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SEAN CARROLL: Physics Vs Oct Nov 2011 V1_Layout 1 9/6/11 1:11 PM Page 1 SEAN CARROLL: Physics vs. the Soul CELEBRATING REASON AND HUMANITY October / November 2011 Vol. 31 No.6 AMERICA’S PECULIAR PIETY Why Did Mormonism Grow? Why Does It Endure? ROBERT M. PRICE JAMES ALCOCK TOM FLYNN MICHAEL NIELSEN RYAN T. CRAGUN BRIAN DALTON C. L. HANSON ARTHUR CAPLAN CHRISTOPHER HITCHENS SHADIA DRURY NAT HENTOFF TOM REES Gregory Paul, Daniel C. Dennett, Darren Sherkat, Linda LaScola: Stop Dumping on Atheists Introductory Price $4.95 U.S. / $4.95 Can. Atheist Challenges Obama 11 The Arrogance of ‘Happy Holidays’ The Battle for Same-Sex Marriage Published by the Council 7725274 74957 for Secular Humanism FI Oct Nov cut_Layout 1 9/6/11 11:09 AM Page 2 For many, mere atheism (the absence of belief in gods and the supernatural) or agnosticism (the view that such questions cannot be answered) aren’t enough. It’s liberating to recognize that supernatural beings are human creations … that there’s no such thing as “spirit” … that people are undesigned, unintended, and responsible for themselves. But what’s next? Atheism and agnosticism are silent on larger questions of values and meaning. If Meaning in life is not ordained from on high, what small-m meanings can we work out among ourselves? If eternal life is an illusion, how can we make the most of our only lives? As social beings sharing a godless world, how should we coexist? For the questions that remain unanswered after we’ve cleared our minds of gods and souls and spirits, many atheists, agnostics, skeptics, and freethinkers turn to secular humanism. Secular. “Pertaining to the world or things not spiritual or sacred.” Humanism. “Any system of thought or action concerned with the interests or ideals of people … the intellectual and cultural movement … characterized by an emphasis on human interests rather than … religion.” — Webster’s Dictionary Secular humanism is a comprehensive, nonreligious life stance incorporating: A naturalistic philosophy A cosmic outlook rooted in science, and A consequentialist ethical system in which acts are judged not by their conformance to preselected norms but by their consequences for men and women in the world. The Council for Secular Humanism is North America’s leading organization for nonreligious people who seek to live value-rich lives. FREE INQUIRY is its magazine. Welcome! To learn more, visit FI Oct Nov cut_Layout 1 9/6/11 10:01 AM Page 3 October/November 2011 Vol. 31 No. 6 21 America’s Peculiar Piety: Why Did Mormonism Grow? Why Does It Endure? Introduction Tom Flynn 22 My Journey into ‘Formonism’ Brian Dalton CELEBRATING REASON AND HUMANITY 25 Joseph Smith: Liar, Lunatic, or Lord? Robert M. Price 30 Obadiah Dogberry Mormonism’s First Critic Tom Flynn 32 The Price of Free Inquiry in Mormonism Michael Nielsen and Ryan T. Cragun Cover illustration by Todd Julie, based on a portrait 36 What Is So Strange about Believing of Joseph Smith by an unknown artist, circa 1842. as the Mormons Do? James Alcock 40 Building on a Religious Background C.L. Hanson 45 The (Christian) Month of December Warren J. Blumenfeld 48 Physics and the Immortality of the Soul Sean Carroll EDITORIAL 14 What Must We Teach a New 58 Humanism at Large 4 Humanist Chaplains in the Military: Generation of Voters? The Meaning of the Message A Bridge Too Close? Nat Hentoff Hits Home Tom Flynn Julia Burke 15 Trust in Numbers LEADING QUESTIONS Tom Rees REVIEWS 60 A Wicked Company: The Forgotten 8 Accommodationism and the Radicalism of the European Psychology of Belief: Part 2 16 Humanist Chaplains: A Litmus Enlightenment A Conversation with Chris Mooney Test for Equal Protection Jason Torpy by Philipp Blom Reviewed by Nathan Curland LETTERS 17 Stand Up and Tell Them 11 You’re an Atheist! 62 C.M. Kornbluth: The Life and Amanda Knief Works of a Science Fiction Visionary OP-EDS by Mark Rich 9 Fetuses First! 18 Groundbreaking Op-Ed Puts Reviewed by George Zebrowski Arthur L. Caplan Spotlight on Anti-Atheist Bigotry Gregory J. Paul POEM 12 Norway’s Shame George Zebrowski Christopher Hitchens DEPARTMENTS 61 The Penny Level 57 Church-State Update 13 The Problem of Evil, Part 1: ALEC Grimness, BBC (Bad, Defending a Hideous God Badder, Catastrophic) Shadia B. Drury Edd Doerr FI Oct Nov cut_Layout 1 9/6/11 10:01 AM Page 4 Editorial Staff Tom Flynn Editorial Editor Thomas W. Flynn Associate Editors John R. Shook, Lauren Becker Managing Editor Andrea Szalanski Columnists Arthur Caplan, Richard Dawkins, Edd Doerr, Shadia B. Drury, Nat Hentoff, Humanist Chaplains in the Military: Christopher Hitchens, Wendy Kaminer, Tibor R. Machan, Tom Rees, A Bridge Too Close? Katrina Voss Senior Editors Bill Cooke, Richard Dawkins, Edd Doerr, James A. Haught, Jim Herrick, Gerald A. Larue, Ronald A. Lindsay, Taslima Nasrin Contributing Editors Roy P. Fairfield, Charles Faulkner, Levi Fragell, Adolf Grünbaum, Marvin Kohl, Thelma Lavine, Lee