ATIORNEY GENERAL , JR. IJuly 01. 2012 Sunday

All Day

All Day

Otus2009, AG (SMa) 1 8/6/201210:14 AM [ July 02, 2012 Monday

8:30 AM • 9:00 AM FBlBrillfing FBI sloe poc: Oenise Cheung DOJ: AG, DAG Cole, Gary Grindler, Denise Cheung, Stuart Goldberg, David O'Neil

9:00 AM • 9:10 AM fBI_Director I AG FBI sloe DOJ: AG, DAG Cole, Gary Grindler, Stuart Goldberg

9:15 AM. 9:45 AM ~11y Senior ManAgement MHting AG's Conference Room POC: Gary Grindler Attendees: AG Holder, Gary Grindler, Margaret Richardson, Jenny Mosier, Denise Cheung, Molly Moran. Channing Phillips, Sharon Werner. Helaine Greenfeld, Doug letter, DAG Cole, David O'Neil, Stuart Goldberg, Charlotte Burrows, Steven Reich, Matthew Cohen, Matthew Axelrod, S6 Verrilli, Tony West (declined), Elizabeth Taylor. Chris Schroeder, Virginia Seitz, Tracy Schmaler, Judy Appelbaum

9:45 AM - 10:00 AM Daliy Meeting with DAG Cole AG's Conference Room POC: Gary Grindler DOl: DAG Cole, Gary Grindler, Margaret Richardson, Doug Letter

10:15 AM - 10:45 AM Monthly JG Meeting AG's Conference Room POC: Helaine Greenfeld DOJ: Gary Grindler, Helaine Greenfeld, Michael Horowitz, Cynthia Schnedar, William Blier (Did not attend)

10:4S AM - 11:30 AM OFACE"nME

11:30 AM - 12:1S PM Btw.e4cly MMUng w/Crimln.1 Division AG's Conference Room POC: Channing Phillips DOJ : Gary Grindler, Channing Phillips, DAG Cole, Stuart Goldberg, Dave O'Neil, AAG Breuer, Mythlli Raman, Amy Pope, Bruce Swartz, Matthew Axelrod

12:]0 PM • 1:1S PM LUNCH

1:1S PM - 1:45 PM !!!!I!I!!~ Exemption 5 OOJ Cornman Center POe: Denise Cheung DOJ: AG, Gary Grindler, DAG lames Cole, Stuart Goldberg, Denise Cheung, AAG Monaco,_~avi: O' Neil, Rosemary Hart, Aaron Zebley, Kevin Gingras, Kurt RlJOge, Jordan St rauss" "'iExemption 61

Otus2009, AG (SMO) 7/24/ 20122;55 PM IJuly 02, 2012 Continued Monday

2:10 PM - 2:30 PM Prep for IntervIew with W

2:30 PM - ):00 PM Intenrlew' with Mrl Horowitz, Wuhlngton Post AG's Conference Room POC: GaryGrindler DOJ: GaryGrindler, TracySchmaler

3:00 PM - ):30 PM IExemption 51 AG's Conference Room POC: Gary Grindler DOJ: Gary Grindler, Margaret Richardson, AAG Moreno, Robert Dreher, Russell Young, David Kaplan, Sam Hirsch

3:30 PM - 4:00 PM OFFICE 11ME

4:00 PM . 4:30 PM Biweeldy MH'ting with NSD AG's Conference Room POC: Denise Cheung DOJ: Gary Grindler, Denise Cheung, Doug letter, DAG Cole . Stuart Goldberg, Dave O'Neil, AAG Monaco, John Carlin, Trisha Anderson

4;]0 PM • 5:00 PM OFFlCE 11ME

5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

6:00 PM - 6:15 PM Phone C.II with IsDbel Wllket'SOfl, Esiente Ma9szlne Isabel Wilkerson reachable at_IPersonal Conlacllnformalionl AG's office POC: Gary Grindler OOJ: Tracy Schmaler

Otus2009, AG (SMO) 2 7/24/20122:55 PM ATTORNEY GENERAL ERIC HOLDER, JR. IJuly 03, 2012 Tuesday

12:00 AM • 12:00 AM AG ON LEAVE

8:00 AM • 8:30 AM

OIu52009, AG (SMO) 1 8/6/2012 10:18 AM ATTORNEY GENERAL ERIC HOLDER, .JR. IJuly 04, 2012 Wednesday

All Day AGON llAVE

All Day HOUDAY - Independence Day -- United Slates

5:30 PM _ 9:30 PM

IExemption 6 I

Otus2009, AG (SMO) 8/6/2012 10:20 AM IJuly 05. 2012 Thursday

12:00 AM - 12:00 AM AG ON LEAVE

3:30 PM . 4:00 PM

IExemption 51

Otus2009, AG (SI'lO) 7/24/2012 2:57 PI-I ATIORNEY GENERAL ERIC HOLDER, JR. IJuly 06, 2012 Friday

All D~y AG TO TRAVEL TO lAS VEGAS, NV· SI'£AKlNG ON 7n/12· Remarks: 2012 NClR Annual Conference

8:30 AM • 9:00 AM FBI Briefing FBI SIOC POC: Denise Cheung DOJ : AG, DAG COle, Gary Grindler, Denise Cheung, Stuart Goldberg, David O'Neil

9:00 AM • 9:10 AM FBI Director I AG FBI sloe 001 AG, DAG Cole, Gary Grindler, Stuart Goldberg

9:15 AM - 9:45 AM ~lIy SenIOf M.n.gement Meeting AG 's Conference Room pac: Gary Grindler Attendees: AG Holder, Gary Grindler, Margaret Richardson, Jenny MOSier, Denise Cheung, Molly Moran, Channing Phillips, Sharon Werner, Helaine Greenfeld, Doug Letter, DAG Cole, David O'Neil, Stuart Goldberg, Charlotte Burrows, Steven Reich, Matthew Cohen, Matthew Axelrod, SG Verrilli, Tony West (declined), Elizabeth Taylor, Chris Schroeder, Virginia Seitz, Tracy Schmaler, Judy Appelbaum

9:15 AM • 9:45 AM Weekly le.dership .nd Senior Management Meeting AG's Conference Room POC: Gary Grindler Attendees: AAG Breuer, AAG Moreno, AAG Perez, AAG Lofthus, AAG Monaco, AAG Seitz, AAG Keneally, Monty Wilkinson attending for Marshall Jarrett, Thomas Abt attending for Marylou Leary, Stuart Oelery, Jamillia Ferris attending for Joseph Wayland

9:45 AM - 10;(10 AM DIlly Meeting with DAGCole AG's Conference Room pac: Gary Grindler DOJ: DAG Cole, Gary Grindle r, Margaret Richardson, Doug letter

10;(10 AM · 10:30 AM NSC PC Prep Command Center POC: Denise Cheung 001: Gary Grindler, Denise Cheung, DAG Cole, Stuart Goldberg, Dave O'Neil (declined), Brian Tomney Topic: _'"IE",::::em=p:;,T.:;o"o"'"'sl

10:45 AM • 11:00 AM En route WH

11:00 AM - 12:30 PM NSCPC WH - Situation Room


Otus2009, Mj (SMO) 7/ tJ/201 2 8:]2 A"l ATTORNEY GENERAL ERIC HOLDER, JR. IJuly 06, 2012 CDntinued Friday

12:30 PM - 12:45 PM lEn route DOJ

12:45 PM. 1:30 PM LUNCH

2:00 PM - 2:30 PM IExemption 51 Room POC: Gary Grindler DOJ: Gary Grindler, Margaret Richardson, MollV Moran, Helaine Greenfeld, DAG Cole (declined), Stuart Goldberg, AASG West. Elizabeth Taylor

2:30 PM - 3:00 PM OFFJCE TIME

]:00 PM - ]:]0 PM Monthly Meeting with Ole AG's Conference Room pac: Doug letter DOJ: Gary Grindler, Doug letter, AAG Seitz, Caroline Krass

3:30 PM - 4:00 PM OFFICE TIME

4;00 PM - 4;15 PM PHONE CALL AG's office Pac: Gary Grindler Phone call to Rev. Jesse Jackson - _IPersonal Contact Information I poe for Rev. Jackso n: John Mitchell No briefing materials needed

4:15 PM· 5:30 PM OFFICE TIME

5:30 PM - 6:00 PM

6:00 PM - 6;00 PM Wheels

Flight i Time Change: -3 Food SeNice: None Crew Information:

FBO on arrival: Signature Flight Support (702) 739-1100 Manifest: 1Ex";;p;;o;;;- AG

Tracy Schmaler TRU

Otus2009, AG (SMO) 2 7/13(20128:32 AM AlTORNEY GENERAL ERIC HOLDER, JR. IJuly 06, 2012 Continued Friday

7:10 PM • 7:10 PM Wheels Down: LAS -- Las Vegas, NV






REVISED. 71612012 10.33 AM Version J TRIP SUMMARY LAS VEGAS, NV II JULY 6 - 7, 2012

Friday, July 6, 2012

6:00PM EDT Wheels Up: Washington , DC _IExemptions 7(E), 7(F)1

7:08PM PDT 'Mleels Down: Las Vegas, NV (LAS)

8:00PM PDT Independent Dinner


Saturday, July 7, 2012

12:30PM PDT 2012 NCLR Annual Conference

3:15PM PDT Wheels Up: Las Vegas, NV (LAS)

10:01PM EDT Wheels Down: Washington , DC_IExemptions 7(E). 7(FH

217 Schedule for Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. F~day, July 6,2012 Washington, DC ~ Las Vag.., NV

Weather. Washlnglon, DC 99·, Mostly Sunny Las Vegas, NV 103·, Sunny

Attire: Business Casual

Time Zone: Washington, DC Eastern Daylight Time Las Vegas, NV Pacific Daylight Time

Friday, July 6, 2012

Travelers : please report to

5:15 - 5:45pm En Route: Location:


Aircraft: On Board Flight i Time Change: -3 Food Service: Crew Information:

FBO 739-1100 Manifest:

Adora Andy

7:08pm Wheels Down: Las Vegas, NV (LAS) Location: Signature Flight Support 6005 Las Vegas Blvd S. Las Vegas, NV 89119

7:15 -7:35pm En Route Location :

317 8:00pm Independent Dinner Location: TBD


417 Schedule for Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. Saturday, July 7,2012 Las Vegas, NV ~ Washington, DC

Weather: Las Vegas, NV 106°, Sunny Washington, DC lOS', Mostly Sunny

Attire: Business

Time Zone: Las Vegas, NV Pacific Daylight Time Washington. DC Eastem Daylight Time

Saturday, July 7, 2012


8:30 - 9:30am Independent Breakfast

9:45 - 11 :30am Office Time

12:00-12:1Spm En Route: Mandalay Bay Convention Center Location: 3950 las Vegas Boulevard South Las Vegas. NV 89119 Tel: (702) 632-7777 12:15 -12:30 Hold *MeetllGreet NCLR Presendent plus 8 VIP's Location: Green Room

12:30 - 2:30pm 2012 NCLR Annual Conference Location: Mandalay I pac: Ron DOJ: Margaret Press: OPEN Attendees: 1800 Agenda; • Welcome - Victor Leandry, Council Chair • Invocation • Sponsor Remarks - Citi, Fed Ex, PepsiCo • Lunch and Video • VIP Acknowledgements - Gina Rodriguez, Emcee • Sponsor Remarks - Southwest Airlines , State Farm Insurance • Welcome Remarks - U,S. Representative Shelley Berkley (D-NV) • Remarks - Jorge Plasenia . NCLR Board Chair • AG Remarks • Program ends

5/7 2:30 ­ 3:00pm En Rout.: LAS Location: Signature Flight Support 6005 Las Vegas Blvd S. Las Vegas, NV 89119

3:15pm Wheels Up: Las Vegas, NV (LAS)

On Board Flight Time Change: +3 Food Service: Crew

FBO o~~.::..J 739-1100 Manifest

Adora Andy

10:01pm Wheels Down: Washington, DC _IExemptions 7(E), 7(F) I


In-Flight Phon.: Personal Contact Traveling Staff: Information Margaret Richardson Adora Andy .



