To CHARLES LYTTELTON, Tuesday 27 July 1736 OS

Printed from a photostat of the MS in the possession of Cobham, Hall, Stourbridge, Worcs. First printed in N&Q 1869, 4th ser., iii. 3. Re­ printed, Toynbee i. 19-20. The MS descended in the Lyttelton family to the present owner.

K[ing's] Coll[ege], July 27, 1736. Dear Charles, I AM returned again to Cambridge,1 and can tell you what I never expected, that I like Norfolk. Not any of the ingredients, as hunt­ ing or country gentlemen, for I had nothing to do with them,2 but the county; which a little from Houghton is woody, and full of delight­ ful prospects. I went to see Norwich and Yarmouth, both which I like exceedingly. I spent my time at Houghton for the first week almost alone; we have a charming garden all wilderness; much adapted to my romantic inclinations. The last week I had company3 with me. I don't hear whether George Mountagu* is gone5 yet or not; I conclude he is by not hearing from him.

Adieu! dear Charles Yours in haste


From JOHN WHALEY, Sunday 19 September 1736 OS

Printed from Toynbee Supp. iii. 98-100, where the letter was first printed from the MS formerly in the Waller Collection. For the history of the MS see ante 10 Aug. 1735. Address: To Horatio Walpole Esq. at the Right Honourable Sir Robert Walpole's at Chelsea, Middlesex. Postmark: LEOMINSTER. 22 SE. Memorandum (by HW, on the verso of the MS): On my reading Lord Hervey the epigram in this letter he composed this answer ex tempore. Littleton, Esq.; son and heir to Sir 1. HW had been with his father at Thomas Littleton, who was drowned Houghton for a fortnight (Daily Adv. 5 leaping into the water to save his younger July 1736; HW to Sir Robert Walpole 27 brother,* printed in Cowley's Works, 10th July 1736 OS, FAMILY 5). edn, 1707-8, iii. 49-51- HW's copy of the 2. Thomas Gray wrote sympathetically Works is Hazen, Cat. of HW's Lib. 1823. to HW 15 July 1736 about imagining him 7. Missing.