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KIMURA, Y., CASANOVAS-VILAR, I., MARIDET, O., KALTHOFF, D., Mörs, T. et al. (2020) The in Asia: Biogeography, diversity and dispersals Fossil Imprint, 76(1): 181-200

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Permanent link to this version: FOSSIL IMPRINT • vol. 76 • 2020 • no. 1 • pp. 181–200 (formerly ACTA MUSEI NATIONALIS PRAGAE, Series B – Historia Naturalis)



1 Department of Geology and Paleontology, National Museum of Nature and Science, 4-1-1 Amakubo, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0005, Japan; e-mail: [email protected]. 2 Institut Català de Paleontologia Miquel Crusafont, ICTA-ICP. Edifici Z. Carrer de les Columnes, s/n., Campus de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, E-08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona, Spain. 3 JURASSICA Museum, Route de Fontenais 21, CH-2900 Porrentruy, Switzerland. 4 Département des Géosciences, Université de Fribourg, Chemin du Musée 6, CH-1700 Fribourg, Switzerland. 5 Department of Zoology, Swedish Museum of Natural History, P.O. Box 50007, SE-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden. 6 Department of Palaeobiology, Swedish Museum of Natural History, P.O. Box 50007, SE-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden. * corresponding author

Kimura, Y., Casanovas-Vilar, I., Maridet, O., Kalthoff, D. C., Mörs, T., Tomida, Y. (2019): The Eomyidae in Asia: Biogeography, diversity and dispersals. – Fossil Imprint, 76(1): 181–200, Praha. ISSN 2533-4050 (print), ISSN 2533-4069 (on-line).

Abstract: In Asia, the first find of an eomyid was reported almost one century after the first studies of thefamily Eomyidae in North America and Europe. Since then, eomyid have been increasingly found in Asia particularly over the past two decades. Here, we review the Asian record of this family at the genus level. Currently, 22 species within 14 genera were reported from Asia, including seven endemic genera and rare materials of apeomyine eomyids. Eomyids emphasize the palaeogeographic importance of Asia in considering intercontinental dispersal events of small . With newly compiled data for Asian eomyids, we also compare genus-level diversity trends through time among North America, Europe, and Asia. Despite data standardizations limited with respect to potential biases in the fossil record, we found that the Asian eomyid diversity closely follows ecological shifts induced by climate changes. In general, Asian eomyid genera disappeared earlier than their European counterparts. We suggest that this pattern is not dictated by differences in the quality of the fossil record and is related to the expansion of drier habitats over large areas of Asia. Key words: Rodentia, Eomyidae, palaeobiogeography, intercontinental dispersal, Valley of Lakes, Nei Mongol, Inner Mongolia, Junggar Basin, endemism

Received: April 2, 2019 | Accepted: December 13, 2019 | Issued: November 9, 2020

Introduction them, quercyi, preserves the outline of a patagium supported by a cartilage originating from the elbow, much The Eomyidae is an extinct family of small to medium- like that of scaly-tailed flying squirrels (Anomaluridae), sized rodents, which are presumed to be phylogenetically revealing that this rodent was a glider (Storch et al. 1996). close to geomyoid rodents (, kangaroo rats) based on The other specimen preserves soft body parts of Eomyodon shared cranial characters (Wahlert 1978, Flynn 2008). Many volkeri, showing that the species is a generalised terrestrial of them are considered to have occupied similar niches form (Engler and Martin 2015). to extant dormice, preferably inhabiting warm-temperate In Asia, the first reported eomyid fossil is a right forest environments (Engesser 1999). However, eomyids jaw belonging to a new species of the American genus probably occupied more ecological niches than dormice, Leptodontomys from the late Miocene of North China (Zheng as suggested by their more diverse dental morphology and Li 1982). Almost one century had passed since the first from bunodont to lophodont with increasing crown heights studies of the Eomyidae in North America and Europe (Cope (Engesser 1999). Although most species of eomyid rodents 1884, Schlosser 1884). In the 1990s, a handful of eomyid are known based on isolated teeth only and a few mandible fossils had been found in North China and Kazakhstan, and skull fragments, two beautifully preserved specimens including Symplokeomys zaysanicus, which marks the oldest unearthed from the late locality Enspel (Germany) occurrence (late ) of the family in Asia (Emry et evidence the great ecological disparity of this family. One of al. 1997), and Asian species of Eomys, Pseudotheridomys,

DOI 10.37520/fi.2020.012 181 and Eomyodon (Wang and Emry 1991, Lopatin 2000, (Heteroeomys, Plesieomys, Yuneomys) were discovered from Wang 2002). Meanwhile, in Japan, a small eomyid fossil the hominoid-bearing sites in Lufeng, Yunnan Province, was discovered in the early Miocene deposits of Gifu and southwestern China (Qiu 2006, 2017). As summarised identified as Pseudotheridomys sp. (Tomida and Setoguchi above, the fossil records in continental Asia and a locality 1994). In the 2000s, Wu et al. (2006) erected the Asian in Japan have remarkably increased our understanding of genus Asianeomys and transferred the following species to the evolution and biogeography of the Eomyidae for the last it: the Asian species of Pseudotheridomys (P. asiaticus from two decades. Yet, no updated account has been published Inner Mongolia, China, P. yanshini from Kazakhstan) and since the last review of Chinese eomyids by Qiu (1994). Eomyodon dangheensis from Gansu Province, China. To Here, we review the Asian record of eomyids at the genus date, six species of Asianeomys have been recorded from level. For each genus, we provide a list of the included Asian North China (Wu et al. 2006, Maridet et al. 2011, Gomes species and main sites as well as a brief description of their Rodrigues et al. 2014, Qiu and Li 2016), Mongolia (Maridet dental characteristics including further considerations and et al. 2015), and Kazakhstan (Lopatin 2000), with recent finds remarks. Furthermore, we compiled taxonomic data for each of the richest material in Inner Mongolia, China (Qiu and species from a given locality based on original references Li 2016) and Central Mongolia (Maridet et al. 2015). Most and compared genus-level diversity trends of the family recently, the Japanese material ascribed to Pseudotheridomys Eomyidae in North America, Europe, and Asia. sp. was transferred to a new genus, Japaneomys, closely related but basal to Asianeomys (Kimura et al. 2019), and Material and methods Omboomys was erected for a small-sized bunodont eomyid lacking mesoloph(id) from Mongolia (Maridet et al. 2015). The first and last occurrences of all eomyid rodents Likewise, apeomyine eomyids were recently discovered in were compiled for North America, Europe, and Asia in Asia although the reported materials include only one tooth of order to explore diversity dynamics of the family in each Apeomys from Sihong, Jiangsu Province, central East China of these continents (Tab. 1). For North American taxa, (Qiu 2017) and a single tooth of Megapeomys from Kani, data were taken from the Paleobiology Database (PBDB, Gifu, central Japan (Tomida 2011). Discoveries of eomyid downloaded on July 3, 2017 from rodents have been centered in mid-high latitudes, which classic/displayDownloadGenerator) and updated to include have been more intenstively studied, but they also occcur the recent new findings reported by Flynn (2008), Korth in southern regions. Currently, up to three endemic genera (2008), and Korth and Samuels (2015). For European


8 1 9 3 4 6 5 2 7 10 11 14 13 12

1 000 km

Text-fig. 1. Distribution of fossil localities where eomyid rodents were discovered. 1: Sunduk, Kazakhstan, 2: Saint Jacques, Inner Mongolia, China: 3: Tieersihabahe in the Junggar Basin, Xinjiang, China, 4: 11 localities (Taatsiin Gol (right), Hasanda Gol, Tatal Gol, Taatsiin, Del, Huch Teeg, Unkheltseg, Luuny Yas, Hotuliin Teeg, Ulaan Tolgoi, Builstyn Khudag) in the Valley of Lakes, Mongolia, 5: Yandantu (Danghe area), Gansu, China, 6: 5 localities (Lower Aoerban, Gashunyinadege, Upper Aoerban, Balunhalagen, Bilutu) in Sonid Zuoqi, 3 localities (Amuwusu, Shala, Loc. 346) in Sonid Youqi, 2 localities (Ertemte2, Harr Obo2) in Huade, Huitenghe in Abag qi, Inner Mongolia, China, 7: Ulantatal, Inner Mongolia, China, 8: Altynshokysu, Aktyubinsk, Kazakhstan, 9: Burqin, Habahe in the Junggar Basin, Xinjiang, China, 10: Songshan, Gansu, China, 11: Dota, Gifu, Japan, 12: Shihuiba, Lufeng, Yunnan, China, 13: Leilao, Yuanmou, Yunnan, China, 14: Sihong, Jiangsu, China, 15: Tagay in Olkhon Island, Lake Baikal, Siberia, Russia. More detailed information is provided in Appendix.

182 Table 1. First and last occurrences of eomyid rodents at the genus level in Asia, Europe, and North America, corresponding to Text-fig. 10 and Appendix.

