Masonic Token: July 15, 1912
WHEREBY ONE BROTHER MAY KNOW ANOTHER. VoLUME 5. PORTLAND, ME., JULY 15, 1912. Ng. 21. ery was admirable. A large class was re Published quarterly by Stephen Berry Co., three lodges all met separately and accepted the report and severally discharged their ceived into the Consistory. No. 37 Plum Street, Portland, Maine. members of the building committee with Presumpscot Lodge of North Windham Twelve cts. per year in advance. thanks for their faithful services. had a brilliant Past Master’s night on June Established March, 1867. - - 46th Year. St. John’s Day. 29th, with a large attendance and many Kennebec Lodge, 5, Hallowell, attended distinguished visitors. Advertisements S4.00 per inch, or $3.00 for half an inch for one year. church 23d. Bethlehem and Augusta KNights of ConstantiNe.—M. P. Silas No advertisement received unless the advertiser, Lodges attended church 23d. B. Adams; Viceroy Harmon C. Crocker; or some member of the firm, is a Freemason in Portland Commandery started at 6 o’clock good standing. Sen. Gen. Albert W. Meserve, Kennebunk; Monday, 24th, for Haverhill, Mass., topass Jun. Gen. Llewellyn Carleton; Rec. Sam ‘‘ The Piper.” the day at Newcastle, N. H., as the guests uel F. Bearce. of Haverhill Commandery. They returned I will take my pipes and go now, for the bees upon Eastern Star. the sill Tuesday evening. Are singing of the summer that is coming from The Grand Chapter of Maine met in Port the stars. St. John’s Commandery of Bangor was I will take my pipes and go now, for the little entertained by Palestine of Belfast.
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