
Faunistic analysis of a bioindicator group of insects (Diptera: Syrphidae) across semi-arid habitats in For Peernortheastern Review Algeria Only

Journal: Oriental Insects

Manuscript ID TOIN-2019-0110

Manuscript Type: Original Paper

Date Submitted by the 13-Oct-2019 Author:

Complete List of Authors: Mebarkia, Nadjoua; University of Tebessa Faculty of Exact Sciences and Natural and Life Sciences, Department of Natural and Life Sciences, Larbi Tebessi university, Algeria Neffar, Souad; University of Tebessa Faculty of Exact Sciences and Natural and Life Sciences, Department of Natural and Life Sciences, Larbi Tebessi university, Algeria Djellab, Sihem; University of Tebessa Faculty of Exact Sciences and Natural and Life Sciences, Department of Natural and Life Sciences, Larbi Tebessi university, Algeria Ricarte, Antonio; Universitat d'Alacant, Chenchouni, Haroun; University of Tebessa Faculty of Exact Sciences and Natural and Life Sciences, Department of Natural and Life Sciences, Larbi Tebessi university, Algeria

Algerian ecosystems, Diptera, faunistics, inventory, species Keywords: distribution, Syrphidae

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Page 1 sur 1 1 2 3 4 Faunistic analysis of a bioindicator group of insects (Diptera: 5 6 Syrphidae) across semi-arid habitats in northeastern Algeria 7 8 9 Nadjoua Mebarkia a*, Souad Neffar a, Sihem Djellab a, Antonio Ricarte b & 10 11 Haroun Chenchounia,c 12 13 14 15 a Department of Natural and Life Sciences, Faculty of Exact Sciences and Natural and 16 17 18 Life Sciences, ForLarbi tebessi Peer university, Review 12002 Tebessa, OnlyAlgeria. 19 20 b Centro Iberoamericano de la Biodiversidad (CIBIO), Universidad de Alicante, 21 22 Carretera de San Vicente s/n, 03690 San Vicente del Raspeig, Alicante, . 23 24 c Laboratory of Natural Resources and Management of Sensitive Environments 25 26 27 ‘RNAMS’, University of Oum-El-Bouaghi, 04000 Oum-El-Bouaghi, Algeria. 28 29 30 31 *Corresponding author: Nadjoua Mebarkia, E-mail: [email protected] 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

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Page 1 sur 30 1 2 3 4 Faunistic analysis of a bioindicator group of insects (Diptera: 5 6 Syrphidae) across semi-arid habitats in northeastern Algeria 7 8 9 Abstract 10 11 12 (Diptera: Syrphidae) pollinate plants, predate other insects, and feed on vegetal 13 14 and decay materials, being used as bioindicators of different ecosystem conditions and 15 16 processes. The main aim of the present paper is to enhance the bioindicator potential of 17 For Peer Review Only 18 hoverflies in Algeria () by studying the communities of six sites 19 20 21 with different vegetation and conditions, in the semi-arid Northeast of Algeria: unpolluted 22 23 riverbank, plant nursery, polluted riverbank, olive orchard (Olea europaea), prickly pear 24 25 plantations (Opuntia ficus-indica), and a cypress hedge (Cupressus sempervirens).With an 26 27 28 entomological net, hoverflies were sampled fortnightly from December 2016 to 29 30 November 2017. In total 37 species were identified, predominating by the subfamily 31 32 Erisalinae. The unpolluted and polluted riverbanks, and the plant nursery had the highest 33 34 35 species richness with 26, 24, and 23 species respectively, whereas, the lowest species 36 37 numbers were detected in the prickly pear plantations, the cypress hedge and the olive 38 39 orchard with 16, 14, and 10 species respectively. One species was new to North Africa 40 41 (Eumerus etnensis) and other three species new to Algeria (Eupeodes nuba, Paragus 42 43 44 vandergooti and Eumerus obliquus). The results of the present paper suggest the need for 45 46 further hoverfly surveys in other unexplored regions and habitats of Algeria. 47 48 Key words: Algerian ecosystems, Diptera, faunistics, species inventory, species 49 50 51 distribution, Syrphidae. 52 53 1. Introduction 54 55 The Syrphidae (Diptera), commonly known as ‘hoverflies’ in and ‘flower ’ 56 57 58 in North America, are true flies with about 6000 species and 202 genera distributed 59 60 almost worldwide (Rotheray and Gilbert 2011). Hoverflies play multiple ecosystem

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Page 2 sur 30 1 2 3 services, particularly as efficient pollinators and predators of other insects (Petanidou et 4 5 6 al. 2011; Ricarte et al. 2011; Inouye et al. 2015). Generally, they are divided into the 7 8 following functional groups: phytophages, mycophages, saprophages, saproxylics and 9 10 zoophages (Sommaggio 1999; Rotheray et al. 2000, 2001; Rojo et al. 2003). Hoverflies 11 12 are used as bioindicators thanks to their widespread distribution, availability of 13 14 15 identification keys and diverse larval requirements (Sommaggio 1999). For example, 16 17 hoverflies with predatory larvae indicate the presence of their preys nearby and 18 For Peer Review Only 19 hoverflies with saproxylic larvae the maturity of trees where they find their breeding 20 21 22 sites (rot holes or sap runs) (Rotheray 1993). Nonetheless, the very basic premises to 23 24 use hoverflies as bioindicators is to know the habitats (adults) and microhabitats 25 26 (larvae) they associate with (and depend on) in their geographic range (Speight and 27 28 29 Castella 2001). 30 31 In North Africa, the degree of knowledge of the hoverflies varies greatly from one 32 33 country to another. In many cases, hoverfly knowledge does not reflect the real 34 35 dimension of each hoverfly biocenosis, as a result of insufficient exploration of the 36 37 38 various regions of the countries concerned. For example, the number of species listed in 39 40 Tunisia, Egypt and Libya is 61, 43, and 33 species, respectively (El-Hawagry and 41 42 Gilbert 2019). The hoverfly community in these countries apparently remains to this 43 44 45 day poorly known. In contrast to the three previous countries, the hoverfly fauna of 46 47 Morocco is apparently much better known, with 131 species recorded (e.g. Kassebeer 48 49 1995a, 1995b, 1999a, 1999c; Sullivan and Sutherland 2000; Reemer et al. 2004, Pârvu 50 51 52 et al. 2006; Vujić et al. 2015). 53 54 The total data on the hoverfly fauna of Algeria is limited mainly to a few species lists 55 56 derived from occasional surveys in the 20th century (Becker 1907; Séguy 1961; Peck 57 58 1988; Hurkmans 1993; Djellab and Samraoui 1994). However, there are some recent 59 60

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Page 3 sur 30 1 2 3 investigations carried out in humid and semi-arid regions of Algeria (Djellab et al. 4 5 6 2013; Haffaressas et al. 2017; Djellab et al. 2019). 7 8 North Africa and particularly Algeria has an uneven and poor knowledge of their 9 10 hoverflies as stated above. This fact reduces the bioindicator potential of this 11 12 group in a world region where they could be used in habitat management and 13 14 15 conservation (Speight and Castella 2001), as well as in other applied fields such as the 16 17 control of pest insects (Raymond et al. 2014). 18 For Peer Review Only 19 Algeria presents a great climatic diversity, since one meets there all the Mediterranean 20 21 22 bioclimatic stages going from wet to Saharan, which gives the country a great faunistic 23 24 and floristic diversity. According to the size and habitat diversity of Algeria, the 25 26 hoverfly fauna (currently 76 spp) (El-Hawagry and Gilbert 2019) and communities at 27 28 29 different Algerian habitats seem to be far to be fully understood. Thus, this study aims 30 31 at enhancing the bioindicator potential of hoverflies in Algeria by surveying and 32 33 studying them in six sites with different vegetation and conditions, in the steppe 34 35 rangelands from the Northeast (an unpolluted riverbank, a polluted riverbank, a plant 36 37 38 nursery, an olive orchard, a prickly-pear plantation and a cypress hedge). This is then a 39 40 new step towards a definitive checklist of the Algerian hoverflies, with findings relevant 41 42 to North Africa. 43 44 45 2. Material and Methods 46 47 2.1. Study area 48 49 The study was conducted in the region of Hammamet, located at 18 km northwest of 50 51 52 the city of Tebessa (northeastern Algeria) (Fig. 1). Based on data provided by the 53 54 meteorological station of Tebessa located within study area (latitude: 35°4’N, longitude: 55 56 57 8°13’E, altitude: 813m, WMO station code: 604750) available at ‘tutiempo’ climate data 58 59 base (https://fr.tutiempo.net/climat/ws-604750.html), for the period 1972-2016, the study 60

