Connecticut College News Vol. 40 No. 13
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Connecticut College Digital Commons @ Connecticut College 1954-1955 Student Newspapers 2-23-1955 Connecticut College News Vol. 40 No. 13 Connecticut College Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Connecticut College, "Connecticut College News Vol. 40 No. 13" (1955). 1954-1955. 13. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1954-1955 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author. ONNECTICUT OLLEGE EWS ... 10.. per eopy Vol. 4O--No. 13 New London, Connecticut, Wednesday, February 23, 1955 Sophomores, Seniors Choose Student Petitions Five Arts Weekend Wanted: Poetry Original student poetry is For S. G. Offices Headlines Suzanne urgently needed for the pro- Shaw, Yeats for Compet Plays gram for Five Arts Week- end. Any budding poet is re- Climaxing two weeks of rehearsal, 'competitive plays perform- To Circulate Soon Langer as Speaker quested to submit her works ances will be presented on Friday, February 25, by the sophomore for consideration to Jane and senior classes and on Friday, March 4, by the freshman and Petitions Available Five Arts Weekend will be held Grosfeld. The deadline for all junior classes in 'Palmer Auditorium at 8:00 p.m. The- judges, whose identities will be concealed, will reveal them- at Connecticut College again this material is March 23. In Branford Election year on April 29·30, with Dr. Suo _ selves and present their dcisions on March 4. On dsiplay In the lobby of the Auditorium on both evenings will Room; SignOnly Once zanne K. Langer, chairman of the be an exhibit of techniques used in producing a play. Also, in con- Department of Philosophy, as the nection with National Theater Month theater activities in other From Monday, February 28 to Russian Club Shows Friday, March 4, the petitiohs for featured speaker. This weekend'Is countries will be depicted. given every two years in order to Two Ballet Films The senior class has selected W. the election of student otIlcers B. Yeats' verse play Land of the will be issued. The consent of the encourage original student work Heart's Desire for presentation candidate must be obtained and in the arts. In Color Saturday Mock Legislature under the direction of Jackie Ga- the petitions brought to Joan The weekend will begin on Fr-i. The Russian Club of Connecti- nem. ' Walsh. cut College will present two color Draws Political day evening with the Joseph Hen- An early work of Yeats, the Intentions: tHms, Stars of the Russian Ballet 1. Those having intentions filed ry Selden Memorial Lecture, de- Forum Members play is set in a peasant home. It and Saint Ana Cross, on Satur- concerns the conflict between the must not be on pro or below livered by Mrs. Langer in Palm- day, February 26, in Palmer Au- point. Sixteen members of the Politi- real and ideal world in which the 2 Three snapshots must accom- er Auditorium. The lecture will be ditorium at 7:30 p.m. cal Forum will attend a session of peasants seek release from the Artkino's production of Stars of parry the filing of intentions. concerned with creation and aes- the Connecticut Intercollegiate the Russian Ballet consists of ab- Student Legislature in Hartford drudgery of their lives. 3. How to file intentions: thetic. covering all five of the cre- breviated versions o-t three bal- Thursday through Saturday of _ The cast for the play Includes a. Be sure candidate has prop- ative field. The lecture will be lets, Swan Lake, The Fountain of this week. • Carol HUton, Carole Chapin, Do er qualifications for the of- followed by a reception in the Bakhchisaral, and The Flames of A banquet at the Bond Hotel, Palmer, Liz Buell, Gladys Ryan, fice. Paris. John Martin, in the New followed by caucus meetings will and Joyce Adams. b. Be prepared to present Green Room for those interested these to the Election Com- in questioning Mrs. Langer rurth- York Times/ has said of the bal- begin the activities on Thursday The stage manager is Ricky let, "The style is extremely sturdy evemng. On Friday morning Con- Geisel. The chairmen of the vari- mittee at time the intention is er. and substantial, and far removed nec~cut's Governor Ribicoff will cemmltteea are as tallows: fiied. from the flashing' and sometimes c. Obtain the consent of the Poetry ReadIng offlclally open the season, which Scenery, Gretchen Hurxthal; candidate before applying for Saturday afternoon there will superficial ~rightness we have de- i5 popularly known as Mock Leg- lights Martha Royer' costumes the intention. Bring to the be an exhibition of original stu- veloped for ourselves. Everybody