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AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE^ BUSINESS OPPOR* LOANS—PERSONAL REALESTATE BROKERS DWELLINGS FOR SALE APARTMENTS & FLATS FURNISHED ROOMS TO : A* PARKER frame house. 28TH YEAR. __le ST., 181—Two-family, __ TUNI™S__ __TO LET__ t__ with two J. WARD SMITH A BOW. store; ground, 25x100; 8 rooms; YOU ARE SURE _ BEST A FEW LOANS. furnished rooms and small apartments baths; rent, $89; price, $4,200. of a every REALTY, INSURANCE, AND square deal, courteous treatment, ESTATES to let; steam heat; hot water; reasonable MACAULAY’S consideration reasonable If MANAGED. THE and a charge, PRUDENTIAL BUILDING. ABINGTON, rent; take Mt. Prospect ar. car to premises. DE GRAW AT., 893—One-family, 9 rooms, BUSINESS PLACES A REAL ESTATE SOLD we handle when in need of a CHEAPEST FI RT your business, <48 MT. PROSPECT MRS. MULOREW, 769 Highland av. steam heat, parquet floors; all Improve- "MACK KNOWS HOW." HoutM In Newark from to *10.000;- AV.. MYRON W. *5.000 ments; ground, 85x100; with extrb lot, IF YOU WANT TO BUY OP SELL _ MORSE, 7 to 10 roome; OPPOSITE ABINGTON 1 $6,000; CASH REAL frame,-etucco. brand new, AV., ATTRACTIVELY furnished rooms, 65 Hal- USED CAR 80x100, $7,800 SEE "MACK." "THAT’S ALL." QUICK ESTATE—INSURANCE—LOAN8. 40x100 and DEPT. T4° BROAD 50x100 feet of ground; every- aey st.; near New st. accommodation. There will be little or no _ ST. 189 THIRD AV. The Flat closed car Is the car 1103 FIREMEN’S INSURANCE BLDQ. thing strictly up-to-date; restricted section; perfect delay In you the money, as we are RENTING A COLLECTING A SPECIALTY. beat 4, 5, 0, 7 AIRY for use. The are re- VERONA AV., 814; cor. De Grew av.~One- TELEPHONE 2888 MARKET. handing property in Newark; 50 houses now be- LARGE, ROOMS, BANK AND HALSEY family following In a can re- RTS.. Stag Hotel— **' family, 9-room house; steam heat, parquet position to supply anyone that ing all which are for aale by built and In excellent condition: P. constructed, of OVERLOOKING ENTIRE CITY. Rooms, 60c night up; bath and ouftlde turn same in or monthly Instalments. _ L. BRYCE. 1908—35 H. P. Chassis Chain Drive (for- floors. electric light; all Improvements; THIS la your opportunity; investigate our weekly rooms. Quickly. Privately and without Red Tape, Insurance, Real Loans. 810 Brand it. Clinton Park South L. & I. Co. eign). ground, 50x100; $8,500. co-operative Belling plan; amall Investment Eetate, ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES. absolutely secured; backed by easily demon- Annoyance or Inconvenience. 800 BROAD ST. 190ft—45 H. P. Gunboat (foreign). _ BANK 8T., 288—One large room In VERONA 810 50x100; EXCEPTIONAL CLOSETS. private 3910—15 H. P. Landaulet Town Car. AV.. 812—Lot. $8,000. atrated, quick selling household necessity; family; for one or two persona. EIGHTH near Broad at.—Ona-famlly APARTMENTS ON 1910—45 H. P. Shaft Drive Landaulet retailing fl.BO. Roam 402. Ordway Btdg NO ADVANCE CHARGE AV., FIRST FLOOR SUIT- LAND AND CONSTRUCTION REAL house; stable and shed rear; lot ABLE FOR (foreign). UNITED ESTATE FOR SALE wagon DOCTOR. BEACH rooms for N. J. 25x140; at a ST., 1(V—Connecting light 1910—45 H. P. COMPANY, 148 Bloorofleld av.,-''Newark, AN established manufacturing company re- bargain; $1,000 cash; .seven AGENTS ON Shaft Drive Limousine rooms and PREMISES. TEL. 41-W. housekeeping; stationary tuba, gaa range; These properties can all be bought on easy quiring additional capital to handle its bath; all Improvement#; hot water •Iso ^foreign). Mutual Loan heat; BRANCH BROOK, OR single rooms. 1911—35 terms to suit purchaser. volume of business offers exceptional oppor- good condition. Address PERSONAL, H. P. Touring Car. _ B. J. to investors who will act promptly; 341 Broad at. ROSENBAUM, 738 BROAD STREET. ? 1912—20 H. P. Town Car Limousine. tunity BLEECKER 8T., 54—Nicely furnished roomt » principals only. 8. M., 200 Star. 6074 MARKET. 1912—85 H. P. Landaulet. _ private family; fatesf heat, electric and Investment Co. MODERN residence of and 8 bath _TEL. light; 1912—35 II. P. Limousine. tTUWFTNG ROOFING PlWOT'Nfl 11 rooms homelike; 6 minutes from Broad and Mar- — rooms; steam * Asphnlt roofing, *1.23 r*r roll, no MOVING-PICTURE THEATRES Buying, heating and electricity; large L^ISIRABLK, up to-date 7-room apartment; ket; reasonable. WILLIAMS 507-508 Wiss 671 Broad St. all bell. .41 Broadway and 57th* Street, N. Y. nails and cement free. Trj our iRON-KOTR selling, renting, building, everywhere. $500 Bldg., llvlug room; plot, 75x175; best location; con Improvements, ateam heat, hot water, with warranty nona up. RELIANCE 82 Union Entrance next to Child's Lunchroom. venlent to railroad station and will reasonable rent. FIAT roofing paint-, five-year EXCHANGE. trolleys; Apply Mils. ML'L- BOSTON ST., 67—Fine