-Advance Schedule:

Event Contacts: Ron Estrada ~ob j le IPersonal Contact Informationl Ice

717 ATTORNEY GENERAL ERIC HOLDER, JR. IJuly 07, 2012 Saturday

7:00 AM - 2:00 PM Rtlmarics: 2012 NCLR Annual Confl!f"ence las Vegas, Nevada Mandalay Bay Convention L.,,,er Event POC: Ron Estrad~ POC: Gary Grindler !personal Conlacllnformalionl Friday, July 6, 20 12

6:00PM EDT Wheels Up: Washington, DC _IExemptions 7(E). 7(F) I

7:08PM PDT Wheels Down: Las Vegas, NV (LAS)

8:00PM PDT Independent Dinner


Saturday, July 7, 20t2

12:30PM PDT 2012 NCLR Annual Conference

3:00PM PDT Wheels Up: Las Vegas, NV (LAS)

9:46PM EDT Wheels Down: Washington, DC_

Exemptions 7(E), 7(F)

):00 PM - 3:00 PM WhHh Up: lAS -- Las Vegas, NV Aircraft: ...... FlightTi~6min Time Change: +3 Food Service: Crew Information:

FBO Dn arrival: Signature Flight Support (702) 739-1100 Manifest:

i Tracy Schmaler TRU Vincent Fazzio

9:45 PM - 9:45 PM Wheels Down: _ •• Wuhingmn, DC IExemptions 7(E), 7(F) I

otus2009, /JG (SMO) 1 8/6/201211:01 AM ATTORNEY GENERAL ERIC HOLDER, JR. IJuly 08, 2012 Sunday

All Day

Otus2009, AG (SMa) 1 8/6/2012 10:24 AM [JUlY 09, 2012 Monday

lO:()O AM • 12:30 PM' OFFICE TIME

12:30 PM - 1;30 PM LUNCH

1:30 PM - 4:00 PM OFFICE TIME

4:30 PM • 5:30 PM

Otus2009, AG (SMO) 7(10;20129 :07 AM ATTORNEY GENERAl ERIC HOLDER, JR. IJuly 10, 2012 Tuesday

All Day TRAVEL: Houston, TX - NAACP Convention POC: Molly Moran

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

6:00AM EDT Wheels Up:

10:00AMCDT Wheels Down: Houston, TX (IAH)

10:45AM CDT VIP Meet /I Greet

11:00AM CDT AG Remarks: NAACP 1 03rd Annual Convention

11 :20AM CDT Ropeline Meet /I Greet

12:15PM CDT Wheels Up: Houston, TX (IAH)

3:55PM EDT Whee Is DO'Nn:

6.29.12 ethics approved

7:00 AM - 8:00 AM '",o,,, ___k

8:00 AM - 4:00 PM TRAVEL: NAACP Convention, Houston, TX

8:00AMEST Wheels

10 :00AM CDT Wheels Down: Houston, TX (IAH)

10:45AMCDT VIP Meet II Greet

11:00AM CDT AG Remarks: NAACP 1 03 rd Annual Convention

11 :20AM CDT Ropeline Meet II Greet

12:15PM CDT Wheels Up: Houston, TX (IAH)

3:55PM EDT Wheels Down:

8:00 AM • 8:00 AM

will be for immediate Flight Time: 3hrs Omins Time Change: -1 Food Service: None Crew Information: , tel. () 0tus2009, AG (SMO) 8/6/2012 10:25 AM ATTORN EY GENERAL ERIC HOLDER, JR. IJuly 10, 2012 Continued Tu esday ,tel, () FBO on arrival: Atlantic Aviation, tel. (281) 443-3434 Manifest: AG

- TRU I Tracy Schmaler liad Haider

10;00 AM • 10:00 AM Wheeh down Hounon, TX (lAH)

12:15 PM -12:15 PM ~~~~~~o~n~B=o~a~rd~~ 1/ 1.lI'>r6i,jj,je mission ~ and immediate call back)

Flight Time: 2hrs40mins Time Change: +1 Food Service: Brown Bag Crew Information: , tel. I. Feo on arrival: AG

- TRU I Tracy Schmaler liad Haider

3:55 PM - 3:55 PM Wheel5 down IExemptions 7(E), 7(F) I

Otus20og, AG (SMel) 2 8/6/2012 10:25 AM SI''<~ITlVF Ill'! I'NCLASSIFIFIl SliREIl 0'< [)ISI'OS,\L




JULY 10,2012

Version: 5 TRIP SUMMARY HOUSTON, TX - JULY 10,2012

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

8:00AM EDT Wheels

10:00AM COT Wheels Down: Houston, TX (IAH)

10:45AM COT VIP Meet II Greet

11 :00AM COT AG Remarks: NAACP 103rd Annual Convention

11 :20AM COT Ropeline Meet" Greet

12:15PM COT Wheels Up: Houston, TX (IAH)

3:55PM EDT Wheels Down: IExemptions 7(E), 7(F) I

2/6 Schedule for Attorney General Eric H, Holder, Jr. Monday, July 10, 2012 Washington, DC -+ Houston, TX -+ Washington, DC

Weather: Washington, DC 88°173°, Mostly Cloudy Houston, TX 86°174 °, Scattered T-Storms

Attire: Business

Time Zone: Washington, DC Eastern Time Zone Houston, TX Central Time Zone

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

7:00 - 7:45am Location:


I Flight Time: Time Change: Food Service: None Crew Information: • tel. () • tel. () FBO on arrival: Atlantic Aviation, tel. (281) 443-3434 Manifest AG

Tracy Schmaler Ziad Haider

10:00am Wheels Down: Houston, TX (IAH) Location: George Bush Intercontinental Airport 17725 JFK Blvd. Houston, TX 77032

3/6 10:15 -10:35am En Route: George R. Brown Convention Center Location : 1001 Avenida de las Americas Houston, TX 77010 Tel. : (713) 853-8000

10:35 - 10:45am Hold Location : AG Hold Area Backstage

10:45 - 11 :OOam VIP Meet 1/ Greet Location : VIP Hold Area POC: Anna Aponte-Curtis DOJ: Molly Moran, Tracy Schm~;r; Press: CLOSED Attendees: TBD

11 :00 -11 :20am AG Remarks: NAACP 1031'(1 Annual Convention Location : Main Ballroom, D3 poe: Anna Aponte-Curtis DOJ : Molly Moran, Tracy SCiiiiiiiiOr Press: OPEN Attendees : 500+ Agenda: • AG Introduction • Remarks - AG • AG Departs

11:20 - 11 :45am Ropeline Meet 1/ Greet Location : Main Ballroom, D3 POC: Anna Aponte-Curtis DOJ: Molly Moran , Tracy Press: OPEN

11 :45am - 12:10pm En Rout.: IAH Location: George Bush Intercontinental Airport 17725 JFK Blvd. Houston , TX 77032

4/6 12:15pm Wheels Up: Houston, TX (IAH) IAH __

Flight Time: 2hrs40mins Time Change: +1 Food Service: Brown Bag Crew Information: , tel. ( ) I FBO on arrival: AG

Tracy SchmaJer Ziad Haider

3:55pm Wheels Down:


In Flioht i and tail , A message will II back)

Travelling Staff: Molly Moran Tracy Schmaler liad Haider


Event Contact: Anna Aponte-Curtis

616 IJ"IY 11, 2012 Wednesday

All Day FBI Bri,fing5 - Paper Only

9:00 AM - 9:30 AM PREP: NSC Meetfng Command Center POC: Denise Cheung OOJ : Gary Grindler, Denise Cheung, DAG Cole, Stuart Goldberg, Da vid O'Neil, Trisha Anderson, Brian Tomnev, Virginia Seitz

9:30 AM • 9:45 AM En rout. WH

9:50 AM • 11:45 AM NSCP( WH Situation Room POC: Denise Cheung/Gary Grindler Topic: _IExemption 5 1

11:45 AM -12:00 PM En ro~ DOJ

12:00 PM - 12:25 PM MEETING A6's Office DOJ : Gary Grindler, Denise Cheung, Margaret Ri chardson

12:25 PM • 12:45 PM LUNCH

12:45 PM -1:00 PM Photo with OIA Paralegals AG' s Conference Room, RFK Bldg, Room 5111 POC: Mary Rodriguez and Rosemary Johnston/ CRM OIA Paralegals: Jonathan Breyan. Lee Cox. Patricia de Jesus, Priyanka Dev, loshua Easterson, Berit Fitzsimmons, Brittney Galloway, Liliana Garcia, Daniel Haney, Sharo n Kaps, Evan King, Ben levandoski, Abigail Marion, Devin Mikulka, Anastasia Oldham (declined), Christine Quinn, Ta ylor Smith, Gabrielle Soltys, Kathryn Steinbrecher, Glenn I Reed Van severen, Andrew Williams

1:IS PM - 1:30 PM Lesousky_and AUSA Marisa Ford

AG 's Office

1:45 PM • 2:00 PM PREP: UK Ambassador Meeting GAG places coli to Amy Jeffress AG 's Conference Room POC : Denise Cheung DOJ : Denise Cheung, Bruce Swartz, Amy Jeffress (via telephone)

2:1S PM • 2:30 PM PREP: Meeting wid! Senators Reid and Whitehollw AG ' s Conference Ro om PDC: Margaret Richardson OOJ : Margaret Richardson,Judy Appelbaum

Otus2009, AG (SMO) 7/12/2012 3:41 PM IJuly 11, 2012 Continued Wednesday

2:45 PM - 3:30 PM MHting with UKAmbaSiitdor, SIr Peter Westmacott AG's Conference Room POC: Deni~e Cheung OOJ; Denise Cheung, Bruce Swartz Outside Attendees: UK Ambassador Sir Peter Westmacott POC: Janice i I DOJ photographer

3;45 PM· 4;30 PM Biweekly Meeting with OAG Attorneys AG's Conference Room Attending: Margaret Richardson. Denise Cheung, Molly Moran, Jenny MOSier, Channing Phillips, Helaine Greenfeld, Sharon Werner, Doug Letter, Tracy Schmaler

4:30 PM - 5:00 PM COURTESY VISIT AND PHOTO· AARON LEWIS AG's Conference Room POC: Margaret Richardson

5:15 PM - $:30 PM En route Private Appointment


Olus2009, AG (SMO) , 7{12./2012 3:41 P"1 ,~------.July 12, 2012 '.I Thursday 8:30 AM • 9:00 AM FBI Briefing FBI SIOC POC: Denise Cheung DOl: AG, DAG Cole, Gary Grindler, Denise Cheung, Stuart Goldberg, David O'Neil

9:00 AM • 9:10 AM FBI Director I AG FBI SIOC DOl: AG, DAG Cole, Gary Grindler, Stua rt Goldberg

9:15 AM • 9:45 AM Daily Senior Management Meeting AG's Conference Room POC: Gary Grindler Attendees: AG Holder, Gary Grindler, Margaret Richardson, lenny Mosier, Denise Cheung, Molly Moran, Channing Phillips, Sharon Werner, Helaine Greenfeld, Doug Letter, DAG Cole, David O'Neil, Stuart Goldberg, Charlotte Burrows, Steven Reich, Matthew Cohen, Matthew Axelrod, SG Verrilli, Tony West, Elizabeth Taylor, Chris Schroeder, Virginia Seitz, Tracy Schmaler, ludy Appelbaum

9:45 AM • 10:00 AM Daily Meeting with DAG Cole AG's Conference Room POC: Gary Grindler DOl: DAG Cole, Gary Grindler, Margaret Richardson, Doug Letter

10:00 AM • 10:30 AM Meeting with Australian MOJ Honorable Jason Clare AG's Conference Room POC: Denise Cheung DOl: Gary Grindler, Denise Cheung, Bruce Swartz, , David O'Neil, Sarah Santiago DOl Photographer Australian Delegation Jason Dean CLARE, Minister for Home Affairs and Justice; Minister for Defence Materiel Brian Andrew HICKEY, AdVisor to Minister Clare Adele Langton, Advisor to Minister Clare Tony William NEGUS, Commissioner Australian Federal Police Kevin ZUCCATO, Assistant Commissioner (National Manager Serious and Organised Crime) Michael Stuart KELSEY, Detective Superintendent (Counsellor Police Liaison)

11:00 AM • 11:30 AM MEETING· MID EAST TRIP AG's Conference Room POC: Gary Grindler DOJ: Denise Cheung, Bruce Swartz

11:45 AM • 12:15 PM Meeting with Colombian Prosecutor General AG's Conference Room POC: Denise Cheung DOl: Gary Grindler, Denise Cheung, Bruce Swartz, Magdalena Boynton, lim Faulkner, Paul Vaky, Virna Santos, Ken Blanco DOl Photographer Colombian Delegation

Otu52009, AG (SMO) 1 7/12/20125:46 PM 'I July 12, 2012 Continued Thursday Colombian Prosecutor General: Luis Eduardo Montealegre lynett Gabriel Silva Lujan Maritza Escobar Baquero Francisco Echeverri Lara Nicholas Lloreda Alfonso Cuellar Rodrigo Rojas Interpreters: Javier larravide Marta Sofia Goldstein

12:15 PM ·12;45 PM LUNCH

12:45 PM • 1:00 PM En route E. S.rrett P~man Courthouse . 131 Constitution Avenue, NW, Wash DC In limo: Doug letter

1:00 PM • 2 ~ OO PM Rem.rks: DC ClrcufC 2012 Law aerkJ' spe.ken Series E. Barrett pretlyman Courthouse, 333 Constitution Ave nue, NW, Wash DC POC: Doug letter 6.20.12 scheduling form returned.

