Email address: Phone: Postcode: Address: Name: Join DELGA and the Liberal Democrats DELGA, 4 Cowley London St, SW1P 3NB. to “LGBT cheques make Please Lib to return and Dems” However, consider £60 please -only fiver month! a a our LGBT wing for from year a To support our work, Liberal join and Democrats the bring equal about society. and free a from people like you, spend every and pound wisely to relyunions millionaires. on We donations or fat-cat rely from on regular big of injections cash businesses, Unlike our political Lib opponents, the cannot Dems Join LGBT wing only (party members, £15 min / student, unwaged,Full-time under 26 (£11 min) £5 Party m/ship concs) number ______Studying at ______Graduating ______just £25just (£11 concs). opinion moved.” has public judge you when simply not matter, they Leadership is about speaking out on issues when apologyrecent over 28 Section prime isexample. a outand of favour with politicians. David Cameron’s still tooare like privileges, treated often falling in unquestionable. become Buthave they practice in “Gay rights, like minority all rights, should by now needs, desires and ambitions.” and desires needs, group’ ‘client a as but individuals, as own with their was it LGBT the see we not communities and fashionable, before long existed all for opportunity of equality to commitment Our might others ‘approve’. as not fit, see they as them live about giving people control over own their lives, to we're anything, about are Democrats Liberal “If influence.” can we laws or the schools govern, registrar we offices control, we the it’s the unfair -whether inherently are that systems change to and challenge to act must Democrats Liberal serve, we communities the in “As leaders or gender, religion.” race, their to does it way same the in identity gender and This applies sexuality to person's talents. a their opportunities the lawand bestofthe the to make with privacy, personal with equal rights front in of fit, without see they lives discrimination,their as believe strongly individual's“We an in right to live Lib Dem LGBT Election Manifesto 2005 Lib Dem Equality Spokesperson Lib Dem Leader Clegg Nick MP Lib Dem President Scott Ros Lynne Featherstone MP

Printed by Prontaprint, 24 Washway Road, Sale M33 7QY. Published and promoted by and on behalf of Liberal Democrats 4 Cowley St SW1P 3NB National Action Local Action The Liberals were the first party to speak up on gay With over 4,000 councillors, we are in power in town rights. Gay equality was policy from 1963, and an halls right across the country - and where we are in election commitment in the 1970s - when LGBT power Lib Dem councils lead the way in delivering on Liberal Democrats equality was far from a popular cause! LGBT issues. The Lib Dems were the only party to oppose Section Lib Dem-run council carried out a pilot exist to build and safe- 28 from the outset, and the first to move in programme to reduce homophobic bullying, by Parliament for its repeal. In 1994 we voted to lower educating children about sexual orientation and guard a fair, free and gay consent from 21 to 16, defeated by Tory and gender identity. The successful scheme has since been Labour MPs. We led on the military ban, adoption adopted by other local authorities open society where we rights, and civil partnerships. Lib Dem-run Islington has published a charter for In 1998 the Lib Dems adopted policies to allow trans LGBT people, requiring council employees to act in a seek to balance people to change the gender on their birth non-discriminatory manner when discharging their certificates, 6 years before it was finally legislated by duties, and ensuring that care homes respect elderly liberty, equality and the Government. LGBT people and same-gender relationships. community and where no-one shall be enslaved by poverty, says The Future of Equality “I am determined that the Liberal Democrats will While the Tory-Labour consensus pay lip-service to ignorance or remain outspoken and steadfast in our defence of gay LGBT equality in search of “pink votes”, the Liberal rights, from backing same sex marriage to stopping Democrats continue to lead on equality. conformity the deportation of gay asylum seekers to countries The Lib Dems recently clarified our position that Preamble to the Lib Dem constitution were homosexuality is punishable by death. There has people facing murder or persecution over their sexu- been much progress in recent years, and much to ality or gender identity should be allowed to claim celebrate. asylum - in stark opposition to the Government line “But as long as homophobia still rears its ugly head in that they should stay where they risk being killed, workplaces, in classrooms, and even in the home – and “be discreet”. Liberal politicians must continue to speak out in favour of The Welsh Liberal Democrats oppose the discrimina- Democrats the values of gay rights. For me, it is quite simply one tory blood donation ban on gay and bisexual men and of the touchstones of what a liberal society should the people who sleep with them. be: open, tolerant and free of prejudice.” Support us as we lead the way on LGBT rights!