AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE^ BUSINESS OPPOR* LOANS—PERSONAL REALESTATE BROKERS DWELLINGS FOR SALE APARTMENTS & FLATS FURNISHED ROOMS TO : A* PARKER frame house. 28TH YEAR. __le ST., 181—Two-family, __ TUNI™S__ __TO LET__ t__ with two J. WARD SMITH A BOW. store; ground, 25x100; 8 rooms; YOU ARE SURE _ BEST A FEW LOANS. furnished rooms and small apartments baths; rent, $89; price, $4,200. of a every REALTY, INSURANCE, AND square deal, courteous treatment, ESTATES to let; steam heat; hot water; reasonable MACAULAY’S consideration reasonable If MANAGED. THE and a charge, PRUDENTIAL BUILDING. ABINGTON, rent; take Mt. Prospect ar. car to premises. DE GRAW AT., 893—One-family, 9 rooms, BUSINESS PLACES A REAL ESTATE SOLD we handle when in need of a CHEAPEST FI RT your business, <48 MT. PROSPECT MRS. MULOREW, 769 Highland av. steam heat, parquet floors; all Improve- "MACK KNOWS HOW." HoutM In Newark from to *10.000;- AV.. MYRON W. *5.000 ments; ground, 85x100; with extrb lot, IF YOU WANT TO BUY OP SELL _ MORSE, 7 to 10 roome; OPPOSITE ABINGTON 1 $6,000; CASH REAL frame,-etucco. brand new, AV., ATTRACTIVELY furnished rooms, 65 Hal- USED CAR 80x100, $7,800 SEE "MACK." "THAT’S ALL." QUICK ESTATE—INSURANCE—LOAN8. 40x100 and DEPT. T4° BROAD 50x100 feet of ground; every- aey st.; near New st. accommodation. There will be little or no _ ST. 189 THIRD AV. The Flat closed car Is the car 1103 FIREMEN’S INSURANCE BLDQ. thing strictly up-to-date; restricted section; perfect delay In you the money, as we are RENTING A COLLECTING A SPECIALTY. beat 4, 5, 0, 7 AIRY for use. The are re- VERONA AV., 814; cor. De Grew av.~One- TELEPHONE 2888 MARKET. handing property in Newark; 50 houses now be- LARGE, ROOMS, BANK AND HALSEY family following In a can re- RTS.. Stag Hotel— **' family, 9-room house; steam heat, parquet position to supply anyone that ing all which are for aale by built and In excellent condition: P. constructed, of OVERLOOKING ENTIRE CITY. Rooms, 60c night up; bath and ouftlde turn same in or monthly Instalments. _ L. BRYCE. 1908—35 H. P. Chassis Chain Drive (for- floors. electric light; all Improvements; THIS la your opportunity; investigate our weekly rooms. Quickly. Privately and without Red Tape, Insurance, Real Loans. 810 Brand it. Clinton Park South L. & I. Co. eign). ground, 50x100; $8,500. co-operative Belling plan; amall Investment Eetate, ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES. absolutely secured; backed by easily demon- Annoyance or Inconvenience. 800 BROAD ST. 190ft—45 H. P. Gunboat (foreign). _ BANK 8T., 288—One large room In VERONA 810 50x100; EXCEPTIONAL CLOSETS. private 3910—15 H. P. Landaulet Town Car. AV.. 812—Lot. $8,000. atrated, quick selling household necessity; family; for one or two persona. EIGHTH near Broad at.—Ona-famlly APARTMENTS ON 1910—45 H. P. Shaft Drive Landaulet retailing fl.BO. Roam 402. Ordway Btdg NO ADVANCE CHARGE AV., FIRST FLOOR SUIT- LAND AND CONSTRUCTION REAL house; stable and shed rear; lot ABLE FOR (foreign). UNITED ESTATE FOR SALE wagon DOCTOR. BEACH rooms for N. J. 25x140; at a ST., 1(V—Connecting light 1910— 45 H. P. COMPANY, 148 Bloorofleld av.,-''Newark, AN established manufacturing company re- bargain; $1,000 cash; .seven AGENTS ON Shaft Drive Limousine rooms and PREMISES. TEL. 41-W. housekeeping; stationary tuba, gaa range; These properties can all be bought on easy quiring additional capital to handle its bath; all Improvement#; hot water •Iso ^foreign). Mutual Loan heat; BRANCH BROOK, OR single rooms. 1911— 35 terms to suit purchaser. volume of business offers exceptional oppor- good condition. Address PERSONAL, H. P. Touring Car. _ B. J. to investors who will act promptly; 341 Broad at. ROSENBAUM, 738 BROAD STREET. ? 1912—20 H. P. Town Car Limousine. tunity BLEECKER 8T., 54—Nicely furnished roomt » principals only. 8. M., 200 Star. 6074 MARKET. 1912—85 H. P. Landaulet. _ private family; fatesf heat, electric and Investment Co. MODERN residence of and 8 bath _TEL. light; 1912— 35 II. P. Limousine. tTUWFTNG ROOFING PlWOT'Nfl 11 rooms homelike; 6 minutes from Broad and Mar- — rooms; steam * Asphnlt roofing, *1.23 r*r roll, no MOVING-PICTURE THEATRES Buying, heating and electricity; large L^ISIRABLK, up to-date 7-room apartment; ket; reasonable. WILLIAMS 507-508 Wiss 671 Broad St. all bell. .41 Broadway and 57th* Street, N. Y. nails and cement free. Trj our iRON-KOTR selling, renting, building, everywhere. $500 Bldg., llvlug room; plot, 75x175; best location; con Improvements, ateam heat, hot water, with warranty nona up. RELIANCE 82 Union Entrance next to Child's Lunchroom. venlent to railroad station and will reasonable rent. FIAT roofing paint-, five-year