2:00 PM· 2:15 PM En route Cap-Semite Side

2:15 PM • 2:45 PM MeetIng with Majority Leader Reid .nd Sen.tor Whitehouse Cap - S 221 (POC: leah Seigle _"personal Contact Information I poe: Margaret Richardson TopiC: National Endowment for the Oceans 001 Margaret Richardson, July Appelbaum

2;45 PM - ]:00 PM En NXlte DO) In limo: Margaret Richardson, Judy Appelbaum

3:15 PM - 4:10 PM MHting Center, RFK, Room POe: Gal)' Grindler / Scott Schools OOJ : AG, Gal)' Grindler, Scott Schools, Stuart Gold Farmer/NSO, Francis Schmitz/ USAWIE,

4;]5 PM • 4;25 PM Phone call with CommissIoner Raymond Kelly OAG places call to Commissioner Kelly (Janet Fitzpatrick) AG ' s Office ~~~~§:§~~!ll poe: Molly Moran

OtuSlOO9, AG (SMO) , 7/12/20 l7. 5:46 PM '/ July 12, 2012 Continued Thursday

4:30 PM - 5:00 PM MEETING - CRIMINAL MATTER AG's Conference Room POC: Gary Grindler DOJ: DAG Cole, Stuart Goldberg, Margaret Richardson

5:00 PM - 5:30 PM Wrap-Up/Schedullng Meeting AG's Conference Room DOJ: Gary Grindler, Margaret Richardson

OIu52009, AG (SMO) 3 7/12/20125:46 PM ATIORNEY GENERAL ERIC HOLDER, JR. I July 13, 2012 Friday

12:00 AM • 12:00 AM Internatfonal Travel· Honolulu. HJ,IGuam/Kuala Lumpur/ Malaysia. Singapore


9:00 AM - 8:00 PM WHEELS UP: WASHINGTON, DC TO HONOLULU, HI Friday, July 13, 2012 (Washington, DC -7Honolulu, HI) 9:00AM EDT Wheels Up: Washington, DC _IExemptions 7(E). 7(F) I

11 :30AM PDT Wheels Down: Travis AFB - Fairfield, CA (KSUU), (tech slop)

1:00PM PDT Wheels Up: Travis AFB - Fairfield, CA (KSUU)

3:25PM HAST Wheels Down: Honolulu, HI (PHNL)

8:00PM HAST Independent Dinner

10:45 AM • 11:00 AM PHONE CAU TO THE UK ATTORNEY GENERAL - DOMtNJC GRIEVES •••~••• AG will place the call when he's traveling on the plane. POC: Denise Cheung Contact Person: UK AG's private secretary, Duncan Parish Personal Contact ~__~~I"~rn~mo~ti~oo"-~

otus2009, AG (SMa) 1 8/6/ 2012 10:41 AM ATTORNEY GENERAL ERIC HOLDER, JR. IJuly 14, 2012 Saturday

All Day International Travel - Honolulu, HI/Guam/Kuala Lumpur! Malaysia. Singapore

Otus2009, AG (SMa) 1 8/6/2012 10:29 AM ATIORNEY GENERAL ERIC HOLDER, JR. IJuly 15. 2012 Sunday

All Day International Travel· Honolulu. HI/Guam/Kuala Lumpur! Malaysia, Singapore

OIU52009, AG (SMa) 1 8/6/201210:32 AM ATTORNEY GENERAL ERIC HOLDER, JR. IJuly 16. 2012 Monday

All Day International Travel· Honolulu. HI/Guam/Kuala Lumpur/ Malaysia. Singapore

OIu52009, AG (SMO) 1 8/6/2012 10:32 AM ATTORNEY GENERAL ERIC HOLDER, JR. IJuly 17, 2012 Tuesday

All Day International Travel - Honolulu. HI/Guam/Kuala Lumpur/ Malaysia, Singapore

Otus2009, AG (SMa) 1 8/6/2012 10:32 AM ATIORNEY GENERAL ERIC HOLDER, JR.

I July 18, 2012 Wednesday

All Day International Travel - Honolulu, HI/Guam/Kuala Lumpur/ Malaysia, Singapore

Otu52009, AG (SMa) 1 8/6/2012 10:33 AM ATTORNEY GENERAL ERIC HOLDER, JR. IJuly 19, 2012 Thursday

All Day International Travel - Honolulu, HI/Guam/Kuala Lumpurl Malaysia, Singapore

Otus2009, AG (SMO) 1 8/6/2012 10:33 AM ATIORNEY GENERAL ERIC HOLDER, JR. I July 20, 2012 Friday

All Day International Travel· Honolulu, HI/Guam/Kuala Lumpur! Malaysia, Singapore

5;00 PM - 5;30 PM PHONE CAll TO THE ATIORNEY GENERAL RE; COLORADO SHOOTING AG - Honolulu, HI POC: Gary Grindler/Margaret Richardson DOJ: Channing Phillips/Tracy Schmaler - in Hawaii with the Attorney General

OIu52009, AG (SMa) 1 8/6/2012 10:33 AM ATIORNEY GENERAL ERIC HOLDER, JR. IJuly 21, 2012 Saturday

All Day International Travel - Honolulu. HI/Guam/Kuala Lumpur/ Malaysia, Singapore

otus2009, AG (SMa) 1 8/6/2012 10:33 AM ATTORNEY GENERAL ERIC HOLDER, JR. IJuly 22, 2012 Sunday

12:00 AM - 12:00 AM International Travel - Honolulu, HI/Guam/Kuala Lumpurl Malaysia, Singapore





JULY 13 - 22,2012

REVISED 81912012 1149 AM


Friday, July 13, 2012 (Washington. DC ~H o n o ! ul u , HI) 9:00AM EDT Wheels Up: Washington, DC_IExemplions 7(E), 7(F) I

11 :30AM PDT Wheels Down: Travis AFB - Fairfield, CA (KSUU), (tech stop)

1:00PM PDT Wheels Up: Travis AFB - Fairfield, CA (KSUU)

3:25PM HAST Wheels Down: Honolulu, HI (PHNL)

8:00PM HAST Independent Dinner


Saturday, July 14, 2012 (Ho nolulu, HI) 9:00AM HAST Wheels Up: Honolulu, HI (PHNL)

Sunday, July 15,2012 (Guam) 12:55PM ChST Wheels Down: Andersen AFB - Guam (PGUA)


Monday, July 16, 2012 (Guam ~ Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) 7:00AM ChST Independent Breakfast

8:00AM ChST Meet /I Greet US Attorney Alicia AG. Limtlaco

8:15AM ChST Remarks /I Photos with US Attorney's Office Staff

8:45AM ChST Meeting with Local and Federal Law Enforcement

9:45AM ChST Meeting with Local and Federal Officials/ Community Leaders

10 :30AM ChST District of Guam and District of the NMI Conference

12: 30PM ChST Independent Lunch

2:00PM ChST Wheels Up: Andersen AFB - Guam (PGUA)

6:25PM MYT Wheels Down : Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (WMSA)


2129 Tuesday, July 17, 2012 (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) 7:00AM MYT Independent Breakfast

8:30AM MYT Meet /I Greet Embassy Personnel

8:50AM MYT Photos with Law Enforcement and Other Invited Embassy Personnel

9:00AM MYT Meeting with Small Country Team

11 :00AM MYT Bilateral Meetings w ith Attorney General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail

12:30PM MYT Luncheon hosted by Attorney General Tan Sri Abdul Ganl Patail

2:30PM MYT Office Time

3:30PM MYT Meeting with Minister of Home Affairs, Oatuk Seri Panglima Hishammuddin bin Tun Hussein

4:15PM MYT Public Signing Ceremony and Press Photo Op U.S.-Malaysia MoU on Cooperation on Transnational Crime

5:15PM MYT Meeting with Honorable Dato' Sri Najib Tun Abdul Razak, Prime Minister of Malaysia

6:15PM MYT Tour of Petronas Towers

7:30PM MYT Independent Dinner


Wednesday, July 18, 2012 (Kuala L umpur. Malays ia -7 Singapore ) 7:30 AM MYT Independent Breakfast

9:30AM MYT Courtesy Call on Inspector General of the Royal Malaysia Police Tan Sri Haji Ismail Haji Omar

9:45AM MYT Presentation by Special Task Force

10:15AM MYT Roundtable Discussion with RMP Special Task Force

12:00PM MYT Wheels Up: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (WMSA)

1:00PM SGT Wheels Down: Singapore 0NSAP)

2:00PM SGT Lunch and Office Time

6:00PM SGT Embassy Reception fJ Dinner

8:00PM SGT En Route: IExemptions 7(E). 7(F) I

3129 RON

Thursday, July 19, 2012 (Singapore) 7:15AM SGT Independent Breakfast

8:30AM SGT Meet II Greet Ambassador David Adelman

9:00AM SGT Limited Country Team Meeting

10:00AM SGT Limited Embassy Photos

10:30AM SGT Bilateral Meeting with Minister Shanmugam

11:30AM SGT Bilateral Meeting with AG Steven Chong Horng Siong

12:45PM SGT Independent Lunch

1:45PM SGT Office Time

3:30PM SGT Tour of Singapore Supreme Court Building

4:00PM SGT Meeting with Justice Sundaresh Menon

4:45PM SGT Meet II Greet with Singapore Officials

5:00PM SGT Singapore Academy of Law Distinguished Speakers' Series - Remarks by AG Holder

7:30PM SGT Official Dinner Hosted by Minister Shanmugam with CJ Chan


Friday, July 20, 2012 (Singapore ~ Honolulu, HI) 8:30AM SGT Breakfast Roundtable with US Lawyers AmCham Members

10:00AM SGT ISA Presentation

12:00PM SGT Independent Lunch

2:00PM SGT Wheels Up: Singapore (WSAP)

12:10PM HAST Wheels Down: Honolulu, HI (PHNL) (crew rest stop)

1:15PM HAST Office time

4:00PM HAST Meet with Admiral Locklear and PACOM Senior Staff

7:00PM HAST Independent Dinner

4/29 RON

Saturday, July 21, 2012 (Honolulu. HI -7 Travis AFB -7 Wa shington. DC) 9:00AM HAST Wheels Up: Honolulu, HI (PHNL)

Sunday, July 22, 2012 (Washington. DC ) 12:25AM EDT Wheels Down: Washington, DC _IExemptions 7(E), 7(F) I

5/29 Schedule for Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. Friday, July 13, 2012 Washington, DC 7 Honolulu, HI

Weather: 0 Washington, DC 87 , chance of rain 0 Honolulu, HI 86 , showers

Attire : Casual

Time Zone: Washington, DC EDT Honolulu, HI HAST (EDT - 6)

Friday. July 13. 2012

8:15 - 8:45am En Route: Location:

9:00am - Fairfield, CA 11 :30 -1 :00pm PDT

!O ,:neplane ,;'::,~~=J!! Flight Time: 12hrs 25m ins Includes 1hr 30min tech stop Time Change: - 6 Food Service: Breakfast and lunch Crew Information: FBO on arrival: BASE OPS Manifest: AG Bruce Swartz Oenise Cheung Channing Phillips TRU Tracy Schmaler David 0 ' Neil

3:25pm Wheels Down: Honolulu, HI (PHNL) Location: Honolulu International Airport

4:15-5:10pm Load /I De~,art Location:

6129 5:40 - 8:00pm Down Time

8:00 - 9:00pm Independent Dinner


7/29 Schedule for Attorney General Eric H, Holder, Jr. Saturday. Ju ly 14. 2012 Honolulu, HI ~ Guam ·Crossing International Dateline

Weather: Honolulu, HI 83°, scattered showers Guam ' 86°, chance of rain

Attire : Business

Time Zone: Washington, DC EDT Honolulu, HI HAST (EDT - 6) Guam ChST (EDT + 14)

Saturday. July 14. 2012


7:00 - 8:00am Independent Breakfast

8:00 - 8:45am En Route: Honolulu International Airport (PHNL) Location: Honolulu International Airport

9:00am Wheels Up: Honolulu International Airport (PHNL) ·FI/ght crosses the international dateline. Lose a day.

plane fo~r~·~;~~(~!!c.,,")aCK) Flight Time: 7hrs 55mins Time Change: +20 (EDT + 14) Food Service: Breakfast and lunch Crew Information: FBO on arrival: BASEOPS Manifest: Bruce Swartz Denise Cheung Channing Phillips Tracy Schmaler David O'Neil

Sunday, July 15. 2012

12:55pm Wheels Down: Andersen AFB, Guam (PGUA) Location:

8/29 1:10-1:40pm En Ro,Jle: Location: IExemptions 7(E), 7(F) I


9/2 9 Schedule for Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. Monday. July 16. 2012 Guam ~ Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Weather: Guam SSQ , chance of rain Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia SS Q, scattered thunderstorms

Attire: Business

Time Zone: Guam ChST (EDT + 14) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia MYT (EDT + 12)

Monday, July 16. 2012


7:00 - 7:30am Independent Breakfast

7:30 - 8:00am En Route to US Attorney's Office Location: U.S. Attorney's Office, Sill Floor Cenf. Room, Hagatna, Guam

8:00 - 8:15am Meet JlGreet US Attorney Alicia A.G. Llmtiaco Location: USA Sth Floor Conf. Room POC: USA Alicia Umitiaco, (Cell: ~ Personal Contact Information DOJ: *Channing Phillips, Denise ~ Swartz, racy Schmaler, David O'Neil

