Linux and OpenVMS Interoperability John Robert Wisniewski Senior Systems Architect Hewlett Packard Session # 2453 Room B403 8/15/03 8:00am John Robert Wisniewski [email protected] The rest of the story from Digital Press

ƒLinux and OpenVMS Interoperability ƒTricks for Old Dogs, New dogs, and Hot Dogs with Open Systems

ƒISBN 1-55558-267-2 ƒChpt1 Linux and OpenVMS Similarities, Differences, and Common Features ƒChpt2 Breaking into OpenVMS and Linux Systems ƒChpt3 TCP/IP Networking between OpenVMS and Linux ƒChpt4 OpenVMS and Linux Security ƒChpt5 Linux and OpenVMS Xwindow interoperability ƒChpt6 OpenVMS and Linux E-mail ƒChpt7 OpenVMS Advanced Server and Linux SAMBA with Windows Clients ƒChpt8 Apache web server for OpenVMS and Linux

ƒ11/17/2003Appendix OpenVMS toHP LinuxWorld 2003 SolutionsComp andendium Technology Conference of Open & Expo Source Tools:-) 3 Some OSes are not just a lifestyle

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 4 TUX vs Albert

ƒBATTLE OF THE 32-Bit MASCOTS ƒFiguring the Odds: ƒPenguins are almost chickens ƒCats freeze to death in the Artic.

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 5 TUX vs Vernon

Battle of 64-bit OS mascots There is this natural relationship between Sharks and Penguins enough said.

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 6 OpenVMS and Linux Together on the same network?

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 7 OpenVMS and Linux

ƒSIMILIARITIES ƒRabid loyal installed base of users ƒInternet Ready ƒStandard Environments ƒStandard Protocols ƒXwindows Not MS Windows ƒAnd both have a rabid, loyal installed base of users!

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 8 OpenVMS and Linux

ƒDIFFERENCES ƒVendor Maintained Vs Open Source ƒScaling and Performance ƒNative File Systems ƒVMS / Unix design differences ƒVMS Clustering and Beowulf clusters ƒRabid loyal installed base of Users

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 9 OpenVMS and Linux

ƒAREAS OF INTEROPERABLITY ƒFile Exchange File Systems blending ƒTerminal / CLI ƒEmail ƒXwindows

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 10 OpenVMS and Linux

File Exchange File Systems blending ƒTCP/IP FTP ƒDECnet for Linux (and DECnet copy) ƒNFS (Network from the Unix world) ƒSAMBA (For VMS and Linux from the MS world) ƒAdvanced Server (for VMS from the MS world)

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 11 OpenVMS and Linux

Terminal Interchange ƒTelnet VT Terminal support ƒTerminal sessions can control VMS and Linux Systems ƒMost Utilities work from a Command Line Interface ƒ languages are different (DCL/BASH) ƒEditors are different (EDT-TPU / VI – EMACS)

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 12 OpenVMS and Linux

Email ƒBoth systems come with SMTP ƒNETscape/Mozilla are excellent Free Email Clients ƒ Bynari Systems of Dallas Texas has Linux (Open Source) Exchange Clients and Exchange Servers for use with Exchange Mail systems

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 13 Xwindows Network Paths

ƒXwindows Computer 2 Computer 1

Xwindows Xwindows Server Server

Xwindows Xwindows Client Client

Network Network Protocol Protocol

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 14 OpenVMS and Linux

ƒXwindows System Management From a Menu

Linux – Linuxconfig VMS – TNT Agent InsightMgr XE Agent

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 15 OpenVMS and Linux

ƒXwindows Application Example ƒStep 1 Authorize OpenVMS Xserver to display ƒ With the xhost command on your Linux box controls who can write to your Xwindow Server display.

ƒ xhost + allows every host in your network to send Xwindow displays to your screen ƒ xhost - allow no one in your network to send Xwindow displays to your screen ƒ xhost allows just “” to send Xwindow displays to your screen. ƒ xhost with no arguments tells you who is authorized to send Xwindow displays to your screen ƒ Remember you can always block all Networked Xwindow Displays by typing “xhost –“ on a local Linux terminal window

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 16 OpenVMS and Linux

ƒOn your Linux box

ƒ xhost + ƒ telnet

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 17 OpenVMS and Linux

ƒXwindows then as you are logged into VMS window ƒ$set display/create/ /transport=tcpip/ screen=0

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 18 OpenVMS and Linux


11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 19 OpenVMS and Linux

ƒXwindows then as you are logged into VMS window ƒ$CREATE/TERM

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11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 21 OpenVMS and Linux

ƒXwindows & VMS Applications

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 22 OpenVMS and Linux

ƒXwindows Summary ƒSet Linux Xwindow write security Xhost + ƒLogin to VMS On VMS system $set display/create run application or create terminal e.g. $run $system:decw$clock $create/term Have fun redisplaying VMS Xwindows

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 23 Break into Linux in 10 steps!