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Page 4 sur 30 1 2 3 area is characterized by a semi-arid climate (De Martonne aridity index=14.1). September 4 5 6 was the rainiest month with 40.93 mm, while July was the driest month with 14.95 mm. 7 8 Annual rainfalls averaged 372.08 mm and the annual average of mean temperature was 9 10 16.37°C with a maximum in July (26.26 °C) and minimum in January (7.67°C). Gaussen 11 12 and Bagnouls diagram represented in Figure 1 shows that the dry period lasted more than 13 14 15 five months a year, from mid-May to late October. 16 17 Field work covered six sites representing different vegetation and conditions from the 18 For Peer Review Only 19 steppe rangelands of Algeria shown in Table 1. 20 21 22 2.2. Sampling methods and identifications of species 23 24 Fieldwork lasted one year round from December 2016 to November 2017. The sampling 25 26 of Syrphidae was carried out fortnightly with a regular sampling effort at each of the six 27 28 29 sites described above. Adult hoverflies were collected using an entomological net. Each 30 31 sampling session per site lasted two continuous hours. Sampling method consisted of line 32 33 transects with four transects of 30 m established, 120 m at each study habitat. 34 35 In the lab, hoverflies were killed by putting them in a freezer during 24 hours. After 36 37 38 that, they were pinned through the thoracic dorsum and the wings and legs were well 39 40 spread. Each specimen was labeled and assigned with information of the sampling site, 41 42 and date of capture. Adults were identified under a binocular stereomicroscope using the 43 44 45 following literature: Sack (1928-1932), Séguy (1961), Goeldlin de Tiefenau (1976), 46 47 Marcos-García (1986), Verlinden (1994), Stubbs and Falk (2002), Nielsen (2004), Smit 48 49 et al. (2004), Marcos-García et al. (2007), Smit and Vujić (2008), Bartsch et al. (2009), 50 51 52 Van Veen (2010), Speight et al. (2016a), Smit et al. (2017), and Van Steenis et al. 53 54 (2017). Specimens were identified in first stage by Nadjoua Mebarkia and Sihem 55 56 Djellab, and then confirmed or reidentified by Antonio Ricarte. The identified 57 58 specimens are deposited in the insect collection at in laboratory of Tebessa University 59 60

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Page 5 sur 30 1 2 3 (Algeria) and at the ‘Colección Entomológica de la Universidad de Alicante’, deposited 4 5 6 in the ‘Centro Iberoamericano de la Biodiversidad’ (CIBIO) (Spain). 7 8 Adults of some species were illustrated with photos produced as stalks of individual 9 10 images made with a camera (Leica DFC 450) attached to a binocular stereomicroscope 11 12 (Leica M205 C). Stalks were made in Leica Application Suite X (LAS X) ®, v. 13 14 15 16 17 2.3. Determination of biological and ecological attributes 18 For Peer Review Only 19 20 For each recorded species, the following information is provided: localities were it was 21 22 recorded in Tebessa province in our study (‘Localities’); Algerian and world 23 24 distribution (‘Distribution’) [based on Dirickx (1994), Van Veen (2010), Speight (2017) 25 26 27 and other specific references cited in the text]; trophic habits and biology of larvae 28 29 (‘Larval trophic habits’) [based on Speight (2017) and other specific references cited in 30 31 the text]. 32 33 34 3. Results 35 36 3.1. Annotated list of recorded species 37 38 Overall, the present survey yielded 37 species of Syrphidae. The list included Four 39 40 41 species new to Algeria, of which one was new to North Africa. The species collected in 42 43 the study area are shown in Table 2, which compares the results of this study with those 44 45 of other studies dealing with the Algerian hoverfly fauna. 46 47 Subfamily 48 49 50 1. Chrysotoxum intermedium (Meigen, 1822) 51 52 Material examined. (19ex)11 m, 8 f, S1, 16. III. 6-20. IV. 01. VI. 2017; (11ex) 6 m, 5 53 54 f, S2, 16. II. 02. III. 20. IV. 04. 18. V. 2017; (10ex)7 m, 3 f, S3, 03-17. III. 21. IV. 05. 55 56 57 V. 2017; (6ex) 3 m, 3 f, S5, 08-22. IV. 2017; (9ex) 5 m, 4 f, S6, 04. III. 08-22. IV. 06- 58 59 20. V. 2017; leg, N Mebarkia, det. S Djellab, A Ricarte. 60

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Page 6 sur 30 1 2 3 Distribution. Central and Southern Europe, east to Afghanistan (Van Veen 2010). 4 5 6 North Africa: known from Morocco to Tunisia (Dirickx 1994). In Algeria C. 7 8 intermedium is reported from Tebessa, El-Kala and Guelma (Djellab 2013; Djellab et 9 10 al.2013; Haffaressas et al. 2017; Djellab et al. 2019) 11 12 Larval trophic habits: Larvae of Chrysotoxum spp. seem to be associated with ant 13 14 15 nests, probably feeding on ant-attended root (Burgio and Sommaggio 2002; Van 16 17 Veen 2010). The larvae of C. intermedium are aphidophagous (Rojo et al. 2003). 18 For Peer Review Only 19 2. Dasysyrphus albostriatus (Fallén, 1817) 20 21 22 Material examined. (1ex) 1 m, S2, 06. IV. 2017; leg. N Mebarkia, det. S Djellab, A 23 24 Ricarte. 25 26 Distribution. Fennoscandia, Iberia, Ireland, central and southern Europe, , 27 28 29 Russia, central Asia and Japan (Speight 2017). In North Africa, this species is reported 30 31 from Tunisia and it was recorded for the first time in Algeria by Djellab et al. (2013). It 32 33 is a confirmed migratory species (Speight 2017). 34 35 Larval trophic habits. Predominantly -feeder (Rojo et al.2003). 36 37 38 3. Episyrphus balteatus (de Geer, 1776) 39 40 Material examined. (9ex) 5 m, 4 f, S1, 16. III. 06. IV. 19. V. 2017; (22ex) 14 m, 8 f, 41 42 S2, 02-16. III. 06-20. IV. 04-18. V-21. IX. 2017; (3ex) 2 m, 1 f, S3, 03. III. 07. VI. 06. 43 44 45 X. 2017; (1ex) 1 m, S5, 09. IX. 2017; (6ex) 4 m, 2 f, S6, 08. IV. 2017; leg. N Mebarkia, 46 47 det S Djellab, A Ricarte. 48 49 Distribution. Ubiquitous and migratory. The distribution includes Australia and the 50 51 52 Palearctic region; for North Africa, this species is reported from Morocco to Egypt 53 54 (Dirickx 1994; Djellab 2013; Djellab et al. 2013; Haffaressas et al. 2017; Djellab et al. 55 56 2019). 57 58 59 60

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Page 7 sur 30 1 2 3 Larval trophic habits. Larvae predate not only on aphids, but also on a wide range of 4 5 6 soft-bodied insects (Rojo et al. 2003). 7 8 4. Eupeodes corollae (Fabricius, 1794) 9 10 Material examined. (2ex) 2 f, S1, 06-20. IV. 2017; (4ex) 2 m, 2 f, S2, 16. II. 06-20. IV. 11 12 04. V. 2017; (5ex) 3 m, 2 f, S3, 03-17. III. 7-21. IV. 06. X. 2017; (3ex) 1 m, 2 f, S4, 07- 13 14 15 21. IV. 05. V. 2017; (3ex) 3 f, S5, 22. IV. 2017; (4ex) 1 m, 3 f, S6, 18. III. 22. IV. 2017; 16 17 leg. N Mebarkia, det S Djellab, A Ricarte. 18 For Peer Review Only 19 Distribution. One of the most widely distributed and common hoverfly species in the 20 21 22 Mediterranean Basin. Its range includes several locations in tropical Africa. Present in 23 24 North Africa, from Morocco to Tunisia and common in northeast Algeria. It is a 25 26 migratory species (Dirickx 1994; Speight 2017). 27 28 29 Larval trophic habits. Larvae of E. corollae feed mainly on aphids, but also on a wide 30 31 range of other (Rojo et al, 2003). 32 33 5. Eupeodes nuba (Wiedemann, 1830) 34 35 Material examined. (1ex) 1 f, S3, 07. IV. 2017; (1ex) 1 m, S4, 21. IV. 2017; leg. N 36 37 38 Mebarkia, det A Ricarte. 39 40 Distribution. Described from Nubia, northern Sudan, the range includes Switzerland in 41 42 central Europe, south-western parts of Asia, Canary Isles and the Mediterranean Basin. 43 44 45 In eastern parts of the Afrotropical region, it occurs from Ethiopia south to South 46 47 Africa; and also Egypt and Morocco (Dirickx 1994; Speight 2017). This study revealed 48 49 that the species is also present in Algeria (first record from this country). 50 51 52 Larval trophic habits. Aphidophagous (Rojo et al. 2003). 53 54 6. Melanostoma mellinum (Linnaeus, 1758) 55 56 57 58 59 60

