Volume 15, Number 3 July 2005 ISSN 0268-0130 THE HERPETOLOGICAL JOURNAL

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FRONT COVER: Lepropelis crysral/inorun (V. Gossmann) HERPETOLOGICAL JOURNAL, Vol. 15, pp. 145-148 (2005)



'via Antonio Calderara 29, 00125 Roma, Italy

2Sea Turtle Rescue Centre WWF ltali�, CP 92010 Lampedusa, Italy

3Museo Civico Storia Naturale del Po, via Roma 4, Ostellato, Italy

4Dipartimento di Biologia Animate e dell' Uomo, Universita "La Sapienza", 00185 Roma, Italy

Tail length is the main secondary sexual characteristic of adult sea turtles. In order to assess the size at which sexual dimorphism in this character becomes evident, six different measurements of tail length were collected or calculated from 263 1 Caretta caretta specimens found in the waters around Italy. These data show that an average male develops a longer tail at a size of 70 cm and attains sexual maturity at a size of 75-80 cm Curved Carapace Length. Studies of adult sex ratio based on tail measurements should therefore be restricted to specimens > 75 cm. The distance from the cloaca to the posterior margin of the carapace appears to be the most effective measurement for sexing turtles of this size among the six characteristics investigated. In the sample, females are estimated to comprise 61 % of the specimens >75 cm. Key words: male sexual maturity, Mediterranean Sea, sexing method, sexual dimorphlsm

JNTRODUCTION the average size of adult males or the average size in The loggerhead sea turtle, Caretta caretta (Linnaeus which males begin to show an evidently longer tail. Un­ 1758), is globally classified as an endangered fortunately, average or even minimum size of nesting (Hilton-Taylor, 2000). Population sub-structuring and females are usually used as threshold size of specimens genetic isolation - at least at the female level (Schroth et in such studies, because size at maturity of males is al. 1996, Laurent et al. 1998)- make Mediterranean log­ much more difficultto know. Hence, this lack of knowl­ gerheads vulnerable to numerous anthropogenic threats, edge bears the potential ri sk of underestimating the particularly high fishingeff ort. Therefore,understanding number of males, particularly if they mature at a size the population dynamics and demography of these ani­ larger than the average or minimum size of nesting fe­ mals are important for any effective regional males. conservation strategy. In this context, sex ratio and age/ � second problem_of using tail length for diagnosing size at maturity are among the most important demo­ sex is to have a meamngful measurement and a rigorous graphic parameters. In the Mediterranean, a few threshold value. On the contrary, usually thresholds are investigations on sex ratio at sea have been carried out on arbitrary and both they and measurements vary depend­ juveniles (Casale et al., 1998; Casale & Freggi, in press; ing on the researcher. Furthermore, these methods are Lazar et al., in press) but no data are available for adults. apparently not based on any specific study. The most Size at maturity of females can be inferred from data on widespread measures - used with constant arbitrary nesting females (Margaritoulis et al., 2003), but size at thresholds diffe1ing between researchers - are 'Plastron maturity of Mediterranean males is unknown. Tip of Tail' and 'Carapace-Tip of Tail'; furthermore, Different methods are available to obtain sex ratios in according to Bolten (1999) adult males would have a ' hatchling, juvenile .and adult sea turtles (review in higher 'Plastron-Tip of Tail' to 'Cloaca-Tip of Tail ra­ Wibbels, 2003). Although it requires the sampling oftur­ tio than adult females. tles at sea, adult sex ratio is commonly regarded as The aim of the present study, based on a large sam­ relatively easy to obtain because adults are sexually di­ ple, is to (1) detect the size at which sexual dimorphism morphic. In particular, the most obvious characteristic is in tail length becomes evident, and thus the size at male the large and muscular prehensile tail of adult males sexual maturity; (2) investigate which type of measure (Wibbels, 1999). However, using tail length for diagnos­ and threshold value are the most appropriate ones for (3) ing the sex makes an important, but often implicit sexing adult/maturing turtles; and provide an adult assumption: i.e. a turtle with a 'short' tail is more likely sex ratio for the study area. to be a female than an immature male. This assumption MATERIALS AND METHODS can be satisfiedif the sample includes only turtles above As part of a research and conservation programme Correspondence: P. Casale, Via Antonio Calderara, 2900125 (Argano, 1992) we collected biometric data from2631 Roma Italy. E-mail: [email protected] live Caretta caretta specimens ranging from 17 to 109 146 P. CASALE ET AL.

posterior margin of the carapace to the cloaca (Cara­ pace-Cloaca; Fig. le), and (6) Plastron-Tail to Cloaca-Tail ratio (Plast.ron-Tail/Cloaca-Tail). In relation­ ships between carapace length and tail parameters, for each 5-cm carapace length class we calculated the upper FIG. l. Tail measurements. Measured: a, Plastron-Cloaca; b, value including 99% of the sample as mean+ 2.33 SD; Cloaca-Tail; c, Carapace Tail. Calculated: d, Plastron-Tail; e, Carapace-Cloaca. See materials and methods for details. we used only classes with a reasonable number of speci­ mens (min = 48). cm CCLn-t from 1981-2003. These turtles were found in Ten turtles were certainly adult females, because different circumstances (incidentally caught by they were found while nesting or they were recaptured longline, trawl, nets, and other fishing methods; taken at sea with tags identifying them as females which from the sea surface by hands or handled tools; nested previously (D. Margaritoulis, pers. comm.). stranded; found while nesting; seized; unknown origin). These specimens were excluded from the sex ratio esti­ These data included curved carapace length notch to tip mation, because their sampling was not independent of (CCLnt; Bolten, 1999) and three measurements of tail: ( 1) their sex. 95% Confidence Intervals of sex ratios were distance from the posterior margin of the plastron to calculated according to the method for binomial distri­ cloaca (Plastron-Cloaca; Fig. 1 a), (2) distance from butions (Zar, 1999). cloaca to the tip of the tail (Cloaca-Tail; Fig. 1 b), (3) dis­ RESULTS AND DISCUSSION tance from the posterior margin of the carapace to the tip of the tail (Carapace Tail; Fig. le). From these three tail All parameters except 'Plastron-Tail/Cloaca-Tail' measurements we calculated three other values: (4) dis­ showed a strong difference between specimens above tance from the posterior margin of the plastron to the tip and below 65 cm CCLnt (Fig. 2). From the 65-70 size of the tail (Plastron-Tail; Fig. 1 d), (5) distance from the class onward, more specimens with high values were

7. • . a 1...,. : b J.·"... . :.A· ��-�·P.;,, 0 -,-..,-��· -· · �-,--.--,-,-,--,-..,-,.--,-,-�.---�. -.--.---.-. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 20 40 60 80 100 120 CCLn-t (cm) CCLn-t (cm) 50

I 40 uro � 30 0 t 20 e iii ro 1 0 a: 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 CCLn-t (cm) CCLn-t (cm)

35 25 E 20 "E 25 f s s 15 � 10 � 15 0 Q) 0 5 £ 5 di Cl. £ 0 � I §" - -5 B -5 •. ro 0 -10 -15 -j--,-,--,-,-,--,-,-..,-,.--,-,-..,--,--,-�.---�-�-,-,--,� 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 1 00 120 CCLn-t (cm) CCLn-t(cm)