First Last Genus occurrence occurrence Region Reference for min age Reference for max age (Ma) (Ma) Apeomys 16.9 16.9 Asia Qiu (2017) Qiu (2017) Asianeomys 26.5 18.4 Asia Qiu et al. (2013); Qiu and Li (2016) Wang (2002); Wang et al. (2008); PBDB Eomys 25.4 25.4 Asia Wang and Emry (1991) Wang and Emry (1991) Heteroeomys 8.5 8.5 Asia Qiu (2006) Qiu (2006) Japaneomys 18.5 18.5 Asia Kimura et al. (2019) Kimura et al. (2019) Keramidomys 19.5 6.4 Asia Qiu et al. (2013); Qiu and Li (2016) Qiu et al. (2013); Qiu and Li (2016) Leptodontomys 19.5 6.2 Asia Qiu et al. (2013); Qiu and Li (2016) Qiu et al. (2013); Qiu and Li (2016) Ligerimys 19.5 18.4 Asia Qiu et al. (2013); Qiu and Li (2016) Qiu et al. (2013); Qiu and Li (2016) Takeuchi (1992); Tomida (2011); Mörs et Takeuchi (1992); Tomida (2011); Mörs et Megapeomys 18.5 18.5 Asia al. (2016) al. (2016) Omboomys 9.2 9.2 Asia Maridet et al. (2015) Maridet et al. (2015) Pentabuneomys 19.5 9.4 Asia Qiu et al. (2013); Qiu and Li (2016) Qiu et al. (2013); Qiu and Li (2016) Plesieomys 8.5 8.5 Asia Qiu (2006) Qiu (2006) Symplokeomys 35.6 35.6 Asia Emry et al. (1997); PBDB Emry et al. (1997); PBDB Yuneomys 8.5 8.5 Asia Qiu (2006, 2017) Qiu (2006, 2017) Apeomys 23.2 16.8 Europe Mörs and Flink (2018) Maridet et al. (2013) Eomyodon 24.3 22.4 Europe Maridet et al. (2013) Maridet et al. (2013) Eomyops 16.8 4.2 Europe Maridet et al. (2013) Maridet et al. (2013) (Leptodontomys) Eomys 33.2 23.1 Europe Maridet et al. (2010) Maridet et al. (2013) Estramomys 5.2 2.2 Europe Maridet et al. (2013) Maridet et al. (2013) Keramidomys 15.3 5.2 Europe Maridet et al. (2013) Maridet et al. (2013) Ligerimys 20.9 16.8 Europe Maridet et al. (2013) Maridet et al. (2013) Megapeomys 18.4 16.8 Europe Mörs and Flink (2018) Maridet et al. (2013) Pentabuneomys 18.4 15.3 Europe Maridet et al. (2013) Maridet et al. (2013) Pseudotheridomys 25.0 16.8 Europe Maridet et al. (2013) Maridet et al. (2013) Rhodanomys 23.7 20.9 Europe Maridet et al. (2013) Maridet et al. (2013) Ritteneria 22.4 20.1 Europe Maridet et al. (2013) Maridet et al. (2013) Adjidaumo 38.8 33.6 North America PBDB PBDB Arikareeomys 22.6 22.6 North America PBDB PBDB Aulolithomys 38.8 35.6 North America PBDB PBDB Centimanomys 35.6 35.6 North America PBDB PBDB Cristadjidaumo 38.8 35.6 North America PBDB PBDB Cupressimus 35.6 35.6 North America PBDB PBDB Kansasimys 7.6 7.6 North America PBDB PBDB Leptodontomys 28.6 7.6 North America PBDB Korth (2008) Litoyoderimys 38.8 35.6 North America PBDB PBDB Megapeomys 18.2 18.2 North America PBDB PBDB Metadjidaumo 33.6 28.6 North America PBDB PBDB Metanoiamys 43.3 35.6 North America PBDB PBDB Namatomys 35.6 35.6 North America PBDB PBDB Orelladjidaumo 33.6 33.6 North America PBDB PBDB Paradjidaumo 38.8 32.1 North America PBDB PBDB Paranamatomys 35.6 35.6 North America PBDB PBDB Protadjidaumo 43.3 38.8 North America PBDB PBDB Pseudotheridomys 25.6 14.8 North America PBDB PBDB Viejadjidaumo 38.8 38.8 North America PBDB PBDB Yoderimys 35.6 35.6 North America PBDB PBDB Zemiodontomys 35.6 35.6 North America PBDB PBDB Montanamus 35.3 35.3 North America Flynn (2008) Flynn (2008) Aguafriamys 38.5 38.5 North America Flynn (2008) Flynn (2008) Apeomyoides 15.4 15.4 North America Flynn (2008) Flynn (2008) Comanchoeomys 7.1 7.1 North America Flynn (2008) Flynn (2008) Ronquillomys 6.0 6.0 North America Flynn (2008) Flynn (2008) Zetamys 25.6 25.6 North America PBDB PBDB

183 taxa, we utilized the dataset of Maridet et al. (2010, 2013), used to explore the eomyid diversity patterns in Asia in the supplemented by Mörs and Flink (2018). We follow Engesser last part of this study. (1979) in considering Leptodontomys and Eomyops to be distinct genera although the validity of Eomyops is currently Family Eomyidae Winge, 1887 debated (Qiu 1994, Ruiz-Sánchez et al. 2009, Prieto 2012). Subfamily Eomyinae Winge, 1887 For the Asian taxa, we compiled a detailed dataset based on Tribe Eomyini Winge, 1887 the original literature (see Appendix). Age for upper and Genus Symplokeomys Emry, Wang, Tjutkova lower boundaries of MP and MN zones are taken from the et Lucas, 1997 2012 (Hilgen et al. 2012, Vandenberghe Text-figs 1–3 et al. 2012). The median of the estimated range was used for the Type species. Symplokeomys zaysanicus Emry, age of each fossil specimen. We excluded any entry whose Wang, Tjutkova et Lucas, 1997. age estimates range over 6 million years or identification I n c l u d e d A s i a n s p e c i e s . The type and only species. is indeterminate at the species level. The choice of 6 million years for the quality control of the data is rather Dental characteristics. Medium-sized eomyid, arbitrary to include the single occurrence of Asian Apeomys apparently retaining P3 as in Yoderimyinae; branching although age estimates are less than 3 million years for mesoloph(id) and interconnecting lophules in synclines/ most of the localities. All genera but Zetamys, for which synclinids II and III, forming complex bunolophodont patterns; the age uncertainly of the only known locality is over 10 no lingual part of the anteroloph; hypolophid connecting to million years (Martin 1974), met the above criteria and posterolophid; presence of spurs in transverse loph(id)s. were therefore included in the analysis. Generic richness Asian occurrences (age). For the type and only herein is represented by actual occurrences using a range- species, locality K10 in Zaysan Basin, Sunduk, Kazakhstan through approach in one million-year time bins. The time (Aksyir Formation, Ergilian, late Eocene). bins start at 45.5 Ma and end at 0.5 Ma. The upper limit of a bin is included, and the lower limit is excluded. For C o m m e n t s . The genus is peculiar compared to more sophisticated data standardisations, readers are any other known eomyids in having extremely complex directed to an excellent review about sampling bias and data occlusal patterns with interconnecting lophules in synclines/ standardisations for biodiversity by Aberhand and Kiessling synclinids II and III as well as retaining P3 as in the subfamily (2012) and references therein. Tooth terminology follows Yoderimyinae (Emry et al. 1997). The authors note that the Emry et al. (1997). presence of P3 is a primitive condition in the Eomyidae and was independently retained in Symplokeomys. Phylogenetic Abbreviations relationships of Symplokeomys with other eomyids have not been resolved. MN Neogene zone for European land mammal age Genus Asianeomys Wu, Meng, Ye et Ni, 2006 MP Mammal zone for European land Text-figs 1, 2, 4 mammal age M or m Molar, the upper case for the upper dentition Type species. Asianeomys junggarensis Wu, and the lower case for the lower dentition Meng, Ye et Ni, 2006. P or p Premolar, the upper case for the upper dentition Included Asian species. Asianeomys jungga- and the lower case for the lower dentition rensis, Asianeomys asiaticus, Asianeomys dangheensis, IVPP Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Asianeomys fahlbuschi, Asianeomys yanshini, Asianeomys Paleoanthropology, Beijing, China engesseri. Asianeomys engesseri could be a junior synonym IZ NAS RK Institute of Zoology, National Academy of of A. fahlbuschi according to Qiu and Li (2016). Note that Sciences, Republic of Kazakhstan “Eomyodon” bolligeri from Kazakhstan possibly belongs to NHMW Museum of Natural History Vienna, Vienna, the genus Asianeomys (Maridet et al. 2015). Austria NMNS National Museum of Nature and Science, Dental characteristics. Bunolophodont; small Tokyo, Japan to medium-sized eomyid; P4 with or without anteroloph; entoloph connecting to the posterior end of the protocone rather than protoloph, differing from Pseudotheridomys, so Systematic palaeontology that the syncline II is longer than the syncline I; three-rooted p4 lacking anteroconid; four roots on m1–m2; hypolophid A total of 47 eomyid genera have been described to connecting to the anterior arm of the hypoconid, differing date. Of these, fourteen genera are reported from Asia, and from more posterior connection in Eomys; mesoloph(id) half of them are endemic to Asia or only known from the usually long; hypolophid present on m3 (Wu et al. 2006, Qiu type locality. In this section, we review the Asian eomyids, and Li 2016). especially focusing on the endemics with a brief description of diagnostic dental traits, locality occurrences (Text-fig. Asian occurrences (age). For A. junggarensis, 1), and stratigraphic ranges (Text-fig. 2). The taxonomic localities XJ98035, XJ98024, XJ200209, Tieersihabahe data were newly compiled along with geological and of North Junggar Basin, China (Tieersihabahe mammal biostratigraphical information in Appendix, which were also assemblage zone I, late Oligocene, 24.4 to 23.2 Ma by Meng

184 Kazakhstan Mongolia North China Japan Cent. MongoliaE ChinaSW China

Standard Chronostratigraphy

Europe Asia Age / Stage Geomag. Polarity MN-MP Japaneomys yasunoi Japaneomys ” bolligeri “ Eomyodon yanshini Asianeomys dangheensis Asianeomys engesseri Asianeomys fahlbuschi Asianeomys Apeomys asiaticus Asianeomys asiaticus Asianeomys junggarensis Asianeomys Eomys orientalis Eomys fahlbuschi Keramidomys fejfari Pentabuneomys lii Leptodontomys gansus Leptodontomys repenningi Megapeomys yunnanensis Heteroeomys Zones LMS/A zaysanicus Symplokeomys asiaticus Ligerimys magnus Keramidomys Omboomys builstynensis mirabilis Plesieomys pusillus Yuneomys (Ma) Period Epoch

Lt. Pleist. (“Tarentian”) C1 un-named 1 M. Pleist. Calabrian Qua - ternary 2 Pleisto - cene Gelasian C2 MN 17 Nihewanian 3 Piacenzian MN 16 Mazegouan C2A 4 MN 15 Gaozhuangian Zanclean MN 14 5 Pliocene C3 MN 13 6 Messinian C3A 7

C3B Baodean MN 12 8 C4 9 MN 11 Tortonian C4A MN 10

10 Bahean MN 9 11 C5 MN 7–8 12 C5A Serravallian C5AA 13 C5AB C5A Neogene MN 6 14 C Tunggurian

Miocene Langhian C5A 15 D C5B 16 MN 5 17 C5C MN 4 18 C5D Burdigalian C5E

19 MN 3 Shanwangian C6 20 C6A 21 C6AA MN 2 Aquitanian 22 C6B Xiejian MN 1 23 C6C MP 30 24 MP 29 C7 MP 28 25 C7A MP 27 26 C8 MP 26 27 C9

28 MP 25 Tabenbulakian C10 29

Oligocene MP 24 30 C11 MP 23 31 32 C12 MP 22 Hsanda- golian 33 MP 21 Paleogene MP 20 34 C13 MP 19 Ergilian 35 C15 MP 18 36 C16 Ulango- MP 17b chuian 37 MP 17a C17

38 Eocene 39 MP 16 Shara- murunian 40 C18 MP 15 Text-fig. 2. Stratigraphic range of Asian eomyids based on “range-through” occurrences. Standard chronostratigraphy was built in TimeScale Creator version 7.3 (, which is based on the GTS 2016 age model. For mammalian biochronology, European Neogene Mammal (MN) unit and Paleogene Mammal (MP) unit as well as the Asian land mammal ages in the Paleogene were also downloaded from TimeScale Creator version 7.3. Neogene Chinese land mammal stage/ages (LMS/A) are based on Qiu and Li (2016). et al. 2006) (Wu et al. 2006). For A. dangheensis, locality 2008). For A. fahlbuschi, locality XJ99005, North Junggar XJ99005, North Junggar Basin, China (Suosuoquan Mammal Basin, China (Suosuoquan mammal assemblage zone assemblage zone II, early Miocene, 21.9 to 21.7 Ma by Meng II, early Miocene, 21.9 to 21.7 Ma by Meng et al. 2006) et al. 2006) (Wu et al. 2006); 6 different sections (Del, Huch (Wu et al. 2006); two sites located 40 km apart in central Teeg, Tatal Gol, Unkheltseg, Luuny Yas, Hotuliin Teeg) Inner Mongolia, China, Aoerban and Gashunyinadege in within 660 km2 in Central Mongolia (Valley of Lakes) (Loh stratigraphic order (the lower red member of the Aoerban Formation, local biozones C1, C1/D, D, late Oligocene to Formation to Gashunyinadege bed, late Xiejian to early early Miocene, 25.6 to 21 Ma by Daxner-Höck et al. 2017) Shanwangian, correlated to MN 2 – MN 3, 21.7 to 17.2 Ma) (Maridet et al. 2015); IVPP Loc. DH199904, Aksay Kazak (Qiu and Li 2016). For A. asiaticus, IVPP Loc. 77048, Saint Autonomous County, Gansu, China (Paoniuquan Formation, Jacques, Inner Mongolia, China (Wulangulage Formation, Tabenbulukian, 28.4 to 23 Ma) (Wang 2002, Wang et al. late Oligocene, 27.8 to 23 Ma) (Wang and Emry 1991). For

