
n Mrt fMorina, Mr H C I .I Mdi. HrU tnmnrvil, Ur. The - l- - I Hay dm'and j fhudea. UUi H Or mb DAnirir 8tili.- " M-

THE PACIFIC the pjnoirio Commercial bberltscr mile --ft1: fcuitfrrial Jpbcrtistr 13 PUBLISHED BT 77 PCBL1SUED AT THE P. C. ADVERTISER CO. Honoloin, Hawaiian Isliindf. Every Flntoa of Aclvortiwlnr. Saturday I Morninir. S nr. tnf a'orrd in ! ! 1 I m. Tmwn xa.l l.lnnd Sabrripiia.. nhm pnld .Nor.pareil IJi. w lm.ilm.il bi. '. m Vritr; 2.50 far e l.ifie. (hIf inch) .. fico fioo fsoo 4 oo;$ a M) I4ct. Mb Mouth. li l.)i:. nr,c irrb) . . i so a oo 4 w 0 w reign MabwriMiaiH. tO.OO 4 n Tear C l.ii.r.(two iiiclii-s)..- .. .. I 3 CO 4 W CU t Ml W including I rrvt. (ttirrs do ) . . 3 W 6 tK) 7 i 10 coj Is C 41 Listes. (four do ) ..I 4 (Kl t)U 10 W II C0 rO 00 Mir. oo so oo Uui(-- r Column.. . e io lo t0 14 is o0; Tlurl CoiuDD... . S OO li tK) lSOOSlOOi 36 00 Daily Pacific Commercial Adrertiser. Half Column . 14 OO .'0 00 i4 OO SO ( 01 4 CO . 14 00 30 00.45 00 H VO.luO 0l rsr annum i on Whole Coluson 8 month S 00 XT Adrertiarrs ren.llnr In tl." Kailnro tult4 PUI. cas Per month lug pay their ea nis by Grrctibaclis or foiled Pralas Per week o fr nck4it( 25 rtar Slamr'a for sui-- smoont a tbey wmh lo fay aaJ llielt Daily and Weekly together to oo subscriber, per cards will be inserted as er ab lat.i. fur the liioe fur annum 12 00 (iu XT Bualness Cardi, when ratraio roa A taaa, art showed a diwounl frm tlirne ru, which ars lur trauswat CiT SCBSCUFTIOWS FATABLS ALWAYS IS AST1SCE. a.irerliemtntf when paid or charged quarterly. J" Communications from all parts of the Pacific will Single copies uf I he Aotkrtisi. Tea Cents I when charged aiways d very acceptable. VOL. XXVII--N- O. 31. HONOLULU, ISLANDS JANUARY 27, 1SS3. NO. 1391. Finrrn Cental by the dccro.Ons lollar. 17 Persons residing la any part of the United States HAWAIIAN WHOLE r can remit the asioont of subscription daes for these papers in American stamps. Snsnraiue Caris. XT Communications should be addressed, and accounts Bnsmss totxtismtxils. Hlftfcanual. paid, to V. 11. HAYSELbEN. Manager for the pactfxfic company. commercial adtebtiseb & THE CITY OF LONDON The subscription price for paper forwarded to any part JOHN EUSSELL, F. S. PRATT & CO., F. T. LENEHAN CO., C. C. COLEMAN, oi in l nite--i states is to per annum, rr fatd is advasck, General Commission ASTOR FIRE INSURANCE CO, OF LONDON. postage. A CCTIONEERS U GENERAL. COMMISs Importers and HOUSE whica includes ATTORNEY-AT-LA- W. 8ION MERCHANTS. BLACKSMITH AND MACHINIST. XV Merchants. Capital, $5,000,000. Bearer Block, Queen street, Bonolola, H. I. Horse A NIGHT IS" THE RED SEA. NO. 32 M IRC II A ST STREET, OORXER OF FORT BT. Special attention giren to the Sale of Real Estate and Per- WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Shoeing, ILIMITJW.j U20 It dmjl sonal Property. tJT Adrances made oo Consignments. nolS ly WINES, ALES AND SPIRITS, 0;xii'i;i 2f o Worlr, Arc Havini csUlilUlied an Afrnry here, Ihs underlined Is jan 1 ihop oo King street, next to Caatle Jt Cuoke. authorisnl t' act pi riks asaitiat r ire, on li!l4(as, The strong, Lot breath of the land Uahing HONOLULU. ja81 ly I WILLIAM ATJLD, H.I. Mrrrlmuillae. t'lruilnrr, etc , uti he tial lavuraOla The wild t horaeiT; they rear &nl race ; P. A. do LA NUX, PMLOBS tvrnii. Low piu i plly a.ljuK.I ant payable l.er 0 EXT TO TAKE ACKNOWLEDGMENTS mm & LICB C. O. IIKKOKR, r The planning bow of oar ship are dashing to Centracts for Labor io the District of Kona, Ialaod of CJCRVEVOK AND CIVIL. ENGINEER. HOLLISTER & CO., .CHAS. D. GEMSCH, spl ly dmyl Agent, Hawaiian Inlands. Oshu.at the OSes of the iiooolala Water Works, foot of kTJ Address, Fall in the fiery south wind's face. DSlS 6m IIONOLOLD POST Of FICE. t Nauanas eireet JalSllydmyl DRUGGISTS & TOBACCONISTS ! PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER Nos. li and 73 Hotel Streets, She rends the water, it foams and follows. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. LLOYIlT And silvery of the towering WM. EMPIRE HOUSE, Iletel street, oppssitc laternatlenal Hotel, SWISS f.lAniHE INS. CO., the jet spraj. JOHNSON, 50 Nnuanu Street. Hoootuln lmr48'2 ly HART BROTHERS, Proprietors. And the phoHphor sparks in the deep ware-hollo- Mrrchasl Taller, OK WINTERTIIL'll. - TJawaUan & way. 3. Fort Street, Hooololo. Islaad. Choice Ales. Wines Liquors, 1ST Board by the Day, "Week or Transient ! Lihtaa the line of oar midnight Jaal 81 day E. S. CUNHA, ' I, X S rwIlE UNUKRHIRNKI) IS A UTIIOK IZKI KT- M. TO. COJtXER NUUAXU HOTEL ST3. AL OF- lNSL'HK fall-orbe- d t The moon above, with it lastre. ON CARGO FREIGHT and TREASURE Lifting the Tale of the slumberous land. H. W. SEVERANCE, tf JAMES OLDS. Proprietor. RETAIL WINE DEALER. ! BILLIARDS, Kroos AMD Watches Clocks llsnslnln. Gleams o'er a desolate island clatter. HAWAIIAN CONSUL. CO M M ISSIO N UISriON SALOON, Accurately Xlcpaired Reasonable white on lonely SIS California Street, Kan frsocisco, at TO WOULD And the breakers the sand. California. XT Boom No. 4. olo ly A. G. ELLIS, .V TBS REAR OF HAffAllAH GAZETTE BUILD- - Prices. Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco, ALL PA UTS OF TllK AND UPON And bare hill ran0'e in the distance frowning INO, 1TO. 23 MERCHANT STREET. STOCK AND BOND BROKER, jan 1 81 COASTERS, 11 V SI'KCIAI, I'KllMIMlON Dint wrapped in haze like a shrouded ghottt. M. PHILLIPS & Co., rF Satisfaction Guaranteed or Soda Water & other Iced Drinks. j ESTABLISHED 1853, On the st FarotaMe Terms. ragged peaks horizon crowning. j"2l 2w With its the AND WHOLES A UK l E pice with E. r. Jdamt, Auctioneer. HAWAIIANINVESTMENT & AGENCY Money Refunded. WM. O. IRWIN CO.. L Arabian coast. IMPORTERS Shoes, Men's KirolihiDK and MEALS SERVED IN FIRST STYLE Managers rood o'er the stark lists. By-La- in "Original ccl4 tf CUSS so 181 dmyl lor the Hawaiian Islands. Fancy Goods, fjanl SI) No. 11 Kaahamana dc Uonolola KT Copies of. tbe Creek." COMPANY. See, on the edge of the waters leapi.g, dmyl (Limited.) AT A LI. HOI KS. The lamp, far flashing of renin's Strait D. H. HITCHCOCK, J. D. LANE'S (Jal 81) II ART, RllOTIIKRS. GREAT WESTERN & LOANED ON FIKST-CLAS- S Flitters and glows, as the ship goes sweeping H. E. McLNTYEE BROTHEB, MONEY for loog or short periods. Apply to gate. ATTORNEY AT LAW W. L. ORKKN, Manager, vro tern. Fat on its coarse for the Exile's riROCERT AND FEED STORE. AND Office: Queen Street, oyer Q. W. MACFARLANE A CO. IHSURAHCE COMPANY. Corner of King and fort Streets. aac20.tr And onward still to the br"ad.?ning oo-a- anl SI dmyS Uouolaln. H. I. ZZ E! 11 . and peribm se ; NOTARY PUBLIC, A.I3 Out of the narrow HIS ON PITMAN AO WALL STREF.T,OI'FIONEW YORK OPENED OFFICE . HOTEL ! Till we rm-- with a lare and lUtle motion ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO., f fSstreet, near the Court lloase in Uilo, and will carefully gitfniral. II to all huaioes intrusted to him. iniTIOiL MIR AlldVH COMI'INV I1.4VI.NCJ K- H- In the moist, soft Air of the Indian breeze. attfnd lal- , IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION M ER W ill attend all the Circuits of the Supreme C Hirt. T tabli.Iiiol an Airener at Honolulu, for til llawallau - A CuANTS. and a. tbe underaigni'd Is authorised to accept and write . 4 And the Southern Cross, like a standard flying, Co-e- r of Fort sod Merchant Streets. Janl 81 ly dmy SUIIVKYINO WONG. sel ly ALDRIDGE & HAYBALL, Hangs in front of the tropic night. V 1. I IV 13 But the Greek Bear sinks, like a hero dying. S. & CO., Architects, Builders & Contractors ON ROTH, F. A: SIIAEFER C0NCHEE & ACHAT. PHOPItlETORS. ' And the pole star lowers its signal light. ERCIIANT TAILOR. 38 PORT ST. Merchandise, Freights. Treaiuri, Com !f Jso I Iiooolala, H. I. 81 Plans and Specifications Furnished. NO. 84, HOTEL STREET, HONOLULU. , And mxhes toward morning. dmyl Importers! Commission Merchants missions, and Hulls. : the round earth the il At current Rates. And the wares grow paler. And wan the foam ; HONOLULU, H. I. ESTIMATES GIVEN ON ALL WORK CONNECTED Tlie Largest, C. & CO.. , ' Misty and dim, with a glance of warning. THOS. J. HAYSELDEN, spi ly WM. 8RVIN WITH THE BUILDING TRADE. MARBLE WORKS. oo&lydmyl Msiii(,(ts for the Hawaiian lttids. Vanish the stars of my northern home. Kohsilsi, Hawaii. Sale) 130, FORT STREET, Coolest, AUCTIONEER. sod Property of srery description ESTABLISHED I860. h1 Let the wide waste of sea for a space divide me attended to. Commissions moderate. my7 ly dmyl EOBEETSON & CO., WILL CO TO THE OTHEtt ISLAXDS. 15 est Kept ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Till the close coiled circles of time unfold : J. W. V. (Successors to II. M. Whitney.) Bridge Work, Brick Till the stars rise westward to greet and guide me Stone ad M AH U FACTURE R S OF .LIVERPOOL. JOSEPH E. WISEMAN, AND MANUFACTURING OF DrNT3ST& EOOM Mills Li When the exile ends and the years are told. ESTATE BROKER. AND EM IMPORTING Dealers, Publishers, and Book binders. Work, Sugar and CAPITA ftlO.OOO.OOO. I 8JEAL V 18 1IV av K NT BIIKE1U. HONOLLLU. H. I. Nos. 19 and 81 Merchant Street. Honolulu, H. I. ja!5 ly MOXniF.XTS, THE CITY. UNLIMITED LIABIL1TT tiiiv sod sells and leases Heal Works Erected. ffSftsSi tns. HEADSTONES, TOMBS, FIRE INSURANCE of all descrlotions will bs Ke REPAIRING OF OLD BUILDINGS, Meals served at all Honrs and no Pains efiected at Moderate Rate of Premium, by ths aaderslgned. for those seeking work in all the isiliiMsTTSisKiVr a'a Utcr.anital. TAELMTS, MARBLE JIAXTELS, Ml Miscellaneous Items. connected with these Islands. PROMPTLY ATTE.iDED TO. nor Expense Spared to Keep the Table ap2'81 ly dmyl Mansgrrs for tbs Hawaiian Islands. Z2T LEGAL Docomeots drawn. Bills Collected. Books WASUSTAXD TOPS, and Supplied with the Best the Where there's a will there's a lawyer. and Accounts kept and General office work transacted. "V .-- ryot T?.T In-- Market Patronage Solicited. Commissions Moderate. ap9.81.1y. dmyl TT Buildings put up on tlie Affords. The feeling between ague and quinine is Tiling in White & Black Marble. Table $4 to $5 per GERMAN LLOYD exceedingly bitter. CHAS. GULICK, BOOT & SHOE STORE! jfian. Board Week. T. FQ1 siauncni mayl2 81 MARINE ISURANCEJO., OF BERLIN, The price of. rubber has gone up re 3NT TX-S- T 13 Naaaaa Street. First-Clas- s Work Guaranteed at W&$$ RIPTIOM FTJSXjZO. Honolulu bounded, so t speak. AGENT TO TAKE ACKNOWLKUQMKNTS TO Next door to the Restaurant. fel8 ly XaV LABOR. CONTRACTS and Bed Rock Prices. seU tf M ADR TO ORDER AT THE FORT UNA What a gorgeous feather for i cart-whe- el tail General Business Agent. THOMAS S0RENS0N. Lowest Possible GENERAL INSURANCE CO, OF BERLIN, hat the 's would have made. Office in Makee's Block,. corner Queen and Kaahumaoo O. LUCAS; Rates Streets. Iiooolala. jsal-8- 1 ly When Adam called the animals together Ship Carpenter, Spar Maker, and Caulker, Monnmcnts and Ueadstones Cleaned and Ceset. ISJ"o. 6Q9 M "above Contractor and Builder Hotel StrcPr.'-W---ys...... v estahli.hed ainmuiaxcb(K'neral Agency here,roMPasmtt.s - CSi?" Orders from the 1 , std ooilrr for their noonday repast his temporary stop- DB. E- - COOK WEBB. - No- 9 Queen Street below Honolulu other Islands promptly attended to. ' -. . . - .... i. . ping place "Garden of feedin'." Jan 1 81 OF igned'onii'jfca.'-,:;ii2f- became tbe Orrrci asro Besidencx, Iron Works. Honolulu t3 THE BEST FOOD, r of t!ie Seas at' llie uit Risks tTitv-n- J 'The parting gives me pain as the nan RICHARD AND HOTEL STS. Spars, Osk Plank of aU Ship Knees, Oakum, Felt nmln't tn tl.e .Itiri CIORNER noCBS to 10 A. Hi to 4 P. At. no4 ly sites. sail when b? had a troublesome footh ex-trtct- ed. Sheathing Metal Keasonable iutt?;47-w- . Copper Bolts, and Steam E. B. THOMAS. - constantly on band.. - l- COMPETENT COOKS, Favorable Teriii. AUSTIN WHITING, . . i cx. W. spl IV KH'.H-.n,wt- Phosphorus is the striking name of a new P. A. KCIMEKKIt "!' r Attornej svnd Cotuuellor at color. It will be worn by match-makin- g Iar, FLAG POLES Planing A aceat isTskc trksswledgmrsla tm Iaslra IJWlm THE NEW YORK . . mammas ments for the laland of Uabu. No. 9 Kaahumauu street. Made to order, and placed in position. ATTENTIVE WAITERS lioooiuiu.ii. oci ly . my20 tf LIFE 1NUKANCI5 COMPANY. Miller, the poet of the Sierras, h is ceased ft. r I'. .W.tJ grinding verses and is searching for grist in OKCIMZLI) 1815. BICHABD F. BICKERT0N, ESPLANADE, Honolulu, H. FIRST-CLAS- nilLLV Wall street. THOMAS TANNATT, I. S BOARD, nnnL.. No. 83 Fort St., opposite K. O. Hall A Son. Honolulu. Manalactures all kinds ot AnseU v There is not brownstone front house in i Attorney and Counselor at Law. AT $47,000,000 WATCHES. CLOCKS. ' Snrplua JEWELRY Monldlmgs, Brackets, Window Frames, Sashes, Doors a--- - . A 10,000,000 Louisville, tJu-f- c are lots brownstone H0XKY to IXJD on MORTGAGES of FUECII0LDS and FIXE MACHINERY carefully re- but of 1 paired in a workmanlike manner. IT" "I I C" SS 13535a I rr"?-- a THE MM YOIiK K i Blinds and all kinds of Woodwork finish. J REASONABLE RATES. I.II INSIiUXE rOMNXT jugs. IJlue grass wi!l tell. rr orriCK. no. 40 mkrchant stskkt. XT Orders from tbe Other Islands promptly at. my 15 80 tended to. Jal HI has been doing busines. fr thirty-seve- n years, and was osver ! TURNING AND SCROLL SAWING. so strong and prosperous as now. It offers to those A Lowell man makes the sententious life insurance doslrloc every man voted as he All kinds of remark that if CECIL BROWN, WILLIAM TURNER, BRICKLAYER & BUILDER. COSTA A C03IKIMTI0V OF AIIVAVTK.KS would Planing and Sawing, PETER drinks there be no prohibition.'' A TTORNEV A ND COUNSELOR AT LAW. which only lonjr experience, a large and well e.labll.hed batl . TA NOTAKi PUBLIC ana gent fur taking Ackaowledg Morticing and Tenoning. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO PROPRIETOR. ness, and carefully erfecti-- l pUn. and methods can afford. ; PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, Furnaces. Baker's Ovens and PdradoXICal a.4 it miy Seem, When there wourf Instruments for the Island of Oahu. Ranges, Among these advantages arei street. Honolulu, u. 1. t.a so Plana, Satciflcatlns, Detailed Drawiuga and all kinds of Heating Apparatus. Also, Variegated is a "bear movement in wheat," it is worse j aAhunu LATE OF HAS FRANCISCO. iuocrnc oiuewants. a ii vrora entrusted lo me will be ezecn. sLsttc yVbfiolule Security, sad estimates fur Dished Application. ted promptly, and on reasonable terras. Chief Stcwsirfl ol Has eatablisbed himself at 82 KING ST.. opposite M bisi for the granger than it is for the grain. Kind, Ad drew through the Poal Olllce jan 1 81 B, Insurance at Low Cost. JAMES M. MONSARRAT, Rose's Carriage Factory. Plnnlntion Work sf all either la Steamer ikelike. ICquitutalo Dealing. lirick. Wssd, Iran r Stone Construction july23. '81,lyr A wealthy man in Millersbur", Ohio, ATTORNEr AND COUNSELLOR AT rens-aab- le J. TA. LAW. Special attention paid to the negotiating of FINE WATCH WORK dsse in wsrkmcalike wanner, aad at DESIRAULE FORM OP POLICY keep-busy-. If EVERY soms with advantages off. red by no ether Com- drives a dray just to that is Louis, Cooveyaneiog and all matters appertaining to Kea A SI'KCIALTY, and aatiafaction guaranteed. Ap.2, 81 ly prices. JOSI& BOWLER, pany. Apply to - object he ought to to run a daily klatate. his try NOT ART PUBLIC mmd paper. PROA1PTLY C. O. tsmmlsslaae r af Deeds far the States of Sew Yark MAX ECKART, ORDERS ATTENDED Jy29 ly GENERAL AOEMT lor Uawallao I.lands. Home To-Nigh-t," aid Callfarnla. and Work Guaranteed. HONOLULU STEAM The new song," Papa's Orders from tbe other Islands solicited. jal'81 dlmy ORNAMENTAL & BAKERY! 1 Is STUCCO TRA for a OFFICK No. 27, Merchant St. dAMFACTlRI.VC JEWELER and WATCIltflKER, has no attractions bashful young nan, OSOLCLO, sr. t. janl SI E. LOVE & BE0THEE, Proprietors, ' OF D1MOND. COLD AND FIRE INSURANCE COMPANYa a sensible girl won't sing it when her MPORTEK H ind Plated Jewelry and Precious tones. N. F. BURGESS, PLASTERER. NtJUANU STREET. best beau is around. JOHN W. KALUA, Artificial Stone Sidewalks Laid, or iiAMBUito. Fine Watch Repairino; a Specialty. CARPENTER AND BUILDER, PILOT, MEDIUM ANI NAVV IJREAI) Capital of the Company Ac Reserve Uei. li. C.000,000 A Maryland youth was almsst hugged to Ceuieuting in all Its Branches, oo hand and made to order. " their Companies. 101,060,000 aTTORNEV and counsellor at NO. 6 KAAIICMANU STREET SHOP, NO. 84. KINQ ilTRKKT, OPPOSITE SI. J. ROSE'S. now young ladies LAW. Also, Tfaer. Soda and Crackern. Total., death ly a beir, and the J.Ageol 10 lake acknowledgment of instruments for the ap22 ly Whitening, Calsomlning and Jobbing lifter ...ReUh.mark 137,ett,000 a ALL. 1 if: bear-huntin- g acknowledgm T-- for ESTIMATES GIVEN' ON NOS OF in that section have organized Ialaod of MauL Also Agent to take JJ BuildioRs, when required; Offices and Stores fltteup JENNY LIND CAKES. Ac. Labor Cootracta fur the District of Wailuku. Janl i ly I'roinptly attended to. parties. CEO. S. HARRIS, la the latest Eastern Styles. SHIP BREAD REBAKED on the shortest notice NORTH GERMAN FAMILY BREAD, made of ' Asbestos Steam ripe and Boiler Covering,. . the Best Flour, baked daily ar.d FIRE He who courts and goes away, may live E. H. THACHER. SHIP & GENERAL BLACKSMITH BEPIIRIXG OF EVERY DESCR1PTI0X always on hand. INSURANCE C0MPANY possible manner, Done in the best manner, and by experienced workmen. but be who weds and Done In tbe best and at reasonable rales. X. B BROWN OP IIAMBPRO to court another day; xa. x o xx WORK. I1RIDGE. HOUSE. AND BREAD OF THE BEST QUALITY - o Wagon Moulding Bitta, Planing Knives, GARDEN ORNAMKNT3 of all kinds made to order. Sasrs As to perform : w os Capital of Ihe Company A- Reserve.... ,&30,000 in s Dontli SHIP Work. filed set. ability to work in our line, we ba? to JI1 1 Ol Reiclnmark s.ill may g t Court against 1- and " their courts girls trmENT.sL OFFICE 1 -2 Fart Street, Anchors and Anvils repaired. Goosenecks, Crank Axles refer the pnblic cenerallv to the reniilenra nf III. r Coinpauies, " 2a,000,0(MI will. MJ nest 4 or aOor Dickaoo's Photograph Oallery. Jal 1 and Wagon Axles mads for tbe trade on reasonable terms. N. B. Persona attention will be to tbe moving of al Sam'l Q. Wilder. II. H. Kath Kcelikolani an.l Hon. a. H. his kinds of buildings Hairing had experience in the ttaatern Judd. Totsl Reichsmark 4b.830.OOO Wagonsor Traction Engines, States. I feel confident I can satisfaction to the most fas- Leave Orders at Lucas' Planing Fort-stre- s HONOUIUl SOAP WORKS. Alex-tnde- r H. Stephens, of Georgia, since fire tr,. srill. S. M. CARTER, tidious. r Box 327, Post Office. SCinVEIZERIStHE LLOFI) his recent election to office has become heart- ARTESIAN WELL TOOLS XT Orders left at my shop or residence will receive prompt iuyl3 tf Lcleo, I J on ol u I it. -- to titIce Aoknowletlttmrnt attieaton. Best of references siren. title Governor, which he litCouuacts fjr Labor. OflUce, P. M. 3. luck. Tele- With all their Fitting, a speciality. Ruck Versicherungs ily sick of the Airo dmjl Residence, 218 Fort Street, Honolulu. Buainraa of ihc abore ronrrrn Gesellschaft, g-e- He prefers the phone. tia.JL 1 Orders IVomptly Attended to and r'he harinc bears everywhere be All Orders from the other islands folicited. KERR THE PAINTER, been transferred to OP H'lXTKRTHUR i- - spelled " roister." c. m. cooss Work Guaranteed. ap.16, 6m Capital theCampany Franca i.000,0000 prefix which bobt. tswsss. KING STREET, IMPORTER AND & COOKE, XT hop on the Esplsoade. in the rear of Mr. Geo. I.ucs Dealer in Paints. OiU. Varnishes. Mixed Paint, and riMIE UNDERSIGNED. GENERAL, AGENT LEWERS 81a 78 Supplies. He hereby gives notice that the manufacture of si of the alwve three enmpauies firr tbs Hawaiian l.lsnda, A ftshionable lady in boasting of her PlauingMUl. jal A. B. ROWE, Painter's are If to A Sole prepared t. :ire lluililiuirs, Fornltare, Merchandise and (Successors Lawsas Dicssos) Agent for Ihe Celebrated Averill Chemical Mixed Proluce. Machinery. new -- palatial residence," said the windows General Blacksmith & Wagon Maker, Paints, ready for use These popular paints have teen sue. Ac. alao tfuitar and Kica Mill, .nd E LERS IN LUM BER AND BUILDING cesafully sels in the harbor, agsinst m or damage by fire, oo tbt snost toft bad!" ao7 Materials, fort Slreeu SI BAT nORSK PREMISES, ROSE LANE, introdnced into these Kingdom for the past four All Kinds of Soaps favorable te:ms. were all of stained gNss. "That's D SAM. HARRISON, years, and hare established a reputation for faat color and Will be continued by him. BOFT SOAP altray. on hand. (Rear of Hsaghtaillog's Saloon.) durability, superior to any other paint ever jy22 ly tur- " CONT- used. mil Duy Dcei, mutton ami soap grease, and solicits H. HACKFELD& CO. mother; " but won't soap and - i AND STONE MASONS AND mixed ready lor use of any said her class srsacssLS AN O HO.ISE-SHOEIN- faints Tint. Shade or Color, and consignments of the same from the other BRICK RACTORS BUILDERS, ATTENTION TO supplied n. SPECIAL do myself in quantities to suit and shipped to sny part of the jalO Islands. 81 XXamlourg-13romo- 0' take the stains out?"' - WM. G. IRWIN & Co., King Street, Honolulu, with W. M. Gibbs, all work aod baring low rental. I Islands. pentine guarantee Flrst-Cla- as Work at low pricos. tnar25 3m Parties desiring to do their own Painting caa be suDnlied oyster-cra- Commission Agents, In firing a recipe for preptrini; b Sugar Factors and ARE PREPARED with the required quantity and Colo, and the nse of the neces. WAILUKU POI FACTORY, FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HONOLULU. sary brushes, etc. says: 'The crabs janl 81 II. I. To Undertake all Kinds of Mason Wcrk. Orders from sal id an exchange the other Islands. Plantations, etc.,re3pectfully QUAMTV Of PAI AI MANUFACTURED UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN be slightly boiled before they are floecial attention given to setting Rsnges, Bakers Ovens NEW PAINT SHOP solicited and satisfaction guaranteel. julO 6m BEST All orders died with dispatch. ''HEAppointed Agents ol the above Comranr. ars brenarad should CLEGH0RN Co., and all kinds of Cooking apparatus. Cnimnles, Foundations NO. 128, FORT STREET. E. II. BAILEY. to insure risks acalnst fire, on Stone and dressing. Just as if anybody A. S. k and Cisterns built, etc., etc. OPPOSITE Ja 1 81 I a, and on Brick Bnilal immersed in Superintendents Wailuku Maui. UK Mrrrhnndiir stored therein, on ths luost AND Plantation Owners and would do well to THE MILL. favorable term. For particular, apply Ihe a raw crab. CJgh! AND WHOLESALE us with business in our line. We wish the public to at ofhee of would eat IMPORTERS IN entrust CREAEV3 CAEMDIES. spl ly V. A. bCllAEFKK h CO. oderstand that all work done by us is guaranteed to give BEGS METROPOLITAN describing a boat race satisfaction. Jan 1 81 TMIE UNDERSIGNED TO INFORM MARKET, A new York paper General Merchandise the public that be has . WALLEK, WORTH flishin-- of 10.000 eyes, and Corner Queen and Btaahamanu Sts. Janl SI BRITISH AND MERCANTILE alludes to 'the 3XoIIY TVY, Pure Bred Aylesbury Ducks. Home Fed s many fair hands, C0NCHEE & AHUNG, Opened for Himself a Paint Shop If. lFJ Turkeys. INSURANCE CO.. the plaudets of twice .VG STREET. HONOLULU. an 1 81 one-eye-d women there must BROWN & CO., at the abore address, where he will always be found OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. what a lot of IMPORTERS & GENERAL DEALERS aod prepared to do work In his line at reasonable Importer & Home Manufacturer of Candies have been at that race ! AND DEALERS IN ALES rates. ESTABLISHED, 1909 IMPORTERS 8PL6UT3, AT WHOLKSALK. House Fainting, OF ALL DESCRIPTION?, one would wish to express diffe- WAFJTE D CAPITA L. Thins 9 MerchantBtreet, tlanlll) Hooolnlu.H. I. China Goods and Merchandise Paperhanging. Varnishing. o. 112 Fort Street, Jast Above Hotel St., IT TO BE KNOWN 12.000.000 rently Musical maiden'! hope I am not THAT Accumulated and Invested Fund. 1,09T,S4 Enamored OF KVERT DESCRIPTION. ATTENDED TO AT SHORT NOTICK. Has just made large additions to his establishment, and is you. playing so much?' JN0. A. HASSINGER, now prepared to furnish to the trade, the Honolulu pub- J. WILLIAMS & CO., 102 Fort UNDERSIGNED II AVE BEEN A boring I- Work done by (be Day or by Job. st, SIIE P on. d so much - Always on Hand. 5c XT the lic, and residents on the other Island, the VKKY AUENT8 for the Sandwich Islands. and ra youth-'Oh- .no! Flay -I GENT TO TAKE ACKNOWLEDG- For Sale marliem N A ONE. (Successors to M. Dickson.) authorised to Insure against Fire upon favorable terms. i ments to Contracts lor Labor. Grass Cloths, Chinese Crepes, Silk Handkerchiefs, J. you than talk. FIXEST of I103IE-3I1D- E 131 P0BTED C1XDIES, kisks taken in any part or tbe Islands on Wooav sooner hear plaj Interior Office. Honolulu janl 81 Dress 8tlks in Great Variety, Lacquered Ware e Huildinga.and Htosbabd Fancy Work and Glove Boxes, IIR. RICORD'8 TRENCH RE- - r p li Merchandise stored therein, Dwelling Houses WmRr Of all Descriptions, AT VERY REDCCED hotogra er.s, ...v. ft. 8T0HAT1VE A specific PRICES. muiiuic, noer, carries her money Ivoryi Tortoise, Shell and Sandle Wood Fans, PILLS. for exhausted RST-CLA- vnais, cnips in narDor witn or without Kentucky girl always Bi. RED TO DO PI SS or onder A & Tiger Claw Jewelry Set in Gold. PREP .iroes repair. WONG LEONG CO. vitality, impotence, physical debility, wasted lorces, etc. Ap- Receives Fresh Candies by every arrival, ne Guirantees the ARE WORK OF ALL KINDS. I 81 ED. II OFFcCIILAEQER stocking when she goes shopping, Camphor Wood Trunks, Fine China Teas, purity of his goods. THE- - CREAM CANDIES Jn 4 CO. in her -tin- proved by Academy of Medicine of at- sf Naaaaa sad Maria Street., Rattan Chairs. Chiua tbe Paris and by the medi- are a specialty with him, and are made hy the best manu- Special Attention given to Children ! Dry Qooda, Clothing, Boots BURG-MAGDEBU- friend to divert the Cetrarr U. I. ealers in RO taWing along a l.dy cal celebrities of the world. Agents for facturers in California, and received fresh by every steamer. HAM sod rthoes. Hats and Cap.. Fancy Uoods. etc. Have also California and tbe WE ARE PREPARED DO Alao NO. I HAWAIIAN ItICK! TO stlesm.n while she hauls out sroostaotly oo hand, Hawaiian Kice in quantities to aait. No. Pacific States, G. STB ELK at CO., 63$ tention of the twine Twine, Silk Uaudker. XT STORK at 109 Kauanu ami No. 88 Fort J. Market Street Soda "Water, and all kinds of Iced Drinks. IRE INSURANCE Chios Choice Tea, China China Street. nol9 ly ALL KINDS OF LARGE WORK ! COMPANY. Her friend must be fascinating chiefs and Saahea, etc. (Palace Hotel) San Francisco, Cat. 5eot by mail or expreas OF IIAMBUltO. her money. FROM belie!. Owners of Joanui Sugar Pbuitation. Moiokai sealed from observation. Box of fifty, $1 50; of 100, $2 75; THE BEST ICE CREAM IN THE CITY- - MERCHANDISE, lyond BROWN & PHILLIPS, BUILDINGS, V FURVI. geato Kailoa Rice Plantation, Kaopa Rice Plantation, of 200, $6 of 400, $3. SEND FOB CIRCULAR. The BEST URANP? of ''HOICB CIGARS always ou hand. MINIATURE TO LIFE SIZE ! Insured ifiimi Beaver, of Danville. Penn , jalO 81 favorable terms. Mr Thomas and Palama Ric Plantation. PRACTICAL v29- - Either in Crayon, Water Color. Indi Ink or Oil, Dickinson College, through Photos Colored, etc. A.. JAKCilU-Age- nt for ths Hawaiian Islands. has Given to the Jan 1 81 ) 830,000 for the increase of its We employ FIRST-CLAS-S ARTISI3. d.inz work eoi.al tr 3 ,ts President. M. McINERNY, The fund w.Il bear PLUMBERS. GAS FITTERS FOR RAILS Jnsuranrf. that of the best Galleries of San Francisco and at less cobt. permanent endowment. AND DEALER l AND A great variety cf Inland Views. Curioitie. Sl.ells and THE t bis father, in whose ...emory it IMPORTER Hats, Csps, Jewelry, Perfumery, OR Coral from all parts of the Pacific. Hawaiian Sea M'wues and ) the name of Pocket Cutlery, aod every description of Oent's Superior PORTABLE PERMANENT XT 2XT Ferns, Latest Styles ol Frames, Passepartout, and Mats con- - LONDON & PROVINCIAL Dress Boots, lanuy on . s given. Furnishing Uoods. IT Benkert's fins Calf COPPBRSMITNo. 71 Kirg street, Honolulu. H. ION always on hand. I. XT Charges reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed. higher, education lEstaxilxvays. and Co., 11 ly WILLIAMS At Proprietors. The movement for the N. K. Coaasa or roar asd Mbbcsast Brasrrs. JanlSl Fire Marine Insurance J. CO., ; led ta the es- - Ft. LENGTHS. 14 lbs. PER YARD INSURANCE COMPANY ,e - Vnrland. which House and Ship Job Work 1 - For sale to arrive per Duke of Abercorn from OF NEW ZEALAND. (Umllcd.) of Prions 'excellent S. J. LEVEY & CO., PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Liverpool. Apply to CAPITAL.. tlO.OOO.OOC. ublUhme W. L. UKKE.l, or HOOP IROi! Subscribed Capital (1,000,000) $5,000,000 oe Q. W. MACFARLANE & HAVE RECEIVED AND NOW OFFER them, seems to justuy's ROCER AND PROVISION DEALER. & Wash-Bow- ls Co. for bundles IRON' of Grocery Feed Bath Tubs,Water Closets no26 tf Agents for John Fosrler at Co. ESTABLISHED AN AGEXCV ssle. HOOP the followinz eiz'S: 24 Betham Ea I family and Store, 2x1-1- lixl-- 1 8. Also, on hand and f 'MIF ABOVE COMPANY results. Miss me from other will b HAVING for the Hawaiian Islands, the undersigned ir .ale, HAVE NOW fjr Orders entrusted to tbs islands ALWAYS ON HAND. established an AG F.NC Y here, aod prepared to tak on Egyptolo 5 are prepared to accept risks against fire in towellings, stores, sis acknowledged authority btnplly attended to;-- 2 Fort Street. Honolulu. (Janl 81 Dnchesa, Elizabeth and Fans, all the Eastern Shooks, Molasses Barrels, all sizes RISKS on property or i now defiver. warehouses and merchandise, on tavor&ble terms. Marine risks EVERY DESCRIPTION within thesa I Marjaret Harkness is t Particular attention part to the fitting tip of tbs latent styles are to b had at the Honolulu Cloth- - on cargo, freights, bottomry, profits and commissions. &c Ilanda. Miss - i Sugar Kegs, Hade to Order. tbe Ancient Assyr- 0 . cf lectures an ' C7" Genu Completoo"t22l.' at ! ag Emporium of Lowra proinpilr adjusted an4 payableherr II. SHUNS, T. Springfield Gas Machines - J. J. WATERH0USE, Jr., Museum. IS A. M. JaELXis.jlOi Street- janl 81 dmyl WM. O. CO. ja283m. Esplanade. ans at the British TS i'ort IRWlNt M93m Agert. ! S- -


BY modification of action, perhaps ; but in (Daily, January 24.) AUTHORITY. EDITORIALS. added that he waa in reasonably good health, and THE L0MIL0MI. aim 5dvn1i.$fmrnl5. no instance, we can sty positively, that tin climate was more agreeable to him than (Dfiily, January 22.) l has such roj-a- suggestions been in the His Ex. Elisha H. Aixex, late His that cf his adopted countrv. Having relatod to The interior of the native hut, where we PACIFIC STEAMSHIP C0J.1PAIU One of the surest Indications of the slightest degree authoritative ; nor could Majesty's Minister Plenipotentiary and En- a friend some ot the e vents of life, Kill voy his he pleasantly now are, has a very pleasant, clean appear growth of a refined tate in a community, they be offered as an excuse for official Extraordinary to the Government of concluded as follows : So that now I am here in ance, an odor grasses an . is the development of tiie loTe of music that neglect of duty. the United States, died suddenly on the 1st the capital, where, ana voung man, I d in with of fresh and uri Iiriei-i'o- January Confess, wearing aromatic fragrance from numerous wreaths Ftr while ihe decoration of a King : inherent in all animated creation. We There is one notable instance cited as xf attending the Presidential and Ttt Mli JfMMfHH' say nil animated creation, for observation evidence of royal interference, that is the New Year's reception at the White nouse. incidentally have Uwme Deau of the diplomatic of tiiaile, or native myrtle, which, stripped corps." Mr. Alien was very from wood bright green PcrEBiTr.xPEXT Watkb Work., goes to show the higher order of Mr. He had accompanied the Diplomatic Corps well known here, and the with all its Ornci that removal of W. Sumner, a patient at was frequently seeu HoxoLVLr, July 3d. 1882. express and taken precedence 33 pre- in the diplomatic galleries at leaves attached, is fashioned into garlands creature" possessed of animated life Kalawao, to the Branch Hospital. Jsow in their Dean in the Capitol. ' persons having Water Privilege are notified Bound sentation to the President. After and wreaths with which to dock the rafters All by their emotions of pleasure, and this case action was taken hy the President the formal- The reception had been in A N L) I Rate are payabla Hemi-annualr- y, certifi- of pi ogrei for more than and crossing po'es of the house. ZK LA A, that their Water solace their hour of rest and recreation by of the Board of Health based upon a ities the reception were over, the late two hours when was Office of the Superintendent of cate hospital pbvsician, without one it interrupted, and had been The interior is divided into three com WKHHl.K. CeiMiaaaarr. in adrancu, at the music; and when we meet with instances of the Minister passed through the east room to one of unusual N'unanu Street, upon the 1st word or hint of influence from any other interest. But for the death of Mr. partments by sheets of snowy kapa, or Will LEAVL HONOLULU FOR SAN FRANCISCO Water Work, foot of of what we call dumb life in the lower the ante room to procure his hat and over- Allen it would have and July of each year. quarter. By the way, we would call atten been regarded as the most bril suspended from poles day of January probably coat, and, when t receive of bark cloth, the that ON OR ABOUT FEBRUARY II. Wilson". orders of creation, the exception is tion to the case of tnis man as an illustra- about them, fell liant affair the kind ever seen in the White C. B. effect our hospital and expired almost House. stretch across the hut from side to side, and Water Work. made by the want of sensitiveness on the tion of the beneficent of instantaneously. These Superintendent treatment. We remember seeing this pa- peculiar THE DEAD MINISTER. end to end, tying the walls together. The FOR SYDNEY VIA AUCKLAND I Interior, novll-t- f part of the human ear, rather than from circumstances, and the marked 8. K. Kaai, Minister of tient five years ago with swollen lobes of Elisha floor is covered with sma:l smooth pebbles, the actual absence of vocal or Instrumental publicity ofMr.Allen's death have been com- H. Allen was born in Greenfield. Mass., THE SM.ENDI! STEAMSHIP the ear, corrugated brows and the other on 1S04. over are laid heavy mats, braided of 1883. powers in the creature whom we exclude which are considered Indicative of mented upon by the Press m the United his aiher lieing representative of that dis which Licenses Erpirinp' in January, marks in Congress. was leaves of the h lc or from the list of those who give expression leprjosy ; but now the ears have returned to States very generally. His record is a good trict He educated at Williams the size, ridges Collate, and was the oldest living Alumnus of the These mats are made the full size of the Relall-Oa- ha. by sound to their sensations. Whether the their normal the diseased have and noble one, and has been published far Honolulu subsided, the suppuration of his hands have University. After being graduated, an room they are to be used in, and being 1 Wm Fennell, Kln at oyster is capable of a love song when woo- and wide in the country of his birth with at early 1 J W Kobertaon, Merchant at dried up, and the patient appears, notwith- age, he beiian the study of law. and was admitted piled one over the other renders the floor CITY OF NEW YORK. 3 Feck Sin?. Xanana at ing some elegant MissBevalve in the cool standing his age, comparative!) sound in encomiums and respect which reflect high to the Bar while a 3 Lam Wat See, Nouann at ' still very young man. He at soft and yielding to the foot. birth-plac- e, contrast with his condition when he enter- honor upon country I'OUIi. ('MMaaa'rr. 3 Sam'l Hotel kt depths of his is a point that is the of his adoption. once began the practice of his profession in his upon cool surface D at ed hospital. While commenting on Reclining their smooth H I LI. IKAVi: Ftltt 10L0MKS 3 Mann. KaUbi too profound to explore without a diving this The funeral services were performed in native town, and soon acquired a reputation for Till: 4 Kwoua; Yin King Co, Xuuanu at cases, we may mention that of the Rev. with apufM-fille- d pillow beneath our heads, 5 ban Wo Chong Co. Hotel it bell. Certain we are, however, that the Hospital. Washington city at All Souls' Unitarian legal knowledge and abilitv. He afterwards re ON OR ASOUT FEBRUARY 18. C at Co, Xanana at Kauwaa, a patient of the Branch and several more skillfully adjusted 'neath 8am Sting to Vt., 1330, 8 Lewera Cooke. Fort at fabled 's song is what remains to When he entered "about two years ago Church. His Excellency the President moved Brattleboro, and thence, in to house, For Frrifhl aud I'aaiage, apply to Co. Queen at our limbs by the old lady of the JO Honolulu Iron Work us of the music of the inhabitants of the sea his face presented a hideous leonine appear- of the United States, His Excellency the Eangor, Me., still continuing the successful prac 11. IIACKFKLD Co. A(eou. 10 at Jeeaett. King at ridged we ascertain that we can enjoy the novelty Ah at ance, with swollen brows and cheeks Secretary of State, the Committees on For- tice of the law. From Bangor Mr. Allen was sent NhlatiatCMt 10 i'eck. banana Koolaoloa whom a practical civilization has driven to sores, pre- of a lomilomi; after our long ride we feel arr Sieauarr caiai 12 Lai Sngar Plant Co. with red glistering and his back eign to Congress, where he was a contemporary of the fr 17 Venn Moon. ISauana at Honolulu unexplored regions, where they may yet be sented a most unseemly aspect, as it was Affairs of both the Senate and House, would be more acceptable, be Sierra, Crra af Charfe, ia lb as at Hon. Hannibal Hamlin. After finishing his term that nothing Flrcr.a IT Klatier Smith. Hotel The be- by of ridges and fur- other Senators and Representatives in a mr r Slew ear auar Ko'daupoko rediscovered. ancient Hawaiians covered a multitude as a representative from Maine, he removed to and we arrange ourselves for the operation. WareheHar the r W harf, ataeaman, cor King and Nunaau ata, Honolulu rows. The evidence of this condition was body, and the Diplomatic Corps, be- T J lieve that the pretty laud shells found on whole Boston, where he soon Stretched out upon the smooth, fragrant yj X . JIOMWIUi ilHUMJU preserved in well executed photographs. built up an extensive legal M RSSRS. H. IIAi'KFKI.n ft CO. are no prepared to la. 11 sing, pre- 23 A Karr. Hotel at the for. st vegetation of the islands and day presents a skin, sides numbers of other officials were business. In 1852 he was appointed United States mats, we are surprised 'to see kneel f'owu ue KKI'l'KN TltJAKT but een Hitwlula ant Man Fraa- - ConcbM Ac Ahung. Fort at low at this he smooth cisro lor I'J5 tn 24 one choose to try experiment of sent at funeral. The honorary pall- g round trip. 24 Ring Chong at Co, Hotel at if the and a pleasant smiling face. His back the Consul to Honolulu, in the Sandwich Islands. by us a couple of young and pleasant-lookin- 27 Da Quadras, King at glass Mannel M placing a live snail on a sheet of examined by the medical gentlemen last bearers were eight foreign Ministers, chosen After filling tnis oflice for four years, his abilities Bow Yuen. Hotel at females, whom we had not seen about i Tin fine he will see parti- Sunday showe 5 the complete, departure of were 25 Anee, King at " strewn wil.i sand, the in the order of their seniority of appoint- recognized by the Hawaiian Government, and the premises before. otk;i; the diseased proturbanccs that had formerly ; cle arrange themselves in geometric shapes ment the Ministers of the Republic of he was made Minister of Finance, and soon after- us Retail Maal. existed. On contrasting the photograph of We are not disposed to be over-curio- in To Shippers oi Freight and Paisengert 1 E Tlatchelor, Wailukn corresponding with certain well known llayti, of the Empire of Turkey, of the ward the Chief Justice of the Kingdom, which oflice 2 W Oirrln. - the patient on his entry into the hospital the matter, chiefly because we do not care, -- PEtt- J I'amakaapoko Kingdoms he filled for twenty rears. During his Chief 10 Chin Hop. Pale. curves or sound waves, which define the with his present appearances, the gentle- of Sweden and Norway, Portu- Jus and in addition, we do not wish to delay the 10 An Kaa, Sprerkela, Makawao rrfbving men considered his improved condition a gal, Spain and Belgium, ticeship he was several times sent as Minister 11 Chaa bwttfht. I'nkoo, Molokai note produced by the shell that and of the British s Hiiliclilic .very cheering and hopeful illustration of of proce-- to which we have submitted. and Lchuai Id Ah Cheoog. Ilonokohao. Lahaina the dull human ear cannot distinguish. and Chinese Empires. After the ceremony Plenipotentiary the Hawaiian Government to a 21 l. Akaaa. llaika the curability of leprosy. Inasmuch as a the United States to negotiate the Reciprocity With a preliminary smile that reveals 21 China Van. W'ailnka Not to multiply instances of the wide record has by Mr. at the church, the remains enclosed in a own! 23 Apo, Pal a, Hamaknapoko faithful been kept Van Treaty, which went into operation in 1376. Mr. set of most beautiful teeth all her Ahnng Ah Sam, Lahaina spread existence of musical sounds in ani- Giesen, the purveyor of tne hospital, of beautiful caskel, bestrewn with floral me- proceeds and 23 k Allen held a high position in the esteem of the our young friend to knead A - Ah WaJluka to treatment, well-shap- fTKH THK HK.TI UN I.IHK- 24 tie. mated nature, we revert to the considera- all particulars in relation the mentoes, were carried to the depot of the ed Of Tll: 30 Wong Alan, Makawaa highest officials of the land of his adoption. He mould our limbs with her small, i a I.1KK on Sunday, January Ttu, ahe will be hauled by de- President of the Board of Health has ordered up for repaint. tion of the influence exerted their duplicates Baltimore and Potomac R. R. preceded by was a trustee of Oahu College, of Sailors' ha mis, tracing with dexterous fin- Retail Hawaii copies of the particulars with of a the T Fong "Wo. Makapnla. X Kohala velopment. In purely savage natures the photographs, also taken by the pur- military escort ordered by the Secretary' Home, and of the Queen's Hospital of Oahu. gers the course of our tired muscles, and by 8 Ong at Co. Makapala. H Kobala the The Steamer LEHUA Tnrk fol lowed by t Aw a. Kao inborn love of music finds expression in the veyor, to be sent to medical gentlemen of War, and the Presiden t of the When the Reciprocity Treaty went into ertVc-- he driving from HCW Pakola. her scientific nitnipuiation on 14 J W Armitage. Ilonokaa, Hamakna production of simple sounds that har- and institutions in various parts of the United States, the Secretary of State, the was sent to this country as Resident Minister i:i to Will be placed ou the l.ikellke'a route, and wilt leave IT Kwong Wo Yuen, Uonoma, Bllo matter and them all latent aches, and causitig t tern Tuexday, January Dth, for the uaual iKirta on Maul aud M world. We trust that in this in Diplomatic Corps and members the-tim-e 19 Ho rin. Pnnahoa. monize with each other, and serve to carry country of both Washington, which position he held at of tingle delightfully. Each joint is flexed Hawaii. 