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03032020Yndvnuq1144seac STATE EXPERT APPRAISAI CoMMITTEE - TAA/IIL NADU Mlnuter of the 144,t' Meetlng of the ttate Expert Appralsal Comminee (SEAC) held on l7h February 2019 for Apprakal of EulldirE and Conrtn ctlon prorects, Torrrnrhlp, and Area Development prorectr, ,ynthetlc Organic Chemicals, Cement Mlnlng project! 6t ETI hall, 3,i Floor, TNrcB, Guindy, Chennal- 600 032. Agenda No: l44TA{'l File No.7l63,r2ol9 Proposed Construction of Multlstoried Reridential Group Buildint at S. No. 35Ol1, 352, 358 & 359 of Ayanambakkam Vlllage AmbatturTaluk, firuvallur Dindct. Tamll Nadu by Ws. S&P Foundatlonr (p) Ltd - For Envlronment CleaEnce (sIA"/TN/Ml5/l 07952/2019) The proposal was placed in the l39h SEAC Meeting held on 22.11,2019, The ralient featurei of the project and the environmental irnpaEt ajserJment a, Presenied by the proponent are ar followri 1. The proiect ir located at 13" 4'42.41,N latitude and gO" g'45.27"E longitude. The total plot area of the proiect is about l8O9O Sq.m with a total built up area 44057 5q.m. 2. The proiect coniijtr of three toweB with Clubhouse; Tower I , 2 and 3 eoch with Stilt+7 floors and Club HouJe with 6F+3 Floorr. 3. Car parklng 345 numberr and 301 numbers of two wheeler parking propcted to be provided. 4. The green belt area proposed for the project ir 2960 rq.m (l7olo of total land area). The daily fresh water requirement Is l93kLD to be rourced from Thiruverkadu Municipality. 6. Generated rewage of gTkLDir reported to be treated in STp of i3OkLD (55kLD& 75kLD) capacity. 93kLD of rreated wartewater will be generated and will be utilized for avenue plantation; I72kLD of grey water will be treatedc\L,- in th,e grey Membeffecretary<%.--- ChaIrmaIE\ Ql out of which 98kLD will be used water treatment of 2OOkLD (8OkLD& l2oklDh oSR and remaining 50kLD will be for flurhing' loklD for GardeninS' 5kLD for ured for avenue Plantatlon T.Totalwa'tee'timatedtobegeneratedi'llo3Kg/dayinwhich662Kg/dayis in organic warte convertor (OWC- Biodetradabte watte, which will be treated for with sTP sludge and then ured at manure 5OO) within the Project tite mixed and 441 Kg/day i' Non BiodeSradable landJcaPing Purpote within Project eite waste will be told to recyclers' 2m dia and 1'8 m dePth & the 8, The rainwater harvetting pit has 35 not of 'ainwaterCollectlonsump2nowithatotalcapa(ityofllocu.mtobeprovided. innall D'6 set of 2 No5 of lookvA' 2 Nos' of 9. The Proponent i, Propoted to Grter the etrential load requirement lSOkVA and I No. of 250 kVA capacitie' to kVA' l8O kvA DG tett po'ver failure with a heighr of 32 m for 250 during 'tack and 3l m for 100 kVA DG setr' The SEAC noted the follo\',in8; Foundationr (P) Ltd hat aPplied for l. The Proiect proPonent M/s' S&P rePort to SEIAA-TN on seeklng envlronmental clearance with EIA Retidmtial 6roup 30.09.2019 for Propored conttruction of Multi-rtor€yed 359 of Ayanambakkam Village' Buildlng at 5. No' 35on' 357 ' 35A & AmbatturTaluk, Tlruvallur Dietiict' Tamil Nadu of ltem 8(a) "BulldlnS 2. The proiect^aivity i' covered under cateSory'8" Notification' 2006' and Construction ProiectC' of the Schedule to the EIA project propotal' Bated on the The proponent made a presentation about the furnilhed' the SEAC directed pretentation made by the Proponent and the documentJ the proponent to furnith the followlng detailt' ct--+t^ *"ffi"on Chairman 44t 2- l. The layout plan furnlihed for the greenbelt area earmarked with GPS coordinates by lhe p.oiect proponent on the periphery of the ,lte and the same shall be rubmltted for CMDA/DTCP approval. The green belt width should be 3m all along the boundarier of the prorect Jlte, The green belt area rhould be not lerr than l59o of the total land area of the proiect, 2. The contour level of the propored rite shall be studled and furnlfied and bar€d on that delailed rtorm water plan rhall be prepared conildering the flood occuned in the year 2015 and also considering the runound.ing developmentr. 3. The proponent wat directed to furnirh the stepJ to be taken to enrure that the rite will not be flooded in future, along with the flood management (evacuation) plan. 4. The proponent rhall revir€ the water balance ar per the MoEF&CC Suideline! & conJlderlng the re8regate the grey water from the ,ewa8e . Further the proponent 5hall furnlrh the adequate treatment ryrtem for grey water & sewage to be generated from the prorect premireJ. 5. The proponent shall furnirh the deriSn details of 5TP and Grey water treatment iyrtem afte. revising the water balance. 6. Cumulatlve Impactr of the proiect conridering with other infrastructure developmentr on the Environment shall be furnished. 