contents 2 chairman’s statement 4 chief executive’s statement 9 kaihautü statement – he pänui ki ngä iwi ö te motu 14 concept, mission, and corporate principles 15 functions 16 alignment with government goals 17 ministerial statement on te papa’s financial performance 20 audience 22 the year in review: te papa’s collections 24 the year in review: the te papa experience 28 the year in review: te papa in the community 30 friends of te papa 31 governance, management, and accountability 37 financial statements 2003/04 72 appendix 1 publications – scholarly articles 73 appendix 2 publications – popular articles 74 appendix 3 publications – national services te paerangi 75 appendix 4 collection acquisitions 77 our partners museum of new zealand te papa tongarewa Cable Street, PO Box 467, Wellington, New Zealand phone: +64-4-381 7000 fax: +64-4-381 7070 internet: email:
[email protected] auditor: Audit New Zealand, Wellingon on behalf of the Auditor-General banker: Westpac G12 presented to the house of representatives pursuant to section 44 of the public finance act 1989 Chairman’s Statement In looking back over the past six years, there can be no question that Te Papa has been a great success story. Since opening in 1998, Te Papa has received approximately 9.2 million visits, comprising over six million visits from New Zealanders, and three million visits from overseas visitors. Visitation remained high in 2003/04 with almost 1.3 million visits made to the Museum. Te Papa’s success has arisen from an outstanding programme of exhibitions, ranging in diversity from The Lord of the Rings Motion Picture Trilogy: The Exhibition to Gianni Versace: the reinvention of material, and from Antarctic Heroes – The race to the South Pole to Ralph Hotere: Black Light.