19 O H Holmea. Waipto. Hamakna other similar resnects. our little on of passion, whether of love or - i Houses of Congress. Every honor that pro- his death. 27 C Mainerke, Waiohinn. Kan the tide will be able to make no inconsiderable con- and reflexed, until we feel us supineas old The Steamer Mokolii Kawal. revenge, until the brains of listeners and tribution to the stock of medical science in found esteem and distinguished considera- When Mr. Allen left Honolulu his tlejiartm e was at- rolling motion, the Retail tended by Impressive ceremonies, which were pnrtici-pate- d rags. With a peculiar 1 regard to this fearful disease, which excites tion could inspire was accorded ; and the will titke the Lchua'a route, aud mill IcaVe on Mulay, Afaa. Kolas performers are excited to the same pitch of by King and the Ministers. The Honolulu knuckles of their hands are moulded into 1 Apol. - the deepest interests In the minds of. physi- - ; in the Januarys, for Molokai and liaua, Maui. 1 Apoi, Hanapep frenzy, or dulled to a common degree of kindness and eminent honors shown by all Chamber of Commerce held a special meeting in his curves our bodies, and of 5" cians generally all over the world. the angles and 6-- The accommodation of Uie licinif liiaited, 3 Wo Hop Km, lianapepw, Koloe one of savage the high officials of the Great Republic honor, which was addressed by the King, and resolutions will Chang repose. Introduce into those We were pleased with the strong expres- - is prolonged until all symptoms of in khipper of treiarht will take notice that ftviuht IT Fan. ilanalel recognizing his service In negotiating the Reciprocity this oulv be shipped in the order it ia received. The , 19 Kwong Long, Kilaoea communities the softening and refining influ sions of commendation which the medical were most marked, and are an occasion for on Treaty were presented. hia arrival United voluntary resistance our part have firat down bitig first hlped. No freight will be re. IDUS Finkbam. Koloa ences of civilization, and the most successful gentlemen saw fit to use in regard to the . the most grateful and earnest considera After in the ceipted fur after 3 p.m. ou the day of of altlier 37 Aioiaa. Kapaa, Kawaihaa States an elegant service of silver was sent him from the vanished, and we are rolled from side to dtariure condition of hospital, the sufficiency ; ateauiur harmonizer is found to be music. Instinctively the tion of our country. The Department of Islands as a from merchants and WILIEltea CO. WhalftaU. and cleanliness of the lodgings, and every- - i Sandwich tribute the side ami kneaded into a state of blissful janGwtf 1 H EM-Intyra- Bra, cor Fort and King ata Honolulu nature seems to be incapable of being took special pains to pay planters in acknowledgment of his services to the com the that thing provided for the welfare of these un- - J State the most lassitude that leaves us nothing to desire In S Caton Fee.1 Co, Fort at merce Df the Kingdom. Mr. A lieu held a high social 4 Kwong Yin Sing Co, Xanana at " impressed by lessons of abstract truth, or sus people which faithful care and marked respect to the remains of the late fortunate Washington, was the way of perfect rest. via New York. j position in and loved and esteemed by For Saltaaw.. ceptible to the importance of moral obligations, ample provision can supply for them. We Minister, Mr. Williams,an officer of the De- manipulated by being : all with whom he came in contact. He was a man of the Our heads are 4 Ealeiheana Ac KaiUo, Walalua. Oabu will expand and soften nnder the influence of hope, as we have said, that these traveling partment, was ! detailed to accompany the 9 Clkoopaca, Panwela. Makawao medical srentlemen, whose disinterested strictest integrity, and not a single stain blemishes his forcibly piessed between the palms of the Firearaaa. melody. At first the music introduced amongst opinions would be of such value to us, and body to Boston, Mass., there to represent long official career. His sudden death was a great shock hands, in such a manner as to seemingly 4 Oil Lace. Jr. Kona. Oahu a primitive people will impress it3 more simple who cannot possibly be effected by any poli- the President and the Secretary of State at to his family, several of whom are residents ot this city. sensibly alter the shape of our sinciput and 5 Young Ning. " " effect-edth- He was a widower, and leaves live adult children Mr notes r.pon them, and their songs be character tical prejudice,which has so seriously e the interment. In this capacity he accom occiput. All of th se motions tend to drive Retail Spirit. discussion of leprosy here, will visit the William F. Allen, Collector of the Tort of Honolulu : Mr. HLjincs ized by a monotony of expression that partakes panied Mr. F. H. Allen, the late Minister's Elisha H. Allen, jr., Mr. Frederick K. Allen, and Miss the spine, and . 3 H Tlelra, Beehiva Saloon hospital from to time, and take such any latent headache down Cunard of a song i3 time Mary Allen, city, Mrs. Weasel- - Cake Pewdli ac-t- i of the nature chant. Then the observations as will enable them to arrive son who is the Secretary of the Hawaiian of this and William P. by forcibly pinching the back of the neck KNTA HI. 111 Kll tft4. Akeo modified bv the adoption of chords, almost some satisfactory conclusion for them- Liegation.- - hoeft of Huston. Mr. Elisha H. Allen, jr.. left the city 14 A at yesterday for AVashington as soon as he heard of his the operator sends a series of electric thrills 34 Chong always in a minor key, and invariably sweet. selves, and at the same time assist our own Ah father's death. through our bodies, and out at: the tins. jwSailinqs...Eypi. Wfok Victanliac The transition to a full melody is often made at physicians with their views. Death of His Ex. Elisha H. Allen. 3 Akin. Kaneoha, Koolanpoko mmam I nnr uiicisuuu toes. j 4 Af, Lahaina once, and a national song is born. These com (Daily, January 25.) 9 Loo Kan, Makapala, X Kohala exponent sj'stematlc and wide-sprea- d observa- THE LAST SAD BITES FTTNEUAL 8EBVICE8 OF THt 17 L Awana. Kapaaa. positions stand ever after as the true The U'r, 1,.. -- I.I lC.,- - 1 . t 4l FOR LIVERPOOL: 19 Kwong Lang. Kilaaea, HanaJet of the character of a people as a nation, and tions of meteorological phenomena which LATE ELISHA H. ALLEN, HAWAIIAN MINISTER. mle the gentle palmists nave M 1 T FROM SEW YORK EVERY WEDXESIHY, 33 Allen tack pole, Kawaibae are now, From the New York Times. at Lahaina, when Time has wasted the energies of under Governmental auspices, -- been keepiug up a ceaseless chatter with 33 Ahung Ah Sam, Maul even The fjsnual of thelai&JLwjrnijm .Tvpivttfte-r- T r a w FROM 30 Antone Baxba, Wailuka J ' un- BOSTON KYF.RY S4TIBD1Y those who brought it into existence, and they being carried on throughout E r , . . . w.j. ".vrWot, oppo- each other, that not only being totally 31 Abaca, Uana -- uave a handful of exiles, the United States, and the Colon xtwiil j u- -- . VnViw; it on. all intelligible to us, but soft and harmonious Park Batcher. may dwindled into ..vt sition to watch Governmental action, RATES OF PASSAGE : 11 Wan Foo Kee, Hotel at, Honolulu song remains with them not so much as a relic year to be of v.vflJS.f and jsrBrfTTElisha H. Allen, took place from All Souls' chlurch and if is not in accord principles with vocals, produce somewhat of the effect 30 Afat, Wailaku prove it with CABIN' HO nad UOO COl.t of the past as an emblem of their character when yesterday morning, and the detailn aa stated in pertaining to public of merry waters rippling over a pebbly bed Billiard. "greatest importance to the welfare, it should According tu Aecotninualv loo. 1 Hamakaa .' the The Republican were fully carried out, except J W Armltage, Eonokaa. a nation Tfiiii. be promptly and sharply criticised. We in some shady recess of a deep cove wood. A-- agriculture, and science. OX 23 .Be Hop to, Kaholui, Maul - ..--- .erce the body remained in the Hamilton house UKTtR.N TICKETS FAY0R1UI.K TERMS. " i that will go farther, and be willing to accept not There is a dreamy fascination, too, in the Along course of the great rivers the ; Batcher. the in until nearly the hour set for the commencement of KAOK tri-dai- ly steady gaze of a pair of full, soft black eyes, TK 38 CtVKKIC:t 13 Kekabtll. !f Kohala United States measurements are , merely a criticism, but also allow a sharp toJool accurnmnlation can always be aeeured a appliCHliua 31 Market the services, when it was borne into the church by John O Lewia, ..r c . .1 r censorious discussion of a public officer. heavily shaded with long silken lashes, and iijituc in ti..luc ueigub ui tk.i im wuici,i uuu ; six young men. It was met at the door by Rev. and Baa t. Daily, January 23.) uuui depths we read un- WILLIAMS. DIMONU CO., the central office of the Storm-signa- l Bureau Dr. Shippen, the pastor of All Souls', who pre- - They are fair game for the politician in their fathomless JAS. Al.KX.N'lKR, can Franctocn, Is several medical publicist. People to see utterable things. About this time we begin W State rHreet, Boaton, dec13 There at this time at Washington bulletins are telegraphed to ceded the remains down the aisle. .They were fol--j and the like the VHRNON II. BKOWM 4c CO.. area Bowline; Directory of The v: JjJ gentlemen, eminent in their profession, on the commercial centres, and freights and j lowed by the nshers, Messrs. Chew, Richardson, public dignitaries overhauled, and" we feel to wish that we had a superficial of 4 Uraen, New York. Seelye, j pall-bear- -I body, Daniel in order that a visit to our Islands. Dr. T. T. charters, purchases and sales are made in j Macomb, and Payne, and the honorary assured that His Majesty's present Ministry like Lambert's, Notice to Paaaenicen Irom , New Zealand ami llono Itce" Department of ; of Amherst Col- - ers, Mr. Stephen Preston, Bey, Count expected, when th y took office, full the process may be Indefinitely prolonged lulu The Cuimnl Line afford mure than uiual fucilltiri to Aristarchi their Trina-Pacifl- brother of the President accordance with the " probabilities " affect- j through paaiengera from o Porta, the frequency of the Kingdom. ; Lewenhaupt, Viscount Nogueiras, but shcIi riot being' the case, and our entire itaaailinga precluding all piaaibility of delay In New York. lege ; Dr. Thoinas B. Bennett, of London the transportation by water of merohan- - j das Senor Don share of criticism and abuse, and thus far inj CT Uuod Accommodation! alway rearrved. W. Ollino, surgeon of the Italian j Francisco Barca, Hon. Mr. We.st, and Cheng Tsao they have shown no disposition to com- bodies having been gone over more than Marahal C. Parke and Giuseppe dise and products. j , VKENON II. BROWN k CO.. Xarshal David Dayton for some j Ju, the Chinese Minister. Mr. Frederick Allen we on ac- once, we are forced to dismiss our lomilomi-ists- mar 4 Howlina Oreen. New York. Deputy army; also Mr. Douglass Wolcott, On the great lakes, as well as on the sea- - j plain. Nor will complain their j walked with his sister, Miss Allen, and followed by is no longer any excuse to time past a missionary in British India. board, the arrival and departure of vessels count ; but we feel indignant at attacks when there A. FEANK COOKE, Maui ..T.W. Everett Waikapn thoughtful, scientific gentlemen, i Mr. Elisha Allen, jr., and friend Dr. Smith. upon King, whose position places him detain them. m o t r ; i They are are predicated upon the latest weather re- the OFFICE. Hawaii ...Jj.t iTtrraiivc to study disease The President and cabinet came into the church public even There is a glorious feeling of rest stealing Kauai S. W. Wilcox Lihue and naturally anxious the ports, and obedience to the warnings given outside of criticism. Yet, in (T at 11:30 and marched down the aisle in the follow- us we lie upon soft mats and CORNER tfrjUAtf & QUEEN STREETS. of leprosy as it is developed in this - His Majesty's case, a fair criticism might over as the Depctt Shxbitfs. by the "danger signals" raised at marine Freling-huyse- n, last Sunday, ing order : The President and Secretary be wholly objectionable; listlessly gaze through the open doorway ata IIOXOI.UL.L', II. I., Oahxt. country. By invitation, stations is made a condition by insurance Secretaries Folger and Lincoln, Secretary not but such base Ewa and Waianae Anakalea Eauhi 21st they met the President of and unworthy comments, and mischievous group of natives squatted around a huge uTK Or X3 ISJ MV the instant, underwriters. Teller and Postmaster-Gener- al nowe, and Mr. Waialua .. Jesse Amana Dr. to calabash of poi. We are too supremely POIl Koolaaloa Kanaihilo the Board of Health, Dr. Fitch, and In the grain-growin- g districts the records John Davis, Assistant Secretary of State. The words, calculated provoke bad blood, and comfortable to feel any hun- The Following PacI&ctK Koolanpoko. , Asa Kaulia Hagan, at the Branch Hospital at Fish- of the annual rainfall in past years have President and members of the cabinet were seated which have appeared in two of our contem- indolent WAILELK, Maui. and are therefore well con WAIOI.I. erman's Point. Mr. A. F. Cook, who accom- been carefully studied, and the prospective in the second and third pews, adjoining those set poraries, are utterly disgraceful and intoler- ger at the sight, WAIEIItr, WAIMAI.H, Lahaina K. Newton Mr, "Wolcott, was ef the party. Corps. All the foreign able. The proprietor of one Mr. tent to remain where we are and watch M1LOLO, KAI.UNA, J- - panied price of cereals is largely influenced by their apart for the Diplomatic paier, Kaanapali A. Kaukau MAMA, JUI.I A, D. Kapeno Over two hours were spent in a careful comparison present pro- legations were represented, many of the members Walter Hill, and the responsible editor and them. IIonnala with the time the spread a clean mat upon the KA MUI, KIII'KaI. Wailuku John Richardson observation and discussion of the many ducer and buyer discounting the future accompanied by ladies. All the ladies were attired part proprietor of the other, Mr. A.T.Atkin- They have Makawao.. 8- - F. ChilUnpworth in black. The members of both the Senate and son, are both holding good offices, are surface of pebbles t hat form the platform on J- - Gardner cases examined. We are not prepared at erop in terms in accordance with deduc- and I liana House committees on Foreign Affairs Mere present $2000 which the hut stands, and. placing in the FLAG :Red, with White Ball Molokai and L&nai Lililehna present to give the conclusions of these tions made from these reports. each receiving about per annum from marll ly Hawaii. gentlemen In respect to the disease. We We might enlarge upon this topic by in a body. The Justices of tho Supreme Court, the Public Treasury. Some sense of decency middle the calabif h spoken of, lull of the Senators, and Representatives in Congress, party-lookin- g North mio D. B. Wahine dare say themselves, as we trust, will presenting some points bearing upon and should restrain these men. We know that, preparation of halo called Hamakna D. F. Sanford that the other officials were assigned to seats in the body of arrange around it heaps of dried Oceanic Steamship ConVy. Vacant defer the expression of any positive opinions value to science of the systematic observa- on some occasions, His Majesty has treated poi, little South Kohala the church. The ladies of the cabinet were to the fish, broiled squid, roasted k kui nuts, salt, North Kohala O. P. Kamanoha until they have made further visits and tion of meteorological changes; but, for the them with his wonted courtesy and 12 A I (Acting.) right of the main aisle. shrimps. Til IKON North Kona D. Makainai more extended examinations. One state- present, we confine ourselves to the prac- urbanity. They could have nothing to seaweed, crabs and Then the South Kona D. II. Nahinn The service consisted of the singing of the Hymn family, with all the others that chance to Kan E- - Smith ment of much interest was made by Dr. Ben- tical bearing it has u pon the growth and No. 77C, the "Lachryniosa" from Mozart's requiem complain of; and that they should, without j'nna J- - M. Kauwila In charge of a London of sugar. Mr. E. Mac Donnell, provocation, reproduce in their columns be present, arrange themselves in a ciicle, nett, that he, while manufacture mass, and the anthem, "Thy Will he Done." Dr. d arm-lengt- of thej)ot,-an- the feast Kafai. hospital, had frequently met cases of the Meteorological Observer at Sydney, N. Shippen read several selections from the scripture, extracts from the most shameless and scur- within D- - IT. Tlanalel W Kaupena report for 1881, a brief though eloquent address, re- rilous specimens of journalism in America begins. W. E. II. Deverill leprosy in Lascars and other Oriental S. W., has published his and delivered a shallow calabash, filled with Nanwiliwilii most touchingly to the lesson of mortality is, to our amazing. Along First STEAMER SUEZ Kr l . Pnniwai sailors ; that such cases were by no means and a study of its contents by the editor of ferring mind, with water, is handed round, into which they Waimea P-- B. noli that'gSeat port of England, and The Sugar Planter, shows " the value taught by the sudden death of the deceased, and this miserable, atrocious libel, utter- dip fingers and then dry them on a bit Will Sjb Palohaa rare in that their lpff FranrWro fur lluaalnla Iht ttlh Day Kawaihaa were continually cases of leprosy registering the rainfall, and temperature, ! giving a short sketch of his active and honorable ing the meanest fillibusteriug sen- of kapa. The sleeve of the right arm is there of of F.tth Month, returning from llunolala wit, places career, i ne cortege inen proceeueu iu me jaiuuiore timent in America, there came from tucked up, and one after the other they brought from the Levant and other or recording the greatest barometric arid dip, one, two or three fingers into the plas- tltf Day r Earh Vege- and yet medical authority had magnetic disturbances of every and Potomac depot in the following order: Band, that great land the noble manifestations of iii Maatli. To Fruit Flower, and farther East, smallest military escort of four companies of the second tic p i, and with a dexterous twirl, extract Government high culti- the mighty, generous, and magnanimous a mass varying in size accordiug to the pos- never advised, nor had the sugar district are imperative, If artillery, hearse, carriages containing pall bearers, SAN FRANCISCO AGENTS, Growers I necessary, uch cases should results are demanded people, when all the high dignitaries of sible dimensions of the mouth to which it table deemed it that vation and successful members of the cabinet, and diplomatic corps. conveyed. There is a practiced skill be segregated, or treated elsewhere than in for plantations." The result of his observa- the nation bestowed the most distinguished is Jno. D. Spreclcels & Bros The place of final interment has not been defi- respect and honor to the remains of evinced in the manner in which this feat is AVIXO MADE ARBASBpiK.ysiw the general hospital. Mr. Wolcott, in com- tions of the shade temperature extending nitely the remains will be temporarily the performed. The head is thrown back, the 327 IMarket Straet. settled, but of our humble little State. II menting on the disease, spoke of cases over a series of years shows that it Is a placed in the vault at Mount Alburn cemetery, representative eyeij closed, the mouth opened and the HONOLULU AGENTS, 10,000 ORASOE LEMON' TREES, where lepers with suppurating sores and fact, good colored sugars are never near Boston. That noble and generous spirit is the senti- adhesive mass vanishes. The fingers, are that and a pinch of G. Seedllofa andi come HAWAIIAN MINISTER DTINO IN AN ANTEROOM ment that truly command. in great withdrawn clean salt Wm. Irwin & Co. Rooted 0 rape Cattlnr. exposed decayed limbs had under his made from extra cloudy season. The THE HOT Aim Walnut. Peach. Apricot. placed on the tongue and tasted with a ami. 1S81-S- RECEPTION ABANDONED. abusive, Plant and Prune Treea, observation In the hospital and even on sugars of 2 crops prove this assertion..' AN rNVSCALLY BRILLIANT America. The cowardly, and smacking relish that almost makes our an occasional ALL OF THK the highways of India, nevertheless, lie also finds that cycles of temperature Washington, January 1. While tha President fillibustering spirit has had mouth witter. At times we note one pause ! the Government had not deemed it as is instanced in many natural phe- and his friends and visitors were happily celebra- expression there, but the genius of the with two or three fingers loaded with pot', TIME Choicest Varieties Grown in California exist, y TABLE necessary to Institute any system of segre- ting the advent of the new year in the White Great Republic has invariabli' crushed it. which is tent from falling ofFby beinggen-tl- I ahaU be hrPT to receive and fill ordm for any nam her nomena. waved to and fro, and turned from side mar be reoatred, a2 reasonable price. gation. was also further mentioned throughout this group should House to-d-ay the sudden appearance of death This was illustrated when one Walker, il It The planters thl tbe-Pro- Treea are now id to side in the air, while the bear r makes a The Crapee and eaaof fro. j nota- shocked the assembly and brought the ceremonies representing precisely the m mr place la Kahhl Valley, where I aa been eipennent that, in Norway, which suffers more keep regular records of rainfall, shade tem- sentiments remark, or joins in the heartv laughter that the few yeara with eralifjinf reaaliet the vine to an end. The first persons received by the Pre- which our contemporaries have published, is breaking down mUMHailKEIKI lat U- -e ef aellmg bly than any European country from this perature, direction and force of winds, and always out; after which taring frrt m f irTKKN MONTHS Iron tt. sident were the members of tho Cabinet and diplo- goes the lump neatness and dis- . out ine etttiiog- - 1 will alao hare disease, the Government had erected a hos- kind of clouds. The barometer had induced a number of misguided Ameri- "with ICIINJ-O- aniountaJk corps, at 11 o'clock. The Hon. Elisha H. patch." Maajfor, ! Legislature has never provided indicatioiy'Are matic can men to accompany him on an expedi- Kinds pital, but its also an important element and Minister Plenipo-teniar- y Our fair 0Jm7aiMsts Join the group, and Small Fruits of all Allen, Envoy Extraordinary to invade, like robbers, the peaceful Steamer Likellke will leave Honolulu each Twrattav "trawber-ri-- a. making segregation compulsory. or tion room is for them, we are 4 p. -- 0uc BlaekNrrriea. Bapberrie. Curr.nl aad any law in determlnirxK the approach of storms from the Hawaiian Islands, was the Dean while made able M.. touching at Lahaina. Maalaea Hay, Ukt,ua Ida do well proper Healiuea in tbeae lalaoda. homes of people of Central America. to tell from a certain embarrassed they Lukoua. Kawaihae, Laupahoeuo and Hilo ' all of afcich la and Hawaii is doubtless the only country in the their subsidence; and we yvould suggest of long service the air bapry to fura M partiea with auch plant, of the corps by virtue his in that wear, Returning will touch at all too above ak lahallbe .orreapoodent tor-T- r This man had his career cut short by Pauld- together with the frequent repetition Honolulu Sunday wrlfliiii euti.naathey may .elect; and. if a.ll world where the segregation of lepers has that the RoyalN Hawaiian Agricultural office. He led the way from the red room to the 4 each a.m. ar of word haole or white I with particalara in regard to their loratioo, eleratwo. ing, commander of an American man-of-w- the man," that i, erlec-Uo- ns made legal and compulsory by legis- Society embody work organiza- by his son Frederick, of aoU and condition of moisture, I can make each been in their the parlor of state, accompanied they are being joked with on our account. rmtllF. knd - LIKKI.IKK WI,L. I.KtVK II -i- be adapieJ ri a percentage system was detain- a grandson of the noted revolutionary What 1 H'HAKF at 4 v. and NO rec'-lv!- . then. a. ll rLOMfcK--'"!"- 1 lation. Of course larger tion of a of meteorological reports, Secretary of Legation. His daughter with the feeling of lassitude that t.. retubt will he A of R09E, CUAMCM8 and after a p. M. Due notice ia Mven. larrarity for Ffower and afflict- illnea.-- i of her grandmother. Paulding who turned him over to the has crept over us in consequence of the of tbl rule, aiul it N BL LB3 to order. SEEDS the of the population in this country are and present a synopsis of the same in their ed in Maine by the be earned ont Uuvli viu luii.ebl Growera, and true to people so flag- lomilomi-in- g we undergone, WILUKK fc Co Vegetable Cardeo, IRE3U from the ed malady, and this may be re- published proceedings. There is a great deal The venerable Minister paid his respects to the authorities of the he had have enhanced AddreM: with the as it is by perfect repose around us, asme. more President, and not long afterward, while other rantly injured, and they put a speedy the and IMotice. Order left at tbia Offlca will receive attention. garded as sufficient reason why of material in the shape of records in the the luxurious coolness of the soft mats, the restrictive measures have been established past that can, doubtless, be procured which guests were being received, he went to the ante- termination to his mischievous career. drowsy influence of the soft air stirring the HERBERT. room to get his hat and coat. While in the ante- We are not surprised when men of imper- overhead, C7,IK KM M A WM.l. I.KAVK A. elsewhere. According to the would be of much value in the study of our rustling leaves of the thatch and H 'noMtta ewryTl-MlM- IIOXOLlLf, 11. I. here than by disease of the iAVi! at 4 p. in f. jinl wtf observation of scientific men thus far, there climate and its changes, and if those who room he was suddenly prostrated fect education, and those who have fallen the knowledge of the fact that we have Some of gnasts came to his assistance, nothing else to do, we drop asleep with the Ac com-municabil- ity heart. the into low and vicious associations, should Walalua y. WILKINSON, is no settled opinion in regard to the are now in the habit of noting the rainfall vision of a plumy kahili or feather fan, Walanaf, 3IHS. H. and the Surgeon-Gener- al and Dr. Rasil Norris.who delight in talk derogatory of the most Returning Saturday.. Kor freight or of the disease under ordinary and other atmospheric disturbances would once gave him all waving to and fro over our heads. Page, hating auper. - were attending the reception, at honored things or persons, but men urosnin acnom.oori tuona, apply ti 103. FORT- STBB5T circumstances. Our Legislature years ago notes to be published, much that HER cause their the aid in their power. Their efforts were in vain, education, like Mr. Hill and Mr. Atkin- jly2'Jdtf DETF.RMIXF.D TO OFFER may be said to acted under im- ac- of Captain on HAS etuire etork of Trimmed and Vntrunmed have the valuable information would be quickly for he died atl2.20, having been stricken down at son, should cause such villanous abuse to Very severe weather was experinced in South- Board. pulse of a scare, influenced by the medical cumulated. noon. be republished and circulated with a view ern Germany during the latter part of Decem- was led to Allen, to IVTOTICB ! HATS and BONNETS. men of that time, when it enact A few minutes after the death of Mr. the to pander the sentiment of a vicious, ber and heavy floods have occurred in the most repressive measures, which not only injuries sustained by a was told of the sad event. Leaving the ignorant class is a matter of erreat sur- In consequence of the President regret us. Rhine Valley. A bridge in Lorrnch, in Baden, TIIK STEAMER Children's Clothing deprived a man of his liberty, but also of Monta- - were assisting him in receiving guests, prise and to We think that, recent railway accident in Australia, the ladies who when they father and circulate such trea- has been washed away, and twenty person who . AND ante-roo- m body lay, and property. The execution of these legis- er 150 he went to the where the his gue-Turn- Troupe have received 400. sonable insinuations against the peace of were on the structure at the time were drowned. went the upper part of the house deeply J. H. BLACK provisions has been in the hands of re- then into Ladies White & Linen Suits lative of this sum is made up of 7arious amounts the country, they should at least nave the The floods are rapidly extenJing, and much WILL. several administrations of the Government. effected. The Marine Band was at once ordered to grace to forego t.ie emoluments that they AT A presenting the claims of members of the troupe destruction of property is resulting. The flood cease playing, and the people who stood in crowds receive from the Government which they Meet Wahu-kon- x Perhaps not less than a dozen Ministries awarded 80 waters have reached Cassel Worms, the Steamer LIKE LIKE at generally, two of whom have been outside were told that the reception had been abuse. These shameful publications have and and had to deal with the question during wide-sprea- have ; cch, one 25, one 20, one 15, and others abandoned.' The body was then placed in Mr. aroused a d and jut indignation both places are partially submerged. every week after December lit. Large XMscount the past fifteen years ; and there has been ' throughout community. MARKET PRICES 10 or 5 each. The balance, 230, goes to Allen's carriage and taken to his hotel. The White the 811 K WILI every opportunity to carry out the measure The Army and .Yavy Journal states that covers tho loss j recently been renovated with great the the principals of the troupe, and House had Run Regularly on ! of segregation. It is a shameless falsehood expense, and the President had The Victoria (Australia) revenue returns for Wachusett, Com. Fred. I'earson, has been or- the Kona Coast which they sustained by being delayed two care and at great In order to make room for her to say that the King interferes with the very returned to it from his cottage at the past quarter show that the receipts for that dered to Honolulu fo take part in the coronation TakUig Freight and paaenreri. for further particular - by having to go to the ex- recently the nights in Bathurst, to-da- action of the health authorities in this the Soldiers' IIom. The reception of y was period amounted to 1,450,000, being an in- ceremonies of His Majesty King Kalakaua, She no28 wdec2 tf HEW and ELEGANT STOCK pense of reprinting and advertising, and by dtt CAPTAIN ON BOARD. offered, matter. There is not an officer of the Gov- regarded as the opening of a very brilliant social crease of 7C,2oO compared with the correspond- may be looked for daily. The Itkawana, To Tbia opportunity ia ooe not often of arrire. Having to pay for the hiring halls. ! At very good In food order, and Mra. ernment, who can say that he has been season at the White House. the threshold Captain Henry Wilson, left Calla Jjecember 10th a (he are all ' ' ing quarter in 1881. The revenue for the year Anstro-Hungari- an the reception WING WO CHAN & CO.. WJkinaoo would arneatly ak ber interdicted or intimidated by the royal influ- Count de Winnipufen, the came this terrible shock, and which 5,090.000, being an increase of for Honolulu, nud laay ulao be expected to ar- in gloom. amounted to patrona to ence on this subject. It is true that in Ambassador to the Italian Court, committed opened so brightly and joyously ended 209,000. rive at any moment, IMI'OKTKKH AMI GKVKRAL DRAM of December by shooting The residents of the White House are deeply American and Chinee Pruviaioua, some Instances the King has listened to the sufcide on the 30th Plantation Tea and General Bnppliea, Pi rat-Cla- TTCSPDOT THE STOCK Allen said The culture of amber sugar-can- e seems Choi ra has occurred at Medina, in Arabia, Alao. AT HER appeals of his suffering people, and occa- himself with a revolver immediately after ha affected by the event. Mr. yesterday White and Colored Contract Matting all qualitiaa aud, to end hi3 days here. All of his to be quite successful around Dayton, in aud ten deaths are resulting daily from the pricea. sionally addressed a note of suggestion or had alighted from his carriage. It is under- that he intended N. 8? JiVVASV STRKET, Reduced Prices J children except one are in the United States. He Washington Territory epidemic. JelSwly Oypoaite Mr. Q. Greatly no2)d W25 tf recommesdation, giving reasons for some stood that his mind was deranged. Afou' J it . n I ; tH Mr J F Mowi. Mr H C Mat. WrUmMmU.Ur-- I The Still taxm B. Alle has already begun dis-- v. ' 1 Uhv ttj l aim M ) --' J