FIG. 2. Relationships between tail-related measures and carapace length (n=263 l). Solid line includes 99% of the sample (see text). Dotted line is its tendency in the range >65 cm based on values in the range <65 cm. Triangles represent adult females. TAIL MEASUREMENTS OF CA RETTA CARETTA 147

observed than expected from the distribution in the pre­ immatures and adult females in contrast to the positive vious size classes. This suggests that an average correlation in presumed adult males, and the very con­ Mediterranean male begins to develop an elongated tail venient threshold. This threshold means that only males around a size of 70 cm CCLn-t and that full maturity is would have a cloaca protruding beyond the carapace, probably attained around 75-80 cm, the first size class in and for the fieldwork this implies that no measurements which tail lengths reach maximum values. Therefore, in at all need to be taken, making data collection very easy. the Mediterranean, only loggerheads with CCLn-t >75 Hence, 'Carapace Cloaca' appears to be the best of the cm should be used for sex ratio estimates based on tail six tail parameters taken into consideration. lt is inter­ measw-ements. esting that its threshold value (0 cm; Fig. 1 e, 2f) is Limpus (1990) found that in Heron Island Reef probably not arbitrary, but may have a biological rea­ (Queensland) the average loggerhead female starts son, because possible injuries of the distal part from the breeding at a size slightly smaller than the average size cloaca (the true tail) are less harmful than ones on the of nesting females. The means observed in Greece, host­ proximal part, and females would have no advantage ing the main known nesting sites in the Mediterranean, balancing the disadvantage of exposing a vulnerable are around 83 cm CCLn t (Margaritoulis et al., 2003). If part beyond the protection of the carapace. On the other the rule above applies to the Mediterranean populations hand, males have the fundamental need to be able to too, present fi ndings do not suggest a strong difference mate. between male and femalesize at maturity. Although measuring tail length cannot be so accurate The six tail parameters investigated show different as laparoscopy in diagnosing sex oflarge specimens (i.e. characteristics affecting their efficacy for sexing turtles. those thought to be adults), nonetheless it is easy to ap­ 'Plastron-Tail' (the whole 'tail'; Fig. 2a) can be sepa­ ply in any field condition and can provide a large rated into two measures: 'Plastron Cloaca' and 'Cloaca amount of data, provided that a good method is used. In Tail'. On the basis of specimens known to be adult fe­ summary, present results suggest 'Carapace Cloaca' as males and the lack of an evident clustering, the the best of the six tail parameters taken into considera­ increasing of 'Cloaca-Tail' observed in large-size speci­ tion, and in the Mediterranean it should be used on mens appears to be independent of sex (Fig. 2b), in specimens larger than 75 cm only. contrast to 'Plastron-Cloaca' (Fig. 2c). Thus, 'Plastron­ With the method above a female proportion of61% is Cloaca 'seems to be a better indicator of sex than calculated for specimens larger than 75 cm found at sea 'Cloaca Tail' and 'Plastron Tail'. Generally, measures in the study area (n=69). However, adult sex ratio can be considering the cloaca (like 'Carapace-Cloaca') are ex­ biased by sex specific patterns of reproductive nugra­ pected to be better indicators of maleness than those tion, and to avoid this bias it is preferable to estimate sex considering the tip of the tail. ratios during nonmigratory periods only (Wibbels, Probably for the same reason, the ratio based on the 2003). So we calculated sex ratios for two periods: a tip of the tail ('Plastron-Tail' to 'Cloaca-Tail'; Fig. 2d) 'warm' one (Apr-Sep), when reproductive migration oc­ does not show any clustering in the large size class and curs, and a 'cold' one (Oct Mar), when reproductive the specimens known to be adult females distribute migrations are unlikely to occur. The resulting sex ratios across most of the range; so this ratio is unlikely to be were 53.8% (95% CI: 39.5 67 .8%; n=52) for the warm useful for diagnosing sex. period and 76.5% (95% Cl: 50. 1 -93.2%; n= l 7) for the 'Plastron Cloaca' (Fig. 2c) (and 'Plastron Tail'; Fig. cold one. Although the two sex ratios are not signifi­ 2a) is positively correlated to carapace length in all size cantly different (Fisher exact test: P=0. 15; n=69) classes; in presumed males (higher cluster) this rel ation­ possibly due to the small sample size, we conservatively ship would just have a different degree. Hence, a sexing considered the cold period sex ratio more representative threshold for this measurement should be a size depend­ of the real one, which would be likely to be skewed to­ ent variable, and not a constant, otherwise large females wards females. would be wrongly diagnosed as males. On the contrary, This finding is apparently in contrast with unbiased it seems that 'Carapace Tail' (Fig. 2e) remains constant sex ratios recently reported by two studies on and 'Carapace Cloaca' (Fig. 2f) even decreases as size loggerhead turtle juveniles in the Mediterranean (Casale increases, except for presumed males, where it would & Freggi, in press; Lazar et al., in press), but this differ­ change in a positive relationship. So, using only one ence could be explained by male-biased juveniles threshold for the whole large size class would be appro­ coming fromthe Atlantic (Casale et al., 2002). priate with these two measures, which are so preferable to 'Plastron Cloaca' . Good candidates as sexing thresh­ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS olds are the values 5 and 0 cm for 'Carapace Tail' and The data here presented were collected thanks to the 'Carapace Cloaca' respectively (Figs. 2e, 2f), which in­ many individuals who participated in the "Progetto clude 99% of the immature size sample as well as all Tartarughe" (Univ. Roma/WWF Italy), and especially: known adult females of the sample. Moreover, 'Cara­ G. Gerosa (Chelon), M. Cocco, (WWF-Jtaly), A. Do­ pace Cloaca' seems to be preferable to 'Carapace Tail' minici and S. Nannarelli (Hydrosphera), A. Donato because of the considerations made above concerning (Universita di Messina). Special thanks to the many tail vs. cloaca, the negative correlation with size in fishermen who collaborated with the project. 148 P. CASALE ET AL.

REFERENCES Lim pus, C. 1. ( 1990). Puberty and first breeding in Caret/a caretta. In Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Workshop Argano, R. (1992). Sea turtles and monk seal in Italian seas: on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, 81-83. conservation and perspectives. Bollettino del Museo Richardson, T. H., Richardson, and Donnelly, M. dell'lstistuto di Biologia dell' Universita di Genova 56- J. I. (Compilers). Miami: NOAA Technical Memorandum 57, 113-135. NMFS-SEFC-278. Bolten, A. B. ( 1999). Techniques for measuring sea Margaritoulis, D., Argano, R., Baran, I., Bentivegna, F., turtles. In Research and Management Techniques fo r Bradai, M. N., Caminas, J.A., Casale, P., De Metrio, the Conservation of Sea Turtles, 110- 114. Eckert, K. G., Demetropoulos, A., Gerosa, G., Godley, B., L., Bjorndal, K. A., Abreu-Grobois, F. A. and Houghton, J., Laurent, L. & Lazar, B. 2003. Donnelly M. (Eds.). Washington, DC: IUCN/SSC Loggerhead turtles in the Mediterranean Sea: present Marine Turtle Sp ecialist Group Publication No. 4. knowledge and conservation perspectives. Jn Casale, P. & Freggi, D. (in press). Sex ratio of loggerhead Loggerhead Sea Turtles, 175-198. Bolten, A. B. & turtle (Caretta caretta) juveniles in the central Witherington B. (Eds.). Smithsonian Institution Press. Mediterranean through direct observation of gonads. Schroth, W., Streit, B. & Schierwater, B. (1996). In Proceedings of the Twenty-third Annual Symposium Evolutionary handicap for turtles. Nature 384, 521- on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Kuala 522. Lumpur, 17-21 March 2003. Miami: NOAA Technical Wibbels, T. ( l 999). Diagnosing the sex of sea turtles in Memorandum. foraging habitats. In Research and Management Casale, P., Gerosa, G., Argano, A., Barbaro, S. & Fontana, Techniques fo r the Conservation of Sea Turtles, l 39- G. (1998). Testosterone titers of immature loggerhead 143. Eckert, K. L., Bjorndal, K. A., Abreu-Grobois, F. sea turtles (Carella caretta) incidentally caught in the A. and Donnelly M. (Eds.). Washington, DC: IUCN/ Central Mediterranean: a preliminary sex ratio study. SSC Marine Turtle Specialist Group Publication No. 4. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 3, 90-93. Wibbels, T. (2003). Critical approaches to sex Casale, P., Laurent, L., Gerosa, G. & Argano, R. (2002). determination in sea turtles. In The Biology of Sea Molecular evidence of male-biased dispersal in Turtles, vol. 103-134. Lutz, P. L., Musick, J. A. and loggerhead turtle juveniles. Journal of Experimental II, Wyneken J. (Eds.). Boca Raton: CRC Press. Marine Biology and Ecology 267, 139-1 45. Zar, J. H. (1999). Biostatistical Analysis, Fourth edition. Hilton-Taylor, C. (2000). 2000 IUCN Red list of Upper Saddle River: Prentice-Hall Inc. threatened species. Gland: IUCN. Laurent, L., Casale, P., Bradai, M. N., Godley, B. J., Gerosa, G., Broderick, A. C., Schroth, W., Schierwater, B., Levy, A. M., Freggi, D., Abd El ­ Mawla, E. M., Hadoud, D. A., Gomati, H. E., Domingo, M., Hadjichristophorou, M., Kornaraky, L., Demirayak, F. & Gautier, Ch. ( 1998). Molecular resolution of marine turtle stock composition in fishery bycatch: a case study in the Mediterranean. Molecular Ecology 7, 1529-1 542. Lazar, B., Lackovic, G., Tvrtkovic, N. & Tomljenovic, A. (in press). Histology of gonads and preliminary sex ratios in juvenile loggerhead sea turtles, Carella caretta, in the eastern Adriatic Sea. Jn Proceedings of the Twenty-third Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Kuala Lumpur, I 7-21 March 2003. Miami: NOAA Technical Memorandum. Accepted: 27.7.04 HERPETOLOGICAL JOURNAL, Vol. 15, pp. 149-152 (2005)


