Joseph H. Santisteban Joe Was Born in the Bronx, New York. He Enlisted
Joseph H. Santisteban Joe was born in the Bronx, New York. He enlisted in the U.S. Air Force in October 1963. He earned three Associate degrees, a Bachelor of Arts Degree, a Graduate Certificate, a Master’s Degree and completed PhD work. He retired as a Chief Master Sergeant in 1994. He worked as a Human Resources Director until retiring in 2009. Joe was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason in Milburn Lodge 127, AF&AM, IL on 4 August 2001. He served as Worshipful Master in 2007-2008. Other offices held: Excellent High Priest, Waukegan Chapter 41, Royal Arch Masons Secretary, Waukegan Chapter 41, Royal Arch Masons Thrice Illustrious Master, Lake Council 121, Cryptic Masons (Charter) Thrice Illustrious Master, Cryptic Council 46, Cryptic Masons Eminent Commander, Bethel Commandery 36, Knights Templar Illustrious Grand Marshal, Grand Council of Cryptic Masons, IL District Deputy Grand Master, AF&AM, IL Most Excellent Grand High Priest, Grand Royal Arch Chapter of IL Pharaoh of all Sciotry, Ancient Egyptian Order of Sciots Orator, Gourgas Chapter of Rose Croix, Valley of Chicago, AASR Knight Commander, Knights of St. Andrew, Valley of Chicago, AASR (Charter) Worthy Patron, Millburn Chapter 570, Order of the Eastern Star Worthy Patron, Sorosis Chapter 329, Order of the Eastern Star Watchman of Shepherds, Liberty Shrine 113, White Shrine of Jerusalem (Charter) Director General, Chicago Preceptory 13, Yeomen of York (Charter) President, Lake Michigan Chapter 289, National Sojourners Commander, Stephen Decatur Camp, Heroes of 76, National Sojourners President, Middle Chamber Masonic High Twelve Club 725, High Twelve Wolcott Representative, Northwest Masonic High Twelve Club 769, High Twelve (Charter) Treasurer, Cornerstone Masonic High Twelve Club 772, High Twelve (Charter) First Vice President, IL Association of Masonic High Twelve Clubs Toparch, Illinois Pyramid 1, Ancient Egyptian Order of Sciots Master of Ceremonies, El Jaala Grotto, MOVPER Senior Deacon, Edwin M.
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