First Underground Nuclear Weapons Test In
AT THE NEVADA TEST SITE: First Underground Nuclear Weapons Test in Four Years this June 18 Note: There will be vigils on June 17 in Las weapons design laboratories, Lawrence Livermore It is a sign of moral numbness that serious bud- Vegas and Livennore, please see the Calen- and Los Alamos, plan to begin conducting under- getary discussions continue among elected federal dar Section, page 3. Please call or write Presi- ground weapons-related subcritical nuclear tests at officials in Washington, DC that blame the poor, dent Clinton to stop rhe scheduled under- the Nevada Test Site this June. The DOE says the the imprisoned, and the sick in our society for un- experiments will not produce a self-sustaining balanced budgets. It is a crime against humanity ground nuclear test June 18. (202) 456-1111, nuclear chain reaction, hence the term "subcrltical". that our nation's human, scientific and material re- 1600 Pennsylvania, Washington D.C. 20500 Various reports indicate each of these planned sources continue to be squandered by such forces. Since 1945, the world has lived under the cloud tests will detonate between 50 and 500 pounds of The SS&M should not be used to upgrade nuclear of over 2,000 nuclear tests. These tests have harmed high explosive charge and involve undisclosed weapons, but rather, should be used to eliminate, human health and the environment, squandered eco- amounts of special nuclear material, including bomb- safely, the nuclear stockpiles and nuclear waste. nomic resources and driven a dangerous arms race. grade plutonium. The DOE says the first two un- The NIF should not be constructed! The subcritical The nations of the world can and must reach agree- derground blasts, scheduled for this year, will not tests should be stopped! ment this year on a Comprehensive Test Ban (CTB) utilize actual nuclear warheads, warhead prototypes Treaty that will ban all nuclear tests worldwide.
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