1Zoological Institute, Department of Ecology, Mainz University, Germany

2Department of Ecology and Tropical Biology, Biocenter, Wiirzburg University, Germany

JZoology Department, University of the Western Cape, South Afr ica

A new large, green species of Leptopelis from the Monts de Cristal, north-western Gabon, is described. It is similar to the sympatric L. brevirostris. The most striking character to distinguish these two taxa is the absence of a tympanum in the new species in contrast to the presence of a tympanum in L. brevirostris.

Key words : Africa, Anura, Leptopelis brevirostris, systematics

INTRODUCTION well as to examine if a tympanum is hidden behind thickened skin, the holotype was dissected. We took Little is known about the from mostparts measurements with dial callipers (± 0.1 mm). The of westernCentral Africa (Poynton, 1999). Field surveys snout-vent length is abbreviated SVL. Drawings were by different workers at the Monts de Cristal, north-west­ done with the aid of a camera lucida, attached to a dis­ ern Gabon, revealed several new country records and secting microscope (Zeiss Stemi SV 6). Webbing species new to science. Currently, we are aware of about formulae follow the system used by Glaw & Vences 50 species of anurans from this region (Lotters et al., (1994). 2001; Rode) & Pauwels, 2003; unpubl. data). The genus A fingertip was removed as a tissue sample and used Leptopelis Gtinther, 1859 contains 49 recognized spe­ to sequence a 500 bp fragment of mitochondrial DNA, cies, spread out through most of sub-Saharan Africa as using the gene 16S rRNA gene. For methods used see far south as the eastern Cape Province in South Africa Lotters et al. (2004). (Frost, 2002). Our collections from the Monts de Cristal comprise six Leptopelis forms (see be­ DESCRIPTION low). One Leptopelis specimen, a large, green arboreal frog, is not assignable to any described species (e.g. LEPTOPELIS CRYSTALL/NORON SP. N. (FIGS. I; 2A,B,E,G,H) Perret, 1958, 1962, 1973; Laurent, 1973; Largen, 1977; LEPTOPELIS BREVIROSTRIS (NON WERNER, 1898): Amiet, 1991, 2001 ). This specimen is most similar to L. LOTTERS ET AL., 200 l : 3 2. brevirostris (Werner, 1898), a species also represented Holotype. ZFMK 73139 (field number SL 1061), in our collection from the Monts de Cristal. However, it adult female, in forest in the vicinity of the Barrage de differs in several characters from L. brevirostris, espe­ Tchimbele (ea. 0°37'N, 10°24'E; about 560 m above sea cially the absence (versus presence) of a tympanum. We level), Monts de Cristal, Gabon, 22 January 2000, M. thus regard it as a representative of a large Leptopelis Frankenstein, V. Gossmann, S. Lotters and F. Obame. species new to science. Diagnosis. An arboreal Leptopelis (sensu Schi0tz, MATERIAL AND METHODS 1999) resembling L. brevirostris, with (1) adult female SVL about 57 mm; (2) head wider than long; (3) eye We examined material from MHNG (Museum relatively large with horizontal eye diameter almost d'Histoire Naturelle, Geneve), IRSNB (Institut Royal twice the distance fromnostril to anterior corner of eye; des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, Brussels: field (4) dorsal snout shape truncate; (5) tympanum absent; numbers of O.S.G. Pauwels), RMCA (Royal Museum (6) dorsal skin granular; (7) foot webbing formulaas far for Central Africa,Tervuren), ZFMK (Zoologisches For­ as known I (0), 2i+e(Y2), 3i(J) 3e(Y2), 4i (1) 4e (Yi), 5(0), schungsinstitut und Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn), hand webbing formula 1(1V2), 2i(I) 2e(Y2), 3i+e(l), 4 ZMB (Zoologisches Museum der Humboldt-Univer­ (1 ); (8) well developed subarticular tubercles and tenni­ sitlit, Berlin) and MOR (research collection of M.-0. nal discs present on all toes and fingers; (9) colour in Rode!: field numbers ofO.S.G. Pauwels). Specimens in­ life dorsally brilliantly green with a few diffused tan to vestigated for comparison are listed in the Appendix. brown markings; no white spot present below eye (often The holotype of the new species was preserved in present in several other Leptopelis species); laterally 70% ethanol after taking colour slides for the lifecolour whitish-tan spots; ventrally creamy white, iris bronze description. To determine sex and reproductive status as with a black ring at periphery; (I 0) vomerine teeth mas­ sive and fused to U-shaped structure; (11) sequence a Correspondence: S. Uitters, Zoological Institute, Department of Ecology, Mainz University, Saarstrasse 21, 55099 Mainz, 500 bp fragment of the mitochondrial l 6S rRNA gene Germany. E-mail: loetters @uni-mainz.de as stored at GenBank (accession number A Y702652). 150 S. LOTTERS ET AL.

DESCRIPTION OF HOLOTYPE nostril to anterior corner of eye; pupil vertical; tympa­ num absent (Fig. 2a,b), not even hidden; absence from Adult female in non-reproductive state; body robust behind thickened skin confirmed by dissection; skin of (Fig. 1), head narrower than body and head width; snout all surfaces granular (except parts of inner leg and arm), appears truncate in dorsal view (Fig. 2b), and rounded in most prominently so at the angles of jaws, and on head lateral view (Fig. 2a); maxillary and vomerine teeth and flanks; hind limbs relatively long with tibia length present, the latter massive and fused to U-shaped struc­ reaching almost half SVL; foot webbing formula (0), ture (Fig. 2e); choanae rounded; tongue as long as wide, I 2i+e(Yi), 3i(l) 3e(Y ), 4i (1) 4e (1/ ), 5(0), all toes with free forabout half its length; nares lateral, visible from 2 2 lateral fringes; relative length of toes: I< II< V = III < dorsal view (Fig. 2a,b); canthus rostralis straight; loreal IV; outer metatarsal tubercle absent, inner well devel­ region slightly concave; eye relatively large with hori­ oped, ovoid; rest of sole tubercular; well developed zontal eye diameter almost twice the distance from subarticular tubercles at joints of most phalanges of toes, with most distal subarticular tubercle on toe IV and V each slightly bifid; tips of all toes with discs, each about 1.5 times wider than width of adjacent phalange; hand webbing formula 1(1Y2), 2i(l) 2e(Yi), 3i+e(l), 4 (1 ), all fingers with lateral fringes; relative length of fin­

gers: I < IV < II < III, Finger I < Finger II when adpressed; outer metacarpal tubercle absent, inner weak, rounded; rest of sole tubercular; well developed subarticular tubercles at joints of most phalanges of fin­ gers, with most distal subarticular tubercle on Finger III and IV each slightly bifid; tips of all fingers with discs, each about 1.5 times wider than width of adjacent phalange. FIG. I. Female holotype of Leptopelis crystallinoron in life ln life, the holotype (see Lotters et al., 2001: 31) was (ZFMK 731 39). Note absence of tympanum. Photo: V. overall brilliantly green dorsally and creamy white Gossmann. ventrally. Few diffusedtan to dark brown markings were present on the back, outer extremities and around the ( cloaca! region. Outer parts of feet and arm were whitish. The lower parts of the flanks had white spots. Discs on toes and fingers had a more clear green than the dorsum. The area around the nares was dark brown. Lips were pale. The iris was bronze with a black ring around it. ln a b preservative, all dorsal surfaces became brownish tan and all ventral surfaces brownish. Measurements (mm) and ratios. SVL, 56.9; head length from tip of snout to angle of jaws, 20.3; head width at angles of jaws, 25.3; interorbital distance, 7.4; distance between nares, 4.3; distance from nostril to an­ terior corner of eye, 4.3; horizontal eye diameter, 7 .2; tibia length, 25.2; foot length from tip of longest toe to proximal outer metatarsal tubercle, 24. l; hand length from tip of longest finger to proximal outer metacarpal tubercle, 17.2; head length/SVL, 0.4; head length/head width, 0.8; head width/SVL, 0.4; distance fromnostril to eye/eye diameter, 0.6; tibia length/SVL, 0.4. Etymology. The specific name is the Latinized form of the Greek words krystallinos, (=crystal) and oroon (= mountains), thus referring to the region in which the new species was found, the Monts de Cristal.