8:15 - 8:45am Remarks IIPhotos with US Attorney's OffIce Staff (40 Attendees) Location : Sth Floor Conf. Room POC: USA Alicia Limitiaco, (Cell: ~)IPe rsona l Contact Information I DOJ: "Channing Phillips, Denise ~ Swartz, Tracy Schmaler, David O'Neil

8:45 - 9:30am Meeting with Local and Federal Law Enforcement Location: 6th Floor Conf. Room POC: USA Alicia Limitiaco, (Cell: ~ ) Personal Contact Information DOJ: ~Channing Phillips, Denise ~ wartz, racy Schmaler, David O'Neil Press: Attendees:

9:30 - 9:45am En Route to U.S. District Court of Guam Location: Floor, U.S. Courthouse 520 West Soledad Avenue Hagatna, Guam 9S910 (PHONE)

10/29 9:45 - 10:30am Meeting with Local and Federal Officials/ Community Leaders Location: U.S. District Court of Guam ,~am POC: USA Alicia Limitiaco, (Cell: --,): r.IP"e"''''''o''oa"'''C''oo''ta",'-II'''o,''O=rrn"a"'lio"o"l DOJ: ·Channing. Phillips, Denise Cheung, Bruce Swartz, Tracy Schmaler, David O'Neil Attendees: Local and federal judiciaries, governors, Lt. governors, legislators, mayors and congressional delegates of Guam and the NMI

10: 30 - 12:00pm District of Guam and District of the NMI Conference Location: _ Floor, U.S. District POC: USA Alicia Limitiaco, (Cell: DOJ: "'Channing, Phillips, Denise Schmaler, David O'Neil Press: OPEN Attendees: Sponsored by the U.S. Attorney's Office, U.S. District Court of Guam, U.S. District Court of the NMI, Guam Bar Association, NMI Bar Association and Ninth Circuit Lawyer Representatives for Guam and the NMI, Students from the University of Guam, Guam Community College and Northem Marianas College Note: Students from the Univ. of Guam, Guam Community College and Northern Marianas College are in vited to attend the conference. Agenda: • 1 0:30am: Welcoming Remarks • 10:40am: AG Introduction (USA Alicia Limtlaco) • 10:45am: "A Conversation with AG Holder"(Q&A) (AG, USA Alicia Limtiaco, Atty. Sean Frink) • 12:00pm: Closing Remarks

12:10 -12:30pm En Route: Table 35 Restaurant Location: 665 Marine Corps Drive Tamuning Guam, 96931

12:30-1 :15pm Lunch POC: Geriie Leong, tel.

1:15-1:45pm En Route to Andersen AFB Airport - Guam (PGUA) Location:

11/29 2:00pm Wheels Up: Andersen AFB - Guam (PGUA)


mii'ion#_ and pfane for immediate call back)

Flight Time : 6hrs2Smins Time Change: -2 (EDT +12) Food Service: Snack and dinner Crew Information: FBD on arrival : poc:

Manifest: AG Bruce Swartz Denise Cheung Channing Phillips Tracy Schmaler David O'Neil

6:25pm Wheels Down: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (WMSA) location: Subang Airport I Redland Aviation Services Greeted by: Attorney General GaMi ; Charge McC lenny ; Ken Kohl , Protocol Officer. ~Hold in VIP Room if necessary

6:35 - 7:20pm En Route Location :


12129 Schedule for Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. Tuesday, July 17, 2012 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Weather: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ar, scattered thunderstorms

Attire: Business

Time Zone: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia MYT (EDT + 12)

Tuesday. July 17. 2012

7:00 - 7:45am Independent Breakfast

8: 15 - 8:30am En Route to U.S. Embassy Location: 376 Jalan Tun Razak, 50400 KL Greeted by: Charge Lee McClenny

8: 30 - 8: 50am Meet II Greet Embassy Personnel "'Greeted by: Charge Lee McClenny Location: M,~~lti'::'~~~'Iii ,",Ol)m, POC: Eric DOJ : 'Ch:anning i Schmaler, David O ' t~eil Attendees: 200

8:50 - 9:00am Photos with Law Enforcement and Other Invited Embassy Personnel Location: U.S. E~:~:~~I~ POC: Joanne I DOJ: ·Channing Schmaler,

9:00 - 10:00am Meedng with Small Country Team Location: 3F ~~f~~~::~ POC: Joanne DOJ: ·Channing i Schmaler, David f)', Attendees: Charge McClenny, Econ Couns Paul Brown, DOJ Ken Kohl, Legat Charles O'Neal, DEA John Callery, HSI Steve Leisure, RA Henry Kim , PA Harvey Sernovitz

10:15 -10:45pm En Route: Attorney General's Chambers Location: No. 45 Persiaran Perdana, Presinct 4 62100 Putrajaya, Malaysia

13/29 11 :00 -12:30pm Bilateral Meetings with Attorney General Tan Sri Abdul Ganl Patail Location: Attorney General's Chambers POCo DOJ : 'Channing Phiillips, Schmaler, i USE: Jessie Kuykendall Attendees: AG Gani, Charge Press: CLOSED Agenda : • Greeting and guest book signing (15 mins) *Limited to AG +3 (Charge McClenny, Swartz, Kohl) • Bilateral Meeting: 15 AG Gani, 16th Floor (30 mins) • Briefing by AGe Management on Malaysian law enforcement efforts and bilateral cooperation, 111t1 Floor Conf. Room (30 mlns)

12:30 - 2:00pm Luncheon hosted by Attorney General Tan Sri Abdul Ganl Patail 'AG will give Remarks Location: POCo DOJ : , Denise Cheung, Bruce Swartz, Tracy I USE: Rain Bian IPerson al Coniacllnformaiion I Attendees: 200, to I 5eswons and Magistrate Court Justices, Malaysian 8a r Council Press: CLOSED Agenda: • Greetings and lunch (30-45 mins) • AG Remarks (15-20 mins) • Q&A (30 mins)

2:00 - 2:30pm En Route: Cyberview Hotel Location : Persiaran Multimedia 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor

2:30 - 3:30pm Office Time Location: Limar Room

3:30-4:15pm Meeting with Minister of Home Affairs, Oatuk Seri Panglima Hishammuddin bin Tun Hussein, ".§~~~~~§~~ Location: Sutera v POC: Razman: DOJ : ·Channing Tracy Schmaler, O'Neil USE: Selena Nelson-Salcedo ~I Pe rsona l Contact Information I Attendees: MHA Hishammuddin, C~ , Ken Kohl, Aaron Cope (note-taker) Press: CLOSED

14/29 4: 15 - 4:45pm Public Signing Ceremony and Press Photo Op U.S.~Malaysla MoU on Cooperation o_.n~T~r.~n~s~n~a~ti~o~n~a~1~C~ri~m~.§J .. Brief remarks by MHA and AG ,/ Location: Cindaia Ballroom POC: Razman: DOJ: i Tracy Schmaler, i USE: Selena Nelson-Salcedo !personal Conlacllnformalion I Press: OPEN Attendees:

4:45 - 5:00pm En Route: Prime Minister's Office Location: Level 4, West Block, Perdana Putra Building Federal Govemment Administrative Centre, 62502 Putrajaya

5:00 - 5:15pm Hold Location: VIP Holding Room

5:15 - 5:45pm Meeting with Prime Minister VAS Oato' Sri Hj Mohd Najib Tun Hj Abdul Razak "'Note : Photo Op at the conclusion of the meeting "Limited to AG +5

POCDOJ:: Press: ~F~~~~~ USE: Brock Fox ~ IPersonal Contact Information I Attendees: Prime M i ni~ge McClenny, Ken Kohl

5:45 - 6: 15pm En Route: Petronas Towers Location: Twin Towers Kuala Lumpur City Centre 50088 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

6: 15 - 6:45pm Tour of Petronas Towers DOJ: "Channing Phillips, Denise Cheung, Bruce Swartz Press: CLOSED

6:45-7:15 En Route: ~ Independent Dinner at Four Seasons Hotel Location: j21ExemPlions 7(E), 7(F) I

7:30 - 8:30pm Independent Dinner Location: Four Seasons Hotel


15129 Schedule for Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. Wednesday, July 18, 2012 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ~ Singapore

Weather: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 88°, scattered thunderstorms Singapore 8r, scattered thunderstorms

Attire: Business

Time Zone: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia MYT (EDT + 12) Singapore SGT (EDT + 12)

Wednesday. July 18, 2012

"LUGGAGE II PASSPORT CALL - 8:00AM in Room 2007.

7:30 - 8:30am Independent Breakfast

9:00 - 9:30am En Route: Royal Malaysia Police Headquarters Location: 50560 Bukit Aman, Kuala Lumpur

9:30 - 9:45am Courtesy Call on Inspector General of the Royal Malaysia Pollee Tan Sri Haji Ismail Hajj Omar *Gift Exchange Location: Guest Room, 31 s1 floor POCo DOJ: *Channing Phillips, Denise Cheung, Bruce SWartz, Tracy Schmaler, David O'Neil USE: Selena Nelson-Salcedo Attendees: Prime Minister Najib, Charge Cope (note-taker), Henry Kim

9:45 -10:15am Presentation by Special Task Force on CT Operations Location: Bilik Theater POCo DOJ: *Channing Phlllips, Denise Cheung, Bruce Swartz, Tracy Schmaler, David O'Neil Press: CLOSED USE: Selena Nelson-Salcedo IPersonal Contact Information I Attendees:

16/29 10: 15 - 10:45am Roundtable Discussion with RMP Special Task Force on Strengthening International Cooperating in Combating Terrorism and other Transnational Crimes Location: Bilik Theater POC : DOJ : "'Channing Phillips , Denise Cheung , Bruce Swartz, Tracy Schmaler, David O'Neil Press : CLOSED USE: Selena Nelson-Salcedo Attendees:

11 :00 - 11 :45pm En Route: Subang Airport (WMSA) Location ; Sultan Abdul i ·Site Officer: Dan Frost (DAO) IPersonal Coniacllnformaiion I

12:00pm Wheels Up: Malaysia (WMSA)


Flight Time: 1hr Time Change: (EDT +12) Food Service: Snack Crew Information:

FBO on arrival: Manifest: AG Bruce Swartz Oenise Cheung Channing Phillips TRU Tracy Schmaler David O'Neil

3:00pm Wheels Down: Singapore (XXX)

3:30pm En Route: Location : IExemptions 7(E), 7(F) I

3:30 - 5:30pm Down Time

5:30 - 6:00pm En Route: Ambassador's Residence Location :

6:30 - 9:00pm Embassy Reception 11 Dinner Location : Ambassador's Residence

17129 1:00pm Wheels Down: Singapor. (WSAP) Location: Paya Lebar Greeted by: Ambassador Adelman, Attomey-General Steven Chong, Solicitor-General Lionel Yee, Chief Prosecutor Aedit Abdullah, Director General Pang Khang Chau, Deputy Public Prosecutor Sharmila Sripathyl State Counsel Eunice Lim, Legat Gleicher, ALAT Foster

1:15-1:45pm En ROllI.: Location: IExemptions 7(E), 7(F) I

2:00 - 5:30pm Lunch /I Office Time

5:30 - 6:00pm En Route: AmbassadOr's Residence Location:

6:00 - 8:00pm Embassy Reception II Dinner Location: POC: DOJ: "Channing Phillips, Denise Cheung, Bruce Swartz, Tracy Schmaler, David O'Neil Press: CLOSED Attendees: Singaporean judges, attorneys, and US lawyers. "The entire dinner group would be around 20.

