Foundations of Interstellar Studies NY Issue
Journal of the British Interplanetary Society VOLUME 71 NO.8 AUGUST 2018 Foundations of Interstellar Studies NY Issue FIRST STOP ON THE INTERSTELLAR JOURNEY The Solar Gravity Lens Focus Louis Friedman & Slava G. Turyshev EXPERIMENTAL SIMULATION OF DUST IMPACTS at Starflight Velocities Andrew J. Higgins PLASMA DYNAMICS in Firefly's Z-pinch Fusion Engine Robert M. Freeland II GRAM-SCALE NANO-SPACECRAFT Entry into Star Systems Albert Allen Jackson IV THE INTERSTELLAR FUSION FUEL RESOURCE BASE of our Solar System Robert G. Kennedy TESTS OF FUNDAMENTAL PHYSICS in Interstellar Flight Roman Ya. Kezerashvili ISSN 0007-084X PUBLICATION DATE: 4 JANUARY 2019 Submitting papers International Advisory Board to JBIS JBIS welcomes the submission of technical Rachel Armstrong, Newcastle University, UK papers for publication dealing with technical Peter Bainum, Howard University, USA reviews, research, technology and engineering in astronautics and related fields. Stephen Baxter, Science & Science Fiction Writer, UK James Benford, Microwave Sciences, California, USA Text should be: James Biggs, The University of Strathclyde, UK ■ As concise as the content allows – typically 5,000 to 6,000 words. Shorter papers (Technical Notes) Anu Bowman, Foundation for Enterprise Development, California, USA will also be considered; longer papers will only Gerald Cleaver, Baylor University, USA be considered in exceptional circumstances – for Charles Cockell, University of Edinburgh, UK example, in the case of a major subject review. Ian A. Crawford, Birkbeck College London, UK ■ Source references should be inserted in the text in square brackets – [1] – and then listed at the Adam Crowl, Icarus Interstellar, Australia end of the paper. Eric W.
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