3 PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, JANUARY 27. 1883. hinted at anything THE HAWAIIAN SUGAR QUESTION. against the treaty, or even Qtvt &flrrrtisnatnts. San .Correspondence. contemplates will be quite another work at ita workings. Francisco build. His but gratification from the one he undertook to canso of complaint is (TEOil OCB nrKC OtfcrSI'ON&KNT.) a part of the thirty Mr. De Young says the IAL critics insinuate that , -- Claus Spreckels' Letter to the CUicaso Every million francs already expended may have LEVIS IT & OO., u the high price cf sugar in this State. LETTERS, Sax Francisco, January 11, 1SS3. J. Tribune," Refuting the Statements of file ol LIST OF good will, or at and the Call-fornia- n, gone toward securing the -- wholesale grocer can tell you, V All the papers. Eastern as well as press, 31. Tribune" emul nlncr In tlio (viicrral Puat all events, the silence of the French I3ei to notify the Yullic that they II. de Youns to the commercial paper iu thi cjty that has a ft. Ot&ca January J. 1SX. are full of articles on Hawaiian for not an adverse whisper is heard, though every remains as Reporter. beei. Icing in existence will hhow, that the yearly A matters the abrogation of the treaty and the crossing of the Chagres river : seven years AIf.r.l Wrn Anderaou T Au lntonW 2 great a problem as ever. But the patriotic UAVi: OW vX HAND AND TO ARRIVE average price of refined sugar in the Mrs Atenincba Orneato the coming coronation, and the sad death of San Fraxcisco, December 2. tower Anln French regard the cutting of the canal as a Y the treaty has been in existence) has beeu Judge Elisha Allen, Dean of the Diplomatic - f Tribune : have B good deal a national enterprise, and the To the Editor the Chicago I than in the neven years prior to tha treaty that BUladrll J I'.loaaom ItrowD Mrs Jno Corps and Minister from Hawaii, occurred debonnalr Le?eps presiding at a banquet read your article of tho 7th ultimo, purporting fluctuations Isaac I'.rainanl T Barret t H It on Public Works is, from 1S0S to lS75-a- ud that the Bright Jam BaknUlMEL strangely enongh just at the moment of this given by the contractors be report of au interview with Mr. M. IL ths valus universal he in Paris, announces that the scheme for the to also have been less violent. Besides interest in the Government re- eocenes, Young, of the Sau Franciaco figures be Fresh Lot of de proprietor by ths Cbtpman "W A Coake C I ox Cary A creation of inland sea in Africa will of the export trade as indicated represented. He was the diplomat in the C7.roncZ, Outrageoua iloaopoly." ft Cabral Tboa Coy Charla CaTaoagb W A sumed by private enterprise, which sounds headed " given, the business furnished employment to Condon rDM Crowdar J no Clarke Mlas "n.e loEgest consecutive service, and to thia fact as if his spirits were not greatly dashed. Both American and European, a Co L F rata F X The San Franciaco Chronic' for more than and stcani-to- ost of which Caty CcibumW was due his recognition as Dean of the Herr Most, German Socialist leader ar- T(,i.ii will compare favorably i:h lb sto.k A ANY hmsi In town, and wblch fleet of vessels sail Colllna Clarke Mr F Christian C the year past baa missed no of attack- and th profits Cohan Una Cbant J Coaaab A A corps. Much Interest was felt in the cour- rived in New York on the ISth December opportunity are owned by American citizeus. A U per- the United merchants Cbaw Annie 2 Cox O Cnnba A tesies shown by the Diplomatic Corps and and created very little enthusiasm, his at i Psrice ing the treaty of reciprocity between of which go into the pocket of our o sonal appearance and voice are against Will aold Reasonable Statee and the Hawaiian Kingdom, and and shipowners. There are also eight or nlns Jno the United States Government toward the for ; his I)n9EC Iayaa R Iickaon him, hard luck an orator but - OTJii at the same inter-Ulan- d trade, all Lievla P Lhincaa It T as posi- ita operations. It baa steamers engaged iu the f U dead Minister, he held the double speeches seem simple and comprehensive, Laff F H lavi Frvaton a iHrrcaa Mua time attacked the. sugar-produci- interests at were built iu the United States, and ' Li'Acey Jno tion of a citizen of the United States and a the one note of Communism kill. In of which Uunfonl Wa Uix.YUaaX ng Almonds, sugar-reflni- interest iu Dela- representative of Kingdom of Hawaii. Chicago he assured his audience that the Raisins, Walnuts, the Islands and the two steamships are now building on ths r the had come when the people had best city. In ita attacks upon the treaty and the of $1,000,000 for Footer Uia E A Fitzgerald Jaa Fsabter Mr On the 9th Senate took a vote on the time this ware at an approximate cost Fare Focke H the kill everybody, and divide up everything; Candied and Assorted Extracts, industries which the IXronide assumes axe to a and Honolulu. From reference of the Hawaiian Treaty resolu- but no immediate massacre seems to have Peel the trade betwoen bore o ARK greater or less extent benefitted by it, caargea that the incidental ad- Uleaaon Win Oulta Chaa Urant Jaa tion, which is considered as tending toavor supervened. It is said that this terrible this it will be apparent Ooinde Jo Ooncber Jaa Ulbba Jno B leveller's claims to notoriety are that he is have been made which are without warrant in vantages flowing from this trade are, perhaps, the abrogation of the treaty. The contest gaol a dozen Perfectly Fresh and "imported Expressly for the HOLIDAYS ! you should be H was a foreigner, and has been in truth. It seems proper that more important than the exports and imports. no Horn W Hannlay between the Finance Committee, which public must judge if I Hilton J F times. A discerning And Purchaaer will Cn it to the'r ALTtNTAOK to rtral with as, placed in possession of the actual facts, so that so-call- ed Humphreys D Hopper Wm The ChronicU took up the slavery Hani Jam is known to be opposed to the treaty, and this is fame. a cor- Hooper L. U ' Humphreys Jaa HegemavUB Francisco had an odd visitation on the you and your readers may be able to form question in the Islands, but unfortunately for it, Uopfe the Foreign Affairs Committee, which is San put last day of the old year in the shapo of a genu- I rect estimate of the value of the statements when Mr. De Young spoke to your reporter of it supposed to favor it. The Finance Commit- clumsy ex- Every Article and Jones Wal Jarrolil Donglaa John ine snow 6torm, and many absurd or We Guarantee forth by Mr. De Young hia employers. he knew that both tho Norwegian and Portu- JtaM Cfcaa tee was successful by a vote of 31 to 20. pedients were resorted to in order to turn it to jsOur Store baa jast been Painl.fi and Kenovatu, asd every attention giTenJo l'ie wants and comlort of our Customer. The Reciprocity Treaty with the Sandwich officially investigated K One New York paper remarks that it advantage in the matter of sleigh-ridin- g. Two We have a Urge Staff of Salesmen, which io'ures promr attention and delivery f Order. We have also secured the guese Governments had A S Kruee 1S75, went into Know'.H Jaa Kelton no less silly for men hit upon an ingenious plan. A spectacu- Islands was concluded in and the charges and declared thtmnelves satisfied KeUy frank King U P Kelly D would be inconvenient than making this L House to abrogation lar play called Siberia was on at the California operation Iu 1876. The reasons for with the treatment of their people by the plant- the advise the of a and, as its name implies, had a mise en scene the SOLE OEISTOT politi- toft narrjrW Ir Frank Iw John P treaty which the President believes should oif treaty were partly commercial and partly ers, and the latter had favored the renewal of le Jno C Larry Jobn J Lima Herrulano rererse of tropical. Th; friends hired the many years Lannewchr D 2 LoranR C Lnacomb H A not be abrogated. As the Sandwich Islands sleigh from among the stage properties of this ROBERTS' CELEBRATED CANDIES ! cal. This Island Kingdom had for the emigration from St. Michael to ths Islands, to it, drove till the been looked upon with longing eyes by Euro- vessels are now on their way M treaty relates to revenue, the House, it i3 piece, harnessed four horses And tre'll have Constantly on Han 1 a Lar?e mul V.trie.l conaia'.ing of and one or more Moore Geo 7 McKlnnon R Mills J snow began to melt and returned their dramatic pean Governments. It is within the recollection freighted with Por- Machado Mannel MacaUatcr D Marpby F claimed, may solicit President Arthur's from tho Azores to Honolulu, Macbado U Mackrnsia K Mortenarn H conveyance not much the worse for wear. of the present generation that several attempts children. li J views; but President may even then, com- M ARSftl ELLOYYS, CARAMELS, FRENCH NOUGAT, tuguese field laborers, women and McOUneby Morgan Jaa Martin Mlas J C 2 the if Prince Arizugawa and four travelling were made to destroy the independent native MeCnllan L M Macy B B Manning H he sees fit, withhold his views. The posi- panions spent a few days in San Francisco CRK.l M BARS, PEAMT OAKS. JKL.L.Y AM) Fltt I r i: A It KS. Mr. Do Young says: ''It is certain that the McCully C MlUett J S Myers B K of Kingdom of Hawaii regard early in January. The gentlemen are Japanese Government, with a view to their absorption, or islanders don't uso any of their own sugar, but Morgan tion the with AVAI.XUT'OREAMS. EGG CREAMS, ANGEL FOOD. EXTRA LEMON DROPS dependency N to the line of British commerce between nobles then on their way home after a six the making the Sandwich Islands a buy from China and Manila, ami that rice and Noggle MaJ J L- -2 months' trip round the world, and they civilly attempts proved Xllaen Earn! a the Isthmus of Central America and China of a European Power. These sugar is also run in ou "us from China through P professed themselves plaesed with the trip And a Hundred. Other "Vaineties abortive, owing to the rigorous protests of our Pattcvlon 8 Partridge S L Porter Mia A T is feelingly considered and the schemes of across the American Continent. WE HAVE SOW O.V AND EXPECT the Islands." C Paul Co HtMl Government, aided by the active efforts of I' alomera a Perry E I the British Cabinet often alluded to. That The very last has been seen of Arabi, he has This, to a merchant, is most preposterous on" stage to his Indian Elba to wait Americans resident on the Islands. R j newly-appointe- d beeu led the nonsense. A charge similar to this was mads Mrs Ether Robinson Mrs U Cabinet especially its SUEZ, IDXJE DEC. 18, Rats FlUberto Red till some discontent or uprising fetches hint PER STEAMER '82, Looking to the possibility of the future, it CJaonicle. As soon as it Baed P N 1 Koblnson Mrs I) Rowley Dr M member, Sir Charles Dilke, is 8upjxsed to Days. On A some time since in the home to Cairo for his Hundred LARGE ASSORTMENT OF waa believed a reciprocity treaty with the s be exercising some ingenuity to impede or Christmas Day he and his brother Pashas im- that came to the notice of our Government a search- gyrus 11 2 I : Smith Capt J Smith J I 2 W were from Sandwich Islands would be the surest means of Ly H 1 put to negotia- - plicated in the war publicly degraded ! ing investigation was instituted Unitsd Hcott W A Hmitb bweaney T E an end Grant's Fancy Candy Boxes and Horns of Plenty of W Hmytha H F bwain H i their military rank at Cairo, and yesterday he assuring the independence the Hawaiian "result of which was in- Mark a reciprocity treaty Mexico - States officials, the that Shaw C tlons for with at Colombo in Cey- , Smith H A Hnlliran Jobn and his fellow exiles arrived SUITADLK Kingdom, as it would establish permanent being found to substan- 8mitb Jaa M Spencer T bos J als a country capable of producing a sugar lon. It was said of him that if he would take stead of any evidence T friendly relations with that Government ; it was established by conclu- Tonga supply. If Grant succeeds in negotiating a lessons in brutality at 100 francs he would have tiate the charge, it Tairvll Urn Tilton Geo F 2 I A of and also For the Christmas and New Year Holidays. would also foster trade between the tno coun- no for it, TrxMrdan Mrs W Q Tbompaon Jesala Toinllnson D F commercial treaty with Mexico, the tine a much better chance getting on," sive proof that there was foundation W is incapable of speaking an untruth but Island Orders Solicitel. All Orders will Receive our Personal Attention. to prosperity of the Taylor B3 Tallett Jno timber of Sonora and the other Mexican that he dec? tf tries, add the material and also that the perpetration of such a fraud TJ enough was indicated in the suddenly checked Islands, render the native Government stable, will perhaps bring the needed relief reputa- was practically impossible. All of this Mr, Ds v . C rqu hart Wrn 2 States intricacies of his trial to establish his which, with the moral support of the United I to of tion for a measureless duplicity, which, it is be- Yonng knew when ho mado this insinua- the devastated forests the United would able to resist all future attempts Tuaa Carl Vaan.t ta Wm i States, about whose rapid disappearance lieved will go far to weaken his moral influence States, be tion, in the interview referred to. No ship The XV j President Arthur spoke a timely word, thus with his former followers Egyptians though E at encroachment by European Powers. can possibly go astray; her cargo, departure, des- C. ex- White C M Winchester Mr C WalUrO iXar unfortunately unheeded by the Tariff they are. .WILLIAM. result thus far has more than justified the as tination and arrival is as accurately rented Wrtgt Webster Jno 'Win lock Jaa Madame Patti seems destined to rule the un- - ,r,l. jj ..J.jlMH. J.pjM , ComiTjission. IIJ,.J ..,u pectations. sugar-loade- d Weie Jacob Wooiley 8 E Walker Mlaa A own despotic terms the movements of President Arthur. If worth Eliger The programme for the festivities at the fortunate public on her for Weber Mlas Tie Wood ft ed Mr. De Young says: is exported from coronat, ion was copied far and wide, and the the newly discovered, or at least newly "All that vessels from other countries discharged at d, some Partlaa cnqairlnc for Letters in the presence of British, French and Italian war song-bir- Madame Scalchi, is an alto, San Francisco is a little flour and general the Islands, and by flio connivance of the authori- Above) ILlst, r pArticala.rly' request(l to ships port, our own Lackawanna and and Madame Nilsson since her visit to Sn merchandise, the aggregate value of which ties the fact did not apjwar in tlio Hawaiian sta- at tthe a severe CT Aak for Adwortiaed jLettera. the Alask ;a and Wachusett, ordered to reach Francisco has been seized with such ranges from $400,000 to $800,000 a year." The tistics, the proof would lx found at Lloyds. As Honolulu a. about the 20th instant, has been throat tiouble as threatens permanently to affect interest. Meantime, business her voice. She has cancelled some engage- best answer tothe first part of the above is the for rice, any man could distinguish tho difference I. B. PETERSON. noted witlii? following published by one of between raised on tho Islanlj and any that Jan20 2t Acting Potmater General. consideratiorLi of the treaty has been put off ments and postponed others and gone to New analytical table, that until MondaV; Orleans for a mild climate, while the Princess oar San Francisco commercial journals some has yet bcii grown in China or Japan, snd tho The perennhj'al Mrs. Langtry continues to ; Louise who visited us at the same time with time ago, showing the nature of some of the game illicit lie Kaid as to the difference between ! .1 Madame Nilsson, contemplates wintering in .... -- J REAL ESTATE MATT E R S hold her own rrxs tlie prime subject of ..ssip leading exports in 1876 (the year after the treaty Manila and Hawaiian Htiar. new chaperon in a Miss : CLarlestown, South Carolina. iid curiosity. V Hf exports from Mr. Do Young's denunciation of the sugar re- t j An interesting mark of the decrease of super- came into operation) and similar Langtry, a distant finers on tho Pacific coast is ns of founda- I HA IK A LA llti K COlF"HllBI.K sMnT&TM.)ave no stition is England's step toward communicating this port in 1880: Jitnt! relative, Mr.'Langtryiwkj"!being 1HTC. ' iaso. tion as his statement in resjwet to tho operations Kulor i'liii-- n r,i J with the Pope by means of an openly accredited livinrr u'ia th sn?--- ftl TuC(J-Hithert- e cry o nas Animals $f,l I .638 Ho, well as thoso y whom he TWO-STOR- Y many j o th of i'opery" of tlio treaty. as is' FRAME HOUSE sensational inciden's itnd the air was - Clothing, boots, etc 17C.la 2rfl.lC.l n k- --Tvr. - f-- tu bat, impression Heavy witn promises ol sensations wnicli ieen so near tlie III); Building material 21.&9G 82,287 employed, evidently labor under tho coot-mi- ne 64,907 1II0.8H8 (ae) 13 ROOMi.ilh KITCMKN. COUK HoCSE, did not occur. First and most important British embassador to the Vatican would have Flour that siif&r refiners in Run Francisco profit in soma BtTH. and OOACII-IKl- r. on a lot 225 X X 660 way Fish 17.891 as,27ff (tnaD(Ie). at PUNAHOU TO SKI.I. tree and cr of aJI she has captured the critics in Chicago. been regarded implyiig or paving the for Furniture 27.7f.a 7:.,35 way by the reciprocity treaty. Huch, however, is Ibcoakbraace, alio ailioininc lUiCKESUI' They ivxy that her methods are correct and of the spiritual claim of the Papacy. Grain and feed 14.613 73,951 not fact. Hawaiian raw sugars are sold in this envoy, roceriea and provision.. 90.466 379.794 tho acting intelligent and refined. As has Such an once permitted ly the people, 'I - d'.-.:,- her l ha.il. .in 105.824 215.088 market at tho same price as the same quality of been the case in each city she has visited, makes easy the creation of a. regular British 98,322 221.212 I T - ii'Uiiui KJ(aw, GOOD t n wl i- sugar can lie laid down from the Philippine LAND, VotiAnnv a a v i un.-it.i-oocior. PASTURE society's most desirable doors have been aj ithii'u w liiv t uii uuu rltaa u w Vj;v o Lumber...... v. 8,686 27,68 40,709 being tho near- ALSO closetl to her. A somewhat unmanly para- ance in beneficially influencing turbulent Ireland Leather Islands, duty paid. Han Francisco can Faints and oils 13Ml? .'4.480 port, these sugars seok niarkot graph that flew about the papers telling how hardly be overestimated. 1 est American this Saddlery, carriage, material, etc.. . 34,636 1. 1 1 . . . 2 1-- 2 ACHES OP GROUND, a letter had been intercepted on its way The two plays,Tennysoii's ''Promise of May" Tobacco And cigars 67,475 lOO.lTf ;, "jn fere nee to Now York, so long as tho saws rom Langtry's room to the post and was and Victor Hugo's new-ol- d ''Le Roi S'amuse," The San Francisco exports in 1881 were 111 obtained hero. This is the only ant acre beicg a eniuUe hathling i(e. This prnperfy is to ad- fell both extremely flat. The laureate's name PNrsuV open &r ' at obee and la couidrred the moat desirablr discovered bear Freddie Gebhardt's AUOTHBR LOT.OP THOSE larger than in 1880, and those of 1882 (not yet prices can Ik of tho sugar product of ths o well water dress, brought the young gentleman at once had not sufficient power to keep his play from "". '. property la iht portion the snbnrb. Artesian completed) again far exceed thone of 1881. reason why the ' is supplied a all the property above. Also aereral Tery to Chicago, ostensibly to er- being unmercifully hooted in the theatre, but v ,! hunt down the Islands comes hero. f choice IX)Tri 100 x 2f 0 to SELL, adjoiniD. To sell oo reporter out- Hugo's name and presence preserved a respect- For your farther information, encloxe a slip, iV;""rj Jw ' esy ring who had perpetrated the I Were treaty abrogated Haw terms. rage. There was no encounter, but expecta- able decorum in his audience during the per- for publication, giving more in detail tho tho ana 4'f"'! toolong ment would undoubtedly accept some of the many tion stood at gaze again when rumor formance that was more chilling, considering the value of the principal articles of the San . whispered the name of Mr. F. A. Maura as the high emotional pitch of "Le liol L'amuse," propositions that have been made by other Govern- GOOD Mr. Gebhardt's rival favor of the L.i!y. than an outward demonstration of disapproval. X). C. Francisco exports to and imports from the is- ments looking to reciprocity. to aell an NCCANU VALLKT, S miles from town. 12$ acres in Just A.rrived per jIrirrav The health of the poor old ( t seems to be lands in the fiscal year ending Jane 30, 1876 good level land, and 10 acres on the hill skie. FAST IKK The same train that brought Gebhardt in AND The Australian Colonies being tho nearest. It is KXCKLLE.M. his costume of , brown with terra-cott- a much impaired, for when he wished to place a and 1881. You will see that of males alone in not unlikely the trade woujd go there, in which On NCCANU STREET. I hare a most deatrabte colored gloves, landed also Maura in what wreath upon the body of Gambetta lying in the latter year we exported $40,926 worth, be- costume history does not .record, but with state in the Palais, Bourbon, his strength failed, OIST case this market would be open to the sugar pro- .1 NOW sides $20,200 in horses, and nearly $25,000 ducing countries of the world; instead of suf- the nimbus of romance brilliantly about he could not go in and confide his wreath to EXHIBITIONa.t but LOT him. He was an artist of reputation, he was some else to deposit. Tin: worth of other animal; of wheat and floor, fering loss by tho diversion of tho product of ths BUILDING left-hand- .4 ed The Germans naturally express relief at the $105,000; of cotton Islands, the refineries would undoubtedly lie the the fir- - Bridge, sis 85 z 95. three common 8M LI. supposed to belong in some s. sheeting, cotton prints, and Bl'ILDINOs are oo las property. W ill sell at unce cheap fashion to the reigning house in Italy;Mrs. death of Gambetta, but fairly incomprehensible Ware-room- cotton manufactures in general, $180,000; of gainers, as tho comictition among importers would Iangtry corresponded with him ever to a foreigner are the rejoicings of the ultra-Catholi-cs Pioneer Furniture i On JUDD 8TREKT.I have t I.RASi: Or KIGHT thad stores, nails, and spikes, $40,000; of steam not unfrequently enable tho refiners to purchase 1- -4 since she left New again, how- and royalists, equally so the now TKA RS TO SF.I.I. iCRK OF (JHOI XD. "ork. Here engines a'nd locomotives, $27,000; of iron man- raw sugars at prices below cost of importation. . i almost universally received story that so earn- wishing' to all in gond cultivation, with a NEW FKAUK 3 ROOM ever, gossip was doomed to disappointment, Parties secure a GOOD PIANO will Hugar refineries on tho Pacific coast stand on - COTTAGE and CARRIAGE IIOl'riK. Rrot of Land $30 a showed no Othello-lik- e designs est a statesman met his death at a woman's ufactures not classified. $260,000; of machinery, t Gebhardt precisely tho same footing as ma- year. Will acU L.K A B BL'ILUI SGS for upon his reputed rival and the four, Mrs. hand. The newspaper of which he is proprie- do to $233,000; of boots and shoes and leather goods, iron foundries, Cash. $5 well call and examine these Magnificent Instruments ! and Miss Langtry, Mr. and Mr. tor, the Iiepvblique Francaist had made for chine shops, woolen factories, and other manu- V I A A Gebhardt $117,000; of naptha, turpentine, illuminating v-- On ruRT 8TRKET, hare 9 r K RS LE ISR open him a fortuue of 730,000 francs. His life reads facturing is say i: SKL.I.. II KICK NKAT COTTJUKS Maura, take amicable drives in an elsewhere. and other oils, paints colors, $90,000; establishments. It idle talk to TO T was forty-fo- ur before purchasing' and of small X bring in a monthly rental of $15. Will sell the same carriage to the delight of all beholders. like a romance, for ho but when there is or can be a monopoly in any ono of tL) easy tar $131)0 Cash S down, balance in 2 yeara he died, and- - his story comprises a paper and stationery, $41,000; of wood and on terms Gebhardt has published or has had pub- studious industries mentioned. Ho long as tho field is Open 1 i if desired. unde- childhood, a wild youth and a suddenly and lumber, of tobacco, lished a letter in which he states his USUAL LARGE ASSHTMESIMT $279,000; $77,000; and so to any person or association to build and operate One of lb Mot delightful Reaidencee in the Hawaiian niable right to send Mrs. Langtry flowers, completely distinguished manhood. His body THE through fifty or more less important items. aell. The property located oo JoJd street, near was bestowed in Cemetery of Pere La OK" manufactories of tho same kind, there cannot be a Kiorlom to is take her driving or give her suppers with- the What becomes of Mr. De Young's the Vi:y road. Main hone contaloa 1? Hrganlly laid out out constituting a target for com- Chaise until his father's wishes could be ascer- statement monopoly. A simple statement of the esse is the Rooms, with Baths. Water, and with all the Latest himself " We sell 100,000 to G. Cook-hons- night was removed to Nice, that the Islands $ $800,000 only Modern Conveniences; also, e. Servants' Cottage, ment and criticism, and since the appear- tained, but last it a answer such a ridiculous charge merits. Stable. Carriage-bena- e, etc. The Land comprises for' acres. ance of this letter, hia doings and his of members of the Chamber of Furniture, Upholstery and Musical Instruments a year, chiefly flour," when ne port sold them The assertion of Mr. Do Young that such a com- wardrobe have been almost wholly Deputies acting as escort. such items as mentioned, and all of domeHtic paratively small as sugar Tit Grounds Neatly Laid Out In compensation for the acutely felt loss of interest refining is on CONSTANTLY ON HAND. manufacture and production ? this coast can afford to subsidize two With Garden, Trees, etc. Beautiful View ol the Harbor and Our other British visitor, Oscar "Wilde, the choice Hamilton collection of manuscripts or three --4! City from ita jromioent lofty position. Will te sold on essy that have beon "gathered in by Prussia, the President Babcoclt. of the San Francisco transcontinental lines of railroad is too absurd for terms with clear title. has left us sailed for Liverpool the 3rd. It is not an endless farewell, when he ex- British Mu9eum has just received a consignment C. E. WELL. Aa2S, Chamber of Commerce, in his annual address of belief by any intelligent person. I have some of curious small terra cotta figures, draped If tho actual facts could lie known it would be pressed a hope of returning before a great 1-- January, 1882, published by order of the Board, female divinities of somewhat rude modelling, 107 2 and 111 Fort street, and 66 Hotel street found, I suspect, that the only subsidies in con- while to the United States, where he found ' gave the value of the domestic, exports (treasure TO RENT. so much to enjoy ; and also feels the the fruits of recent experimental diggings at nection with this whole business aro paid by agents ;! HOUSES he Salamis. excepted) to the Islands from the port of San v. KOOUS, necessity of seeing how art gets along. He Telephone and Night Alarm, No. 76. Honolulu, II. of New York sugar refiners to newspapers, which, C01T1GE OF FIVE from Folger, Secretary of the Treasury, I. : left us with the joyful assurance that, in his Letters declC 4t Francisco as follows by misrepresentation, ete to Kent on LiUha Street , $30 month. and Frelinghnysen, Secretary of State, re- are trying to bring the reci- With t.tle, Water, opinion, art is progressing among us, and in 1876 $782,897 lation to the proposed abrogation of 1877 procity treaty into disrepute, hoping thereby to COTTAGE OF THREE R0U3IS, we may hope, lie thought the true Ameri- the 1.224,233 can type was becoming dim and indistinct, Hawaiian Treaty have been received by Williams, 1878 1,582.747 cripple the sugar refining interest on the Pacific If To Kent n LlUaa Street, near School Street, $16 month. Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of 1879 1.734 .020 Coast, and off "competition but believed in fifty years we might 180 2.178,000 shut from this quarter. h that House, but he considers docu- 31 ILL COTTAGE Q 0JEFX STREET evolve type do just as well. the them private 1881 2.C52.075 If tho Eastern refiners will examine into IS another thatwill will only present con- ths CoaUlniig Foot Kootna. Rental, ft I 8 per month. Bath, etc The poor poet fell Iri a highly dis- ments, and them to the question more closely, they will i with sideration of the committee on Tuesday, Janu- President Babcock said: beneficial find that, even if SQrARE, agreeable type just before he sailed the 'The effects they should succeed in having A SM1LL COTTiCE OS Mi:TGOUi:RY ary Gth, when the final vote will be taken on the to an end put to the pee month. decoy In a confidence game, namely, to of this trade the commerce of this port, and treaty, will : !: tVrtow Maanake street. Bental.f.10 Three proposition to recon mend the abrogation of the it not affect tho competition from ths r- whose confederates he managed to lose through to -.- fcnema. I have treaty. Secretary Folger's letter enclosed a set it the United States, are evident from Pacific Coast refineries of which they now complain. ICSES OF COO! CFLTIVATED LA.XD. nearly S30(K). He paid at the lottery counter the statistical position of affairs." FIVE olw.-irk- of tables showing in detail the trade between . To try and break down tho sugar In- li - . i con- refining ao--i ...oin- r iron growing in and as soon as he became IUuiiX. Nrivomn i ... .,. ... the United States and the Islands. These show President Taber, of the Board of terests of na .11 - . a b Trade, at tho Pacfic Coast, and by once. u-- a .... - nn.rT.r miu. vinced that be was being swindled he sped this means shut Valley. oo king leas that the value of exports to the Islands for the 18-80- sb v.ib Ice Kul). Krntal. owiftly to his bank and ordered the cashier the annual meeting of the Board in ad- off the com jie tit ion now existing between in- yer. past fiscal year amounted to 3,330,775, and the" that $g a i"i payment on the checks. He then dressed the members as follows: terest and the Eastern refineries, is what theso -- K or. v:ilue of imports for same to f tui.r. v.tiCk is it.i f.iillil-i-f l police au- the the time his misadventure to the sub-jet- newspaper mean. ! iiiK 7,r4C,204. Had the sugar imported been -t ' The first step in what may be called the new attacks But tho Eastorn refiners 1 The bowling known as Kohaia 1111. oo Main Road thorities, who duly gathered in the checks. will, -. npied to would have policy in commerce, as sooner or lmr, find out that their efforts -- od Mar M.U- rmcr by Mr. decoy Wilde take dutv, that duty been national shown in the arc ! rr-- The contrived to make in vain, rrtai.--Mr.lUUM. Tb boiling H In ir and the luratioa part in the lottery by cleverly initiating an $3,103,400. Comradk. Hawaiian Treaty, has worked so well for the and that all the money contributed for tlie purpose lias been wasted. Clai s HmrcKEl.,. THE -- t.U Vi.tl. UKMIKCE Kuglish acquaintance of whose existence mercantile, manufacturing .nd producing inter- h- - had iK'foine aware, and ossible Chicago Tribune, vet,Jl,or U- - Contain whse ests of this coast, and for the United States in lh Of O Walk at I l Tuo. ac- - A Missionary Steamer. A missionary lCt. C. lilU. e. btisiiivM relations with Wilde he had Koool with BU'C?.... twin. r,wii general, that it may be worth the coiwideratiou Fee., Yard; sitil-- r T arr of Grocod jtiired by weeks of patient investigation. steamer, whose hull and machinery weigh luoo and rt llr of Board of how Also. Aboi t a month ago a case of leprosy was only six ton.,, is now moored in the Thames this Trade far its members shall A Queen' Thoughts. Lec. 1 have '" in the Almshouse at Salem, Mass. is exert themselves, through our representatives in HO IKS I KID retired in London. The vessel named Peace, I was Derby, , FIE The patient's name Charles nd has been built for the Baptist Missionary-Society- Congress, to bring about an extension of this The latest Amfle broand, reetaragc. recently from San Francisco, as he said ; royal' authoress is Queen of Near tbe above plao to Lra. who destine it for the service of policy. There are millions of people In Mexico ehade Tree ad Water , and he hnd been for some years chief Servia, who has published a volume Of the-Cong- o and Central America, our immediate botanist to Queen Kmma, at Honolulu. the mission in the upper reaches of neighbors, aphorisms. The following are The California State Legislature is in ses- river. The boat can be taken to At the Old Stand, No. 8 Kaahumanu Street, a preference of whose custom might be obtained said to be Governor-Genera- l, . favorable specimens of : Other Houses and Lands sion, and the new Stone-- pieces readily for transport purposes and the for the United States. her work 4 man, has delivered his inaugural address. 44 When one wishes to affirm T LEASK AMD The new city charter for San Francisco, by total number of pieces, none of which would If the commerce of less than 70,000 people anything, apply I- - he calls 'J For rar'ber KarticaUrs the Board of Freeholders elected in Novem-- , be too heavy for a man to carry, would be TIN, COPPER & SHEET IRON WORKER, in the Sandwich Islands has, from the operation always on God to witness, because ber, is being published prior to the voting 800. The greatest passible use has been of the treaty during three or four years, become He never contradicts. E. WISEJVS AN, , upon it in March. Upon the developments made of all available space, ond the two bo important, how much more important would The profession of a Queen requires only J. : in the State Legislature is a nronhecv of the cabins are admirably fitted. A kitchen be the results of treaties based on the same three qualities beauty, goodness and fruit-fullnes- s- coming activity of a so-call- ed Committee on PLUMBING, in all its branches; S 27 AT S 3R0HER, adapted for a stove and other cooking ap- principle made with Mexico and the five States RSAL Federal Relations, which contemplates 44 nothing less than th introduction of pliances forms part of the equipment. A sub- of Central America?" It is better to have a physician for a XERCH1XT STREET, IIOXOLrH. ARTESIAN sizes; confessor a priest. JI a set of resolutions asking Congress to abro- stantial awning covers the deck and between WEIX PIPE, all President Taber addressed the Board again in thn You tay to the dltno gate the Hawaiian Reciprocity Sugar Treaty and of vessel a wire awn- 4 priest that you hate mankind, aer?3 wt this the sides the February, 1S82, and said: 'The Board col and be will which it has now under consideration. Of ing is fitted to stop arrows and mis- - tell you that you are not a course here in Legislature other lectively, as well as by individual effort, would Christian. The . the State this is siles. It is intended to take the to physician will give you rhubarb, FOR a good deal a party measure, but it brings steamer do wisely in using all legitimate means to secure and behold ST and you love your fellow-me- n. . Wash- pieces and pack the sections in boxes, which .Say to BOXES FERROTrPK FI.ATKS. IN California prominently forward in treaties between the United States and Mexico; the Order. Alo, ington, just as the next Mexican Treaty : will be sent to the mouth of the Congo, prieEt that you are tired of life, and first Bate TJncle Sam. Medallion. Kirhmond. Tip Top, Palace. Flora. May, CVntot, Grand Trice, New I:ival, also the Central and South American Republics, he will will bring the Southern planting interest j From thence they will be borne by S00 men Opcr. Derby, Wrt-n-. Dolly, Gypsy, Qi.t-n- . Pansy - Army hangfs, Magna Charta, I5uek, Superior, tell you that suicide is a crime. The phy- Envelopes, to the fore again. Osceola, A which' would encourage trade as that with the 14.000 Perrotype ; a distance of 300 miles up to Stanley Pool Magnet, Almeda. Eclipse, Charter Oak, Nimble, In wood Laundry Stoves, sician will give you a tonic, and bero1 life SIZE. Samuel Clemens, as everyone .V - Niekc--1 A IAKD tries hard j Galvanizrd Iron Copper Boilers for Hansen, Granite- Iron Ware, Plated Plain, Hawaiian Kingdom has done." is to call Mark Twain, he whose visit to the where the vessel will be reconstructed by supportable. r i this report the aUo 44 BURNISHER, Islands in I860 was missionaries. For President received a In order to be the friend of a ONE CARD Hawaiian such literary vote of publication Sovereign NEARLY NEW. capital to him, has been amusingly non- thanks, and of the report one shoul.l be without a passion, without He brought pub- Galvanized Iron Water Pipe, all sizes, and laid waa ordered. These Goods will be sold for suited. suit against the The name of the thimble is said to have ambition, without egotism, discreet and lishers Belford, Clark & Co., In Chicago, to been derived from "thumbell," In view of these facts, what becomes of Mr. provident in from being at first ; short, not a man. COST PRICE. restrain them republishing his works. on Lowest Hates Cast Sl Lead Soil Pipe. De Young's statement to your reporter 4 ' THAN thumble and then thimble, is a in- at that "we A Prince - V IESS In evidence it appeared the books ft Dutch has need, strictly speaking A poly to C. E. WIIXI 1. that vention, (meaning the people of this city or want and was brought coast) of em-ploy- Fort street. Honolulu. republished were not copyrighted, to England about but his eyes and ears ; his mouth is ed jan20 wlrno but the G-ood- s author claimed that his pen-nam- e "Mark the year 1304, by John Lofting, who com- ! it (the treaty) abrogated; that all our merchants only in smiling. Twain " is a trade mark. The decision held menced ouse are opposed to its continuance, for does no its manufacture at Islington, near Furniskina it Politics is composed of littleness form- SCANDM! that pseudonyms could not be construed as London, and pursued it with great profit good to our export trade?' ' ing steps to greatness. trade marks,and that not to left 4 SCANDAI-OC- S copyright ALL -- and success. KIIDS: A V" l. r. T.il ..v. tn order eitherto Viewssir the books open to the republication by The Chamber of Commerce and the Board of tranquil conscience byes tolitude ; a IT tba nno.ni".""- - anyone. guilty soul sees in - sw,. it in tba HOSE SIZES Trade, between them, embrace every commercial it only a celled prison." Dissatisfaction prevails about the Panama Henry Ward Beecher made his Brooklyn RUBBER ALL and GRADES man of any standing in this city, Photograpiiic Art Force Pnnips, Cistern Pumps, Galvanized Iron, Sheet Copper, Shr-e- t Lead, and represent Best Style of the Canal, M. De Lesseps has even admitted audience laugh recently by the remark : Lift and Lead Pipe, Tin Plate. Water Closets, Marble Slabs and Bowls, Enameled Wash Stands. not less than $200,000,000, probablv nearer Montana is said to Beaaonabla Term. Anythine; which that the canal connot be built by the original " The age of miracles is not a contain a large coal .h xioat will probably not be U. yet past, as $300,000,000, of capital. At every annual bearing tZt by Mrirnndy aacor- - plans. Those plans unfortunately were territory end it is predicted by geol- bwid a-- nndorslgnad and was proved to me by the return um- semi-annu- taaed t ay to tba drawn before he was intimately aware of of an and al meeting of these bodies "jl ft pYa call and --amlne specimens brella which I had left in a since ogists that the Territory has tho capacity the sort of difficulties he should meet, so sleeping car 1875 th subject baa been mentioned, and not a for bearing the greatest upon examij f week." Lamps,Xanteriis coal producer of the JanlTwlLo7 Ia. CHASE. that ion now last Chandeliers, 16 H. the canal he ep tf mesiber of either Chamber has raised his voice Union. . J v.- - A

PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. JANUARY 27, 1883. : ' IMPORTS. and material greatness is allowed to have IVOTJE55. Island Notes. j A NOBLE COMMERCIAL. From San FrancLaco. per E.M.8.S. Aa-Uali- a, Jan 23 LIFE. 913 pkga general cargo, In transit, pkjv general a moment's consideration. There i3 a com- cario. it The iater-Lilan- J steamer C. K. Bishop left Man. t W hat is a noble life ? Lo ! name men scheme HA TCI! DA Y, 27, 1893. o mon newspaper phrase by whicli certain Jinnary t rom Fan Franciw-- tier Heerian, Jan 2J 20 cbrs 15 On Wednesday last, ,! To gather wealth till life is but a dream a.--t l. 107 this port at minutes before noon on Wednes- while Mr. C. H. Dicker BOUNDARY The pant wrok haj not hcn an actire one. TLe lbs bacon. 3 rtla bean. 6"0 lbs blatinir powder. nations are spoken of as "The Great was out j Of riches ; Midas-lik-e their Unch T'. J lbs bread. 40 31 bricka. 341 rtU bran. 106 Ibe butter, 73 day, on track of driving a teant of horses attached to his behold ti. ljH-- with instructions to cruise the I Transmuting even grosser ! topic biM th? whereabout of c csnne,l gmln. So M clzarettea. 131 Urn cheese, C5 ctls Powers." But face to face with one another, express wagon, a strap broke and let the pole things to gold COMMISSIONER'S NOTICE. steamers bound from to this port j Their clutch grows cKn-- r the O. S. S. Co'e. tk'tnot Snoz. By the arrival of corn, SI re dried fruits. 20 .ksrt flh,oO-- bbU flour, 704 lbs nations are but nations Kings, Emperors, San Francisco drop. This frightened the horses, and thev ran as their beards increase, n ham, 2 r hardware, S3 tons hay. SC0 It lard, 200 Lbls on the lookout missing steamer Suez away. Mrs. j And only with their breath their labor cease, . cm U.tt, wo JO 31 1 17 repre- for the General Y!U.. h.1 Mis Pratt j ! fellow-me- I't'HI-T'- V HKK the mail steamer TuenJar learn that lime. ft cedar lumlr. ctl tmilntuff., ctls oaU, Presidents, but the chief executive They die Their n home splendid gain 1IAVINU lliC m 3 kg olirtra, 9 '2 5 were in the wazon. s XJL of Uie 01 iua the Saei eailt I from San Francisco on her regular 5 ra olive oil. rtls onions, ctls potatoes, now sixteen days out from San Francisco. In and were both thrown out. ! From their vat treax-.n-- how. but in vain to tu it bx retains. ii lb ?. 6 M ahinilra, 6 rs soap, 2474 lbs sentatives of the people they are permitted Mrs. Wallace lieisij uiv laud of Kaluaulaa. WaikiVl, lalatij of Oabu, the matter o a good deal bruised and Their memories be day. the 9th instant, with a full complement of ut'sr, tin lh l.-o- lb tobacco, 20 ctla wheat. Total cae the Bishop saw nothing of the Suez she shall compassed in this line : will coma up f.r hearing at my office in llunulula on val.us 0o. to rule over. It was the rank and position shaken by the fall, and Miss Pratt Laviug an They lived, waxod rich, diwl i a car- -' ) of merchandise tl5tO t. would continue on to San Francisco, where she but and made noniga. raeeenzsra aaJ aorte'l roiu an Franriro, per H W Alroy, Jan 21 Anns and conferred upon him by a Hawaiian King arm dislocated. Mr. Dickev was almost thrown hat is a noble life ? Lo ! eouie men toil Monday, the 19th Day of February, 1883, .alned at f 9G.S76. Two of the regular intcr-UIan- J ammunition. 14J0 lbs bacon. 10 bis bam. 2S ctls barley. 7 may be expected to arrive about the 9th of Feb from the wajjou. while the-- horses ran until one To conquer fame in many a battle broil, ctl Leana. 5 bbU .prW bt bread. 30 M bricka. 44 ca that gave to the Hon. Elisha Allen his at 1 P. eU'axuera the C. R. IiUliop anil the Kilauea IIou, hoen.ajl bf. ruary n day or two prior to the 01 tne of them fell and was so badly injured as to ren- Shed blood, waste treasure, deal in wounds ind boot and ctla bran.744 lba butter. So bxs candles. How ; e nareous interaatad to Uie ca 11m status at Washington. entirely and der prob.tLle death At wbuh tiiua and rla. all wera dispatched with all poitaiLle ipeed in search 24 canned soods, 2100 Us cheese, 318 cotlee, 150 cs City of New York on her next regula trip down. it that it would die." eetUemant aaid boundariea are notified to b prraent. coal oil. 214 rtls corn. doon. 2C bxs dried fruits. 41 Dkira unhesitatingly status was acknowl- Build sudden empires, scattered with a of !. 29 that Assistance was rendered the ladies, and Miss breath. of the mUalrj; and the L". S. S. Lackawanna dry good. 7s tkgn fish. 41 cs furniture, 145 bbls flour. 11 As the steamship Australia that left for the Col Or fix a despot firmer on his throne. RICHARD F. BICKKRTOX. if edged by the Government of the Pratt s arm was set, aud. at last accounts, she ill probably lea re port on Monday next on a simi- KlaMiware. i;o loe ham. 8 cs hardware, 23 tone hay, oneof Or hurl one thence and monnt it as own ; Comuiiaaionar of Itoundariaa of lalaod of f ahu. fa p. 9903 A2 8 onies one day in advance of the Bishop for the as well as Mrs. their iron, lbs lard, brad live stock, kga nail. greatest nations in the world, was made Wallace and Mr. Dickey were 1111. witu s Honolulu, January i6. 1HM. ja7 wt Hes- 444 po-tt- tneir brother blood thev tain th lar mission. The opportune arriTal of the ctla oats. 62 ctla onions. f,2 ells potatoes, 10 Coast will reach her destination three days quite comfortable. ground; perian, Helen Vf. Almy and the Ella, hare tempo- bbls pork, 10 lii ralios. 2o3 mta rice, 70 cs and IS bbls manifest when what is described as the aalmoo, 12 ca sewing machine. lo2 Its tea. 105 pkirs win- - before the Biahop does San Francisco, the agent HlLO And these, too. die : and after manv dav Honolulu Association. I I rarily enpplied the want that would otherwise uowa, m ctla wheat. Total valop. most brilliant reception ever given at the The senseless ! Athletic f2425. there of the Suez will know of her non-arriv- al Hilo, January 13. marble speaks their only praise al To per won Id hare teen felt by the non-arrir- of th AaarvK. From San Franrisro. Sue. House was suddenly brought to a is m uuoie tne r mo me men grow 2 es agricultural implements. V.2 Urn bacon, VMi ctla barley. White by the 5th or 6th of February. In speculating We have uo news of interest since the last jale r In Learning's quest. Till their strained senses Suez. 0 ctl Dean. 23J es beer. 4 bbl beef. 110SO lbs bread. 22 cs termination at the news of our Envoy's upon the causes that have detained the Suez, we steamer. The weather has continued dry. The Ml K m;i. MEETI U OK THE 1 131 laii I Y next, The news front Washington was of a boots ar shoes. ctls bran. HSil lbs butter, 212 bxa can- some dust is com- AaaoftaMcn will be held on FUliM Febru aIo serious dle. 206 cs eaaned So UkU champagne, 67 M curars, decease when the President of the opine that she has met with accident flying in the streets. The planters They strnjfle with strange lore and heap amain ary 2d. at ;M p. M. la the Oyiunaalum. Fort at real. 47 M 1544 tp plain of a want character, inasmuch as the country was apprised ci(rarettei. Hs cheeae, 4 cs copper, 8311 lbs eotfee, Uniied States attended by his Cabi- to her machinery that has compelled her of the usual water supply, and Marvels of wisdom in their wearied brain ; The buiua. will include the election of ofHc for 2C3 ctls corn, 16 es clothing. 52 cs druga, 13 bxs dried some time, as a the atmosphere is by smoke from Entombing aye tho ruining year. J. H. WKriH, of the death of the Hawaiian Minuter Resident at fruit. trust to her sails entirely, for clouded the vast treasure .f the mind. i 13 ca dry eoods. 219 tkn nah. 42 nkrs furniture. 43 bbU net, and the representatives of all power. She is barkentine rigged, hav- burning rut bish and grasses on the plantations. The hidden meaning of all things tind, jauJiOAwll Acting beerlary. Washington Eli ah. 11. Allen, who had 'forked so flour, bo9 hx fruit. (rl cs rin. 81 rs groceris, 6 horses. 7101 motive thev bar-nea- Or rind, lbs hams, M cs hardware, 132 tns hay, 12 ca hata, 20 cs a, the nations of the earth, with a ing three masts, but her spread of canvas, as in There is much sickness in Hilo of the malarial sek to and as they iteeer go. carry on the hnsine as before, nnder the arue I ee honey, 60 lbs hopa. 70 nr iron. 45 pes iron pipe personages, offici- all vessels having steam as the prime mover, is typhoid type, caused by the filthy water that Keep still a jealous guard "on all thev know. 9330 13 pkir null-stuf- f, crowd of other notable ably indefatigably of lb larl, leather, liu bbls iime, M2 ctla sea-wa- y, Till, fallen with the weight of knowledge in th and fur the 4C6 879 4 pota- only sufficient to steady her in a and supplies Hil from the main ditch that is taken rtls oeta, ctla onion, cs paints, 1955 ctls ally attended his funeral service whe race. i Na.n the Reciprocity Treaty. toes, 11 bbls pork. 139 bxs 2$ cs 962 bbls would bo of little use forcing her through the out of the Wailuku River. This must be cleansed rawiua, salmon. in They ! 1 wither like the leaf aud leave no trace The week for- 20 lb salt, 15 pkga seed, 1 aewina machines, "9 pes steel, his remains were conveyed over the first water with any other than a fair wind. That and renewed and kept clean before the cause of arrirald daring the compriae six 100U67 lbs sugar.lOuil gls poles.l eh k 41 Wisdom and Wealth and Fame are glorious things. Coronation srrnpOO final rest- winds for these disease is removed. eign renneli, fonr of which are from San Francisco, lbetea,53o9 Itm tobaeeo, 131 r(U wheat, 13s ca k 120 gls stage of the sad journey to their she has not had favorable And each may grace a life to which it brings whiaky Total value tMJZfi. ing place escorted by a detachment of mili- Islands is presumable from the fact that with No drunks no business in Court. The writer It6 treasures to bo shared not garnered pelf cue front Iqui.jue, seeking, and one from Hum- rom ssn per 2j 1174 bga 71 r rrannxco, Ella, Jau mesl, such, and under sail only, she ought to have who stated that there were drunken exhibitions NO life is noble with a good of self 1 boldt 1 caaes bread, 50 aacka barley. MiO sacks flour, 120 tary and followed by all the great officials with amber. . kv arrived here before this. The bark Helen W. on the 1st inst. was guilty of a wilful falsehood, Whoso on earth a noble life would live naila, 100 bbla lime. 175 31 ahincb-s- 50 sacks wheat. 230 requiem ser- ! The total value of domestic produce exported for aacka bran. 100 sacks oats, 10 caaes onions 230 sacka pota- who had taken part in that Almy - whose report we pnblish elsewhere left or a gross perversion of the truth. The only Must toil to aid. aud gather still to give ; the week ka.--t been $130,000. .The receipts consist of toes, 2s doors. 9 caaes bacon. 10 tanks naptha. 2 boxea vice when a representative of President San Francisco a few hours ahead of the Suez, persons arrested for drunkenness since the 1st Succor the weakling, smooth the ruirsred wava. RACES gas fixtures, 83 kegs lesd. 20U0 posts, 30 31 bncks, 500 feet j And with wise Iniunty sweeten all the daya Scgak, 11,3.;8 bajs; Paddy, 922 bags; Molasses. 77s eases gen sorrowing family with a fair breeze from the N.E., which she held of October last, were two white iuvu, sailors lumber. nidae. Arthur accompanied the j Ho hath with man : so laying down his staff, for five days. During that time the course was from the vessels then in port. The model town I 1 12 bbU. of deceased to see last sad rites of A noble life shall be his epitaph ! EXPORTS. the the about the same as the " steamer track, but she under prohibition laws could not exhibit a better February 7th, '83, The firm of J. 5f. Oat, Jan., and Co. has been is ; For 8u Francisco, per Eva. Jan 23735,300 lba suirar interment perfected. Hawaii neither saw nothing of her. Dnring the rest of the calendar for " drunks " than Hilo yet all kinds AT- - d by the retirement of Mr. W". L. Oriere. Ikmu-nti- c value, $44,000. great nor strong, but the right hand of fel- Almy's voyage the wind was from the of liquor are here in plenty and sold in defiance ffrivalmti$fauttt.g. per 23 600 I The remaining partner, Mr. M. Oat, jnn., will For San xranciaco. W a Irwin. Jan Scoab: to . suez of the laws much better to grant a license, ' m ri mi J. ton. 313 bnchs banana, 5X) wet hides, 5 lba tallow, 13 lowship has been held out to her as an inde- S.E. and li.S.E. hauling If tho name and style of firm. balea sbeepHklns. 79 dry hides. Domestic value, $90 000. has become disabled on her way down, the pro benefit the revenue and prevent the constant Kupiolani J?aik, tor san ran Cisco, per Kalakaua, Jan 2i hcoik: sz.?43 pendent nation by the greatest powers on babilities are the accident occurred when violstion of the laws. HONOLULU The new firm of Palmer and Kilbarn has also that - lje. A Co;C6.C0 lbs, Cook; 33.811 two-thir- 1 F Schaeferk Catlesi lbs. the earth, and emiuently so by that power, some four or five days out, and when about ds So vessels in port, no commerce, no busiuuaa ex- CamtaeticiDg at o'clock P. Sharp- been dissolved, and Mr. T.. H. ThacBer has been w ing Wo Chan at Co: bO.010 lba. M S Orimbaum k Co; 85 cept on steamer prevails 8U9 lba. Hyman Bros; Rica: 47.900 M Phillips k Co; already perhaps most influential and of her voyage was accomplished. If so, day, a church yard silence admitted a partner, and the firm name henceforth lb. the ; stamp 100.0OO lbs, M 8 Orimbaum k Co; 85,t lb. Hyman Bros; to strongest and the chances are that, with the wind from the in Hilo the listless denizens grope and will bo John A. Palmer and Co. ktoLASSia: 17 tierces and 109 bbls. C Uulte; 144 bbls O li certainly destined be the veering to about their their newly gravelled and stone streets Brans- - Coffee, 300 M FbiUips Co Domestic Value, south and east, south, she would drift it lbs k most wealthy that the world ever saw. like blind men and cripples. We confidently look i The Am bk J. A. Falkinbnrg will sail for San $49,133.83 to the north and west of tho Islands in which Union. FIRST CORONATION PURSE. to the coronation to cure all all our troubles the Protective 'i Francisco to-da- y. case it would take her a long time to get back comet to the contrary notwithstanding. M K.MORA NO A. marked favor shown to this country acain without steam. She is well provisioned. 7 a TROTTING RICK. , Th chr Emma, now stranded on the Leach at The The little Lehua "arrived at a.m. making Report of the bktne Monitor. Enacke, Commande- r- by Emperor of Japan and his Ministers however, and carries a large quantity of eatables quick passage, the reason was that a kona was lo Harness. Mile Heatts best two In three Open to .Waianae, will be sold on Monday next, for the 1 p.m. the Left Uumboldt for Honolulu on December 30th at as freight ; and as she has the means of making blowing at Kawaihae, which prevented her landiug. 11 fcnlranre, voyage began pleasant weather acjualls soon deserves highest recognition on the COVSKUI'KXCE OF Til K CO- - Hawaiian bred borer. Purse $160. benefit of whom it may concern. The with but the daily supply of is universally case a drought pre- m. set in. and by a p.m. of toe nrst day. main, mizzen. top an abundant freshwater, her It the that when $15.00. The Draymen's Protection Union have advanced sails and topgallant sail had to be taken in. The next part of the Hawaiian people. These are no passengers and crew would not suffer from vails in Hilo, a kona storm is raging 011 the other tinued high prices of huv and grain, and also of nays were a gate irom toe at. prevaiiea some side of the island. U. y'y'iheir rates cf charges aa per advertisement. lew variable; light barren courtesies which a Hawaiian King hunger or thirst, even it she were out the high rates of wages that prevail, we, the under and some heavy seaa were encountered. These were fol been the re months. It is within the range of possibility SECOND KALAKAUA & KAPIOLANI lowed by pleasant weather and then moaerate .gaies ana and a Hawaiian nation have signed Draymen, Tbe following is Messrs Williams. Dimond A Co.'s squalls again prevailed. On the lHth inatant it rained that the barkentine Ella, which i3 now five days communicated. are compelled to make a slight 1 cipients of. A lofty regard for his own PURSE. BKn th J letur: nara ; on the mn there was s calm, ana on saturaay tne overdue, may huvo come across the Suez, and Having seen in the Daily Bulletin a small change in our range of charges for cartage 8am Yu.jLttcn, January 15. bktne arrived at Honolulu, having been about 21 days at exalted station and his position as a host any event, HI' N NINO RACE. Tsm 8rm, Out last advices were dated December ICth, sea. staid by her to render assistance. In column, headed " Send a Doctor to Kalawao,' I On .and after February 1..1883, the following per of Sydney. Cargill, might have been sufficient to dictate the we can only wait and hope for the best, con- Illy Report of the S.S. Australia. Commander. wish to to : kill.' Heat.; beat two in three. Open to all Hawaiian Hl'tJAR-T- bn has bean ao change the price of re- 16th answer aud impress the readers mind, rates will be charged in iHachanred pilot off the Oolden Gate, January at courtesies shown by the Emperor of Japan gratulating ourselves upon the fact that the Suez bred boraea. I X 5 . Entrance. $12.60. fined. There has bewa a slight decline in Manila, the 4.23 p.m. Experienced for the first part, moderate west- ably officered, with that this is written by a leper, one who has been Sugars Rice, lura, . baaie being now 6.71. Cubes n the same, liij-h-t is a stanch boat, and fitted and short hauling, per ton of rental about erly winda and fine weather, and latterly variable to King Kalakaua when the latter paid a 2,000 namely. 7 V for ttft deg. The first sale of the bland sagars winds, moderate sea and dull weather. Sighted Maul, to dominions as first stage on every appliance to meet every emergency. at Kalawao for some years. lbs $0 25 hipped to New York via Cape Horn is reported made on 23rd January at daylight, and received Honolulu pilot on visit his the Set- Sugars and Rice, long hauling, from Esplan- v 7 V, pack-;- All Doctors who have come to the Leper the basis of for 9e. Imports for lfjHj, 930,454 ooara at 4-- a. m. his journey round the world. The same In the last letter from our European Corre ade Wharves to Queen Street Wharves THIRD FOREIGN YTK"0 avalnat Ti.M tor 1881. Report of the Helen W Almy, Freeman, Commander-L- eft tlement that I have had the pleasure of observ- or vice versa 50 it IC E Is firmer locally; quotable at 4!e. Stock on hand San Francisco, Jan 9th at noon, moderate breeze from might be said of the manner in which our spondent, which we publish in to-da- y's weekly, moderate. days. wind hauling ing, came for the salary attached to it, not for Lime. Cement. Molasses and Salmon, to Nt which continued for five Then to more recently received 8 I LOUR Golden Oate.Baker's Extra. 5.i0; EUoradol. 8E with rain for two days, balance of passage wind from Envoy has been it will be noticed that allusion is made to a the benefit of poor unfortunate lepers. wit: bbls Lime, 5 bbls Cement, 7 bbla .dlTUKS' POitSF. Vil-8f7- f.o-b- the . Molasses, 8 OATS fl.tfl 4 . ESK around to South with light breezes and occasional and feted at Tokio. But something far native journal published by tho Fijian Govern- bbls Salmon, to constitute BKAJf H. per ton. rain aqualL. Sighted Maui on the 23rd instant at 8 a.m., Except one, and that is our present Doctor, a load from any point on Esplanade ... . isSlSO RACK. BAKLEY Oood feed. tlJO. on 24th a.m. more Royal condescension or hospit Na for the purpose of unci nut nl arriving at Honolulu the at than ment, called " Mata," G. L. Fitch, he has tried to do us some good to Queen Street Wharves or vice versa, , . - Dash. Open lo all Hawaiian bred heraea. HAY (Joiupriiwd bales. $J. Choice wild oat, - alii. 13.50 per ton. able courtesy is implied in the manner in acqainting the native population with the actual not off at a distance felt of us a per load Purse, $10. fonrtbs prewd, i HASSEXGER3 stood and with IOO. Entrance, ; WOOL t all in ;ood supply. Southern and San Joa which Hawaii has been treated by Japan. sanitary condition of the Islands. In " much stick. Nor yet afraid to enter a leper's house, Lime. Cement. Molasses and Salmon, short f quin, Northern, l4,20c rom Maui and Molokai. per Mokolu. Jan 19 Mrs R W it cartage i ClURl'KKH-Uar-I3tr; 3feyer 2 Father Theodore Lauter, J Finning one of nor hft3 he had any occasion to pour medicine ket continues steady, with Iron held children. Splendid hospitalities have been but useful advice of a practical character is given to Merchandise to Bond, per load or ton.. . . . J50 : X at 40s for Cork, U. K. Stock of 0. 73 deck. out of the back window of the Drug store, and wheat remaining In the 20 ways goodwill Merchandise from Bond, per load (deteu BUte January ebont 0r).Ct)O tone. r From Kabulal. per Kilauea Uou,Jan R Haltead the many in which towards the native patents;" and "it appears that in FOURTH PUBLIC PUR3E. l.t. Sc report to the Board, nsed by the lepers. Z1 4 13-1- C tion extra) 4 EXCilANOK days' sight On London, 6 Alexander Stark. E Batchelor wife, Hon JW Kalua. in- y, was distinguished where advice 49449 w Akana, a r 1st uepnett, i nai-se- us has been shown. There districts this is acted on, the So far as I have observed, all the poor unfor- 50 pence. At x ore: si gat, sc premium. wire child, v rratt, most Merchandise from all vessels diseharg KtTVMNU KICK. 3 Chinsmen and 50 deck. courtesy in the dispatch of a special mission crease in the population has been marked.'' tunate lepers are willing to take his medicine, wharf to any point follow From Kauai, per C B Biahop, Jan 20 His Ex Gov P P within the O11 Mile Pasli. OjMn t all Hawaiian bred boraea , Our correspondent adds "that the Hawaiian for they all see that they are relieved by it. Aud : 75 Stock Quotations for the Week. Kanoa and wife, R A Maciie. Lr Flek-her- J U Jeffiess, L to explain the hitch which delayed the viz have never run in a public rarre. Puree, $60.' Ea 2 Government would do well to follow this prac- we one at Kalawao protest against hav- that Ahlbom, A Ilanneberg, Miss Dickson, F J Lowrey, China- and all Maunakea street, Beretania street nT ' 19 completion of that treaty with us which tical precedent." We know that they have done and'8 trauce, $1. PlKr-kBC- BT A. O Stock Baoara man and deck. ing a new doctor sent to Kalawao. If there is kea street per ton, as bill of 1 u" limita, Eu.i, From wln-lwan- l ports, per Lehua, January 21st W 1880, jer Japan had herself been the first to desire so, and, in caused to be published here for any one sent as resident physician send Dr. 1 i t Par. Aakd. Bid. Sold. J Moir. J U Maby, Mrs Bingham and child. Any single load less than ton as air distribution amongst the Hawaiian, a volume of on Hanoi a 8 a jar Co., $aooa$ J Giljilleu. W P Lawrenr. J K Mills, C WilUams, Misses the very highest consideration has been Fitch. Merchandise to - ' In all races, three entries, two to start. W "Sanitary Instructions for Hawaiians,'' which islandv Kitauea Sugar Co.... 1000 ..$.. E and A Kenton, Miss Hinda, MrM'Inerny, Burrell, shown to the King and to the people of this Any man who would endeavor to undermin j.JrWl H.S- - f ading 37 All entries to be wade with CECIL 11ROWN, Esq., A Enoa, C JL-&-- ) Jtoloaftnjar Co.... 19X1 3000 1720 li Cornwell, J Kirkwood. is full of practical suggestions in regard to the a doctor who is trying to do some good for the VW- - Mr per ljle ove ... 50 100 For Molokai and Maai, per Mokolii, Jan 22 About 30 high P. M-- , Make Siitfar Co...... country when an Embassy of rank use of medicines, especially of those simples lepers of Kalawao is mean enough to stenj urav at the rate of v. oal- 50 BEKORK 4 O'CLOCK SATURDAY, Ooaala Sugar Co... 100O .. deck to tur.) per FKBRUAKT IO. 1883 Illlra waaar Co..... sou From San Francisco, per K.M.S.B. Australia, January was deputed to represent the Emperor at that thev are accustomed use. The book has, . l'f,l Waihee Sugar Co.. looo .. 23 His Ex J M Kapeua. Hon J L, Kaulukou, His Ex of in theaseirf-(vwaUn.lr-ur?Tf1ftftVo- I surrender 01 nis criwr, .ue Coal bagged, ton of 2240 within liniiUeV No two horsea can be entered in any race of heats from Hngt Michlonogorhi. Lnhibaahi Kamata, 8. the Coronation, and the practical side vfi-e- It is last -. ..i- - Coal, loose ' ; S7I Haikn Mngar Co.... 600 375 .. Michinorl deiavedTiu " the same atablee. tlawalu Hngar Co.. 100 .. S3 Nagasaki, K. Sugi k Katanchl. E A Jones, C C Merriman. this goodwill has been dispjayf-- ' vante Coal, carting and piling, as per agre 7. 50 Ohl-andt- ,J .r'.vr Kolka. W C U I. N Bill Waianae Co 100 .. . .. Mrs T Callingbam, F Eastman. Mathers. instructions in the case of the native Fiiiians, Brick; within limits named above 'uei-ment.- . Judges John H. Brown, F. 8. Waimanaio Hngr 100 135 135 B Woester. A W Kirklsnd. W T Reynolds. H L manner in which Pratt and Co... Brick, pressed or fire, M . . . 00 Co. BOO 600 Dodire. H W Severance. Miss Severance. C E Williams. iVneTThe been productive of much good, and will go far named abovg (per f monies Sugar bonds... - JfJ3Jk,iJi-1.ii- e Latest Foreign News. W. R. Buchinin. Bnirar BoO 600 8 Cohen. C W Hitchcock. Mrs Toler. Miss Joler.J .Xt- mission of the Hon. to show the Hawaiian Government is behind Iron and machinery, within limit Jt per M. . CO Kohala Co...... W-- that L The Wailnka Sugar BOO iouo 900 1j KnuUe. L A Thurston, U T Polk, Miss M i- or ton per load Co..... - has been received by the no other in its care for the sanitary condition of The M. S. S. Timer Cecil Brown. Colon Mill Co...... lOuO F Allen, and 39 steerage. P. Australia arrived Tuesday at Extra heavy safeH or machine??. 50 Star Mill Co )0 sio For San Francisco, pe TVaer, Miss Japanese Government. Setting aside tra- of its people. 11 a. ni. bringing dates to the loth instant. agreement - jf y as per of H- - i.aotUaai Plantation Co... SOO 430 400 wife, Frank McEns-- 7 The following are the most important t Clerk Coarse James Boyd J,n 23' A Landergren Ar ditionary ideas on the subject, they have items: Black or white sand, as per agree (trove Bench Plantation Co. 2.jO 1M For Maui was the intention of Captain Wilson, of in- J P- - and J W Young. It The Suez left San Francisco on the 9th. Rubbish or dirt, as per agreeinenIment A. - Pacifle Sn rar Mill...... 500 8oO 800 den. per opened the way for us to recruit in Japan Starter, Captain N. Tripp- Uaw. Hell 10 70 and Hawaii, Lehna. Jan 23 T J Hsvael- - the U.S.S. Lackawanna, on receiving informa- stant for Honolulu. (Not yet arrived.) Household furniture, as per areeie Any required may Ttlephone Co. JJi-- r Seelye, Ix-sli- G H Flem- information be obtainrd from Cecil K-- ( T T F L J Jeflreaa, W for laborers for our plantations; and there is Res- Lumber, per 1 M Hawaiian K...... 600 500 Needham, S F 3 port, about Suez, to get His Excellency Elisha II. Allen, Minister feet within limKurment Brown, Esq., to whom all applications lur Booths aud B-- ing, Mrs J Gay, Chillingworth, wife and tion efter entering the Poats, Kabul ai a. 600 children, N Ohlandt, Geo Bell. T Lindsay, G Landmann, no reason to believe that a limit will be put ident at Washington for the Hawaiian Islands, per 100. within buiits 50 Stalls should be made. up anchor, and proceed to sea in search of the ShiiiRlea, 10 Entrance to Park ALL, a00 Mrs Batchelor, and L Aseu. upon the immigration of laborers from died suddenly at Washington on the 1st January. jx;r M, within limits. . 50 FREE TO PORT OF HONX For Sydney, per Australia, Jan 23 Frank Lee, J Farley missing steamer. But we are informed by His Gambetta, the illustrious French statesman, Fire Wood, on city front per cord.. . .7X 50 Entrance to Grand Btand. SO cents. Jania dfcwtf ' -- and R R Lavender. Japan to this Kingdom. How valuable Excellency the American Minister that the is dead, also Generals Chauzy and Horex Do from city front to any pbfv 75 For Gilbert Ialanda, per Julia, Jan 3325 South Sea this privilege will be found by the planters within Maunakea, King and Punciiiint Islanders. chief engineer had reported the steam injection Valdan, Chief of Staff to General Viney during bowl streets : - From San Francuoo, per Helen W Almy, Jan 24th. Mrs of country, and through to the siege of Paris and signatory to the capitula- l- ARRIVALS. Delia Bowsher, Master Joaeph Bowaher, Master Bertie this them the valve as broken, leaking badly, and that it would Kerosene, storehouse to the vil house, per rt W Caatddy. tion of that city. The latter died at Lisle, in case of B Mrs S C K COASTWISE. Bowsher, Mrs Ann T Pratt, A Morrison, Hawaiian people at large, is Tonly too well oil 04 Franklin Duprey. Mark Sherman, Robert Von Oelhaffen, be necessary to have it repaired before starting Dordogne, of apoplexy on hearing of the death From the oil house, per load of 25 cases Jan 13 Stuxr Moknlii. McGregor, front Maul and Molokai, Mrs R Von Oelhaffen. understood, at the present moment, by y with X)1 ban sugar and 93 bbls molasses out on a cruise. Were the vessel to go out of General Chanzy. or less J 00 Maul, From Kauai, per James Makee, Jan 24 Miss E Angler, most From Stmr Kilauea lion, bears, front Eahului, Mr Koehling, 2 Chinamen and 15 deck. those interested. now, she would have to depend almost entirely The White Star Line steamship City of Brus- the city front to any of the following with 1154 bes sugar and 3S bbla molasses For Ban tfrancisco, per WmG Irwin, Jan 2Sth Judge It is extremely pleasant to see the friend- on her sails. It will take some three days to sels was totally lost near Liverpool, the result of points : Stmr Wei manalo. Nelson, from Walmanalo, Oahu, M Davidson. Miss Lizzie Muther. Chaa Flint, Miss To Kukui street 75 with 373 pkga sugar J ship between this country and Japan, which make the necessary repairs with the aid of a a collision. Captain Land says the gash in the 1610 Angier. W Blabon. C Helm, Dr OUino, W Burrell, M To School st. bet. Emma st. and Waikaha- - Schr Hsleakaia from Fepeekeo,with pkgs Mace, and Mrs M M Ward. diver. If the Suez has not then been heard side of the City of Brussels was eight feet wide eucar per Morning commenced with the King's visit to the deep. lulu Bridge 00 600 bga From Ponape, Star, Jan 25 Rev A. S Hous- from, the Lackawanna will proceed to sea on a and three feet The steamer Kirby Hall To Wvpiula. Schr W allele, from Maliko, Maul, with ton and wife. Rev S W Kekuewa, wife and 3 children. latter country, thus cemented by the volun- cruise in search of her. ran down the City of Brussels. She draws 00 sircar For Kauai, per James Makee, Jan 25 Hia Ex Gov P P To Judd street 50 ao Stmr KaptoUni. from EsaJakenua Bay, Kona, Kanoa. K A Macfie, Mias D Cnverzagt, G Titcomb and tary acts of the Emperor and his advisors. eighteen feet of water. Her damage is above To Puunui 00 Hawaii about 20 deck. We received from Mr.A. L. Kirk of the water line. The cutwater is completely car- To Wyllie C R Biahop, Cameaan, from Kauai, with Hawaii has not been unaccustomed to being hive street 00 Stmr Ban Francisco, per Kalakana, 26 Mrs Bates, twenty-four-fo- ot r For Jan ried away from the eighteen to the To Ice Works fNnuanu; y-- ioad 2243 bags sugar, 33 bags rice, and 10 hides W L Grieve. I Bisbey. treated with great consideration by im- Portland, Oregon, a copy of the Daily Evening or ton 50 Schr Marlon, from Kokuihaele. Hawaii, with per 27 mark, and iron plates are curled up. To Pauoa 50 bgs sugar From Maui and Hawaii, Iwalani, Jan Judge J G portant Telegram, holiday number. It is an eight page To luO Hoapili, W H Comwell, W o Atwater, Mrs C Meinecke. Governments. Her relations with Her port anchor is hanging over ready to Leleo ' 00 31 Schr WaioU, from Paanhaa. Hawaii, with 784 Alias Napoleon. U F Taylor. L H fetolz, wife and child and the United States, England, and France, paper with an illustrated supplement, showing let go, which goes to confirm the captain's To Oahu Ti ison , 00 bes sugar SO deck. To Kohololoa, taunery Schr Waimain, from Paan ha, Hawaii, with 800 been marked by display of the principal buildings in the city. The leading statement that he was feeling his way to slaughter houses or : hive the the per load 1 50 bss sugar OF ' article under the cap t Ton of 11 The City of Port- anchorage at the time of the collision. Schr Waiehu. from Pankaa and Papaikou, Hila, PORT KAHULUL most kindly interest in her favor by The owners of the steamers Kirby Hall claim From slaughter houses or tannery to town 10 bgs sugar land," gives an interesting sketch of the rise of per 1 Hawaii, with all these great Powers. No less pleasant and $30,000 damage by the collision with the City of load 50 ttror Lehua, Lorzenson. from Hawaii and Maul ARRIVALS. the city from the primeval forest. It is thirty To Liliha and School 1 50 Kulazuanu, with 32 )0 street corner S3 Schr from Ookala. Hawaii, 14 Am bktne W H 19 days from no less valuable to us are the kindly feelings years since the first white man landed from a Brussels. The Inmans claim their loss at To Liliha 1 bg sugar Jan Dimond. Houllett, and King street corner 00 San Francisco of the people and Government of Japan. canoe on what is now the site of u large and $800,000 on the City of Brussels, besides the To Reformatory School corner 1 50 Scar LihoUho, from Honuapo and Punalua. 19 IS Am srhr Rosario, Swift, days from Eureka, . cargo and lives lost. The Post says a rumor is To Alapai's 1 Hawaii, with 1300 bgs sugar Humboldt That great and ancient Empire which since flourishing city. We note that considerable earner 50 23 Schr Lcka. from KeawaeU, Kohala, Hawail.with it opened its doors to Western civilization space is devoted to a of the religious edi- current that one of the boats of the City of To Waller's. Kalihi 3 00 ' 10" o bgs sugar was to to scene of To Pawaa Kelson, from Waianae PASSENGERS. has shown so wonderful an aptitude for fices and societies as well as the schools. There Brussels about return the the j 50 rHmr Waimanaio. seizing upon making own are interesting also furnished disaster in response U some cries for assistance, To Artesian Ice Works per load or ton ...... 2 00 Oahu From San Francisco, per W H Dimond, Jan 14 Mrs and its all that and valuable tables To Pnnahon 21 Stmr James Makee. McDonald, from Kauai S B Fitzell and 3 children, Mrs Ferguson, G Kuster, could benefit it in the ways and the science and we shall file the copy for future reference. but was prevented by a passenger drawing a 2 00 2749 bga sugar and 527 bgs paddy and 3 steerage. revolver to To Kamoiliili. . . 3 OO with 450 lwis alter of the nations with which it was thus and threatening shoot the first man Schr Kekauluohi, from Hanelei, Eaaai, with From Eureka, per Rosario. Jan IS W V Butterneld. attempting to To Insane Asylum . . . 2 50 bars augsr brought in contact, whilst at the same time The Annual for 1883, published by the Pacific turn back, and that the passenger To Queen's Hospital Lahaina, Maui, with explained that he acted thus because he feared 75 i1 Schr Nettle Merrill, from . MARRIED. retaining with discrimination all that is Mutual Insurance Company, is a prettily To Waikiki, town side of bridge near church 2 50 430 1'gs sugar best in its own old civilization, that it has the boat would be sucked under by the sinking To town side of r Leahi, from Kobolalele, Hawaii, with 600 b"gs ROBINSON AHI0NG In this city on the 20tb Inst., illustrated and neatly gotten up volume of some bridge at Park entrance ... 3 00 at the residence of the bridegroom's parent, I.iliba become the cynosure of all eyes. looks of the steamer. To Kapiolani Park, as per agreement suar forty-eig- ht pages, great of Stmr Waimanaio, Nelson, frm Waimanaio, Oahu atreet, by the Rev. H. H. Parker, Henry Robinson to Mias on in wonder; Europe ana America with containing a deal The New York World, in a column editorial To Kulaokahua, as far as Piikoi street. ... 1 00 with 850 bees sugar and 1 1 bbl s molssses Pokini A along. No Cards. on Hawaiian Treaty, 'concludes as follows : To Government Hanamauln, Kauai, with surprise. The leaders of such a people must interesting .matter, and fully setting forth the the Powder Magazine, per load 26 Schr Macnokawai, from be men of the highest intellectual ability, The Sandwich Islands treaty injures no one, but 1000 lbs. or less 5 00 77 bags augar DIED. stability and progress made by the institution. From Government Schr Meefm. from Koolau. Oahu, with 500 bags ef a lofty culture, and of a ripe wisdom. agent, W. has furnished us benefits everyone on the eastern slope of the Powder Magazine, per LAWLOR In Ottawa, Ontario, Can., January 10. Mrs The Mr. R. Laine, load 1000 lbs or less 3 00 n e k 6d bags paddy M. and Dr. Wta. M The King and people of Hawaii may indeed evidence to Rocky Mountains, and as it admits certain sugars from Pohoikl, Puna, Hawaii, with Martin Lawlor, mother of John with this and other documentary 10 naKaaK or from 1 Schr P.hoikl, Lawlor. feel proud of the friendship of the Sovereign company represents sound, free of duty to the Pacific Coast, it ought to Kakaako fio. cords wood prove that the he is benefit consumers on the western slope. H. G. CRABBE. 27 Iwalani, Bates, from Maul and Hawiai, CROW ELI- - On January 12th at 6 am., on board th and the people of the Land of the rising well a large And safe busi- That Stinr - 130-3- 0 conducted, and doing S. M. CARTEIt. witb 223 bga sugar tark Helen W. Almy, in latitude 32- 10 N., Ion git ude; Sun." Some statements which robs the Pacific Coast of the full benefit W., John W. Crowell. aged 3d yean, native of ness. damaging that have free sugars to GEO. H. ItOBERTSOX, romxiox. been made in reference to the company are of is the .thing for Californiaus E. PECK. 22 day from Hum- deal with, without pestering the treaty-makin- g Ja 20 Am bktne. Monitor. Knacks, His Ex. Sugi Michionogochi, Envoy Ex- proved to be false, and we doubt not but that ASHLEY & CO.. boldt as good a company as any power in Washington. All this "fuss"' over W. F. SITARRATT, 2i Am bk Lily Grace, Hughes. 44 days from Iulque traordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary the Pacific Mutual is sugar and Spreckels really means at the bottom Peru THE PACIFIC of its rivals. MRS. C. P. WARD (per John F. RMSH Australia, Cargill. 7 days from F from the Emperor of Japan, and Ishbashi a combination to aid the British Government Ilnstace, Manager). HOLUSTEU & CO., ! 23 - bgtne. Hesperian, Winding. 1 daya from S F It- has been the Q. S. S. Co.'s and Sir Charles Dilke to impede and, if possible, i Am 15 Kamata, Secretary to the Embassy, arrived stated that "4 Am bk Uelen W AJmy.Freeman, days from a t thwart the negotiations now committed to Wholesale and Ketail a S Wilson. 42 days from Caliao Commercial Jlbberttscr steamship Suez was built on the Clyde for NOTICE. Druggists. 23U 3d daya from yesterday per steamship Australia. This Grant of a reciprocal commercial alli- Missionary brig Morning Star, Bray, the P. & O. Co. This is a mistake. The doo3 wit ! Ponape illustrious party is accompanied by Michi- ance with Mexico, which is the country capable H K IMKI NKHSIIII' OK J. M fianr 23 Am bktne tlla. Brown, 21 days from 8 F Suez now overdue from San Francisco, was of producing an indefinite supply of sugars. If T JH., & COMPANY is this day dissolved 18S3 norl S. Nagasaki, to represent the Imperial bv mutual Honolulu & San SAUTED AY .JANUARY 27, Newcastle-on-Tyu- e, iu the year this negotiation is successful, the principle of cousenl. Francisco Household at the coronation, K. Sugi, a built at J. SI. Oat Jr., will settle its affairs. DEPARTURES. 1874, and was the first vessel chartered by unhindered trade will in the end sweep us into W. I. OKIEVE. COASTWISE. The lamented decease of the representa- guest of the Envoy, and Kutanchi, an at- alliance with not only all the States of Central J. M. OAT. Jr. EXPRESS & TRANSFER Oahu the British Government to carry Indian Honolulu, January 25th, l&tt. jao27 CO., 20-- 8. hr Kaala. for Koolan. tache to the Corps. America, but Cuba and Porto Rico also. writ Jan KauJkeaoull, for Honokaa. Hawaii tive of this country at Washington has been to in Turko-Russia- n troops from India Malta the The Commercial Bulletin gives prominence to . . U.nnntiwli. for NaWlllWiU SUd II occasion of an expression, on the part f The arrival of the Japanese Envoy is not Bkire CIRTWBIOBT. w. LCCt. A. w. DUIII. maul a, Kauai the war. Since then she lias been the views of Boston sugar merchants on the Waimanaio, Oahu great nation, to which he alone of interest, as being au honorary --Stmr Waimanaio, Nelson, for the rulers of the trading between China and India. Not Hawaiian treaty. It says that it in plain the XT 3NT Schr allele, for Mallko. Maui was accredited, of respect for our Envoy, representation of one of the most ancient schedule duties recommended by the Tariff Mokolii. McGregor, for Molokai .,., long ago she took a couple of loads f of NI O Mr Msut and Hawaii and famousof Asiatic States is of espe- Louisi- 23 xtmrl euna. Lorzenson. for and sympathy for our loss, which is emi- but it Francisco, and was Commission is entirely in the interest of Fhukai. fcr Waialua, Oahn Chinese to San it then as Nelson. Oahn nently gratifying and consoling. The worth cial interest to the people of this Kingdom, ana planters and glucose manufacturer, well FEED COMPANY. U-- WAianalo. W.nalo, by Co. 'tt' will. Kauai that she was chartered the O.S.S. as San Francisco monopolists, with whom the tichr Marr E Foster, for Nawill of Judge Allen none knew better than the in vie7--f the hopes entertained of the r Hawaii fck-h- Waimalo, fotOnomea. Her boilers were examined a short time Commissioners aeem to have been in eympaihy, for Paukaa, Hawaii people whom for several of the most im- increase of population and development of i-- 3 15 Hawaii ago, and found to be iu first rate order, and and in oj position to the views and actual knowl- 1 '1 Q VF. tl, V&U H.k.1.0 and Mabukona. years of history h'e has repre- our industrial enterprises. WTiile we have II. rii.KIS0Y. Maaajrrr. . Kahulul. Manl portant their are always examined every trip, edge of the whole sugar trade. Such a schedule hr At Kauai her beats UboUhoVor Koloa. Eleel. Waimea, sented with ability and success in the place no reason to calculate that the Empire of and kept in a constant state of readiness. would give little if any reduction, while their 'MIK HUIII.ICOF IIONOIA I.U ANDTIIK S Kalamana. for Ookala. H.w.i. a - Inlaode ami Travelera lo h, disposed to favor emigra- less one . and Irom forelfa porli are Pepeekeo, Hawaii where, most of all, an efficient and attrac- Japan will be an views generally were that not thin cent AND ooddnl that the above Company jla'tMikM, McDonald, for Kauai would be of nny essential benefit to are prepared la o- - tive representative was their need. Deeply tion policy, as her own territory affords We are indebted to Lloyd's agents, Messrs. reduction siTr l "ka. foV KeawaeU and Mahukona. Uasail consumers, which would still gwe some for Kukuihaele. Hawaii loss opportunity for development by her Sc. following informa- the Shr Mar.rti, regretting the they have sustained T. H. Davies Co., for the and over in the revenue probably. Kekauluohi. for Hanalstauai. and industrious people, yet we have some to $30,000,000 Baggage Leahi, for Koholalele. Hawau deeply sensible of the personal worth tion, and we correct our statement in regard The New York Times has a fierce editorial on ost AXTir ox iu.vu. Transfer AND t Foaaios. which his services hope of a concession in favor of our : of the patriotic spirit in the Suez accordingly the principal San Francisco sugar monopolist, De- . Aro-U- a. Newhall. for Port Townsend Orders Solicited. Prompt and Correct i.vtne have always been so earnestly rendered small State in view of the cordial and To the JZditor of the Pacifie Commercial Adverser, whose methods it compares to Jay Ciould'e. Jn m RMSS Antralla.Canrtll, for Auckland sjdney Articles Every r Gilbert re- Guaranteed. of Description J till , Hollsnd, for Islands the people of this country cannot' but kindly relations established between our Honolulu. Jan. 26, 1SS3. livery Orders will be am st'-i- Eva, Wikman, for San Francisco Kilauea Hon, Sears, tor a cruise joice, even amidst their profound regrets King and the Emperor of Japan. This Sib, We observe a statement made in your When you with rheumatism'groan, gratefully received by To and from vele arriving at, aud departloggfraoi li.tur i; k BUhop, Cameron, for San Franico Envoy, too, comes to Or with neuralgia labor. thla port, and to ' Stmr oma at his untimely decease, that the admirable strengthen this issue of this date, to the effect that the steamer i Am brig W U Irwin, inrner, iot iranmu was beg state that Be sure to use St. Jacob's Oil, A. BUSH, Hawbk Kalakaua. Miller, for fan Francitco personal qualities of their Minister should , friendly, relation, and if we succeed in Suez built in 1867. We to 3IR. W. Manager, the Suez was built under special survey in 1874, And then go tell your neighbor. DEUEVER GOODS, have been recognized as they have beeu by j increasing the favorable impression already EITHER AT NOTES. through the of the Envoy, and holds the highest class in Lloyd's register. SHtlPIXa the highest official personages in the United j awakened visit We are. Sir, your obedient servants, FURNITURE, PARCELS, schooner Courier, from Hilo, arrived at - j On account of the manner in which she Messrs. S. J. LEVEY & CO., The American States, aud by the diplomatic represeuta- we will have accomplished an important Thko. II. Davies & Co., ci anywhere la end around Honolulu at Reasonable Francisco on 2th December. was stared and ''made a Jumbo of," the ST R Ratee. San j Lloyd's. at FORT RET, Ban tives of other Powers with whom he had result. Agents for - brl- - N.wtb Star, bom Honolulu, arrived at of will go fox or stag t&- Tl. also SpreckeUon the contact. rejoice to welcome home His Empress Austria not TELEPHONE No. 130. n January 8h. the J l been brought into friendly Ex. - same date from Kahnlui. f"E Messrs. II. Hackfeld and Co., agents P.M. S.S. hunting- in England or Ireland axjain. EiOISTE STo. 14ThTand the Pomare on tue January 1st and 4th, at M. Kapena.who went to Japan as His TELEP 21 OFFICE Klnf a(reet. Iwfwren Nooana and Fort. now on The spectacles of John Company, have us to refute the state- OK AT ael3 dkwtf TheW H.Meyer has nnUhed her refalu and U requested Francisco. wasuingion, are wormy 01 ucms mc Majesty's Min'ster Plenipotentiary and the berth for fcan - ment in reference to the stopping here of the Since telegraphic messiges in Germany '4- - Insily ed subject of careful reflection. We occasion- Envoy Extraordinary, accompanied by The Hesperian. Helen W. Almy and Llla are Zealandia on her next trip up, as they have net have been at the rate of a half penny a word FEED HOUSE, discharging general merchandise. ally hear much about Hawaii being a,: lion J. lu Kaulukou, as Secretary of Lega-The- y received any notice that she will do so. stream. As they have provad profitable. Before that FOR SALE, f The IT S.stismer Lackawanna Is in the kingdom" a country " whose ? tJon have returned from their im- - to injection valve are effected ahe little a i were a loss. Telephone No. her -- Sir John Pope Hennessey, formerly Governor they 175. X Tgo search of the missing steamer Suez. strength is in Its weakness," a'id so portant mission with distinction and in superceded by PF Island Orders ple.ise address: 3 (DUMP) CANE eier a forth. Washington, on the contrary, success. of Hongkong has been Sir WAGONS, rxne missionary bf rtHiricruise amongst In George Brown, formerly Governor of the Mauri- No. reform, meral or intellectual, ever ,TJy from a seven and a half months' repre- last -. our Envoy always took rank with tl.e from classes of society. South S?ca isiauu- tius. The first named has been appointed to came down the upper UNION FEED CO., 2 Dump Carts (1 on greatest Powers.! He had On Tcksdat evening last the Rev. George Oh, Horse), lrb wrhooner JuUa sailed for the Gilbert Wanda sentatives of the Mauritius Mauritius, infelix. Each aqd all came up from the protest of last with tlsae-eipire- d laborers. been the Dean of. the Diplo WAlhice delivered a highly interesting and im-- HONOLULU. XuMday for some time martyr and victim. G-M- ule - bark Lily Grace arrived from iQufqua on Corps by right of seniority primu pfessive lecture on va jNegieciea rine Art, A party of five Japanese noblemen recently ar- P. O. BOX 127. 