7. The propoJal for CER ,hall be furnirhed ar per the office memorandum of MoEF&CC dated 01.05,2018 after working out the cort of project a5 per PWD Suidelines. The SEAC directed the proponent to furnkh the above taid detailr and on receipt of aforeraid detailr, SEAC would further dellberate on thlt project and decide the further courre of action. The project proponent has furnithed the above taid detailt on 04.02.2020. st. I Member4ry-- Secretary Chairman q41 After detail The proporal wal Placed in thir 144'h SEAC meering held on 17'02'2020 deliberationt. the SEAC decided to recommend the propotal for Srant of Environmental condition: Clearance to SEIAA rubiect to the rtandard conditions in additlon to followlng l. The proponent ha, to earmark the 8r€enbelt area with dimension and GPs proiect tite and coordinater for the Sreen belt area all along the boundary of the the tame thall be lncluded in the layout out plan to be submitted for CMDA"/DTCP approval and the apProved CMDA"/DTCP Pl6n shall be submitted to project SEIAA. The Total greenbelt area thould be minimum of l,oh ot the total area. 2. Solar energy thould be at lealt 1006 of total energy utilizatlon ApPlicatlon of solar ener8y should be utilized maximum for lllumination of common areat' ttreet Iighting etc. for the 3. The proponent hat to 8et necettary permittioh from @mPetent authorlty di5posal of the treated Grey water and Sewage water for the Avenue Planation before obtaining CTO from TNPCB. 4. The hei8ht of the ttack of DG ret, ,hall be Provided at Per the CPCB normr' 5. The proiect ProPonent thall continuouJly oPerate and maintain the Sewage treatment Plant and Grey Water treatment Plant to achieve the nandardJ pretcribed by the CPCB. 6. The project proponent hat to Provide teparate standby D.G eet for the STP propored for the contlnuous operation of the sTP ln case of Power failure' 7. Domestic Jolid waitet to be regularly collected in binJ or watte handling receptacleJ and disPoJed ar Per the tolid watte management rulet 2ol5' 8. No warte of any type to be dijPoted of in any watercourte includinS drainJ' canali and the turrounding environment 9. The Jafety mearures Propojed in the rePort rhould be ltrictly followed' lo.TrafJic congestion near the entry and exit Pointr from the roads adioining the propored proiect tite murt be avoided. 11. Ar per the office memorandum of MoEF& CC dated 01.05.2018. 2o/o of the proiect coet shall be spent for Government High school. Avanambakkam'I and De' \_tE,/,---=\ l \ . +7 \ Member# Sgfretary Chaiman 4.41 \ dlting, bund rtrengthening and plantation of treer and grast cover bundt thall be @rrled out in (onsultation with nyD/fNPCB. 12. All the commitments made in the Flood Management Plan shall be ttrlctly followed Juch at the Ground level of rite shall be raised by 75omm above the exirtlnt road level etc.. Agenda no: l4+1A42 (Flle No: 722512019) Eoposed Confiructlon of lndunrlal Shedr by WJ. BaSur Loglttlci Park Prlvate Llmlted at J. No. 4/5, 416, 4nB, 6/8, 6l4Bzs,7l2B1A, 9A, 912A,141r,1412A, 14128,1413,14/5, t4l6,., t4t6B, Un, tsl, $n,1513,16A, $n, $13, t7l4 t7ls,2111, 2tn,2113,2114, 2l[l,26n & 2614 ot Mettupanth8napalli Vlllage, SoolaglrlTaluk, Krlrhn€|fl Undct, TamllNsdu. - For Envlronmental CleaEnce. $l/,miiM$n22562no19) The proporal war placed in the l39h Meeting held on 23.11.2019. The project 'EAC proponent 88ve detalled preJ€ntatlon. The salient featuret of the proiect and the environmenlal impact arrerrrnent aJ pretented by the proponent are at follow': l. The p.opoged project Ir a conttruction indujtrial thed and the hotPective Tenantt are Warehourer, Godownt, lndustrial Goods Storage, Data Centret and FMCG Packaglng. The total land area of prc)ect it 2,33,332.4 Sq.m with total built up area i5 l'20,587 5q.m. 3. The project Ir located at 12'37'29.18" N Latitude and 78'4'53.20" E Latitude. 4. The project compritet Il not. of Jhedr. Block A (6 + Mezz floorr), Block B (G + Merz floor,, Block C (6 + Mezz floorr, Block D (G + Mezz floort), Block E (6 + Mezz floon). Block F (G + Mezz floort), Block H (G + Mezz floorr, Block J (G + Mezz floors) , Block Gl (Ground Floor), Block G2 (6round Floor) & Block 6ala G3 (Ground Floor) cL- Z-r Chalrman q$ 5. The daily frerh water requirement is 219 kLD for domeetic PurpoJe (23 kLD) and greenbelt development (196 ktD) will be sourced through Local Body/Private tankerr. The warte water of 67 kLD Senerated It treated through 80 kLD capacity sTP Plant (Movlnt Bed Bio Reactor - MBBR) retulting in 57 kLD of treated tewage In which 47 kLD i, uted for flurhin8, 20 kLD for Grienbelt development. 5. 51,828 Sq.m ir earmarked as greenbelt development of 2,916 nor.
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