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THE UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER One Hundred and Eighth Annual COMMENCEMENT SUNDAY, JUNE EIGHTH NINETEEN HUNDRED FIFI'Y-EIGHT ORDER OF EXERCISES PROCESSIONAL- Brass Ensemble, Directed by Ward Woodbury Blair P. Cosman at the Organ THE AUDIENCE IS REQUESTED TO REMAIN SEATED WHILE THE ACADBMlC PROCESSION ENTERS CoRNELIS W. nEKIEWIET, PRESIDING PRAYER THE REvEREND RoBERT H. BEAVEN AnDRESS RoBERT M. HuTCHINS CoNFERRING oF DEGREES THE AUDIENCE IS REQUBSTl!D TO REl'RAIN PROM APPLAUSE UNTIL THE RECIPIENTS 01' DEGREES ARB RETURNING TO THEIR SEATS Candidates of the College of Arts and Science Presented by Dean Hazlett Candidates of the Eastman School of Music Presented by Director Hanson Candidates of the University School of Liberal and Applied Studies Presented by Dean Anderson Candidates for the Diploma in Nursing Presented by Professor Halt Candidates for Masters' Degrees Presented by Associate Dean Penn Candidates for the Degree Doctor of Medicine Presented by Dean Anderson Candidates for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy Presented by Dean Spragg Doctor of Musical Arts Presented by Director Hanson CONFERRING OF UNIVERSITY CITATIONS TO ALUMNI Garratt Gregeen Crebbin, Class of 1928 Basil Roda Weston, Class of 1921 ORDER OF EXERCISES CoNFERRING oF HoNORARY DEGREES Doctor of Science NATHANIEL WALES FAXON Doctor of Music ALAN HovHANESS Doctor of Laws JoHN VAN VooRHIS Doctor of Laws RoBERT MAYNARD HuTCHINS Presented by the University Orator Elmer G. Suhr CoMMENCEMENT HYMN 0 Mater academica Rocestriensis, te Quae nobis tanta munera dedisti libere Nunc salutamus, agimus nos tibi gratias, Et semper te laudabimus cui nomen Veritas. 0 Mater, quam cognovimus per laeta tempora, Quae demonstrasti omnibus laboris gaudia, Quae "Meliora" indicas, excelsa praemia, Ad caelum omnes incitas, tu Mater splendida! 0 Mater ave, salve, tu, vale, carissima! Nos juvat jam in exitu dulcis memoria. Per vias due nos asperas semper ad optima; Mercedes da perpetuas, bona caelestia! -JOHN ROTHWELL SLATBR 1907 REcESSIONAL- The Bra.r.r Ensemble THB AUDIBNCB IS RBQUBSTBD TO REMAIN SBATBD WIDLB THB ACADEMIC PROCESSION LBAVBS • &aduates and their guests are cordially invited to the Comm~ncemmt Tea to he held on the Eastman Quadrangle immediately after the exercises at Fauver Stadium. PRIZES AND HONORS SIGMA Xx Elected to full membership in 1958 Sheldon Alexander Austin Edward Jones Joel Axelrod James Carmen Mancuso Louis J. Casarett Paul A. Obrist Florence M. Cawthorne John Frederick Paulson Stephen Herbert Davol Robert Tanofsky Donald MacDonald Green Ronald T. Verrillo Elected to associate membership in 1958 Martha Allison Beck Susan Alice Hook Carol Phyllis Brand Jane Marie Hritz Robert Louis Dawson Rene Sevigny, Jr. Barry Carl Dutcher Anne Leighton Sanborn Ani! Chandra Ghose Sarah Ruth Van Dyck Richard L. Heinemann Pm BBTA KAPPA Jane Elizabeth Allyn Mary Lucia Lind Robert Louis Armstead Ronald Edward Minor *Martha Allison Beck Donald Edward Olios Susan Starr Bleyler Clark William Perry Carol Phyllis Brand Mary Elizabeth Robinson Irene Susan Colle David William Sallberg Carol Jeanne Confer Carl Walter Schafer Robert Lewis Dawson Erhard Schmidt John