ƒ Linux / Redhat Root Password change

ƒ 1) Have physical access to the Linux system

ƒ 2) boot Redhat Linux CDrom distribution disk 1

ƒ 3) type in "linux rescue" as the boot choice

ƒ 4) choose English (or your local language) ƒ US Keyboard (or your local varient) ƒ MESSAGES: ƒ running anaconda -- please wait ...

ƒ 5) Choose "Continue" when asked to mount your linux installation ƒ (don't chose "read-only") ƒ MESSAGES: ƒ Searching for Redhat Installation...

ƒ Your image has been mounted under ƒ /mnt/sysimage/

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 24 Break into Linux in 10 steps

ƒ 6) Enter a return to get a shell "Ok"

ƒ Prompt ƒ sh-2.05a#

ƒ 7) Change root to the mounted file system

ƒ sh-2.05a# chroot /mnt/sysimage

ƒ 8) change root password

ƒ sh-2.05a# passwd root ƒ New Password:Welcome1 (not echoed) ƒ Retype new password:Welcome1 (not echoed) ƒ passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully

ƒ 9)Exit the shell and shutdown the system

ƒ sh-2.05a# exit

ƒ 10) remove the Redhat Install CDrom and from the Hard drive. ƒ The Root Password will now be Welcome1

ƒ When the linux system reboots login as root. ƒ ƒ Congratulations, you've just broken into a Linux System!

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 25 Breaking into an OpenVMS System

ƒ 1) Have physical access to the OpenVMS system

ƒ 2) Reboot / Hault the boot (find the reset button on your Alpha) and ƒ find yourself at a three chevron prompt ">>>"

ƒ 3) For most Alphas boot with the "Conversational Boot" Flag set

ƒ >>>boot -flag 0,1 (!0 refers to the cluster "system software" directory you want to boot from)

ƒ 4) At the "SYSBOOT>" prompt you can change any VMS SYSGEN PARAMETERS BEFORE THE SYSTEM RUNS!

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 26 But John, How can I share Files?

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 27 File and Printer Sharing

ƒSMB Disk Sharing, Not just for Windows Anymore

ƒSAMBA for OpenVMS and Linux

ƒAdvanced Server for VMS (from VMS Engineering)

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 28 What is Samba?

sam·ba (sam’ ba) n.

1.A Brazilian ballroom dance of African origin. 2.Music in 4/4 time for performing this dance. 3.An OpenSource SMB server

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 29 One more time in English

Just what in the heck is Samba:

Open Source (under the GNU License) SMB Server for Linux, VMS, and Unix.

Windows File and Print Services for non MS Operating Systems

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 30 For the recently initiated

ƒSAMBA is a free implementation of an SMB (Server Message ƒBlock Protocol)

ƒWindows PCs utilize SMB Protocols (recently renamed by Bill and ƒCompany to CIFS (Common Internet File System) to access ƒremote file systems and printers.

ƒThese resources are also known as shares or services in ƒBill speak.

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 31 Samba’s Features

ƒ1) Act as a NetBIOS nameserver ƒ2) Participate in NetBIOS browsing and browse master elections ƒ3) Act as an SMB client and access shares or printers on other ƒ SMB servers ƒ4) Backup local SMB shares to remote SMB shares ƒ5) A CLI for limited remote administration for WNT servers ƒ and other SAMBA servers. ƒ6) Be a Domain Controller for Windows 9x, and WFW clients. ƒ (Work is underway for NT 3.51/4.0 Domain Control too!)

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 32 So what do you do with Samba?

ƒ1) Replace a WNT file/print server and save the license cost ƒ2) Provide a gateway for synchronizing Linux and Windows Passwords. ƒ3) Act as a single “Home Directory” server Linux and Windows home directories exist in a common space ƒ4) Act as a print gateway between Linux and PC networked printers ƒ5) Allow Linux machines to access Window based file shares.

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 33 Where Can I get SAMBA? ƒHttp:// ƒ -- The SAMBA homepage for Linux

ƒ ƒ -- The Samba OpenVMS Hompage

ƒThe in the back of one of those expensive Barnes and Noble Computer books...

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 34 Configuring Samba on Linux

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 35 Step 2 add Authorized Systems

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 36 Step 3 add SMB users(map to Linux Unsers)

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 37 Step 4 Edit the smb.conf file

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 38 Smb.conf (cont)

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 39 Smb.conf (cont)

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 40 Step 5 create/add to the Linux smbpasswd file

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 41 Smbpasswd (cont)

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 42 smbpasswd (cont)

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 43 Smbpasswd (cont)

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 44 Step 6 start your daemons and check

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 45 OpenVMS Samba and Advanced Server ƒSamba does run on OpenVMS and it’s Free

ƒAdvanced Server runs on OpenVMS and it Costs.

