Beck Frederick William, auctioneer, street Fakenham Friendly Society (C. Ashmore, sec.), Bell Bee John M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgeoa, Market square P.H. Norwich road Bell Robert William, auctioneer, see Curson & Bell Fakenham Gas & Coke Co. Limited (George Bales, sec.), Bell Samuel (Mrs.), dress maker, Wells road road Bennett Ernest Alfred, hay, straw & forage merchant, Fakenbam Golf Club (R. S. Butcher, bon. sec.), Swan Norwich road (Telegrams, "Bennett, Fakenham ''); street; club house & links, Hempton & stand 26, Corn hall, Norwich Fakenham Literary, Field & Camera Club (J. C. Holton, Bircham & Stoughton, solicitors, Bridge street ban. sec.), Bridge street Bone Ernest, cycle agent, Norwich street Fakenham Miniature Rifle Club (H. S. Priest, hon.sec.), Bone May (Miss), photographer, Norwich road Oak street Bone Richard H. watch & clock maker, Norwich street Fakenham Nurses' Home Limited (Miss M. R. Keith, Boor Robert Francis, Royal Oak P.H. Oak street lady supt.), Oak street. T A "Nurses, Fakenham" Bowles Henry, draper, Market square & Bridge street Farrow John, beer retailer, Norwich road Bowman William J. advertising contractor, Norwich st Feaks Edward U. confectioner, Market place Bradfield Ernest W.debt collector & insur.agt.Queen's rd Finla)fson Alexander, ladies' & gentlemen's tailor; Bradley F. W. Ltd. artificial teeth manufrs. Market pl.; livery & breeches specialist, Market place attend thursday 12 to 4 p.m. See advertisement Fire Brigade Engine House (Volunteer), Hall Staitbe Bradnum George, gasfitter, Bridge street Fisher I. W. & Sons, builders, Nelson road Brenner Max, bazaar, Market place Fisher & Palin, surgeons, Wells road & Oak street British Petroleum Co. Limited, G. E. Railway station Fisher William Henry M.A., M.B., B.C.Camb. surgeon Brodie Wm. Thos. assist. insurance supt. Queen's road (firm, Fisher & Pal in), & medical officer of health Bussey Charles Clifford, grocer, Norwich street Walsingbam Rural District, Wells road Butcher Robert Symonds, solicitor & clerk to guardians of Flegg James,agent to Sutton & Co.carriers,Sculthorpe nl union (firm, Cates, Butcher & Andrews), Fox James Robert, sewing machine agent, Oak street Swan street Galer Sidney Gerald, beer retailer, Bridge street Cunnan Robert, surv~yor for Walsingham Rural Dis­ Gant Stephen, baker, Norwich street trict Council, The Heath Gate~ Herbert, leather cutter, Oak street Capital & Counties Bank Limited (The) (sub-agency Goggs Thos. Richard, flour & corn merchant, Bridge st to East branch) (J. W. Burnett Read, man­ Gower & Reeder, saddlers, Norwich road ager), open mon. 12.30 to 2; thurs. 12.30 to 4·45• Nor­ llrave Charles William, boot maker, Queen's road wich st. ; head office, 39 Threadneedle st. London E C Graves Waiter (Mrs.), fancy draper, Norwich street Cates, Butcher & Andrews, solicitors, Swan street Greene, King & Sons Limited, brewers & mineral water Cemetery (Herbert S. Priest, clerk; John Tuttle, keepr) manufacturers (Roger Hazell, local manager); . Chapman Edward Joshua, butcher, Norwich street breweries, Bury St. Edmunds Chapman Pbilip D. fellmonger, wool merchant & cattle Harris Color-Sergt. Frank, drill instructor to C Co. salesman, Hillside. Telegrams, " Philip Chapman, sth Terr. Force Battn. Norfolk Regiment, Armoury, .. Fakenham" Halt road Chilvers William, beer retailer, Wells road Harrison Frank, stoneJ mason, Nelson road Churchman Thomas, refreshment rooms, street Harrison Richard, house, land & estate agent, Oak st Clarke Clyde W. wheelwright, Scultborpe road Hastings Emily (Mrs.), confectioner, Norwich street Clears Lydia (Mrs.), Star P.H. Oak street Hastings Frederick, butcher, Norwich street Calls George, fishmonger, Bridge street Hawes Alfred, boot maker, Bridge street Cook George Dennis, saddler, Norwich street Heyboe Horace J. chemist, Market place Cooke James, carpenter, undertaker, joiner & wheel­ Hilton Bertie William, grocer, Norwich street wright, Halt road Hobson John, butcher, Norwich streC't Cnpland Charles, relieving & vaccination officer Faken­ Holtby Eleonora (Mrs.), dress maker, Halt road' ham district, Walsingbam union, Queen's road Bolton .J obn Charles, chemist, Bridge street Corn Hall Co. (Robert John Sidney, sec.; John William Horsley Horace Wacey, blacksmith, Oak street Smith, ball keeper), Market place Howell Charles, nurseryman, Halt road Cornish John Henry (e:xtx. of), a~cultnral implement Huddleston Frederick, grocer, Oak street manufacturer, Cattle market; & at Old Walsingbam Humpbery William 0. sanitary inspector & building­ & Wells surveyor, Walsingbam Rural District Council, Nor­ County Court (His Honor James Mnlligan K.C. judge; wich street .A.lgernon Digby M.A. registrar & high bailiff; held at Hutcbinson Henry A.R.C.O. organist & teacher of music, Fakenbam & Little Walsingham Queen's road Croft Alice (Miss), dress maker, Cattle Market street Independent Order of Oddfellows (Friend-in-Need Lodge) Crown Hotel (The) (family & commercial) ; official (H. Croft, sec) appointment Royal Automobile Club; 'fishing, Independent Order of Recbabites (E. Powell, sec) golflng & shooting parties catered for; applica­ International Tea Co.'s Stores Limited, Market place tions for tariff, address H. J. Shipp. Telegrams, Johnson Charles, Bull P.H. Bridge street " Crown Hotel, Fakenham " J ohnson Eleanor (Mrs.), servants' registry office, Oak st. Curson & Bell, auctioneers, Norwich road J ohnson Richard James, tobacconist, Oak street Davis Bros. wine & spirit merchants, Post Office street Kendall & King, tailors, Market place Dennis Charlotte (Mrs.), confectioner, Oak street Kenny & Co. lambs' food manufacturers, oil cake, manure· Dereham & Fakenham Times (Norwich Mercury Co. corn, cool k coke merchants, G. E. Railway station publishers; published friday),Market pl. & Norwich st Kerrison Stalbam, butcher, Oak street Dewing & Kersle)f Limited, millers (steam, wind & Kerrison William, horse dealer, Bridge street water) & corn & seed merchants, Fakenbam mills & King Leonard, tailor, see Kendall & King Railway station; & at Hempton & Wells-next-the-Sea Large William, farmer & coal merchant, Wells road Dewing R. W. & Co. maltsters, G. E. Railway station Layzell Arthur A. district supt. Pearl Life Assurance Digby AlgeT:rfon M.A. (firm, Watson, Digby & Pope), Co. Queen's road solicitor & commissioner for oaths & registrar of Wal- London Dental Institute (H. Wolf, manager), Oak street singbam county court & clerk to Gallow & North (thursdays) Greenboe magistrates, Market place London & Provincial Bank Limited (branch) Dorer Adelbert Francis, watch maker, Norwich street (Richard Bernard Andrews, manager), Market square; Drewell Jonathan, farmer, Scultborpe road draw on head office, 3 Bank buildings, London E C & Drewell Robert Warner, hair dresser, Bridge street Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co. London E C Drewell Thoma~, bird & animal preserver, Holt road Long John & Son, anctioneers, Norwich street Duffy Sarah (Mrs.), fisbmonger, Norwich road Love Alfred, tailor, Oak street Dunthorne R. & Sons, dairymen Loynes E. B. & Son, solicitors & commissioners for oaths. Eagling Ernest, baker, Bridge street Market square Eagling John, Lord Nelson P.H. Nelson road Loynes Edward Bunting, solicitor, see Loynea E. B. & Son Eastmans Limited, butchers, Bridge street Loynes Herbert Edward, solicitor, see Loynes E. B.& Son Ecclestone & Son, tailors, Market place Mackley Thomas J oseph & Herbert Edwin, dentists, at Eg-gington Harold, cuE;toms & excise officer & inspector J. C. Bolton's, chemist, Bridge street (first thursday of corn returns, Queen's road in the month) Eke Louisa (Miss), fancy d,·aper, Oak street Massingham Lewis F. well sinker, The Heath Elliott Chas. J. wholesale & family grocer, tea & coffee MilPs William Frederick, boot & shoe maker, Market pi merchant, Market place Millar Peter, draper, clothier & outfitter, Woodspring, Fakenbam Cattle :Market Co. Limited (Harold Willby Eridge street Smith, sec) Miller1 Son & Co. Limited, printen & publishers & Fakenham Co-operative Society Limited, Bridge stree~ binders; bookwork & directoriel'l a speciality, Norwich n NORFOLK 10