Nisbet, J.J.C. Smart, Thomas Szasz Ethics Editor Elliot D. Cohen Literary Editor David Park Musella ometimes the best is the enemy of and the other kinds of support chaplains Assistant Editors Julia Lavarnway the good. A new campaign sweep- provide? Julia Burke Sing the humanist/atheist/freethought At second glance, secular humanists rec- Permissions Editor Julia Lavarnway move ment exemplifies this dilemma. The ognize that this stream surges over treacher- Art Director Christopher S. Fix campaign is well meant, but I fear it pur- ous rocks. Production Paul E. Loynes Sr. sues a seductive short-term benefit at the First, let’s look at the context. Depart - Council for Secular Humanism expense of greater long-term goals. At the ment of Defense statistics list 9,400 atheists same time, it actively endangers principles and agnostics among America’s 1.4 million Chair Richard K. Schroeder that secular humanists value highly. Along active-duty military personnel. That means Board of Directors Kendrick Frazier the way, it shows us clearly where today’s they outnumber active-duty Jews, Muslims, Dan Kelleher Angie McAllister dividing line between religious humanists Hindus, and Buddhists—not a bad start. Richard K. Schroeder and secular humanists is drawn. But a whopping 285,000 servicemembers Edward Tabash Jonathan Tobert I refer to an issue that only a few years claim no religious preference. No one Leonard Tramiel ago was on nobody’s radar scope: human- knows how many of these “Nones” are Chief Executive Officer Ronald A. Lindsay ist chaplains in the military. Servicemen truly nonreligious, though surveys of the Executive Director Thomas W. Flynn and -women who live without religion general population suggest 50 to 66 per- Director, Campus and Community Programs (CFI) Lauren Becker compose one of the larger “life stance cent of civilian “Nones” fall into that cate- Director, Secular Organizations groups” within America’s armed forces. A gory. So we’re probably talking about a for Sobriety Jim Christopher movement to broaden military chaplaincy nonreligious population well into the six Director, African Americans for Humanism Debbie Goddard to include them is gaining sudden trac- figures, a major and growing fraction of all Acting Director of Planning tion. The cause has its own specialist or - Americans in uniform. Isn’t it outrageous and Development (CFI) Jason Gross ganization, the Military Association of that they, and they alone, are not easily Director of Libraries (CFI) Timothy Binga Communications Director Michelle Blackley Atheists and Freethinkers (MAAF), a full- served by the chaplains who minister to ser- Legal Director (CFI) Steven Fox fledged member organization of the Sec - vicemembers of every faith? Additionally, Database Manager (CFI) Jacalyn Mohr ular Coalition of America. This past spring, shouldn’t military nonbelievers see at least Staff Pat Beauchamp, Ed Beck, MAAF was the subject of a front-page some of their own among the ranks of the Melissa Braun, Shirley Brown, Cheryl Catania, story in the New York Times, among much chaplain corps? Eric Chinchón, Matt other attention in the mainstream media Jason Torpy thinks so. He’s the presi- Cravatta, Roe Giambrone, Leah Gordon, Jason Gross, and in cyberspace. dent of MAAF and the most visible cam- Adam Isaak, Lisa Nolan, At first glance, making military chap- paigner for broadening the chaplaincy to Paul Paulin, Anthony laincy more humanist- and atheist-friendly include the nonreligious. Santa Lucia, John Sullivan, Christopher Szczygiel, seems like a no-brainer. Why shouldn’t mil- What is it like to be nonreligious in to - Vance Vigrass itary nonbelievers have the same access day’s military? I recently attended the Amer - Executive Director Emerita Jean Millholland as believers to the counseling, mentoring, ican Atheists convention in Des Moines, 4 FREE INQUIRY OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2011 FI Oct Nov cut_Layout 1 9/6/11 10:01 AM Page 5 Iowa, where Torpy, a former Army captain, Army, a new battery of standardized tests and Kathleen Johnson, then-military direc- seeks to evaluate soldiers’ “spiritual fit- tor of American Atheists, made impassioned ness.” If you admit on this test that you’re presentations. They paint a picture that cries not a spiritual person or that you don’t FREE INQUIRY (ISSN 0272-0701) is published bimonthly by find deep personal resources in prayer, the Council for Secular Humanism, a nonprofit educational out for reform—but which reforms? corporation, P.O. Box 664, Amherst, NY 14226-0664. Phone Chaplains have been associated with you may face punitive remedial training or (716) 636-7571. Fax (716) 636-1733. Copyright ©2011 by even reduction in rank or security clear- the Council for Secular Humanism. All rights reserved. No the U.S. military since the American Revo - part of this periodical may be reproduced without permission lution.
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