185 Sihong and Gashunyinadege localities, late early Miocene, ~17 to ~18 Ma, Deng 2006) (Maridet et al. 2011). For cf. Asianeomys bolligeri, 2 different sections within 10 km in central Mongolia (Valley of Lakes) (Local biozone C, late Oligocene, ~27.4 to ~26.5 Ma by Daxner-Höck et al. a b c 2017) (Maridet et al. 2015). For “Eomyodon” bolligeri from 1 mm Kazakhstan, North Aral Region (Altyn shokysu locality, bone bed I and II, Aral Formation, late Oligocene, correlated with the Central Mongolian local biozone C, ~27.4 to ~25.6 Ma by Bendukidze 2009) (Lopatin 2000). C o m m e n t s . Wu et al. (2006) erected the genus Asianeomys for material from the Junggar Basin in d e f Xinjiang, North China. They transferred all Asian species of eomyid rodents known at the time to the new genus: two Text-fig. 3. Symplokeomys zaysanicus EmrY, WanG, TJuTKova species of Pseudotheridomys (“P.” asiaticus, “P.” yashini) et luCas, 1997 from type locality. a: left P4 (IZ NAS RK 35 and one species of Eomyodon (“E.” dangheensis). The (10)/1829), b: left M1 or M2 (IZ NAS RK 35 (10)/1831), c: left Asian occurrence of Pseudotheridomys (particularly, “P.” M3 (IZ NAS RK 35 (10)/1836), d: left m1 (IZ NAS RK 35 asiaticus, slightly earlier than the European occurrence of (10)/1843, holotype), e: left m2 (IZ NAS RK 35 (10)/1845), the genus) was once considered to be possible evidence f: right m3 (IZ NAS RK 35 (10)/1853). A scale equals to 1.0 mm. for Asian origin of the genus (Korth 2008), but currently no valid species of Pseudotheridomys is reported from A. yanshini, Altynshokysu locality, Aktyubinsk, Kazakhstan Asia. Because Asianeomys has Eomys-like upper dentition (Aral Formation, correlated with the Central Mongolian and Pseudotheridomys-like lower dentition, it is diffi cult to properly identify the genus when only small samples local biozone C, ~27.4 to ~25.6 Ma, by Bendukidze 2009) are available. To date, Asianeomys has been reported from (Lopatin 2000). For A. engesseri, locality XJ99005, North North China, Mongolia, and Kazakhstan. The genus is more Junggar Basin, China (Suosuoquan mammal assemblage closely related to Keramidomys than Pseudotheridomys zone II, early Miocene, 21.9 to 21.7 Ma by Meng et al. based on dental similarity to a basal species Keramidomys, 2006) (Wu et al. 2006). For A. aff. engesseri, locality K. fahlbuschi, recently discovered in Inner Mongolia, China XJ200604, northern Xinjiang province, China (age close to (Qiu and Li 2016, Kimura et al. 2019).

Genus Eomys schLosser, 1884 Comments. Eomys orientalis is the only Asian species of Eomys. It was fi rst discovered from the Oligocene of Inner Mongolia, China (Wang and Emry 1991). Wang and Emry (1991) pointed out that E. orientalis is similar to European Eomys in the more lingually extended synclines, whereas the species is also similar to North American a b Adjidaumo in having a weakly developed synclinid IV. Overall, Eomys orientalis is most similar to E. antiquus, which represents the earliest occurrence (early Oligocene, MP 21) of the family in Europe (Maridet et al. 2010). 1 mm Until recently, the record of Asian Eomys had been limited to the type locality with a handful of specimens described in Wang and Emry (1991). However, Maridet et al. (2015) recently c reported new material provisionally assigned to Eomys cf. orientalis from the early Oligocene of Central Mongolia.

Genus Keramidomys harTenberger, 1966 C o m m e n t s . Two species are known from Asia: K. fahlbuschi Qiu, 1996 and K. magnus Qiu et Li, 2016 (see Appendix). Keramidomys has been reported from multiple d e localities within an area of 13,000 km2 in central Inner Mongolia, China. In addition, few specimens were found in

Text-fig. 4. Asianeomys junggarensis Wu, mEnG, YE et ni, Siberia (Russia), Valley of Lakes (Mongolia), and Xinjiang 2006 from type locality. a: left P4 (IVPP V14452.2, paratype), (China) (Appendix 1). The stratigraphic range of the genus b: left M1/2 (IVPP V 14452.1, holotype), c: right M3 (IVPP is as long as that of cosmopolitan Leptodontomys in Asia, V14454.1), d: left p4 (IVPP V14452.5, paratype), e: left m1/m2 ranging from the Xiejian (correlated to MN 2 – MN 3, 21.7 (IVPP V14453.2). A scale equals to 0.5 mm. to 17.2 Ma) to Baodean (correlated to MN 12 – MN 13,

186 7.4 to 5.3 Ma), geologically from the Aoerban Formation Qiu (1994) noticed that middle to late Miocene Chinese and Gashunyinadege bed to the Bilutu bed, represented by Leptodontomys are intermediate between North American K. fahlbuschi (Qiu and Li 2016). The other species known Leptodontomys and European Eomyops in dental traits from the region is K. magnus, which presents a shorter range on the lower molars and mandible shape. Therefore, Qiu than K. fahlbuschi, recorded in late Miocene local faunas (1994) suggested European Eomyops was derived from equivalent in age to MN 9 to MN 13. Keramidomys is thought North American Leptodontomys species that dispersed to have originated in East Asia and later dispersed into Europe through Asia although the first appearance of Chinese (Mein 2009), considering the earlier occurrence of Asian K. Leptodontomys in Tunggur (late middle Miocene), Inner fahlbuschi, which is generally less lophodont than European Mongolia, was younger than the first appearance of species (Qiu and Li 2016, Kimura et al. 2019). It first appears European Eomyops (then, dated to the earliest middle in the European record at MN 5 (Mein 2009), which postdate Miocene, MN 5) when his study was published. Currently, the regional climax of the eomyid diversity. fossils of Asian Leptodontomys have been discovered from early Miocene deposits such as the lower red member of the Genus Leptodontomys Shotwell, 1956 Aoerban Formation and the Gashunyinadege bed, correlated or Eomyops Engesser, 1979 to MN 2 – MN 3, in Inner Mongolia, China (Qiu and Li 2016), and thus significantly older than the first European C o m m e n t s . The genera Eomyops and Leptodontomys record of Eomyops, MN 4 of Morteral-20 A in Valencia, may be synonyms. Many different European species had been Spain (Ruiz-Sánchez et al. 2009). Owing to the series of long assigned to the North American genus Leptodontomys discoveries in Inner Mongolia, Leptodontomys along with until Engesser (1979) erected the new genus Eomyops for Keramidomys are the longest-ranging eomyids in Asia (and the European forms which differ from Leptodontomys in the same is true for Europe; see Engesser 1999). details of the mandible morphology and the presence of two ridges on the enamel of the lower incisors. Yet, the Genus Pentabuneomys Engesser, 1990 validity of Eomyops has been questioned and is still debated because cheek teeth of both genera are remarkably similar C o m m e n t s . The genus Pentabuneomys included a (Qiu 1994, de Bruijn et al. 2012). Generally, Asian species single species from Europe (Pentabuneomys rhodanicus are ascribed to Leptodontomys (Qiu and Li 2016) or (Hugueney and Mein 1968); MN 3 to MN 4, early Miocene) Leptodontomys/Eomyops (Maridet et al. 2015) until lower and another from North America (P. engesseri Korth, 2008, incisors of Asian species are found to clarify their taxonomic early Arikareean, late Oligocene) until the discovery of attribution. Pentabuneomys fejfari, which is currently its only Asian Two species are known from Asia: Leptodontomys gansus representative (Qiu and Li, 2016). Pentabuneomys fejfari Zheng et Li, 1982 and L. lii Qiu, 1996 (Text-fig. 2, Appendix). was described based on the total of nearly 40 specimens from Leptodontomys gansus was the first eomyid to be discovered the early Miocene Lower Aoerban fauna/Gashunyinadege in Asia (Zheng and Li 1982) and is represented by a right fauna (correlated to MN 2 – MN 3) and the late Miocene mandible with a complete set of cheek teeth. Later on, more Amuwusu fauna (correlated to MN 9). Pentabuneomys was specimens of the same species were discovered from nine erected by Engesser (1990) to separate European “Eomys” localities in large areas within 32,500 km2 in central Inner rhodanicus from other Eomys species. Pentabuneomys Mongolia, China (Qiu and Li 2016), stratigraphically ranging differs from Eomys in having bulbous cusps with a large from the Aoerban Formation and the Gashunyinadege circular mesocone/mesoconid and the presence of a deeper bed (correlated to MN 2 – MN 3, 21.7 to 17.2 Ma) to the valley between the hypolophid and the posterior cingulum Ertemte Formation (correlated to MN 13, 7.1 to 5.3 Ma). (Engesser 1990, Korth 2008). Korth (2008) reported the first Leptodontomys lii was first found from the middle Miocene record of Pentabuneomys from North America. The North Moergen II locality in central Inner Mongolia, China (Qiu American species, P. engesseri is not only chronologi- 1996), and later additional materials were found from older cally older but also more plesiomorphic than European and younger deposits in the same areas, mostly overlapping P. rhodanicus in completely lacking the mesolophid and with the stratigraphic occurrences of L. gansus except for the the ectolophid. Thus, it could be possible that the genus late late Miocene Ertemte2 and Harr Obo2 localities, where originated in North America and later dispersed into Europe the latter species are present. Leptodontomys lii is similar through Asia in the late Oligocene to early Miocene. Korth in dental morphology to L. gansus but is distinguishable by (2008) suggested that Pentabuneomys was derived from a larger tooth size with more bulbous main cusps and more Leptodontomys-like ancestor with reduced lophs in cheek pronounced mesoloph(id) with slightly higher crown (Qiu teeth. Qiu and Li (2016) also discussed the similarity and Li 2016). A fossil of Leptodontomys/Eomyops sp. was between Leptodontomys/Eomyops and Pentabuneomys also found in the local biozone D1/2 (late early Miocene) to suggest that Asian P. fejfari is intermediate in occlusal in Mongolia (Maridet et al. 2015). A small m1/m2 fossil morphology between European Eomyops hebeiseni and found in Olkhon Island (Lake Baikal, Siberia) was assigned Pentabuneomys rhodanicus. The phylogenetic relationships of Pentabuneomys in relation to the genera mentioned above to Eomyops oppligeri Engesser, 1990 based on its size is still uncertain. and morphology (Daxner-Höck et al. 2013). However, the taxonomic assignment should be reconsidered because the Genus Ligerimys Stehlin et Schaub, 1951 fossil is also within the size range of and is comparable in morphology to Leptodontomys gansus as shown in fig. 72: I C o m m e n t s . Three specimens from early Miocene of Qiu and Li (2016). localities (equivalent to MN 2 – MN 3) in Inner Mongolia