DISTRIBUTION AND ECOLOGY FIG. 2. Morphological aspects of Leptopelis crystallinoron (female holotype, ZFMK 731 39) and L. brevirostris (female, Leptopelis crystallinoron is known only from the MOR-P578): lateral and dorsal views of head of L. type locality in the central Monts de Cristal and thus crystallinoron (a, b) and L. brevirostris (c, d); position and falls within the recently declared Monts de Cristal Na­ shape of vomerine teeth in L. crystallinoron (e) and L. brevirostris (f), and ventral views of left hand (g) and foot (h) tional Park. The only specimen available was collected of L. crystallinoron Scale bar = l cm. in altered but good standing forest, while active at 1-3 m NEW LEPTOPELIS FROM GABON 151

above ground during night time. There was apparently holotype was empty and several anatomical adaptations no open water in close vicinity. Other species of to snail eating ( cf. Drewes & Roth, 1981) were absent. Leptopelis known from thesame general area include L. Leptopelis crystallinoron is likely to be endemic to aubryi (Dumeril, 1856), L. brevirostris, L. calcaratus the Monts de Cristal, firstly because it has not been re­ (Boulenger, 1906), L. millsoni (Boulenger, 1894) and L. corded from other regions despite several surveys, and rufus(Reichenow, 1874). secondly because the Monts de Cristal may represent a The female holotype contained numerous yellow regional centre of endemism (e.g. Cribb et al., 1989; ovarian eggs, not ready for oviposition. The stomach Sosef, 1994; Rode! & Pauwels, 2003; own unpubl. was empty. The rectum was completely filled with a data). Jn contrast, L. brevirostris is widely distributed in brown unidentifiable mass and also contained several southern Nigeria, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Ga­ (> 10) nematodes. bon, northern Republic of Congo and western Central African Republic (cf. Fretey & Blanc, 2000; Frost, DISCUSSION 2002). The characters that distinguish between members of the genus Leptopelis are life style, adult SVL, skin tex­ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ture, webbing, subarticular tubercles, colour and pattern The Centre national de Recherche et Technologie (e.g. Schi0tz, 1999). We add another character, the ab­ (CENAREST) of the Libreville University issued col­ sence versus presence of a tympanum. So far, L. lection and export permissions. We are especially crystallinoron is the only member of the genus in which grateful to H. Bourobou and P. Posso from the a tympanum is absent. In some East Africanspecies (e.g. Libreville University forthis support. Most valuable lo­ L. barbouri Ahl, 1929; L. karissimbensis Ahl, 1929; L. gistic support was provided by A. Kamdem Toham of parkeri Barbour & Loveridge, 1928; L. uluguruensis the WWF Ecoregion Program and J. N. Cavallero of Barbour & Loveridge, I 928) the tympanum may be very Societe d'Energie et d'Eaux du Gabon (SEEG). Field small and indistinct but not absent (Schi0tz, 1999). trips were shared with M. Frankenstein, V. Gossmann The new species can readily be distinguished from all and F. Obame. The 'Alexander Koenig Stiftung' at other known Leptopelis species by a combination of ZFMK kindly provided financial support to the field characters which include head wider than long, dorsal work by the senior author and colleagues. Support from snout shape truncate, tympanum absent, granular skin, the African Biodiversity Information Centre (ABIC) at foot well webbed, toe and fingerdiscs present and green RMCA (Royal Museum for Central Africa, Tervuren), dorsal colour in life ( cf. Schi0tz, 1999). Exceptions are through a framework agreement of the latter institution L. brevirostris from western Central Africa (see Pen-et with the Belgian Development Cooperation, enabled M. 1958) and L. brevipes Boulenger, 1906 from Bioko Burger to examine comparative material at RMCA. 0. probably a of L. brevirostris (Mertens, 1965, S. G. Pauwels (IRSNB) kindly made available material but see Frost, 2002). The most striking difference be­ collected by him in Gabon. We thank W. Bohme tween these two forms and L. crystallinoron is the (ZFMK), R. Gi.inther(Z MB), D. Meirte (RMCA) and A. presence (versus absence in L. crystallinoron) of a Schmitz (MHNG) for providing working possibilities in clearly distinct, obliquely placed tympanum (Fig. 2a-d). their respective collections. J. Kosuch (Mainz Univer­ We examined 45 specimens of L. brevirostris fromdif ­ sity) kindly ran the genetic analysis of the new species. ferent localities (see Appendix 1) scattered throughout its geographical range (cf. Frost, 2002) including the REFERENCES holotype and material from theMonts de Cristal in Ga­ bon (i.e. the region from which we here describe L. Amiet, J.-L. ( 1991 ). Un Leptopelis meconnu de la faune crystallinoron). In all of them, the tympanum was well forestiere camerounaise (Amphibia, Anura, developed. In addition, L. brevirostris appeared to be Hyperoliidae). Alytes 9, 89-102. more slender with a less granular dorsum. Another strik­ Amiet, J .-L. (2001). Un nouveau Leptopelis de la zone ing difference was the completely different shape of forestiere camerounaise (Amphibia, Anura, vomerine teeth (Fig. 2e,f). However, more material Hyperoliidae). Alytes 19, 29-44. needs to be examined (especially of L. crystallinoron) to Cribb, P. J., Van der Laan, F. M. & Arends, J. C. (1989). confirmthe latter differences. Two new species of Orchidaceae from West Africa. A comparison of sequences each of a 500 bp frag­ Kew Bulletin 44, 479-483. ment of mitochondrial DNA of the 16S rRNA gene of Drewes, R. C. & Roth, B. (1981). Snail-eating from the new species and L. brevirostris (ZFMK 72065, the Ethiopian highlands: a new anuran specialization. GenBank accession number AF2 I 544 7), revealed that Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 73, 267- they are closely related. The samples compared differed 287. in 14 bp, which equals a substitution level of 2.8 %. Frost, D. R. (2002). Amphibian species of the World: an Leptopelis brevirostris is believed to be a snail-feed­ online reference, Y2.21 (15 July 2002). New York: ing specialist (Perret, 1966), and so might be L. The American Museum of Natural History. Web crystallinoron as is suggested by the presence of mas­ Document: http:!/research .amnh.org/herpetology/ sive fused vomerine teeth. However, the stomach of the amphibia/index.html (inquiry date: 10 March 2004). 152 S. LOTTERS ETAL.