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Page 8 sur 30 1 2 3 Material examined. (2ex) 1 m, 1 f, S1, 4-18. V. 15. VI. 06. VII. 2017; (1ex) 1 f, S2, 18. 4 5 6 V. 2017; (3ex) 2 m, 1 f, S3, 7-21. IV. 19. 2017; (1ex) 1 m, S6, 22. IV. 2017; leg. N 7 8 Mebarkia, det. S Djellab, A Ricarte. 9 10 Distribution. One of the most common species in the Mediterranean Basin 11 12 (Dirickx1994). In North Africa, it is present from Morocco to Egypt including Algeria. 13 14 15 Larval trophic habits. Aphid-feeder (Speight, 2017). 16 17 7. auricollis (Meigen, 1822) 18 For Peer Review Only 19 Material examined. (1ex) 1 m, S1, 06. IV. 2017; leg. N Mebarkia, det. S Djellab, A 20 21 22 Ricarte. 23 24 Distribution. Fennoscandia, the Faroes, south Iberia, the Mediterranean Basin 25 26 (including , and Crete), Canary Isles, Turkey, Ireland, and most of Europe 27 28 29 (Speight 2017). In North Africa, the species is known from Morocco to Egypt, 30 31 including Algeria from Tebessa and El-Kala (Dirickx 1994; Haffaressas et al. 2017). 32 33 Larval trophic habits. Aphid predators, it has also been found feeding on psyllids 34 35 (Rojo et al. 2003; Speight 2017). 36 37 38 8. Paragus bicolor (Fabricius, 1794) 39 40 Material examined. (11ex) 9 m, 3 f, S1, 4-18. V. 15. VI. 06. VII. 2017; (6ex) 3 m, 3 f, 41 42 S2, 20. IV. 01. 01. VI. 06. VII. 21. IX. 2017; (13ex) 8 m, 5 f, S3, 05-19. V. 07-21. VII. 43 44 45 2017; (4ex) 2 m, 2 f, S4, 07. IV. 05-19. V. 02. VI. 2017; (4ex) 2 m, 2 f, S5. 06-20. V. 46 47 03. VI. 06. VII. 2017; (8ex) 6 m, 2 f, S6. 18. III. 08-22. IV. 20. V. 08. VII. 2017; leg. N 48 49 Mebarkia, det. S Djellab, A Ricarte. 50 51 52 Distribution. From southern Sweden and Denmark, south to the Mediterranean and 53 54 North Africa; from eastwards through central and southern Europe to Mongolia; 55 56 and Afghanistan; North America (Speight 2017). 57 58 Larval trophic habits : Aphidophagous (Rojo et al.2003). 59 60

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Page 9 sur 30 1 2 3 9. Paragus quadrifasciatus Meigen, 1822 4 5 6 Material examined. (9ex) 5 m, 4 f, S3, 17. III. 5-19. V. 21. VII. 18. VIII. 2017; (2ex) 1 7 8 m, 1 f, S6, 04. III. 06. V. 2017; leg. N Mebarkia, det. S Djellab, A Ricarte. 9 10 Distribution. Central, Southern Europe and Maghreb (from Morocco to Tunisia) 11 12 (Dirickx 1994; Van Veen 2010). P. quadrifasciatus was recorded in Algeria from 13 14 15 Guelma (Haffaressas et al.2017). 16 17 Larval trophic habits. Aphidophagous (Rojo et al.2003). 18 For Peer Review Only 19 10. Paragus tibialis (Fallén, 1817) 20 21 22 Material examined. (3ex) 3 m, S1, 18. V. 2017; (2ex) 2 m, S4, 07. IV. 2017; (1ex) 1 23 24 m, S6, 04. III. 2017; leg. N Mebarkia, det. S Djellab, A Ricarte. 25 26 Distribution. It is present in southern Norway, Sweden, Denmark, the Mediterranean 27 28 29 coast of Europe, the Canary Isles, Britain, Turkey, North America and North Africa 30 31 (from Morocco to Egypt) (Dirickx 1994; Speight 2017). In Algeria, P. tibialis has been 32 33 recorded from Tebessa and El-Kala (Djellab 2013; Djellab et al. 2013). 34 35 Larval trophic habits : Aphidophagous (Rojo et al.2003). 36 37 38 11. Paragus vandergooti Marcos-García, 1986 (Fig. 2) 39 40 Material examined. (6ex)5 m, 1 f, S1, 18. V. 01. VI. 06. VII. 2017 ; (5ex)3 m, 2 f, S2, 41 42 1-15. VI. 06. VII. 03. VIII. 2017 ; (3ex)3 m, S3, 05. V. 07. 21. VII. 2017 ; (1ex)1 m, S5, 43 44 45 06. V. 2017 ; (4ex)3 m, 1 f, S6, 06. 20. V. 03. VI. 2017 ; leg. N Mebarkia, det M.A. 46 47 Marcos García, A Ricarte. 48 49 Distribution. Southern France, and central Spain (Speight 2017). In North 50 51 52 Africa, this species was recorded only from Morocco (Dirickx 1994). This species is 53 54 new to the fauna of Algeria. 55 56 Larval trophic habits. not described, but probably an aphid predator. 57 58 12. albimanus (Fabricius, 1781) 59 60

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Page 10 sur 30 1 2 3 Material examined. (1ex)1 m, S2, 16. III. 2017; leg. N Mebarkia, det A Ricarte. 4 5 6 Distribution. Spread across Greenland, Iceland, the Faroes, Fennoscandia, the 7 8 Mediterranean Basin, most of Europe, Turkey, Russia, Siberia, Philippines and North 9 10 America (Speight 2017). North Africa, this species was reported only once from 11 12 Morocco (Dirickx 1994), whereas in Algeria, Djellab et al. (2013) recorded P. 13 14 15 albimanus for the first time in El-Kala. 16 17 Larval trophic habits. Aphid-feeders (Rojo et al.2003). 18 For Peer Review Only 19 13. Platycheirus ambiguus (Fallén, 1817) (Fig. 3) 20 21 22 Material examined. (2ex) 2 m, S1, 16. III. 2017; (1ex) 1 m, S2, 02. III. 2017; leg. N 23 24 Mebarkia, det A Ricarte. 25 26 Distribution. Uncertain due to confusion with other species, supposedly from 27 28 29 Fennoscandia south, central Spain, Ireland eastwards, through most of Europe, the 30 31 Pacific coast (Nielsen 2004; Speight 2017). 32 33 Larval trophic habits. Aphidophagous (Rojo et al. 2003). 34 35 14. dignota (Rondani, 1857) 36 37 38 Material examined. (1ex) 1 m, S6-03. VI. 2017; leg. N Mebarkia, det A Ricarte. 39 40 Distribution. Central and southern Europe, Morocco and Algeria (Dirickx 1994; Van 41 42 Veen 2010). This species has not been reported in recent inventories in Algeria (Djellab 43 44 45 2013; Djellab et al. 2013; Haffaressas et al. 2017) 46 47 Larval trophic habits. Aphidophagous (Rojo et al. 2003). 48 49 15. Sphaerophoria rueppellii (Wiedemann, 1830) 50 51 52 Material examined. (4ex) 2 m, 2 f, S1, 04-18. V. 01. VI. 2017; (4ex) 3 m, 1 f, S2, 04- 53 54 18. V. 2017; (3ex) 2 m, 1 f, S3, 19. V. 18. VIII. 2017; (1ex) 1 f, S5, 20. V. 2017; (11ex) 55 56 8 m, 3 f, S6, 06-20. V. 2017; leg. N Mebarkia, det S Djellab, A Ricarte. 57 58 59 60

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Page 11 sur 30 1 2 3 Distribution. Entire Palearctic region and eastern parts of the Afrotropical region. It is 4 5 6 the most widespread and common species of the genus Sphaerophoria in the 7 8 Mediterranean Basin ; in North Africa, it is present from Morocco to Egypt (Dirickx 9 10 1994). S. rueppellii was reported from Algeria only in Tebessa and Guelma provinces 11 12 (Djellab 2013 ; Haffaressas et al. 2017). 13 14 15 Larval trophic habits. Aphidophagous (Rojo et al. 2003). 16 17 16. Sphaerophoria scripta (Linnaeus, 1758) 18 For Peer Review Only 19 Material examined. (80ex) 38 m, 42 f, S1, 20. IV. 04-18. V. 01. VI. 17. VIII. 07. IX. 20 21 22 2017; (38ex) 28 m, 12 f, S2, 20. IV. 4-18. V. 01-15. VI. 2017; (21ex) 6 m, 15 f, S3, 07. 23 24 IV. 05-19. V. 02. VI. 2017; (14ex) 4 m, 10 f, S4, 03. III. 07-21. IV. 05-19. V. 2017; 25 26 (8ex) 5 m, 3 f, S5, 22. IV. 06-20. V. 03-17. VI. 08. VII. 2017; (48ex) 37 m, 11 f, S6, 08. 27 28 29 IV. 06-20. V. 03-17. VI. 2017; leg. N Mebarkia, det. S Djellab, A Ricarte. 30 31 Distribution. A highly migratory species, its range includes southwest Greenland, 32 33 Iceland, south Fennoscandia, the Pacific coast and the Palearctic; this species in North 34 35 Africa is reported from Morocco to Egypt (Dirickx 1994; Speight 2017). 36 37 38 Larval trophic habits. Predators of different aphid species, it has also been found 39 40 feeding on some species of and Lepidoptera (Rojo et al. 2003). 41 42 17. Xanthogramma marginale (Loew, 1854) 43 44 45 Material examined. (1ex) 1 m, S1, 20. VII. 2017 ; (2ex) 1 m, 1 f, S3, 19. V. 08. IX. 46 47 2017 ; leg. N Mebarkia, det S Djellab, A Ricarte. 48 49 Distribution. Portugal, central and southern Spain (Ricarte 2008), southern France, 50 51 52 and North Africa (Morocco and Algeria) (Dirickx 1994; Speight 2017). 53 54 Larval trophic habits. Unknown, but probably aphidophagous. Larvae of 55 56 Xanthogramma spp. seem to be associated with nests of Lasius ants, probably feeding 57 58 on ant-attended root aphids. 59 60