187 (China) were assigned to the first Asian species of Included Asian species. The type and only Ligerimys: L. asiaticus, which is larger than other species of species. Ligerimys (Qiu and Li 2016). In addition to the diagnostic Dental characteristics. Small-sized bunodont traits mentioned by Qiu and Li (2016), the Asian species eomyid. It is clearly smaller than other Asian endemic genera is characterized by the synclinid II closed by the posterior such as Asianeomys and Heteroeomys and slightly smaller extension of longituidinally elongated metaconid. Ligerimys than Japaeomys. Characterized by a slender morphology is considered to be derived from Pseudotheridomys and a low crown, but with cusp(id)s noticeably higher (Escarguel and Aguilar 1997, Engesser 1999) and was than the mid-portion of the tooth in antero-posterior view. considered to be endemic to Europe before L. asiaticus Other noticeable characteristics are upper teeth missing was discovered in Inner Mongolia. More specimens are mesoloph, whereas in lower teeth the mesolophid is rare and necessary to understand the phylogenetic relationships of weakly developed (thus, the molars only have three this species and closely related taxa. syncline(id)s with the central one being much wider and larger than the others). M1/2 with trapezoidal outline Genus Japaneomys Kimura, Tomida, Kalthoff, and oblique, short longitudinal crest joining directly the Casanovas-Vilar et Mörs, 2019 metaloph to the posterior end of the protocone. p4s with Text-figs 1, 2, 5 oblique longitudinal crest joining the hypoconid with Type species. Japaneomys yasunoi Kimura, the metalophid or with the metaconid (but never with the Tomida, Kalthoff, Casanovas-Vilar et Mörs, 2019. protoconid). Included Asian species. The type and only Asian occurrences (age). For the type and species. only species, locality Builstyn Khudag, Mongolia (Tuyn Gol Formation, local biozone E, late Miocene, younger than Dental characteristics. Characters shared with 13 Ma). Asianeomys, Keramidomys, and Estramomys are four roots in m1 and the hypolophid anteriorly connecting to the anterior C o m m e n t s . Late Miocene Omboomys is an endemic arm of hypoconid. More bunodont with lower lophids than eomyid genus in the late Miocene of northeastern Asia. the genera listed above, yet transverse lophids complete; However, the origin of Omboomys is unknown due to the lack small eomyid, similar in size to Keramidomys; two rooted p4 of an intermediate fossils between the late early Miocene and (rather than three roots as in all species of Asianeomys except the late Miocene in the Valley of Lakes in Mongolia (Daxner- A. junggarensis); anterior lobe narrower than posterior lobe Höck et al. 2017). The general bunodont morphology, the on m1 (correspondingly, synclinid I of m1 much shallower small size and low crown along with the trapezoidal shape of and shorter than half the length of synclinid IV); hypolophid the M1/2, and the curved longitudinal crest connecting to the anteriorly concave on m1 (Kimura et al. 2019). protocone in P4–M1/2 suggest its closer phylogenetic affinity to Leptodontomys/Eomyops than any other genus of Eomyidae Asian occurrences (age). For the type and known in the Miocene of Eurasia. The disappearance of the only species, Dota Town, Kani City, Gifu Prefecture, central mesoloph(id)s is also observed in other eomyid clades in the Japan (near the uppermost level of the Nakamura Formation, Miocene of Europe such as the Rhodanomys-Ritteneria clade Mizunami Group; age estimated to be around 18.5 Ma) or the Keramidomys-Estramomys clade (Engesser 1990, (Kimura et al. 2019). 1999). Considering the more likely affinity of Omboomys C o m m e n t s . The genus Japaneomys was erected with Leptodontomys/Eomyops, the disappearance of the based on a right mandible with p4 and m1 discovered from mesoloph[id]s seems to be a convergent evolution, resulting the early Miocene of central Japan (Kimura et al. 2019). from a local evolutionary history leading to Omboomys in An m1 of Megapeomys was also discovered in the same northeastern Asia. locality (Tomida 2011). The jaw was originally ascribed to Pseudotheridomys sp. (Tomida and Setoguchi 1994) but Genus Heteroeomys Qiu, 2006 later Tomida (2011) noted its morphological similarities with Text-figs 1, 2, 7 Keramidomys. However, Japaneomys retains plesiomorphic Type species. Heteroeomys yunnanensis Qiu, 2006. dental traits compared to contemporaneous eomyids such as Keramidomys (Kimura et al. 2019). Phylogenetic analyses have revealed that Japaneomys diverged earlier than Asianeomys and Keramidomys in the late Oligocene, when Japan was part of the coastal margin of East Asia. We suggest that some degree of geographic isolation existed at that time, thus separating certain lineages of small mammals in the coastal region from those in inner-continental regions of Asia. a b 1 mm Genus Omboomys Maridet, Daxner-Höck, Badamgarav et Göhlich, 2015 Text-fig. 5. Japaneomys yasunoi Kimura, Tomida, Kalthoff, Text-figs 1, 2, 6 Casanovas-Vilar et Mörs, 2019 from type locality. a: right m1 (NMNS-PV19995, holotype), b: right p4 (NMNS-PV19994, Type species. Omboomys builstynensis Maridet, paratype). Note that specimens were labelled reversely by Daxner-Höck, Badamgarav et Göhlich, 2015. mistake in the original literature. A scale equals to 0.5 mm.

188 a b c 1 mm a b

1 mm

d e

Text-fig. 6. Omboomys builstynensis maridET, daXnEr-höCK, BadamGarav et GöhliCh, 2015 from type locality. a: right P4 (NHMW 2013/0076/0002), b: right M1/2 (NHMW 2013/0076/0004, holotype), c: left p4 (NHMW 2013/0076/0009), c d d: left m1/2 (NHMW 2013/0076/0013), e: left m3 (NHMW 2013/0076/0014). A scale equals to 0.5 mm. Text-fig. 7. Heteroeomys yunnanensis Qiu, 2006 from type locality. a: right P4 (IVPP V 14730.3), b: right M1/2 (IVPP V 14729, holotype), c: left p4 (IVPP V 14731.5), d: right m1/2 (IVPP V 14731.6). A scale equals to 0.5 mm. Included Asian species. The type and only species. Dental characteristics. Bunodont; medium- Eomyops. However, phylogenetic relationships among these sized eomyid, similar in size to Asianeomys, slightly larger genera remain unknown. than Plesioeomys and within large size variation of Eomyops. Plesiomorphic features include mesoloph(id) of moderate Genus Plesieomys Qiu, 2006 length; main cusps asymmetrically developed between the Text-fi gs 1, 2, 8 labial and lingual sides; weak anterolophid shorter than Type species. Plesieomys mirabilis Qiu, 2006. metalophid; weak ectolophid; protoloph and metaloph directed more perpendicular than in Pseudadjidaumo. Derived features Included Asian species. The type and only comprise relatively higher crown, anteroloph extending far species. lingually and connecting directly to the protocone without the Dental characteristics. Bunodont; relatively lingual part of protocone, which is unique among any known small eomyid, similar in size to Pseudadjidaumo and eomyid genera (modifi ed from Qiu 2006). within large size variation of Eomyops; main cusps Asian occurrences (age). For the type and symmetrically developed; lingual portion of the anteroloph only species, locality Shihuiba, Lufeng, Yunnan Province, greatly reduced; anteroloph weakly developed; syncline II China (Shihuba Formation, late Miocene, not well dated but longer than other synclines; mesolophid of medium length see Flynn and Qi 1982, Ni and Qiu 2002, Appendix); Leilao, with minute terminal cuspule present; metaloph poorly Yuanmou, Yunnan Province, China (Xiaohe Formation, developed; lingual syncline symmetrical; short anterolophid early Baodean, biostratigraphically around 9 Ma by Flynn connecting to metalophid through a longituidinal crest; and Qi 1982, Ni and Qiu 2002). hypolophid variably absent or interrupted (modifi ed from Qiu 2006). C o m m e n t s . Eomyid rodents were only reported from the modern Palaearctic realm until a series of fi nds in the late Asian occurrences (age). For the type and Miocene hominoid localities, Shihuiba and Leilao, Yunnan only species, locality Shihuiba, Lufeng, Yunnan Province, Province in southwestern China, which is part of the modern China (Shihuiba Formation, late Miocene, not well dated but Oriental realm (Qiu 2006) (Text-fi g. 1). The Yunnan eomyids see Flynn and Qi 1982, Ni and Qiu 2002, Appendix); Leilao, Yuanmou, Yunnan Province, China (Xiaohe Formation, are represented by three endemic genera with bunodont tooth early Baodean, biostratigraphically approximately 9 Ma patterns: Heteroeomys, Plesieomys, Yuneomys. They not only after Flynn and Qi 1982, Ni and Qiu 2002). demonstrate that eomyids were distributed in tropical forest environments of Asia but also suggest regionally unique C o m m e n t s . Qiu (2006) pointed out that Plesieomys evolutionary histories of Asian eomyid rodents with several is morphologically similar to Pseudadjidaumo in cusp size, intercontinental dispersals. Qiu (2006) pointed out that weakly developed loph(id)s, and closed synclines I and IV. Asian eomyids in the northern region have more lophodont The Yunnan specimens were assigned to a new genus because tooth patterns than those in the southern region, refl ecting loph(id)s are less developed than in Pseudadjidaumo, different vegetation types with more open environments in which is known from the Mojave Desert in North America the north. The Yunnan eomyids are similar in dental traits (Lindsay 1972). In Plesieomys, a mesoloph enlarged at to North American Pseudadjidaumo and Leptodontomys/ the terminal point is considered to be a diagnostic trait.

189 a b c a b c 1 mm

1 mm

d e d e f

Text-fig. 8. Plesieomys mirabilis Qiu, 2006 from type locality. Text-fig. 9. Yuneomys pusillus (Qiu, 2006) from type locality. a: right P4 (IVPP V 14727.1), b: left M1/2 (IVPP V 14726, a: left P4 (IVPP V 14733.4), b: right M1/2 (IVPP V 14732, holotype), c: left p4 (IVPP V 14727.4), d: right m1/2 (IVPP holotype), c: right M1/2 (IVPP V 14733.1), d: left p4 (IVPP V 14728.3), e: right m3 (IVPP V 14727.11). A scale equals V 14733.5), e: left m1/2 (IVPP V 14733.2), f: left m1/2 (IVPP to 0.5 mm. V 14733.6). A scale equals to 0.5 mm.