EXCHANGE. trolleys; Apply Mils. ML'L- BOSTON ST., 67—Fine housekeeping rooms, ;:j free delivery; let New York. Open and Evenings. consider for a smaller house; VuB av BUILDING_ guarantee, $1 per gallon; equate. Monday Saturday exchanging QflEW, Highland ; take Mt. Prospect furnished In mission; kitchen and dining- tis roofs with ®sPhait $0,000 to value. Communicate with av. car to promises. esilmate to cover your $8,000 room combined, with bedroom connecting; or VICTOR ROOFING SALES FOR SALE—First class corner EDWARD l\ HAMILTON & CO., BARGAINS IN USED CARS. slag roofing. saloon; good opposite running water, gas, etc.; rent 94; near two Model 32 Al condi- CO., Inc., 17-19 Wright at. Tel. 680 Waverly. whiskey trade; 85 halves beer a week; must Orange station nnd 90 Broadway, New York. APARTMENT Rudolph, West Kinney at at car Unps. Hupmoblle. touring. Broad—Seven tion. 1600; Model 20 Hupmoblle. roadster. Al be sold at once. Address SALE, Box 50, Star rooma and bath; every con- WE MUST BE actual shape, $400; Model 20 Hupmoblle, Al shape. ARE HEADQUARTERS office. LOANS ROLD-^500 below value; yenience; steam, electricity, Janitor service; BLEECKER ST., 7. back of Hahne's— Rooma ball $350; Ford for Coffee Mills, equipped with patent 2-famIly house; all Improvements; wide lot; FEIST & FEIST, 738 Broad st. for touring, good condition, $200; have light housekeeping; all Improvements. »’ 1913 Abbott Detroit. start- bearings; safes that. are fireproof and ATTENTION I Cash paid for contents of near trolleys and stations; no agents; price 7-pass., electric bal- ing and Abbott De- brass locks and handles; Scales, even stores of all kinds. SmfMER, 250 Spring- $5,000. Address NORTH FIFTEENTH 8T.f APARTMENT Crescent, corner Murray and BROAD lighting. $1,250; 1913 ] the $10 and UPWARD 8T., 25; FAIRMOCNT AV., 199- ance, all tested by Box 40, Star office. Brunswick ata., one block trolt. 5-pnss., electric starting and lighting, spring platform, field a?. TO from Clinton av. Two and three rooms; housekeeping; City Sealer —Five rooms and beat. $1,100; 1913 Henderson, 5-prb8., electric bath; ateam; electricity; Janitor; low rates. Apply on premises. NEW rooms anil Janitor starting, and lighting. $950; 1911 National, ALL BRANCHES OF HARDWARE. atuceo house; bargain; 8 service; $28. FEIST & FEIST, 738 BANISTER * POLLARD CO.. HOUSEKEEPERS AND all steam Broad at. 5-pass.. $550; 1911 Columbia, 4-pass.. $425. bath; Improvements; hent, par BROAD ST., 940—Larue front, also single ST.. with These earn are all In Al condition and we 206-208 MARKET quet floors, large llvlug room, open room; steam WORKINGMEN feet APARTMENT gentleman; heat; private will guarantee them to as HOME OF GOOD HARDWARE. beams and fireplace; corner lot, with 71 ROBESPIERRE, 100 Mt. Pleas reference. be represented. _ BUSINESS PERSONALS family; SERVICE MOTOR CAR CO., COME IN frontage; garage snd cement driveway; re- ant av.: all modern conveniences; Janitor BRIGHTEN UP and let us explain the American system to fined residential section. 176 Delavan av., services; 4, 6, 6 v 373-375 CENTRAL AV.. rooma; $5 per room; one-half BROAD HT., 895—Single and double bright * those stoves of our You will find us a differ- 892 Broad at. month's rent free. NEWARK. N. J. and stovepipes yours; you. surprisingly city, or ESSEX AUTO CO., front rooms; all Improvements. TYLER. stovtplpe enamel does the trick. CO. ent Institution from the ordinary loan com- city. GLAS3NER. Waverly. 2701. RELIANCE MATTRESS _ SBC. read and hear about. We require OIVE-HAI.F pmi, 15«| QUART, RENOVATES FEATHER BEDS OR HAIR pany you CENTRE 8T., 24, near tubes—Single an' (», vr-mt postal. SILVER MODERN Indiana limestone MAY APAftTMENTB. 140 Wakeman for men; near IlalL We will also have our usnal run of two-family a?^ bath; City AUTO lamps, radiators, fenders and wind- CO., 88 Crawford at. large house; of a near Summer av.—81* second-hand horses that have been used around every appearance private roomy; all Improve- shields repaired; no competition can beat FIFTY home-bred canaries; choice singers; TO LET—Excellent established ORCHARD the dwelling, corner Avon and Treacy avs.; 8 opportunity; ments; steam heat; parquet floors; all floors ST., 177—Front, alcove room; suit* ua. N J LAMP WORKS. 18 cheap. 5 Wakcman av.; phone 56-M Branch cablnrt surrounding country. shoe store on the comer of William ft., POLTHTTINO, repairing, npbolatrrlng, minutes from two lines of trolleys; lot dry goods and double; electrlo light, telephone connect ions. able for two; large closets; alas Brook. on new or old When you purchase » horse from us you heated; Newark; tel. 7244-W, Market. Call evenings. making and rarpentrr work 47x11 feet. MONAHAN STONE CO., Plum Bummer av. and ElUott at; money-making Janitor service. ballrooms; board If desired. 