Raymond Gillespie Joseph Siracusa Mary Duncan Granger Richard Domenick Surace Sandra Anne Gravino *Barth Vander Els Sandra Jean Gruver Sarah Ruth Van Dyck Susan Alice Hook Alma Mary Waite Jane Marie Hritz Martin Sheppard Weingarten *Nancy Ann Kelts Nelson Frank Gordon Whipple Sylvia Frances Leistyna COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCE The Davis Pri~e.r-RICHARD CuRTis Fox and DoNALD EDWARD 0LINS The DBWey Pri~e---RoBERT ZACHARY BRucKMAN The Stoddard Pri~es in Mathllmatics-LBoNARD EMANUEL P ARKBR and RossELL HowARD BATT The Sherman Fellowship-ERHARD ScHMIDT The Eli~aheth M. Anderson Pri~e--SYLVIA FRANCES LBtsTYNA The N. B. Ellison Pri~e--MARTIN SHEPPARD WEINGARTEN The Williams Memorial Pri~e--SusAN STARR BLEYLER The Jesse L. Rosenberger Pri~e--THoMAs FRASER YouNG, JR. The Rigby Wile Pri~e in Biology-RussELL HoWARD BATT and MARGARET LITTLE CARMAN The Chester A. Dewey Scholarship-PAULA HELENE SIEGEL The Kreyer Pri~e in German-HuBERT NERWIN The Alumnae Pri~e---MARGARBT LITTLE CARMAN and SusAN V ANORDBN ALLISoN The Russell Mumford Tuttle Pri~e--ANTHONY JosEPH LAPLACA The Susan Colver Rosenberger Pri~e--MoNA FAY KLAHN The John Dows Mairs Pri~e--DAVID HERBERT MELNICK The Terry Pri~e--CARRoLL ALTZ GARDNER, JR. The Hull Pri~e---RICHARD CURTIS Fox The Charles L. Newton Pri~e--EDMUND A. HAJIM and RicHARD ALAN WBDBMBYBR The Leet Pri~e--JoN FRBCKLETON The Williams Morse Hastings Pri~e--CARL WALTER ScHAFER The Emil K.uichling Pri~e--JAMl!S CoNKLIN FooTE, JR. The Charles Ellis Caldwell Pri~e--STEVBN GEORGE FLEISCHER and THoMAs EDMUND RICKERT *Elected in Junior Year CoLLEGE OP ARTS AND SciENCB;----[ontinued The Theta Eta Prize-DEANNE MoLINARI The James D. McGill Memorial Prize-MARY DuNCAN GRANGER The Gamma Phi Prize-CoNSTANCE LANDIS GERHARD The Hugh MacKenzie Memorial Prize--GERTRUDBJBANNBTTB DB KRAKER and PATIENCE ANNE JUNKER The Psrcy B. Dutton Award-RicHARD ALAN WEDEMEYER The Fannie R . Bigelow Alumnae Prize-MARY LuciA LIND and SusAN ALicE HooK The Sigma Kappa Upsilon Priz_e--to MARY RACHEL RAWLINGS The Joseph P. O'Hern Scholarship-CAROL PHYLLIS BRAND The Susan B. Anthony Priz.e--LoRRYNE RoCHELLE 0RLEN The Marie Pet'{ Lehmann Prize--EDWARD GEoRGE GmsoN Ths Neil C. Arvin Memorial Prize-Ross ANGELO FERLITO The E. P. Appelt Memorial Prize-RoBERT JAMBS MAcDoNALD and JAMBS FREDERICK SATTLER The Louis A . Alexantkr Alumni Award-CHARLES FELLOWBS QmNBY The Joseph O'Connor Graduate Stttdy Endowment Fund Award-SusAN ALICE HooK The Donald R. Charles Memorial Award-HELEN CLuGsTON CooN EASTMAN SCHOOL OF MUSIC The Edward B. Bsnjamin Awards-JosEPH SciANNI and PAUL EARLS The Sigma Alpha Iota Award-NANCY ALICE NicKESON Performsr' s Csrtiftcate PRISCILLA I. BAILBY, in Flute MARY INEZ JBDBLB, in Piano CHARLES AuGusT BAKER, in Violoncello MALVERN JAMBS KAuFMAN, in Violin RoDGER WooDLEY BAKER, in Trumpet FLORENCE ANNE KosciBLNY, in Piano JAMBS JosEPH BARBER, in Violin MARCIA KAy LoEFFLER, in Organ AUBREY J. BoucK, JR ., in Horn DAVID G. MuLBURY, in Organ ALAN BROWN, in Bassoon PAUL MAKARA, in Violin ELIZABETH PAsTORIUS BRUNER, in Flttte PETER WILLIAM OosTBRLING, in Trombone JANE BuRNET, in Percussion JoHN M. PECK II, in Voie~ RICHARD WILLIAM CAMPBELL, JR., ALBERT G. RBGNI, in Clarinet in Bassoon BARBARA MARY RoARK, in Violin