Prieto (2012) noted that the enlarged termination of the later transferred to a newly erected genus, Yuneomys (Qiu mesoloph is present in European species of Eomyops such 2017). Thus, all of the Yunnan eomyid genera (Heteroeomys, as E. noelinae (Ruiz-Sánchez et al. 2009) and also variably Plesieomys, Yuneomys) are endemic to southwestern China present in E. catalaunicus from German localities (Prieto although they are morphologically similar to Eomyops and 2012). In fact, the upper dentition of Plesieomys seems to Leptodontomys. Scarce specimens of Yuneomys preclude be indistinguishable from that of Eomyops. Maridet et al. accurate differential diagnosis, particularly in comparison (2015) also pointed out this similarity and briefl y stated the with Eomyops and Leptodontomys, which show considerable possible synonymy of Plesieomys, as well as Heteroeomys variation in cheek tooth morphology. The upper dentition from the same locality, to Leptodontomys/Eomyops. Here, of Yuneomys is in fact identical to that of the two genera. we retain the genus Plesieomys, considering the hypolophid Here, we tentatively retain Y. pusillus encased in Yuneomys. being absent or indistinct as a diagnostic trait at the generic Nevertheless, as stated above, we suggest that the validity of level. However, a detailed review of Asian material in Yuneomys and Plesieomys should be reexamined, particularly comparison with European Eomyops is required to clarify taking into account the large variation in Eomyops and the validity of this genus. Leptodontomys.

Genus Yuneomys Qiu, 2017 Subfamily Apeomyinae fejfar, rummeL et Tomida, 1998 Text-fi gs 1, 2, 9 C o m m e n t s . The subfamily Apeomyinae, which Type species. Yuneomys pusillus (Qiu, 2006). contains Apeomys, Megapeomys, Apeomyoides, and Included Asian species. The type and only Arikareeomys is known based on extremely scarce materials species. and is restricted to the late Oligocene and early Miocene (Fahlbusch 1968, Korth 1992, Engesser 1999, Smith et al. Dental characteristics. Bunodont; small 2006, Flynn 2008, Mörs and Flink 2018). Nevertheless, eomyid, smaller or equivalent in size to Leptodonomys apeomyine eomyids are Holarctic in distribution, occurring and Eomyops; short mesoloph; complete entoloph; small in Europe (Apeomys, Megapeomys), North America mesoconid; anterolophid connecting to the metalophid (Megapeomys, Apeomyoides, Arikareeomys), and Asia through a longitudinal crest at the midline of the tooth. (Apeomys, Megapeomys). Differing from the above genera in having m1/2 with metalophid and hypolophid less developed, short, and Genus Megapeomys fejfar, rummeL et Tomida, 1998 directed transversely; symmetrical arrangement of cuspids and lophids between the anterior and posterior lobes Comments. Megapeomys is phylogenetically closest (i.e., metaconid, protoconid, anterolophid vs. entoconid, to Apeomys (Engesser 1999). In the Asian record Megapeomys hypoconid, posterolophid); mesolophid absent (modifi ed is as scarce as Apeomys and may predate it slightly. A single from Qiu 2017; this study). species of Megapeomys, M. repenningi, was described in Asia based on a single tooth from the early Miocene of central Asian occurrences (age). For the type and Japan (Fejfar et al. 1998, Tomida 2011). Tomida (2011) noted only species, locality Shihuiba, Lufeng, Yunnan Province, that M. repenningi resembles contemporaneous European M. China (Shihuiba Formation, late Miocene, not well dated but lavocati in occlusal morphology, but the former species is more see Flynn and Qi 1982, Ni and Qiu 2002, Appendix). basal in having a distal root unsplit. According to Mörs and C o m m e n t s . The genus was originally described as a Flink (2018), M. repenningi is similar in size to a second and new species of Leptodontomys (Qiu 2006). However, it was larger European species, M. lindsayi, which is morphologically

190 similar to M. lavocati. The single North American species of Keramidomys is related to the Asian endemics Asianeomys Megapeomys, M. bobwilsoni, is larger and more hypsodont, and Japaneomys (Kimura et al. 2019), Keramidomys likely and the distal root is completely split into two separate roots. originated in Asia and later dispersed westward. Asian Ligerimys is unique compared to other eomyids because Genus Apeomys Fahlbusch, 1968 its geographic range was mainly limited to western Europe before the discovery of early Miocene L. asiaticus (MN 2 – C o m m e n t s . In Asia, a high-crowned P4 specimen MN 3) in Inner Mongolia (Qiu and Li 2016). The occurrence was discovered in 1994 from the late early Miocene of Asian Ligerimys suggests that this genus opportunistically Xiacaowan Formation in Sihong, Jiansu Province, central dispersed eastward from Europe, seemingly without leaving East China. It was recently identified as the only Asian diverse local descendants. species of Apeomys, A. asiaticus Qiu, 2017 (Text-fig. 2, Appendix). Compared to European A. tuerkheimae and A. oldrichi, Asian A. asiaticus has more derived dental features Eomyid diversity through time with emphasis such as the anteroloph fused with the protoloph, absence of the mesoloph, and the closed syncline III (Qiu 2017). on Asia Eomyid rodents originated in North America during Biogeographic significance of Asian eomyids the middle Eocene (Korth 1994) and then dispersed into Asia during the late Eocene (Emry et al. 1997) and into Over the past two decades, more and more eomyid Europe by the early Oligocene (Engesser 1999). They were fossils have been discovered in East Asia and the Asian remarkably successful and widely distributed in the Holarctic part of Russia. To date, 22 species within 14 genera were but disappeared by the end of the Miocene in North America reported from Asia, including seven endemic genera and and by the early in Eurasia (Engesser 1999, Flynn rare material of apeomyine eomyids from southwestern 2008). Text-fig. 10 compares the occurrences of eomyid China and Japan (Text-fig. 2). The total number of eomyid genera in the fossil record of North America, Europe and Asia genera in Asia is now equivalent to that in Europe. For (Tab. 1). After the earliest occurrence of eomyid rodents in most of the endemic genera, phylogenetic relationships and the middle Eocene (~43.3 Ma) of North America, eomyid their evolutionary history are of high interest but remain rodent diversity steadily increased and achieved a high uncertain. On the other hand, the other seven non-endemic plateau by 39 Ma, lasting for ~3 million years. The increased genera emphasize biogeographic importance of Asia in diversity occurred during progressive global cooling in the intercontinental dispersal events. Interestingly, four of late Eocene (Zachos et al. 2001). Taking singleton taxa into these genera (Pentabuneomys, Leptodontomys/Eomyops, consideration, the highest peak of eomyid diversity occurred Apeomys, Megapeomys) show Holarctic distributions. in the late Eocene (~36 Ma) (updated in this study; see also Based on chronological occurrence and dental morphology, Korth 1994, Flynn 2008). Even though eomyids dispersed Pentabuneomys and Leptodontomys/Eomyops show a from North America during the late Eocene (Asia) and unidirectional migration, dispersing from North America earliest Oligocene (Europe), their diversity was initially low into Eurasia probably by the early Miocene. Apeomyine outside North America (Text-fig. 10). In North America, eomyids likely had higher dispersal ability, showing at eomyid diversity progressively declined across the Eocene- least two intercontinental dispersal events. Apeomys most Oligocene boundary, coinciding with the onset of Antarctic likely originated in North America and then migrated into glaciation and the first occurrence of permanent ice-sheets Eurasia during the late Oligocene given that two more basal (Zachos et al. 2001). This was a time of major turnover apeomyine eomyids (Zophoapeomys, Proapeomys) predate events in mammal faunas, the so-called “Grande Coupure” Apeomys whistleri in North America (Korth 2008, Korth and (= the Great Cut) in Europe and Mongolian Remodelling Samuels 2015). Later, the apeomyine Megapeomys dispersed in Asia (see Meng and McKenna 1988, Costa et al. 2011). into North America, as suggested by the occurrence of a Eomyid diversity continuously decreased and reached a low more basal species of Megapeomys in Japan than in North level in the early Oligocene, but it slightly bounced back in America (Tomida 2011) and the presence of more derived the late early Oligocene, counting singleton taxa. However, apeomyine taxa (Apeomyoides savagei) in North America North American eomyids hit their lowest diversity during (Korth 2008, Korth and Samuels 2015). The remaining three the major expansion of the Antarctic glaciation (i.e., Oi-2b genera of the Asian eomyids are Eomys, Keramidomys, glacial event) in the late Oligocene. Only a single genus, the and Ligerimys, all of which occurred in Europe as well. In ubiquitous Leptodontomys, survived the cooling event. After Eurasia, Eomys represents the oldest-known eomyid genus the Oi-2a and Oi-2b glaciation events at 28 Ma – 26.7 Ma (locality Möhren 19, Germany, MP 21; locality Ronzon, (Wade and Pälike 2004), eomyid diversity in North America France, MP 21, earliest Oligocene; Maridet et al. 2010) remained at a low level and did not recover even during the and is therefore associated with the first dispersal event of mid-Miocene Climatic Optimum (17 Ma to 15 Ma), whereas eomyid rodents from North America into Europe (Fahlbusch eomyids flourished both in Europe and Asia at that time (Text- 1973, 1979, Engesser 1999). In Asia, scarce material of fig. 10). They were apparently diverse and successful in the E. orientalis has been recovered from the early to late warm (tropical to subtropical) dense forest environments in Oligocene of Central Mongolia and Inner Mongolia, China the late Eocene of North America, and their rapid decline (Wang and Emry 1991, Maridet et al. 2015). More evidence during the Oligocene coincides with the expansion of open of early dispersals of eomyid rodents is expected from these habitats including dry woodlands and grasslands (Retallack areas. Given that recent phylogenetic analysis indicates that 2001, Strömberg 2011).

191 Standard Chronostratigraphy North America Europe Asia Europe Asia Age / Stage Geomag. Polarity MN-MP Zones LMS/A 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (Ma) Period Epoch

Lt. Pleist. (“Tarentian”) C1 un-named # of eomyid genera # of eomyid genera # of eomyid genera 1 M. Pleist. Calabrian Qua - ternary 2 Pleisto - cene Gelasian C2 MN 17 Nihewanian (Total = 32 genera, (Total = 12 genera (Total = 14 genera 3 Piacenzian MN 16 Mazegouan C2A Singleton = 22 genera) Singleton = None) Singleton = 9 genera) 4 MN 15 Gaozhuan- Zanclean MN 14 gian Pliocene 5 C3 MN 13 6 Messinian C3A 7

C3B Baodean MN 12 8 C4 9 MN 11 Tortonian C4A MN 10

10 Bahean MN 9 11 C5 MN 7–8 12 C5A Serravallian C5AA 13 C5AB C5A Neogene MN 6 14 C Tunggurian

Miocene Langhian C5A 15 D C5B 16 MN 5 17 C5C MN 4 18 C5D Burdigalian C5E

19 MN 3 Shanwangian C6 20 C6A 21 C6AA MN 2 Aquitanian

22 C6B Xiejian MN 1 23 C6C MP 30 24 MP 29 C7 MP 28 25 C7A MP 27 Chattian 26 C8 MP 26 27 C9

28 MP 25 Tabenbulakian C10 29 Oligocene MP 24 30 C11 MP 23 31 Rupelian 32 C12 MP 22 Hsanda- golian 33 MP 21 MP 20 34 C13 MP 19 Ergilian 35 C15 MP 18 36 Priabonian C16 Ulango- MP 17b chuian 37 Paleogene MP 17a C17

38 Eocene 39 MP 16 Bartonian 40 C18

MP 15 41

42 MP 14 43 All included (range-through) 44 MP 13

45 Irdinmanhan Singleton taxa removed (range-through) MP 12 46 MP 11 47 MP 10

Text-fig. 10. Diversity of eomyid rodents in North America, Europe, and Asia, counted as “range-through” occurrences of eomyid genera. Two datasets were used to generate the diversity curves. All taxa were included in one dataset (solid line), and in the other dataset (dashed line), singleton taxa, were removed (any genera whose first and last occurrences are restricted to a single time bin; Sepkoski 1996). In each time bin, a data point is placed in its median age. References for standard chronostratigraphy and mammalian biostratigraphy follow Text-fig. 2.