11 are our one — ■ — Or- protected by guaranty, the only —vr buildings. I). KARL. 11 Main at., East Point lane, Newark. corner, tenant giving up on account of 8 tor In WATCHES cleaned 50c; mainspring put in of lta kind In existence. f* Carbon removed ange. death In the family; splendid chance for MT. PLEASANT AV., 284-TTR8T FLOOR ORLEANS 8T., 42—Nicely furnished room* 11 V/allcnS __ Repairing while you wait 60c and guaranteed. SIMPSON, 291 Orange. business seeker. FOUR one i ALL MONEY IF YOU ARB DIS Apply NICE LIGHT ROOMS; RENT or two; private family; steam heatj 0-11 st. Phone 2880 Wav. REFUNDED OUT OF TOWTf. Supplies. Wright SATISFIED WITH YOUR PURCHASE. REASONABLE. homelike; ten minutes from Broad and Mar- QUINCES for sale; buy direct from the Lowest prices FIVE ACRES land at station, four miles to H. Martin*****8 Upholstery BULL’S HEAD ST A KOLODIN, ket* $9 up. NOLAN -bell. ROADSTER—1918 Reo the grower. 109 Thomas st., Bloomfield. st.: tel. 4787-R, Mkt. TILES, Caldwell; $1,000, part cash; fine for NTNE Fifth, fully 8. ROSEN, 100 Howard THOS. H PROP poul- rooms, Improvements. $28‘; 11 fl Or- like run HdY. try; river front. PHILIP 738 equipped, new; very little. REO JENNINGS. 111 WASHINGTON AV., NEWARK, N. J. chard st, city. Apply W. JENKINS, PLANB ST.. 181—Front room; nlep house* CO., 273 Bt. TWO large pot stoves; also lot sash. 7 Broad st, Halsey SALESMEN: Kummell Co., hat manufacturers, Penning- keepftig rooms, newly decorated. Webster st. ton UPHOLSTERY Covers. William Parkhnrnt. William Paterson. st.. city. Phene 860 Market. REO THE FIFTH ™!knet ONE-ACRE $000; Ideal for touring car. fully 300 st. Moderate charges. 154W.Mkt. J. 8. WILLIAMS. Auctioneer. plot, bungalow THREE furnished rooms, in good location! H. KLARE, Burnet Mulberry or near five equipped, painted and overhauled. REO GEESE, cheap. av., poultry; station; miles to BIGELOW AT., oor. Peshlne av.—Fine for PARKER BT., 171—Two or three nice, handy to Broad and Market; Orst-clael 273 st. Tebe Hilton. N. J. PHILIP 738 light CO., Halsey pi., AUCTION SALE Madison, JHNNINGS, butcher and vegetables; good spot for roorna; improvements. neighborhood. Call 38 Chestnut st. Broad st. man; rent reasonable. OP- Every Wednesday at 1:80 p. m., rain or right Inquire PARKSTDE OAMnn. SMALL for ssle. JACOB HIRE FULL DRESS SUITS 452 Clinton av. hogs ALMOST, shine; horses, wagons, harness, trucks, car- TICIAN, PACIFIC ST., 183—Four rooms, gas, wash- WALNUT ST., 52— Large, elegant front! 288 N. J. 504 near ONB-FAMILY all Renting, storing, repairing ijnl supplies. Hamburg pi. road, Newark, Coleman's Tailors. High, Springfield. of received on com- HOTTSH, Improvements; tubs; first and third floors; rent $1L room, well furnished, steam heat, riages every description also and basement In bajh$ 240 Park av.; phone 1439 Branch Brook. mission; term* reasonable. Wednesday, No- two-story shop rear. EXCELLENT opportunity to start a delica- central; desirable; convenient; moderate.'V | CHANDELIER* 181 Maple av., Irvington. In CHIfKKNS. BRASS I1FDS AND vember 26, there will be on sale 40 horses, tessen store, thickly settled, residential SOUTH SEVENTH ST., 828^Fwi large BOSCH Magneto Service Station No. 178. like new. 7 root reflnNhod to look AMERICAN mar- I eectlon, Frellnghuyaen av.; $12. Apply rooms, top floor, all improvements WARREN PL., 18—Connecting rooms suit- DO you ilk® chicken? Dressed dally on our carpenter wagon j, grocer wagonB, team except Repair all magneto* within 24 hours CO., 1*0 South Orange av. FLORIDA at LINNBTT'S drug store. heat; rent reasonable. able for gentlomen; to be seen be farm at Llncroft; delivered at the CHANDELIER ket trucks, top peddlers’ wagons, depot car- to ap- TIRE TRADING COMPANY. 50 William st price j POSITIVELY the best land lated; central. of cold fowl. MONMOUTH COUNTY rlagee, runabouts, team Ice wagon, laundry proposition offered improvements; STeS* 1 storage clothes cleaned, dyed and re- in BASEMENT store; good stand for vegetable SIX rooms, with ?ref•BJ'S bell'. 