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Page 12 sur 30 1 2 3 Subfamily Eristalinae 4 5 6 18. Ceriana vespiformis (Latreille, 1804) 7 8 Material examined. (3ex) 3 m, S1, 18. V. 07. IX. 2017; (3ex) 2 m, 1 f, S2, 01. VI. 06. 9 10 VII. 03. VIII. 2017; (2ex) 1 m, 1 f, S3, 02. VI. 05. X. 2017; leg. N Mebarkia, det S 11 12 Djellab, A Ricarte. 13 14 15 Distribution: Spain, the Mediterranean Basin, and various Mediterranean islands 16 17 (Speight 2017). In North Africa, it is known from Morocco, Egypt and Algeria. 18 For Peer Review Only 19 Larval trophic habits. Saproxylic (Rotheray et al. 2006). 20 21 22 19. aeneus (Scopoli, 1763) 23 24 Material examined. (7ex) 5 m, 2 f, S1, 03-18. VIII. 21. IX. 2017; (21ex) 11 m, 10 f, 25 26 S2, 02-16. II. 02-16. III. 06. IV. 01. VI. 06. VII. 2017; (42ex) 25 m, 18 f, S3, III. IV. V. 27 28 29 VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. 2017; (1ex) 1 m, S4, 07. IV. 2017; (39ex) 19 m, 20 f, S5, III. IV. 30 31 V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. 2017; leg. N Mebarkia, det S Djellab, A Ricarte. 32 33 Distribution. Cosmopolitan: Afrotropical region, central and southern Europe, North 34 35 America, Australia and the Gilbert and Ellis islands in Australasia, Southern Sweden 36 37 38 and Canary Isles (Speight 2017). In North Africa, it occurs from Morocco to Egypt 39 40 (Dirickx 1994; Djellab 2013; Djellab et al. 2013; Haffaressas et al. 2017). 41 42 Larval trophic habits. Aquatic saprophagous (Rotheray 1993). 43 44 45 20. Eristalinus taeniops (Wiedemann, 1818) 46 47 Material examined. (32ex)18 m, 14 f, S1, 06. IV. 01-15. VI. 03-17. VIII. 07-21. IX. 48 49 2017 ; (15ex)7 m, 8 f, S2, 01. VI. 06. VII. 03-17. VIII. 07. IX. 2017 ; (48ex)30 m, 18 f, 50 51 52 S3, 02-16. VI. 04-18. VIII. 08-22. IX. 2017 ; (1ex)1 m, S5, 06. V. 2017 ; leg. N 53 54 Mebarkia, det S Djellab, A Ricarte. 55 56 Distribution. Portugal, Spain, round the Mediterranean Basin, , in 57 58 eastern parts of the Afrotropical region down to (Speight 2017). In North 59 60

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Page 13 sur 30 1 2 3 Africa,E. taeniopsis present from Morocco to Egypt (Dirickx 1994; Djellab 2013; 4 5 6 Djellab et al. 2013; Haffaressas et al. 2017). 7 8 Larval trophic habits. Aquatic saprophagous (Pérez-Bañón et al. 2013). 9 10 21. (Rossi, 1794) 11 12 Material examined. (15ex) 10 m, 5 f, S1, 01-15. VI. 06. VII. 03-17. VIII. 2017; (5ex) 3 13 14 15 m, 2 f, S2, 03. VIII. 07-21. IX. 2017; (20ex) 9 m, 11 f, S3, 02. VI. 21. VII. 04-18. VIII. 16 17 08-22. IX. 06. X. 2017; (10ex) 8 m, 2 f, S5, 04. VIII. 2017; leg. N Mebarkia, det S 18 For Peer Review Only 19 Djellab, A Ricarte. 20 21 22 Distribution. Southern Spain, France and coastal areas of Italy, the Mediterranean 23 24 Basin, the Afrotropical region and South Africa (Speight 2017). In North Africa, this 25 26 species occurs from Morocco to Egypt, including Algeria where it was reported in El- 27 28 29 Kala (Djellab et al.2013). 30 31 Larval trophic habits. Aquatic saprophagous (Speight 2017). 32 33 22. Eristalinus sepulchralis (Linnaeus, 1758) 34 35 Material examined. (1ex)1 f, S1, 03. VIII. 2017 ; (13ex)6 m, 7 f, S3, 02. VI. 18. VIII. 36 37 38 08. IX. 2017 ; (2ex)2 f, S5, 22. IX. 2017 ; leg. N Mebarkia, det S Djellab, A Ricarte. 39 40 Distribution. Throughout the Palearctic region. E. sepulchralis is less common in the 41 42 Mediterranean Basin compared to E. aeneus. In North Africa, this species occurs from 43 44 45 Morocco to Egypt (Dirickx1994). 46 47 Larval trophic habits. Aquatic saprophagous (Rotheray 1993). 48 49 23. Eristalis arbustorum (Linnaeus, 1758). 50 51 52 Material examined. (40ex) 24 m, 16 f, S1, 02. III. 04-18. V. 01-15. VI. 06-20. VII. 03- 53 54 17. VIII. 07. IX. 2017; (99ex) 43 m, 56 f, S2, IIVIII. 2017; (127ex) 46 m, 81 f, S3, 55 56 IIIX. 2017; (2ex) 2 f, S4,19.V.2017; (47ex) 19 m,28 f, S5,IIVIII.2017; leg. N 57 58 59 Mebarkia, det S Djellab, A Ricarte. 60

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Page 14 sur 30 1 2 3 Distribution. Throughout the Palearctic region and North America. This species is 4 5 6 recorded in the North Africa from Morocco to Tunisia (Dirickx1994; Speight 2017). 7 8 Larval trophic habits. larvae are aquatic saprophagous (Speight 2017). 9 10 24. Eristalis similis (Fallén, 1817) 11 12 Material examined. (2ex) 2 f, S1, 20. IV. 01. VI. 2017; (6ex) 2 m, 4 f, S3, 21. IV. 05- 13 14 15 19. V. 02. VI. 07. VII. 2017; (1ex) 1 m, S4, 05. V. 2017; (4ex) 2 m, 2 f, S5, 08-22. IV. 16 17 03. VI. 2017; leg. N Mebarkia, det S Djellab, A Ricarte 18 For Peer Review Only 19 Distribution. Migratory species (Nielsen et al. 2012); Finland, Britain, central and 20 21 22 southern Europe, Asia, and the Mediterranean Basin (Speight 2017). 23 24 Larval trophic habits. Aquatic saprophagous found in streams rich in organic matter 25 26 (Pérez-Bañón et al. 2013). 27 28 29 25. Eristalis tenax (Linnaeus, 1758) 30 31 Material examined. (5ex) 2 m, 3 f, S1, 06. IV. 04-18. V. 01-15. VI. 2017; (8ex) 3 m, 5 32 33 f, S2, 02-16. II. 16. III. 06-20. IV. 04. V. 05. X. 2017; (34ex) 13 m, 21 f, S3, 07-21. IV. 34 35 05-19. V. 02-16. VI. 04. VIII. 08. IX. 2017; (4ex) 4 f, S4, 07-21. IV. 2017; (4ex) 2 m, 2 36 37 38 f, S5, 08-22. IV. 06. V. 2017; leg. N Mebarkia, det S Djellab, A Ricarte. 39 40 Distribution. Migratory and cosmopolitan species, it is the most widely distributed 41 42 Syrphidae species in the world. It is known from all regions except the Antarctic, found 43 44 45 throughout Europe except in the far north. It occasionally reaches offshore islands of 46 47 northern Europe (Speight 2017). 48 49 Larval trophic habits: Aquatic saprophagous (Pérez-Bañón et al. 2013). 50 51 52 26. Eumerus amoenus Loew, 1848 53 54 Material examined. (1ex) 1 m, S3, 07. IV. 2017; leg. N Mebarkia, det. A Ricarte. 55 56 Distribution. Central France, Portugal, Spain, southern Germany and Switzerland, and 57 58 central Europe (Speight 2017). E.amoenus is one of the most common species of the 59 60

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Page 15 sur 30 1 2 3 genus Eumerus in the Mediterranean region (Dirickx 1994). In Algeria, it is recorded 4 5 6 from Guelma (Haffaressas et al. 2017). 7 8 Larval trophic habits. Phytophagous, feeding on bulbs, tubers, rhizomes and fruits 9 10 (Ricarte et al. 2017). 11 12 27. Eumerus barbarus (Coquebert, 1804) 13 14 15 Material examined. (1ex) 1 m, S1, 06. IV; (10ex) 5 m, 5 f, S2, 20. IV. 01-15. VI. 06. 16 17 VII. 21. IX. 2017; (4ex) 2 m, 2 f, S6, 04-18. III. 2017; leg. N Mebarkia. det. A Ricarte. 18 For Peer Review Only 19 Distribution: Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Mediterranean islands, North Africa; from 20 21 22 Morocco to Egypt (Speight 2017). In Algeria, the latest report of this species is by Van 23 24 Steenis et al. (2017) who in addition, described a new species of the Eumerus barbarus 25 26 group from this country. 27 28 29 Larval trophic habits. Phytophagous (Ricarte et al. 2017). 30 31 28. Eumerus etnensis Van der Goot, 1964 32 33 Material examined. (1ex)1 m, S2, 15. VI. 2017; leg. N Mebarkia. det. A Ricarte. 34 35 Distribution. Known from Portugal, Spain, southern France, Sicily and Malta (Speight 36 37 38 2017). E. etnensis is a new addition to the Algerian and North African hoverfly fauna. 39 40 This species is similar to Eumerus purpurariae Báez, 1982 which is endemic to the 41 42 Canaries and the specimen studied in the present paper is according to the characters 43 44 45 stated in Smit et al. (2004) to separate it from E. purpurariae. 46 47 Larval trophic habits. Phythophagous (Ricarte et al. 2017). 48 49 29. Eumerus obliquus (Fabricius, 1805) (Fig. 4) 50 51 52 Material examined. (1ex) 1 m, S2, 21. IX. 2017; leg. N Mebarkia. det. A Ricarte. 53 54 Distribution: Balearic and Canary Islands, Corsica, southern France, Italy, Sicily, 55 56 Malta and the Afrotropical region. In North Africa, the species is reported only from 57 58 Egypt (Speight 2017). It is then a new addition to the entomofauna of Algeria. 59 60