Glaw, F. & Vences, M. (1994). A fi eldguide to the Rode!, M.-0. & Pauwels, 0. S. G. (2003). A new amphibians and reptiles of Madagascar. Second Leptodactylodon species from Gabon (Amphibia: edition. Cologne: Vences & Glaw Verlag. Anura: Astylosternidae). Salamandra 39, 139-148. Fretey, T. & Blanc, T. C. (2000). Les amphibiens d'Afrique Schi1Z1tz, A. (1999). Treefrogs of Africa. Frankfurt/Main: Centrale. Libreville: ADIE. Chimaira. Largen, M. J. (1977). The status of the genus Leptopelis Sosef, M. S. M. (1994). Studies in Begoniaceae V. Refuge (Amphibia Anura Hyperoliidae) in Ethiopia, including Begonias. , phylogeny and historical descriptions of two new species. Monitore zoologico biogeography of Begonia sect. Loasibegonia and sect. italiano, N.S. Suppl. 9, 85-136. Scutobegonia in relation to glacial rain forest refuges Laurent, R. F. (1973). Le genre Leptopelis Gunther in Africa. Wageningen Agricultural University Papers

(Salientia) au Zaire. Musee royal d'Afrique Centrale, 94-1 (1994), i-xv + 1-306 + 8 pl. Serie IN-8, Science zoologique, 202, 1-62. Loiters, S., Gossmann, V., Obame, F. & Bohme, W. (2001). Zur Herpetofauna Gabuns. Tei! I: Einleitung, U ntersuchungsgebiet und Methodik, kommentierte Artenliste der gefundenen Froschlurche. Herpetofauna 23, 19-34. Accepted : 1.10.04 Lotters, S., Rotich, D., Scheelke, K., Schick, S., Teege, P., Kosuch, J. & Veith, M. (2004): Bio-sketches and partitioning of syntopic reed frogs, genus Hyperolius (Amphibia: Hyperoliidae), in two humid tropical African forest regions. Journal of Natural History 38, 1969-1997. Mertens, R. (1965). Die Amphibien von Fernando Poo. Bonner zoologische Beitriige 16, 14-29. Perret, J.-L. (1958). Observations sur des rainettes africaines du genre Leptopelis Gunther. Revue Suisse APPENDIX l de Zoologie 65, 259-275. Perret, J.-L. (1962). Revision des types de Leptopelis et SPECIMENS EXAMINED FOR COMPARISONS note sur quelques Hyperolius (Amphibia Salientia) de Leptopelis brevirostris (45 specimens) Ja region camerounaise, conserves au Museum de GABON: MHNG 2214.14-15, Makokou; IRSNP Berlin. Revue zoologique botanique africaine 64, 235- P757, Tchimbele, Monts de Christal; IRSNB P662, 246. Moudouma, Massif du Chaillu; MOR P578, Itsiba, Mas­ Perret, J.-L. (1966). Les amphibiens du Cameroun. sif du Chaillu. Zoologisches Jahrbuch (Systematik) 8, 289-464 CAMEROON: MHNG 1545.77, 1545.92, Yaounde; Perret, J.-L. (1973). Leptopelis palmatus (Peters) et ZFMK 61305-311, 61313, Mt. Cameroon; MHNG Leptopelis rufu s (Reichenow) (Amphibia Salientia): 1545.86, Mt. Manengouba; MHNG 1545.80-85, deux especes distincte. Annales de la Faculte des Nkondjock; MHNG 1545.90-9 1, Ototomo; MHNG Sciences du Cameroun 15-16, 81-90. 1545.89, Njazeng; MHNG 2094.23, Nlong; MHNG Poynton, J. C. (1999). Distribution of amphibians in sub­ 1545.78-79, 1545.87, Yungue; MHNG 1545.88, ZFMK Saharan Africa, Madagascar, and Seychelles. In 1906, Kribi; MHNG 953.25-26, 993.54-60, Foulassi; Patterns of distribution of amphibians. A global RMCA 77-32B-4, SE Cameroon; RMCA 73-1 8-B-55, perspective, 483-539. Duellman, W. E. (Ed.). Eboga River, Nyona; ZMB 13913 (holotype), Victoria; Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins. ZFMK 72065-066, no exact data. HERPETOLOGICAL JOURNAL, Vol. 15, pp. 153-157 (2005)



Museum of Natural History, Humboldt-University of Berlin, Germany

In the Comoe National Park in Ivory Coast, West Africa, tadpoles of the microhylid frog Phrynomantis microps often stay in large and densely packed aggregations near the water surface of savanna ponds. Previous studies have shown that aggregation behaviour was initiated by the presence of visually guided aquatic predators. In the present study, I investigated how efficiently

aggregation of P. microps tadpoles reduces the risk of predation. l used an experimental design to count the number of attacks by predators on P. microps tadpole at different densities and distributions. The total strike rate ofpredators was significantly lower when P. microps tadpoles were aggregated than wh�n they were randomly distributed. However, per capita strikes rate did not differ between treatments. Further replicate trials might have detected benefits to the individual tadpole from aggregating. Key words: anti-predation behaviour, anurans, dilution effect, social behaviour

INTRODUCTION visual detection of the predator or by chemical cues (Rodel & Linsenmair, 1997). Each tadpole in such an of many species live together in groups for aggregation floated nearly motionless until disturbed the whole life span or, more often, for a particular pe­ by a predator attack. Then, all tadpoles quickly dis­ riod. Group members may experience increased persed, triggered by initial swimming activity from a foraging efficiency (Beiswenger, 1975), prevention of few tadpoles close to the centre of the disturbance. desiccation (Heinen, 1993) , increased reproduction pos­ In this study, I used an experimental design to inves­ sibilities (Ryan et al., 1981) or reduced risk of predation P. microps (Hamilton, 1971; Bertram, 1978; Pulliam and Caraco, tigate how efficiently the aggregation of tadpoles reduces the risk of being preyed upon. The de­ 1984). There are three different ways in which grouping sign was chosen to test only the dilution hypothesis. may help to reduce rates of successful attack by preda­ tors. The dilution effect is a numerical phenomenon with METHODS the result that in a larger group an individual has a lower risk of being taken (Foster & Treherne, 1981; Turner & STUDY AREA

Pitcher, 1986; Coster-Longman et al. 2002). The confu­ The study area is situated in the Guinean savanna of sion effect provides safety by increasing the number of Comoe National Park (8°5'-9°6' N, 3°1 '-4°4' W) in the capture mistakes by predators against a larger group size north-eastern part of the Ivory Coast (West Africa). of the prey (Milinsk.i,19 79; Landeau & Terborgh, 1986; This region is characterized by distinct wet and dry sea­ Krakauer, 1995). The Trafalgar effect reduces risk of sons, with a mean annual precipitation between 750 and predation in groups by cooperative behaviours of the 1100 mm during 1994 and 2001 (measurements of the prey such as abrupt changes in speed of movement or research camp in Comoe National Park). The core dry rapid disappearance of the aggregation after only a few period, lasting from December to February, usually members of the group detect a predator (Treherne & lacks precipitation. Most bodies of water in the study Foster, 1981). area are ephemeral ponds that always dry up in the dry Numerous studies have shown that one or more of season. Phrynomantis microps breeding ponds do not these three effects are responsible for the aggregation usually fillbefore April or May. behaviour in any particular species, but only a few ex­ perimental studies have quantified the individual STUDY ANIMAL survival rate of prey coITesponding to their distribution Phrynomantis microps Peters, 1875 is a medium­ pattern (e.g. Watt et al., 1997). sized microhylid frog of the West African savanna. In the Comoe National Park, West Africa, Breeding occurs throughout the rainy season in ephem­ Phrynomantis microps tadpoles form aggregations near eral savanna ponds (Rode!, 2000). The tadpoles are the surface of ephemeral savanna ponds (Rodel & barely pigmented and thus very translucent (ROdel & Linsenmair, 1997; Spieler, 2003). Previous experiments Spieler, 2000). They are suspension feeders with a spe­ in containers with clear water demonstrated that the ag­ cialized filter apparatus. gregation behaviour of P. microps tadpoles was only shown while predators were present and was induced by GENERAL METHODS