63 Mechanic tel. 6973 HAITI your wagons, surreys, top buggies, yeast wagons, Florid*, on the Indian River, the homo of water, stove and throe 2-CYL. REO, In running order and with POULTRY CO., st.; and dealer or rent room paired at the Empire Cleaning Dyeing. dump wagons; lot of other wagons of all the Indian River orange and grapefruit: no laundry; $10. Inquire 47 n>oms; for stabler rent can be bald tires. $75. REO CO., 273 st. Market. or good Halsey B. BANK. 120 Belmont av. descriptions; blankets; 20 sets of single har- pioneer hardships or living In nuts or tents Montgomery st.; any other business. weekly Inquire 67 SoiHh Thirteenth at. WASHINGTON BT., 504^-NlceIy Tuinlnhei t ness. JOHN MESSMER, Prop., 61*7 Spring- waiting for Improvements to come, but right Roseville. second floor front room; gentlemen or ATTT08 TO EVERYTHING for poultry—Incubators, brood- COMMERCE 20—Best location ITIBR, WATCHES, diamonds, rings, cufTHnka at a field av., N. J.; J. S. In one of Florida’s fastest growing cities, with BT., for pro- couple; light housekeeping if desired; all ers, feed, etc.; best quality at the lowest Newark, Williams, AND SEVEN-PASSENGER PACK- offer for the holidays. BOOK all and acre duce business. Inquire BAUM, 027 Mar- SIXTEENTH AV., 840—Fonr and tmpts ; reasonable. '? FIVE prices. J. F. NOLL CO., Inc., 115 Mulberry special auctioneer. Phone Wav. 4045-W. city Improvements conveniences; Its rooms; CARS FOR RENT. 440 CENTRAL 400 av., near Tenth st. for less than others are ket at. all latest new ARD at. STABER, Springfield plota money asking Improvements; house; front AV., EAST ORANGE. TELEPHONE 180L for one dty lot. Further partlculnrs see THE and back porches. WASHINGTON BT., 859—Two nioely fu*- work, jobbing, storm sash BROOME RT., at Klnnoy at.—Large, nished connecting ORANGE. CHICKEN supplies, best, at reasonable CARPENTER’S KING LAND COMPANY, National State Rank light rooms, complete lor and enclosures, wood novelties. E. P. BANEY building, 810-812 Broad st., Newark, N. J.; store, with two rooms; Improvements; good THREE large, cheerful rooms; rent $10; housekeeping; water, gas, laundry. 4 J. J. WILSON SEED CO.. INC., BROST prices. av. show windows; rent $20; 12.'18 Wav. five minutes from Broad TWO DOLLARS per hour hires new and 79 st. RUSSELL, 109 Frellnghuysen 87-48 BRIDGE ST. phone 220 221 Market. phone and Market sta Orange WASHINGTON roomv five-passenger cars. CARPENTER, NEWARK, N. J. TEL. 424 MARKET. Inquire FIEDLER CORPORATION Fire- BT., 162; PLANE~8T 161— 107 Belleville av. Phone 1858-R, B. B. MASONRY—Boiler work, bake ovens, repair STORE to let or leased; good for any kind men's Bldg. Three or six connecting housekeeping CLOTHING. rooms! and alteration work. M. OTLLEN, 820 200 Horses and Mulei of business. 488 Bouth Eighteenth it. also rooms for one or two. VERY nice PACKARDS—Rest and cleanest service; BARGAINS In men’s clothing; of Runyon et.; phone 8963-W, Waverly. five rooms, bath, range; all Im- ''' quantity For Bale. Beat Place in the State to Buy REAL ESTATE FOR EX- hour, day or week. PACKARD RENT- men's suits and overcoats made by lead- OUT OF TOWN provement*; three car lines; $14. 11 Hun- WILLIAM ST., 10—Newly furnished front stoves ter et., near Elizabeth av. rooms; and INO CO., il Fulton st.; phone 789 MarkeL ing tailors, for sale for sacrifice prices; also CHIMNEYS that smoke, that don’t Horses and for Hire DESIRABLE Main st. store for rent; one of light airy; hath. B. Wagons CHANGE ladles’ long coats and suits, latest fashion, bake, fixed and guaranteed. SAMITEL. the most prominent corners of Main st.. Beet Equipped Hoarding Stable In th# City. VERY WANT an auto for pleasure, weddings, etc.. very cheap. Call at 117 South Orange av., 150 Charlton st.. Newark. Enst Orange, corner Ashland av.; occupied desirable apartment of 7 rooms; *11 OUT OF TOWlf. ■ We have but at the right price? big 7-pass, store open until 10 p. m. for over 15 years iin a firit-cl*SI grocery store, Improvements heat; near Four Corners. EABT Main LIGHT coupe carriage, Just been overhauled In Forest Hill ■ac- ORANGE, at, 272—Two nicely cars. GEO. LEE. 1180 B.B. and 82.33-W, B.B. METAL CETLINOS AND WALLS WANTED—Two-family for Is Inquire BUERMANNS, 228 st. and has Dew ruhbor tiros and Is now offered rent; this a very mi Mulberry furnished rooms, for colored people in kinds of V. painted, tion; for one-family, large plot. In Valla- onljg OVERCOATS, all sizes; men’s, ladles’, chil- erected all bnlldinra. JAMES new will usunl opportunity io procure a well-establiabed rent rcnsonable. lamps, sell or exchange; single burg section. WARREN comer FOTTR-TON truck to hire, by day, week or dren’s; many practically new; $2 up; also MAGUIRE. 818 Halsey st., Newark. corner In the heart of East best BT., First—Throe large. coal wagon, hand-made, Is unpainted, will J. REAL ESTATE Orange’s month: rates on application. LANE line suits, dresses, etc. 111 N. FARM A EXCHANGE, rent month. light rooms, $8. FEIBT A FEIST (Abe good MANSON, paint to suit buyer; 86 new wagons, or section; $70 per Apply FRANK HA HI’ ORANGE: NEW 45—Steam- at. and Bloqmfleld av. Letters. 