8:00 - 8:30pm En Roul.: Location:


18/29 Schedule for Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. Thursday, July 19, 2012 Singapore

Weather: Singapore 85", scattered thunderstorms

Attire: Business

Time Zone: Singapore SGT (EDT + 12)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

7:15 - 8:15am Independent Breakfast

8: 15 - 8:30am En Route: U.S. Embassy Location:

8:30 - 8:55am Meet /I Greet Ambassador David Adelman Location: Ambassador's Office POC: DOJ: 'Channing Phillips, Denise Cheung, Bruce Swartz, Tracy Schmaler, David O'Neil

9:00 -10:00am Limited Country Team Meeting Location: Conference Room POC: DOJ: 'Channing Phillips, Denise Cheung, Bruce Swartz, Tracy Schmaler, David O'Neil Attendees: RA, Legatt, ICE, CBP, EIP, DATT, PAO, FAA, and TSA

10:00 -10:15am Limited Embassy Photos Location: POC: DOJ: 'Channing Phillips, Denise Cheung, Bruce Swartz, Tracy Schmaler, David O'Neil Attendees: RA, Legatt, ICE, CBP, EIP, DATT, PAO, FAA, and TSA

10:15am - 10:30am En Route: Ministry of Law Location:

10:30 -11:00am Bilateral Meeting with Minister Kasiviswanathan Shanmugam Location: TBD POC: DOJ: 'Channing Phillips, Denise Cheung, Bruce Swartz, Tracy Schmaler, David O'Neil Press: CLOSED USE: Ambassador Adelman, Deena Kim (note taker)

19/29 11 :00-11 :15am En Route: Attorney General Chongls Office Location: Attorney-General's Chambers, Braddell Room Level 10, The Adelphi 1 Coleman Street, Singapore 179803

11 :30-12:15pm Bilateral Meeting with Attorney General Steven Chong Horng Siong Location: Attorney General's Chambers, Braddell Room POC: Shamela Trepathy-Schanaz DOJ: ·Channing Phillips, Denise Cheung, Bruce Swartz, Tracy Schmaler, David O'Neil Press: CLOSED USE: Ambassador Adelman , Deena Kim (note taker)

12:15 -12:45pm En Roul"': Location:

12:45 - 1:45pm Independent Lunch Location: TBD

1: 45 - 3:00pm Office Time

3:00 - 3:30pm En Route: Singapore Supreme Court Location: Singapore Supreme Court Building 1 Supreme Court Lane Singapore, Singapore 178879

3:30 - 4:00pm Tour of Singapore Supreme Court Building Location: Singapore Supreme Court Bldg. POCo DOJ: ·Channing Phillips, Denise Cheung, Bruce Swartz, Tracy Schmaler, David O'Neil Press: USE: Ambassador Adelman Attendees: Singapore officials (6)

4:00 -4:45m Meeting with Judge of Appeal·Oesignate Sundaresh Menon Location: Singapore Supreme Court Bldg., Auditorium VIP Room POCo DOJ: *Channing Phillips, Denise Cheung, Bruce Swartz, Tracy SChmaler, David O'Neil Press: USE: Ambassador Adelman, Deena Kim (note taker)

20129 4:45 - 5:00pm Meet /I Greet with Singapore officials Location : Academy Bistro Couch Area

5:00 - 7:00pm Singapore Academy of Law Distinguished Speakers' Series Remarks by AG Holder Location: Supreme Court Auditorium, 1 Supreme Ct. Lane POC: DOJ: "'Channing Phillips, Denise Cheung, Bruce Swartz, Tracy Schmaler, David O'Neil USE: AMBO Adelman Press: OPEN Attendees: Agenda: • Introduction by Justice Menon. • AG Remarks (15-20 minutes). • AG sits for panel discussion and O&A with audience (30 minutes). • AG reception II meet 1/ greet with aUdience members (30 minutes).

7:00 - 7:30pm En Route Goodwood Park Hotel *Ambassador Adelman will ride in limo with AG location:

7:30 - 9:30pm Official Dinner Hosted by Minister Shanmugam with CJ Chan as Guest of Honour location: Goodwood Park Hotel, Coffee lounge POC: DOJ: *Channing Phillips, Denise Cheung, Bruce Swartz, Tracy Schmaler, David O'Neil USE: AMBO Adelman Press: TBD Attendees:

9:30 -10:00pm En Route: location:


21 /29 Schedule for Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. Friday, July 20, 2012 Singapore ~ Honolulu, HI

Weather: Singapore 8r, scattered thunderstorms Honolulu, HI 83°, sunny

Attire: Business

Time Zone: Singapore SGT (EDT + 12) Tokyo, Japan JST (EDT -13) Honolulu, HI HAST (EDT - 6)

Friday. July 20. 2012


8:00 - 8:30am En Route: Tower Club Location: 9 Ruffles Square Republic Plaza Tower One

8:30 - 9:30am Breakfast Roundtable Discussion with U.S. lawyers, Am Cham members Location: TBD POC: Lorna Ow DOJ: 'Channing Phillips, Denise Cheung, Bruce Swartz, Tracy Schmaler, David O'Neil Press: CLOSED Attendees: US Lawyers organized by AmCham (20-25 AmCham members)

9:30 - 10:00am En Route: ISO Heritage Centre Location: Onrat Road Singapore 298229

10:00 -11 :30am ISA Presentation (Hosted by Minister Shanmugam) Location: ISD Heritage Centre Onraet Road, Singapore 298229 POC: DOJ: 'Channing Phillips, Denise Cheung, Bruce Swartz, Tracy Schmaler, David O'Neil Press: CLOSED Attendees: Agenda: • ISA • Religious Rehabilitation Group (RRG) • Followed by Q&A session and general discussion

22/29 11:30-12:00pm En Route: Independent lunch Location:

12:00 -1 :OOpm Independent Lunch Location:

1:00 ­ 1:30pm En Route: Singapore (WSAP) Location: Paya Lebar

2:00pm Wheels Up: Singapore (WSAP) -gO minute tech stop in Guam


DrGlvio'. mission message plane for immediate Gal,' D"eKl Flight Time: 16hrs 10mins Time Change: - 18 (EDT -6) Food Service: Dinner and breakfast Crew Information:

FBO on arrival: BASE OPS IExemptions 7(E), 7(F) 1 Manifest: Bruce Swartz Denise Cheung Channing Phillips TRU Tracy Schmaler David O'Neil Pat Sheams

12:00pm Down: Honolulu, HI (PHNL) Location:

12:30-1 :15pm En ROl,te: Location:

1:15 - 3: 15pm Office Time

3:15 -4:00pm En Route Camp Smith location: Halawa, HI 96701



4:00 - 4:30pm Meeting with Admiral Locklear and PACOM Senior Staff Location: PACOM ' POC: FBI

Press: Attendees :

4:30 - 5:15pm En ROI't.: Location:

7:00 - 8:30pm Independent Dinner Location : TBD


24/29 Schedule for Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. Saturday, July 21 , 2012 Honolulu, HI 7 Washington, DC

Weather: Honolulu, HI 83", chance of rain Washington, DC 92", chance of rain

Attire: Casual

Time Zone: Honolulu, HI HAST (-6) Washington, DC EDT

Saturday. July 21, 2012

"LUGGAGE CALL - 7:00AM in CP Rm.

8:00 - 8:45am En Route: Honolulu International Airport (PHNL) Location: Honolulu International Airport

9:00am Wheels Up: Honolulu, HI (PHNL)


Flight i 9hrs i Time Change: -18(EDT-6) Food Service: Breakfast, lunch and dinner Crew Information:

FBO on arrival: Manifest: Bruce Swartz Denise Cheung Channing Phillips TRU Tracy Schmaler David O'Neil Pat Shearns minute tech stop at Travis AF8 - Fairfield, CA 2:00 - 3:30pm

Sunday, July 22, 2012

12:25am Wheels Down: ,!!!!!!!~~~, Location:

25129 ~iill___ TRIP CONTACTS GUAM:

Phone: In-Flight (Provide mission # and tail # _ A message will me Dlan,'iorzm;;iediBtE call back)

Traveling Staff: Denise Cheung Bruce Swartz Tracy Schmaler Channing Phillips David O'Neil




Event Contacts:

26129 (Provide mission # i&cilalf call back)

Traveling Staff: Denise Cheung Bruce Swartz Tracy Schmaler Channing Phillips David O'Neil




Event Contacts:


(Provide mission # imn,ediate call beck)

Traveling Staff: Denise Cheung Bruce Swartz Tracy Schmaler Channing Phillips David O'Neil Personal Contact Information


Personal Coniacllnformaiion Advance: Pat Shearns

Event Contacts: DOJ RLA Control Officer: Ken Kohl , DOJ Resident Legal Advisor U.S. Kuala Lumpur

Deputy Control Officer: Embassy Kuala Lumpur

Embassy Numbers: Post 1: Front Office: POL Section:

Lodging information: IExemptions 7(E), 7(F) I

28129 (Provide mission # Trnn'iiiiJiBte call back)

Traveling Staff: Denise Cheung Bruce Swartz Tracy Schmaler Channing Phillips David O'Neil Personal Contact Information Detail:

TRU : ~~~~~

Advance: Personal Contact Information Pat Shearns

Event Contacts: Robert Courtney Cary Gleicher

29/29 ATIORNEY GENERAL ERIC HOlCER, JR. I July 23, 2012 Monday

12:00 AM • 12:00 AM IExemption 61

All Day TRAVil: PhiladelphIa, PA

8:30 AM· 9:00 AM FBI Bridlng FBI SIOC POC: Denise Cheung DOJ: AG, DAG Cole, Gary Grindler, Denise Cheung, Stuart Goldberg, David O'Neil

g:OO AM • 9:10 AM FBI Director I AG FBI sloe DOJ: AG, DAG Cole, Gary Grindler, Stuart Goldberg

9:15 AM • 9:45 AM Dally Senlot Management Meeting AG 's Conference Room POe: Gary Grindler Attendees: AG Holder, Gary Grindler, Margaret Richardson, Jenny Mosier, Denise Cheung, Molly Moran, Channing Phillips, Sharon Werner, Helaine Greenfeld, Doug letter, DAG Cole, David O' Neil, Stuart Goldberg, Charlotte Burrows, Steven Reich, Matthew Cohen, Matthew Axelrod, SG Verrilli, Tony West, Elizabeth Taylor, Chris Schroeder, Virginia Seitz, Tracy Schmaler, Judy Appelbaum

9:45 AM ·10:00 AM Daily Meeti~ wtth DAG Cole AG's Conference Room POe: Gary Grindler DOJ: DAG Cole, Gary Grindler, Margaret Richardson, Doug letter

10:15 AM • 11:00 AM Meeting with Phlladelphia Police Chief Chuck Ramsey &: MCC AG's Conference Room POC: Molly Moran DOl Gary Grindler (declined), Molly Moran, Channing Phillips, AAG Perez Outside Attendees: C ommissioner Charles Ramsey, Philadelphi.a PD Chief Art Acevedo, Austin PD Sheriff Douglas Gillespie, Las Vegas Metro PD Chief Ralph Godbee, Detroit PD Chief J. Thomas Manger, Montgomery County PD, Rockville MD Mr. Darrel W. Stephens. MCC Executive Director Charles DeWitt POC: Mario Carey, DOJ Photographer

11:00 AM - 11:15 AM Meeting wtth AAG Perez AG's Office POC: Molly Moran DOl Molly Moran, AAG Perez

otus2009, AG (SMa) 8/3/20125;21 PH ATTORNEY GENERAL ERIC HOLDER.. JR. IJuly ~3, 2012 COntInued Monday

11:15 AM - 11:]0 AM Me.t,"~ AAG Ken..Uy Flmlly AG 's Conference Room POC: Helaine Greenfeld DOJ : AAG Kathryn Keneally +_ (nephew) and _ (niece) ooJ Photographer ~Exe mpt i on 6 ~

11:]0 AM· 12:00 PM Deepwater Horizon AG's Conference Room POC: Margaret Richardson DOJ : Margaret Richardson, DAG Cole, Stuart Goldberg, AASG West, Brian Martinez

12:00 PM -12:30 PM LUNCH

12:30 PM ·1:00 PM EI1 route_IExemptions 7(E). 7(Fli

1:00 PM - 4:30 PM TRAVEl: Philadelphii Monday, July 23, 2012 1:00PM EDT Wheels Up: Washington, DC_IExemptions 7(E). 7(F)1 1:26PM EDT Wheels Down ; Philadelphia, ~L) 2:30PM EDT Press Conference regarding uSurge" "Public safety efforts in Philadelphia 4;OOPM EDT Wheels Up; Philadelphia, PA ( P~ 4;28PM EDT Wheels Down: Washington, DC _IExemptions 7(E). 7(F)1

4:30 PM - 5:00 PM J:n route resIdence

6:30 PM • 6:45 PM PHONJ: CALL TO Sec. DONOVAN •••••," AG 's Residence Personal Contact Information Command Center will place the call POC: Molly Moran POC for Sec. Donovan: loanna T. Kefalas_





JULY 23, 2012

TRIP SUMMARY PHILADELPHIA, PA - JULY 23, 2012 Version: 5 Monday, July 23, 2012

1:00PM EDT Wheels Up: Washington, DC _IExempt ions 7(E), 7(F)1

1:26PM EDT Wheels Down: Philadelphia, PA (PHL)

2:30PM EDT Press Conference regarding "Surge" ·Public safety efforts in Philadelphia

4:00PM EDT Wheels Up: Philadelphia, PA (PHL)

4:28PM EDT Wheels DoWn : Washington, OC_IExemptions 7(E). 7(FH

2/5 Schedule for Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. Mondlly, July 23, 2012 Washington, DC ~ Philadelphia, PA ~ Wa.hlnglon, DC

Weather: Washington, DC 91 0, isolated t-storms Philadelphia, PA 84°, scattered I-storms

Attire: Business

Time Zone: Washington, DC Eastern Time Zone Philadelphia, PA Eastern Time Zone

Monday, July 23, 2012

Traveling staff please report to 12:30pm.