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Page 16 sur 30 1 2 3 Larval trophic habits: Phytophagous; reared from a wide range of decaying plants 4 5 6 including fruits and vegetables (Ricarte et al. 2017). 7 8 30. Helophilus trivittatus (Fabricius, 1805) 9 10 Material examined. (3ex) 2 m, 1 f, S2, 19. V. 2017; (3ex) 2 m, 1 f, S3, 21. IV. 22. IX. 11 12 2017; (1ex) 1 m, S5, 08. VII. 2017; leg. N Mebarkia, det S Djellab, A Ricarte. 13 14 15 Distribution. Highly migratory species (Nielsen et al. 2010); Fennoscandia, from 16 17 Ireland eastwards through Eurasia to the Pacific, Iran and Afghanistan and the 18 For Peer Review Only 19 Mediterranean Basin. In North Africa, H. trivittatus occurs from Morocco to Tunisia 20 21 22 (Dirickx 1994; Speight 2017). 23 24 Larval trophic habits. Helophilus spp. larvae are semi-aquatic filter feeders, feeding 25 26 on detritus and bacteria. The larva of this species has been collected in liquid mud with 27 28 29 a high organic content but it remains undescribed (Speight 2017). 30 31 31. Merodon clavipes (Fabricius, 1781) 32 33 Material examined. (2ex) 1 f, 1 m, S1, 06. IV. 18. V. 2017; leg. N Mebarkia, det S 34 35 Djellab, A Ricarte. 36 37 38 Distribution. Portugal, Spain, central and southern Europe, Romania, Ukraine, Turkey 39 40 and North Africa (Speight 2017). In Algeria, M. clavipes is recorded only in Tebessa 41 42 (Djellab 2013). 43 44 45 Larval trophic habits. Unknown, but supposedly phytophagous, as larvae of other 46 47 congeneric species (Ricarte et al. 2017). 48 49 32. Merodon serrulatus Wiedemann in Meigen, 1822 50 51 52 Material examined. (1ex)1 m, S1, 06. IV. 2017; leg. N Mebarkia, det. Ricarte. 53 54 Distribution. Iberian Peninsula, southern France, Italy, southern parts of the former 55 56 Yugoslavia; , Romania, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, the Ukraine eastwards into 57 58 59 60

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Page 17 sur 30 1 2 3 western Siberia and Mongolia. In North Africa, it is present in Algeria and Morocco 4 5 6 (Speight 2017). 7 8 Larval trophic habits: Unknown, but supposedly phytophagous, as larvae of other 9 10 congeneric species (Ricarte et al. 2017). 11 12 33. Myathropa florea (Linnaeus, 1758) 13 14 15 Material examined. (2ex) 1 m, 1 f, S1, 20. IV. 21. IX. 2017; (1ex) 1 f, S3, 17. III. 16 17 2017; leg. N Mebarkia, det S Djellab, A Ricarte. 18 For Peer Review Only 19 Distribution. Fennoscandia, Eurasia, Pacific coast, Canary Isles and the Mediterranean 20 21 22 Basin. In North Africa, M. florea is recorded from Morocco to Egypt except Libya 23 24 (Dirickx 1994; Speight 2017). 25 26 Larval trophic habits. Saproxylic (Speight 2017). 27 28 29 34. Platynochaetus rufus Macquart, 1835 30 31 Material examined. (1ex)1 f, S3,17. III. 2017; leg. N. Mebarkia, det. A. Ricarte, A. 32 33 Vujić. 34 35 Distribution. Maltese islands, In North Africa, the species is reported from Algeria 36 37 38 (Speight, 2017). 39 40 35. Psilota innupta Rondani, 1857 41 42 Material examined. (1ex)1 m, S6, 08. IV. 2017; leg. N Mebarkia, det. A Ricarte. 43 44 45 Distribution. Sweden, central Germany, Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Spain, Italy, 46 47 Serbia, Croatia, Greece, Romania, southern parts of European Russia, Siberia and North 48 49 Africa (Speight 2017). 50 51 52 Larval trophic habits. Unknown, but supposedly saproxylic, as the larvae of other 53 54 congeneric species (Speight 2017). 55 56 36. Syritta pipiens (Linnaeus, 1758) 57 58 59 60

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Page 18 sur 30 1 2 3 Material examined. (47ex) 24 m, 23 f, S1, IVIX. 2017; (58ex) 28 m, 30 f, S2, IIIIX. 4 5 6 2017; (85ex) 50 m, 35 f, S3, IIIIX. 2017 ; (6ex) 4 m, 2 f, S4, 07-21. IV. 05-19.V. 7 8 2017; (15ex) 11 m, 4 f, S5, 06. V. 03. VI. 2017; (12ex) 8 m, 4 f, S6, 18. III. 08. IV. 06- 9 10 20. V. 2017; leg. N Mebarkia, det S Djellab, A Ricarte. 11 12 13 Distribution. Cosmopolitan, known from most of the Palearctic, North America, 14 15 SouthAmerica and Oriental region (Speight 2017). 16 17 Larval trophic habits. Saprophagous (Magni et al. 2013). 18 For Peer Review Only 19 20 37. Volucella liquida Erichson,1841 21 22 Material examined. (2ex)1 m, 1 f, S1, 20. VII. 2017; leg. N Mebarkia, det S Djellab, A 23 24 Ricarte. 25 26 27 Distribution. V. liquida has been noted in two Maghreb countries, Algeria and 28 29 Morocco (Dirickx1994; Djellab et al. 2013). 30 31 Larval trophic habits. Unknown. 32 33 3.2. Phenology of the species recorded in the study area 34 35 36 The flight period for some species such as Eristalinus aeneus, Eristalis arbustorum, 37 38 Eristalis tenax, Sphaerophoria scripta and Syritta pipiens was spread over three 39 40 seasons, spring, summer and autumn except November, December and January. Certain 41 42 43 species have a short flight period, for example Episyrphus balteatus, Eupeodes corollae, 44 45 Helophilus trivittatus, Melanostoma mellinum, Merodon clavipes, Myathropa florea, 46 47 Paragus bicolor, Paragus quadrifasciatus, Paragus tibialis, Paragus vandergooti and 48 49 50 Eristalis similis. Some other species have been reported only during a month: 51 52 Dasysyrphus albostriatus, Eumerus amoenus, Eumerus etnensis, Eumerus obliquus, 53 54 Eupeodes nuba, Meliscaeva auricollis, Merodon serrulatus, Platycheirus albimanus, 55 56 Platycheirus ambiguus, Platynochaetus rufus, Psilota innupta, Scaeva dignota and 57 58 59 Volucella liquida; these species were restricted to a very short flight period. Finally, it 60

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Page 19 sur 30 1 2 3 should be noted that almost all species were absent during winter (December, January) 4 5 6 and November in autumn. The species with the longest flight periods were all 7 8 Eristalinae (E. aeneus, E. arbustorum, E. tenax, S. pipiens), while all species of 9 10 Syrphinae had shorter flight periods (Fig. 5). 11 12 Discussion 13 14 15 The geographical position of Algeria, as a transition area between the Palearctic and 16 17 Afrotropical regions, gives it a great importance in terms of diversity 18 For Peer Review Only 19 (Chenchouni 2012). In spite of this fact, in general, few studies on animal groups have 20 21 22 been carried out in this country, in particular those devoted to Syrphidae. The data 23 24 provided in previous investigations on this insect family are widely dispersed and 25 26 difficult to access. For example, Kassebeer (1999b) revised the historical collection of 27 28 29 Syrphidae caught and published in 1849 by Lucas, and thereby referred to the presence 30 31 of 30 species in Algeria. Other faunistic inventories compiled by Séguy (1961), Peck 32 33 (1988) and Dirickx (1994) indicated 34, 58 and 62 species, respectively. 34 35 The sampling conducted out in our study over a year indicates the presence of 37 36 37 38 species. During the period 1996-2010 and within the same climatic region of Algeria, 39 40 Djellab et al. (2013) reported the presence of 34 species, whereas a total of 73 species 41 42 were listed under humid climate in the El-Kala region during 1991-1992, and 31species 43 44 45 under the subhumid climate (Haffaressas et al. 2017). 46 47 It is noteworthy mentioning that this study provides one species new to North Africa 48 49 (Eumerus etnensis) and three new to Algeria (Eupeodes nuba, Paragus vandergooti and 50 51 52 Eumerus obliquus). 53 54 The unpolluted and polluted riverbank and the plant nursery have the greatest species 55 56 numbers; at the opposite, the prickly pear plantations, cypress hedge and olive orchard 57 58 have the lowest species numbers. The unpolluted and the polluted riverbanks are 59 60

