Family Oi 15 Is Homeless? Fill' Settle %R Four Rooms Town Bows to Demand/ on Sewers
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Coverage S4WNSHIR Complete News> Pictures A Newspapesv Devoted Presented Fairly, Clearly To the Community Interest And Impartially Each VOL. XIII—NO, 33 FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1951 PRICE FIVE CENTS New Bolls Arrive Family oi 15 Is Homeless?Town Bows fill' Settle %r Four Rooms To Demand/ "—This tune-The .Inde- in Perth Amboy. pendent-Leader' lias Undertaken "We do not want to separate a , difficult task—but perhaps our family," Mrs." Jordan said, On Sewers some pJace in this, Township "because no good will come of it. A family should stay together if By CHARLES E. GREGORY May be Reintroduced there is someone who can help 4PS Snd a home for a family of 15. the members are to be happy. $2,500,000 Installation Later Including Quota " * S 2 : Maybe somebody can provide us Seen Unavoidable; May Just as soon as I wash out Of Licenses Permitted Yesterday, the family of Mr. with a home, even if it is only a few things today, I am go and Mrs. Alfred' Jordan, Frame four rooms. Even though we are Include Incinerator > ing to light out to see what I RARITAN TOWNSHIP — The, 1 Street, wa| dispossessed. The a big family, we take care of limited distribution liquor; li- JondSord has been trying- to gret things and are not destructive." WOODBRIDGE—Immediate ac- • can find out about building csnss ordinance which was due for the apartment for his own use :!: S :;: tion will be taken by the Town schools. pablic hearing last night was with- for over a year," and finally the Both local and county welfare Committee to create a Sewer Au- * * * di awn by Commissioner Julius courts decided that he had been boards have attempted to find thority as a result of a directive Engel, who introduced it originally, patient, indeed. a home for the Jordans without issued last week toy the Interstate it- was announced at a meeting of I expect to go a little far- The Jordans' youngest child is any success. If you know of any Sanitation Commission, Township ther afield than our Board of the Township Commissioners in 14 months old and the eldest is place that may be suitable, will Education, which seems to the Municipal Building last night. 17 years old. you please caJl The Independ- Attorney B. W. Vogel said today. bound its horizon by Me- The measure would have per- ?: * S ent-Leader, Woodbridge S-l'JIO? Last week the Commission tuchen and Mr. Aylin Pier- mitted such stores as delicatessens Last night Mrs. Jordan took For Mr. and Mrs. Jordan, Alfred, threatened to take the Town Com- snd grocscry stores 'to sell bottled several of her children to her Jr., Kobert, Edward, Natalii, mittee into court to compel them son. I had thought it might beer "as a matter of convenience sister's home for the night and Mary, Dorothy, Daniel, Ray- to comply with the order to "cease at least travel as far as to their customers." Mr^Jordan, who is being treated mond, Philip, Margaret, Mat- discharge of sewage into the Shrewsbury, Oceanport and It is understood that the ordi- for heart trouble, took the rest thew, Elizabeth and Leon want to stay together—desperately. waters of the Interstate Sanita- Wall Township to find out nance will be reintroduced: at a of the brood to a friend's home tion Commission." It is estimated the experience of these com- future date.but will include a quota that the cost of a sewage 'disposal munities in recent school for the number of such licenses 9 plant will be approximately projects, or at least go over to be issued. Under the law, such $2,500,000. Happy little girls from Woodbridge Township a.ii<i i*t-vt..iy AJ-pp, Pert Reading; E\a Du.ka and ordinances may be approved if the Piemen's Plans Well Received , Five men are expected to be the newspaper clippings are shown with Mrs. John E. Toolan, chairman Hildegard Duska, Aven-sl; Lillian Nemeth, Wood- sale of beer is only a minor part of which tell a pretty gruesome of the Friends of Kiddie Keen Well Camp, after the business. named to the Sewer Authority bridge: Diane Murphy, Colonia; Lucy Mancim and they may, according to law, tale, but our Board apparent- receiving dolls on the opening day of a month's and .Mary Ann Nagy, Keasbey; second row/Flor- Residents of Lahiere Park sec- N. J. Sets School Hearing Sept • 10 stay at 'the Camp in Roosevelt Park. The group be members of the Town Commit- ly prefers to spend $3.."350,000 ence Buith, liaasbey; Mildred Holl-ehan, Port tion will get relief from a major WOODBRIDGE—The Department of Local Government without reference to anyone. holds a tea