A Selected Bibliography of Publications By, and About, Samuel A
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A Selected Bibliography of Publications by, and about, Samuel A. Goudsmit Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 10 January 2020 Version 1.03 Title word cross-reference $3.50 [Bar30, Rid47]. 136 [Cha72]. 138 [Cha72]. 140 [Cha72]. 142 [Cha72]. g [Gou25g]. Sa [Ive10]. Z [LHLT64]. Za [Ive10]. -dependent [LHLT64]. -Werte [Gou25g]. 1947 [Hen48, Whi48]. 1952 [Gou53b]. 1953 [Gou53a]. 1964 [Gou65a]. 1978 [Bed08b, Dre79]. 1983 [Moy84]. 1987 [Lug69]. 1988 [DGS89]. 3d [Tho97]. A-Bomb [Rec91, LRD+91, Bro93, Mac85]. Abides [Gla00]. Abraham [Bed08a, Bed08b]. Absorption [ZHG36]. Abstracts [GT66a, GT68, Gou69a]. Academy [Coc77, Jew77]. accept [Ano54a]. Acceptance [Gou72b]. Account [Lan54]. Ad [Gou72a]. Affirm [ACU+54]. 1 2 Again [GT66c, Gou73e, Rai85]. Age [Lan48, Sul78, Lan59a, Lan59b, Lap59]. AIP [Ano75]. Alamos [Bet91]. Alan [Gou78b]. Alfred [Hol93a, LH93]. Allies [Hol93b]. Alsos [Gou48c, Ano12, Gou47g, Gou47h, Gou47e, Gou48c, Gou51, Gou62, Gou83, Gou96, Pas69, Pas80, Ano48a, Gue50, Hen48, Moy84, Tre83, Whi48]. ALSOS. [Rid47]. Am [Gou74b]. amend [NG70]. American [EBU+52, Gou47b]. Americans [Lan54]. Among [Tre83]. Analyses [BG32, BG68]. Analysis [Gou74a, Wer10]. Analyzed [Gou47c]. Ancient [Gou81]. Angeles [Moy84, Tre83]. Angeles/San [Tre83]. Angewandte [Gou50a]. Angle [Win89, Win87]. Angry [Gou63]. Angular [BL96, NLCS05]. Announcement [Gou58c, Gou58d, Gou58e, Gou68d]. Anomalies [GB33]. Anomalous [Ben38]. anonymity [WG67]. antiquities [RG82]. Application [Hei47a, Hei47b, MU56]. applications [Ike17]. Applied [Gou50a]. Appraisal [Hei49]. Arbeiten [Hei46]. arc [Cha72]. Archaeology [RG82]. Area [Ano48b]. Argon [GB27a, Hei27]. Arms [Pfe54]. Army [Gou47c]. Art [Gou72c, Gou81]. Arts [Gou58g]. Associate [Bar30]. Atom [Ano47, Ano49, Cas18, Gou47b, Gou47f, Gou49a, Gou49b, Hei49, GU26a, Las35, vCH18, GU26a]. atome [Las35]. Atomic [Ano54b, BG32, BG34, BG68, Gla00, Gou25d, GY30, Hei47a, Hei47b, Jun58, Lan48, Lan55, Lap59, Wal90, WHF+96, Bet91, Gou47b, Gou47i, Gou48c, Hei46, HW49, Gou27, Lan59a, Lan59b]. atomique [Gou48c]. Atomization [Gou47a]. Atomkerne [HW49]. Atomkernenergie [Hei46]. Atoms [GR64, LHLT64]. atoombom [Hoe18, vC16]. Atoombouw [Gou25d]. Atoommodel [Gou27]. atualidade [LN54]. Auffassung [Gou21]. Ausnutzung [Hei46]. author [Gou72e, Gou75, PG61, WG67]. Await [Hei49]. Award [Ano54b, Ano54a]. Awards [Ano48b]. Awoke [Ano49]. Bacher [MU56]. Back [GB30, Hei27, Gaw91, GB29a, GB30, Vio72, Vio84]. Back-Effekt [GB30]. Backview [Gou81]. Balanced [Gou68b]. Barn [Gou59c]. Basel [Gou50a]. basic [Gou25f]. Be [Ano48b, Ano54a, Gou76b]. beams [TAL86]. becomes [Gla00]. Beeinflussung [Pau24]. before [BS85]. behavior [UG25]. Behind [Rid47]. below [Mac85]. Bernal [Gou53b]. Besprechung [Hei27]. Between [Gol89, Gou43]. Beyerchen [Gou78b]. Beyond [Cas09]. bez¨uglich [UG25]. Bias [Gou70a]. Big [Gou61b]. Biological [Gou39]. Birkh¨auser [Gou50a]. Birth [BS85]. Bismuth [FG31a, FG31b, RHG52, BG28, GB27b, ZBG30]. Bleianzug [LR54]. body [BK59]. Bohr [Lak96]. Bomb [Ano47, Bro93, Gla00, Gou47b, Gou47f, Lau58a, WHF+96, Cas09, GP92, Kar05, Mac85, vCH18, Rec91, Wal90, LRD+91, Cas18, Hol93a, LH93]. Bombe [Kar05]. Book [And30, Ano48a, Bar30, Bro64, Cas18, Gou50a, Gou53a, Gou53b, Gou65a, Gue50, Hoe18, Hol93a, Lap59, Lug69, Moy84, Pfe54, Rid47, Tre83, Whi48, Wil17, Hei27]. Books [Gou78b, LH93]. Boston [Gou65a]. both [BL96]. bouw [Gou25a]. Brandeis [Gou58g]. Brighter [Jun58, Lau58a]. British [Ano48b]. Brookhaven [Gol89]. Brownian 3 [UG29]. C [Tho97]. cadmium [Gou29a]. Cadmiumspektrum [Gou29a]. calcul [Las35]. Calculated [HUHM94]. Calculation [NLCS05, Las35]. calculations [KB98, TAL86]. California [Bar30]. Calmthout [Cas18, Hoe18, Wil17]. Came [Gou46a]. Carbon [Gou47a, GB27a, Hei27, Las35]. carbone [Las35]. Carlo [BS07, KIGT09, KB98, TAL86]. Case [Gou47c]. Catastrophe [LH93]. Catch [Tho77]. Ce [Cha72]. Century [FW60]. cerium [Cha72, Cha72]. CFSRM [HUHM94]. Change [GT69, Ano74]. Charge [Gou68d, Gou68a, Gou68e, Gou68f, Gou68g]. Charged [GS39]. Charges [Gou70b, Gou70c, Gou70d, Gou70e, Gou70f, Gou70g, Gou71c, Gou71d, Gou74d]. charts [Gou42]. Chemistry [Bar30, BS85]. Cherenkov [BL96]. Christopher [Gou65a]. Chronicles [Lan59a, Lan59b, Lap59]. chumba [LN54]. CII [RC25]. Circuit [GW43b]. Citation [Gou74a]. Claim [Gou49a, Gou65b]. Claim-Staking [Gou65b]. Clairborne [Lug69]. classically [Giu08]. clinical [TAL86]. Close [Gou46a, Lap59]. Close-Ups [Lap59]. code [KIGT09]. Codiscoverer [Sul78]. coefficients [Gou42]. coherent [HUHM94]. Collection [RG82, Ano11]. com [LN54]. Comments [GT74, Gou67a]. Committee [Gou72a]. Communication [Gou65c]. Communications [GY30, Gou74b]. Community [Gou78b]. Company [Bar30, Bro64]. comparison [Gou43]. complex [Gou25h]. componenten [GdLK25a]. Components [GdLK25c, GdLK25a, GdLK25b]. Compton [Ano75]. Computation [Put74]. computing [Vio72, Vio84]. concept [Ano54a, BS85]. Condensed [BS07]. Conference [DGS89, Lau58c]. Construction [Gou25d, Gou25a]. continued [DR92]. Conversations [Lan55]. Copenhagen [Fraxx]. corona [GW34]. Corp. [Ano54a]. Corporation [Ano54b]. Costs [Gou73b]. coupling [GU26a, GB27a, Hei27]. Credo [Gou63]. Crime [Gou53a]. Criteria [Gou72b]. Critical [GT72a]. Criticism [Gou72b]. Cross [ZHG36]. crossings [Vio72, Vio84]. Crystal [TWG48]. Cu [HUHM94]. Cumulative [Gou72e, Gou75, PG61]. Current [Lan54, LN54]. D [Gou53b, Gou78b]. damage [GS66a, GS66b]. Daniel [Lap59, Pfe54]. dans [Cha72, Gou22]. d’arc [Cha72]. Data [GT72a]. David [Gou76a, Gou76c]. Dead [Sul78]. debate [Bro93, DR92, GP92, Gou77b]. December [Bed08b]. Declassified [GP92]. d´ecouverte [Gou67b]. dedicate [Ano80]. defeat [Ols63]. deformed [BK59]. Dennison [Gou76a, Gou76c]. dependent [LHLT64]. D´eplacement [Cha72, Cha72]. Derived [BG32, BG68]. describable [Giu08]. design [Wer10]. Determination [ZHG36]. Determinations [Gou25b, Gou25e]. d’´etincelle [Cha72]. deutschen [Kar05]. Deutschland [Hei46]. Deutung [Pau24]. Develop [WHF+96]. Development [Gou47b]. Did [LH93, Ols63]. Difficulties [Gou32]. Diffusion [BCGG36]. Digit [LG78, Rai85, Rai76]. Dirac [Lak96]. 