Correspondence: M. Spieler, Museum of Natural History, I conducted the experiments in the research camp in Humboldt-University, Invalidenstr. 43, 10115 Berlin, Comoe National Park between 1-15 August 1999. I Germany. E-mail: [email protected] used a transparent plexiglass floatingarena (35 x 20 x 4 154 M. SPIELER cm) with 40 compartments to quantify the strike rate of species stayed motionless on the bottom of the container predators presented with different tadpole densities and most of the time, sometimes forover one hour. distributions. Each compartment (4.9 x 3.3 x 4.0 cm) I counted an attack of a predator against the experi­ was large enough to allow 10 medium sized P. microps mental tadpoles as one strike if it touched the bottom of tadpoles to maintain tadpole-tadpole distances similar to the floating arena. To discriminate an attack from other that measured in large aggregations of more than I 00 in­ rare behaviours in which predators touched the bottom dividuals from natural ponds. Standard capped plastic of the arena (e.g. swimming to the water surface to swal­ vials used for 35 mm fi lm were attached to two sides for low air), I defined the following behavioural sequences buoyancy. This arrangement was similar to that used by as an attack: (1) if a Hoplobatrachus occipitalis larvae Watt et al. (1997). The arena was floated in green plastic swam from the ground of the container directly to a P. containers ( 45 x 35 x 25 cm) that were filled to a depth microps tadpole, turnedon its back and touched with an of 8 cm with clear water from rock pools and savanna open mouth the transparent base of the floating arena ponds. that physically separated the predator from the experi­ I used carnivorous tadpoles of Hoplobatrachus oc­ mental tadpole. After the unsuccessful attack the cipitalis and killifish Nothobranchus kiyawensis of predatory tadpole sank back to the bottom, (2) if a P. similar size as predators. Both predator species are natu­ microps tadpole was detected, the killifishstraightened ral predators of P. microps tadpoles and show a similar up in a sloping position and swam very slowly towards bunting strategy. This made it possible to use both the prey. Thereby, the predator compensated all move­ predators together in the experiments in view of the very ments of the tadpole by concomitant changes of low abundance of both predator species during the study direction during its approach until it touched the base of period. The predators were kept in a large aquarium 24 the arena below the tadpole. hr before the experiment started and were fed with mos­ At the end of each trial I obtained the number of quito larvae. The feeding did not occur ad lib so that the strikes of the two predators against the I to 10 prey-tad­ predators reacted with the same intensity to the addition poles in different distribution patterns. The mean per of new mosquito larvae. One carnivorous tadpole and capita strike rate was calculated by dividing this number one killifish were chosen randomly and transferred to by the number of tadpoles that were present in that trial. each of six containers 10 hr before I presented the arena To test for statistical differences between numbers of to the predators. I never saw any kind of interaction be­ strikes depending on different densities and distribu­ tween the predatory tadpole and fi sh. tions of tadpoles, data from treatments l to 5 were The experimental herbivorous P. microps tadpoles I compacted and calculated by a one way repeated meas­ used bad a snout-vent length of 6.0-9.4 mm and were at ure ANOVA (StalView 5.0 for Macintosh). developmental stages 25-36 (Gosner, 1960). These tad­ The P. microps tadpoles did not react to the preda­ poles were netted in one savanna pond and kept together tors' attacks. They were never injured and showed no in one aquarium 24 br before the experiment started. signs of distress. In correspondence with the behaviour They were fed with a suspension of algae. of this tadpole species in natural ponds, experimental Each of the 13 experiments involved testing six trials tadpoles stayed motionless most of the time fl oating on in succession during a single day. The floating arena was the water surface of their compartment. From this posi­ placed into one of the six containers and the P. microps tion there was a distance of about 3 cm to the bottom of tadpoles were pipetted into the arena according to one of the container and therefore from the predator if it the following treatments: (I) one tadpole, randomly touched the base of the arena. Obviously, the visual rec­ placed in the arena; (2) five tadpoles, each in one com­ ognition of a predator's attack alone seems insufficient partment; (3) fi ve tadpoles, together in one to initiate a flight reaction in P. microps tadpoles. compartment; (4) 10 tadpoles, each in one compartment; At the end of the experiments all tadpoles and fi shes (5) 10 tadpoles, together in one compartment; (6) no were returned to their natural pools. tadpoles. The compartments used in each arrangement RESULTS were chosen randomly. Transferring I 0 tadpoles took 2- 3 min. After recording, the arena was cleaned, placed In control trials (treatment 6) where no tadpoles were into the next container and another set of tadpoles were placed in the arena, no predator attacks were recorded. transferred using the arrangement described above. The These trials, which were meant to serve as a baseline, sequence of allocation was assigned randomly. were thus omitted fromthe analysis. After an acclimation period of 10 min with the preda­ The total number of strikes towards the arena differed tors, I recorded in each trial the number of strikes the between experimental treatments (ANOVA: F =10.4, 4•48 predators made against the experimental tadpoles, mak­ P<0.001). Fischer's PLSD posthoc tests show that the ing observations froma 45° angle above the arena over a total strike rate of predators towards tadpoles that were 10 min period. This observer position allowed me to see isolated in separate compartments increased with the to­ through the arena with the experimental tadpoles to the tal number of tadpoles in the arena (Fig. 1, Table I). For base of the container where the predators were con­ aggregated tadpoles, however, no significant density ef­ tained. Without the presence of prey, both predator fect was seen between the two treatments (Fig. 1, Table AGGREGATION BEHAVIOUR OF PHR YNOMANTIS MICROPS 155

TABLE I. Results of the posthoc test for differences between larger groups are more likely to be detected by a preda­ numbers of strikes towards the arena in dependence on the tor and are more attractive than smaller ones (Siegfried different densities and distributions of tadpoles. & Underhill, 1975; Watt & Chapman, 1998). The key

Fisher's PLSD: total strike rate Mean. diff. p factor seems not to be aggregation size per se, but the stronger movements in larger groups (Krause & Godin, 1 vs. 5 aggregated -1.15 0.45 1995). Models that combine the encounter effect with 1 vs. 5 random -2.85 0.06 the counteracting dilution effect indicate that protection 1 vs. 10 aggregated -2.15 0.16 against predators or parasites is provided when the

1 vs. I 0 random -6.08 0.0002 probability of detection of a group does not increase in 5 random vs. 5 aggregated 1.69 0.27 proportion to the increase in group size (Turner & 5 random vs. 10 random -3.23 0.04 Pitcher, 1986; Wrona & Dixon, 1991; Mooring & Hart, 5 aggregated vs. 10 aggregated -1.00 0.51 1992). Evidence of such antagonistic relations between 10 random vs. 10 aggregated 3.92 0.01 encounter and dilution effects is given for some species (Duncan & Vigne, 1979; Foster & Treherne, 1981; 1). Most notably, the posthoc test revealed that fewer Cresswell, 1994 ). attacks were directed towards the arena when ten tad­ Jn correspondence with the combined models, I poles were clumped in one compartment than when ten found increasing total strike rates of predators with in­ tadpoles were randomly distributed in different com­ creasing density of prey tadpoles, but also a significant partments. difference in total strike rate of predators between Analyzing the per capita strike rates (Fig. 2) by clumped and randomly distributed tadpoles at high ANOV A, there was no statistical difference between the equivalent densities (Fig. 1). Thus, highly aggregated five treatments (F =0.95, P=0.44). 4.48 tadpoles were less often attacked than the same number of randomly distributed tadpoles. DISCUSSION The risk of being preyed upon for an individual tad­ The present study demonstrates that larger groups are pole did not differ significantly between clumped and more frequently attacked by predators than smaller random distributions. However, the low statistical ones. This is consistent with the encounter effect where power warrants caution for this conclusion, and the ac-

--0- random distribution 1.5 --0- random distribution ---- <>- - -- clumped distribution - - - - <>- - -- clumped distribution


0 0

- r·------· 1 l -

-<> 0 5 10 0 5 10 Number of tadpoles Number of tadpoles

FIG. 1. Relationship between the mean number of total FIG. 2. Relationship between the mean number of per capita strikes of the predators towards the arena and the number of strikes of the predators towards the arena and the number of tadpoles present (either aggregated in one compartment or tadpoles present (either aggregated in one compartment or randomly distributed across the 40 compartments). Standard randomly distributed across the 40 compartments). Standard deviations are given as either positive or negative error bars. deviations are given as either positive or negative error bars. Each point represents the mean of 13 observations. Each point represents the mean of 13 observations. 156 M. SPIELER

