The “Advertiser” Stands for the Best Interests of Belmar

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The “Advertiser” Stands for the Best Interests of Belmar Library, Public The “Advertiser” Stands for the Best Interests of Belmar a-aiJWKHKHKBKHJJKHKHKHKHS BOTH tHKHKHWKHKHKHWHJiHltHKHKl Vol. XXV., No. 36, Whole No. 1990. BELMAR, N. J., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1917. Single Copy Three Cents INLET TERRACE CLUB L. J. Biers Pays $15 Labor Day Was Labor Day Activities at Clubhouse An Ideal Holiday End Successful Season. For His Dog’s Feast The very successful season at the GLORIOUS WEATHER MADE THE Inlet Terrace club was fittingly COUNCIL RECEIVES THIS SUM DAY A MOST DELIGHTFUL ONE brought to a close Labor day with FOR SWAN RECENTLY KILLED a mixed doubles tennis tournament Hotels Entertained Hundreds of Peo­ is which a dozen teams were en­ Mr. Biers Appears Before Council, tered for the pretty cups donated by ple Who Enjoyed the Ocean Explains and Signifies Willingness William F. Siemon. The finals were Breezes—Business Generally Sus­ between Dr. William Knecht and to Pay Amount Which May be pended. Miss Mildred Hunter who defeated F. Demanded. Thornley Kain and Miss Dorothy With holiday weather so perfect McCurdy by scores of 10-8, 10-8. L. J. Biers of Sixth avenue has that nobody at all, not even the At nine p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. paid the council $15 for a sw'an most exacting or most ill-tempered Zizinia, as Uncle Sam and Miss Co­ which his dog killed on August 18. member of the whole community, lumbia, led the grand march in the Mr. Biers appeared before the coun­ could have found fault with it, Labor masquerade ball, with over 200 in cil Tuesday night and explained that day in Belmar was a most success­ costume. The pretty ballroom of the his children owned the dog and ful recreation day. club was taxed to its capacity by wished him to bring it to Belmar The bank was closed, as is cus­ the rtiasqueraders and their friends. when he came here in the spring. tomary on holidays, and the post- Howland’s Tango band furnished the The dog had showm no disposition office open only for a short time music and dancing was continued to annoy the swans in the Silver during the forenoon, with but one until a late hour. After the grand lake colony previous to the time delivery. The stores and other bus­ march, a flashlight photograph was when the bird was killed. Mr. Biers iness places were mainly closed dur­ taken of those in costume and all the signified a willingness to pay what­ ing the entire day or from noon on. members wrill thus have an oppor­ ever the council asked him to and $15 There were two ball games on the tunity to procure an appropriate and was agreed upon as the amount. Twelfth avenue grounds which at­ lasting souvenir of the occasion. Council received a petition signed tracted a big crowd of fans and Prizes were won by Miss Jennie by several persons owning property from early morn until midnight Lee Cohen as Joan d’Arc. Ledyard on Twelfth avenue asking that sev­ there was.plenty going on at the Avery as a Chinese merchant, while eral sidewalks be laid on that ave­ Inlet Terrace club house. An ac­ Miss Camille Van Winkle and Mr. nue. .The clerk was instructed to DR. F. V. THOMPSON GEORGE W. VAN NOTE count of the day’s events at this pop­ Sumner Kilmarx captured second send the usual notice to property ular society headquarters is told of Republican Candidate for Mayor Democratic Candidate for Mayor prizes for the best costumes. F. owners. The matter of curbings and in a separate article. Thornley Kain and his mother, Mrs. walks on Eighth avenue between F The ocean was a bit rough and Frank Kain, disguised as “Apple street and the railroad was discussed. Belmar will have the liveliest po­ borough. Evidently Mayor Poole ye -j. on his term. F. S. Hutchin­ there was quite a strong undertow, Marys” were awarded first and sec­ The gutters on this avenue carry a litical fight for municipal offices at got enough of this in the six years son’s term as councilman runs out which kept some of the timid ones ond prizes for the most comical cos­ portion of the F street drainage to the fall election that it has had in he has served, and when his friends this year and he dees not seek re- from venturing into the water, but tume. Joseph Borden as a negro the river and a recent survey showed several years. Ordinarily borough urged him to go on the council he election. The