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Page 20 sur 30 1 2 3 diversified with grass, trees, shrub, mud and water that attract more Syrphidae due to 4 5 6 the availability of trophic resources both for adults and larvae. The richness of any 7 8 species in a specific habitat is related to availability of breeding places and hosts. When 9 10 the habitat cover is diverse, this influences then positively the biodiversity of the 11 12 Syrphidae (Ouin et al. 2006; Ricarte et al. 2011; Djellab et al. 2019). This situation does 13 14 15 not apply on prickly pear plantations, cypress hedge and olive orchard characterized by 16 17 low plant diversity, which negatively affects that of hoverflies. Thus, hoverflies are 18 For Peer Review Only 19 adept fliers that interact directly with the vegetation for their dietetics requirements 20 21 22 (D'Amen et al. 2013). 23 24 Larvae belonging to the subfamily Eristalinae, were saprophagous, with the exception 25 26 of some species are phytophagous. Species of subfamily Eristalinae were abundant 27 28 29 throughout the whole study period, with higher diversity than the Syrphinae (20 spp vs 30 31 17spp). The Syrphinae are primarily aphidiphagous, some are generalists, others 32 33 specialize in just a few species of aphids, and they lay their eggs in or near the aphid 34 35 colonies on the plants (Rojo et al. 2003), and the most members of the Eristalinae 36 37 38 proliferate in marshes, wet places, and rotting materials (Sommaggio 1999; Speight 39 40 2017). 41 42 Under the semi-arid climatic conditions of North Africa, the determination of species 43 44 45 phenologies during a year round sampling showed that there are species with a long 46 47 flight period, such as S. pipiens and other species with the flight period restricted to a 48 49 few months, such as E. amoenus. This can be explained by the number of generations 50 51 52 each species can perform following the local ecological conditions (mainly climate) of 53 54 the region (Chafaa et al. 2013a; Idder-Ighili et al. 2015). Indeed, hoverfly species can be 55 56 univoltine, bivoltine or even polyvoltine (Raymond et al. 2014; Ball and Morris 2015). 57 58 The long flight periods of certain species are also associated with the availability of 59 60

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Page 21 sur 30 1 2 3 feeding resources not only for the adults but also for their larvae. For example, E. tenax, 4 5 6 a species with one of the longest activity periods, is an antropophilic hoverfly capable of 7 8 breeding in a wide range of saprophagous media that are also present all the year round. 9 10 The presence of Syrphidae species in the spring, summer and autumn and their absence 11 12 during winter can be explained by the fact that hoverflies are mainly present during 13 14 15 warmer and sunny days. Janzen (1973), Wolda (1988) and De Groot and Bevk (2012) 16 17 point out that seasonal weather conditions can have a strong influence on insect activity. 18 For Peer Review Only 19 Climate variables are also known to be good predictors of population behavior in 20 21 22 ecosystems where the distinction between the rainy and dry seasons is clear (Chafaa et 23 24 al. 2013b; Idder-Ighili et al. 2015). 25 26 The present study increases the knowledge of the hoverflies from the steppe rangelands 27 28 29 of Algeria, as well as that at the regional level within this country. A better knowledge 30 31 of the hoverfly community associated with these habitats and the hoverfly diversity of 32 33 the Tebessa region enhances the bioindicator potential of hoverflies in this world region, 34 35 and provides further grounds to start designing a conservation tool such as ‘Syrph the 36 37 38 Net, the database of European Syrphidae’ (Speight et al. 2016b). The new species 39 40 reported at the regional scale reflect the particularities of North African semi-arid 41 42 environments. Therefore, we agreed that time is ripe to put more efforts in developing 43 44 45 integrated research on the Syrphidae fauna in different regions of Algeria. 46 47 Acknowledgments 48 49 We thank Dr. M.A. Marcos García for facilitating entomological work at CIBIO, 50 51 52 University of Alicante, and for confirming the identity of Paragus vandergooti, Dr Ante 53 54 Vujić for taxonomic advice in the genus Platynochaetus (Novi Sad, Serbia), Dr. Ximo 55 56 Mengual (Bonn, Germany) and Dr. Muhammad Asghar Hassan (Beijing, China) for 57 58 providing some references used in this paper. We extend our thanks to all who have 59 60

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Page 22 sur 30 1 2 3 contributed to this study. Antonio Ricarte’s position (Ref. UATAL05) at the University 4 5 6 of Alicante is funded by the ‘Vicerrectorado de Investigación y Transferencia de 7 8 Conocimiento’. 9 10 Disclosure statement 11 12 No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors. 13 14 15 ORCID 16 17 Nadjoua Mebarkia: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0412-6383 18 For Peer Review Only 19 Souad Neffar: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4790-6881 20 21 22 Sihem Djellab: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8979-6361 23 24 Antonio Ricarte: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2298-981X 25 26 Haroun Chenchouni: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9077-2706 27 28 29 References 30 31 Ball SG, Morris RKA. 2015. Britain's Hoverflies: A Field Guide-Revised and Updated. 32 33 Second Edition. Princeton University Press. p. 312. 34 35 Bartsch H, Binkiewicz E, Rådén A, Nasibov E. 2009. Blomflugor: Syrphinae. 36 37 38 Nationalnyckelntill Sveriges flora och flora, DH53a. Artdatabanken, SLU, Uppsala. p. 39 40 406. 41 42 Becker T. 1907. Die Ergebnisse meiner dipterologischen Frühjahrsreise nach Algier und 43 44 45 Tunis, 1906 (part 7). Zeitschrift für Systematische Hymenopterologie und 46 47 Dipterologie. Leipzig. 12: 369–407. 48 49 Burgio G, Sommaggio D. 2002. Diptera Syrphidae caught by Malaise trap in Bologna 50 51 52 province and new record of Neoascia interrupta in Italy. Bulletin of Insectology. 53 54 55(1-2): 43-47 55 56 57 58 59 60

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Page 23 sur 30 1 2 3 Chafaa S, Biche M, Chenchouni H, Sellami M, Sibachir A. 2013a. Cycle biologique de 4 5 6 Parlatoria oleae (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) inféodée aux oliveraies dans une région 7 8 aride. The Canadian Entomologist. 145(4): 398-405. 9 10 Chafaa S, Biche M, Chenchouni H, Sellami M, Sibachir A. 2013b. Effet du climat et de 11 12 l’exposition sur la dynamique des populations de la cochenille violette, Parlatoria 13 14 15 oleae Colvée (Hemiptera: Diaspididae), en conditions arides. Annales de la Société 16 17 entomologique de France (N.S.). 49(3): 291-297. 18 For Peer Review Only 19 Chenchouni H. 2012. Diversity assessment of vertebrate fauna in a wetland of hot hyperarid 20 21 22 lands. Arid Ecosystems. 2(4): 253-263. 23 24 D'Amen M, Birtele D, Zapponi L, Hardersen S. 2013. Patterns in diurnal co-occurrence 25 26 in an assemblage of hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae). European Journal of 27 28 29 Entomology. 110(4). p. 649. 30 31 De GM, Bevk D. 2012. Ecosystem services and phenology of hoverflies (Diptera: 32 33 Syrphidae) in a Slovenian forest stand (‘Ekosistemske usluge in fenologija muh 34 35 trepetavk (Diptera: Syrphidae) v slovenskem gozdnem sestoju’). Gozd in 36 37 38 Les.64 :123-128. 39 40 Dirickx HG. 1994. Atlas des Diptères syrphides de la région méditerranéenne. Document 41 42 de Travail, Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. 75:1-314. 43 44 45 Djellab S, Samraoui B. 1994. The hoverflies of north-east Algeria: a preliminary account. 46 47 Hoverfly Newsletter.(8): 6-8. 48 49 Djellab S, Van Eck A, Samraoui B. 2013. A survey of the hoverflies of northeastern Algeria 50 51 52 (Diptera: Syrphidae). Egyptian Journal of Biology. 15(1):1-12. 53 54 Djellab S. 2013. Les Syrphidés (Diptera : Syrphidae) du Nord-est algérien : Inventaire et 55 56 Écologie. Thèse Doctorat en Sciences. Universite Hadj Lakhdar de Batna, Algérie. p. 57 58 129. 59 60

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Page 24 sur 30 1 2 3 Djellab S, Mebarkia N, Neffar S, Chenchouni H. 2019. Diversity and phenology of 4 5 6 hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) in pine forests (Pinus halepensis mill.) of 7 8 Algeria. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology. 22(3):766-777. 9 10 El-Hawagry MS, Gilbert F. 2019. Catalogue of the Syrphidae of Egypt (Diptera). 11 12 Zootaxa. 4577(2): 201-248. 13 14 15 Goeldlin de Tiefenau P. 1976. Révision du genre Paragus (Dipt. Syrphidae) de la 16 17 région paléarctique occidentale. Bulletin de la Société entomologique suisse. 49:79- 18 For Peer Review Only 19 108. 20 21 22 Haffaressas B, Djellab S, Samraoui F, Alfarhan AH, Gilbert F, Ricarte A, Samraoui B. 23 24 2017.Hoverflies of the Guelma district, with species new to Algeria and North Africa 25 26 (Diptera: Syrphidae). Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.) .53(5): 27 28 29 324-333. 30 31 Hurkmans W.1993. A monograph of Merodon (Diptera: Syrphidae). Part 1. Tijdschrift voor 32 33 Entomologie. 136(2):147-234. 34 35 Idder-Ighili H, Idder MA, Doumandji-Mitiche B, Chenchouni H. 2015. Modeling the 36 37 38 effects of climate on date palm scale (Parlatoria blanchardi) population dynamics 39 40 during different phenological stages of life history under hot arid conditions. 41 42 International Journal of Biometeorology. 59: 1425-1436. 43 44 45 Inouye DW, Larson BM, Ssymank A, Kevan PG. 2015. Flies and flowers III: ecology of 46 47 foraging and pollination. Journal of Pollination Ecology. 16(16): 115-133. 48 49 Janzen DH. 1973. Sweep samples of tropical foliage insects: effects of seasons, vegetation 50 51 52 types, elevation, time of day, and insularity. Ecology. 54(3): 687-708. Kassebeer CF. 53 54 1995a. Beiträge zur Schwebfliegenfauna Marokkos, I. Pipizella thapsiana n. sp. aus 55 56 dem Hohen Atlas (Diptera: Syrphidae). Entomologische Zeitschrift. 105: 260-264. 57 58 59 60