annually to obtain funds to purchase problem whe nn idnroaneacfww tee. There is no salary attached the. dolls for the youngsters. Left to right are Reading; Barbara Vinyard, Iselin: Nancy -and problem when an ordirianc! was v/ill meet with representative*of the Board of Education to the post. Although there has As I have said before, I (first row) Mrs. Toolan, Frances HoIIehan, Fort Eleanor Brown, Port Reading; Pat Lament, Col- finally adopted approving sewer to discuss the proposed high school on September 10, it was been no official announcement it think this is a mistake. I Reading; Patricia Murphy, Colonia; Irene Kicei onia and Mary Anne Crane, Woodbridge. installations in the section. indicated at a meeting held at the State Department of is expected that Mayor August P. don't mean we should try to Proposals were received for the Education offices in Trenton, Friday. Greiner will be named a member go out and find somebody Motorists Arraigned purchase of nine Township-owned Present at the meeting were Supervising Principal Victor of the Authority and possibly its who can get it for us whole- Amateur Radio parcels of land which will be sold C. Nicklas, Aylin Pierson, archi- sale, but I do firmly believe On Traffic Violations at public sale at the next meeting, tect; J. H. Thayer Martin, Board Mayor Greiner has been the that as long as we are dead counsel; Maurice -'P. Dunigan, Township's representative on the RARITAN TOWNSHIP — Pour . member of the Board of Educa- treei Rahway Valley Sewer Authority broke we might look over the j county motorists were arraigned Successful Card Fete tion;. Assistant Commissioners of for the 18 years he has served as Cadillacs before we buy a Education Kenneth Woodbury and mayor and has had considerable Rolls Royce, even though we Edward W. Kilpatrick, and George Order to Truckers experience in sewage disposal intend to buy on the install- C. Skillman, secretary of the Local plant administration as a result. ment plan. The Board, how- card party was held Thursday at Government Division. WOODBRIDGE — Contractors, Since he is not a candidate for chairman, announced today. George Street, South River, who re-election, several members of ever, seems to have its heart Mr. Quigley also reported six receiving units have been j .id *&5 and $3 costs for careless the Tally Ho, sponsored by the Mr. Pierson presented his hauling fill dirt on Fulton Street, set on the Rolls Royce and is pa Clara Barton Women's Republican sketches of the proposed $3,100,000 especially between Caroline Ave- the Town Committee feel he will purchased. Three will be mobile units and the other three! driving; John McCandiess of Route Club with Mrs. Robert Sams as high school and the $250,000 grade nue and Albert Street, will have to be able to have more time to de- getting noticeably querulous •will be installed in key spots in \ 25, this township, careless driving, school'for the Inman Avenue sec- keep the street clean or action will vote to the project as a civic duty. $5 and $3; Ernest Leudeke of the chairman. with me because I am con- Iselin, Fords and Avenel. The I Winner of the special prize was tion. Mr. Martin reported that the be taken against them. This was After the Authority is created, cerned with all the notes we major receiving unit has been in-| Oak Tree section, this township "sketches were well received" and decided at an adjourned meet- it will be in a position to float a careless driving, $10 and $3, and George Vincz. Winners at cards got in the bank. stalled in the Civil Defense .qua-r- | were Otto Schuster, Mrs. Michael he felt the "meeting was very ing of the Town Committee Tues- bond issue to pay for the plant. ters on the top floor of the Muni- I Ruth Gabor of New Brunswick, satisfactory." day when residents of Pulton As a separate Authority, tlie bonds j careless driving, $5 -and $3. Roskos, Mrs. M. A. Bonalsky, Mrs. So I am going to take a cipal Building. A. G. Rieker, Mrs. Anthony. Scheu, Mr..,Woodbury and Mr. Kilpat- •Street were present to, register will not reflect in the Township's quick trip to New England The chairman stated air raid Mrs. Wilalrd Andrews,. Mrs. J. E.rick will now report back to Com- complaints. debt statement directly. tests will be held periodically as RARITAN TOWNSHIP — Acci- Last Kites Tomorrow Kodgkinson, Mrs. Charles Comp- missioner John H. Bosshart and "The trucks spill the clay all Talk of Incinerator and I will bring you back soon as the new sirens are hooked dents in the Township over the j E^™ ,1-f re ton, Mrs. E. A. Schuster, George the latter will approve or reject over the road," said the spokes- up by the telephone company.