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June, 1934 Vol. I, No. 8 A N TUIX l/XUE COMING N E X T MCNTH le Aerial Eye ♦ F 2,000,000 People The Inherent By H. R. M cC O R Y Characteristics of a Flier By Dr. W . G . G A M BLE Blling W a c o s ♦ Mexico's Airports By BESSIE O W EN i * ^Carolina Fathers * heer Aviation in the Philippines By FAY GILLIS ying Blind ♦ By G O R D O N SILV A Tomorrow's Pilots Mary Riddle of Seattle, only Indian woman flier, has an important message: "Com e on, let's help fill the sky with thunder birds." (See page 3) A MAGAZINE ABOUT WOMEN AND FEyiNG Private pilot Martie Bowman of Los Angeles and her Waco on the line at the beautiful Adminis tration Building of United Airport. The Airplane Deck on the second floor serves as the setting for many social functions, including a series of dances given by the local chapter of 99. than any other individual member. HE trophy offered Jtt ‘l,e 99 Club President was won by Edna Gardner, transport pilot, T the New York- New Jersey section formerly of Newport, R. I., now of with the Southwestern section in Washington, D. C„ won the hat for second place. Augusta Roberts sold April in the Amelia Earhart Hat-a- 21 subscriptions or more than any Month Contest for 99's. Miss other member in the trophy-winning Gardner sent in the contest blank section. Kay Van Doozer of the with the most airport landings rec Southwestern section sold 24 sub scriptions during the drive or more orded for April. UNITED AIRPORT Approved By The Smartest Aviatrices! (Los Angeles) G LA D Y S O 'D O N N ELL— Vice Pres. ELLIOTT ROBERTS— Membership Chairman IS THE RENDEZVOUS FO R A L L O ur Slick Fit Slacks 99 CLUB ACTIVITIES IN New in style and color, we make them of SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA fine materials at moderate prices. \ ' • ❖ 2.95 to 5.95 When Flying West Mail orders attended to promptly! Make This Your Just send us your measure: Waist, hip, outside-Length Headquarters LA BELLE MFG. CO. UNITED AIRPORT 530 SO. WESTERN - LOS ANGELES, CAL. H E new List of Women Pilots and are 10-hour pilots in practically T from the Department of Com the same sense as the old privates. merce tells a very startling story. MEET MAEy I II I I I On the other hand—and this is Right now the total number of wom (99 Governor, Northwestern Section) the bitterest pill of all— Department en pilots is 358 and includes 68 of Commerce figures for April 1 on transports, 34 limited commercial Twenty-two years ago, according to Indian women pilots are slightly higher pilots, 1 industrial, 183 privates, 20 custom, the grandmother of Mary Riddle gave than the May figures. Licenses are amateurs and 52 solos. (This is in her the Indian name of a sea bird—Kus de still being lost faster than they are clusive of the weekly reports through cha, or the kingfisher. Today Mary has shown being won or renewed. May 5 as well as the list dated Now that our depth perception May 1.) what a happy choice that name was by being sense is actively on the job, let's There are 242 less women licensed the first and only licensed Indian girl flier in concentrate on the rate of climb in to fly than there were a year ago the world. dicator. Let’s determine what wom when the total on the Department's Mary had no particular intention of living en have lost their licenses and why. list, checked with current informa up to her name. It just happened that at the If it s because of reduced finances, tion, came to 600, or 63 transports, age of seventeen while visiting in San Diego let's get busy and build up that sec 42 L. C.’s, 1 industrial, 478 privates, she saw a woman crash in an airplane. The tional loan fund to help them buy and 16 solos. Thus a figure which concensus of opinion was "that women would the necessary flying time. If it's has been mounting rapidly and never be successful aeronauts,” which prompted because of lack of interest, let’s go steadily since January 1929, when the ahead and help stimulate more in total stood at 34, has slid away back. Mary to prove to the pessimists that women terest. Every woman pilot who is The recent changes in license can come up to par. not a 99 should immediately contact ratings have of course left many She received her private pilot’s license at the sectional governor for an appli pilots wondering what their status, the Tex Rankin School of Flying at Portland, cation blank. (Governor's names if any, is. Now that the new li Oregon, and later, her limited commercial li and addresses appear below.) There censes have been clearly defined cense at the Spartan School of Aeronautics at is nothing like a little intensive many are busy qualifying under the Tulsa, Oklahoma. Only 15 hours away from group action to accomplish results. new ratings. 