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Page 25 sur 30 1 2 3 Kassebeer CF. 1995b. Beiträge zur Schwebfliegenfauna Marokkos, II. Zur Kenntnis der 4 5 6 nordafrikanischen Arten der Gattung Psilota Meigen 1822 (Diptera: Syrphidae). 7 8 Entomologische Zeitschrift.105: 395-404. 9 10 Kassebeer CF. 1999a. Beiträge zur Schwebfliegenfauna Marokkos VIII. Eine neue Gattung 11 12 der Brachyopini (Diptera, Syrphidae) aus dem Mittleren Atlas. Dipteron 2: 11-24. 13 14 15 Kassebeer CF. 1999b. Zur Identität der 1849 von Lucas aus Algerien nachgewiesenen 16 17 Schwebfliegen (Diptera, Syrphidae). Dipteron 2: 143-152. 18 For Peer Review Only 19 Kassebeer CF. 1999c. Beiträge zur Schwebfliegenfauna Marokkos IX. Eine neue Art 20 21 22 der Gattung Ferdinandea Rondani, 1844 (Diptera, Syrphidae) aus Nordafrika. 23 24 Dipteron 2: 153-162. 25 26 Magni PA, Pérez-Bañón C, Borrini M, Dadour IR. 2013. Syritta pipiens (Diptera: 27 28 29 Syrphidae), a new species associated with human cadavers. Forensic Science International. 30 31 231(1-3): 19-23. 32 33 Marcos-García MA, Vujić A, Mengual X. 2007. Revision of Iberian species of the genus 34 35 Merodon (Diptera: Syrphidae). European Journal of Entomology. 104(3): 531-572. 36 37 38 Marcos-García MA. 1986. Citas de interes del genero Paragus Latreille, 1804 en la 39 40 Peninsula Iberica y descripcion de Paragus vandergooti sp.nov. (Diptera, Syrphidae). 41 42 Actas de las VIII Jornadas AeE. 765-772. 43 44 45 Nielsen TR, Andreassen AT, Leendertse A, Svendsen S. 2010. A migration of the Hoverfly 46 47 Helophilus trivittatus (Fabricius, 1805) (Diptera, Syrphidae) to SW Norway in 2010. 48 49 Norwegian Journal of Entomology.57:136-138. 50 51 52 Nielsen TR, Gabrielsen L, Strømmen FA. 2012. Nye funna vandredroneflua Eristalis 53 54 similis (Diptera, Syrphidae) i Norge 2011. Insekt-Nytt. 37: 39-42. 55 56 Nielsen TR. 2004. European species of the Platycheirus ambiguus group (Diptera, 57 58 Syrphidae), with description of new species. Volucella. 7: 1-30. 59 60

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Page 26 sur 30 1 2 3 Ouin A, Sarthou JP, Bouyjou B, Deconchat M, Lacombe JP, Monteil C. 2006. The 4 5 6 species-area relationship in the hoverfly (Diptera, Syrphidae) communities of forest 7 8 fragments in southernFrance. Ecography 29:183-190 9 10 Pârvu C, Rãzvan PM, Rãzvan Z. 2006. Faunistic data on some dipteran families (Insecta: 11 12 Diptera) from Morocco.Travaux du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle « Grigore 13 14 15 Antipa ». 274, 271-281. 16 17 Peck LV. 1988. Family Syrphidae. Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera. Syrphidae-Conopidae. 18 For Peer Review Only 19 Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest. 8: 363p. 20 21 22 Pérez‐Bañón C, Hurtado P, García‐Gras E, Rojo S. 2013. SEM studies on immature stages 23 24 of the drone flies (Diptera, Syrphidae): Eristalis similis (Fallen, 1817) and Eristalis 25 26 tenax (Linnaeus, 1758). Microscopy Research and Technique. 76(8): 853-861. 27 28 29 Petanidou T,Vujić A, Ellis WN. 2011. Hoverfly diversity (Diptera: Syrphidae) in a 30 31 Mediterranean scrub community near Athens, Greece. Annales de la Société 32 33 entomologique de France (N.S.). 47(1-2): 168-175. 34 35 Raymond L, Sarthou JP, Plantegenest M, Gauffre B, Ladet S, Vialatte A. 2014. Immature 36 37 38 hoverflies overwinter in cultivated fields and may significantly control aphid 39 40 populations in autumn. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment.185:99-105. 41 42 Reemer M, Hauser M, Speight MC. 2004. The genus Myolepta Newman in the West- 43 44 45 Palaearctic region (Diptera, Syrphidae). Studia dipterologica.11(2): 553-580. 46 47 Ricarte A, Marcos-García MA, Moreno CE. 2011. Assessing the effects of vegetation type 48 49 on hoverfly (Diptera: Syrphidae) diversity in a Mediterranean landscape: implications 50 51 52 for conservation. Journal of Insect Conservation.15: 865-877. 53 54 Ricarte A, Souba-Dols GJ, Hauser M, Marcos-García MA. 2017. A review of the early 55 56 stages and host plants of the genera Eumerus and Merodon (Diptera: Syrphidae), with 57 58 new data on four species. PLoS ONE 12(12): e0189852. 59 60

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Page 27 sur 30 1 2 3 Ricarte A. 2008. Biodiversidad de sírfidos (Diptera: Syrphidae) y conservación de los 4 5 6 hábitats en el Parque Nacional de Cabañeros, España. Tesis Doctorales, Instituto 7 8 Universitario de Investigación CIBIO.Universidad de Alicante, España. p. 244. 9 10 Rojo S, Gilbert F, Marcos-García MA, Nieto JM, Mier MP. (2003). revisión mundial de 11 12 los sírfidos depredadores y sus presas (Diptera, Syrphidae).Publicaciones de la 13 14 15 Universidad de Alicante. 282p. 16 17 Rotheray G, Hancock G, Hewitt S, Horsfield D, MacGowan I,Robertson D, Watt K. 2001. 18 For Peer Review Only 19 The biodiversity and conservation of saproxylic Diptera in Scotland. Journal of Insect 20 21 22 Conservation. 5:77-85. 23 24 Rotheray GE, Dussaix C, Marcos-García MA, Pérez-Bañón C. 2006. The early stages of 25 26 three Palaearctic species of saproxylic hoverflies (Syrphidae, Diptera). Micron. 27 28 29 37(1):73-80. 30 31 Rotheray GE, Gilbert FS. 2011. The Natural History of Hoverflies. Forrest Text, Cardigan. 32 33 p. 333. 34 35 Rotheray GE, Zumbado M, Hancock EG, Thompson FC. 2000. Remarkable aquatic 36 37 38 predators in the genus Ocyptamus (Diptera, Syrphidae). Studia Dipterologica.7:385- 39 40 398. 41 42 Rotheray GE. 1993. Colour guide to hoverfly larvae (Diptera, Syrphidae). Dipterists Digest 43 44 45 9: 1-155. 46 47 Sack P. 1928–1932. Die Fliegen der Paläarktischen Region. 31. Syrphidae. Stuttgart: 48 49 Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung. 1-451. 50 51 52 Séguy E. 1961. Diptéres Syrphides de l’Europe occidentale. Muséum national d'Histoire 53 54 naturelle, Paris. 248 p. 55 56 57 58 59 60

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Page 28 sur 30 1 2 3 Smit J, Franquinho-Aguiar AM, Wakeham-Dawson A. 2004. The hoverflies (Diptera, 4 5 6 Syrphidae) of the Madeiran Archipelago, Portugal. Dipterists Digest (2nd Series). 7 8 11:47-82. 9 10 Smit J, van Harten A, Ketelaar R. 2017. Order Diptera, family Syrphidae. The hoverflies of 11 12 the Arabian Peninsula. fauna of the UAE. 6: 572-612. 13 14 15 Smit J, Vujić, A. 2008. The Palaearctic species of the genus Psilota Meigen (Diptera, 16 17 Syrphidae) with the description of two new species. Studia dipterologica. 14(2): 345- 18 For Peer Review Only 19 364. 20 21 22 Sommaggio D. 1999. Syrphidae: can they be used as environmental bioindicators?. 23 24 Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment.74(1-3):343-356. 25 26 Speight MCD, Castella E, Sarthou JP. 2016a. StN 2016. In: Syrph the Net on CD, Issue 11. 27 28 29 Speight, M.C.D., Castella, E., Sarthou, J.-P. & Vanappelghem, C. (Eds.) ISSN 1649- 30 31 1917. Syrph the Net Publications, Dublin. 32 33 Speight MCD, Castella E. 2001.An approach to interpretation of lists of insects 34 35 usingdigitised biological information about the species. Journal of Insect Conservation. 36 37 38 5:131-139. 39 40 Speight MCD, Withers P, Dussaix C. 2016b. Clé StN pour la détermination des genres de 41 42 Syrphidae Européens 2016.Syrph the Net, the database of European Syrphidae 43 44 45 (Diptera). Dublin : Syrph the Net publications.91: 1-40. 46 47 Speight MCD. 2017. Species accounts of European Syrphidae (Diptera) 2017. the database 48 49 of European Syrphidae (Diptera). Dublin: Syrph the Net publications. 97:1-294. 50 51 52 Stubbs AE, Falk SJ. 2002. British hoverflies: An illustrated identification guide. British 53 54 Entomological and Natural History Society. p. 469. 55 56 57 58 59 60