Democrats seeking the hundreds found delight at the bath­ mammy was also awarded a prize that there was but one and one-quar­ politics have been as dull as a small refused flat-footed. He would make nomination for councilman are ing beaches and there was no ac­ for comical costume. Mr. Temple as ter inches fall in the first 150 feet boy’s jack knife. This year there a valuable man on the council. Charles Brockstedt, proprietor of the cident to mar the pleasure of the day. a curate was awarded a prize for the and nine and one-half inches in 500 are men in both the Democratic and There is a mayor to elect this fall Grand View1 hotel; and W. S. Lud­ In fact, the season has been very most unique costume. feet. It is probable that a permanent Republican ranks who aspire to all and the candidates are Dr. F. V". low. Mr. Ludlow has served on the free from accidents of a serious na­ A keno dance was given during gutter will be required and property the elective offices which will be Thompson, Republican; and George council in the past. The Republican ture and there has been no epidemic the evening with a number of pretty owners on the block will be directed within the gift of the voters of the W. VanNote, Democrat. Both are candidates are Dr. J. W. Hassler and as there was last summer when in- and appropriate prizes for both to lay sidewalks and put in curbings. borough. Either they seek honors at present members of the council. Cook Howland. The candidates for .fantile paralysis prevailed, and no ladies and gentlemen who were for­ The mayor and council was in­ or else they have adopted as their Dr. Thompson is chairman of the 1 the office of collector are Neil H. shark scare to frighten people from tunate in getting on the lucky num­ structed to execute a note for 82,000 motto: “Pro bono publico.” Per­ | finance committee, having been ap- Miller, the present incumbent, and coming to the shore. Early in the bers painted on the floor. in anticipation of taxes. haps each aspirant thinks the public I pointed to the position when Mr. Wilson E. Allen. Mr. Miller, who is spring, when war was declared, some Lucky number contests were also Jack C. Smith of Asbury Park is good and the welfare of Belmar de­ j VanNote resigned from that post a a Republican, was appointed col­ city papers told of how the shore held and a number of prizes awarded to paint the exterior of the water pend upon his election, and there j few months ago. Dr. Thompson, is lector after the death of Abram Bor­ was to be in darkness and of how to the winners. tank. He furnishes all material, may be some degree of honor for the . also chairman of the water commit- ton Inst spring. Mr. Allen is a Dem­ the boats would not run and then Madam Francesca Textor of New labor and equipment and will re­ ones who are elected, but however i tee. Both have been valuable men ocrat. had their representatives “put one York furnished the costumes for the ceive $130. that may be, such ones will be in i on the council. Dr. Thompson's All the candidates filed petitions across” on the boroughs by inducing occasion. several of them to appropriate sums for a good lot of criticism and abuse, ' term as councilman expires this Wednesday. The date of the prima­ no matter how well they serve the year. Mr. VanNote still has two ries is September 25. BIG HOLIDAY BUSINESS which in the aggregate amounted HOME GUARD REVIEWED to a few hundred dollars and pay it Carpenter’s pavilion on Shark riv­ to the same papers which circulated DEATH OF YOUNG MAN BOY BITTEN BY DOG Last week there was a special er had the biggest Labor day bus­ the false report to get them to tell drill of the Home Guard to which all iness Monday in its history. Before the public that the “lights would Harold W. Porch Passes Away While j Bits of News From Earl Goslin, a Belmar lad, was the reserve officers recently commis­ 10.30 o’clock Mr. Carpenter had all shine” and the boats run as usual. severely bitten on the leg by a dog Visiting His Mother in Belmar. sioned living in Belmar were invited. his boats out and as fast as they The rumor kept some from coming Tuesday. He was brought to the Avon-by-the-Sea Before the drill there was a meet­ came in during the day they were to the shore. In fact, we know' a | office of Dr. F. V. Thompson where Harold Wallace Porch, aged 35 j ing in the guard armory at which hired again by people who wrere few persons who had made Belmar the wound was treated.
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