3 Sets Harness, ?v1Lr etin cargo, the is anchored in the matic rived in San Francisco, on their way home, after a M rtares there was no question of a j btfore the members of the Honolulu Library tour round the world, having been absent six Thirty thousand horses a year are needed -' inter A., All in Oood stream- bier one when his atad Reading Room Association. The neglected months. to York city's demand. W. BUSH( Ord.r. i still leaking badly, and. wing to ner little Kingdom or a status supply New wis 3m T;" water, she unable to be docked. A steam The new bark btillman IS. Allen, is expected noll Will bt. ,,4of imtDg ma reuow mpiomau rt which the reverend gentleman chose for hi The of Watch on the Sold Cheap for Cash. renUrinTdoVlihlenTng Ito leave Botton for this port about February 9 th, composer The i is recogn1zedasan in? Subject is that of Talking. This he dealt with fc Enquire of sideration. Hawaii -- 7alongside the whf in. day consigned to Brewer Co. Rhine" receives a pension of SI,000 a year. A very large assortment of fine white fnfmnr.Pl' dependent Power, with which IKeUnited from varied points of view, carrying with bin t& or two. j Harriet Beecher Stowe'a Florida embroideries at figures never offered before, at T. P. TISDALE, c1 FUhon and Kilauea Hon have 'In such --matters no dis- throughout his address the close attention of an Thk Likelike oomea off the Marine Railway n aupro- - States is In amity. stop av, ja22 daw 3t TWO will, in of arising from mere wealth appreciative audience. at 11 o'clock thib morning. orange grove gives ner l,5uu prom a year, Chs. J. Fishkx's popclab KOUAU, HAWAII. , Fraad-c- o. tinction rank " V,-l- to ran VT"?a.o v 1 i l .... fHTHw 'frfraej' afro Jtja.-r- :rvr A r PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, JANUARY 27. 1883. 5 j missionary and family in Members C. channel, because the natnre of the material filling away the last Hawaiian BY Messrs. F. S. Pratt A Co. hold their regular Meeting of the Judges and of Professor H. Hitchcocks's Lecture on 16th anchored at Maioesp, AUTHORITY. afc&trtistmtnts. They offer 1 the more western ratino was introduced by the that group. October Jltto room sale this morning at 10 o'clock. Bar. "Niagara Falls." stopped second time at Jaluit. a variety of desirable goods. the glaciers of the ice ape, while the eand in the October 20th the ice but found no mail or news either time. morning. Mr. evening latter seems to have been silted in after the At Fort Street Church, Sunday At 11 a.m. on Thursday a meeting of the Bench Last Professor Hitchcock, under October 25 tb stopped second time at Ebon and Wanted : back- bad disappeared. Crnzan will take for his theme, " the auspices of the Y. M. C. A., delivered a rocks ailed same day for Kusaie, with the work of JACOBS OIL bone," and in the evening, ' Deubt and Duty." and Bar of Honoluluwas held in the Supreme In continuing the study of the Niagara SI lecture at the Lyceum, his subject being was said several layers of solid rucks that group finished in thirty-fou- r days twentj Court for the purpose of passing certain resolu- it that the Government and Consular flags were hoisted FalLj. Paleozoic of which were spent at anchor, so favorable bad The tions iu reference to the death of the late Chief "Niagara This was the first of a indicated several long periods in the i at half-ma- st on Thursday last in honor of the a coral reef, been the winds. 3l Resident at Chief Justice JudJ, series of lectures relating to geology. The history of the earth. At the top is memory of the late Hawaiian Minister Justice Allen. His Honor, overlaying a soft mud, a harder eiliccoua Oct. 29th we anchored the third time at Kusaie, oc- object of lecture was to give a definition marine Washington. and Associate Justices McCully and Austin this 6audy beach. deposits indicate remained three days, and then sailed again to mud and a These stopped Musdat, February lath.l'WJ. Curonatien day-- will Mb. Wha Taylor's organ recital on Tuesday cupied the Bench. The members of the Bar of the science of geology. The subject was the presence of the ocean for many thousand the West on the 1st of Nov. Oo the 4th was largely Mis Michiels Attorney-Genera- Mokil to take passengers, and anchored be observed a a National Holiday, and all evening attended. present were : HirEx. E. Preston the l, treated in an able manner, and by the kind years, and the operation of agents similar to again at singins was the great attraction, and was highly second time Ponape 00 the 7tb. Government Office throagboat the Kingdom will A. S. Hartwell, John Russell, F. M. courtesy of the lecturer we are enabled to those familiar to all Hawaiian at the present the at be closed. apprecia ted. day in Took Rev. Mr. Dosdo and one teacher 00 JNO. E. BUSII. Cecil Brovn, R. F. Bickerton, 3- - B. lay before our readers the following the harbor of Honolulu. H. W. Severa5Ce, Hawaiian Consul at San Fran- Hatch, By boring several hundred feet beneath this red board and sailed for the Minuter of Interior. Mon-sarrs- t, synopsis : cisco, arrived here on the Australia, accompanied Dole, W. R. Castle, J. M. Davidson, J. M. descrip- MORTLOCK AND KK. ISLANDS InUrior Office, January 23d, 1M3. ja27 see he ap- The Niagara River is only 36 miles long, con- sandstone other marine rocks of various 3t by his daughter. We are pleased to that L. A. Thurston, J. W. Kalua, J. L. Kau- and Nov. In three dajs we iere at our first pears in good health. necting Lakes Erie and Ontario along the bound- tions would be found, full of relics ot life lltb. Kalama, and W. L. Holokahiki. already described. These rest island (Losap), and Nov. 16th stopped at iS'soa, Bt Japanese Minister and suite, accompanied lukou, John ary between the United States and Canada. It not unlike those first tur or Ixxioratiox. The Excellency upon an different class of rocks those and on the 17th tnchored at Umao th IIosoLrLC. January IS, IM3. bv Minister Kapena and his Secretary Kaulukou. There were also present His W. M. is of enormonsjdimensions, however, 100.000,000 altogether of Foreign Affairs W ednes-da- y tons of water pour over the precipice every hour, related to granite which in their turn bad pass- island in Ruk Lagoon. called upon the Minister Gibson, Minister of Foreign Affairs ; His Ex- Ft-fa- n, By order of Ilia Excellency theresident of the morning. to the average depth of 160 feet above the sur- ed through long processes of formation. Nov. IStb anchored at Wola, the 20th at cellency J. E. Bash, Minister of the Interior ; sailed from the lagoon Board of Immigration, notice m hereby given to Six vessels of war are now on their way here, face of the stream beneath, to the bottom of the Periods indicated by the study of the Niagara 21st at Utct, snd W. occur-rence.t- be work, on 22nd of all par tira who have filed applications for Portu and will arrive within the next two weeks. Two Hon. J. M. Kapena, Hon. L. Green, Hon. river it may be as much more. Looking down rocks, enumerated in the reverse order of the western circuit of our the of which are American, two British, one French j. Auditor-Genera- l; II. W. Severance, upon it as from a balloon, we can see the whole first. Nov. Stopped at Nsmolouk on the 24th and i S. Walker, latest being mentioned guese Immigrants to forward to this once state- - on and Satoan ! and one Russian. ; course of the stream, with its rapids. Whirlpool 1 gorge 35,000 year anchored at Lukuoor the 25th, ments for them, in ac- - Esq., Hawaiian Consul at San Francisco and Present excavated cf the quarters prepared McGuire has prepared a large and quiet flow. By so doing, as is shown the 2 Lake period indicated bv the St. the 28th. Fire Marshal and Consul-Genera- l. in cordance with the law regulating the itme, other THE GREAT number of colored lanterns for illumination pur- Mons. Feer, French Commissioner diagram, we find the ceuntry to be an elevated David's channel, say 10,000 years Sailed from the Mortlocks on the return trip wise no contract will be issued. poses, and we learn that they will all be used on plateau, nearly 600 feet above ths ocean. The 3 Erosion of St. David's channel .... 16,000 years Dec. 2nd, just three weeks from the time of leav- Coronation age-fillin- g . . 50,000 years (j A public and private edilices during the Attorney-Gener- al rose 4 Ice of Ontario channel JNO. 8. SMITHIES. . i: II ;i REMEDY The and presented the edge of the plateau is the highest portion of it. ing ronnpe, and anchored there the third time week. as it slopes southerly. I will present a few 5 Ancient river from Lake Huron to work in the unpre- Ja20 wit Kec'y Board of Immigration. College, fallowing resolutions : Lake Ontario, more than 100,000 years Dec. 12th, having done the FOR Prof. C. H. Hitchcock of Dartmouth figures for convenience of description. cedented time of one month and one dsy. who arrived here on the Australia, gave the first 1. That the Members of this Bar have heard above, near 6 Deposit of marine limestone, clays, Hu Majesty the King of Portugal. Our Great Ly- From Lake Erie, Buffalo.it is 22, of upper Silurian age 50,000 years December 21. Six months and two days after of a series of lectures last evening at the with extreme pain and .regret of the sudden and miles to the Falls. sands and Good Friend, ha accredited to Us, to reside subject was " The Niagara Falls." 7 Deposit of lower Silurian age be ailing from Honolulu, all the work which was ceum. HU lamentable death of the Honorable Elisha H. Allen, Length of the gorge or canon below the Falls 100,000 years a- neath the Niagara rocks than upon any previous voyage bad near Our Court. Senbor Ajttoxio DC Sorza Cam - yesterday in connec- 7 . greater RHEUMATISM, A dives was busily engaged late Chief Justice and Chancellor of this Kingdom, to Lewiston, it is miles. 8 Deposit of granite series, inde been most successfully accomplished, and we TiltO. in phirr(ftr nf rnmmiumnr s.nit Pnnanl tion with the injection valve of the Laekawanna, From Lewiston to Lake Outario, it is Zx finitely long I Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, and His Majesty's Miaister Resident in the United sailed from Ponnpe. for Honolulu, three months and We require all Our subjects, and all depart-- ' but it is not yet accurately known bow long the miles. Total 3G miles. Total periods 1 to 7 361,000 years Backache, Soreness of the Chest, repairs will take. States of America. 573 figures do not to even approxi- ahead or our expected time. of to pay considera- Elevation of Lake Erie. feet above the These attempt o menU Our Government, high Swell- 2. by such His Majesty has lost a Of the two hundred and twenty-tw- days of Oout, Quinsy, S'jre Throat, Corn-wel-l to raffle off his That death ocean. mate to the truth, but to impress upon our tion to his person, hi property, and his retainers ; Mr. Henry proposes eigbtv-nin- e days, Sprains, Burn Dan Rice. The horse has a very faithful and devoted Servant, who, during the From the Lake to the Rapids 13 feet descent minds the fact that geology requires us to believe the voyage, we were at anchor and to give full faith, and attSch full credit to all ings and and. celebrated horse boats seven hundred and good record, aud a fine chance will be offered whole of his official life, whether on the Bench or Rapids (si-mil- e long) - 51 of the during an immense and worked with our Lis official act as such Commissioner Consul. Scalds, General Bodily time ft in the existence earth and to obtain a fine horse. otherwise, commanded .the respect of all classes in Cataract - - - 164 period of time previous to the age of man. one miles. j Done at Iotaai Palace, in the city of Honolulu, Pains, We have visited twenty-fiv- e di Co rent islands, Tooth, Bv the Australia Mr. C. C. Merrimao, a distin- this community. and three times at sevsral this 12th day of January. A.D. 1833. Ear and Headache, Frosted of N. V. arrived here. Lake Ontario is 245 feet above the ocean and Oar San Francisco Letter topping twice' guished, scientist Rochester 3. That we sincerely condole with the family of !! thirtv-nin- a torninff-rtlaee- t KALAKAUA REX. Feet Ears, and all other purpose 328 feet below Lake Erie. niVinir in duricr and Mr. Merriman visits these islands for the the deceased in the great loss they have sustained. fifty By the Kins : of the algea of the group. The Fall is divided by Goat Islaud, giving (FROM OCB OWN COBBESPOSDKNT.) the voyage, and dropped tho anchor times. Pains and Aches. of making a collection be Walts a Mckkat Gibhox. Minister of Foreign He has made this interesting branch of natural 4. That a copy of these resolutions forwarded what is called the American Fall upon the east, Adverse cunents have been no less than usual No o earth equals Pf. Jacobs Oil a afe, Januar3" 16fh, 1883. e preparaksa History a specialty. to the family of the deceased. 1200 feet wide aud 161 feet deep, and the San Fbanxisco, (five hundred and forty-thre- miles) ; but so un- Affairs and Premier. jan!3 3t rare, timpU sod ckap External Bemedy. A trial eolmils wide The Hawaiian Reciprocity Treaty still winds bat the comparatively Lriflinf outlay of 60 Cents, and every went to Waianae Tuesday 5. That these resolutions be entered of record Canadian or Horseshoe Fall, 2400 feet and usually fresh and favorablo have been ths suffering pato can have a cheap aud positive proof The S.S. Waimanalo deep. hangs back at Washington. Some days ago Me. Aco.xo Akac has been appointed Surveyor om wiia for the purpose of towing the schooner Emma off iu the Journals of the Supreme Court. 15S feet on Foreign Affairs, that the currents proved a small obstacle. The of Its claims. Attorney-Gener- al said was twelve years The river is 3 miles wide, at 2 miles above the House Committee 1229 mile of Eleven Laasaagea.' the beach. Having failed to accomplish her The it whole distance sailed on the voyage is and Guard for the Port and Collection District Directions la to practice at the aud 400 fet-- :it the Whirlpool, mid- which has charge of the Treaty called upon object, Mr. H&nry Macfarlane purposes sending since he first had the honor the Falls, in- and tho average has exceeded that ol any previous Hilo, Hawaii. - but before the late Chief Justice Allen. During way iu the gorge. The river has therefore been the State and Treasury Departments for E. K. HENDRY. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEAL- some carpenters down to launch the stranded bar formation on the subject, ami it was then voyage by eight miles a day... Crossed the meri- undamaged vessel. be occupied the bench be was gaining in width from the mouth of the gorge 27-2- 1 Collector-Genera- the time that latitude N., and had a moderate Approved, Deputy l. and faithful. They to iutimated by members of the committee dian in EES IN MEDICINE. The gross receipts for the Minstrel performance always kind, indulgent the Falls. that the news advanced by those depart- gale from the west for four days, which brought Sixnx K. Kaai, Saturday evening were $515.50. This leaves missed him when he left the country; but it was The edge of the plateau has been called the Oahu, sinoe which time last went away for the good escarpment. is a precipice facing ments would have a strong influence upon us within 200 miles of Minister of Finance. jal3,w3t A. VOGEU2R. fc CO the troupe with a balance on hand, after paying all pleasant to know that he Niagara It G day to port, with light southerly per- of may be traced a3 much as the action of the committee. The Treasury we have been Baltimore, Md., U. S. A. expences, with which to prepare for a second of the Kingdom. At the time his death be Lake Ontario, and - Mb. Taos. X. EiacH has this day been appointed we will be given aiding in the matter of the Re- 200 miles through New York and Canada. was of course called upon to speak for the winds. formance which, understand was assisting and while 23rd, in latihrde 22 63 N., and longi- AO Agtnt to grant Marriage Licenses for Kaiawao. shortly. ciprocity Treaty for the benefit of the country. The rocks composing it are finely shown in revenue aspect of the question, the January & CO., lie original Department of State was consulted with tude 157-3- , boarded barkentine Amelia, from Molokai, K. Kapoloii, deceased. HOLLISTER Ehu-k- ai He had presided for more that seventeen years the gorge. The materials in their Island of vice L. The steamer Waimanalo met the schooner a regard to its political bearings, as the Honolulu 21st, for California, and go RUSH, on Wednesday last bound for the in the court, during which time he bad won the borizoutal position where they were laid down January JNO. E. in the channel ocear. being composed partly question of British influence might enter papers and news tho first since leaving Uono same port with freight ; the little steamer came up confidence of ths community. No one ever said in the primeval s Minister of Interior. SOLE AGENTS A up- of of largely into the consideration of the ques- Isaiah Bkav, MasiorA.', her in, and both were discharging one word disparagingly of him. more of beach sand, partly mud and partly lulu. 1 w3t to her and towed was a nfiL 100t Interier Office, January 5. jal3 at the same time.thus putting the schooner about right or conscientious Judge never sat on the coral rock. Having been cut through by the tion. In diplomatic circles the rumoi Honolulu, January -- oin, 1000. For the Hawaiian Islands. of will be easy for U3 to examine that the abrogation of the treaty would be 1 Ma. W. is thi day appuiutud Agent a half day or more ahead time. bench of any country. Niagara River, it H. Daxiels The Chief Jctstick made the followng remarks: their nature, upon either bank. As these rocks at once followed by the acceptance by the Summary Court. to Acknowledge Labor Contract between Masters i24 The Likelike will go on her regular route next of the terms of re- Civil Tuesday. She will not be able to make very fast Brethren, The members of the Supreme have a wide extension, they have been carefully Hawaiian Government and Servants in the District of Hana, Iilaud of sorrow of the death of studied and we know their thickness entirely ciprocity offered by England or Japan. The Satpuday, January 20. time on her first trip, as she will no doubt be very Court have beard with sent to commit- Maui. THE PACIFIC heavily laden with freight and passengers. How Judge Allen. As Chief Justice of this Court for through the gorge, and have collected the differ- State Department has the G T. Holmes vs Joe Keiliahi, desertion of JNO. E. BUSH. and the need of the fitting we should sorts of corals and sea shells distributed tee the required information, but at present everybody has missed felt nearly twenty years, it is that ent communication as contract service ; case remanded. Minister cf Interior. Likelike the past three weeks. show our respect to his memory. We fully through them. It would be like studying the the committee holds the Kamiki vs Alua, action of trespass ; damages Commercial llJbcrtiscr. sympathise with the resolutions presented by beach and ooral reef at Honolulu. Special confidential. 24th. Interior Office. January 2, 1883. jal3 w3t The object of a dangerous hole opposite No. 1 Freling-huyse- n claimed, $80. Continued until the Attorney-Genera- l. My acquaintance with names have been given to the rocks as shown It is understood that Secretary Fire Engine House, has been a matter of surmise the strongly protests against abro- B. llalstead vs Kalululaau, remanded from to the uninitiated for the past few days. At last him extended over many years a large part of upon the diagram. the the 17th, was dismissed. Minstrels' Entertainment. JANUARY 1883 tjae at the top. gation of the treaty, but suggests Its modi- The Hawaiian ( SATURDAY 27, we learn that it has been dug for the pnrpese of my life and we were on the Bench together They are Niagara limestone 130 feet long. reign of present escarpment, increasing to 164 at fication by the abolition of the color test of erecting a flag pole from the beginning of the the 20 feet at the Police Court- - last Saturday eveuing, a 1877, of this quite a large part rises above sugar and the fixing of the dutiable limit At an early boar Excellency the TJ. S. Minister Resident paid Sovereign to the 1st of February, the date the Falls, NEWS OF THE WEEK. His cool-heade- d, Niagara shale, 82 feet according to the saccharine quality under a large crowd had congregated in front of the U. 8. S. Lackawana yester-da- v, of Judge Allen's resignation. He was a the river. Next is the Satuedat, January 20. an official visit to the was coral reef; second, a new treaty. The committee discussed the Music Hall, and when the doors were opened the Captaix Cauoill has resumed command of the where he was received with the customary temperate, pure man, enjoying social thick. The first the charged with deserting her husband, Excellency, accompanied and domestic life, the circumstances of which marine iaud, and others are the only rocks ex- matter yesterday, but laid it over until next Lepeka, te, and balcony wre well 3. H. Australia. salute and honors. His be de- was ordered to return to bim. Costs, $3. parquet dress circle, by Captain Wilson, afterwards called upon the were, in bis case, peculiarly happy. posed at the Falls. Below,in the cliff, we notice Tuesday, when a special meeting will Ere cheer Tar January Term of the Supreme Court closed Office. of 20 thick, and the Medina voted to its consideration. The case of Kekaua and Keamalu, remanded filled. the curtain roe, aftr Premier at the Foreign He always enjoyed the confidence the the Clinton shale, feet was r on Jtonday last. over 350 feet thick making a total of Last week the Senate indirectly expressed from the 8th instant, dismissed. showed the enthusiasm and npeoUiu-- tb Japanese Embassy will be received by His Sovereigns of this country while' presiding red sandstone, Mixley was committed to Insane Jff.-i-W.iU- e The regarding the treaty by referring to Thomas ths y; cliff. itself evidently OVTwufy stockbroker, sold forty to-da- by Prin- the Department of Justice during four successive 675 feet at the audience which was ant rnttim twenty Majesty at the Palace at noon the to Committee a resolution in favor Asylum. shares of Waimanalo. and share orwGrove half-pa- st o'clock, by was recipient of high honors In proceeding from Lake Ontario Lake the Finance rtnrrra anarpleajnrre. The performance cess Regent at one and the reigns, and the of Cali- Monday, January 22d, 1883. Kanch. 1 Waikiki, 2 o'clock p.m. well as from the people of this Erie othergroups are seen above the falls, as of its abrogation. Senator Miller ' Princess Likelike, at at from them as re- began with an overture, and as the curtain rose.' 9 a.m. Satur- officers of U.S.S. Lackawanna, faculties upon the diagram the whole in their fornia, who favors the treaty, wanted it Kaai, Hailama and Kamkkona, were charged Ox board the C. II. Bishop, at last The Cadtain and the country. As a Judge, his perceptive shown Rela- load round of applause greeted the appearance day morning, was born to native parents, a robust will .tan i.Vu-pceive- bv Hi Majesty at the Palace, were keen, a good knowledge of fundamental order from below! upwards being as follows': ferred to the Committee on Foreign with the manslaughter in the 1st degree, by "'" and con- to-da- y. " diplomatic of semi-circ- le boy, who is doing well. 1 sandstoue, Clinton shale, Niagara shale tions, on the ground that causing the death of Paeole on ths night the of the whole company, arranged in a m f at P. M. law made as 1rrrcceasul Medina Bishop, his careeT a jrfbg&YWfKC..- - ...t..,eSalt group, Helderberg limestone siderations were involved. Jones of Louisi- 6th of January. All three prisoners pleaded not Captaix Camebox. of the C. R. reports ar on the stage. The opening chorus was harmoni- When expected men-of-w- one. was good I very heavy sea and strong south wind, with heavy the arrive, it will It his fortune to live in times aild iTmvsT(Tt,f",,fL GOBOE. ana and others, who desire its abrogation, guilty. Mr. J. Russell appeared for Kaai. ous! T executed and decidedly a success. The tax the ingenuity of our efficient harbormaster to when the business of this Court afforded him histoA OiTjt,.. wanted the resolution referred to the Finance Da. Brodik stated that be assisted at the pot comics, "Good-By- e, Eliia Jane" and Camj. V"'" ' moor them in our small but safe harbor, at the that leisure which is so great an assistant to Now we can understand whatJy I Committee, claiming that it was purely a mortem examination of Paeole on Wednesday, the The American bark D. C. Murray arrived at same time allowing sufficient space for the ingress mature and calm deliberation. His kind dis With a plateau to jfh respect-- f y, inter-islan- at Niagara. inclined theSuJ.- d commercial question. After Tho cause of death was an abcess Meeting, by Kalawaia and Capcland 19 pas-ivel- egress of d We '- 7th instant. Francisco on the 15th instant. days and our vessels. opine position manner won many '.,. - -- were well received and rewarded with ac-- I Fge Captain Fuller knows how to do it. and anable for him it is clear, there must have been at first a lake finanv?iUtuJa"- o'ntion was referred to ou the brain caused by a fracture of the skull. that friends, and he can truly be said to have had no it. waters irom the a oc.yoteof 31 to 20. clamatiuM of approval, which they richly merit- - w, Maui, behind lue various rivers discussion the re3rrflj The fracture was one inch wide and ono inch troupe on either end of the H Dimond arrived at Kahului. The U.S.S. Lakawaun.i. tired the customary enemies in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and Canada the Finance Committee by aS Yvirocity long, and almost penetrated to the brain, on the d. The three of the in8t4n. she WM fivo fcnd a balf daT9. 21 gnus a i . t i s - . . i uth Royal salute of Thursday morning, after I he history 01 the Kingdom of late years is a would fill up the basin to its very edge. At prepared abcess was sufficient nail Circle, oxeaMeu in rni uuiiuuus auu sight of the Island before she made the port. answer- Meantime the ltec,rrwer;T rieht side of the bead. The in coming to an anchor iu the harb.T. The record of bis success as a diplomatist, especially Lewiston there would seem to be a slight de- Treaty Mexico comes into que'&i -- caused by some full dress coat with unusual collars, indulged ing salute was fired from the shore battery at the with the e death. The injury was gTotewjue manoeuvres and gestures which Ths captain and crew of the wrecked schooner in securing the Treaty with the United States, pression where the water would begin to dis- tion. There seems to have been some to caiiVtL(if:'eut. It tould have been inflicted in Prince returned the Eilauea Hou on Saturday foot of Alakea street. Quite a nuniler of persons by which prosperity of this country were not without a certain ludicrous gracefulness br watched the efficient handling of the guns by the the has been charge and here the Niagara began to run. funny business " about this treaty. It Is blunt instnft,!;b2r llie I)ole Prduced in court, last. established, a disappear as-I- that added to the general merriment. " Gather-I- n native troops under Major Leleo. and his sudden death in critical Presently the rock would and the reported that General Grant and Henor by a deck buckfciC'r3--bi- s witness said be n Mr. W. ! The Lehua was unable to effect a landing at period in the history of that Treaty is most gorge begin to be excavated, then commenced Romero "representing the United States previously to Shells was sung by Aylett with i Band give a concert Emma Square tk Kawaibae owing to the kona that was blowing at The will at lamentable. But bis long life has now closed by the gradual falling of the water over the cliff, and Mexico respectively, stolen a - effect and pathos, when Mr. Fisher set the I have ur. tnree aaj J. the time she passed by. this (Saturday) afternoon at 4:30. The following the inevitable event of death. But few of us pounding, hammering the rocks below sisieu aiciviooiu house in a roar of laughter by expounding a is the programme: and march on the Press and public by fixing up conundrum. Mr. Iliton in "Mary Matilda." The steamer Eapiolani left Kealakeakua Bay at may expect to live out the four score years to washing out the pulverized material into the a treaty quietly between themselves which ceased was a man ;of apparently good health. j midnight on Tuesday, 16th, and arrived here at 11 Overture "Tancredi " Rossini which he had nearly attained, but wnat was good lower lake. The common opinion is did splendidly and Mr. A. K. Hale sung "Call by request that the is all cut and dried and ready to be acted He was not present at the first treatment of the J m. on Saturday. She has come down for repairs. Gavotte " Secret Love," Resch to-d- ay Again effect. " Wait Till a. in him we may well emulate. falls had an existence as distinct as when upon. Among other things it is alleged wound. Me Back with g'l Selection "The Sonnambula " Bellini will enter resolutions the wearing commenced, My Robe " was prodaced ezcelleutlr J Oabp Lodge No. 1, K. of P., at their last Noctorno Two," new Chopin The clerk the in the action and that the that the treaty reports the objectionable J. B. Hopkins said he received a patient into I Get Ou "Number Journal of the Court. cataract has gradually cut its way back for by Mr. Kaloino. Meanwhile the banjos were ) regular meeting, accepted, without a dissenting Festival March "Charlemagne." new. .Oberthur feature of the Hawaiian Treaty (to the the Queen's Hospital named Paeole, about ") followed Kuu voice, the invitation to attend the Coronation. Mazurka "Augusta," new Parlow Mr. IIabtwkll said bis acquaintance wiUa Judge several miles at the rate of one foot annually, sugar men that is) by admitting sugars minutes past 2 o'clock ou the morning of played with fine effect. Then Allen began 1868 as upon of 35,000 ths " To one who oould A in an associate the thus requiring a period about years freeofdnty, and that iu this Mexico, like 17th iustuiit. Policeman brought bim Aloha bT Mr. K. Kuhia. The schooner Julia, under the command of Capt. Chixaman who appealed to the Intermediary Bench, together with Mr. James W. Austin, now As there. tongue, seemeU Fri- - Court on a charge of having opium in possession, for its fast as the falls Hawaii, will get the advantage of the He found Paeolo very weak from loss of not understand the Hawaiian it Holland, sailed for the South Sea Islands on Attorney-Gener- al blood was again reconvicted on Thursday last. The prose- in Boston. The was correct receded the great lake would become drained United States. Further rumor regarding caused by a of ay last, carrying 20 j Islanders to their homes. in saying Judge Allen confidence of while fructure the skull. Paeole also ballals. and cave pleasure. " Husan Jane " cution had extremely poor grounds on which to that had the for the cliff is 350 feet high the present this treaty is that Grant has worked it with had a bruise on the back below the shoulder uh Kipahulu, Maui, we they have quantity-foun- this community, of all who knew him. His seems a very mat- Mr. Am Com:ng, Darling, box learn that act, the being almost infintesimal. and cataract only 160. It simple a view to consulting the interests of Jay blade. He died quarter to seven o'clock on the by Gussmn. "I bad quite a heavy southerly storm with a great and found iu the corner of his pant's pocket whilst impartiality, his desire to allow no bias of any ter to accept this general conclusion but there Comtug" by ana " Pi now i ' Gould, of whom he is but the agent. Gould morning of the 17th instant. From the time Le il. llirain toia deal of rain. being searched 011 a charge of assault and battery. kind to affect his judgment, his absolute firm- are several facts going to show a great many struggle for Way " were efju.il point of execution to , is interested in the the control was brought to the hospital he was rational De in Rather weak, but still according to law, sufficient ness was one of his distinguishing traits. Born steps this progress. First, we have to con- and Witty repartees and jests were inter-- j Mb. Macaclet, the well known piano tuner and in of the rapidly increasing railroad interests conscious until Sunday the 11th instant. Ha the best. business in to convict. in 1S04 at Greenfield, Massachusetts, he entered sider the existence of a cataract in a canon among various parts and afforded an j repairer has his former that of Mexico. The railroad schemes opposed then became delirious and remaiued more or aperaed the was successfully lauded from the Ltika-iran- tt political early, going to Congress 1840, to of agreeable diversion.' The finale of part first of in this city. His office is at C. E. William's, Fort There life in is an exception the usual method erosion. to Gould are subsidized by the Mexican less so until his death. Drs. Trousseau aud '- - yesterday, three Peruvian Rams of the First defeating Hannibal Hamlin, of Maine, as an of immense of ene on ; street. t You have heard the canons the Government. Gould has no subsidy, and made the Postmortem ths programme, ii ahukona Train,' Class. They are now moored at fhe Fish Market, opposing candidate, who in turn defeated him in western United States of hundreds of miles of lrodie examination on whole company. j city will shortly lose the professional ser- he argues that by making a Reciprocity the same day be cross-examinati- was ingeniously act d by the The and are formidable looking structures. They are 1812. lie afterwards came te Honolulu as a gorges, but no cataracts like Niagara. The that died. In W. i vices of two of the most prominent legal practi- wool-plate- d Treaty, Mexico will be deprived of any this said : After intermission, Mr. Aylett played th "turretted" rams, throughout, and successor to Mr. Severance in the office of United greater yet Niagara hardly witness T well, was ! tioners. It will afford tne younger members of Intrepedio, YXgilanie, and descent is and has its revenue by which to pay subsidies, thus Dr. Trousseau was ' Harmonica Solo but it not heard have been named Terror States Minister, from which place he succeeded " any part of the world. A the first physician that oil noia in the audi- the Bar on opportunity to display their abilities. Chili. They draw as much water as they can " double Jin river killing off Gould's rivals. saw Paeole after he came to the hospital. Wit- distinctly by all account of of Chief Justice Lee upon the Bench of this Court. will naturally wear a uniform channel in a House passed caxa'e Clog King-stree- t, adjoin- drink out of a medium sized bucket, and at close The has the Shipping Bill, ness telephoned for the Doctor aud be came ence. Then the "Fancy " by Mr. "The new brick buildings on He was fond of political life, and always ap- country. If the rock varies in at amusing terpsichorian A Cooke's premises, are now quarters would do fearful execution. Just how plateau char which is expected to give relief to Ameri- once. L. GuHman.and this ing Messrs. Castle of peared to good advantage there on account of acter then the gorge will wear faster in the soft was succeeded bjr the Nationale Song reeivinc that artistic and ornamental finish for they managed to escape the clutches the Chilians can commerce, and the Senate has passed The Police officer who appeared on the scene feat - is shrouded in mystery ; but it is surmised that his conciliatory ways. The , Judge never im- places. the softer rock is found at the lower ly Mr. J. Jlaher, which was executed in a very which the builder, Mr. T. B. Walker, has justly- If the Civil Service Reform Bill. Both moves at the time of the riistuabance, testified to find- V aw-i- samples one so a t, fc S Twa. AvinK sa i cr tat Inn they were smuggled out of the country as pressed much as profound jurist, who part of the river there may be a cataract where in a good direction, though only compara- Pueole" 1 TV,. XRanin iAtn " T 1 VUUCU UvU t a.a' wwv. ing on board the Nettie Merrill in a liBJIJ 9J C " J of a strong kind of butter. made an exact study of legal science, as a man in the bard rock joins it. That is the case at the tively satisfactory scopes. was creditably executed. The quartette &. kindly in in their wounded condition. Also to conveying the frd lama. Muftis. J. W. Kobebtsos Co. Henry B. Wil- whose firmness and integrity all could safely present Niagara. The overlying limestone is fiery epidemic has swept Aaapaa " by Messrs. Hiram, Keakaokalani, the German steamer The U.S.S. Lackawanna, Captain A over the to tli hospital. " forms the Advebtiseh that son, commanding, at this port at 9 o'clock rely. He gave so much of his time for many quitejhavd uud the shale beneath is very soft, Last Tuesday K Ktjit.