In Eurasia, eomyid rodents diversified somewhat type locality of the only Asian species, E. orientalis, from but were never as diverse as the late Eocene taxa of Inner Mongolia (Wang and Emry 1991) (see Appendix). North America. They diversified sufficiently after their Eomyid rodents experienced their highest generic diversity diversification and subsequent decline in North America. during the middle to late Burdigalian stage in Eurasia. A singleton genus, Symplokeomys, from Kazakhstan is the A remarkable peak is observed in Europe at 17 Ma only Eurasian representative contemporaneous with the (Engesser 1999), which corresponds to the beginning of highest eomyid diversity in North America (Text-figs 2, the mid-Miocene Climatic Optimum (Zachos et al. 2001), 10). Eomys is the earliest taxon to appear more persistently whereas a slight increase of generic diversity predated in the fossil record of Eurasia. Although the genus is more the warming event in Asia (Text-fig. 10). In Europe, the commonly known from the Oligocene of Europe (e.g., subsequent decline in eomyid diversity coincides with the Comte and Vianey-Liaud 1987, Engesser 1990, Maridet et end of the mid-Miocene Climatic Optimum (Zachos et al. al. 2010), Eomys fossils, including those under provisional 2001), but complex biotic factors may also have played an taxonomic assignments, have been reported from Mongolia important role. Particularly, “modern” cricetid rodents like (Daxner-Höck 2010, Maridet et al. 2015) in addition to the Democricetodon and Megacricetodon dispersed into Europe

192 at ~18 Ma and soon became major components of rodent for Understanding the History of the Earth and Life”. I.C.-V. faunas (Daams et al. 1988, Aguilar et al. 1999). These early was financially supported by the Spanish Ministerio de cricetids, showing a generalized bunolophodont dentition, Economía, Industria y Competitividad, the Agencia Estatal de are considered to have been opportunists adapted to diverse Investigación and the European Regional Development Fund environments including more arid habitats (Gómez Cano of the European Union (projects CGL2016-76431-P, AEI/ et al. 2017); however, they may also have competed with FEDER EU, CGL2017-82654-P MINECO/FEDER EU; and eomyids in more forested environments. research contract RYC-2013-12470), and the Generalitat de On the other hand, Asian eomyid diversity remained Catalunya (CERCA Programme). I.C.-V. is a member of the rather static during most of the Miocene, especially after consolidated research group 2017 SGR 116 of the Generalitat the middle Burdigalian diversity peak (Text-fig. 10). de Catalunya. O.M.’s research is supported by a grant of the The genera present in this interval are the long-ranging Swiss National Science Foundation (N° 200021-162359). Asianeomys, Keramidomys, and Leptodontomys, which are D.C.K acknowledges the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft well-represented in the intensively surveyed sections of (DFG, Bonn, Germany) for various grants to study mammalian Inner Mongolia (e.g., Qiu and Li 2016). Ecometric studies enamel microstructure. T.M. was financially supported by show that central East Asia was consistently more arid The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (KVA, Stockholm, than Southern Europe throughout the Neogene (Eronen et Sweden) and by JSPS, Tokyo, Japan. al. 2010, Fortelius et al. 2014), which could have limited eomyid diversity. By the end of the Pliocene, eomyid rodents disappeared References in North America and Asia, whereas they survived until the Aberhan, M., Kiessling, W. (2012): Phanerozoic marine bio- early Pleistocene in northern Europe. Global climatic cooling diversity: A fresh look at data, methods, patterns and resulted in the extension of grass-dominated ecosystems in processes. – In: Talent, J. A. (ed.), Earth and Life: Glo- the late Miocene (Quade and Cerling 1995, Cerling et al. bal Biodiversity, Intervals and Biogeographic 1997, Tipple and Pagani 2007), whereas in Europe, warm- Perturbations Through Time. Springer Netherlands, Dor- temperate forest environments persisted in many areas and drech, pp. 3–22. at higher latitudes although arid landscapes existed in the Mediterranean regions since the middle Miocene (Jiménez- Aguilar, J. P., Escarguel, G., Michaux, J. (1999): A succes- Moreno and Suc 2007, but see Quan et al. 2014). 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196 References Meng et al. (2006); Wu Meng et al. (2006); Wu et al. (2006); Bi (2013) Meng et al. (2006); Wu Meng et al. (2006); Wu et al. (2006); Bi (2013) Qiu (2017) Wang and Emry (1991) Wang Lopatin (2000); Bendukidze (2009); et al. Daxner-Höck (2017) for correlated age Meng et al. (2006); Wu Meng et al. (2006); Wu et al. (2006); Bi (2013) Maridet et al. (2015) Maridet et al. (2015) Maridet et al. (2015) Maridet et al. (2015) Maridet et al. (2015) Wang (2002); Wang et (2002); Wang Wang al. (2008); PBDB Maridet et al. (2015) Meng et al. (2006); Wu Meng et al. (2006); Wu et al. (2006); Bi (2013) Qiu et al. (2013); and Li (2016) Qiu et al. (2013); and Li (2016) Meng et al. (2006); Wu Meng et al. (2006); Wu et al. (2006); Bi (2013) Meng et al. (2006); Wu Meng et al. (2006); Wu et al. (2006); Bi (2013) Magnetostratigraphy Magnetostratigraphy Rationale for the Rationale for age assignment Lower boundary of MN 3 Lower boundary of Chattian Lower boundary of Central Mongolian local biozone C Magnetostratigraphy Magnetostratigraphy, Magnetostratigraphy, faunal comparison with biozone C1 Magnetostratigraphy, Magnetostratigraphy, faunal comparison with biozone C1 Magnetostratigraphy, Magnetostratigraphy, faunal comparison with biozone C1 Faunal comparison with biozone D (the occurrence of Democricetdon sui ) Faunal comparison with biozone D (the occurrence of Democricetdon sui ) Lower boundary of Tabenbulukian faunal comparison with biozone D (the occurrence of Democricetdon sui ) Magnetostratigraphy Lower boundary of MN 2 Lower boundary of MN 3 Magnetostratigraphy Magnetostratigraphy Age 24.4 24.4 19.5 27.8 27.4 21.9 25.6 25.6 25.6 23.0 23.0 28.4 23.0 21.9 21.7 19.5 21.9 24.4 (Ma) Lower boundary Lower Tieersihabahe Tieersihabahe mammal assemblage zone I Tieersihabahe Tieersihabahe mammal assemblage zone I Regional Biozone correlated to Central Mongolian local biozone C Suosuoquan mammal assemblage zone II local biozone C1 local biozone C1 local biozone C1 local biozone D local biozone D local biozone D Suosuoquan mammal assemblage zone II Suosuoquan mammal assemblage zone II Tieersihabahe Tieersihabahe mammal assemblage zone I Tabenbulukian Tabenbulukian Biostratigraphic Zone Shanwangian Xiejian Tabenbulukian Xiejian Xiejian (correlated to MN 2) Xiejian (correlated to MN 3) Xiejian Tabenbulukian Magnetostratigraphy Magnetostratigraphy Rationale for the age Rationale for assignment Upper boundary of MN 5 Upper boundary of Chattian (= the Oligocene/ Miocene boundary) Upper boundary of Central Mongolian local biozone C Magnetostratigraphy, Magnetostratigraphy, faunal comparison with biozone C1 Magnetostratigraphy Magnetostratigraphy, Magnetostratigraphy, faunal comparison with biozone C1 Magnetostratigraphy, Magnetostratigraphy, faunal comparison with biozone C1 Faunal comparison with biozone D (the occurrence of Democricetdon sui ) Faunal comparison with biozone D (the occurrence of Democricetdon sui ) Faunal comparison with biozone D (the occurrence of Democricetdon sui ) Upper boundary of Tabenbulukian Magnetostratigraphy Upper boundary of MN 3 Upper boundary of MN 3 Magnetostratigraphy Magnetostratigraphy Age 23.2 23.2 14.2 23.0 25.6 24.2 21.7 24.2 24.2 21.0 21.0 21.0 23.0 21.7 17.2 17.2 21.7 23.2 (Ma) Upper boundary Upper Tieersihabahe Tieersihabahe mammal assemblage zone I Tieersihabahe Tieersihabahe mammal assemblage zone I Regional Biozone correlated Central Mongolian local biozone C local biozone C1 Suosuoquan mammal assemblage zone II local biozone C1 local biozone D local biozone D local biozone D local biozone D Suosuoquan mammal assemblage zone II Suosuoquan mammal assemblage zone II Tieersihabahe Tieersihabahe mammal assemblage zone I Tabenbulukian Tabenbulukian Biostratigraphic Zone Shanwangian Xiejian Tabenbulukian Xiejian Xiejian (correlated to MN 3) Shanwangjian (correlated to MN 3) Xiejian Tabenbulukian Tieersihabahe Tieersihabahe Formation Tieersihabahe Tieersihabahe Formation Lithostratigraphic Unit Xiacaowan Formation Wulangulage Wulangulage Formation Aral Formation Loh Formation Suosuoquan Formation Loh Formation Loh Formation Loh Formation Loh Formation Loh Formation Paoniuquan Formation Suosuoquan Formation Lower Red Mudstone Member. Aoerban Formation Gashunyinadege bed Suosuoquan Formation Tieersihabahe Tieersihabahe Formation XJ98024 XJ200209 Fossil Locality Zhengji IVPP Loc. 77048 IVPP Altynshokysu Del XJ99005 Huch Teeg Tatal Gol Tatal Unkheltseg Luuny Yas Hotuliin Teeg IVPP Loc. IVPP DH199904 XJ99005 Lower Aoerban Gashunyinadege XJ99005 XJ98035 (Junggar Basin) Tieersihabahe Tieersihabahe (Junggar Basin) County/ City/Town (Geographic Region) Sihong Saint Jacques Chelkar (North Aral Region) (Valley of Lakes) (Valley (Junggar Basin) (Valley of Lakes) (Valley (Valley of Lakes) (Valley (Valley of Lakes) (Valley (Valley of Lakes) (Valley (Valley of Lakes) (Valley Yandantu, Minzhu Yandantu, Xiang (Junggar Basin) Sonid Zuoqi Sonid Zuoqi (Junggar Basin) Tieersihabahe Tieersihabahe (Junggar Basin) Tieersihabahe Tieersihabahe Xinjiang Province/ Region/ Prefecture Jiangsu Inner Mongolia Aktyubinsk Xinjiang Aksay Kazak Autonomous Gansu County, Xinjiang Inner Mongolia Inner Mongolia Xinjiang Xinjiang Xinjiang China Country China China Kazakhstan China Mongolia Mongolia Mongolia Mongolia Mongolia China Mongolia China China China China China China Asianeomys junggarensis Scientific Name Apeomys asiaticus Asianeomys asiaticus Asianeomys bolligeri Asianeomys dangheensis Asianeomys dangheensis Asianeomys dangheensis Asianeomys dangheensis Asianeomys dangheensis Asianeomys dangheensis Asianeomys dangheensis Asianeomys dangheensis Asianeomys engesseri Asianeomys fahlbuschi Asianeomys fahlbuschi Asianeomys fahlbuschi Asianeomys junggarensis Asianeomys junggarensis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 18 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 Entry Appendix Asia. Each entry represents a species from single locality. Species occurrences of all eomyid rodents in