MARY LARsON DECKER, in Voice PHYLLis MARGUERITE RoCHow, in VoiCB NICHOLAS DIVIRGILIO, JR., in Voice BERNARD RUBENSTEIN, in Ohoe and Opera DoNALD E. ScHMAus, in Trumpet RuBY MARIE DoBBERSTEIN, in Piano KENNETH WAYNE ScHULTZ, in Horn EPPIB LBB DouGHERTY, in Piano BENJAMIN NEAL SMITH, in Violoncello FREDERICK IRWIN FisHER, in Piano PETER HYDE TANNER, in Percttssion FREDERICK WILLIAM HALT, in Tromhone STEPHEN RoBERT ToBACK, in Trumpet DoROTHY PATRICIA HuRsT, in Voice MARIAN S. WEBB, in Violone~llo DEPARTMENT OF NURSING The Clare Dsnnison Prize-MARIAN ANNE JAcoBs The Dorothea Lyntk Dix Award-VERNA CAROLYN WBSsBLMANN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AND DENTISTRY The Bortkn Undergraduate Rmarch Award in Medicine-DAVID HAMILTON SMITH The Doran J. Stephsns Prize-RussELL H. CLARK, JR. ALPHA OMEGA ALPHA Howard Seymour Axelrod Philip K. Russell William Raymond Bronson Charles Raymond Shepardson Russell H. Clark, Jr. David Hamilton Smith Joseph Emory Dygert Anthony Philip Tartaglia James Thomas Haggerty Charles August Winterling Williams Shields Hammond CANDIDATES FOR BACHELORS' DEGREES FROM THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND ,SCIENCE BACHELOR OP ARTs WITH HIGHEST DISTINCTION MARTHA ALLisoN BECK, in Mathimlltics JANB MARIE HRITZ, in Chemistry NANCY ANN KELTS, in History BARTH VANDER ELS, in GBtUral Science BACHELOR oP ARTs WITH HmH DisTINCTION JANB ELIZABETH ALLYN, in Ps;·chology JAMES FRisK, General Science MARY DUNCAN GRANGER, in Government SusAN Aucn HooK, in Mathematics MARY LuciA LIND, in Philosophy JosEPH SIRACUSA, in Spanish DAVID BERNT SKINNER, in General Science RICHARD DoMENICK SuRACE, in Psychology BACHELOR OP ARTS WITH DISTINCTION CoRDELL HuNT BAHN, in General Science ANN LuND BALDWIN, in General Science LoRRAINE SusAN BARNET, in English MARCIA JANB BERNSTEIN, in English RicHARD GEORGE BRoWN, in Mathematics LAWR:BNCE NoRMAN CHBSsiN, in Biology THoMAS BENNETT CLARK, in History IRBNB SusAN CoLLE, in English CHARLEEN ANN DoRWALD, in Economics CYANNB BERNICE HANSoN, in Fine Arts MARcu KERN HoPPMBISTER, in Sociology JosEPH BRuen !UPPA, in Psychology SYLviA FRANCES LmsTYNA, in Fine Arts ALBXANDER LnVINB, in Psychology PAuL SAMUEL MILLEY, in General Sciene1 RoNALD EDWARD MINoR, in History CHRYSTAL ANNE MURRAY, in MAthimlltics DoNALD EDWARD DuNS, in Biology MARY RAcHEL RAwLINGs, in Spanish FRBDBRICK CHAB.LBS RoBINSON, in Psychology MARY ELIZABETH RoBINSON, in Hirtory CARL WALTER SCHAPER, in Economics ERHARD 8cHMmT, in Economics INEz VERVALIN ToDD, in Englirh RUTH AcKER TREPANIER, in General ScienCB ALMA MARY WAITE, in Psychology MARTHA MARGARET W ALKBR, in English BACHELOR OP SCIBNCB WITH HIGH DisTINCTION RoBERT Loms ARMsTEAD, in Physics CARoL PHYLLIS BRAND, in Physics RoBERT Loms DAwsoN, in Chemistry SANDRA JEAN GRUVER, in Education DAVID WILLIAM SALLBERG, in Mechanical Enginell'ing SARAH RUTH VAN DYcK, in Pbysicr BAcHELOR oF SciENCE WITH DisTINCTION GILBERT ALLBN AsER, in Ml(hani(al Engim,-ing JoHN RAYMOND GILLESPIE, in Physi(S SALLY ANN GoDDARD, in EdUt:ation SANDRA ANNB GR.AVINO, in EdUt:atiun Gl!oRGB W .ALTER GRIMM, in Physks HARoLD KRIEGER, in Chemkal EnginBif'ing WILLIAM JoHN MAcKNIGHT, in Chemistry CLARK WILLIAM PERRY, in Chemistry JoAN EuNICE RosENTHAL, in EdUt:ation