-- Aylett was simply delightful, as also Messrs. Hack-fel- d arrived world. night the Newhall aim la a it that he belonged to the Kel- Kaina and by II. six-storie- Ebrenstein was chartered follow- years to public affairs naturally bal- d ed Hiram, a.m. Thursday, 42 days from Callao. The that he could and the rate of excavation of the top just House, at Milwaukee, a tic Merrill. He went to wharf was "Ka La Alohi Nei' by Kuhia. Je Co. to leaTe Bremen on the 10th Febru- ing is a list of her officers:. not engross himself so much with examining ances the pounding of the soft shale beneath, over the with Kaai on Kaina and Keakaokalani. The song and dance a full load .of emigrants for down, and eighty persons, the my lit of the Cth inst. After getting to the ary ueft. with Henry Wilson Captain, commanding. abstract principles of law. and thus the recession is uniform at present. guests and employees of the house, were in:iil we by Mr. L. Gmssmann folly sustained that gen- Mr. Allen always to do and say pleasant to wharf drank together. Kaai invited wit- Honolulu. D. C. Woodrow Lieutenant Commander. liked Now on recurring' our diagrams we can see either consumed in the flames or dashed to ness to go up town again. He refused tleman's former high standard of performance. J Lewis Kingsley Lieutenant Commander. things ; he seemed to me to dislike to pass a might have existed. The bot- and went Shop " was in the The Bev. George Wallace delivered a lecture last where variations death on the pavement in Jumping from ou boaid the Nettie Merrill to sleep. Kaai The " Scene in the Doctor - W. a well-know- n Tuesday evening at the rooms of the Library A9so- J. Carlin Lieutenant. sentence in criminal case, or to order judgment tom rocks at Lewiston are much harder than the windows. Yesterday the Kim but dialogue could not be beard 11. Coffin . ted to throw pieces of wood on board the main good, ths I ciation, his subject being. "A Fine Art Much Neg J. Lieutenant. against anyone. We all remember his cordial those above. The Niagara shale and limestone Planters House at St. Louis was partly by the audience. Ml. A Keumi on the trapeze was to II. F. Fickbohm--Lieutenant- . greeting we presence, vessel. Three of us turned out with the object lected." The attendance umitea, owing whenever entered his his are found at the top just as now at the falls. burned, several emploj'ees being killed and of sending him away. Kaai won general attention and praise, and the " Re- other attractions 01 the same evening; but the few J. M. Roper Master. friendly enquiries after our interest. This was Hence a cataract might follow these two layers went away and re- Cope-lan- d, Q. A. Engineer. fatally injured; and on the same day, in turned again with turn of Uncle Joe" by Messrs. Iliton. who listened to the lecture fully enjoyed the intel- J. Ziegler Chief not due to mere animal spirits, for he was not nearly constant rate. But the two lower several others. They invited finally, to W. W. Woodhull Paymaster. back at Berdicheff, a town of Russian Poland, the us to come ashore and fight. We went Kalawaia and the whole company lectual treat. The receipts were devoted the a robust or hardy man; it was due to his kindli- layers are of unequal hardness, the lowest being fire on shore followed by Hawaiian anthem sang by the funds of the Association. C. n. White Surgeon. circus building took during a crowded for that purpose. Paeole aud Kamekona got was the benefit of Samuel Mercer Lieutenant of Marines. ness of heart. the most unyielding. Hence there may have performance, and three hundred persons royal standard was nil-fail- ed into a scuffle. Hailama came along with a piece the company while the At the regular meeting of George W. De Long George E. Tower Passed Assistant Enginaer. Another strong characteristic of the man was, been three different cataracts in early times, perished in the flames. and the audience arose. This concluded Saturday evening, although always of board and struck Paocle. Then saw Kaai Tost. So. 45. G.A.B.. held last Arthur C. Haffinger Pased Assnt. Surgeon. that he might not exhibit as cutting back at unequal rates of speed. The The valleys of Germany and Austria strike Paoolo with a tb programme for the evening. in Knights of Pythias .Hall, the following officers Midshipmen Karma ny, Moses, Boufils, Mor- much push or what some call energy, as others would be in the upper shale and woodon bucket. (Remains : first limestone, have been swept by floods within the past produced in court".) The entire entertainment was a success. The were installed to serve during the present year gan. Kimball. may show, he.did not 'do things merely for the the second iu the Clinton shale, and the third in Kamekona struck John Hall er. week or two. The loss of life is counted by on the leg piece company richly deserve f rains and encourage- Post Commander, B. W. Laine ; Senior Assistant Engineers Isbeater, Wood, Smith. sake of doing something, he was not a man to bard red sandstone. In the Genesee river, with a of wood and knocked appre- ; Vice. W. J. Law the hundreds, ana of property by millions, and him down as be was coming to ment. The audience was intelligent and Samuel Nott Junior Paymaster's Clerk Long. make mistakes. He never over-di- d, or did to Niagara the assistance of ; si which runs parallel the several miles widespread destructions exists. Govern- The King witnessed the performance ; rence ; l'oxt J. JU., v. jay oreene oursruu, Lackawanna is of the 2nd Rate, 1026 tons, 9 anything uselessly. was par- Paeole. Witness got into a boat and went to ciative. : Emer-- ', The In this regard ie to the east, over the same rocks, there are three aid is freely the Hou. Mrs. C. R. M. Hagan, M.D. ; Officer of the Day, N. B. 2ti officers 197 mental afforded, and subscrip- iisnerman s point and remained there the Princess Liliuokalaui, Chap--: guns. She carries and men. She ticularly valuable as a public man. He was an corresponding falls. Now as these rocks all until many other distinguished indivi son; Officer of Guard. J. Simenson. juu., reports government affairs at Callao, as a very tions have been started in the United Monday, the 8th instant. Eishop and lain, J. X'Keague ; Adjutant, F. L. Clarke. in excellent politician, and must have impressed incline southerly, the lower layers presently States for the relief of the sufferers. duals were also present. mixed state. The Chileans are virtually the rulers public men favorably. As Dean of the Diplo- of erosion, John Hall, a seaman belonging to the Nettie - seems but little hope of pass below the line and hence the Merrill, testified to knowledge ji BkO of handsome No. 1 sugar from the Waima- and there the Peruvians matic corps in Waahingtoa, he held a dignified, two lower falls will disappear after a while, his of the f. nalo Sugar Co. was sent in to the employees of the ever attaining their independence again. The fray, which was niuiilar to that of the former voyage to the Islands was uneventful, being made honorable place, for which he was well qualified, leaving only the upper cataract, and we can Report of the Twelfth Voyage of the Mis- Pacmc Coii.BAL Advertiser Co. on Monday, leaves a vacancy can- witness. are to under sail with steam as auxiliary. and he which this country know of their existence only by the process of sionary Packet "Morning Star" to Mi a - and the thanks of tne recipients tenaereu not easily supply. employed above. Makasci, seamen of the Liholiho. testified PHIX-- donors. Yi aimanalo is pushing ahead with ths Honolulu Athletic Association has nearly reasoning 1882-83- - to assisting STEIlr, the The It is no light thing to say of any man, without peculiarity is shown by the existence cronesia Islands Paeole when in a wounded condition. latest improvements, there having been ordered a completed the first year of its existence. Its first Another Mr. Russell offered no defence for bis client. new "dou tie effect," centrifugals, and trash house. annual meeting is announced for Friday next. eulogy, as all can sincerely say of Judge Allen, of the Whirlpool. The river changes its course lhe Missionary brig Morning Star that left to that he was a man of absolute purity and in- point, and it is very much nar- Tbe three prisoners were committed for trial at The railway is aow finished from the mill the Started amidst much enthusiasm it soon after- abruptly at this here last June, arrived in port Thursday morning the Supreme Court, next April term. Leach and everything is in hrst rate order lor grow- wards, as almost everything of the sort does in tegrity. That we all say and we all believe. rower below. The water is very swift, and any from Ponape. Through the courtesy of Captain ing and securing each season's crop. Honolulu, began to languish. The bubble enthu- His Excellency the Pbemieb said : May it floating object may rush with railroad speed Thcbsdat, Jandabt25th. Divided counsels threatened to please your Honor, Although Bray we are enabled to lay before our readers tbe The following named gentleman have been au siasm burst. this is a meeting around it for days before passing out bftjow. following interesting report of the voyage. It W. Jones and J. Brancha. remanded from th destroy its usefulness and a general apathy to of the Bench and the Bar to render honor to a The residents fear the Whirlpool as much as 24th, pleaded guilty. Jones was pointed as marshals of the coronation ceremony to its existence for so long a time as would will he seen that the morning Star has been ex- sentenced to act nnser the orders of Hon. John Cummins, grand render departed brother, it is fitting that I, as an officer they do the rapids, and will not venture so much ten days' Imprisonment, costs SI. Brancha was bring round even the first annual meeting very of the Government in official relations with ceptionally fortunate in makiog this, her twelfth marshal. Captain A. W. Tripp. Harry Whitney, problematical. Happily there were some men on as to put hand or foot into the water at either voyage, and we hope she may be long discharged with a reprimand. James I. Dowsett, jr., John Colburn, Clarence the departed, should speak. The country has locality for fear of being that spared Daniel iloman, from the directory of the association, who do not like to drawn in. to continue tbe good work in which she is remanded the 24th. aa Macfarlane and Charles Lucas. The badge worn be beaten even if success involve some received a serious blow iu the loss of the de- On scrutinizing the walls of the Whirlpool we discharged. by marshals will be a rosette of the national trouble. parted Minister statesman. engaged : I the Money has been found, a gymnasium has been built, and I had an inti- find a part of it composed of sand and gravel, Kale, charged with drunkenness, forfaited ft - Honolulu colors, with a royal pendant. and the association will hold its meeting on Friday mate opportunity to- know his eminent value as and on looking further discover the outlines of 'Sailed from June I9tli, 1882, with bail. twelve passengers: Rev. A. A. Sturgis, Rev. Letters are lying at the general post-offic- de- in its own hall. It is to be hoped that there will the representative of this country in the United an ancient gorge filled up with earth running to F. Kamaiele, charged with malicious injury. . Rand, wife and child, Rev. Houston tained for short postage, addressed to the following be a good attendance, and that the nextVear will States. You have all seen so much in the St. David's, a distance of three miles. I under A.S. and pleaded guilty. Fined $C. costs Si. persons : Bev. W. Woodall, East Melbourne ; see as much good practical work done in utilizing American press setting forth the great considera- wife, Rev. D. Kanuho and wife. Rev. R. Maka, im Lock, remanded from the 24th. waa fonnd Par-ramat- ancient gorge corresponds in width Fleming. Oreytown. Otago; John Shaw, ta, the institution as haseen done during the past tion for Minister stand this Miss Fletcher and Mrs Alex. entertained Allen. It may be with the wider of the above the Jennie Tatea and son. guilty and sentenced to sixty days' imprison- N.S.W., Aug. Kopsch, Harden, So. Au- year in preparing it for a career cf usefulness. said a great foreign nation has part ebani Proceeded firrt to the Group and had a $1.34). mourned for Whirlpool. Here is an additional fact in the his- Gilbert ment, costs, stralia; Miss J. A. C. Fleming, Auckland. It is Br the arrival of the Australia, the apprehen- him. Her chief public officers fes- of days. Stopped forgotten by many correspondents closed their tory Niagara, and indicates the former dis passage tweirsy at Tapiteuea evidsnriy that sions of the public concerning the overdue Suez tivities to do honor to his memory, and a repre- of it July btb. Nanouti 11th, Apeniama 12th, Maiana the Colonies of Australia and New Zealand are not were intensified by the information that she left cbarge of the waters at St. David's instead of at " The Tiices " Leadixo Abticle Extract sentative of her President and Cabinet accom- 14th, Marakei 15th, Apaiang 18tb, and Butaii-ta- ri the Isju'ioii Time fro members of the Postal Union. ou W birl-poo- l. Pausing by a crowd of San Francisco her regular day, and had all panied his remains to their place. Lewiston.and it explains the origin of the we minor Carriage Maker gone right she would have arrived here on Wednes- last resting 2oth, and sent a boat from Apaiang to Ta- notions, come upon tho exhibit of the Walthaui reports of Fran- to The old channel became choked with de. From the commercial late San day, the 17th. Being now 10 days I had the honor receive yesterday a dis- rawa on the 19tb. Watch Company, which, in economical OH JTOaT. ABOT HOTEL STIT. papers we the following particulars overdue, it is and when the river could run again it was is perhaps lmivi. cisco learn feared her machinery has broken down aud the ves- patch from His Excellency the Minister Resi- tritus, 23th. After only nineteen days in the huperior to anything el so shown. Th concerning the cargo of the steamship Suez : channel below the Whirlpool, July rivalry of the sel thereby disabled, having but little canvas to dent near our Court, in which was conveyed the unable to clear its group and the work all finished, we sailed for watches of this Company has already The Suez had merchandise for this port valued at personal expressions of and therefore excavated the narrow gorge in the been felt by our own makers, and a JUST RECEIVED 937 pounds spread, and which would only be of service in case regard and of condolence Kucaie and took Rev. A. C. Walkup arid hi hesitating at- HAVING $93,545 including 11. bread. 1.S92 sacks of a fair wind. is reassuring, however, to of the President of the United How lower part of its course, already described. tempt was made last sennion. in the ,.t A UtBOC INVOICB OF 593 barley, 174 cases candies. 40s It learn States. Gilbert Island Training School to lelanJ. Coventry inttxa brau, centals from the Australia's report that fine weather was earnest and marked has a number of strange (acts are therefore that manufacturers, to prevent the watch centals corn. 3.511 pounds coffee, 72.000 cigar- this regard been mani- Quite Anchored there August 12th and remained while cases of tho Company receiving CARRIAGE MATERIALS experienced by her throughout the passage, fested. A regard that I feel could only be necessitated by this discovery. The Niagara the EuKnh stamp, BEST SELECTED ettes, 150.000 cigars. 374 cases canned goods. 343 as the Suez left six days the American missionaries held a general meeting. which certifies tl. ? they are made of gold, it package dried fruit. 435 barrels flour, 530 pack- but previously, it is awakened by superior personal character. The bezan to excavate at St. David's instead of would seem that the e- Direct, sad mm b.i possible that the latter veisel encouutered'a Left Kusaie August 23d and stopped at Pinge-lo- p Waltham Watches may defy rrom'ft- Tsrfc e.jJi ages green fruit, 1,061 bales hay, 477 centals oats, touch weight of years was no hindrance to the value of Lewiston. Next, some changed conditions cov all attempts to exclude them of the bad weather experienced off these Islands 011 the 25tb, at Mokil the 20th and anchored in this indirect way 1.C58 packages potatoes, 324 packages salmon. 109.-JC- 7 the services of Minister Allen to this country. with water as at- - the first. This Their first claim to public from the 13th to the 16th instant inclusive. When ered the region Ponape on the approval was derived sugar, 5,309 pounds tea, 151 at 27th. M Ftrnt-Olas- s Mechanics! pounds centals is known the bark was 10 It was not necessary that he should be active, water must have been fresh, because shells such from the extraordinary nioetv of their VI1 ft! i fin wheat. it that Hermann days, Sept 1st. Sailed from Ponape to return to the They were made with mm build the clipper W. H. 5 pushing, or lobbying. When he knocked at the are sand; suoh erfoct exactitude I romblrd le and bris Dimond, days in sijjht as live iu lakes distributed through this east and touched Mokil on the part of all that A Chinese vegetable vendor appeared before His of the Islands, without being able to make their door of a President of the United States or a must have been another lake period when at the 4tli. "Pingelop watches of tho same class could be Bngeiis &c on Monday morning to answer charge so there on tbe 7th, and anchored the second time at Ku- interchanged, and, being Cut-ucd- er Carrfagef. Phaeton. Honor a of respective ports, it can easily be understood that Secretary of State, it was readily opened, and old channel was filled up too high to be induction thus made battery, inasmuch as he the saie September Took Rev. possible on a largo scale, cheapness as well as excel- assault and entered the the Suez might possibly be within a few hundred his lightest word received the most courteous by the later river. No doubt this 12th,. Dr. Peac, was bedroom of a Hawaiian couple the early hour of of head- cleaned out (or lence secured. But the Company have cou at miles her destination and unable to make attention. Such was the effect of his weight of could be resuscitated, if were an family and school, and sailed September 10th on introducing improvements AKD DUE ABILITY seven o'clock on Sunday morning whilst they were way as long as the present light airs and baffling character. old channel it the in their art. and th BTYLi. BEAUTY in bod, with the avowed object of collecting a debt view of object to do so, by washing out the sand. compensation balance they have devised seems to, winds continue. In such being the case, The departed ..Minister reflected honor upon MARSHALL ISLANDS, have overcome tho CaaaoC k Bxeelletl fcere or la th Et. ef 25 cents. His Honor not considering the in the agents and others interested in the vessel, her The lecturer next described a wonderful an- standing difficulty of the vtry S20 the State he sf :d. His service was marked ing expansibility of tho spring and the Second-han- d Carriages. Phatons, trusion justifiable, fined the agriculturist and passengers and crew, have thought fit to cient channel across the plateau in Canada, dis- reaching the first of that group (Namerick) in wheel It ta inter-islan- with ability to me very last. All the circum- - said that the delicacy of Hew aad costs. He also dilated at considerable length on dispatch two of onr d steamers covered only recently by Professor Spencer, and the short space of five days. construction of the me- Spring Wagomi , mistaken ideas Chinamen, of stances of his life and official position inspire chanism invented by the Company is such Buggies, the that this class in search of her. The Kilauea Hou and the C. R. presented the theory that Lakes Erie and Huron Spent tbe 24th and 25th at Ebon, 28th and micrometer they that a especially, have about the manner in whiuh they Bishop sailed 011 Wednesday last in search of the our most profound esteem, and with the pro-fouud- est exhibit at Paris measures the FOB SaLK XXRT LOW. no sentiments of my did not exiBt then; that this ancient Niagara river 19th at Jaluit. and the 2d and 3d of October at th part of an inch, can collect a debt, matter how small the Suez. Amongst the passengers known to be heart, I join in the readdy be snd might Gil-ma- n, flowed through these two lakes and joined Lake Mille. divided under a lens into Buggies Sold on Commission ! amonnt. Arnault and battery of serious natures, on board the Suez are Mrs. Atherton, Mrs. sad privilege of doing honor to the departed parts. Carriages & and in two cases, murders have resulted from a Mrs. A. W. Bush and familv, Mr. and Mrs. statesman, judge, and friend. Ontario at its extreme western angle. The latter Anchored at Arno, October 8ih and at Mejuro M. McIxerxt. Agent for this Kingdom ; also Agent Su-rlin- ce anrnming. Chinaman's mistaken idea of his relation to a S. and family, H. Poor, Mr. W. O. Mr. may have been a river also. This period on 10th four for Oorham Bilver-war- e. Eepairing, Painting C. Damon P. Jcbtice Apste? made a few eulogistic re- lake the and remained days, placing The Trade sunnlied on ti, ao4d Ir debtor. Smith and Mr. Selig. marks, and the meeting adjourned, must have preceded the time of the St. Davids teachers at each end of the lagoon, and took rrouptlv aas fclihftillf eisestrf terms. noli 3m, 6 PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. JANUARY 27, 1883. MORE OF THE TREATY. DEPENDENCE. DEBASING JOURNALISM. EG-LIJNTG-r e GK vrc-r- Tlirongh'iniinito Nature ia found CO., It best to understand our attitude there A more repulsive fe A vat dependence, like a chain or disgusting being does T towards the Hawaiian Islands. No amount Whose admantine links retain not exist than a journalist who considers it H. I. Their power : 5 Nuuanu Street, Honolulu. of maligning or of slander can, drown the while interbouad legitimate to ransack his neighbor s closet AGENTS FOH TIIE and Donlers in truth tint the Hawaiian reciprocity has The passion and the might of Lreath, parade all the dirty linen he can find Jjvo. A. Palmer and W. W. Kilrourn have this day Tha straggle of the strong and weak, there before the public eye. To such a mn " more trade and profit to San Fran- The SuiDorior stovo brought instinct of the beast to seek it Stoves and Ranges. Co-partners- notning is sacred irom publication it will hip Life in another's death : formed a under, the firm name of cisco than any other treaty ever did before sell.' Of course it will sell, for the same EVERY DESCRIPTION Or or since. Statistics of unquestionable authen- The yearning of the human mind. reason that indecent pictures sell faster thin Which aoars beyond its prisaa-p.lac- a , of METAL WARE ticity prove this beyond a doubt. Prior to To azure heights of space works pure art; it will sell, even as ardent SHEET time and spirits 1S76, the number of ships which were an- And 's the nndivined : command a more active market than Ou Hand or Made to Order. the revised edition New Testament. Ha- Saulight. and of the nually cleared from this port for the air, and sobtleorce. But de- "Palmer E sky-wond- er because there is a quick sale and a Tinning Plumbing, Gntteriim, Etc., & Kilbourn And each that appears, waiian Islands was 19; already in 1878 the The circling movement of the spheres, sirable profit in this sort of blackmail jour- -' The earth's ethereal coarse Contracted for. JNO. A. PALMER, number rr se to 112. The past year nearly nalism, is not a justification for its publica- 200 clearances for the same destination prore All are dependent, living links tion. If its only effect is the demoralization Water Pipe and Fittings, the growth of our trade. Clearances of Of one harmonious world of law. tnd corruption of public tasts and feeling, W. W. KILBOURN. Whose calm progression fills with awe then it is not legitimate, but inhuman jour- ALL SIZES. will add no The soul that feels and thinks. lumber craft from other porta nalism. Sole Agent in these Island for the O. E. Moxtooitert. The keyhole spy, the eavesdropper, Honolulu, January 1st, 1883. more. There 13 no port south, black-liste- less than forty the petty mailer, the local r and i of Francisco compares scandal-mong- er who bad smells east or west Stn that ISOLATION. prints all the Montague' Range with Honolulu in importance, and even his inquisitive nose catches on the sidewalk, All Sires la Stock. Oronlsrs and Trice on ap The above Open is not an tf imt" 1 plication. Firm will for Business About January 25th at Portland, Oregon, with itt regular steamship Yon hold my hands, and look into my eyes. enterprising journalist nor editor in any legitimate understanding of the word; jan!3 wly 211. line, does not exceed this. The profit ac- And dream you read my soul's depths with your TELEPHONE own, he Is only a dirty scavenger who decks out cruing from this connection can be only Aa consonant chords pulse vibrant to one tone ; a dinner table lor the public with the filthy Notice of Dissolution of Part- approximated, because our data embrace Yet would we both be smitten with surprise collections of his calling; he is a reckless NEAR HOTEL. STUEET. WITH A merely the value of exports without taking If each could tread the labyrinth that lie public enemy, an indefatigable incendiary of nership. solitude the basest and vilest sort. Read the police the expenditures neces- In the other haunts alone, Coronation IS II Kit Km GIVKN THAT into consideration NOTICE You sure would deem you trod a land Unknown, reports of certain sorts of city papers; they i. the flrrn of Uroclie, bpear or Co. is this day dissolved Full Line of Drugs and sary for forwarding freight, teaming, in- by mutual consent. Mr. A. W. Richardson retiring. All Chemicals, And I would break the silence with my cries. are elaborately prepared and bristle with claim will be paid by C. Broglie and J. A. Hpear, and all surance, fitting and provisioning vessels, And since one soul cannot gauge the recesses. sarcasm and low wit, discharged at the ! debts will be collected by tbriu. FESTIVITIES CHARLES BKOOLIE. coal, repairs, wages and a hundred other Another in its hidden mazes keeps, lowest, most forlorn, friendless, feeble and JOHN A. 61T.4K. PATENT MEDICINES, How glad a thing that neither.ever guesses of creatures of both sexes. A. W. RICHARDSON. items which inure to our benefit, and are needless Gods Honolulu, H. I . Jauuary 13. IKKi. JatUJ wit Half the vague doubts that stir the spirit deeps, How a with a spark of soul " directly attributable to the existence of that human being & IFaxioy Or ever fathoms all the bliss that blesses, can write dy after day in a police court, I NOTICE. ilirticles ocds. treaty. The class of goods exported to the Or circumscribes the woes o'er which it weeps. shooting satire and ridicule at some PROGRAM -- OF THE- - ME.V THAT I. TIIK UN- - They will Also Manufacture Islands has steadily increased in quantity Rosaline E. Jones in Boston Transcript. wretched inebriated woman or pauperized KNOW own all of those several piecee or psreele of Und situated in Kona. Havali. as follows, and improved in quality with the ratio of man, whose ignorance, weakness and wretch- Land in Kalokn. more particularly described In K. P. No. growing prosperity of the Islanders, until to American Inventions in Military Arms. edness call for solemn reflections rather than S772. L. C. A No. 921. for ridicule, is outside of our com- Ahupuaa of Makuu, L. C. A. No. 11293. Soda Water, Ginger Ale, JSte. day the best class of fabrics, the higher jeers and R Land known as Makalawena. L. C. A. No. 7304 The Americans are superior to all the prehension; and yet it is this sort of brutal A tract of land in Wailooa, K. P. No. grades of manufactured goods, and many TO BE HELD OX all parlies who are now living oo aaid lands are JnM vrtf world in genius for mechanical invention stuff that is widely relished and called hereby requested to vacate wiihlo thirty days from this dste. Telephone No. 297. - under-signe- articles of comfort and luxury form a large ' by a people, who are t'er information regarding- terms, etc., inquire ol the d and application, but somehow, says a Cin spicy" great many at lbs office of His Majesty's Chamberlain, lolanl portion of the export trade. By virtue of never so happy as when somebody else is False, Honolulu. LfcVI ISAAC KAIAMA. cinatti paper they are fettered so that they Honolulu. Nov. SOtb, 1882. drci Urn the peculiar adaptability of the soil of the miserable. Journalism may be a public February 22nd, 1883. CALIFORNIA FUEIBTUBE do not reap the just fruits. Most of the blessing, but journalism whose enterprise m for raising of sugar cane, all COMME.SCIXO AT 1 P. SI. SHAKP. Administrator's Notice. 00 J Islands the modern improvements in military arms are consists in printing the irreponsible stench become insigni- other crops there have quite to in and smut of the sidewalk is a curse; it is as rMIK CMRRSIGXkl HAVING IIKKN E. 3?. ADAMS, : : : : Agent, original Americans successive applica- 1 appointed by the lion. Abr Kornandcr, In Chambers, ficant, and it is California upon which the lively as a snake and as stupid as sin. Trueelee and Administrator of the Estate of the 1st Joha Mil- tion. Of these are the revolver.the breech- ler of Makawao, Island of Maui, hereby notifies all parlies In- INVITE THE PUBLIC TO VISIT bread-stuf- fs First. Hawaiians depend for their supply of Rutland Journal. debted to payment the un- loader, the rifle PURSE-Pri- ze $100-Yach- t said estate to make immediate tu magazine for infantry and CORONATION dersigned; all parties bsving property in their ehsrge belong- and feed. Even cattle, hegs and horses of jYos. calvary, the metallic cartridge, the machine A Storm. A Swiss paper de- Race. Free to AU. ing te said estate, are requested to notify the administrator Their TYarerooms, .56 & 58 .Queen Street, regularly exported from here, and visit- Feaefdl the same without delay. All partira having claims against are cannon of all sorts, beginning with the Gat scribes the fearful storm which wrought such aaid estate are requested to present the same duly authentica- ing Honolulu an American can see but little ted to the undersigned wiihlo six months, or they will be for- AND ling havoc in the Grindelwald on October 27th. $125-Earg- ever barred. W. MOSPMAN, gun, of which the French mitrailleuse KALAKAUA PURSE Prize e t. that strikes him as foreign. The houses, It began to blow at 4 o'clock in the morning Trustee and Administrator Estate of Johu Miller, deceased 1 1 Makawao, dept. 26th, ISg. acT6m is only a slight adaptation, and running Race- - Free to All. G-OOD- S great numbers of the people, the and continued for twenty-fou- r hours with ! large revolving cannon, the invention of the Inspect Their STEW shops, the ways of business, all are terrific violence. Its like'was never before Third. process of graduating the explosion of large experienced. The heaviest roof stones were WHICII CONSIST OF of American type. Telephones con- KAPI0LANI PURSE Prize $100. the blown off like chips. Lumps of rock weigh-in- cr grained cannon powder, whereby a follow ed Gig Race. Free to All. nect every important place and plantation; pounds through ing pressure is got, with great increase of 100 were sent spinning THE FINEST DISPLAY OF FURNITURE American newspapers make their daily ap- the air like cannon balls in battle. Inside S'ovirth. velocity of the shot, and less strain of the PURSE $5ft., pearance ; conveyances of American man- the houses there were no safety, outside no LILIU0KALANI Prize gun, the making of infantry arms by body live. were blown in to Canoe3 Using Paddles. Ever shown on these Islands. ufacture traverse the roads and highways ; could Windows Frea All Five machinery with interchangeable parts all roofs carried away and many families fled in Fiau. American railroads steam across the Islands terror to their cellars. In the atternoon a "WE these are American. DIVING CONTEST Prize $25- - CALL PARTICULAR ATTENTION and above all. American ships, under few brave men, at the risk of their lives, YZ TV I IN O TO OUR The armored ship was first made in American flags, lie at the Hawaiian moor went on the roofs and tried to repair damages. Parties intending to enter for the Regatta are re- -' America, likewise the revolving turret. In But it was impossible to do anything. As quested to leave the name of their Boats and Colors be- ings. If all this seems an inadequate fore 8th of February with J. W. ROUERTSON. the American war was the first application fast as they replaced the stones they were the return for the treaty, and for the most part O" Rules f)'' Y Jnr-'a- MEW of torpedoes to coast defence. A remark dislodged and several of the men thrown to Regattsi"" i"ir ...... U(ju appertaining to ine SUITS ou to W. PALLOR were for ROlS'Sy "e obtained application J. fictitious (because if it not reci able example the obstruction of one the erround. At nigbt the cale rajjed still tTHON. WHICH CANNOT FAIL TO GIVE SATISFACTION. of sort 4 Hawaiian Islands would have no fiercely tremendous rainfall V. K A WAIN CI. procity the or another which denrives the rnuntrv nf thw more and a J. trouble to find as good a market for their I cpr irv .... OA PT. A. PI' LI.KK, .nTTrtW J. V. KOUERTSOX, GREAT VARIETY CHAIES, LOTJjST&ES sugar eisewhere), then let the facts be corfc jau'JO wCt Regatta Committee. ESY AND people is in the fact that in nearly all these A man told his friend that he had just sidered that the populatitfVT or uUnt his i improvements our army was the last to joined the army. What regiment?" cons stsofg , yo"nc.th ird loyal American 1IATTBESSES OF AIX DESCRIPTIONS adopt them. American magazines and friend asked. "Oh, I don't rtean that. I citizens, and that they constitute most mean the army of the Lord." Ah ! what the machine guns are used by all armies but MADE TO ORDER. important and wealthiest part of that church?" "The Baptists." ''Why that's oc7 tf ours. The multiplication of the force of an JOi JjiDAMS, Agent. colony; that it is American thrift and not the army it's the navy." infantry line by the breechloading rifle was American enterprise which builded this fully known before our civil and dur- magnificent trade, so that its very pros war, AMI ing the war, and there were shops that A liZ c J? perity is now used as an argument against EEOEIVE is could have turned them out with great JUST ip lin the renewal. If every acre of the sugar-land-s rapidity, but the ordnance chiefs resisted of the United States were under culti- KiSS Ilnn.ii nud Ulc A rrirol. FURFJIS.G O00DS, them. vation, that would be insufficient to supply 8 Rodman, an officer in the Ordnance Bu- From the Coast, one-hal- f the sugar demand of fifty millions reau, was the inventor of the "giant powder." CASES OF THE C EL Eli RATED AT of people. Our population is rapidly and after the war was continuing his increasing, and we must either expect larger Blue Grass Kentucky Whisky, with that and with cannon, when importations of sugar or else annex sugar In glass and demijohns, superior to any he was ordered to other service. The Brit- was lands. Reciprocity treaties are compro- brand in this market. siLca ish took this up, and now claim to be the in- this connection, and it mise measures in Wood-bridg- Hermitage Bourbon Whisky. ventors of this improvement. Dr. e Cases should be the policy of our government rr Show-rooiii- N, began in 1850, to try to get a recog- O. F. C. Sour Mah Whisky, a rr Upstaira, rather to extend such treaties to other nition of his invention for making a gun of ' Kentucky Favorite Whisky, i--l c nations than to discuss the possibility of an 1 steel wire, soldered by melted bronze, but " Ca'ea Cutter No. Whisky, d abrogation of existing ones. J. T. WATERHOUSE, has only just now succeded in having it ac- Cases Ilennensey 1, 2 and 3 Star Brandy, w There need be nn anxiety that the Sand noil ll cepted for trial. Aad now the British are " Richot Sttir Pale Brai dy. M wich Island sugar will ever come into such O experimenting with his invention to escape " Burke's Three Star Irieli Whisky, competftion with our own sugar produce as LADIES ! the enormous cost of the wrought iron guns. " Burke's Pure Malt Scotch Whisky, TO THE to make the latter unprofitable. For, in o Hall invented the system of making a cara- Lochiel Scotch Whisky, M the first place, the price of the island sugar BP bine with interchangeable parts, and it was Extra Superior Port Wine, is entirely jegulated by Manilla quotations; d perfected in the Harper's Ferry armory in Extra Superior Sherry Wine, Mellis secondly, the Islands have nearly Mrs. A and II 8 1815, but was allowed to be abandoned, and 1 California Port, reached their maximum of production. The " No. many years after was reinvented and intro- Claret, planter at Hawaii naturally prefers to sell Best Brands of JUST RECEJVED duced by the department at Springfield. " Best Brands of Madeira Wines, a his produce as near to his own door as pos- AND HAS The percussion cap was in general use in "Key" Brand Jamaica Hum, sible, in order to obviate risks and to expe- game guns twenty years before it was intro- "(Jolden Jamaica Rum, ON" is but one which " Fleece" EXHIBITION dite returns. There port duced in the army. The arms of part of the Islands, Baskets Best Stone Jug Gin, has representative buyers at the army in the war on Mexico in 1846 were flint TO-DA- and is San Francisco. These sugar CaBes Green and Red Cue Gin "Key" Brand Y ! that lock. All the world has armored ships ex- u Hawaiian planters for " P. Raidiuakers &. Co's Prize Medal Gen- BOMB VEUV buyers allow the cept the United States, v. here they were in- uine Holland Gin, their sugar Manilla rates. 2J cents rebate vented. While our mechanics furnish military 44 Foster's Pule Ale, ts. and qts. Select Select of duty added ; for if San Francisco were engines in all the world, we have made w would to XXX Porter, pt and qts, . buying sugar at Manilla, it have no progress in cannon or defensive fortifica- Guinness' and the L)uis Beer, pay that much duty, since under tions in a hundred years. The most mons- St. Laer 8 treaty Hawaiian sug-t- r is free, the amount Pilsener Lnger Ber, qts uiid o trous instance of this obstruction "vus when " fit. to of the duty goes to the benefit of the the civil war broke out, and agents were Tennant's and Jeflicv V Pale Ale, EH (nis planter. Under system of encourage- sent to buy the refuse of the markets of all Budweiser s Celebrated Ligr Beer qts. ment, nearly every avail hie acre nearly Europe, instead of allowing our private and rts. o l"Olt LADIES' AM) t everv odd natch of soil ht the Hawaiian shops to make them( which could have ' C. Farre's Chniupngne, qt". and pt. CHIMM1KVN Tl-e- Hats will be exhibited In the Islands has been brought into requisition, turned out a musket like the Springfield, " "Eclipse" Champagne, q'--e '"'d pis. o and there is at present I ttle sugar land to be in everything save the interchangeableness " Rhine Wine, in Dressmaking Establishment, No. 104 found there which is not in cultivation of than we got these refuse wine, OULD RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO HIS FRIENDS AND THE OENE-ra- l the parts, faster Ginger Fort street. 2tf public that he has opened a Indeed, it is the opinion of some experts that guns from Europe. ' Angelica Wine, production has actually been the maximum American shops could have supplied our -- :ALSO:- O New Stove & House reached, and that henceforth it will be grad- troops with breechloading rifles by the TIIK Famishing Hardware Store set- A Invoice the ually diminishing, until it reaches some second year of the war, if permitted. By that small of tled average. Already the soil shows signs IX CAMPBELL'S BLOCK, time they could have supplied half the army Celebrated IVIineral Water NEW of exhaustion, and feltilizers are in good de- "Feruozodoxe," lESlele JPoakolu the Islands. The coming crops will with repeating rifles.They were not permitted ' mand at expressty tropical One f ih be thrown frm rattoons, the growth from tha The military class kept the army from any Manufactured for seed proving too exhaustive for the soil. advantage from the mechanical genius and climates. Ilest Advertising Mediums Opposite S. O. Wilder & Co.'s Lumber Yard, there is nothing in all about JULY 1st, To the impartial resourses the Northern people, and put All the above goods warranted. this which can be construed as a monopoly. of In llalsilai Islanders, though well treated by our the North on a level with the Confederacy, F. T. LEN EH AN & CO. The otli If WITH A FULL LINE OF STOVES, cSc., buyers, would not object to Eastern or any which had almost no mechanical resources. In the Hawaiian Language. Goods per Discovery ' from San Francisco, from other refiners bidding for thir crops. San The same obstruction still exists, and in would ; " Francisco be glad to have one or case of a war with a foreign naval power New York and also from Idverpool per Oberon." more additional refineries upon this coast; to humiliation. OVER the grocers would certainly encourage any would subject our nation OF THE 4000 COPIES B7 the 'Discovery' have received the following Stoves & Kanges Tublinhed Every Wednesday. I enterprise in that direction. Why this per- If all this has been while the nation has fcfc - A Hix Hole Raore wilb BROILING II KAHTil and LARGE petual peevish cry of monopoly? Can it be confided military affairs to a professional KALAKAUA wt- OVEN, being a near Tatars to a family Range. 3000 Copies Sent by Mail possible that our little prosperity has caused class. hw much worse could it be if they this fretful among the States? Krery Tuesday to the jealousy sister had been left to Tun themselves. Manu BEYOND COMPETITION! Ranges Provincial as we EAGLE APPLE CIDER 'Hawaii 'Aloha' and 'Oahu' are, we are more generous. facturers Gazette. AND THE WELL-KSOW- N We are not jealous of New York, or Boston, K. MORE & CO., OTHER ISLANDS. or Chicago because of their superior advant- said Uncle MANUFACTORY, On Wednesdsy it Is sdi to ihe ! "Remember, young man," KING STREET (between Uethel and Fori). 1R .jSTGKE; ages. We try in our smalT way to improve Mose, 'dat best frien yer's got on dis Btrctanla St., Brt. Fort St. mid (iardto Lnnr. RICHMOND de AN'D CONSTRUCTION OK Outer Districts of This im- Island. our opportunities, and are glad if others earth is a better frien' ter himself den he is REPAIRING Machinery and (Smith's Work. Built to Stand Hard Work. prove theirs. It is possibfe that some stray ter you." Apple Cider and Ginger Beer number of a vilhf'ying newspaper has reach- Of a Superior Quality, and All Kinds of Charges Very Moderate. ed the East, and it is possible that there A recently suspended foreign minister, Non-Alcohol- ic Wrought Iron Ranges for Plantation Use Beverages ! Guns 6l pf Pistols t they give attention to what the Chronicle while passing London on his way ! A" Advertisements through Best Quality of written In Kr.glUh traualaied Into the of says? Californians are foolishly prone to to this country, registered himself at Boyles For Sale and Repaired. Having j Best llaiwaiian Free. . .Large Assortment To insure Immediate boast of their superiority over others. If , Amer insertion all Advertiser, u must b. American agency as "Col. sent in to the office of publication j 3 o'clock Mou.lav j .fi.,. they ever get to be foolish enough to boast ican Minister, in rought for home." VINEiGAR noon. 1 he IHEouse HFuraishing Hardware. slanderer, or Made and Furnished in Quantities to Suit. Dealers and of such things as the vilest the public general are TOOLS SKILLED WORKMEN, we Ate. Aic, the In solicited to give mv Beverages IMPROVF.D and j most unscrupulous liar, or the most mer- A candidate, defeated at the recent elec- and Vinegar a fair trial, and I feel assured they will be can Execute all kinda of work in our line with Elclc be made upon convinced of their merit, and order no other. Poakolu cenary newspaper in the world, they will tion, his first appearance the ET The Trade Supplied at Reasonable Kates. NEATNESS AND DISPATCH. "Well Casing and lEEydraulic 3?ipe brings notice, yestorday. and his countenarce look likely to the ChroniHe into streets All buaipeis to- - MORE & CO., communications te be address i w All Kinds in mv Line promptly attended ce . Made to Order, and Work of and demand that its proud pre-eminen- be ed so mournful that fifteen undertakers tried J. V. WANGENHEIM, IIAYSKLDKN. Maosr-r- and ne. letter. .n,i Proprietor and Manufacturer. f 73 KING STREET HONOLULU. ju24 Wasp. to engage him to drive a hearse. 1 ,Pan3edTvitffOHX p. O. BOS 294. conceded. S. F. jam aswtr Janl8 wtf M'""f j