12:30 - 12:45pm En Route: Location:


On Board Flight Time Change: None Food Service: Crew

FBO onI'"",;;;:;;;p Manifest: AG Charles Ramsey - Philadelphia

1:26pm Wheels Down: Philadelphia International Airport (PHL) Location: 8375 Enterprise Ave Philadelphia, PA 19153

1:45 ­ 2:15pm En Rout.: City Hall Location : Broad Street and Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19107 Tel. (215) 686-2181

3/5 2:15 - 2:30pm Hold location: Mayor's Cabinet Room

2:30 - 3:30pm Press Conference regarding "Surge" 'Public sa'aty efforts in PhHadelphla Location: Mayor's Reception Room, 2nd Floor, Rm #202 poc: DOJ: Margaret Richardson, Tracy Schmaler Press: OPEN Attendees : US Attorney Zane Memeger, Mayor Michael Nutter, Commissioner Charles Ramsey, DA Seth Williams, apJroximately 100 ppl to attend. Program: • Mayor Michael Nutter, Remarks - Introduces AG • AG Remarks • Commissioner Ramsey, Remarks • US Attorney Memeger, Remarks

3:30 - 3:50pm En Route: Philadelphialntematlonal Airport (PHl) location: 8375 Enterprise Ave Philadelphia, PA 19153

4:00pm Wheels Up: PHL

On Board tel. : Flight Time Change: Food Service: Crew Information :

FBO Manifest: AG

4:28pm Wheels Down: ~~i!!lI!~ location:


In Flight Telephone: IExemptions 7(E), 7(F)1

Traveling Staff: Margaret Richardson Tracy Schmaler



-Advance Contact: No Staff Advance

Event Contacts: City Hall, Mayor's Office: Jennifer Crandall

Kathy Loni.

5/5 ATTORNEY GENERAL ERIC HOLDER, JR. I July 24, 2012 Tuesday IExemption 61

AllDay TRAVEL: Little Rock.. ArkanM$ - NOBLE SpeKh Statehouse Convention Center, Statehouse Ballroom, little Rock, AR

AU Day TRAVEl: New Orlean$, LA

8:30 AM • 9:00 AM FBI BRlEFlNG FBI sloe pac: Denise Cheung DOJ: AG, DAG Cole, Gary Grindler, Denise Cheung, Stuart Goldberg, David O' Neil

9:00 AM - 9:10 AM FBI Director I AG FBI SIOC DOJ: AG, DAG Cole, Gary Grindler, Stuart Goldberg

9:15 AM - 9:45 AM Daily Senior Management Meeting AG's Conference Room pac: Gary Grindler Attendees: AG Holder, Gary Grindler, Margaret Richardson, Jenny Mosier, Denise Cheung, Molly Moran, Channing Phillips, Sharon Werner, Helaine Greenfeld, Doug letter, DAG Cole, David O'Neil, Stuart Goldberg, Charlotte Burrows, Steven Reich, Matthew Cohen, Matthew Axelrod, SG Verrilli, Tony West, Elizabeth Taylor, Chris Schroeder, Virginia Seitz, Tracy Schmaler, Judy Appelbaum

9:45 AM • 10:00 AM DIVy Meeting w{tt\ DAG Cole AG's Conference Room pac: Gary Grindler Oat DAG Cole, Gary Grindler, Margaret Richardson, Doug Letter

10:30 AM· 11:00 AM En route_IExemptions 7(E), 7(F)1

11:00 AM • 8:30 PM TRAVEl.: little Rock. AR • New, LA TUESDAY, JULY 24,2012

11:00AM EDT Wheels Up: Washington, DC _IExemptions 7(E), 7(F)1 11 :51AM eDT Wheels Down: Uttle Rock, AR (LIT) 12:50PM eDT NOBLE Awards Luncheon 2:00PM eDT Wheels Up: Little Rock, AR (LIT) 2:47PM eDT Wheels Down: New Orleans (MSY) 3:45PM eDT Press conference 5:30PM eDT Wheels Up: New Orleans (MSY)

Orus2009, AG (SMO) 1 8/6/2012 11 :01 AM ATTORNEY GENERAL ERIC HOLDER, JR. I JUly 24. 2012 Continued Tuesday

8:20PM EDT Wheels Down: Washington, DC _IExemptions 7(E). 7(FH

1:05 PM • 1:15 PM PHONE CALL TO SECRETARY DONOVAN· IPersonal Coniacilnformaiion I little Rock, Arkansas, • in car going to the Convention Center POC: Molly Moran





TUESDAY, JULY 24, 2012

REVISED. 712312012 2:45 PM


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

11 :ooAM EDT VVI1eels Up: Washington, DC _IE, emplio", 7(E), 7(F)1

11 :51AM COT VVI1eels Down: Little Rock, AR (LIT)

12:50PM COT NOBLE Awards Luncheon

2:00PM COT Wheels Up: Little Rock, AR (LIT)

2:47PM COT Wheels Down: New Orleans (NEW)

3:45PM COT Preas conference: Consent Decree with the City of New Orleans

5:15PM COT VVI1eels Up: New Orleans (NEW)

8:05PM EDT Wheels Down: Washington , OC_IExemptions 7(E). 7(FH

217 Schedule for Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr., July 24, 2012 Washington, DC -+ Little Rock, AR -+ New Orleans, LA -+ Washington, OC

Weather: Washington. DC 95°, isolated I-storms Little Rock. AR 100~, sunny

New Orleans, LA 90° I isolated t-storms

Attire: Business

Time Zone: Washington. DC EaSlem Time Zone Little Rock, AR Central Time Zone

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Traveling staff please report by 10:308m

10:15 -10:45am En Route: Location:


11:00am Wheels Up: Washington, _

On Board Flight mins Time Change: -lhr (to COn Food Service: Crew


Molly Moran Tracy Schmaler

11 :51am Wheets Down: Little Rock, AR (LIT) Location: Adams Field, Central Flying Service 1501 Bond Ave Little Rock , AR 72202

12:05 ­ 12:35pm En Route: Statehouse Convention Center Location: 1 Statehouse Plaza Little Rock, AR 72201 Tel: (800) 844-4781 3/7 12:35-12:45pm HOLD Location: Conference Room, Level 2 Tel: (800) 844-4781 DOJ: MG Tom Perez, Channing Phillips, Molly Moran, Tracy Schmaler

12:45 -12:50pm Gr••I: NOBLE Leadership location: East Ballroom Foyer, Level 3 Tel: (800) 844-4781 POC: Valerie Shuford, N~,~~:~i, DOJ: MG Tom Perez, ( Tracy SChmaler Press: CLOSED Attendees: Jiles H. Ship, President; Maurita Bryant,1 61 VP; John Dixon, ~ VP; Joseph Akers, Executive Director. Notes: Jiles Ship will escort AG to head table as attendees eat.

12:50 - 1: 30pm NOBLE Awards Luncheon Location: Statehouse Ballroom Tel: (800) 844-4781 POC: yalerie Shuford, NOBLE, ; I DOJ: MG Tom Perez, Chalnnir Tracy Schmaler Press: OPEN Remarks : Podium : Yes Teleprompter: Yes Backdrop: NOBLE banner Attendees: 800 Agenda: [12:00pm) Welcome Presentation of Colors Invocation Lunch is served [AG arrives on site] Musical selection Maurita Bryant, NOBLE National First Vice President, introduces dais guests (40-50 people) Maurita Bryant Introduces AG AG remarks Maurita Sryant will present AG with a gift AG departs (Program continues with Awards and scholarship presentations; Recognition of national sponsors; Recognition of local sponsors; Acknowledgements and announcements ; and Closing remarks)

1:30 - 1: 45pm En Roule: LIT airport Location: 1501 Bond Ave Little Rock, AR 72202 Tel : (800) 844-4781

2:00pm Wheels Up: Little ROCk, AR (LIT)

417 LIT-NEW Aircraft: On Board tel. : Fl ighl nme: i Time Change: o (Slay on COT) Food Service: Crew FBOon~~~-~O~"yAM~n. Man ifest AG

Molly Moran Tracy Schmaler Pat Shearns

2:47pm Wheels Down: New Orleans, LA (NEW) Location: Lakefront Odyssey Aviation 5801 Waner Beech SI. New Orteans, LA 70126

3:00 - 3:30pm En Route: Gallier Hall Loca tion: 545 Saint Charles Ave . NewOrleans, LA 70130 Tel: (504) 565-7457

3:30 - 3:45pm HOLD location:

3:45 - 4: 15pm Press conference: Consent Decree with the City of New Orleans Location : POCo US Attorney Jim Lellen,

DOJ: AAG Tom Perez, Channing Tracy Schmaler Press : OPEN Attendees: 40 to include Citizen Groups , City Council members , City Officials. members of New Orfeans PD. Agenda: Mayor Mitch landrieu, remarks AG remart;s AAG Tom Perez US Attorney Jim Letten NO PO Superintendant Ronal Serpas NO City Attorney, Richa rd Cortizas Q&A AG departs

5/7 4:20 - 5:00pm En Route: New Orleans. LA Airport (NEW) Airport Location: Lakefront Odyssey Aviation 5801 Walter Beech 51. New Orleans, LA 70126

5:15pm Whee[s Up: New Orleans. LA (NEW)

On Board tel.: F[ight Time Change: +1 (Change to EDT) Food Service:

Manifest: AG

i Molly Moran Tracy Schmaler Pat Shearns

, FBI Advance

8:05pm Wheels Down: Washington, DC_IExemplions 7(E), 7(F)1


In Flight Telephone: IExemptions 7(E), 7(F)j

Travelling Staff: Molly Moran Channing Phillips Tracy Schmaler Tom Perez Personal Coniacllnformaiion

Little Rock,

Advance: Sarah Moss Pat Sheams

Personal Contact Information

Event Contact: Valerie Shuford, NOBLE mobile

, Little Rock mobile

Advance: Personal Contact Information nfa

US Attorney Jim Letten

Roy Austin, Deputy Assistant AG

7/7 IJuly 25, ,2012 Wecinesday

All Oil)' IExemption 61

12:00 AM - 12:00 AM DAG Travet Colorado Spring, CO

8:30 AM - 9:00 AM FBI Bf'ieflng FBI Sloe POC: Denise Cheung DO): AG, DAG Cole, Gary Grindlef, Denise Cheung, Stuart Goldberg. David O'Neil

9:00 AM • 9:10 AM FBI Director I AG FBI sloe OOJ: AG, DAG Cole. Gary Grindle" Stuart Goldberg

9;15 AM· 9:45 AM D.ily SenIor M.nagem.nt Meeting AG's Conference Room POC: Gary Grindler Attendees: AG Holder, Gary Grindler, Margaret Richardson, Jenny Mosier, Denise Cheun& Molly Moran, Channing Phillips, Sharon Werner, Helaine Greenfeld, Doug tetter, OAG Cole. David O'Neil, Stuart Goldberg, Charlotte Burrows, Steven Reich. Matthew Cohen, Matthew Axelrod, SG Verrilli, Tony West, Elizabeth Taylor, Chris Schroeder, Virginia Seitz, Tracy Schmaler, Judy Appelbaum

9:50 AM • 10;00 AM COURTESY PHOTO· MATI NOSANCHUK AG's Conference Room pac: Annie Bradley No briefing materials needed

10:00 AM . 10:30 AM Photo Op w/Arlzona Team AG's Conference Room pac: Margaret Richardson 001: Margaret Richardson, Douglas letter, Monica Ramirez, SG VerrillJ, Ed Kneedler, MSG West, AAG Perez, Stuart Delery, William Orrick, Art Goldberg, Varudhini Chilakamarri, loshua Wilkenfeld, Mark Stern, Michael Abate (declined), Daniel Tenny, Chad Golder, Tom Bondy, Ben Shultz, leff Sandberg, Beth Brinkmann, Willy Jay(declined) DOJ Photographer

10;45 AM • 11:00 AM En route Russell Senate Office Bldg In limo: Helaine Greenfeld

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Otus2009, AG (SMO) 1 7/26/20123:44 PM IJuly 25, 2012 Continued Wednesday

12:00 PM • 12:15 PM En routeOOJ In limo: Helaine Greenfeld

12:15 PM . 12:30 PM Photo Op with OLA Interns AG 's Conference Room, 5111 OlA Interns: Ale)(is Cole, Nathanael Everhart, Ross Johnson, Jeremy Brewer, John Howell Michael clemente will introduce interns to the AG . DO Photographer

12:~O PM ·1:00 PM LUNCH

1:00 PM • 1:30 PM F.rewell Photo w/Vin AG's Conference Room OOJ Photographer

1:30 PM - 1:40 PM PHONE CALL FROM WH COUNSEL AG's Office poe: Margaret Richardson

1;45 PM - 2:15 PM Meeting with P,u.!! S(hmidt tOth60 AG's Conference Room POe: Annie Bradley 10-15 law students library Tour immediately after meeting with the AG. Robin Foltz will conduct tour.