tual data (Fig. 2) suggest that more replicate trials might thank the Ministre des Eaux et Forests and the Ministre have detected benefitsto the individual tadpole from ag­ de la Recherche Scientifique, Republique de Cote gregating. d 'lvoire forgranting the research permit for doing field The advantage for aggregated P. microps tadpoles is work in the Pare National de Ja Comoe. probably not simply a result of the dilution effect but, additionally, might be caused by the particular foraging REFERENCES behaviour of the predators. The hunting strategy of both Beiswenger, R. E. ( 1975). Structure and function in the predators used can be classified as a sit-and-wait aggregations of tadpoles of the american toad, Bufo strategy. These predators mostly Jay motionless on the americanus. Herpetologica 31, 222-233. base of the container and moved only occasionally and Bertram, B. J. R. (1978). Living in groups: predators and slowly through the water. The translucent tadpoles prey. In Behavioral Ecology: an Evolutionary swimming on the water surface can only be detected by Approach, 64-96. Krebs, J. R. & Davies, N. B. (Eds). predators at a short distance. The probability of reaching Sunderland, Mass.: Sinauer Associates. such a distinct area in which a predator can detect one Coster-Longman, C., Landi, M. & Turillazzi, S. (2002). single tadpole or one dense aggregation depends on the The role of passive defense (selfish herd and dilution intensity of the predator movements. For example, the effect) in the gregarious nesting of Liostenogaster chance for a sit-and-wait predator staying in a pond with wasps (Vespidae, Hymenoptera, Stenogastrinae). two prey tadpoles to detect one of these tadpoles when Journalof Behavior 15, 331 -350. they were randomly distributed is much higher than to Cresswell, W. (1994). Flocking is an effective anti­ detect these two tadpoles when they are in a group. By predation strategy in redshanks, Tringa totanus. contrast, the chance for highly mobile predators to de­ Animal Behaviour 47, 433-442. tect one of two randomly distributed tadpoles or these Cresswell, W., Lind, J., Kaby, U., Quinn, J. L. & two tadpoles when they are in a group seems to be nearly Jakobsson, S. (2003). Does an opportunistic predator the same. This applied especially if tadpole species are preferentially attack nonvigilant prey? Animal less conspicuous and if the attractiveness of an aggrega­ Behaviour 66, 643-648. tion increased to a lesser extent than the increase in Duncan, P. & Vigne, N. (I979). The effect of group size in group size. horses on the rate of attacks by blood-sucking flies. As most potential tadpole predators in the savanna Animal Behaviour 27, 623-625. ponds of the study area are sit-and-wait predators Foster, W. A. & Treherne, J. E. (1981). Evidence for the (Rode!, 1998), this hunting strategy provides an addi­ dilution effect in the selfish herd from fish predation tional incentive for P. microps tadpoles to form large on a marin insect. Nature 295, 466-467. aggregations under high predation pressure. The impor­ Gasner, K. L. (1960). A simple table for staging anuran tance of the hunting strategy of predator species on the embryos and larvae with notes on identification. survival rate of aggregated prey and thus on the con­ Herpewlogica 16, 183-190. straints for prey to aggregate in the presence of Hamilton, W. D. (197 1). Geometry for the selfish herd. predators with a defined foraging strategy has been Journal Th eoretical Biology 31, 295-3 I 1. pointed out in different studies (Panish, I 993; Heinen, J. T. ( 1993 ). Aggregation of newly Cresswell et al. 2003). metamorphosed Bufo americanus: tests of two Furthermore, as the investigated predators of P. hypotheses. Canadian Journalof Zoology 71, 334-338. microps tadpoles visually orient towards - and attack - Krakauer, D. C. (1995). Groups confuse predators by individual prey items, they may be subject to the exploiting perceptual bottlenecks: a connectionist confusion effect (Neill & Cullen, I 974). This probably model of the confusion effect. Behavioral Ecology and leads to a further advantage of being aggregated in this Sociobiology 36, 421 -429. species but was not quantified in this study. Likewise, it Krause, J. & Godin, J.-G. J. (1995). Predator preferences is to be expected that the Trafalgareffect plays an im­ for attacking particular prey group sizes: portant role as an anti-predator strategy. This was Consequences for predator hunting success and prey indicated by the observed rapid synchronous flight reac­ predation risk. Animal Behaviour 50, 465-473. tions of P. microps tadpoles to dissolve aggregations Landeau, L. & Terborgh, J. (1986). Oddity and the once attacked by the predator H. occipitalis and by the "confusion effect" in predation. Animal Behaviour 34, ascertained sensitivity towards conspecific alarm sub­ 1372-1380. stances (Rode] & Linsenmair, 1997). Milinski, M. (1979). Can an experienced predator overcome the confusion of swarming prey more easily? ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Animal Behaviour 27, 1122-1 126.

l thank T. U. Grafe, S. Boll, A. G. Nicieza, Rodel, Mooring, M. S. & Hart, B. L. (1992). Animal grouping for M.-0. and one anonymous referee for valuable com­ protection from parasites: selfish herd and encounter­ ments on an earlier draft of the manuscript and K. Mody dilution effects. Behaviour 123, I 73-193. for the identification of the killifish.This study was sup­ Neill, S. R. S. J. & Cullen, J. M. (1974). Experiments on ported by the Volkswagen-Stiftung (AZ 1/64 102). I whether schooling by their prey affects the hunting AGGREGATION BEHAVIOUR OF PHR YNOMANTIS MICRO PS 157

behaviour of cephalopods and fish predators. Journal Treherne, J. E. & Foster, W. A. (1981). Group of Zoology (London) 172, 549-569. transmission of predator avoidance behaviour in a Parrish, J. K. (1993). Comparison of the hunting behavior marine insect: the Trafalgar effect. Animal Behaviour of four piscine predators attacking schooling prey. 29' 911-917. Ethology 95, 233-246. Turner, G. F. & Pitcher, T. J. (1986). Attack abatement: a Pulliam, H. R. & Caraco, T. (1984). Living in groups: is model for group protection by combined avoidance there an optimal group size? In Behavioural ecology: and dilution. The American Naturalist 128, 228-240. an Evolutionary Approach, 2nd edn., 122-147. Krebs, Watt, P. J. & Chapman, R. (1998). Whirligig beetle J. R. & Davies, N. B. (Eds). Oxford: Blackwell aggregations: what are the costs and the benefi ts? Scientific Publications. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 42, 179-184. Rode!, M.-0. ( 1998). Kaulquappengesellschaften Watt, P. J., Nottingham, S. F. & Young, S. (1997). Toad

ephemerer Savannengewasser 111 Westafrika. tadpole aggregation behaviour: evidence for predator Frankfurt, Chimaira. avoidance function. Animal Behaviour 54, 865-872. Rode!, M.-0. (2000). Herpetofauna of West Africa, Vol. I Wrona, F. J. & Dixon, R. W. J. (1991). Group size and Amphibians of the West African savanna. Frankfurt: predation risk: a field analysis of encounter and Chimaira. dilution effects. The American Naturalist 137, 186- Rode!, M.-0. & Linsenmair, K. E. (1997). Predator 201. induced swarms in the tadpoles of an African savannah frog, Phrynomantis microps. Ethology 103, 902-914. Rode!, M.-0. & Spieler, M. (2000). Trilingual keys to the savannah-anurans of the Comoe-Nationalpark, Ivory Coast. Stuttgarter Beitriige zur Naturkunde Serie A 620, 1-31. Ryan, M. J., Tuttle, M. D. & Taft, L. K. (1981). The cost and benefits of frog chorusing behavior. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 8, 273-278. Siegfried, W. R. & Underhill, L. G. ( 1975). Flocking as an anti-predator strategy in doves. Animal Behaviour 23, 504-508. Spieler, M. (2003). Risk of predation affects aggregation size: a study with tadpoles of Phrynomantis microps (Anura: ). Animal Behaviour 65, 179- 184. Accepted: 1.10.04 158 HERPETOLOGICAL JOURNAL, Vol. 15, pp. 159-165 (2005)



1Departamento de Ciencias Ecol6gicas, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 653, Santiago, Chile

2Banco Base de Germoplasma, Sub-Centro Experimental de Vicuna, Jnstituto de Jn vestigaciones Agropecuarias, Chile

3/nstituto de Nutrici6n y Tecnologfa de los Alimentos, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile

4/nstituto de Ciencias Biomedicas, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile

The description of a new species of , from Los Queules National Reserve (35° 59' S, 72° 41' W) adds a new endemic taxon to the fauna oftelmatobines (Amphibia, Leptodactylidae) of Chile, and extends the geographical distribution of the genus approximately 200 km to the north. The morphological description of the new species includes a karyotype description and molecular data of the mtDNA 12S gene. Chromosome and molecular evidence supports the assignment of the new species to Eupsophus, allowing comparisons with congeneric and other lower telmatobine species. The diploid number of the new species is 2n=30 and it presents the

chromosomal XY system of chromosomal sex determination. It differs from E. vertebra/is and E. emiliopugini (both 2n=28) and groups with E. calcaratus, E. contulmoensis, E. roseus, E. nahuelbutensis, E. insularis and E. migueli (211=30), the last two species also with morphologically

differentiated XY chromosomes. This new endemic species reinforces the importance of Los Queules Natural Reserve as a unique reservoir of the biota of Maulino Forest, central Chile. Key words: Anura, frog, taxonomy, karyotypes, mitochondrial DNA