15 Cents Per 100 Up. top 188 Market at. Tel. 8221 Mitt. Feist, Mgr.), Broad and HT^ GARAGE, Ridge Hartford st. Circular open; also 4 H. TAYLOR, sole agent, Brick Church Sta- Commeroe build- heuted, furnished room; small. private fam- TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE top peddlar wagons, beet ing, 788 Broad at. NEWARK wagons made; I build wagons fo tion, East Orange. ily; also smaller room; excellent table board TAXIS and cars; week-end tours and fur worth Reaver st.. Newark. Phone 4430 Mkt order; j EXCHANGE gentleman's country place, touring LADIES' coat, W50, for *60; eve^ 9 rei nearby; 4 minutes to Grove at. station nud Sunday trips at low ROREVTLLE airing my specialty. JOHN KOPYTA, ; all city Improvements In WASHINGTON prices. nlng dress, regular $50. for $24; men's 8Stf fc*>uth RABT ORANGE, Harrison at.—New atom, BT.“ Ff^ rooms; hot Orange av., near Eleventh st. house and bams; one acre; equity $.1,000; water and heat trolley. TAXI CO., 25 North Ninth st. Tel. 869 B. B. $125 fur-llned coat, for $45, at 124 Mulberry CO8TITMFR8. 50 feet in from Main st.; large, and con- furnished; rent $21 up. street. for Brooklyn property same equity. PONTIAC Inquire superintendent or WH HAVE stock of trucks and taining all modem Improvements; suitable building, BEYER ORANGE: HILLYEH BT., 20—Two begvtt- •«* NEW cars to hire. MENUS Theatrical Masquer largest REALTY. 1028 Oates av., Brooklyn. 1175 Broad st. flve-pas«enger PnQtlim that for any line of business; located In best fully situated rooms; single or BEDELL. 417 South Eleventh st. Tel. Tel.7165 W.Mkt. Vvl)MUIIlC3 a<1e wagons we ever bad on hand; we will connectingt DOGS aell business section of East Omnge; rent rea- southern exposure, meals '» 138 at., near Market. reasonably; see our stock before buying optional; improve- 1123-W, Waverly. FISCHER, Mulberry sonable. Inquire MORRIS 81 OUT OF TOWN ments. — PEDIGREED English bulldogs, will PINSKY, n _- cheap; elsewhere; single and double Ice wagons, coal Ward Orange. EAST consider good home. C. S. 2 half vah. and Car- st., ORANOE, North Nineteenth 255 — WARREN PL. OARAGE—Storage, renting, STONE, MACHIXICS. wagons, Vallsburg Wagon REAL ESTATE FOR SALE st., Mrytle Court, Bloomfield. SKWTNO riage Co., J. F. LOIHLK, Mgr., South Orange Five rooms and bath; large hall and pan- WOODLAND AV.. 51. Kearny. N. J.—One repairing. 22 Warren pi. Phone 8225 Mkt. EAST 8EWTNG machine* repaired right In your av., Sanford, av. and Palm at. ORANGE, Prospeot pi., 21; Brtok try; second floor; 2-famlly house; all Im- or two furnished roorps, suitable married THREE Boston terriers, puppies, cheap. Send to MR. 40 Church stntlon—Store to let; rent $18. provements; separate stonm heater and front couple; with or without board. AUTOMOBILES WANTED home. postal MITCHELL. OR EXCHANGE HANLEY. 154 Plane st. Thirteenth av.. or nhons 6578-J. Market FOR SALE—Two single and one team coal entrance2 minutes from Ampere station; CARS WANTED—1918 Ford Runabout. Lit- wagons; first-class condition; these wagons STORES WANTED. BAST ORANOB tle Four. Little Six and Hup "82.” Address FITRS are speedily made; business wagon, well BAST ORANGE, Eaton 05—Refined pri- STAMPS—COINS STX lots on Columbia av,, Vatlsburg sec- WANTED—Store on corner, suitable for pl.t CAR, Box 39. Star office. of theatrical built and in first-class brand new BOOTH ORANOE—Rent free until vate will rent furnished CARETAKER wardrobe sacri- order; tion. What have you to offer? MAN* saloon; will pay down about $1,200. Address January; family njoely fices genuine caracul, seal and Russian STAMPS, coins, coupons, trading stamps, all Surrey, up-to-date style; single runabout; 5 rooms (heated); all Improvements; rent room; Improvements; near Grove at. station n KOWITZ. 89 Mercer st. SALOON, Box 49, Star office. AUTOMOBILES FOB EXCHANGE pony coats from $25; cost $100 to $300; all kinds. bought, sold; circular free. also fast horse, suitable for del very. WOOD- $21. Valley st., corner Fourth. and trolley. also from CROCKETT, 827 Broad at. SIDE WAGON 298 FIVE-PASSENGER auto, 1910, for sale or foxes; lynx, $7 set; very latest WORKS, Washington av., ROOMS. Newark. BANQUET WALNUT ST., 88—Five rooms and exchange for any kind of runabout. 876 models; gentleman’s' broadcloth overcoat, hath. FURNISHED FLATS TO LET. CATERER, special accommodation for wed- Inquire second floor. New York av. mink lined. Persian lamb collar, $26. cost THREE-ROOM new and $100; all like new; not misrepresented; pri- HORSE for sale to suit any business; also FARMS FOR SALE dings. parties, receptions and banquet*. apartment, up-te* electric bath vate. MRS. HAYWOOD. 