2:15 PM • 2:45 PM Prep IG Interview AG's COnference Room POC: Margaret Richardson DOJ: Steven Reich

2:45 PM - 3:]0 PM OfFICE TIME

3:30 PM - 4:00 PM Monthly Meeting with Civil Division AG's Conference Room POe: Doug letter OOJ: Gary Grindler, Doug letter, Stuart Oelery, Jonathan Olin

4:10 PM - 5:10 PM MEETING WITH PAUL FISHMAN AG's Conference Room/Office POe: Annie Bradley No Briefing Materials Needed

5:00 PM - 5:]0 PM PHONE CALLS TO LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL - RE: COLORADO SHOOTING AG 's Office POC: Margaret Richardson Chief Dan Oates, Aurora PO: _ - S:25 Otus2009, AG (SMa) 2 IPersonal Coniacilnformaiion I 7}26}2012 3:44 PI-1 I July 25, 2012 Continued Wednesday, FBI SAC Jim Yacone: ATF SAC Andy Traver: -5:15


5:45 PM • 6:45 PM PRlVAnA,PT

7:00 PM - 8:30 PM PRlVATE£VENT

0IU52009, AG (S MO) 3 7/26{201 2 3:4<1 PM ' JUlY 26, 2012 Thursday All Day IExemption 6 I

12;00 AM· 12:00 AM DAG Trilve4: CokH-ado Spring. CO

8:30 AM - 9:00 AM FBI Briefing FBI sloe POC: Denise Cheung DOJ: AG, DAG Cole (declined), Gary Grindler, Denise Cheung, Stuart Goldberg, David O'Neil

9:00 AM • 9:10 AM FBI Dir.ctOf I AG FBI sloe 001: AG, DAG Cole (declined), Gary Grindler, Stuart Goldberg

9:35 AM · 10:00 AM JG Interview AG 's Conference Room POC: Margaret Richardson IG Interviewers: Jason Higley and Julie McConnell

10:05 AM - 10:10 AM PHONECAU TOWHCOUNSEL AG returning her call

10:10 AM - 10:20 AM Fl5AMATTER AG 's Conference Room/Office POe: Denise Cheung

DOl,_;~a~n~d~~~~~~_~Exe mption 6 v..::r 10:25 AM - 11:20 AM Opening Remarb: Tribal Niltil;m$ Lndel'$hip CCXln(il 7th Floor Conference Center POC: Helaine Greenfeld

11:15 AM -12:15 PM AGAC AG's Conference Room POC: Channing Phillips DOJ : Margaret Richardson. Channing Phillips + AGAC Members

12:15 PM - 12:45 PM LUNCH

12:45 PM - 1:00 PM En route WH In limo: Molly Moran

1:00 PM • 1:30 PM HEAT PARTNERSHIP MEETING White House - Roosevelt Room POC: Molly Moran

Otus2009, AG (SMO) 8/2/2012 <1 :08 Pi" IJuly 26, 2012 Continued Thursday

1:45 PM • 3:55 PM Full Cabinet Meeting w/POTUS and VPOTUS White House, Cabinet Room

Revised Final timeline: 1:45: Cabinet call time at West Executive Avenue 1:45·2:00: Move to Grand Foyer, get into place for photo 2:00·2:10: The President arrives, photos begin 2:10·2:25: Move to Cabinet Room 2:25·3:55: Cabinet meeting



5:30 PM - 6:1S PM MEETING WITH BRIN FRAZIER AG's Office pac: Margaret Richardson

6:30 PM . 7:15 PM OFFICE TIME


7:30 PM - 10:30 PM PRIVATE EVENT

Otu52009, AG (SMO) 2 8/2/20124:08 PM ATIORN EY GENERAl.. ERIC HOLDER, JR. IJuly 27. 2012 Friday

All Day IExemption 6 1

All Day TRAVEL: Dayton, Ohio - wright Pattel'$on AF8 poe: Molly Moran

9:30 AM • 10:00 AM En tout••IExemplions 7(E), 7(F)1


10:44 AM - 10:44 AM 10:44 am - WHEELS DOWN - DAYTON, OH



5:05 PM • 5:05 PM 5:05 pm - WHEELS DOWN•• IExemptions 7(E), 7(F)1





FRIDAY, JULY 27,2012

Updated 7/26/2012 427pm

Version: 8 TRIP SUMMARY DAYTON, OH - JULY 27, 2012

Friday, July 27, 2012

9:50AM EDT Wheels Up: Washington, DC _IExemptions 7(E), 7(F)1

10:44AM EDT Wheels Down: Wright-Patterson AFB

11 :05AM EDT Arrival Greet: Col. Cassie Barlow, 88th Air Base & Wing Installation Commander; Or. Stephen Butler; Brigadier General Dwight O. Creasy; (Col. S1sphen Goeman) • Official phololvideo

11 :25AM EDT Tour; National Museum ofthe U.S. Air Force, including Tuskegee Airmen exhibit * Official photolvideo * Brief interview with Bsss journalists

12:00PM EDT Tour: Presidential Hangar * Official photO/Video

12:30PM EDT Working lunch

1:10PM EDT Meeting with Col. Cassie Barlow, 88th Air Base and Wing Installation Commander, Col. Stephen Goeman, Chief Master Sgt. John Mazza, (Col. Mona Vollmer)

1:20PM EDT Briefing/Roundtable with JAGs

2:30PM EDT Address to Service Members, Q&A

3:30PM EDT Ropellne/Greet Service Members

4:00PM EDT Departure Greet: Col. Cassie Barlow, It Gen. Andrew Bush. Brigadier General Dwight D. CraasYi Col. Stephan Goeman * Official phofolvideo

4:15PM EDT VVheels Up: Wrig ht-Patterson AF8

5:05PM EDT Wheels Down: Washington, DC _IExemptions 7(E). 7(FH

2/8 Schedule for Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. Friday, July 27,2012 Washington, DC -+ Dayton, OH -+ Washington, DC

Weather: Washington. DC 95°n5°, isolated t-storms Dayton, OH 92°168°, isolated t-storms

Attire: Business

Time Zone: Washington, DC Eastem Time Zone Dayton,OH Eastern Time Zone

Friday, July 27,2012

Treveling staff please .reportto by 9:15am.

9:10 - 9:35am Location:


NOTE: A deceased service member will be flown into Wright-Patterson AFB today, time TBD, and our flight times could be adjusted.

Aircraft: Flight Time Change: None Food Service: None Crewl~ BaseO~­ Manifest: 1. 2.

DAAG Matthew Colangelo, CRT Molly Moran Adora Andy

10 :44am Wheels Down: Wright-Patterson AFB Location: Base Operations, Bldg. 206 / 5291 Skeel Ave. Wright Patterson AFB. OH 45433

3/8 11 :05 - 11 :15am Arrival Greet: Col. Cassie Barlow, 88th Air BaBe & Wing Inatallatlon Commander; Dr. Stephen BuUer; Brigadier General Dwight D. Creasy; (Col. Stephen Goeman) • OffICial pholo/vic/eo Location: Flight Line, Base Operations, Bldg. 2061 5291 Skeel Ave. Wright Patterson AFB. OH 45433 POC: Lt. Col. Bruce Page. WPAFB. tel. DOJ: Molly Moran, Adora Andy, AAG Matthew Colangelo (CRT) Press: Closed

11:15 -11:25am En Route: Wright-Patterson AFB, Museum of the U.S. Air Force Location: Bldgs. 489, 487, 494/1100 Spaatz SI. Wright Patterson AFB, OH 45433

11 25am - 11 :50pm Tour National Museum olthe U.S. Air Force, Including Tuskegee Ainnen exhibit, Ear1y Flight and Modern Warriors exhibit on functions units at Wright Pat perform in Iraq and Afghanistan * Brief Interview with Base journalists at end of tour * OffICial photolvideo Location: Museum of the U.S. Air Force Bldgs. 489, 487, 494/1100 Spaatz SI. Wright Patterson AFB, OH 45433 ~~~;;~::~ POC: LI. Col. Bruce Page, WPAFB, leI. DOJ: Molly Moran, Adora Andy, AAG siliiirt uer,ery, Matthew Colangelo, Carter Stewart (USA, OH), David Hale (USA, WD KY), Pamela Marsh (USA, NO FL), Karen Stevens (Civil Rights Div), Elizabeth Singer (Civil Rights Div), Southern District-OH staff: Mark D'Alessandro (First Assistant), Fred Alverson (LECC), Brenda Hodgson (Dayton Bureau Chief), Kenneth Pal1

11 :50am -12:00pm En Rout.: Presidential Hangar Location: Area B, NM AFB Wrighl Patterson AFB, OH 45433

12:00 -12:15pm Tour Presidential Hangar * Official photoNideo Location; Presidential Hangar, Area S, NM POC: Lt. Col. Bruce Page. WPAFB, leI. DOJ: Molly Moran, Adora Andy, AAG Matthew Colangelo, Carter Siewart (USA, OH), David Hale (USA, WD KY) , Pamela Marsh (USA, NO FL), Karen Stevens (Civil Rights Div), Elizabeth Singer (Civil Rights Div) Press: Closed

4/8 12:15 -12:30pm En Route: Wing Headquarters Location: Bldg. 10 / 5135 Pearson Rd. Wright Patterson AFB, OH 45433

12:30-1 :10pm Working Lunch Location: Conference Room, Wing He"dqu, POC: Lt. Cor. Bruce Page, WPAFB, DOJ: Molly Moran, Adora Andy, AAG Matthew Colangelo, Carter Stewart (USA, SD OH), David Hale (USA, WD KY), Pamela Marsh (USA, ND FL), Karen Stevens (Civil Rights Div) , Elizabeth Singer (Civil Rights Div) Press: Closed

1:10 -1:20pm Meeting with Col. Cassie Barlow, 88th Air Base and Wing Installation Commander, Col. Stephen Goeman, Chief Master Sgt John Mazza (Col. Mona Vollmer) Location: MorriS Room, Wing Headquarters Personal Contact POC: Lt. Col. Bruce Page, WPAFB, tel. ~ Information DOJ: Molly Moran, Adora Andy, AAG S~AA Matthew Colangelo, Carter Stewart (USA, SD OH), David Hale (USA, WD KY), Pamela Marsh (USA, ND FL), Karen Stevens (Civil Rights Div), Elizabeth Singer (CiVil Rights Div) Press: Closed

1 :20 - 2: 1Opm Brleftng/Roundlable wllh JAGs Location: Conference Room, Wing Headquarters Person al Contact POC: Lt. Col. Bruce Page, WPAFB, tel. ~ Information DOJ: Molly Moran, Adora Andy, AAG S~AA Matthew Colangelo, Carter Stewart (USA, SD OH), David Hale (USA, WD KY), Pamela Marsh (USA, ND FL), Karen Stevens (Civil Rights Div), Elizabeth Singer (CiVil Rights Div) Attendees: 20-23 JAGs (AD and ANG/AFRES legal assistance attorneys) Press: Closed

2:10 - 2:25pm En roul.: Ban. Hall Location: Bldg. 640/2950 Hobson Way Wright Patterson AFB, OH 45433

2:25 - 2:30pm Hold Location: Green Room /DOJ Hold, Bane Hall ~~~;;::~ POC: Lt. Cor. Bruce Page, WPAFB, DOJ: Molly Moran, Adora Andy, AAG uerl,ery, Matthew Colangelo, Carter Stewart (USA, OH), David Hale (USA, WD KY), Pamela Marsh (USA, ND FL), Karen Stevens (Civil Rights Div) , Elizabeth Singer (Civil Rights Div)

5/8 2:30 - 3:30pm Address to Service Members, Q&A Location : Auditorium, Bane Hall POC: Lt. Col. Bruce Page, WPAFB, ~~~;~:~ DOJ: Molly Moran, Adora Andy, AAG , Matthew Colangelo, Carter Stewart (USA, SO OH), David Hale (USA, WD KY), Pamela Marsh (USA, NO FL), Karen Stevens (Civil Rights Div), Elizabeth Singer (Civil Rights Div) Press: OPEN + Official photolvideo Attendees: 100 uniformed service members (active duty, reserve and guard personnel) + other personnel Agenda: • Major Brett Landry: Welcome, Pledge of Allegiance • U.S. Attorney Carter Stewart, brief remarks • DAAG Matthew Colangelo, remarks • AAG Stuart Delery, remarks (10 minutes) • Senator Sherrod Brown , remarks (5·10 minutes) • AG Remarks (10 minutes) • Q&A from service members

3:30 - 3:45pm Ropeline/Greet Service Members

3:45 - 4:00pm En Route: Flight line location: Base Operations, Bldg. 206/5291 Skeel Ave . Wright Patterson AFB, OH 45433

4:00 - 4:05pm Departure Greet: Col. Cassie Barlow, Lt Gen. Andrew Bush, Brigadier General Dwight D. Creasy; Col. Stephen Goeman • Offlc;al photDlvideo location : Flight line, Base Operations, Bldg . 206 Personal Contact POC: Lt. Col. Bruce Page, WPAFB, leI. ~l lnfo r mat i on DOJ: Molly Moran, Adora Andy, AAG S~G Matthew Colangelo, Carter Stewart (USA, SO OH). David Hale (USA, WD KY) , Pamela Marsh (USA, NO FL), Karen Stevens (Civil Rights Div), Elizabeth Singer (Civil Rights Div) Press: Closed + Base journalists