ƒWhat do I look like I was born yesterday?

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 46 OpenVMS Advanced Server ƒAdvanced Server Source Code is sold/bartered/aquired by legal contract between and HP/OpenVMS engineering. ƒOpenVMS engineering builds, tests, and integrates Advanced Server with the goal of FULL compatibility with the Windows Servers. ƒIt’s fully supported from Colorado and VMS engineering ƒIt does cost money for the license fee. ƒAdvanced Server is not part of the OpenVMS Hobbyist Program – Perhaps you should ask?

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 47 Top 7 Reasons (abridged) to chose OpenVMS Advanced Server over Samba ƒAS is commercial software with full support from HP ƒAS is updated regularly, SAMBA on VMS is updated… Less so ƒAS can participate in an NT 4.0 or security domain (Samba is looking for Win2k support soon) ƒAS can be a Primary Domain Controller, Backup Domain Controller or a member server in the new security domain for Windows ƒAS is licensed like the MS Windows Advanced Server products (oh wait that’s another reason to use SAMBA) ƒAS and Samba means never having to say you are sorry to Bill again.

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 48 Summary Advanced Server vs Samba ƒBoth have File and Print Service ƒBoth can sync passwords and home directories with multiple OS clients ƒBoth can be a Master Browser ƒBoth can provide WINS support ƒAdvanced Server fully integrates with the OpenVMS registry and integrates fully into all MS security domains ƒSAMBA is free under licenses from GNU

ƒGo forth and share disks and printers…

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 49 But John, What about some Network Stuff?

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 50 TCP/IP between Linux and OpenVMS ƒBoth VMS and Linux support the TCP/IP standard interfaces for process / application communications. ƒTelnet, FTP, Xwindows, RSH, REXEC

ƒUSE of Known Ports

ƒThese give great flexibility.. There is also almost no privacy.

ƒRepeat the mantra: Crypto, Crypto, and then Encryption…

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 51 TCP/IP Security Tools ƒOpenSSL for OpenVMS ƒOpenSSL for Linux Standard with RedHat Distribution or

ƒStunnel for OpenVMS 7.3-1 Open Source CDrom ƒStunnel for Linux

ƒOpenVMS SSH Process Software or OpenVMS Early Adopter Kit available this Fall. ƒSSH for Linux is available with the RedHat Distribution.

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 52 Installing SSL and Stunnel on OpenVMS

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 53 SSL Installation (cont)

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 54 SSL Intallation (cont)

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 55 SSL Installation completed

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 56 Edit file for SSL

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 57 Restore VMS STUNNEL kit from CD

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 58 Start the SSL certificate tool

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 59 From the SSL menu chose 5

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 60 Enter Answers to Create CA

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 61 Next chose Create Cert Request

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 62 Last Sign the Certificate

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 63 11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 64 SSL Certificate Finished!

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 65 Now let’s configure the Stunnel software

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 66 Set permission for Stunnel PEM file

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 67 View Stunnel PEM file

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 68 Copy

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 69 Edit the startup file for your system

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 70 Note there are two versions (don’t try this with your Linux box!)

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 71 Startup the Stunnel Server

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 72 Check to see if the process is running

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 73 Installing Stunnel on Linux

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 74 Linux Stunnel Install Directory

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 75 Linux Stunnel ./configure

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 76 Linux Stunnel make

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 77 Stunnel Make Questions for CA

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 78 Using the Linux Stunnel Client

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 79 E-mail clients for OpenVMS and Linux

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 80 Mozilla is Mozilla for VMS or Linux

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 81 In Conclusion

ƒLinux is way cool! ƒOpenVMS is way cool!

ƒThey both share disks, graphics, do crypto together, share e-mail, and emulate the best parts of windows systems.

ƒAt least at my house….

ƒAnd at many other houses too I’m sure.

ƒUse this information for good and not evil and if you must use force, clean up after yourself when finished…

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 82 The Flag Motherhood, and Apple Pie And OpenVMS Hobbyist Programs

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 83 John Robert Wisniewski [email protected] QUESTIONS?QUESTIONS? 11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 86 The next port after Itanium for OpenVMS and Linux

11/17/2003 HP World 2003 Solutions and Technology Conference & Expo page 87 The Fine Print

ƒ Copyright 2003 Hewlett Packard Corporation All rights reserved. ƒ While believes the information included in this presentation is correct as of the date produced, it is subject to change without notice. ƒ All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. Itanium™ and IA-64™ are trademarks of Intel. ƒ Presentation void where taxed or prohibited by law. ƒ Recommended for technical and engineering ranks ages 12 and up. Ask for special pointy-haired-boss toy. ƒ Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball. ƒ Wear Sunscreen. OpenVMS and Linux Interoperability Session 2453