerial) walkover forward, Free (aerial) walkover forward with 1/1 twist Free (aerial) walkover forward with 1½ Free (aerial) walkover forward with also with 1/2 twist (180°) from (360°) at side or end of beam twist (540°) off the side or end 2/1 twist (720°) off the side or end side or end of beam (Muhr)

540 360

From a stand on one leg –swing free leg back- also, from stand on one leg swing free ward to front salto tucked with 1/1 twist (360°) leg backward to a front salto tucked with off side or end of beam (Mabrey) 1½ twist (540˚) off the side or end of the beam (Jawarowicz) 720


360 Free (aerial) round-off (not illustrated)

540 360

220 Revised October 2016