1 i - . ' j. 10 ; J ' T- fl - . . i f PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, JANUARY 27, 1883. gave up the ghost and died io a good old age, an HOTJHS. - A GLOWING TRIBUTE. European Correspondence. VANISHED MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS- old man, and full of yeara ; and waa gathered unto bi rathcra. And ma aona isaao ana Where are thcr gone, those dear dead days, Intense cold weather prevails in the East. From a Christian Minister to the Memory FROM OI R OWX C(UEr.rroSnENT. long ago, tnael buried him." Those i.wet past days of Rabbi- - tbe experiences Oeacnbed r. of a Jewish How applicable are MOTS stump-speake- - Whoe ghost go Coating to aud fro Not lost, but stepped out The Scripture- to the condition of our 2G. 1882. in the ancient Letter No. 93 London, Dec. When evening leads ns through her maze ? liR. A. L. LIXPSLEVS ADDRESS. race in all gee ! How appropriate are tbeae to be a fatonte Ah ! who can ? ! one hun- The Hawaiian IelaDds cootinue Where are they goue? tell on foot Slip- worda to this occasion Abraham lived long-passe-d An unpleasant movement at the Grate of Crat The firm of Palmer &. Kilbourn is this day dissolved by subject for writers. There haa just been pub- Who weare once more that pell ? la EUtaeat Paaes)rle dred and aeventy-fiv- e year, which wii really a ping up. Something Well W.rth Pre-stril-ig lived, If lished here, William Blackwood &. Sons, a Itrkrew Scholar horter life than that which Dr. Mellia 1t They did exist when wa were young, life conaiata not ia the num- mutual consent. Miss F. Gordon Disagreeable acquaintances and bright as a Stroiea npoa Man. we consider that a oew work from the pen of C We met onr life with strength and trust. of it years, but in the event which take or CJordon, late exchanges are universally cut. ber JNO. A. PALMER, Cumming, the niece Sir Arthur We decmd all things were pure and jnst, We hare assembled around tbi spot now made place duriDg the time it covere. Acd bow varied and New Zealand, who is a!rea3j double tongue. Arabi Pasha and his fellw exiles have de- been event which have tranrired dur- Governor of Fiji Ner knew life had a forever aacrcd, to express our reverence for the have the W. W. well knuwn as an author bj her books on ' A We lightly sang a happy song. arrived at Ceylon. ing the life now closed on earth, touching some KILBOURN. and to mingle our sympathy with the A Man-or-war- wrong. parted, highest of mankind on two oontincnt. Lady's Cruise in a French ," and Nor dreamed onr way could e'er be of tbe The floods in Hungary have rendered ten grief of these ourtivoro. The low which they good old age, indeed, crownea who jtoruet 5 :. Honolulu, January 25, 1883. At Home in Fiji." Her present work is e- changed . As life went by,. homeless. contained And then all thousand people have encountered ia not local, nor i it limited to fulneaa, and fulfilling tbe promiae io : The Kingdom of Ha- The friend deceived, or bitter Death long life will I tatiafj hlta." ntitled" Fire Fountains Dominion of ia not an ordinary loaa. tbe Paalmi, With 5 ) Mis- onr dear one's breath. The total population of the the tiea of kindred. It or appear a w waii iia Volcanoes, and the History of its Smiled as he drank embracing tbe And another touch imiUnty and have this day die. Canada is 4,350,933. It touchea a wide circumference, aona buried him.'1 Beautafal J. A. Palmer Elmer H. Thacher sions." It consists of two Imndsome 8?j volumes, And would not let us also read, "And hia day ; as on they went de- old world and the new. and affecting pectacle ! Tbe children weeping Co-partners- con- Day followed It is stated that the Czar has signed a hip and, besides a map of the Hawaiian Islands, friendg of formed a under the firm name of Each took soma gift that life had sent. cree all the secret societies in I apper here at the request of tbo with inconsolable grief, reverently pay the laat following illustrations : Maona Loa dissolving dead of sight and tains the Dr. Mellia to give voice to their feelinga in view ad office that put the out crater ofKilauea; Halemaumau "the Yet it was ours that perfect past ! Russia. hide the remain of our mortality henceforth ta and the j of thia bereavement a Iobo enhanced by the con- burning" Temporary Crags; We did have days that knew not paTn. Look over on the bright side, which is the live in the memorie that remind you of your loaa house of everlasting hie amiable qualitiea, hia extensive PALRJilE Ex- We once friends death had not ta'en, far better than sideration of and in the recollection of parental foresight and ; Night Scene; had heaven side of life. This is Eruption in the outer crater uaefulnese all ! And never do ao flowers and songs that conld not last learning and hia philanthropic devotion tbay tinct Crater of Haleakala Maui ; Overflow of And any medicine. a when w prove to all tha (Signed) Were ours in that most blessed time, made eminent by his religioua character, which completely eurvive the new lake of fire in the crater of Kilanea ; " Parson (catechizing) 'And what is world that we have adopted their wis opinion, When earth seemed Heaven's enchanted clime. influenced all Lia viewa and imparted a decisive J. A. PALMER, Fire Fountains temporary chimnevB ; Bamboos your dity toward your neighber? Sharp reflect their noble entimenU, and display tha ex- light burn low power to hia whole life. 1 deem it an honor to cellence which they hav taken so and Bananas at Hilo ; Rivers of Molten Rock. And so I think, when boy: 'To keep your eye on 'im, sir.' " of character And all the house is fast asleep, be counted among hia friends. I ahall therefore much pains to estabtiah withiu ua. They liv E. H. THACHER. It is a fact that three English ladies Miss Isa- which fcavt From out a silence vast and deep " Jones, why do you send your wash to utter my own eentimenta while I apeak in your in the practice f every virtue they .to bella Bird, iJadj Brareej, aud Misa Camming assiduously inculcated. . 1 w. Those dear dead days we worshipped so. a Chinaman?" Jones "I don't." "You 1 be allowed appear here lo aa Honolulu, January 25, 1883. on Bubject. Miss name. may to There remain to you now reverent remem- ' have of late years written this Breathe on us from their hidden store don't?" Jones "No; he comes and cets of wen in present, a repreeentative of the great number brances of a tender and affectionate mother, a Bird (now Mrs. Bishop) is writing, at long-lo- st their faith once more. Their peace, it." belong to the brotherhood ol learn- wise and watchful father. The monument io " Sketches in the Malay Peninsula," which all lands who God keep those dear old times ; ah me ! Why are wheat and potatoes like the ing, and Who therefore deplore thia losa which ia your heart ia inscribed with theoe memorial. appear in a pular magazine. Ihe we leave bare, but hi nam WANTED, Beyond our vision they may rest idols of old? Because the former have ears also. father body common to them i OTHER NEW BOOKS. Till on some perfect day and blest eyes, but see ahall not perish. Ilia bating monument the - and hear not, and the latter In the great republic of lettera there aregradea and Sohool in Bohemia. OR ACTIVE BUSI- Once more those dear dead days will be. Orphans' Home of Art COMPETENT DRUG CLERK Murray's lit of forthcoming works contains: not. of acholarehin but no artificial ranka. The kfnga He haa disappeared from the eye of men ; but a NESS YOUN'O MAN. Apply immediately to For Death, who took all, may restore fitr-aight- A Lands and Seas : A cruise round the A is mighty handy thing to j men host shall in philanthropy " Sunny telephone a we acknowledge may be share ..a . The past we loved to us onee more. and prineeiS(, whom S S. Ceylon, being notes made in family when you want to order j , which survivo him. They are Ihe children of hi world in the All the Year Round. have the q bumble or birthf but they are kingly : i '5B cnee as beneficence; these the children of hi love. May JT. CO., during a five months' tour in India, the Straits something and nave not me io i knowledge and the '. PAIaEHESR. only by their aequisitiona of name and char- il. man, to his face, to give you more thep alike reflect honor upon hi Settlements, Manila, China, Japan, the Saudwicli the bencficient use they make of it. hen aucu acter and rise up together and call him bleated. GEMS "WITH A HISTORY. credit. i No. 113 FORT Islands, and California." By Hugh Wilkinson, members of the great republic cease from their Sunday Oregonian. f t wtf HOTEL. STREET. barrister-at-la- 8vo, illustrations ; Cassell a Yankee 2 janT NEAR with A f Twin Diamond fG Value. :Did you know," said cunning labors on earth, the common brotherhood bowa ' don-ke- vs ex- & The Islands of the Rela rt a Jew, . they hanp: Jews and The charity committee did not mean Co. have just published " Aeio York Sun, December 22. to "that ita head in aorrow. too-ethe- r ! announced; that " the small- Pacific; or Sketches from the South Seas." By in Poland ?' "Indeed then We respect the memory of our brother Mellia actly what they are the $100,000 twins brougLt is weTl I not there," re est contributions will be most gratefully B. Francis. The islands treated in this volume "There it that you and are for hia extensive erudition, that enabled him to SILVEm SILVERS together by chance, after more than a quarter of SILVIA! are : New Caledonia, the Loyalty and Fiji Inlands. torted the Jew. commune with past ages in the very tonguea a century of separation, and never to leave thi3 Tahiti, Hawaii, Pitcairn, and the Marquesas. Nautical. Husband (jokingly) : "Oh, which many nations upoke and in which many country, now we've got them." oozsrsic3-isrM:-Sisr- T oif1 PARAGRAPHS. I'm the mainstay of the family." Wife: authors preserved the annals of tho world's a. was a German gentlemaa, the m The speaker jib-boo- and the The Government of Fiji have recently pub- " Yes, and the and the thoughta and expepiences. Ilia acquaintance head of a wholesale diamond importing house in experience) : "And ! en- ." Small boy (from with the most important modern languagea LAWRENCE & FREETH, GOODS lished a special number of a native journal, Maiden lane. As he spoke he took a packet of IN CASES OF HOLIDAY the spanker, too, mamma." (Applause.) brought him into dally intercourse with the 43 titled " Na Mata," which tbey issue from time silken tissue paper from a big safe behind him Contract om. with had a broken nose. varied discussions which are occupying the atten- UI.ANS AM ESTIMATES IX' R NlftllED to time to acquaint the native population and dropped on a counter covered with green A celebrated tragedian L for Works of Countructiou. by Chas. . Fisliel, it thoughtful men of our day. And Have Been Received J the actual sanitary condition of the islands. It ap- baize, at which the reporter seated himself. A A lady once remarked to him, "I like your tion of tbe y I hia knowledge ancient waa modi- Civil Engineering and Surveying. I pears that during 1881 there was an Increase wire gate slammed to and locked the visitor in acting; but, to be frank with you, can't thus of writers "No wonder, madam," fied enriched by the productiona of more Office, 19 and 31 Merchant tr-- t (abor J W. Itohartaoa 3Laead.ins EHilliner-- or binhs over deaths of 204. Attention is called without seeming to have imprisoned him, and get over your nose." and ( o.V) V. O. Box 101. J25dwtf The bridge is gone." honor conferred upon to the excess of mortality which still exists among the German gentleman began to open the paper replied the tragedian, "the recent timea. The high Corner Fort and Hotel streets children, and much useful advice of a prac- Two lustrous gems, which blazed with is him when he graduated waa expressed in the IMPORTANT ASSORTMEXT OF the packet. According to Mr. Joseph Cook there -- cqxsistixg is given to the native parents. fire, gleamed side by side. title of Doctor of Philosophy a designation A of tical character a pure bluish white but little change in theology in Europe, y. Silver-pUte- Handkerchief Boxe. is as three-ce- nt restora-tionisr- a. obtained in Europe aa the reward of real merit. r-Hr- 14 Piece f Fiue MerhUn d Castor. Glove and It appears that in districts where this advice Each was about as big around a thouo-- there is some tendency to To Breeders of Among proofs of hia literary ability, the 24 Cake Banket. Writing DcskttJ acted on the Increase in the population has been piece, but what was more striking than their as in the case of Dorner, who holds other Work Boxes, beauty. cited be wrote an elaborate his- 24 Batter Dialim, most marked. Tha statistics are of a detailed size was their identity of appearance and that some may be converted between death fact may be that Ladies' Toilet Dekn, weigh (eight one-ha- lf made in Bohemia his native ! v 40 Pickle DUhe. and elaborate character, and tbo Hawaiian Go- They are cut alike, alike and and the judgment. Bushnell has tory of the Jewish people The Medicated Ne&t"Egg Goblets, Album, carats each), nnd are veritable mineral few converts. 36 " TravelingJNecesBairei, vernment would do well to follow this practical very country. Spoon Holder. Ladies' me Patented. 50 precedent. A treaty of friendship, commerce, twins. Primacy of the Church of England A profounder reason impels to speak of our rMIKSK RGCS ARE: I)Ot)LV SKH-- 1 Card Receiver, " I could create a sensation and make a for- The nay VICE HLK. llPKldra acting aa Neat Egga wbaa 24 between the Queen of Great Britain and the upon Rt. Rev. Edward White great Iobs. The acquirementa of learning keep 1 Vase. Leather and ShellJCard Cases, Ac, tune with them in Paris;" said the diamond falls at last wanted, tbey will tbe hen free from lie and otbar 36 King of Tonga, which was signed at Nukualofa Benson, Bishop of the young diocese of add to the common stock of human knowledge vermin, and In a healthy condition during tba breeding 48 Aborted Cups, Chromos, merchant. "They are old Indian mine diamonds, season. Tbay are !iidleuaable to tbe tiurceaftful liaising on November 29, 1879, has just been issued here, Truro. The appointment has been declined and contribute to the progresa of civilization. of l'oultry. and will auily repay tbeir small cost. 45 Dozen of Assorted Napkin Rings, Picture Frames, and have a history that puts them in the cata- Bathing etc. years after date. The Royal Commission by Bishop Browne of Winchester, a strong But they may be ao employed aa chiefly to adorn Try Them, and So Prove Their Virtut. 0 Deweert Hpoona and Fork. vU:., etc Suit, three logue of the famous gems of the world. I have to inquire into the affairs of the though not high churchman; and Bishop their possessor. The highest usefulness of learn- Jan24 d3twlf appointed proofs that establish their identity. They must Western Pacific will include Sir Arthur Gordon, Litrhtfoot of Durham, an eminent broad ing, however, consists in the devotion of it to d ! have been in the possession of Warren Hastings inrtV4o-.Ao3ym..4.Jutto.iUU- Wilson, and probably Admiral lloskins. churchman is understood to have had the the improvement of those who could not of them- sTmacauley, Gloves Admiral when he was Governor-Gener- al of India. Pre- Geo-- place informally offered to him. selves obtain ita benefits, and to the relief of the PROFESSION A 1, At last week's meeting of the French they had been the jewels of a rajah, and viously and suffering. But literary pursuits tb i ToqHtios' iewel casket thev were The Prefect of the Seine is about to re- - depressed alter tney ivw nwm-p- i J -- - cultivate a taste for retirement. Tho cloisters of Musical Instrument Maker 33 e Panama Canal would be finished and opened in 011 thejjates of cemeteries, crosses nd eubtle odor 33a.rga.ins Can secured by a Russian nobleman during a mutiny move accepted by all re-a- a library, redolent with tbe of booka Expected Consul-Gener- al iror.. - 1888. Captain Zembscb, the German ifQtf pPf, A I am determined to Sell theso Goods, in India. He took them to Amsterdam, where tVtii"r-- Khorty and manuscripts, uDfit the man of lettera for tbe Tuner and Repairer, at Apia, Samoa, being on furlough, Dr. a other symbols nw to skilled Dutch lapidary re-c- ut them, ligions. Families will still "be ftTHB.. , realities of life. This tendencv can be OFFICE AT C. E. W1LIJAMK', FOBT K1BIE.T Stuebel, of the Foreign Office, has been appointed thereby Bring They Bring, on Account of"Want of Room greatly enhancing their beauty while only place such symbols on the tombs of relatives, BieLXTljyinpiH pi",! sentiments, which should ; What to represent him meanwhile. The Republic of a,nxT:Tiioivia tso. 71, slightly decreasing their weight. The nobleman but the divisions between Catholic, Protes- regulated by the ufii.1 ul ue of all! Costa Rica joins the Uuiicrt-ii- l I'.iMul Union on ' MOST HEPBC'TKlJt.bV CHAS. FISTTFX, lost posssesion of one of them at the celebrated tants and Jewish graves being about to dis- rule every mind and dictate the r- - WOULD flritia and tha inbabltaula of tba lit J. January 1st next. appear under a law, the gates or other "I.r., " r-'- JwnRdom that in to tiuuieroua rvqaaata recent niijni'SL I gaming table of M. Blanc, at Monaco. At least our powers and possessions, lu this "'t(i.irautp (f aa mmreiiieh work aa be ran do bs lias NATAL AND BUirPING. accessaries will henceforth be a The Lc:iliii;r millinery House. it is supposed he lost it gaming, for it, was only of neutral Mellia taught and guided his people, bringing a);, drc9 d Rear-Admir- al t Lyons, the British Commander-in-Chi- ef recovered character. and a Kb. at the auction sale of the effects of forth the treasure gathered from the fields o tPriiiliiedK.'h-- - on tho Pacific station, will at last pay direc- Mm. Blanc, widow of the famous gambler in Olo Forts Rechhistened. By literature and science and religion, for their llllOllOO his long-deferre- d visit to Honolulu. He was at Paris, a year ago. secured tion of the President a general order an- OOOYifiriAKKKU o.. AgPtlta We have JUST RECEIVED Per I it through an agent eulightenment in the truth, their strength in XI Cnerl Calliio in hid flagship the Swiltr-ur- e ou the 9th at the sale. nounces that the military post on the south trial, their comfort in adversity. This auiiuhlj well-know- ultimo, and intended to leave on January 8th for " Its mate," continued the jeweller, a side of the Golden Gate entrance to the bay Ilia old aud n bnniueoK, carried on bM & "had and unselfish disposition strongly attracted the "COIMSUELO" "AUSTRALIA," Payta, Galapagos, Honolulu, and Esquimault no less eventful career. - It found it way to a of San Francisco, now known as Fort Point, FOR OVER THIRTEEN YEARS. hereafter be known as " Winfield people whom he served in the capacity of a pub- II. M. corvette Conetance, Captain Doughty, French jeweller, who sold it to the Duke of Fort (Tor A FINE ASSORTMENT OF lic teacher. And the congregations that were ao And wbirlt haa hitherto a Jed ao sailed from Plymouth on the llhh instant for the Brunswick, who, with eccentric prodigality, Scott," in honor of the late General Scott fortunate aa to obtain hia services showed their Pacific, to relieve the . A telegram from lavished money on precious stones, which he and the military post at Black Point, San Much Satisfaction to His Patrons. Francisco harbor, now known as appreciation in ways that touched hia heart, and LADIES' BUTTON BOOTS, Manila announces the arrival there on the 14th left to the city of Geneva. The history of the Fort San Jose, be known as " Fort Mason," in honor conveyed the pleasing impression that hia efforts tic will undertake to repair all tbuaa instant of the Iolani, Garrels master, 3G days first bine diamond was published in Paris when of the late General Mason, military Gov- to instruct and blcea were gratefully cherished. Mncb-Tortiir- TTFQ QI from Honolulu. I bought it, but search made afterwards for the Unfortunate acd ei Pianos TPPFRS Etc. ernor of California. We also honor Dr. Mellia for hia liberality. mate, which the Duke of Brunswick had bought, Which have for the last year The extent of his scholarship made him been handled by Trofef aa recent move to a monument revealed the fact that it had disappeared. THE LAWTEB. widely but I'nMkilHul I tinera, and lae raise in "We found two months ago how, known in literary circles ; memory Free Mason Morgan it and do I slept in an editor's bed last night. and tho breadth of hia "Slosle shall are mare rlDg tnofallv la DIRECT FROM PHILADELPHIA. of has called you think ? Why, my partner saw it sparkling When no other chanced to be nigh ; philanthropy waa equally conspicuous bene- tl Ilia homes of up anew the question : " Who killed Mor in the shirt front of a Chicago merchant. He And I thought, as I tumbled the editor's bed. volent labors in the wara of 1848 and 18CG were lloootal." ALSO How easily gan?" An old citizen of Detroit was on could hardly believe it. But by a stratagem editor's lie. eo extensive that they were deemed worthy of King up the Doctor, No. TO, sn'd his Motto la his way down town yesterday when he met he secured the means of comparing the gems, THE EDITOR. public recognition. The government of Austria U an acquaintance and seized the moment to and proved their identity to his satifaction. If the lawyer who slept in the editor's bed acknowledged them by a formal vote of thanks No FE3LT MATS, The merchant said he had bought the stone in When no other chanced to be nigh ; Cure, No Pay!" & Jan20 d&wlmo STRAW : on several occasions, and the distinguished award inquire England from a though - Jewish diamond merchant of And he lias written and naively said, of a medal from the hand of tho Emperor Francis 1 suppose you know they are to London. He was induced to part with it at a How easily editors lie, Drs. & SRIISTGh He then admit, as lay on Joseph. But hia philanthropy did not confine McAllister Grossman, STYLES. erect i monument to Morgan ?" handsome figure. niut he that bed . came And dlept to his hearts desire, itself to the manifestation of a benevolent apirit Oh yes." " Thus they together," said the owner, discharge A. W. KIGHARHSOIVr & CO.. as he the sparks of mineral fire with Whate'er ho may say of the editor's bed, in the of professional duties, not in the DENTISTS, Very mysterious death !" That the lawyer himself was the liar. temporary relief of human want, nor yet alone JtST ARRIVED PROM SAN tender care, and thus they stay. They'll never fAVIG beg to intuitu you that they CORNER FORT & 3IERCHANT STREETS. So it was." be separated again if we can help Chamber's Journal. upon the field of battle or amidst the painlul have oeite4 it." scenes of the Generally believed that the Free Masons A crjT of alarm is raised by the Paris hospital. Dr. Mellis with larger graep and prophetic G tilled him ?" Evenemeut against the dangers of a new insight of the real remedies DENTAL PAR LOR ' Yes, some folks believe it.'' The new plans for the Channel tunnel for the exposure aud calamities of life, aimed at AT THE and formidable German, invasion. , The ,nub the true philosophy of relief which forestalls tl see- I introduce some very important changes in r i .i the Corner of Hotel and Alakea Streets, Let's - think you are a Mason tisners oi ceoraDnicai atlases nave icno evils that flow from destinations. He foun- the original scheme, and well calculated to ii laid Where they prepared to perform yourself?" abandoned the idea including Alsace and dations in the principles of all operations la greatly reduce the objection against of prevention, nnd if leiitictr), relying entirely for tbeir aucceaa npua ' Yes." the Lorraine in their maps of France; but if these were more generally observed our philan- on of Ac- tOOli WOKK AT REASONABLE Then you must know ?"' tunnel the ground defensibility. things continue at this pace, they will have thropic efforts would be crowned with far greater PRICES. " cording to the amended plan forward They will bo pleased to have you give tbeso't Well, I suppose I do." put by to mark as German ports all the harbors of auccesa. call. This space reserved for sir, I demand to know who killed Sir Edward Atkin, M.P., the tunnel instead Temporary relief haa ita imperative claima, but OFFICE HOCKS FliOM O A.M. TO 4 P. U. "Then, France. German gold is purchasing all the deewtf , Morgan ?" ot opening out within a close distance of the the true statesman shows the superior philan- JanlJ line, will property of the French steamship companies. thropy in devising means which anticipate evils, ' to-da- from the announcement You don't want to know y, do you?" shore continue the point The Havre and New York line is NOTICE of NEW where it has been started at Shak speare's reported or while laboring in the inidut of them in provid- Yes, sir rignt off." to be in uerman hands. Antilles, the ing for their suppression. We ascribe MIK IINDKRSIG.NKI) HAVING Cliff by a gradual ascent to a distance of Ihe t Dr. I chased tbo PUR. The Mason beckoned the old man around Brazil, the China lines are likewise becom- Mellia this attribute of statesmanship. He show- GOODS about three miles inland in a northerly di- for the corner, looked all round to see no of Evene-me- nt ed the wisdom of hia philanthropy by founding that rection, before opens ing the property foreigners. The BUTCHERING one was near, and then whispered in his ear: it out. It will then run warns the Minister for Posts an institution for the" support of orphans and BUSINESS down the Alkham valley, and their instruction in useful -- or ihk " You won't give it away ?" running into Telegraphs against the conspiracy which is the arts by which thoy ' Dover under the western heights add join are qualified for an honorable career upon reach- - ILT. No!" being formed in Germany to annex to Ger- ing tbe period of manhood. Metropolitan and City Markets A. MEIXIS. On your solemn the southeastern main line at the terminus word ?" man companies the postal service to the de- But there ia another reason to justify my On King and Nnuanu utreeU, Honolulu, carry on station at the pier, the whole detour be- same will tha No !" France in distant speaking to you to-da- y. Suffer on his own account under tbe trade name of Shakespeare's Cliff and pendencies of lands. me to refer to Then I'll tell- killed him myself ! ' tween Dover being my alliance with Dr. Mellis on ground -I five the of a Sir, you are an infernal liar!" roared a distance of about miles. It is pro- - common faith. Though I am not a Hebrew by ' GILBERT WALLER, Aa from day to connect the London and Chatham Beligious Opinions- - the ordinance of nature, yet I may claim to ; tbe lat of January, 1883. the old man. lie, be a : Yes, sir; you sir, and fiosed Jap22d3twlt ' I have more" to do by means of a loop line at the upper child of Abraham, for Abraham's God is mine, GILBERT J. WALLER. won't anything with you." and respect hia It will never who killed part of the town near Charlton. The Chan- The Pacilc, speaking particularly of methods I ancient covenant, people. For beksown Morgan. : long of , eaya Any ia agea they were the custodiana the . PKOPRIETOR OP If the people won't believe tho murderer, nel Tunnel Company have abandoned their " method good wbicb of most 'I'HE THE 1ST plan of commencing the tunnel at Dover, leads good people to more praying, talking, and important trutha touching tbe temporal and how are the facts ever to come out. De- ia eternal welfare of man. To j and instead, propose to commence singing. Any way good by which finnera are them were commit- - IMiulii troit Free IWss. the dej led into the company the ted the written oraclea of. God. No name in Sugar Mill, scent to the base of of prayerful, and taught the tunnel at St. to begin tbe everlasting eong. It cornea back ancient history ia so celebrated even to thia day : Believing that tbere la Margaret's bay, Kearsney i (UJli!OElRTAiCli3C Woman Students. The woman students near station, on finally to each believing heart to consider how it aa the name of their great patriarch and progeni- - of Bedford College had unprecedented success the London and Chatham railway, about can best lead another heart to believe whether tor. No leader waa ever ee successful aa their UNCULTIVATED deliverer out of Egyptian bondage ; wia- - ; LAND at the recent examination at the London three miles from Dover. In both schemes in a public or a private way, by aocial or indi- and the vidual dom displayed in the code of laws he : All the approaches to the tunnel would be with- action." proclaimed On tbe line of the University. the thirteen students that for the Israelites, ia without a No - i in range of the fortifications at Dover. Of the past year the Interior eaya : " It has parallel. par- up for the j ASSOCDAT! went intermediate examinations gone into eternity with its record. It has not liament nor legislature haa ever enacted statutes in arts and science passed in either the first passed like an idle wind. Whether we have that have risen to the level of the Mosaic I iws in Hawaiian An Absurd Practice. the and Railroad, or second class; seven of these went up for been busy or not, one year has been active. It truth justice, the purity and benevolence, IN TUB F-- lYIaxiager, which they enjoin ' Geo. OTells, honors and all of them passed, two It is a constant and disagreeable has written upon and written for ua ; upon us, upon all classes, nor in the taking nractice with us. securities in German and French, the only two dealers to couple every offering of their goods in deepening wrinkles and deepening character; which they have thrown around the prizes poor, the helplesa and the stranger. legiala DISTRICT OF KOHALA, prizes awarded to women; and only with the remark that the price is so low as to and for ua, in the inerasible book. The last page Tbe Edward Iycan, Funeral Director. the admit of no profit to the seller. lion in the present day which reflects most the That can be profitably woman who took honors in inorganic chem- To hear these la turned the record of an irreversible year ia men talk one would think that they were upon laid upon the throne. May divine mercy, like a epirit of these ancient writings, furnished the istry was a student in thi3 college: best examples cf the immediate verge of bankruptcy, and ret we cleansing baptism, flow over it all. And how- progress towards universal PLANTED IN CAfJE, Telephone and TSTiht Vlarm N"o 294. know that many of tbeni are doing a solvent ever we have been led during these months, may liberty and happiness. The world is Is prepared ta The Newhall House, Milwaukee was business and are laying'np money steadily. If the year's friendship stand approved especially prone to forget that the Inraclit-is- h rcive !Music 10 - people was Office in Hear of Wells' Store. 10th.- - iury !.uuum tuiempi reconcile tneir Droclama- in this, that it has led us to purer living and highly favored of God in being I3i-opowito-;a burned Jan. Intense terror prevailed. ruinously-lo- ! tious of prices made . Dozen with their financial stronger hope, and that nearness to God, which the transmitters of true religion to all the jumped from the upper stories, cover- success they would find themseWea in as diffi- gentile nationa. Their sacred booka would respectfully call your attention to our SUPERIOR FACILITIES for consists leis in the advance of time than in the contain the For having Cane so eru n We ing the sidewalks with lifeless bodies. It is cult a position as that of the dry-goo- glorioua prophecy ia in our clerk. experience of and in the of which called the Hope of , doing eveiything line. believed one lives " Positively, madam, we lose a a on the heart growtli hundred were lost. The cent yard Israel," unto which their several tribee were : every piece of coods character." ' ta insurance on the hotel is stated as S25.000 these which we sell'' he come. David in hia martial courage and Solo- - Ground at his Mill. unblushingly asserted. The Occident says: require a great mon in hia tranquil reign, were AND EXPENSIVE HEARSE all held by Cincinnati agencies. The loss m "It emblems of their lint that case how does it pav vou to j AW ELEGANT is be amount of time, effort, patience, and research to coming glory ; and covenant of Abraham ever C. P. HART, scarcely to estimated, but will reach offer them? " was the query. We feci know the truth. often in the midst of remains aa the great of : been imported direct from. New York. Our Embalming and Care of the Dead $500,000. The business men demand un- he protested, you see. we character their privileges Proprietor Niulii Sugar Mill. Has "Ah, "but sell so trying circumstances, like Pilot crying out, and the inspiration of their hopes. waa from Physician of large experience, who will give his best efforts derground telegrai-- wires, as many of them! ' It Kobala. Hawaii, is in the hands of a retired said wires " What ia truth?" It' ia easy to find what thia as from a fountain that Israel's preservation ' Dec. 29tu, 181. Ja.ldA.w3B seriously impended This custom of telling absurd lies about the be ia not eo business. Everything that money could buy; everything the work of the Fire seems to truth, but truth itself easily flowed, and Abraham remained vicis-aitud- ea to this Scientific branch of the cost of goods is a relic, evidently of some by- through all Department, and increased the horror. obtained. There are a class who imagine they and misfortunes of tbe aa H. C. CRABQtZ, practical and Scientific knowledge cou!d suggest, has been carefully considered. gone age. Before the flood, perhaps, the buyer people their that was gullible to swallow can find the truth without any effort on their father and guide. enough this Bort of stuff. have studied, and longed BF.1UV, JXI OIK (tilitGUS WILL BE MODERATE. It is said by the N. Y. Jn thjs nineteenth century, however, part. Others prayed, And who are we who atand around thia open WE ARE SOW Stock Exchange the to see the light ; all these have to do ao ia to open DRAYMAN, average buver is not a fool. He grave but living examplea of the trutha contained Km. that the cultivation of silk worms in this understands floods of will pour OFFICE. 83 qilKKN ST., HONOLULU that tho dealer is not doing business out of pure their eyes, and truth in. in the Hebrew scriptures. country is increasing rapidly, about 1,000 These repudiate what they call the dogmas of the iove to numanity, nut tor ms own pecuniary Having reached thia point of view, we feel the H. letters being daily received regarding that gain, and he is willing to pay for a reasonable past tbe experience, wisdom, and piety and ground beneath our feet firm aa the rocka o J HARE Manager. Trimmings, Plates, Robes, Shrouds, industry. The Exchange has received profit. The other day a gentleman facetiously research of those who have passed over to the Horeb when Aaron atood on the top of Pisgah, were priest-ridde- n, nar- Prompt from a Japanese firms remarked, always dislike to buy of j unseen land. These or whence Moses aurveyed the promised and careful attention given to the appertaining to the business constantly on, hand. eg3 pasted on cards. l anything land. With And everything There were 20.000,000 in the consignment, a. u. ac uo. iney invariably offer their goods ' row and bigoted in their viewa. What aucb thia holy confidence we lift our eyea. io the faith transportation of Merctiandiae Telephone No. 1 79. Night at such unprofitable figures - have learned by their wisdom, experience, and Qod. and From 7 . m. to 5 p. in., Alarm, Telephone No 294. to be distributed gratis to American silk that I fear by pur- of Abraham's And then we turn to the Parcels to chasing I shall be doing them a personal in- - devotion is not to be compared to the judgment first book of Moeea, 25th chapter, 8tu and 9th all parts of the city. dec27 d&wtf cultivators. I jury." , ot even the careless and indiffereat of our age." verses, and read a tQilowa: ET Tolephono "Tben Abraham nM2t tf dmjrlNumber 105. ja

1 42". .A. .. V : V. 1

5 t

P A C I F I C - O P'jr JV1 E R .C I A Ii A JW"Ei R T I S E JANUARY 27, 1883.