4 Discoverer [Ano54a]. Discoveries [Lau58c]. Discovery [Gou47f, Gou67b, Gou71e, Gou71a, Gou98, Sul78]. Displacement [Bre67, Cha72]. Disputed [Gou49a]. Disputes [Gou47b]. Distribution [Gou45, MYZ67, BL96, Put74, UG35]. distributions [KB98, NLCS05]. Doublet [Gou28, Gou21]. doublets [Gou22]. Down [Gou36]. Dr. [Ano49]. drama [Gla00]. Drive [Bro93]. Dubletts [Gou21]. durch [Pau24, UG25]. Dutch [Ano54b, Gou25a, Gou25c, Gou25d, GdLK25a, GU25, Gou25e, GU26b, Gou27, GCt67, Gou71a]. each [UG25]. Early [Lan48]. Eavesdropping [Hol93b]. echoes [GW43a]. Edited [Gou50a]. Editor [Gou58f, Gou59d, Gou61b, Gou63, LRD+91]. Editorial [ATW79, Fel77, GT58a, Gou58a, GdMMP58, Gou58b, GT58b, GT58c, GP59a, Gou59a, GP59b, Gou59b, GP59c, Gou60a, Gou60b, Gou60c, Gou61a, Gou68c, Ano74]. Editors [Lug69]. Effect [GB29a, BG28, COGT69, Gaw91, Gou24a, GB30, LSH+69, Vio72, Vio84]. Effekt [GB30]. effort [Bro93]. Efforts [Gla00]. Egyptian [RG82, Gou81]. Ehrenfest [MUG+33]. einigen [GB27a, Hei27]. einiger [Pau24]. einzelnen [UG25]. elastic [KB98]. elastic-scattering [KB98]. electric [Ive10]. Electrodynamics [AK01]. Electron [Ano54a, Giu08, GG31, GR64, Sul78, Tho26, Wer10, GU26b, Gou67b, Gou71e, Gou71a, Gou98, KIGT09, KB98, LHLT64, Put74, TAL86, UG25, Gou67b]. electron-transport [TAL86]. electronenrotatie [Gou71a]. Electronic [Las35]. ´electroniques [Las35]. Electrons [Gou28, GS40c, GS40a, GS40b, UG26, UG67, UGB84, BS85, BL96, GS66a, GS66b, NLCS05]. Elektrons [UG25]. ´el´ementaires [PG39]. Elementary [Gou77a, PG39]. Elements [WG33]. Eminent [EBU+52]. Employment [Gou47c]. energies [Las35, Las35]. Energy [BG32, BG34, BG68, Hei47a, Hei47b, Seg85, GS66a, GS66b, Hei46, TAL86, UG35]. EPR [EES98]. Epsilon [Fra93a, Fra93b]. Equivalent [Gou28]. Errata [GT72b]. Ersetzung [UG25]. Essay [Ada08]. establishment [Ols63]. Etats´ [Las35]. Etc [Lan55]. Europe [DGS89]. European [Sul78]. experience [Gou58h]. Experiment [GT70c, Wer10]. Experiments [Gou39]. Explained [Lau58c]. Extension [Gou30a, Ike17]. Fact [Hen48]. Failed [WHF+96]. failure [Gou47h]. Faith [ACU+54]. Fallacies [Gou59d]. Fallout [Gou59d]. farewell [Lan53a, Lan53b]. Farm [Fra93a, Fra93b]. Feinstrukturen [GB27b]. Felder [Pau24]. Fermi [Gou59c]. Festschriften [Gou65d]. field [Gaw91]. field-optical [Gaw91]. fields [Pau24]. Fifty [Gou76b]. Figures [GF44, Gou81]. files [GP92]. findings [Bro93]. Fine [RC25, GB27b]. Finite [Win87, Win89]. Finite-Angle [Win89, Win87]. First [LG78, Rai85, Coc77, Rai76]. Flight [Gou48a, HRG51, HRG52]. following [Gou47b]. Footnote [Mac85]. force [UG25]. forces [BK59]. Forderung [UG25]. forgotten [Cas18]. Format [Gou68c]. forward [HUHM94]. Foundations [EES98]. Frage [Pau24]. Francisco [Tre83]. Frederic [Tho97]. Freedom [Gou50b]. French 5 [Cha72, Gou48c, Gou67b, GC69, GC70a, Las35, PG39]. friends [Ano80]. Friendship [Gla00]. Front [Rid47]. Frontiers [Gou58g, Lau58c]. Fundamental [Gou73c, Gou73d]. Gallery [Pai00]. game [Gou78a]. Geant4 [KIGT09]. geheime [Kar05]. generalized [Ive10]. Genius [Pai00]. German [Hol93a, LH93, Ano47, BG28, Bro93, CG25, Gou21, Gou24d, Gou24a, Gou25f, GdLK25b, Gou25h, Gou25g, GU26a, GB27b, GB27a, Gou29a, GB30, Gou47h, Gou47b, Gou47c, Gou47d, Gou49a, GC67, GC70b, Hei27, Hei46, Hei49, HW49, Hol93b, Kar05, LH93, LRD+91, Ols63, Pau24, Rec91, UG25, Wal90, Wal03, ZBG30]. Germany [Gla00, Gou46b, Gou46c, Gou47b, Gou48c, Gou48b, Hei46, Hei47a, Hei47b, WHF+96]. Geschichte [Kar05]. Get [Ano48b].