197 References Maridet et al. (2015) Maridet et al. (2015) Maridet et al. (2015) Maridet et al. (2015) Maridet et al. (2015) Wang and Emry (1991) Wang Lopatin (2000); Bendukidze 2009; et al. Daxner-Höck (2017) Flynn and Qi (1982); Ni and Qiu (2002); (2006) Meng et al. (2006); Wu Meng et al. (2006); Wu et al. (2006); Bi (2013) Wang and Emry (1991) Wang Gomes Rodrigues et al. (2014) and refereces et therein; Daxner-Höck al. (2017) Flynn and Qi (1982); Ni and Qiu (2002); (2006) Maridet et al. (2011) Kimura et al. (2019) Maridet et al. (2011) Maridet et al. (2015) Maridet et al. (2015) Wang and Emry (1991) Wang Daxner-Höck et al. Daxner-Höck (2013) Ar age on Ar age on Ar age on 39 39 39 Ar/ Ar/ Ar/ basalt I layer basalt I layer basalt I layer 40 40 40 early/middle Miocene boundary the Eocene/ Oligocene boundary Rationale for the Rationale for age assignment Lower boundary of Chattian Lower boundary of Central Mongolian local biozone C biostratigraphic comparison with Siwalik rhizomyid rodents by Flynn and Qi (1982) but not well dated Magnetostratigraphy Lower boundary of Chattian Lower boundary of Central Mongolian local biozone C1 biostratigraphic comparison with Siwalik rhizomyid rodents by Flynn and Qi (1982) but not well dated Taxonomic Taxonomic comparison with the Suosuoquan mammal assemblage zone II (the occurrence of Asiaeomys engesseri ) K-Ar dating in the upper Hachiya Formation Taxonomic Taxonomic comparison with the Suosuoquan mammal assemblage zone II (the occurrence of Asiaeomys engesseri ) Lower boundary of Central Mongolian local biozone C Lower boundary of Central Mongolian local biozone C Lower boundary of Chattian Taxonomic Taxonomic comparison (roughly correlated to MN 7+8) not not ~13 (~9 (~9 Age Ma) Ma) well well 31.5 31.5 33.9 31.5 27.8 27.4 21.9 27.8 25.6 21.9 19.8 21.9 27.4 27.4 27.8 to ~8 to ~8 (Ma) dated dated 15.97 Lower boundary Lower local biozone D1/2 local biozone B local biozone B local biozone A local biozone B Regional Biozone correlated Mongolian local biozone C Suosuoquan mammal assemblage zone II correlated to Mongolial local biozone C1 local biozone C local biozone C Biostratigraphic Zone not well dated Xiejian not well dated Ar age on basalt Ar age on basalt Ar age on basalt Ar age on basalt Ar age on basalt 39 39 39 39 39 Ar/ Ar/ Ar/ Ar/ Ar/ III layer II layer II layer I layer II layer 40 40 40 40 40 Rationale for the age Rationale for assignment Upper boundary of Chattian (= the Oligocene/ Miocene boundary) biostratigraphic comparison with Siwalik rhizomyid rodents by Flynn and Qi (1982) but not well dated Upper boundary of Central Mongolian local biozone C Upper boundary of Chattian (= the Oligocene/ Miocene boundary) Magnetostratigraphy Upper boundary of Central Mongolian local biozone C1 biostratigraphic comparison with Siwalik rhizomyid rodents by Flynn and Qi (1982) but not well dated Taxonomic comparison Taxonomic with the Sihong locality (the occurrence of orientalis ) Microdyromys Upper boundary of MN 3 Taxonomic comparison Taxonomic with the Sihong locality (the occurrence of orientalis ) Microdyromys Upper boundary of Central Mongolian local biozone C Upper boundary of Central Mongolian local biozone C Upper boundary of Chattian (= the Oligocene/ Miocene boundary) Taxonomic comparison Taxonomic (roughly correlated to MN 7+8) not not ~13 (~9 (~9 Ma) Age Ma) well well 28.0 31.5 28.0 23.0 25.6 23.0 21.7 28.0 24.2 17.2 25.6 25.6 23.0 13.0 to ~8 to ~8 (Ma) dated dated 18.05 18.05 Upper boundary Upper local biozone B local biozone A local biozone B Regional Biozone correlated Central Mongolian local biozone C Suosuoquan mammal assemblage zone II local biozone B local biozone C local biozone C local biozone D1/2 not well dated Biostratigraphic Zone Xiejian not well dated Hasanda Gol Formation Hasanda Gol Formation Hasanda Gol Formation Lithostratigraphic Unit Shihuiba Formation Wulangulage Wulangulage Formation Aral Formation Wulangulage Wulangulage Formation Suosuoquan Formation Hasanda Gol Formation Xiaohe Formation Ulantatal Formation Nakamura Formation Loh Formation Loh Formation Wulangulage Wulangulage Formation Loh Formation Hasanda Gol Gol Tatal Taatsiin Gol Taatsiin (right) Fossil Locality Shihuiba IVPP Loc. IVPP 77049.2 Altynshokysu IVPP Loc. 78018 IVPP XJ99005 Taatsiin Gol Taatsiin (right) Leilao UTL6 XJ 200604 Dota XJ 200604 Taatsiin Gol Taatsiin (right) Taatsiin Gol Taatsiin (west) IVPP Loc. 78018 IVPP Ulaan Tolgoi Tagay (Valley of Lakes) (Valley of Lakes) (Valley (Valley of Lakes) (Valley County/ City/Town (Geographic Region) Lufeng Saint Jacques Chelkar (North Aral Region) Qianlishan District (Junggar Basin) (Valley of Lakes) (Valley Yuanmou Ulantatal Burqin. Habahe (Junggar Basin) Kani Burqin. Habahe (Junggar Basin) (Valley of Lakes) (Valley (Valley of Lakes) (Valley Qianlishan District (Valley of Lakes) (Valley Olkhon Island, Lake Baikal Province/ Region/ Prefecture Yunnan Inner Mongolia Aktyubinsk Inner Mongolia Xinjiang Yunnan Inner Mongolia Xinjiang Gifu Xinjiang Inner Mongolia Siberia Country Mongolia Mongolia China China Mongolia Kazakhstan China China China China Mongolia China Japan China Mongolia Mongolia China Russia Mongolia Scientific Name Eomys aff. orientalis Eomys cf. orientalis Heteroeomys yunnanensis Eomys orientalis Eomys sp. Asianeomys yanshini Eomys orientalis Asianeomys sp. Heteroeomys Heteroeomys yunnanensis Asianeomys sp. Eomys aff. orientalis Asianeomys engesseri aff. Japaneomys yasunoi Asianeomys sp. cf. Asianeomys bolligeri cf. Asianeomys bolligeri Eomyodon sp. “Eomyops oppligeri” Eomyops/ Leptodontomys sp. 32 33 35 29 34 19 30 20 36 21 31 22 37 23 24 25 26 27 28 Entry

198 References Qiu et al. (2013); and Li (2016) Maridet et al. (2015) Qiu et al. (2013); and Li (2016) Qiu et al. (2013); and Li (2016) Qiu et al. (2013); and Li (2016) Qiu et al. (2013); and Li (2016) Qiu et al. (2013); and Li (2016) Maridet et al. (2011) Qiu et al. (2013); and Li (2016) Qiu et al. (2013); and Li (2016) Qiu et al. (2013); and Li (2016) Qiu et al. (2013); and Li (2016) Qiu et al. (2013); and Li (2016) Qiu et al. (2013); and Li (2016) Qiu et al. (2013); and Li (2016) Qiu et al. (2013); and Li (2016) Qiu et al. (2013); and Li (2016) Qiu et al. (2013); and Li (2016) Qiu et al. (2013); and Li (2016) Qiu et al. (2013); and Li (2016) Qiu et al. (2013); and Li (2016) Daxner-Höck et al. Daxner-Höck (2013) Lower boundary of MN 9 early/middle Miocene boundary Rationale for the Rationale for age assignment Lower boundary of MN 10 Lower boundary of MN 2 Lower boundary of MN 10 Lower boundary of MN 3 Lower boundary of MN 12 Taxonomic Taxonomic comparison with the Suosuoquan mammal assemblage zone II (the occurrence of Asiaeomys engesseri ) Lower boundary of MN 3 Upper boundary of MN 13 Lower boundary of MN 3 Lower boundary of MN 7/8 Upper boundary of MN 13 Lower boundary of MN 7/8 Lower boundary of MN 9 Lower boundary of MN 9 Lower boundary of MN 12 Lower boundary of MN 9 Lower boundary of MN 10 Lower boundary of MN 9 Lower boundary of MN 12 Taxonomic Taxonomic comparison (roughly correlated to MN 7+8) 9.9 9.9 7.4 7.1 7.1 7.6 9.9 7.4 ~13 Age 11.2 11.2 11.2 11.2 11.2 21.7 19.5 21.9 19.5 19.5 12.9 (Ma) 15.97 12.85 Lower boundary Lower local biozone D1/2 Regional Biozone to MN 9) Biostratigraphic Zone late Bahean (correlated to MN 10) Xiejian (correlated to MN 2) Bahean (correlated to MN 10) Xiejian (correlated to MN 3) Baodean (correlated to MN 12) Shanwangjian (correlated to MN 3) Baodean (correlated to MN 13) Xiejian (correlated to MN 3) Tunggurian Tunggurian (correlated to MN 7/8) Baodean (correlated to MN 13) Tunggurian Tunggurian (correlated to MN 7/8) Bahean (correlated to MN 9) Bahean (correlated to MN 9) Baodean (correlated to MN 12) Bahean (correlated Bahean (correlated to MN 9) Bahean (correlated to MN 10) Bahean (correlated to MN 9) Baodean (correlated to MN 12) Ar age on basalt 39 Ar/ III layer 40 Rationale for the age Rationale for assignment Upper boundary of MN 11 Upper boundary of MN 3 Upper boundary of MN 11 Taxonomic comparison Taxonomic with the Sihong locality (the occurrence of orientalis ) Microdyromys Upper boundary of MN 3 Upper boundary of MN 13 Upper boundary of MN 5 Upper boundary of MN 13 Upper boundary of MN 3 Upper boundary of MN 7/8 Upper boundary of MN 13 Upper boundary of MN 7/8 Upper boundary of MN 11 Upper boundary of MN 11 Upper boundary of MN 13 Upper boundary of MN 9 Upper boundary of MN 9 Upper boundary of MN 11 Upper boundary of MN 11 Upper boundary of MN 13 Taxonomic comparison Taxonomic (roughly correlated to MN 7+8) 7.6 7.6 5.3 5.3 5.3 7.6 7.6 5.3 9.9 9.9 7.6 7.6 5.3 ~13 Age 11.2 11.2 17.2 17.2 14.2 17.2 13.0 (Ma) 18.05 Upper boundary Upper Regional Biozone local biozone D1/2 Biostratigraphic Zone early Baodean (correlated to M 11) Xiejian (correlated to MN 3) Bahean (correlated to MN 11) Shanwangjian (correlated to MN 3) Baodean (correlated to MN 13) Shanwangian (correlated to MN 5) Baodean (correlated to MN 13) Shanwangjian (correlated to MN 3) Tunggurian Tunggurian (correlated to MN 7/8) Baodean (correlated to MN 13) Tunggurian Tunggurian (correlated to MN 7/8) Bahean (correlated to MN 11) Bahean (correlated to MN 11) Baodean (correlated to MN 13) Bahean (correlated to MN 9) Bahean (correlated to MN 9) Bahean (correlated to MN 11) Bahean (correlated to MN 11) Bahean (correlated to MN 13) Lithostratigraphic Unit Huitenghe bed Lower Red Mudstone Member, Aoerban Formation Shala bed Gashunyinadege bed Bilutu bed Upper Red Mudstone Member, Aoerban Formation Ertemte Formation Gashunyinadege bed Tunggur Formation Tunggur correlated to Ertemte Formation Tunggur Formation Tunggur Balunhalagen bed Balunhalagen bed Bilutu bed Amuwusu bed Amuwusu bed Shala bed Balunhalagen bed Bilutu bed Loh Formation Fossil Locality Huitenghe XJ 200604 Lower Aoerban Shala Gashunyinadege Bilutu Upper Aoerban Ertemte2 Gashunyinadege H-X Highwat Road original mark 346 Harr Obo2 H-X Highwat Road original mark 346 Balunhalagen Balunhalagen Bilutu Amuwusu Amuwusu Shala Balunhalagen Bilutu Ulaan Tolgoi Tagay County/ City/Town (Geographic Region) Abag Burqin. Habahe (Junggar Basin) Sonid Zuoqi Sonid Youqi Sonid Zuoqi Sonid Zuoqi Sonid Zuoqi Huade Sonid Zuoqi Sonid Youqi Huade Sonid Youqi Sonid Zuoqi Sonid Zuoqi Sonid Zuoqi Sonid Youqi Sonid Youqi Sonid Youqi Sonid Zuoqi Sonid Zuoqi (Valley of Lakes) (Valley Olkhon Island, Lake Baikal Province/ Region/ Prefecture Inner Mongolia Xinjiang Inner Mongolia Inner Mongolia Inner Mongolia Inner Mongolia Inner Mongolia Inner Mongolia Inner Mongolia Inner Mongolia Inner Mongolia Inner Mongolia Inner Mongolia Inner Mongolia Inner Mongolia Inner Mongolia Inner Mongolia Inner Mongolia Inner Mongolia Inner Mongolia Siberia Country China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China Russia Mongolia Scientific Name Leptodontomys gansus Keramidomys sp. Keramidomys fahlbuschi Leptodontomys gansus Keramidomys fahlbuschi Leptodontomys gansus Keramidomys fahlbuschi Leptodontomys gansus Leptodontomys gansus Keramidomys fahlbuschi Leptodontomys gansus Leptodontomys gansus Keramidomys fahlbuschi Leptodontomys gansus Keramidomys fahlbuschi Leptodontomys gansus Keramidomys magnus Keramidomys magnus Keramidomys magnus Keramidomys magnus Keramidomys mohleri / aff. K. aff. fahlbuschi Keramidomys sp. 55 50 38 56 39 57 40 58 51 41 59 52 42 53 43 54 44 45 46 47 48 49 Entry