618 4:15pm Wheels Up: Wright-Patterson AFB

Wright-Patterson AFB-

Aircraft Flight Time Change: none Food Service : None crewl~ FBOO~ Man ifest: 1, 2,

DAAG Matthew Colanglelo, CRT Molly Moran ~ ~ , FBI Advance 10. Pat Shearns, Advance

5:05pm Wheels Down: Washington, DC _IExemptions 7(E). 7(F)1


In Flight Telephone:

Travelling Staff: AAG Stuart Delery DAAG Matthew Colangelo Molly Moran Adora Andy


Advance: Pat Shearns

FBI Advance:

-Event Contacts: Fred Alverson. USAO Lt. Col. Bruce Page. WPAFB Karen Stevens, CRT

~t: _.USAO-SDOH IExemption 6 1

818 ATIORNEY GENERAL ERIC HOLDER, JR. I July 28, 2012 Saturday

All Day •••••••••••IExemption 6 1

AllDay TRAVEL: NEW ORLEANS, LA 2012 Nltional Urboln leIgue Conference Ernest N. Morial Convention Center laNouevelle Ballroom 900 Convention Center Boulevard New Orleans, l ouisiana 70130 PO C: Beatriz IPersonal Contact Information I

4:00 PM - 4:00 PM WHEElS UP FROM. TO NEW ORLEANS IExemptions 7(E). 7(F)1









Updated 07/27/2012 245pm


Saturday. July 28,2012

4:00PM EDT Wheels Up: Washington, DC_IExemplions 7(E), 7(F)1

4:58PM CDT Wheels Down: New Orleans, LA (NEW)

6:00PM CDT Backstage Photo Op

7:00PMCDT National Urban League Annual Conference, Whitney M. Young, Jr. Awards Masquerade Gala

10:00PMCDT Wheels Up: New Orleans, LA (NEW)

Sunday, July 29, 2012

12:50AM EST Wheels Down: Washington , DC_IExemptions 7(E), 7(F)1

Note: DOJ Blackberry and emaH server maintenance will be performed on Sunday, July 29, from 12:01 B.m. to 6:00 B.m. During this time email will be unavailable on your Blackberry device and on your desktop.

216 Schedule for Altorney General Erfc H. Holder, Jr. Saturday, July 28, 2012 Washington, DC ~ New Orl8an87 Washington, DC

Weather: 0 Washington, DC 92 n40 , scattered t·storms New Orleans, LA 90 on7°. scattered t·storms

Altlre: Black tie

Time Zone: Washinglon, DC Eastem Time Zone New Orleans , LA Central Time Zone

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Traveling staff, please reporl by 3:30pm

3;15 ­ 3:45pm En Route: Location:

4:00p~m~~~~~Wh~.~.~IS~~~~~~~~_::=:::-_ _ ..., Aircraft: On Board Flight i Time Change: -lhr (from EDT to COT) Food Service: Crew

FBO on arrival; Manifest: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ichardsc," 6. Adora Andy , OPA

4;58pm Wheels Down: New Orleans, LA (NEW) Location : Lakefront Odyssey Aviation 5801 Waller Beech SI. New Orleans, LA 70126

5;15 ­ 5:45pm En Route: Ernest N. Morlal Conventloll Center Location : 900 Convention Center Blvd. New Orleans, LA 70130

316 5:45 - 6:00pm Hold Location; Suite 3, Me'2arlin~ POC: Beatriz Mota, DOJ: Molly Moran,

6:00 - 6:50pm Backstage Photo Op Location: La Nouevelle Ballroom POC: Beatriz Mota, tel. DOJ: Molly Moran, Adora ATTENDEES: ·Other award recipients - Jon R. Campbell of Wells Fargo Company, Justice Bernette Johnson of LA Supreme Court, Steve Wonder. ·NUL Leadership, including Marc H. Morial; NUL President & CEO; Nolan V. Rol/ins, UL of Greater New Orleans President & CEO; and Patricia Coulter, Ul of Philadelphia President & CEO ·Sponsors - J'lm Co{on, Toyota Motor Sales; Crystal Ashby, BP America: Noel Massie, UPS; Thomas A. Mars, Walmart Stores, Inc.; Manny Gonzalez, Hennessy. ·Performers - Donald Harrison; Ellis Marsalis & Stephanie Jordan; Mardi Gras Indians; Julie Philadanco. -Mes - John Hofmeister, Chairman of Nat. Urban League, and Arthel Neville, Anchor with Fox News

6:55 -10:00pm National Urban League Annual Conference, Whitney M. Young, Jr. Awards Masquerade Gala Location: La Nouevelle Ballroom POC: Beatriz Mota, tel. DOJ: Molly Moran, Adora Press: OPEN Attendees: 1500 Note: Past recipients of Living Legend Award include Neurosurgeon Dr. Keith L Black and musicITV/film producer Suzanne de Passe. Agenda: • 6:00 Backstage photos • 6: 30 Taka seats at the Head Table • 6:55 Performance by Donald Harrison and Mardi Gras Indians • 7:00 Welcome & opening remarks • 7: 11 Invocation • 7:14 Sponsor recognition and remarks • 7:30 Charles Collins Award presented to Jon R. Campbell, Wells Fargo Co. • 7:33 Dinner • 8:33 Preview of 2013 conference and dance performance by Philadanco • 8:55 President's Award presented to Jon R. Campbell, Wells Fargo Company • 9:02 President's Award presented to Justice Bernette Johnson, LA Supreme Court • 9:05 AG receives Living Legend Award, presented by John Hofmeister & Marc H. Morial • 9:06 AG Remarks (2 minutes) • 9:08 AG DEPARTS • 9:08 Tribute to Steve Wonder • 9:20 Legend Award presented to Stevie Wonder • 9: 20 Closing remarks • 9:33 End 4/6 9:15 - 9:45pm En Route: New Orleans. LA (NEW) location: Laketront Odyssey Aviation 5801 Watter Beech SI. New Orleans, LA 70126

10:00pm Wheel. Up: New Orleans, LA

On Board te l.: Flighl Time Change: +1 hr (from COT to EOT) Food Service: Crew Information:./? IExemptlon 6 ~ FBD on arrival : Manifest: 1. 2.

FBI Advance

Sunday. July 29. 2012

12:50am Wheels Down: Washington, OC_fEXemptions 7(E), 7(FH

Note: DOJ Blackberry and email SeNer maintenance will be performed on Sunday, July 29, (rom 12:01 B,m. to 6:00 B.m. During this time email will be unavailable on your Blackberry device and on your desktop.


In.flight Phone IExemptions 7(E), 7(F)1

Traveling Staff Margaret Richardson Adora Andy

Advance Sarah Moss IPersonal Contact Information I

Event Contact cell National Urban League Speaker Management

National Urban League VP, Event Marketing

cell Public Safety Manager, Convention Center

Venue Contacts venue staff, Convention Center

venue staff, Convention Center

venue staff, Convention Center


All OilY IExemption 61

All DiI)'

Otus2009, AG (SMO) 8/6/201211:10 AM , IJuly 30, 2012 Monday

IExemption 61


10:00 AM • 10:30 AM PREP FOR MEETtNG WITH THE MEXICAN AG AG's Conference Room poe: Molly Moran DOJ: AAG Breuer, Administrator leonhart, Director Hylton, Matt Cohen (ODAG), Bruce Ohr (eRM), Bruce Swartz (CRM); Ken Blanco (CRM). Thomas Harrigan (DEA)

10:30 AM -11:30 AM MEETING WITH THE MEXICAN ATTORNEY GENERAL AG's Conference Room POC: Molly Moran DO): AAG Breuer, Administrator leonhart, Director Hylton, Matt Cohen, Bruce Ohr, Bruce Swartz, Ken Blanco. Thomas Harrigan Mexican Delegation Deputy Attorney General Alejandro Ramos Flores Deputy Attorney General Jose Cuitlahuac Salinas Martinez Fernando Resendiz Wong, Director of Area Extraditions and MLATs Guillermina Munol Hernandez, Director of IT and Communications Guillermo Fonsenca, the PGR Attache Arturo Sarukhan (asamitjana, Mexican Ambassador Raul Delgado Arciniega, AG of Mexico's private secretary poe: Christopher us

11:30 AM -12:30 PM OfFiCEnME

12:15 PM -1:45 PM LUNCH AG's Office POC: Margaret Richardson Matt Miller

1:45 PM - 2:00 PM PRE MEET WITH THE ATTORNEY GENERAL- RE: MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR MICHAEL HERTZ AG's Conference Room POC: Doug letter DOJ: DAG Cole, AASG West, AAAG Delery, DAAG Branda, Ken Zwick, Jonathan Olin 1. Family:

II_ (sao aod fiancee) (sister and brother in law) (neph"w), and (girlfriend)

Otus.2009, AG (SMO) BIl/2012 5:18 PM IJuly 30. 2012 Continued Monday


Stuart Delery Exemption 6 Tony West Peter Keisler (former Acting Attorney General) Stuart Schiffer (now retired after a long career in the Civil Division as Deputy AAG) _ - friends of the family

2:05 PM • 2:20 PM EN ROUTE TO THE WHITE HOUSE In limo: AAG Monaco

2:20 PM • 3:05 PM CT/HOMELAND THREAT MEETING W/POTUS WHITE HOUSE SITUATION ROOM POC: Denise Cheung (not attending) OOJ: AAG Monaco - attending poe FOR NSC,

3:05 PM • 3:20 PM EN ROUTIDOJ In limo: lisa Monaco

]:]0 PM ·4:00 PM Monthly Meeting with SG Vtlrrllli AG's Conference Room POC : Doug letter DOJ: Doug letter, SG Verrilli,

3:45 PM - 4:15 PM OFFJCE TIME

4:15 PM • 5:00 PM 1!I!!!I!!III!I.IExemption 5 I AG's Conference Room POC: Denise Cheung DOJ: Denise Cheung, OAG Cole, Stuart Goldberg. Dave O' Neil, Director Mueller, Aaron Zebley, AAG Monaco, John Carlin, Mark Giuliano, Margaret Richardson

Otus2:009, AG (SMO) 2 8/t/2012 5:18 PM IJuly 31, 2012 . .. I Tuesday I All Day IExemption 61

8:00 AM - 8:10 AM

9:15 AM - 9:45 AM Dally Senior Management Meeting AG's Conference Room POC: Gary Grindler Attendees: AG Holder, Gary Grindler, Margaret Richardson, Jenny Mosier, Denise Cheung, Molly Moran, Channing Phillips, Sharon werner, Helaine Greenfeld, Doug letter, OAG Cole, David O'Neil, Stuart Goldberg, Charlotte Burrows, Steven Reich, Matthew Cohen, Matthew Axelrod, 5G Verrilli, Tony West, Elizabeth Taylor, ChrIs Schroeder, Virginia Seitz, Tracy Schmaler, Judy Appelbaum

9:45 AM • 10:00 AM Dally Meeting with DAG Cole AG's Conference Room POC; Gary Grindler DOJ: DAG Cole, Gary Grindler, Margaret Richardson, Doug letter

10:00 AM • 10:30 AM OFFJCETIME

10:30 AM • 11:00 AM PREP FOR MEETING WITH THE VICE PRES10ENT AG's Conference Room POC: Margaret Richardson OOJ: Molly Moran, Olanning Phillips, Chris Schroeder; Elana Tyrangiel

11:00 AM • 12:]0 PM OFflCEnME

12:30 PM· 1:15 PM LUNCH

1:00 PM • 1;IS PM PHONE CAU TO AUSAS TAVLORANO EUAS RE: •••••••••III~E~'e~m~p~Ii~O"~51 AG's Office POe: Margaret Richardson/Annie Bradley OOJ: AUSA I I and AUSA Richard Elias Mr. I

This will be 10:00 - Pacific time

1:IS PM -1:4S PM COURTESY VIS1T & PHOTO AG's Conference Room POC: Annie Bradley Antoine Garibaldi cell phone_IPersonal Contact Information I Enter at Visitor's Entrance - no briefing materials are needed

0tus2009, AG (SMO) 8j2{2012 12 :12 PM " July 31. 2012 Continued Tuesday

2:00 PM· 2:15 PM MEETING TO DiSCUSS INTERVJEW AG's Office/CoAference Room POC: Margaret Richardson OOJ: Tracy Schmaler

2:15 PM· 2:45 PM Quarterly Meeting with JMD AG's Conference Room poe: Gary Grindler OOJ: Gary Grindler, AAG Lofthus, Jolene lauria-Sullens

3:00 PM - 3:30 PM TRIP PLANNlNG MEETING AG's Conference Room POC: Denise, :::~~;;••~~~fu OOJ : Bruce 51 ~

3:55 PM • 4:00 PM COURTESY PHOTO AG's Conference Room PDC: Molly Moran OOJ: Nina Hart Chris Schroeder/Mike Zubrensky may also attend

4:30 PM • 5:00 PM MEEnNG AG's Office/Conference Room Tracy Schmaler No Briefing Materials needed

Otus2009, "G (SMO) 2 B/2/2012 12 :12 PM