Thejournal of Oromo Studies
EDITOR Bichaka Fayissa, Middle Tennessee State University, USA ASSOCIATE EDITOR Demissew Ejara, University ofMassachusetts, USA CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Lemmu Baissa, SUNY Institute ofTechnology at UticaIRome, USA Asfaw Beyene, San Diego State University, USA Belletech Deressa, Global Mission, USA Mohammed Hassen, Georgia State University, USA Bonnie K. Holcomb, George Washington University, USA Asafa Jalata, The University ofTennessee, USA Addisu Tolesa, Indiana University, USA EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Mario 1. Aguilar, University ofSt. Andrews, Scotland George Banti, University ofRome, Italy Paul Baxter, University ofManchester, UK Mekuria Bulcha, University ofUppsala, Sweden Bahiru Gametchu, Medical College ofWisconsin, USA Richard Hayward, University ofLondon, UK Jan Hultin, University ofGoteborg, Sweden Said Samatar, Rutgers University, USA Sidney Waldron, SUNY Cortland, USA THE JOURNAL OF aROMa STUDIES VOLUME 8, NUMBERS 1 AND 2, JULY 2001 THE JOURNAL OF OROMO STUDIES POBox 189 MTSU Middle Tennessee State Univetsity Mutfreesboro, TN 37132-0189 TheJournal of Oromo Studies (lOS) is a multi-disciplinary interna tional journal of the Oromo Studies Association, and it publishes original research and book reviews on Oromo studies and othet related issues twice a year. JOS welcomes contributions in all areas of Oromo studies and related fields The acceptance of articles for publication is made by the editor based upon comments and recommendations ofanonymous peer referees in the appropriate field It is our commitment to wotk with authors by
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