199 References Qiu et al. (2013); and Li (2016) Maridet et al. (2015) Qiu et al. (2013); and Li (2016) Qiu et al. (2013); and Li (2016) Qiu et al. (2013); and Li (2016) Zheng and Li (1982); Deng (2006) Qiu et al. (2013); and Li (2016) Qiu et al. (2013); and Li (2016) Qiu et al. (2013); and Li (2016) Qiu et al. (2013); and Li (2016) Qiu et al. (2013); and Li (2016) Flynn and Qi (1982); Ni and Qiu (2002); (2006) Emry et al. (1997); PBDB Qiu et al. (2013); and Li (2016) Qiu et al. (2013); and Li (2016) Qiu et al. (2013); and Li (2016) Qiu et al. (2013); and Li (2016) Flynn and Qi (1982); Ni and Qiu (2002); (2006, 2017) Flynn and Qi (1982); Ni and Qiu (2002); (2006, 2017) Qiu et al. (2013); and Li (2016) Qiu et al. (2013); and Li (2016) Takeuchi (1992). Takeuchi (2011) Tomida Ar age on 39 Ar/ Lower boundary of MN 3 basalt layer 40 Lower boundary of MN 9 Rationale for the Rationale for age assignment Lower boundary of MN 2 Lower boundary of MN 9 Lower boundary of MN 12 Lower boundary of MN 3 Lower boundary of MN 2 Lower boundary of MN 3 Lower boundary of MN 7/8 Lower boundary of MN 9 biostratigraphic comparison with Siwalik rhizomyid rodents by Flynn and Qi (1982) but not well dated Lower boundary of Ergilian Lower boundary of MN 9 Lower boundary of MN 10 Lower boundary of MN 10 Lower boundary of MN 12 biostratigraphic comparison with Siwalik rhizomyid rodents by Flynn and Qi (1982) but not well dated biostratigraphic comparison with Siwalik rhizomyid rodents by Flynn and Qi (1982) but not well dated Lower boundary of MN 2 Lower boundary of MN 3 K-Ar dating in the upper Hachiya Formation 7.4 9.9 9.9 7.4 not not not (~9 (~9 (~9 Age Ma) Ma) Ma) 11.2 11.2 11.2 11.2 well well well 19.5 21.7 19.5 21.7 19.5 37.2 21.7 19.5 19.8 13.0 to ~8 to ~8 to ~8 (Ma) dated dated dated 12.85 Lower boundary Lower Regional Biozone local biozone E Shanwangian (correlated to MN 3) Bahean (correlated to MN 9) Biostratigraphic Zone Xiejian (correlated to MN 2) Bahean (correlated to MN 9) Baodean (correlated to MN 12) Xiejian (correlated to MN 3) Xiejian (correlated to MN 2) Xiejian (correlated to MN 3) not well dated Tunggurian Tunggurian (correlated to MN 7/8) Bahean (correlated to MN 9) Ergilian Bahean (correlated to MN 9) late Bahean (correlated to MN 10) Bahean (correlated to MN 10) not well dated Baodean (correlated to MN 12) not well dated Xiejian (correlated to MN 2) Xiejian (correlated to MN 3) Upper boundary of MN 5 Upper boundary of MN 9 Rationale for the age Rationale for assignment Upper boundary of MN 3 Upper boundary of MN 11 Upper boundary of MN 13 Upper boundary of MN 3 Upper boundary of MN 3 Upper boundary of MN 3 biostratigraphic comparison with Siwalik rhizomyid rodents by Flynn and Qi (1982) but not well dated Upper boundary of MN 7/8 Upper boundary of MN 9 Upper boundary of Ergilian Upper boundary of MN 11 Upper boundary of MN 11 Upper boundary of MN 11 biostratigraphic comparison with Siwalik rhizomyid rodents by Flynn and Qi (1982) but not well dated Upper boundary of MN 13 biostratigraphic comparison with Siwalik rhizomyid rodents by Flynn and Qi (1982) but not well dated Upper boundary of MN 3 Upper boundary of MN 3 Upper boundary of MN 3 Miocene/Pliocene boudary 9.9 7.6 5.3 9.9 7.6 7.6 7.6 5.3 not 5.3 not not (~9 (~9 (~9 Age Ma) Ma) Ma) 11.2 well well well 14.2 17.2 17.2 17.2 17.2 33.9 17.2 17.2 17.2 to ~8 to ~8 to ~8 (Ma) dated dated dated Upper boundary Upper Regional Biozone local biozone E MN 5) Bahean (correlated to MN 9) Biostratigraphic Zone Xiejian (correlated to MN 3) Bahean (correlated to MN 11) Baodean (correlated to MN 13) Shanwangjian (correlated to MN 3) not well dated Xiejian (correlated to MN 3) Shanwangian (correlated to Shanwangjian (correlated to MN 3) Tunggurian Tunggurian (correlated to MN 7/8) Bahean (correlated to MN 9) Ergilian Bahean (correlated to MN 11) not well dated early Baodean (correlated to MN 11) Bahean (correlated to MN 11) Baodean (correlated to MN 13) not well dated Xiejian (correlated to MN 3) Shanwangjian (correlated to MN 3) Amuwusu bed Lithostratigraphic Unit Lower Red Mudstone Member, Aoerban Formation Balunhalagen bed Gashunyinadege bed Shihuiba Formation Lower Red Mudstone Member. Aoerban Formation Upper Red Mudstone Member, Aoerban Formation Gashunyinadege bed Tunggur Formation Tunggur Amuwusu bed Aksyir Formation Balunhalagen bed Shihuiba Formation Huitenghe bed Shala bed Bilutu bed Lower Red Mudstone Member, Aoerban Formation Gashunyinadege bed Nakamura Formation Tuyn Gol Formation Tuyn Amuwusu Fossil Locality Lower Aoerban Balunhalagen Loc. 1 Gashunyinadege Shihuiba Lower Aoerban Upper Aoerban Gashunyinadege H-X Highwat Road original mark 346 Amuwusu Loc. K10 Balunhalagen Shihuiba Huitenghe Shala Bilutu Loc. 9905 Lower Aoerban Gashunyinadege Dota Builstyn Khudag Sonid Youqi County/ City/Town (Geographic Region) Sonid Zuoqi Sonid Zuoqi Songshan. Tianzu Songshan. Tianzu Xian Sonid Zuoqi Lufeng Sonid Zuoqi Sonid Zuoqi Sonid Zuoqi Sonid Youqi Sonid Youqi Sunduk (Zaysan Basin) Sonid Zuoqi Lufeng Abag Sonid Youqi Sonid Zuoqi Yuanmou Sonid Zuoqi Sonid Zuoqi Kani (Valley of Lakes) (Valley Inner Mongolia Province/ Region/ Prefecture Inner Mongolia Inner Mongolia Gansu Inner Mongolia Yunnan Inner Mongolia Inner Mongolia Inner Mongolia Inner Mongolia Inner Mongolia Inner Mongolia Yunnan Inner Mongolia Inner Mongolia Inner Mongolia Yunnan Inner Mongolia Inner Mongolia Gifu China Country China China China China China China China China China China China Kazakhstan China China China China China China China Japan Mongolia Pentabuneomys fejfari Scientific Name Pentabuneomys fejfari Pentabuneomys fejfari Leptodontomys gansus Pentabuneomys fejfari Plesieomys mirabilis Leptodontomys lii Pentabuneomys fejfari Leptodontomys lii Leptodontomys lii Leptodontomys lii Leptodontomys lii Symplokeomys zaysanicus Yuneomys Yuneomys pusillus Leptodontomys lii Leptodontomys lii Leptodontomys lii Leptodontomys sp. Ligerimys asiaticus Ligerimys asiaticus Megapeomys repenningi Omboomys builstynensis 77 74 78 60 75 79 61 76 62 63 64 65 80 81 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 Entry