134 West 103d st. DRESSMAKERS business horses to hire by the day, week SAMUEL ARMM, 578 High *t.; phone 5882 BAST ORANGE date; heat, gas, light, an4 N. Y. or month: one three-ton truck for In Market. Janitor service; five minutes from Four Cop- (Broadway Subway), sale, EAST ORANOE, Shepard av., 400 Washington st MOTORCYCLES Apply HARISTON, flat, seven rooms, bath; combination light- j boarding and livery 82 Orchard land, $200; can be paid monthly at the ^ M. BUCHNER, MANUFACTURER- stable, st., FACTORIES AND LOFTS ing; steam h*at. MARTIN DRESBMAKTNG—IB years' experience; fit rat** of $fl; choice land for raising fruit, HANDILY, GIB WHOLESALE AND RETAIL; FINE city. Mt. Prospect av., Newark. CLOSING OUT ALL USED MOTORCYCLES FURS; SAVE AT LEAST TO PER CENT guaranteed; designer of smart, effective berrlea, vegetables, poultry, squabs; mild, TO RENT for manufacturing purpoees; heavy healthful climate; half steam LAST WEEK OF THIS SALE. ON THIS DOLLAR: CALL AND EXAMINE Parisian evening, street gowns, cloaks, suit*, HEADQUARTERS for horse blankets, fl.25 nearby town; mils construction; heat; freight elevator; * 09 from railroad station; electric and near IRVINGTON Fine assortment of slightly used 1012 and THEM; I DO REPAIRING AND RE- dresses; 13 up; remodeling. Columbia up, good qualities; regular 60o whips, 25c; prosperous locality; light power available; all _BOARDING__ Market. Market. good roads; pure water. Call CHAB. GIE8E, railroads; attractive terms; lease to de- 1018 Indian motorcycles to select from; also MODELING; ALL WORK GUARANTEED; ■t., near Broad, 0519-W, 91 raw-hide whips, 50c; stable supplies. S. A. long IRVINGTON—Flat to let, 161 Myrtle «v.; —.— --r ... ..~ 142 Market st. sirable tenant; possession J. HOTEL KENSINGTON single and twin cylinder Excelsiors, Yales, 18 YEARS IN NEWARK. B S. ORANGE AV. STEPHENS, 686 Broad at.; opp. Washington Immediately. C. 2-family house, 6 rooms, bath and pgflirys Thors, Hendersons, Mer- SKIRTS, $1 up; from own material; eulta, $0; Park. SMITH A WALLACE CO.. 414 Ogden st; separate entrance; rent reasonable. EAST PARK AND MULBERRY STS. Reading Standards. N. 1065. with Harley-Davidsons and all other makes long coats made Into sport coats; cleaning, BLAIRSTOWN, J., 220 acree, 100 tillablet phone Market Desirable rooms, or without board, kies, 12 New stable sad well and rates. home >1 in belt and chain drives. All above to bo FUR SHOP repairing and dyeing. RICH, at. HORSES, wagona and carriages, hire to- dwelling, outbuildings; at reasonable cooking; goe$» 3 ClTTLE bargain. VERY desirable second-floor natural C. Tel. * * closed out; no reasonable offer refused. Remodeling, repairing and rellning; best work gether or separately, for any hind of busi- springs; fruit; price, $2,800; great loft; light service. JOHNSON, Prop. 30621 * dresses: work ness or Also one of 178 seres, 100 acres tillable; on threo suitable for or Market. CLOSING OUT ALL USED MOTORCYCLES, lowest prices. 310 Halsey »t.. cor. Court. DRESSMAKING—Beautiful pleasure; roaches for funerals or sides; manfacttiring RESTAURANTS | j ji MRS. ALLEN, 544 South 15 dwellings, stable, trout stream: price $3,800; other light, heat and ele- as we never carry stock over the season. If Attractive sets, all loading furs, mfg. price. guaranteed. weddings. BODENWIESBR, Main st.. purposes; freight av. no FRANK H. corner N. J. R. It. interested call now and secure bargains. Tenth at., near Springfield East Orange. exchange. TAYLOR, opposite vator; 4,000 square feet; MAJESTIC RESTAURANT, 464 Wnihlngto? ANDERSON’S home-cooking restaurant. 81d, . and «t. AMERICAN near 25c and Price, $25 Up. We Invite you to Inspect FURS—All kinds of furs remodeled, cleaned av. Vcsoy Apply st., Kinney st.—Thanksgiving spe- Rainey st.; regular dinner, 85cj ^ E. and MACHINE 809 st. cial dinner: lunches served at all buura; accom- » our stock. Open evenings by appointment. and redyed; fur coats made to order. R. BODENWIESBR, veterinary surgeon WRITING CO., Mulberry Regular turkey dinner. 40c; sleeping chicken if desired. We accept deposit and hold, motorcycle over SCHNEIDER. 63 8. Orange av. 4751-R, Mkt. dentist; all calls promptly attended to; regular dinner, 80c; cranberries, modations .... ——-- to steam live elec- * winter free of charge. a. this is the season to nave your horses* teeth LOFTS let; heat; steam; hlckon soup, vegetables, stewed corn, celery, and Lake THE GOTHAM SPORTING GOODS CO. BARGAIN! Handsome Hudson Bay sable set PERSONALS looked after. 45-47 Main at., East Orange; BUSINESS PROPERTY tric power light. dessert, pie. pudding, Including coffee or tea. FOREST HILL. st, 775—Attractive jj JAMES M, room for with board; also two 57 WARREN ST.. . for sale; $400. FRANK ZIERZ. 578 War phone. SEYMOUR, JR., HENRY HATSCHH. two, smaller t 01-58 Lawrence at. Phone 73 Market. all improvements and fine location, ren st.f Newark. FOR SALE OR TO LET rooms; HORSES at BODBN- (Or any broker.) BELL RESTAURANT, 280 Phone 1238. Branch Brook. REAL Motorcycle Reductions—Bought busl- AB. HIEC1AL kold bakery flitnrei to Kaplan clipped by electricity Washington at., M. Co., 47 William MUFFS and collars made odt of old WIESER STABLES, 45-47 Mala at., East opp. Telephone Rldg.