islature, at the State capitol Anne 'Williams· props' Mimi Dre: is strong technically, and virtual- building. Eighteen colleges in the ier. " Electron Room in Branford dent work in the Lyman Xliyn Basement either the candi- ly everybody is an accomplished state will be represented at these Museum, as well 3$ a program of meetings. Sophomores Play date or her written agree- mime." These three works pre- original student poetry and mu- sent leading dancers and mem- Afternoon Activities The trial scene from. the G. B. ment to run for the office. sic. The concluding program will 4. Intentions may be \ flIed for bers of the ballet corps of Mos- . In the afternoon, students will Shaw drama Saint JOlUlwlll be be given on Saturday evening by cow's ijols.hoi Opera House and introduce biBs - il\ committee. presented by the sophomore the candidates in the Election the dance group with settings by Room on these days during the the Kirov Opera House of" Lenin- Members of the Political Forum class, The setting ls : Rauen, Wig and Candle. A reception wlli grad. group will introduce a bill for the France, in ·May 1431, du1ing the chapel period. follow. President .or Student Govern- St. AntIa Cross repeal of state tax and establish- pe_riod preceding Joan'. exeeu- ment. Tuesday, Feb. 22. The program. for the weekend St. Anna Cross is a Chekcv ment of a state Income tax and a tion. .: Chief Justice of Honor, Court and all material chosen 18 planned story of life among Russia's up- bill providing for direct primaries. Martha (Mume) Gross is di· and Speaker of the House, Wed- by the joint faculty-student com- per classes before the Revolution. Mary Lou Moore '55 will act as rectmg the production, while nesday. Feb. 23.· mittee. Miss Martha Alter, of the It is the story of a woman mar- co-chairman of the. Committee on Mary Burns is stage manager. President of Athletic Assoela- Department of Music, i,:; Faculty ried against her will, who finds Finance and AppropFiatlons, and eO,Plx.nJttee- heads arer ' scenery, tton, Thursday, February 24. chatrrnan.c whlle Louise Dieck- she is a true beauty and uses Carol Daniels 56 will act as co- Kim Reynolds: lights, Sue Baden- President of Service League, mann, is- student chairman; The this weapon to advance herself chairman of- ·the Comm.fttee on hausen· J?roperties Margaret Friday, February 25. committee includes representa- and her husband in Russian so- Constitutional Amen'dments. WeBer;' makeup, Ada Heimbach; Petitions: tIves of th~ fields. qf art. dance, ciety. The dialogue is presented Those Qll1s represente.d" favor- costumes Jeanne Krau'se' and qrama, music, and poe.try as well in En-glish sUb-title$ .. .1; How to take out a petition:. ab.b~ in co~_mi~tee will _c~me ";1P busJn~ss 'and publicity" 'Elaine a. Petitions 'may, be obtained as assistants in each ,of' _t,he~~ Admission to this d~uble fea- for diSCUSSIOnIn the- House and Manasevit. from the Election .Room in fields. ture wlll be $.$0. Senate on Saturday. Students will Branford Basement during see legislative procedure in action Joan Freudberg will portray ... , chapel period of dates speci- during the various activities of -'!oan,. and other members ot the fied below. Signi\tures may be the weekend ...~MissD. Joy Humes cast mclude: Elizabeth Peer, Lu· will act the Connecticut cie Hoblitzelle, Judy Pearce, Mar· " obtained' from "then until the Fac;ulty advapces told Is group's ad'l'l$er. de Kelley, Kathy Gray, Sylvia following chapel period' when ..., Pasternack, Jerry Maher, Nancy the ·petitions . must be re- Meeiing of Trustees Results Hamilton, Elaine Diamond, Judy turned. Allen, Ann Chambliss, Suzanne b. Signatures may be ob- President Park Meek, Karen Klein, Judith Hartt, tained onlY by §.tudents who In Four Faculty Promotions President Rosemary Park Dorolhy Egan, Betsey Beggs. and See "Elections"-Page 2 Trustees Announce Dr. Haines will speak at the Monday Anne ,Richardson. Dr. Geor'ge Haines IV, of the Professor Haines joined the Chapel service in Palmer Au· Management Survey History department at Connecti- Faculty in 1943 as an instructor, ditorium at 10:05. Rev. John J. Hayes cut College, was named the having held a similar post at! --' _ Possible by Grant Drexel Institute of Technology in S k t V Connecticut College, New Lon- Charles J. MacCurdy Professor Philadelphia. He is a graduate of V 'N pea s a espers don, Conn., has received a grant of American History by action of Swarthmore college and holds his assar s ewc~mer On Sunda Feb. 27 from the Fund for the Advance- trustees in their February .meet· advanced degrees from the Uni· Holds ConventIon y, ment of Education to undertake a ing.