-- IttsrfUaneoas. V MA .BELLE. V- - ' Matrimohi4l insurance In. Mississippi. THE BABY'S DIMPLE. 3f t belle, when soatlxward swallows flr, A correspondent Jackson, Orer tb cradlo the mother Lnng, With bliUisome ia .Mississippi, CO. Ii'Xndependexice Beige twitter throngh tbe sky, write as follows concerning the marriage BROGLIE & SPEAR, Softly cooling slumber sung, G. W. HACFARLMJE & Wl.en gold and crimson burn thone wore words fhe sung 9 Rue d'Argent, Bruxelles, insurance mania in that State : And the siinplo I'pou the woodland's waving bough., Tlie All the e tming long. FOR HALE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT And dreamily the cattle browse marriage insurance craze in this ! ! OFFER y OXK Conimenlsl. iJtt-rsi- snd Artistic Jour- State is Jewelers nals in Europe. Amid the drooling fern, astonishing. Some time ago one Manufacturing and Importing 'Chotk or r'i;n. or knuckle or knee, Tho following Merchandise just or two companies were started upon the as- Whf re i:aii tho baby's dimple be ? The--n let ns waudur, you Terms of Subscription: and I, sessment plan, proposing to pay a specified Where bhall the augel's finger reBt, received per Hand joined in hand right merrily, 75 PORT STREET, HONOLULU. Weekly Edition. amount upou When he comes down to the baby 'a nest? Half Tearlj I O AcroHS the sunny the marriage of a member, franc. world Where the Yearly 30 franc. provided that no one could claim a benefit LEAVE TO lM'OKM TI1K PUBLIC G KN KK A L.I.Y THAT TIIK1K STOCK OF shall angel's touch remain ! where, in fitful autumn breeze, who DEC When he awakens my baby again ?" IBairlk. Blberia Subscription orders to be accompanied by Money he topmost banner of the trees married before the expiration of six Orders on Brussels. Paris, or London. Subscriptions commence on the 1st or the ICth of each motto. Are flaunting crimson, gold. month from date of certificate of member- Still as she bent and sang so low, A'D TO ARRIVE TEM. 8TEAMEK wit. ship. Jsnl3 Very soon, other associations were EEoXiclasr Goods is Complete. A murmur into her music broke, there, way. And where open the woodland organized, proposing to pay in three COXS1ST1XO IX PART OF L. Upon a giant bowlder, gray. mouths And aha paused to hear, for she could not know P. FISHER, and in May one was launched proposing to COLD AND SILVER SETTS. The baby's angel spoke : AOf.NT. 21 MERCHANTS With moss and lichen hung, ADVERTISING Fraurico, California, is authorized pay for each day a member remained single; PINS, RINGS. EAR RINCS, XOXV DUEt Let ns awhile recline and tell ay ri'LLV to receive advertisement for the columns of this paper, to-d- " Cheek or chin, or knuckle or kne. The olden Htory, sweet na belle, and there are over thirty such organ- VEST CHAINS, NECKLACES, SCARF PINS, Cams, 6, ?, 8 and 9 feet, best Engtisb Corru- izations in Jackson RINCS, Where shall the baby's dimple be ? JH.,tn1li&liol And sing the songs they sung : alone, to say nothing SCARF SLEEVE BUTTONS. Whore my gated P.ooSrg, Galvanized Ridging for in of other places. shall finger fall and rest Two lovers s the legend goes When I come down to the baby's nest f tame. Men and women are investing all they Bbl. Beet English Portland Cement. Who, where a blissful river flows SI&TTsESsR. Where shall my finger's touch remain P. can earn in this wild scheme. Merchants GOlaU S WATCHBS When I wake yonr baby agaiu ?" BUi'a. 5 FISHER'S Through flowerfnl rcalni9 and fair, best Annealed Fencing Wire, Nos. 4, I. leave their stores in charge of employes, if -- - NEWSPAPER Were ever wont to wander by and C. they can find any who are not as crazy "VSTltXxctxaa. a specialty. Silent the mother sat and dwelt Its grassy banks and sing for aye as Silver Filagree Jewelry, IMla. beat English Galvanized Fencing Wire, AGENCY, Long on tho sweet ADVERTISING as themselves, to run delay of choice, fc Nos. 5 and 6. Their lve so faithful there. the companies or Tasmanian Shell Necklaces in all shades of Color, Rooms 20 and Z 1 , Merchants' Exchange, speculate in the risks, sober, And then by her baby's side she knelt. Coil Hope, all sizes. thou belle, and staid Silver Plated Ware, American Clocks Galrmized Wire California Street, San FraocUco, Would'st and I, wa might be, church members are running wild after And sang with pleasant voice : Bale Genuine Twilled, Blue-etrip- eJ To wander awhile there chances in this mttrimonial lottery. If ' Not on the limb, O angi l dear 1 IT.V. C AdfeTtliins Solidtfd far all .New- Might live a day in AVE WOULD ALSO STATE MANUFACTURE ALL. that old time go out upon the streets, you see THAT WE KINDS OF For the charms with its youth will disappear ; spapers PnUhuf d ea the Fat I fit ( the Sacdttith When gay set 3ou will f ot, word themselves to rhyme men hurrying along with their hands full Not on the cheek thall the dimple Islands, Polynesia, Mfl-.- 2 Torts Pun.imii, Valpa- As ruby lips to smile. ! so-call- ed Kulxui, the ; ugar Sags of these - Gold, Shell and other Jewelry For harboring smile will fade and flee raiso, Japaa, Cblaa, Xew Zealand, the Australian policies, or other- papers (Of which there ia a Dumber of worthiest But only for a day, ma belle. pertaining to these concerns, and if you y But touch thou the chin with impress deep, Calonles, the Eastern States and Europe. . Files ot Watches Repaired Competent AVorkmen. my baby imitation ia the market). We are the Original However, bright the honeyed spell, approach a group u And the angel's seal shall keep." irarly .Newspaper Published on the Patifie of persons will almost Importers and SOLE AGENTS of these Cele- eirrj Would there I care to stray ; certainly DIAMONDS SET IN THE LATEST STYLES. Coast are kept Constant! 00 Ilacd, and all adver- hear them comparing risks and Bag9, j Content am I with any spot brated and the great demand for them bnsl-Hoar- calculating the possibilities of realizing on NOTES ON SCIENCE tisers are allowed free arrets ta l!iriu darinz s. If thou wilt only share my lot, A Speciality Iflndc in KnjjrsiviBi of all kinds AND INDUSTRY. from hxs induced fOM-lKKdl- their policies before the Planters some manufac- The PACIFIC 1DVEU-TISE- K the concerns fail. Let that be what it may. INCLUDING OF What is claimed to be a marked im- turer and their agents to get up a cheap imita- I If it is ascertained that a party is pro- kept on file at the tiOlce of L. P. USHER. So when the swallows , tion of them. southward posing to marry, lie or she, perhaps both, &c. provement in gas regulators consists in con- And swift the golden months flit by are besieged by men proposing MoisroGmLxs, models, to insure 7-- lockets, structing the apparatus essentially in three And winter shrouds the ORDERS FROM OTHER ISLANDS WILL RECEIVE OUR GRATEFUL COM TOUTING. dell. them and pay THE PROMPT A Fino Assortment of Crockery My heart, like autumn, gay"and glad, them a pro rata of the ATTENTION. parts as follows : A small glass ilabk, used -- 1 profits. heard of one party who mar- U-tub- Will never know of sorrows sad Every Article Guaranteed as represented, or Money Refunded as an air chamber ; an e. one end of A Splendid lot of English and French Groceries, ried a few days who waa in- If thou art there, ma belle, since which is of rather small bore compared with (particulars will be given on arrival of the in- - Clinton Scotlard in Boston Transcript. sured two hundred companies. When 75 FORT STBBET, Also, EPPS'sooeoA. that of the other, to which latter the appara- Steamship liansa." one of these insured persons marries, men no2 lyr Opposite Dillingham &. V: A Small Invoice of beautilul Irish Linen Damask, BREAKFAST. are posted off to be on hand, and get up the tus is attached for regulating the . tempera- Sheetings, and Cambric Handkerchiefs, "Byi thorough knowledge of the natural laws which gov- Ihe following frem a correspondent of proofs so as to file them and get their first ture ; and, lastly, the tube through which ern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by m ZWxtismtnls. U-tu- direct from Belfast. Ireland. careful application of the fine properties of well-seiect- the Albany Cultivator will be of interest chance of the next assessment. A few days the gas passes. Both limbs of the be A small Invoice of Choice WATER COLORS, cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a to those who take pride in since, at a wedding in this city, men took delicately-flavore- d beverage which mjr save us many heavy their poultry are nearly filled with mercury when the Celebrated doctor's bills. I: is by tns juii.cwus uae of such articles of : the minister in hand to sign proofs of mar- bj Artists. may yard A correspondent writes that the regulator is to be used. is to bo diet that a constitution be gradaul! built up until riage before the bridal party left the church. M!l! ! When it Also, to arrive by Vessel now Loading at siroof enoufrh to resist every tendency to diease. Hundreds largest eggs he ever got were from Houdans, tJust Heceived IS IS IIH CM employed with an air bath, the is of subtle maladies are floating around as ready to stuck Almost every man you meet is carrying ilsk Glasgow : 1 EX wherever there is a weak point. We msy evcttpe many a which were about six to ; re- fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pare Mood the pound several risks on persons who insure with placed in the, bath and, by having Cast-iro-n and a properly nourished frame." See ariiclein the Civil Houdan hens, when fully matured, lay hxge, the distinct understanding that they will course to a plunger inside of a piece of very A Vacuum Pan, Service Gazette. KALE and GLENGABER. AND DON'T YOU FORGET IT off". sole-leath- Made simply with boiliog water or milk. rather longish, while eggs, but they will marry on a certain day, not far Such a small tubing, a er disk of the 6 feet in diam. by 7 feet deep. A LOT O? EXTRA QUALITY Sold only in packets, labelled s not do it until two or three years old. The craze this writer never saw ; gamblers have GEORGE GOULET proper size, a pin, and some sealing wax 14-in- quit the card tables and faro banks to en- 1 Vacuum Pumping Engine, cb Cylinder largest and richest I Sd CO., eggs that ever met gage speculation, the desired temperature is produced, and 12-inc- h JAMES in this and it is said that stroke. , ani HOMEOPATHIC CHEMIST.-:- with were from the Spanish and Hamburg. lotteries are then the instrument will automatically main- Tanks, each 1,000 gallons the about to suspend for want NEW ZEALAND OATS LONDON. These two fowls crossed produce eggs very of ticket-buyer- s. Was ever such a thing tain this temperature, without further capacity; dlio CPVSTS CHOCOLATE ESSENCE, for Afternoon lage, and rival the turkey eggs in fineness carried on before in the name of insurance ? QUARTS; trouble or attention, for any length of time I Wroujht-Iro-n Chimney, Co feet high, 37 PINTS and junll.ly and richness. Brown Leghorn eggs ordin- Every sensible man knows that the com- desired. inch, diam., -- inch thick. arily weigh to the panies can't' last, but each one expects to 1 Multitubular Boiler, 10 feet long, G feet in nine pound, on . the Volnay, Sauternes, average ; selected ones probably would go realize on the policies he holds before the And An improedjhermometer '3 among the diameter, with furnace, front doors, etc. collapse. "Somebody left, & secure what you want seven to will be but it Chablis Chamberlin, recent foreign inventions, its purpose being complete. the pound. There has of late been not be will me," says every man you talk the rating ofternperatures of liquids which 4 20-inc-h Self-balancin- g Sus- an improvement in size of the Asiatic egg Weston's Patent to about it." FEOM THE t g are being raised to points above the range pended Sugar-Curin- Centrifugal Machines, over the first introduced Shanghai fowl Whew!!! What a fraud. But this is with tho requisite Independent Iron Some of the vanties, as well as many of not all the sacred institution of marriage IN CASKS. AND CASES UNION of ordinary thermometers or pyrometers. n FEED CO. fluids, Framing, Wronght-Iro- Sugar Mixer of their crosses, lay eggs rivalling in size those Is degraded; the wishes of the families ap29tf It consists of a tube containing special with Stirrer, most be noted, 2,000 gallons capacity, of any other variety. In quality they do interested are sometimes set aside Hockheimer according to the tempera tlre to Driving Gear, etc. through the management of men care not excel, usually possessing who water being employed for points below 450 small yolks nothing about the happiness of the parties, AND on t Ldfyrrees. Theo flnrtfvve',:n? BCl Kill-Pressu-re Ihe rue.Jirah ma egg is rather smaH, and A Di3onal Steam Engine, but simply wish to realize upon their invest- machinery tbe upper iiart, wnicn. of a fresh coffee color, i the in CORNER OK with thick, heavy ments. It is said that in some instances lQhannisberger-- "'. 11 A. 1L1 turns the han m a dial face. The tube Cylinder, IS-in- ch stroke, with Gov- shells. The eggs are generally uniform in tnac men nay,maPmfWt.tl.tM i AXD is --he liquid to be tested, and ernor, Fly-whe- el and Belting for driving Beale and Howard Streets, size and oval in shape. T to get the money, and then immediately PINTS sad QUARTS! always within It close opening in the cover of the vessel. Centrifugals. 8AN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. o tA Trr, apply for a divorce. Insurance Monitor. ." Ljmo lollows: "Lisrht Brahmas Benedictine, TTOBM allows the pro'ection of the dial face above. 2 Wrr.tfjht-Iro- n EVAPORATORS. --t --p , . 1 i i . .1 IF. n. TAYLOR, ana ocnins eggs, seven io me Fault-findin- g. 500-GalIo- raririue of does with the uncertainity and 4 o STEAM CLARIFIERS. idCDt, The Amusement This away Kl tf XOOKE, pound; they lay according to treatment and Chartreuse, unreliability attendant upon the old method JOS. word fault-findin- g is significant 1 Saprrintfndent, keeping, from 80 to 100 per annum oft-- The very It denotes something far beyound mere Noyeaxi, of taking the thermometer out of the mnsa times more, if well kept. Dark Brahmas, To the dial face is rm s taking notice of and condemning ill doing. to note the temperature. Notice to TravcIIe BUILDERS OF eight to the pound, and about 70 per a too That is duty, and not seldom a burdensome Anisette, also attached an alarm guage tosingal annum. .Black, white, and buff Cochins, or sudden change. one. Delinquencies are either wholly over- high temperature STEAM MACHINERY, eight to the pound ; 100 is a large yield per Absinthe, looked or excuses for them are found in IJi ALL ITS BRANCDES annum. Plymouth Rocks, eight to the A series of measurements have been made P, WOOD order to escape the disagreeable work of H. pound, lay 100 per annum. Houdans, Curacao, by a party of German engineers, to de- HAS BEEN APPOINTED AGENT AT reprimand or admonition. Not so with fault- Steamboat. eight to the pound, lay 150 per annum ; AND OTHER LIQUEURS. termine the rate and character of the move finding, which is a deliberate looking for, MAHUKONAand K0HALA non-sister- s. La Fleche, seven to the pound, ment of glaciers, these observations being .1 Steamship fand searching out and inventing faults and FOR THE lay 130 per annum ; non-sitter- s. Black Hollands, supplementary to those made some time ago attacking their victim. - Genuine seven to lay 150 per BURGLAR PROOF oberva-tion- ENGINES AND BOILERS, Spanish, the pound, Large Size. by the same company. Their first s TRANSFER (0. . .1 1 Fault-findin- g is a prevailing, apparently In White od Black Bottlos, .1,1. k HOMCll! High Pressure r Compound. annum, jjomimques, nine to me pouna. seemed to prove a considerable and a fascinating, amusement. It is pursued OFFICK AT DR. WIGHT'S STORE. VESSELS of all kinds, built complete with lay ISO per annum. Games, nine to the Otard, Dupuy & Co.s' unexpected degree of irregularity in the STEAM or with all the eagerness, skill and persever- Baggage landed from the Steamer Halls of Wood, iron vomposiie. pound, lay 130 per annum. Crevecceurs, BURGLAR PROOF movement it being found, for example, that compounded when advisable. ance with which the hunter seeks his game. 3-Sta- ! and Delivered as per Address : ORDINARY ENGINES seven to the pound, lay 150 per annum. r1 IBrandLifr the same point could have a motion in both Steam con devotees STEAM LAUNCHES, Banres and Turs pound, lay from 150 to It has such attractions that its are nd nine to the -- vertical direction, & HONOLULU TRANSFER CO. structed with reference 10 me i raue in wr.nu mcj ic iu Leghorns, AND- a horizontal and that S. F. Speed, tonnage and draft of water guaran more reckless in their rough riding after of Above sep24tf be employed. 200 per annum. Hamburgs, nine to the Three the two points not very far apart in some cases teed. victims than the fox hunter who dash- ' pound, lay 10 per annum. Polish, nine to their ON HAND AT ALL TIMES, FIRE PROOF moved at a different rate, or even in opposite I!C1R MILLS AND .MAHI.M. es through grain fields and gardens in SAFES x;II I N EH 1 maae aiier ius musi iiruxi m... the pound, lay 150 per annum. Bantams, ALL BRAXIIS OF directions. The later observations give, on Also, all Boiler Iron Work connected therewith. chase. Your veteran fault- tiriopn tn thp nound. lav GO ner annum. his exciting llstvc within the lust the whole a rather negative result, since the STDRB HEW of Boiler or . WATER PI PE. g . m ort . finder follows his sport through the very IW made in suitable leogtns tor coopct-im- luncmcr.ur T: x Urweys, live 10 me uuutiu, iuv iiuui ou iu successfully motions measured were much smaller than Rolled. Punched, and Packed for Shipment, ready to be , , . . houses of his friends, and delights to WINES, 3 months on ground. OU pt-- T those measured before those in a vertical jr. & co., veted the utiiiuui. aubas njr gicuuji ' household I disturb the peace of his own with withstood the hoppIClnfC HtrccU riveting. Boiw. work and Wa- - different siiecies, but from five to six to the ALES, direction for example, hardly exceeding the 71 jivdr.aCI.ic - i ter Pine made ot tnis r.siauiiuujciit, "j "j- I r no his startling "Hallo!" ..! iu.uf ki . nnimH nnl ...... imm -14- tfi ifri nor annum,, ac unavoidable errors of observations, the of an Iraulic Rivel ting aiacumcrj. iiiai s"'"J pvuim! t will give to Having seenred the Services ar superior to band work keeping. four The dexterity which practice EIDERS Attempts of Burglars of cordiner to age 'and Geese, , a amount, however observed phenomena . . i . r, . o Tl- - r ti f A!. AND pound, Guineas, an industrious iouower oi ims amuseuioiti, real ice EMINENT UPHOLSTERER Circulating rumps, mc u... to the lay 20 per annum. indicating movements. muc well-traine- es. Air and !: as d pointer proved plans. is marvelous. Just a ! Iisive from Psr-'-s n1 Loadoo, ami recently frofll San Fran eleven to the pound, lay 60 per annum. Yet to absolute r . Designs and E- - - will "snifFthe breeze" eiTrt-- mpmral to rarsisa niTii Actinv I'amci. lor irriesiioa or lhi " well as the quantity of eggs of good stock, tiinted SPIRITS A method of compressing fluid steel has . u- f r and Orijlnal Btjrlea of tc tt - - The quality as security advise it Works' Dttrposes- - DUUl wnu j ' cold-bloode- i:irties I.r icwi.t . 61 d cur goes heedlessly procured on the face of Motion, superior to aoj other pump. if is crreatlv owing to the keeping. Many while the That can be attracted much attention in England. Steam Duplex Steam Pump. line will nose out to purchase AG ENTS tor Wotthington times the above weights may be exceeded, on, so an expert in this Earth. pressure is applied to the tp of the mould MOLSTERII Apparently the this HM at others not reached. Keeping and man- most unexpected game. immediately after the rnetal is poured The to avoid remark, IT Cheaper than pains one takes -- HIH, a 'mIke Climate. Elegant and greater steam is from receiver fixed to JioM taitM ta agement have much to lo with it. While A.T I and. drvn the FRENCH more conscientiously he tries to FOE SALE I THE it is to be regretted that so many of our and the side of the ingot frame, the conduct ing pipes Importations approval, the greater the de- Inferior valuable fowls appear to have disadvantage, win deserved BURGLAR PROOF having one end permanently attached to the TRADE k EXPORTER of the fault-finde- r in covering him mmi consequent on mdmerent rations, there are light receiver, and the other end is joined by a 3?arlor, Bedroom with confusion ; and it is well-know- n that coupling with the lid of a mould. It is AND UOE many times when highly prized ami tended Prices at s:iid the most scrupulous fidelity is accompanied . 1 do honor to the variety. that in practice no higher pressure than & Current ! specimens which gives BOUDIOR SETS Markets Reyiew General Prices with greatest sensitiveness, BROWIVT GO.'S from 80 to 150 pounds has appeared to be la Stock and to Order. cruel sportsman an easier triumph. OLD SAFES TAKEN IIS PuMi.hrJ Monthly, and in English. Indispnslle who will stop to think must this nece.ssiry, the higher pressure being used in LOfXGES, CHAIRS, cuiffomeks, giTes n note-si- r Everybody st S0F13, lor Purchasers of Continental loous; other game this has its pains. The Prices, an-- llufnnnlt allowed, of Like FIRE PROOF WAREHOUSE the case of mild steels, It appears that DESKS, CRIBS, .r., ProTisions, fancy Good, admit that the gates at the rauroad depots explosive acts strongly upon EXCHANGE. Wl&D&OBES. .f., Wiiie. Brsndies, Preserred recoil of his process, i.,i;.r rrm Materials. Gla. Porcelain. are a wise provision. One must show his which under this the ingots are turned out At ths LOWEST possible Cash Prices. Plated Ware, Watrnes, i;orKs. neai imiuiiuo the hunter of this stripe. Faces Etc., Boots and Shoes, Perfumery, loys. vieosrapns. before he can pass to the train, and been attractive are For Prices, Ciits free from porosity and with the advantage Photographic and Printing Materials. ticket otherwise might hve 14: Merchant street, sporiled of a perfectly level top. In addition to con- ! Scieotiflc and Musical Instruments, Drugs, Chemical, it is not once in a thousand tunes that a contracted, furrowed and utterly if. I. ocl4tf apply to MATTRESSES Pharmaceutical Preparations, Mauonery, effects of their repeated charges. iloxoLi:i.t". solidating the ingot, the top of the latter Ia ery material. Hair. Moss, Eureka and Ptraw. Silks. Varnishes. Paints, psper iisngings, eic , r.ic. passenger can go astray. Ana yei it gaus by these is . . n . r Xoticen on which moves him will not let j IX, r rtt vuircu,ir Pm.,v frkft i i . The spirit ! also cooled by the steam, thus allowing it to Industrial Novelities, Traae intelligence, eic. i uin 1 annoys lots of people to be railed off COLONNADE NE PLUS ULTRA , him enjoy even his own ways in peace, but THE Celebrated ANNUAL 8DB3CRIPTONS-- 5s for Postal Union, and 6s up antl be obliged to exhibit a AVXOU.NC- - be conveyed to the reheating furnace sooner nenneJI even haunts him to the undoing of every W I1AVETI1E PLKASCRE OF for other Countries. iDg that I hSTe opened a Honolulu, than is convenient in the ordinary process. Mne orders Dsrable to GEORGE WATER8 on Paris or Lou ticket. delight. Like the porcupine rolled the den, or the equisaisoi in any local cuutuvj vi he torments his own person, HAWAIIAN stamps. a Yesterday morning a very stern and dig wrong way, RESTAURANT, GENERAL AGENT. ISLANDS. in" some measure reaps his proper NEW mar'2& One of the hardesr woods in existence is t-- 1 1 r IPTTV.BS K V.VVStL man with a gnp-sjc- k in his hand, and so AT vii 1. nified for October. Address , Ths PREXCH TRADE JOURNAL & REPORTE reward. From Outing, that of the desert iron wood tree, which rans, r ranee tried to walk through the gates at the Cen oc9 ly I. Kue de cnaoroi, Vo. 7 UlmmaKea Street, THE OLD CURIOSITY SHOP grows in the dry washes along the line of tral Depot, and when asked for his ticket he London Spectator says : Miss Night- Vesr the Fish Market, and am prepared to furnish a The IS the Southern Pacific Railroad. Its specific posl-bl- e replied : out how constantly the And a rariety of ather Styles, at lh LOWEST PLAXTERS, ETC, haughtily ingale has pointed FIRST-CLAS- S Prices. TO aEMDASTS, depends en gravity is nearly the same as that of lignum-vita- ;, It is in my pocket." mental state of the dying their JS O W -r Lambrequins, to Sew and Elet ir- Window Cornices and As a rule, she tells us, OPEN and it has a black heart so No- - Ktogs'jw physical condition. hard, when raotSals- - ' uPi Co 14 JAMES DC XX. MERC II A XT, CMiCOM, "Let me see it?" own Breakfast, Ca0 (HAWAIIAN CONSUL) in acute cases interest in their danger well seasoned, that it will turn 1 will not. My word should be proof n er, On Nuuanu Street. the edge of the purchase and shipment of all kinds of Brit felt. " Indifference, except with Undertakes is rarely Din well-temper- ! an axe, and can scarcely be cut by a ed ish and Continental Goods, and will be glad to receWo Orders. that I hive it." regard to bodily suffering, or to some duty supper, OPPOSITE M0SiMAN"S, AND REMOVAL or at rates either tree on board at shipping port in Europe, " Have to show your ticket, sir." dying man desires to perform, is the far 3L.TJLX3.Ol3., saw. In burning it gives out an delivered ex ship (but with duty for buyer's account) at the ! ! ! who die of favorOrme with a call, as I intend the INieoly Uj intense heat, and charcoal indignity," But patients To all who made from SELLING OFF SELIINtt OFF Honolulu. Such Orders may be accompanied hy remittances. ' I wont submit to any such more usual state. Fitted it is 60 die a state payable in London or San Franctco ; or he will draw at said the stern man, and he didn't. He consumption very frequently in THREE hardly second to anthracite. confirmed credits from lionolulu Rankers, ; the counten- A I c. now in a days sight a?inst a of seraphic mind and peace OF or freight sheds, passed through FAEEthe Market ss buyers. the BILL include all that First-Cla- convenience entered COLONNADE or otherwise, to suit the almost expresses rapture. Patients Of the to Billard Tables good acrcRiNCE : ance aSords. To make buns for lea, stir about fljur car, climbed over a lot ef hides and etc.. on the UOOM. Larger Store, CO., Honolulu. who die of cholera, peritonitis, n been put into Ibo l.ARGH snd AIKY Wow and MKiJRl WM. G. IRWIN finally my CliieF Cook half a pound of butter with one cup of WALKER, Honolulu. ciept under a baggage car,. and contrary, often die in a state approaching I'am own I will offer my present Stock of HON. J. 9. those who give me a call will a brake-ma- n diarrhoea, or lever, And can guarantee that cream and half pound of sugar, and beat THE AGRA BANK. (Limited). London. reached the train he was after. A despair. In dysentery, satisfied with the food and service. Choice Assortment indiffer- be junl3,lyr : patient often tiies in a state of them together until light; add four eggs, & Jewelry stood at the steps and asked the Week; Single Meals, 25cts Tobaccos and Cigars, Clocks. Watches ence." Those who have carefully examined Board, $4.50 per well beaten, and at the same time ON HAND stir in ax - - 1865. "Going West, sir?" field or in the streets ALWAYS Pipes and Cigar Holders, etc ESTABLISHED the dead on a battle three quarters of a pound of flour, first mix- " No; going East:" after an emeute, are struck with the fact Or Pop OiX Xco. CURIOSITIES FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD ! ! iiigor O.y FOR SALE. ing with it a teaspoonful and a half of bik- ! COST COST Gideon West, "Then yonr train won't go for three hours that while the expression on the frees of WILLIAM H. MASON, HAND ANU COST Old good for of gunshot wounds is Late Chief Cook at The Corner." ing powder ; flavor with a little Thia offer noils and a half yet. This train goes West." those who have died ,5 i 3Dx-1m.1x.- ls.inci nutmeg, & distress, the dead by Tcod ofall HART BR03. and, if you choose, Importer Dealer And the worst of it all was the man at one cf agony and ap22lf add currants and a little Days IX ALL MINUS ur sword have a calmer expression, though G, W. MACFARLANE & Co., brandy. Roll them in S Only Thirty and a tlozen others caught an and the shape of round the gate wounds often seem more painful to MER- -l a the stern mm went their IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION' B. WALKER, biscuits, rub over the top with a'little CARRIAGE MATEBfUS! raised such laugh that the eye. A very careful observer, who was CHANTS, TIIOS. milk Fire-pro- Building, Queen St., Honolulu, H.I. FKOM DATE. down into the freight house and hid behind entirely con-firmslh- is. Kohioaon's in which sugar has been dissolved, and bake la tb time to get yoar through the Indian mutiny, Contractor and Builder. Mow Bar Iron, of all sizes, box car. toiiTi roi a After giving several instances The Puuloa Sheep Ranch Company. EXTIOX FAII at once. ATT Boilers, Fur-- A J Goods Low Figures. Cumberland Coal. he says : " A rapid death by steel is almost The Spencer Plantation, Hilo, PARTICULAR kinds of 8tem il at Waikapu Plantation, Chimneys, s all-wo- Christmas Viola " wants to know what rtiymes The and ttaoves. Brick or Stooe VeB" Thirty-tw-o pieces ol SOLE AGENT FOR THE painless. Sabre edge or point divides the Iluelo ugar Mill. n,ii snd Head Clones, drenn good ell, dear, so iar as our Ar Machinery. hen for only 25 cents per yard at Chah. I with honeymoon. so quickly as to give little pain. A iirrw. Tait. Walton's Sniar J. PienEL'a COME ONE vc mwuj nerves John ny & Co's Liverpool and London Packets rorCLAB Stoek. Co, observation goe' n"u.iv.3 at'sl-drnvl- ) The Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets JLIaTu I Cortland Wagon don't let your fond husband forget it. bullet lacerates.' . COME OF NEW YORK. pl and