—Thanksgiving spe- ness Newark C. st.; style & Kelman for *100. All ctalma agitnat » STORE Bloomfield av.. near Belle- LOFTS cials: Regular ROSEVILLE. South Twelfth st, 8—Large must reduce stock before removing to 812 furs; coata rellned and repaired. 52-54 to be to Orange. property, turkey dinner, 40c; regular :j Slegal reported _ store and business WITH POWER AND STEAM HEAT. chicken 30c. front room and board for two; convenient Halsey st.; prices 20 per cent, off for cash; Chester av.; phone Branch Brook 4081-R. WHCKSTBIN, ville av.; rooms; good dinner, NOTARY In terms G. 071 46 LAWRENCE ST D., L. & W. Station; select time new and used Harleys, Mer- not later than 12 HORSES that have been used the llverv location; easy. MILLER, to trolleys, payments; 142 Howard at., o’clock, WASHINGTON WILSON. RTIDMANI kels, Excelsiors, $40 up; either store. BU8H HOUSEHOLD HOODS. November 80, 1018. and trucking business for sale. BODEN- Broad at. RE8TAURANT. 12 West Pari neighborhood. Saturday, WIE8ER STABLES, 46 Main at., E. Orange. st.. will serve Virginia "■■■ 1 "i ■■■»» '< * & MacDOUQALL. CARPETS—Axmlnster, $4.50; Brussels $fl; turkey, Southern STABLES sweot potatoes, cranberry entice, SOUTH ST., 52—A pleasant heated room, » machine. $3.75; cook atove, 10-weeka old baby girl for plum pud- sewing $4.50; HEAI-THY, 8 must be or mince on the first floor; good home cooking. store *urrender. Addreoa Box HORSE, years old. 16.8; right. STABLE. pi., off Camp *t.—Two sin- ding pie business lunch, 35c. $2.60; fixtures, desks. STOR- full J, Camp I, ., -- —. go-cart, adoption: Munn Eaat Tel. ■■■■■■■ ■ ■■■■■■I, .I....— near Broad 26 North av., Orange. FACTORY PROPERTY & gle and two box stalls; can be changed ^ AGE, 29 Bridge at., 88, Star office. 78— Private has Orange 1718. Into six single stalls; ample carriage room; THOMAS ST., family large, alcove room; hot and cold water, F^ATEmAL^EMBLEMS PAUL 128 Orange at., having aold also three living rooms; first-class neigh- front, machinery. KRAU8S, SITES FOR SALE. TO MID also two bllla mult bo preaonted HORSES for aale. LARRY CBNECARO. 00 borhood; rent $25. W. L. JENKINS, J. WIVES heat and gas; large closets; SOMETHING NEW!—Our No. 17 Jr. O. U. hla aaloon. all olbelj* MACHINERY. Union av., Irvington; tel. 858 Waverly. Fturnmell Co., hat manufacturers, Penning- nice rooms; terms reasonable. A. M. fob; complete line of Junior goods; OF within five daya. ETC.—CITY A FULL LINE MACHINERY TOOLS. LET, ton st.# city; phone 806 Market. MRS. DREWES, registered •end for circular No. 75. NEWARK EM- to hire. midwife, 188 WOODWORKING MACHINERY, JEWEL- WORK horses and hualness wsgons Mulberry st.. comer Market at. OUT OF TOWN BLEM CO.. Room 820, 800 Broad at. AND POWER 53 Pearl st. WE hare for sale or to let several de- formerly ERS’ EQUIPMENT THANH CARET’S STABLES. very on Springfield av.—Ladles’ private BOARDERS wanted, 23 8nyder at. Or- MISSION MATERIAL BOUGHT AND sirable factories and factory sites, with nursing, confinements, mother's care; high-class ex- ange; furnished; convenient to trolley of ENTIRE PLANTS SPE- AUCTION SALES or without railroad also loft SOLD. OUR sidings; space, NOTICES perlence. Tel. 8230-W, Market. train; desirable location. Tel 2738-J. ADVERTISEMENTS CIALTY. at reasonable rentals; centrally located. ^ CITY NEWARK SECOND-HAND MACHINERY GRADUATE midwife— MRS. st., NOTICE OF SALE. A SPECIAL MEETING of stockholders of ORURICH, 56 EAST ORANGE, Prospect 11—Large, COMPANY. PHRENOLOGY and Loan Associa- South Orange av.. Newark; ladles’ with excellent board; refined OFFICE OF THE CHIEF ENGINEER OF 98-105 CHESTNUT ST. The underslgurd hereby gives notice that the Firemen's Building private sunny room, Feist & Feist tion of the of Newark will be held at nursing, confinements; treatment at near Brick Church station; THE BOARD OF STREET AND PHONE 5410 5411 MARKET. he will eell at public auction on Monday, the City hotna. surroundings; | on November Phone 815S-W. Market. board; convenient business people. COMMISSIONERS OF first of December, 1918, at 10 o'clock Factory Bpectallsta, Fire Headquarters, Monday, also table WATER day REV. H. V. ROBS AND PIERCE—Trum- m. To CITY OF at his on the seventh 788 Broad st. 24, 1913, at 7:80 p. Object: amend THE NEWARK. 