housekeeping rooms, ;:j free delivery; let New York. Open and Evenings. consider for a smaller house; VuB av BUILDING_ guarantee, $1 per gallon; equate. Monday Saturday exchanging QflEW, Highland ; take Mt. Prospect furnished In mission; kitchen and dining- tis roofs with ®sPhait $0,000 to value. Communicate with av. car to promises. esilmate to cover your $8,000 room combined, with bedroom connecting; or VICTOR ROOFING SALES FOR SALE—First class corner EDWARD l\ HAMILTON & CO., BARGAINS IN USED CARS. slag roofing. saloon; good opposite running water, gas, etc.; rent 94; near two Model 32 Al condi- CO., Inc., 17-19 Wright at. Tel. 680 Waverly. whiskey trade; 85 halves beer a week; must Orange station nnd 90 Broadway, New York. APARTMENT Rudolph, West Kinney at at car Unps. Hupmoblle. touring. Broad—Seven tion. 1600; Model 20 Hupmoblle. roadster. Al be sold at once. Address SALE, Box 50, Star rooma and bath; every con- WE MUST BE actual shape, $400; Model 20 Hupmoblle, Al shape. ARE HEADQUARTERS office. LOANS ROLD-^500 below value; yenience; steam, electricity, Janitor service; BLEECKER ST., 7. back of Hahne's— Rooma ball $350; Ford for Coffee Mills, equipped with patent 2-famIly house; all Improvements; wide lot; FEIST & FEIST, 738 Broad st. for touring, good condition, $200; have light housekeeping; all Improvements. »’ 1913 Abbott Detroit. start- bearings; safes that. are fireproof and ATTENTION I Cash paid for contents of near trolleys and stations; no agents; price 7-pass., electric bal- ing and Abbott De- brass locks and handles; Scales, even stores of all kinds. SmfMER, 250 Spring- $5,000. Address NORTH FIFTEENTH 8T.f APARTMENT Crescent, corner Murray and BROAD lighting. $1,250; 1913 ] the $10 and UPWARD 8T., 25; FAIRMOCNT AV., 199- ance, all tested by Box 40, Star office. Brunswick ata., one block trolt. 5-pnss., electric starting and lighting, spring platform, field a?. TO from Clinton av. Two and three rooms; housekeeping; City Sealer —Five rooms and beat. $1,100; 1913 Henderson, 5-prb8., electric bath; ateam; electricity; Janitor; low rates. Apply on premises. NEW rooms anil Janitor starting, and lighting. $950; 1911 National, ALL BRANCHES OF HARDWARE. atuceo house; bargain; 8 service; $28. FEIST & FEIST, 738 BANISTER * POLLARD CO.. HOUSEKEEPERS AND all steam Broad at. 5-pass.. $550; 1911 Columbia, 4-pass.. $425. bath; Improvements; hent, par BROAD ST., 940—Larue front, also single ST.. with These earn are all In Al condition and we 206-208 MARKET quet floors, large llvlug room, open room; steam WORKINGMEN feet APARTMENT gentleman; heat; private will guarantee them to as HOME OF GOOD HARDWARE. beams and fireplace; corner lot, with 71 ROBESPIERRE, 100 Mt. Pleas reference. be represented. _ BUSINESS PERSONALS family; SERVICE MOTOR CAR CO., COME IN frontage; garage snd cement driveway; re- ant av.: all modern conveniences; Janitor BRIGHTEN UP and let us explain the American system to fined residential section. 176 Delavan av., services; 4, 6, 6 v 373-375 CENTRAL AV.. rooma; $5 per room; one-half BROAD HT., 895—Single and double bright * those stoves of our You will find us a differ- 892 Broad at. month's rent free. NEWARK. N. J. and stovepipes yours; you. surprisingly city, or ESSEX AUTO CO., front rooms; all Improvements. TYLER. stovtplpe enamel does the trick. CO. ent Institution from the ordinary loan com- city. GLAS3NER. Waverly. 2701. RELIANCE MATTRESS _ SBC. read and hear about. We require OIVE-HAI.F pmi, 15«| QUART, RENOVATES FEATHER BEDS OR HAIR pany you CENTRE 8T., 24, near tubes—Single an<t Beat for our Roof Leak—blacK. no assignments, Indorsements, references or BADQER AV., 20—Three SILENT KNIGHT MOTORS your roof, MATTRESSES. CUSHIONS OF ALL »OMF.nVTlXfB large rooms; gas double rooma; board optional; home com- $1.10 Princes, pledges. No one. even though a member of and water. BY A MAN WHO KNOWS. per gal.; red, $1.20 per gal.; KINDS RECOVERED OR MADE TO forts. 90c 1 own family, need know of your bor- a few min- If your car Is equipped with a Silent per gal. ORDER. FEATHER PILLOWS MADE. your BEAUTIFUL gentlemen's eatate, A. C. 188 MARKET ST. Call, write or phone us. utes' drive from N. J.: charm BIGELOW ST., 122—Three and Knight Motor have It overhauled and re- QETCHIU8 St CO.. 332 WASHINGTON ST. rowing. Somerville. five-room COURT ST.. 93—Largo mom, suitable for on« paired. I have had 6 in !ng views, delightful cllmste; all buildings apartments; steam heat, hot water and or two; southern years' experience If PHONE 2367-W. MARKET. exposure; heated; lmpta. constructing and repairing and had charge DON’T DELAY—Paint your roof now. new and modern throughout; two master service; rent $20 and $22. want a use HHT- Co. 12 rooms main residence of Daimler factory. England, and Steams you good lasting job PRINTING AND MULTIGRAPHING.