150 women applied the required 200 solo, Mary feels—due to the Remember that a student permit for student permits between January depression—that she is 15 years away from with letter of authority to fly cross 6 and May 5. That's one of the her transport license. three most heartening figures in the country solo makes you eligible for 99 membership. whole basket. Another is the fact She was born at Bruceport, Washington. that 183 women hold full private Her mother, an Oregon Indian of the Clatsop Any girl who lacks information licenses as qualified 50-solo-hour tribe, and her father a Quinault of Washing on the new ratings should write im pilots, with requirements almost as ton, both passed away when she was four. She mediately to the Department of stiff as for L. C. pilots. The third was reared in the convent of St. Mary’s of the Commerce, Aeronautics Branch, for encouraging figure is the present Valley at Beaverton, Oregon. At this time the Amended Air Commerce Regula tions. 200-hour transport pilot total of 68, Mary lives in Seattle where she is attending Let's all get busy as pilots and which is still ahead of both last school and scheming up ways to get the desired month's and last year's total. Nor 99’s to help put statistics on women flying time to put her on top. The picture on should we forget that a large num pilots back on the up grade where ber of women not on the list today this month’s 99er cover shows her in full tribal they belong. hold student permits with letters of costume. C o r a S t e r l i n g , Seattle. authority to fly solo cross-country, M a r g a r e t C o o p e r , 9 9 President. THE 99er—A MONTHLY MAGAZINE ABOUT WOMEN AND FLYING Published by the National and International Organization of Women Pilots 99 Club Officers President vice president Secretary-Treasurer MARGARET COOPER GLADYS O'DONNELL LAURETTA M. SCHIMMOLER 1040 Park Avenue 3723 California Avenue General Delivery New York City Long Beach, Calif. Glendale, Calif. ELIZABETH HAYWARD, National Publicity Chairman, 2900 Blanche St., Pasadena, Calif. N e w E n g l a n d —Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachu Chairman, Cleveland Chapter, Alma-Arlene Davis. Chairman, setts, Connecticut, Rhode Island—Governor, Maude Tait, Michigan Chapter, Gladys Hartung. Chairman, Chicago 192 Springfield St., Springfield, Mass. Sectional Reporter, Chapter, Ruth Kitchel Wakeman. Sectional Reporter, Alice Novetah Holmes Davenport. C. Hirschman. N e w Y o r k and N e w J e r s e y —Governor, Jessamine Goddard. So u t h C e n t r a l —Nebraska, Colorado, New Mexico, Kansas, 48 E. 73, N. Y. City. Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas—Governor, Jean La M id d l e E a s t e r n —Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia, Rene, Hangar No. 7, Love Field, Dallas, Texas. Sectional Virginia, Delaware, D. C.— Governor and Sectional Reporter Reporter, Mary E. Owens. Dorothea Leh, 1318 Linden St., Allentown, Pa. Southwestern — California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona—Governor, Southeastern —Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Elizabeth Flayward, 2900 Blanche St., Pasadena, Calif. Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida—Governor, Mary Edna Crumrine, Sectional Reporter. Chairman, Los Angeles Nicholson c/o Sternberger Children's Hospital, Greensboro, Chapter, Esther Johnson. Chairman, Bay Cities Chapter, N. C., Chairman. Atlanta Chapter, Madaline Johnson. Harriet Isaacson. N o r t h C e n t r a l —Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa. Mis N orthwestern —Washington, Oregon. Idaho, Montana, Wy souri, Illinois, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana— Governor, Mabel oming, North Dakota, South Dakota—Governor, Mary Britton, 408 Forest Ave., Ypsilanti, Michigan. R dd’e, 117 Emerson Ave., Hoquiam, Wash. PUBLICATION OFFICE: 116 Ea st 11t h St r e e t , N ew Y o r k C it y — STuyvesant 9-4851 C l a r a S t u d e r , Editor M a r g e r y B r o w n , Roving Reporter F a y G i l l i s , Russian Correspondent C l a r a G i l b e r t , Advertising and Business Manager, 101 Park Ave., N. Y. C. AShland 4-3183 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE—ONE DOLLAR A YEAR; TEN CENTS A COPY IT'S CACING TIME L a n g l e y D ay Approximately 8,000 enthusiastic spectators watched 47 planes perform in the capital’s largest aviation meet which was the most successful regatta of the Washington Air Derby Associa tion, an annual event known as Langley Day Celebration, and held at the College Park Air port on May 6.