18 FT. BY 8 IN. Prentice geared head. In the forenoon, office, pet and materialising psychics; materializ- German Bast No. 104 Mar- constitution and uylaws. MRS. BIGHORN, graduate midwife, SCJUTH WALNUT FT., 42, Orange—: 1 NOTICE. rapid change gear lathes with pan* beds, floor of the Lawyers’ Building. seance, at 8 p. m.; trumpet for the ing Monday, CHAA S. SMITH, Secretary. takes confinement cases; private “Shelboume"—Single and double rooms, The Anal estimate for the following con- pulley drive, practically as good as ket street, Newark, N. J., account nursing. single aeance, Wednesday, at 8 p. m.; messages 406 Springfield av. with board; also table board; reasonable. tract will be presented to the Board of in every detail; no countershaft of whom It may concern, 120 shares of the and at 8 consulta- new, perfect lecture, Sunday, p. m.; SOLOMON AND ANNA BURGESS, No. 1102 A. M. 8CHULTHE1S. Proprietor. Orange; R Street and Water Commissioners of the 8 changes of speed fric- capital stock of the Newark Contracting and tion 10 4. Bank STABLES FOR SALE OR peceasary; through dally, to 204 st, second Take notice, unless your contract with- phone 1647. city of Newark, for acceptance, at tho reg- clutches in head; 8 times the power Improvement Company, being all the ahares floor. tion in five days Is paid up to date the forfeiture ular meeting on Wednesday. November an ordinary lathe; biggest we ever of the capital stock of said company, either — ■ --- 20th, of snap TO LET clause will be enforced. Contract numbers MEDICAL ORAJfOB between 8:15 and 8:80 p. m.: of each. $500. in lots or as a whole. The terms and con- KAST 1918, had; price CONSULT Mme. Le Roy, clairvoyant-palm- Indicated after each name. E. E. will rent For the curhing and of ditions of the sale will he announced at the are BAST ORANGE—Private family grading, flagging ist; advice on business, love, marriage; A 13-17 Park New with SALEM STREET. New York Machinery of the sale and the sale will be sub- MEACHAM HON, Row. LADIES, consult a specialist on all special two handsomely furnished rooms, Exchange opening tells everything; hours, 10 s. rn. to 9 p. m. NEW JERSEY RAILROAD AV.—Central Iocs In- avenue to 60 Church at.. New York. York city. ailments. Irregularities, etc.; treated board; convenient to station; moderate. from South Orange Rockland Office, ject to adjournment. 460 Broad st.; most convenient entrance on tlon; corner property; large plot; reasonable by a 88 Pollock av., ADRIAN RIKER. licensed physician; absolute relief 349 Main :* terrace. Warehouse, Jersey City. Orange st.; next to Lenox launch. price; easy terms; entrance both streets; 83 guaran- quire st.'m All objections to the payment of said stalls (including box stalls); all building two teed; lady uttendant; private nursing ar- must be filed In this office In writ- over one ranged If necessary; charges low; advice estimate TYPEWRITERS. I WirEsell ail goods left year at CONSULT ENGLE on business or family stories; ample yard room; excellent wagon CHIROPODIST on or before 2 o’clock of Wednesday, on at 1 free; hours, 9 to 8; Sundays, 10 to 4; take ing We Sell, Rent and Repair All Makes. public auction Wednesday p. m.. troubles; tells names, dates; health, love, sheds; splendid office; hot water heating sys- PAINTING AND PAlPERf 26th, 1913. at W. subway or surface care to W. 66th November NEWARK TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE November 2flth. 1913, W. REID'S marriage expert; advice to the separated; tem. Ask FEIST Sc FKI8T, 788 Broad st. elovated, Dated November 20th, 1918. at. F. DR F*RANK A. st. station; only 15 minutes from Cortland t 0 Beaver «t. Phone Market 4430 Auction Rooms, Arlington FINKED- houre, 1 till 8. 84 Centre st. POTTER, surgeon-chiropo- HANGING MORRIS R. SHERRERD, 12 Newark, N. J. dist; licensed foot specialist, terminal or 8 minutes from 33d at. EX- ETEIN, Orange at., absolutely A,/', AHj 40?2O-5t Chief Engineer. ADAM RANCH, and painless practise. 859 Broad st., opposite PERIENCED SPECIALIST. 128 WEST 65TH clairvoyant palmist, New York PRINTING PEOPLE'S DOAN CO., 260 Market at. will tolls all you wish; ladies only. 62 War- PIANOS Jersey Central, hours 8 to 6; Sundays until ST., near Broadway, city. CHRISTIAN aeii at auction all unredeemed ren st 12. J. J. public colds and PAINTING AND DECORATING. pledges on Wednesday, November 20, at 1 COUGH8, whooping cough, dlph- STAR WANT ADS. BRING all theria, membraneous croup, hoarseness, use ■ STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS WORK. HIGH-GRADE printing at low-grade prices. p. in., at Reld'a auction rooms, 19 Arling- MME. KARL. 65 lialeej at., near New at.; piano; sell at once $lfiO; never MISS M. GORDON, chiropodist; foot ail- | WEMffiU/B Couch Cordial; ail H» Washington at. T*L Ml ft QUICK RESULTS, STOUTJ3S, 69 Academy at., Newark, N. J, ton St M. & C. EMMERGLICK. Props. back of llabn^’s. Brow^guaranteed 19 years. 19 Kim tU ments successfully treated. 58 Halsey *L drucclita. t