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Page 29 sur 30 1 2 3 Sullivan MS, Sutherland JP. 2000. Geographical variation in morphology and asymmetry in 4 5 6 Episyrphus balteatus DeGeer (Diptera: Syrphidae). Tijdschrift voor Entomologie. 142: 7 8 327-331. 9 10 Van Steenis J, Hauser M, Van Zuijen MP. 2017. Review of the Eumerus barbarus species 11 12 group (Diptera: Syrphidae) from the western Mediterranean basin. Bonn Zoological 13 14 15 Bulletin. 66: 145-165. 16 17 Van Veen MP. 2010. Hoverflies of Northwest Europe: identification keys to the Syrphidae. 18 For Peer Review Only 19 Brill, KNNV Publishing Zeist, The Netherlands. p. 248. 20 21 22 Verlinden L. 1994. Faune de Belgique, Syrphides (Syrphidae). l’Institut Royal des Sciences 23 24 Naturelles de Belgique, Bruxelles. p. 289. 25 26 Vujić A, Radenković S, Ačanski J, Grković A, Taylor M, Şenol SG, Hayat R. 2015. 27 28 29 Revision of the species of the Merodon nanus group (Diptera: Syrphidae) including 30 31 three new species. Zootaxa. 4006(3): 439-462. 32 33 Wolda H. 1988. Insect seasonality: why?. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics. 34 35 19(1): 1-18. 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

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Page 30 sur 30 1 2 3 Table 1. Sampling localities in Tebessa northeastern Algeria. 4 5 6 Table2. List of hoverfly species collected in different sites within the steppe rangelands of 7 8 Tebessa Province in northeastern Algeria. The list includes the findings of the present study 9 10 and those of other studies carried out in Tebessa (*Djellab, 2013), El-Kala (**Djellab et al. 11 12 2013), and Guelma (***Haffaressas et al. 2017). Legend: + (presence), — (absence). 13 14 15 16 17 Figure 1. Geographic location and climatic map of the study area and sampled localities 18 For Peer Review Only 19 (circles) in Tebessa, northeastern Algeria. The bottom-left plot represents Gaussen and 20 21 22 Bagnouls climatic diagrams of Tebessa applied for the period 1972–2016. 23 24 Figure 2. Paragus vandergooti, male from the region of Tebessa, Algeria. Dorso-lateral 25 26 view. 27 28 29 Figure 3. Platycheirus ambiguus, male from the region of Tebessa, Algeria. Lateral view. 30 31 Figure 4. Eumerus obliquus, male from the region of Tebessa, Algeria. Dorso-lateral view. 32 33 Figure 5. Phenogram of the hoverfly species recorded during 2016-2017 in different sites 34 35 within the steppe rangelands of northeastern Algeria. Legend: Fine grey lines= absence, 36 37 38 thick black lines = presence. 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 For Peer Review Only 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Figure 1. Geographic location and climatic map of the study area and sampled localities 29 30 (circles) in Tebessa, northeastern Algeria. The bottom-left plot represents Gaussen and 31 32 33 Bagnouls climatic diagrams of Tebessa applied for the period 1972–2016. 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 For Peer Review Only 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Figure 2. Paragus vandergooti, male from the region of Tebessa, Algeria. Dorso-lateral 33 34 view. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 Figure 3. Platycheirus ambiguus, male from the region of Tebessa, Algeria. Lateral view. 58 59 60

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 For Peer Review Only 19 20 21 22 23 Figure 4. Eumerus obliquus, male from the region of Tebessa, Algeria. Dorso-lateral view. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 For Peer Review Only 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Figure 5. Phenogram of the hoverfly species recorded during 2016-2017 in different sites 44 45 46 within the steppe rangelands of northeastern Algeria. Legend: Fine grey lines= absence, 47 48 thick black lines = presence. 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

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1 2 3 Table 1. Sampling localities in Tebessa northeastern Algeria. 4 5 6 7 Stations Code Latitude(N) Longitude(E) Altitude(m) Vegetation 8 9 Unpolluted S1 35º25'01.65" 07º57'46.66" 965 Tree, shrub, and 10 11 riverbank grass habitats 12 13 14 around 15 16 Plant S2 35º44'89.38" 07º95'77.72" 886 Ornamental plants 17 For Peer Review Only 18 nursery and vegetable crops 19 20 21 Polluted S3 35º27'33.39" 07º57'32.92" 856 Shrub and grass 22 23 riverbank habitats, dominated 24 25 by Mentha 26 27 28 rotundifolia 29 30 Olive S4 35º28'00.07" 07º58'08.68" 832 Composed entirely 31 32 orchard of fruiting 33 34 35 treesOlea europea 36 37 and with a smaller 38 39 contribution of 40 41 grass habitats 42 43 44 Prickly-pear S5 35º27'58.06" 07º58'40.32" 782 Composed entirely 45 46 plantations of Opuntia ficus- 47 48 indica, and grass 49 50 51 habitats around 52 53 Cypress S6 35º26'39.31" 08º00'20.43" 785 Grasslands around 54 55 hedge 56 57 58 59 60

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1 2 3 Table2. List of hoverfly species collected in different sites within the steppe rangelands of 4 5 6 Tebessa Province in northeastern Algeria. The list includes the findings of the present study 7 8 and those of other studies carried out in Tebessa (*Djellab, 2013), El-Kala (**Djellab et al. 9 10 2013), and Guelma (***Haffaressas et al. 2017). Legend: + (presence), — (absence). 11 12 13 Previous records from Algeria 14 15 Hoverfly species Tebessa El-Kala Guelma 16 17 (Current study) (*) (**) (***) 18 For Peer Review Only 19 20 Subfamily: Syrphinae 21 22 Chrysotoxum intermedium (Meigen, 1822) + + + 23 24 Dasysyrphus albostriatus (Fallen, 1817) + — — 25 26 Episyrphus balteatus (De Geer, 1776) + + + 27 28 29 Eupeodes corollae (Fabricius, 1794) + + + 30 31 Eupeodes nuba (Wiedemann, 1830) — — — 32 33 Melanostoma mellinum (Linnaeus, 1758) + + + 34 35 36 Meliscaeva auricollis (Meigen, 1822) + — + 37 38 Paragus bicolor(Fabricius, 1794) + + + 39 40 Paragus quadrifasciatus Meigen, 1822 — — + 41 42 43 Paragus tibialis (Fallén, 1817) + + — 44 45 Paragus vandergooti Marcos-García, 1986 — — — 46 47 Platycheirus albimanus (Fabricius, 1781) — + — 48 49 Platycheirus ambiguus (Fallen, 1817) — — — 50 51 52 Scaeva dignota (Rondani, 1857) — — — 53 54 Sphaerophoria rueppellii (Wiedemann, 1830) + — + 55 56 Sphaerophoria scripta (Linnaeus, 1758) + + + 57 58 59 Xanthogramma marginale (Loew, 1854) — + — 60

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1 2 3 Subfamily: Eristalinae 4 5 6 Ceriana vespiformis (Latreille, 1804) + + + 7 8 Eristalinus aeneus (Scopoli, 1763) + + + 9 10 Eristalinus taeniops (Wiedemann, 1818) + + + 11 12 Eristalinus megacephalus (Rossi, 1794) — + — 13 14 15 Eristalinus sepulchralis (Linnaeus, 1758) + + — 16 17 Eristalis arbustorum (Linnaeus, 1758) + + + 18 For Peer Review Only 19 Eristalis similis (Fallén, 1817) — + + 20 21 22 Eristalis tenax (Linnaeus, 1758) + + + 23 24 Eumerus amoenus Loew, 1848 — — + 25 26 Eumerus barbarus (Coquebert, 1804) — — — 27 28 29 Eumerus etnensis van der Goot, 1964 — — — 30 31 Eumerus obliquus (Fabricius, 1805) — — — 32 33 Helophilus trivittatus (Fabricius, 1805) + + — 34 35 Merodon clavipes (Fabricius, 1781) + — — 36 37 38 Merodon serrulatusWiedemann in Meigen, 1822 — — — 39 40 Myathropa florea (Linnaeus, 1758) + + — 41 42 Platynochaetus rufus Macquart, 1835 — — — 43 44 45 Psilota innupta Rondani, 1857 — — — 46 47 Syritta pipiens (Linnaeus, 1758) + + + 48 49 Volucella liquida Erichson, 1841 — + — 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

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