INTRODUCTION distribution of the genus. The nearest record for an Eupsophus species is E. roseus, at Cordillera de The Chilean amphibian fauna is not species-rich, but Nahuelbuta (Veloso & Navarro, 1988; Nunez et al., highly endemic, with 75% of the species restricted to the 1999). Further examination of the specimens from country (Formas, 1995). This fact ntight partially reflect Trehualemu, including karyotypic and molecular data, the incomplete knowledge of Chilean biodiversity revealed that they belong to an hitherto undescribed spe­ (Simonetti, 2001 ). In fact, new distributional records cies of Eupsophus. Here, we describe this new taxon. and new species of amphibians are described frequently, suggesting this fauna is yet to be fully assessed (e.g. MATERIALS AND METHODS Cuevas & Formas, 2002). Ongoing sampling of fauna at the coastal Maulino Twelve specimens of the new species were collected forest of central Chile near Trehualemu, (including the at night, deposited at the Departamento de Biologfa Reserva Nacional Los Queules; 35°59'S -72°41' W; 73 71 Fig. 1), nearby forest remnants, and the surrounding commercial pine plantations (Pinus radiata) have re­ vealed several new taxa for the region, including over 35 35' 20 species of epigean coleopterans, three species of z small mammals, one lizard and one snake previously un­ � recorded for this latitude. All these species were (..) 0 previously known to have their northernmost limit more (..) than 200 km south of Reserva Nacional Los Queules u:: [5 • (Grez, et al., 2003; Rubio et al. , in press; Saavedra & et Simonetti, 2000, 2001; Simonetti, 2001). CH I LE Among amphibians, we have recorded the presence of two species ofleptodactylids, belonging to the genera 37 Eupsophus and Alsodes. The presence of Eupsophus at 37 Trehualemu represents a significant extension of the 50 Km

73 71 Correspondence: A. Veloso, Departamento de Ciencias Eco16gicas, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile, FIG. 1. Map of the type locality of Eupsophus queulensis. Casilla 653, Santiago, Chile. E-mail: [email protected] RN denotes Reserva Nacional Los Queules. 160 A. VELOSO ET AL.

Celular y Genetica, Universidad de Chile (DBGUCH), Kimura two-parameter distances (Kimura, 1980). Internal and later compared to congeneric species (E. roseus, E. support for each node was evaluated through calcaratus, E. migueli, E. nahuelbutensis, E. insularis, bootstraping (1,000 replicates). E. contulmoensis, E. vertebra/is and E. emiliopugini) with regard to external morphology, patterns of col ora­ RESULTS tion and karyotypes (Nunez, 2003). In adult specimens DESCRIPTION OF A NEW SPECIES OF EVPSOPHUS of both sexes and unsexed juveniles the followingmeas­ Eupsophus queulensis, new species urements were taken: snout-vent length (SVL), head Ranita de Los Queules width at the mid-tympanic level (HW), head length Los Queules frog (HL), from the snout tip to posterior margin of the tym­ Holotype. MNHNC 3798, adult male, collected by panic membrane, tympanic diameter (TD), distance A. Veloso and K. Busse, on November 2003, at the east between the anterior edge of the eye opening to the pos­ edge of Reserva Nacional Los Queules, 71 km W terior edge of the nostrils (ON), eye diameter (ED), Cauquenes, coastal mountain range of the Costa, VII shortest distance between the eyes at the upper part of Maule Region (35° 59' S, 72° 41' W) at 450 elevation, the head (IOD), tibia length (TL), distance between nos­ m Chile (Fig. 2-3). trils (IN), distance from the nostrils to the tip of the snout (NH). All measurements were taken with a digital caliper to the nearest 0.01 mm. The holotype and type series were subsequently transferred to the Museo Nacional de Historia Natural in Santiago (MNHNC), in accordance with Chilean regulations.


Two adult specimens, male MNHNC 3790 and fe­ male MNHNC 3793, were injected with colchicine 1 %. Chromosomes were obtained from the intestinal epithe­ lium, cornea and testicles. Intestinal and testicle tissues were subjected to a hypotonic treatment with distilled water and fixed in acetic acid 50%. Squash was per­ formedafter fixation. Corneaprepar ations were obtained by subjecting the eyes to hypotonic treatment with dis­ tilled water, and then fixing them in vapours of 100% of acetic acid (Bogart, 1973). The identification of homolo­ gous chromosomes was carried out determining the position of the centromeres and measuring the chromo­ somes with Micromeasurer 3.3 (Reeves & Tear, 2000). Chromosome terminology followsLevan et al. , ( 1964 ).

MOLECULAR MARKERS FIG. 2. Holotype of Eupsophus queulensis. Male MNHNC Sequence of the l 2S gene of mtDNA of Eupsophus 3798. sp. was compared to putative congenerics Eupsophus vertebra/is (DBGUCH 3342), E. calcaratus (DBGUCH 2904) and other closely related species of lower telmatobines (Leptodactylidae): Batrachyla taeniata (DBGUCH 2943), Te lmatobius marmoratus (DBGUCH 3384) and Caudiverbera caudiverbera (DBGUCH 3028). DNA was extracted using the phe­ nol-chloroform method (Sambrook et al., 1989). Primers L 1091 and H 1478 were used for PCR amplifications,after Kocher et al., ( 1989). PCR products were purifiedusing QIAgen and sequenced in ABI Prism 3100. Sequences were revised with CHROMAS (McCarthy, 1998) and BIOEDIT (Hall, 1999). All sequences were submitted to GenBank (accession numbers A Y5788 l 7 -AY578822). Phylogenetic relationships were inferred through PAUP*4.0b8a (Swofford, 2002) and MEGA (Molecu­ lar Evolutionary Genetic Analysis, version 1.2; Kumar et al., 2001 ). Analyses were carried out using Maximum FIG. 3. Variations in the coloration pattern of Eupsophus Parsimony (MP) and Neighbour Joining (NJ), using queulensis. TABLE 1. Eupsophus queulensis sp. nov. Morphometric data of the type series (mean, SD and range), and rnorphometric data offemales and juveniles (all data in mm; see codes in methods).

Character Adult Holotype Paratypes Mean±SD Females Mean±SD Juveniles Mean±SD

range Code 3798 3787 3788 3789 3790 3791 3792 3793 3794 3795 3796 3797

SVL 34.00-47 .30 39.8 37.20 37.85 40.60 34.00 41.65 39.70 38.69±2.57 45.50 47 .30 46.40±1.27 26.60 25.70 29.50 27.27±1.99 HW 14.70-18.60 15.75 14.70 16.00 16.15 15.25 17.00 15.75 15.80±0.72 18.40 18.60 18.50±0.14 10.45 9.45 11.60 10.50±1 .08

HL 13.30-16.70 15.40 14.65 13.30 14.60 15.10 13.5 15.35 14.56±0.85 16.25 16.70 16.48±0.32 8.45 7.45 7.9 957.95±0.50 TD 2.05-3.00 2.45 2.25 2.05 2.60 2.30 2.15 3.00 2.40±0.32 2.25 2.50 2.38±0.18 1.20 1.30 1.35 1.28±0.08 ON 2.10-2.95 2.30 2.95 2.50 2.20 2.10 2.25 2.50 2.40±0.28 2.65 2.55 2.60±0.07 1.75 1.20 1.90 1.62±0.37 ED 4.80-6.56 5.50 5.20 4.55 5.40 4.80 5.40 6.35 5.31±0.57 6.20 6.56 6.38±0.25 4.75 3.45 4.4 04.20±0.67 IOD 3.45-4.50 3.85 4.05 3.70 3.90 4.00 3.45 4.25 3.89±0.26 4.44 4.50 4.47±0.04 2.95 2.70 2.95 2.87±0.14 TL 20.55-25.05 20.60 20.80 20.65 20.55 21.60 22.55 21.90 21.24±0.79 25.05 25.05 25.05±0.00 14.35 15.60 16.75 15.57±1.20 ::i> z IN 3.50-4.70 3.70 3.70 3.85 4.00 3.50 4.65 4.15 3.94±0.38 4.70 4.70 4.70±0.00 2.65 2.30 2.90 2.62±0.30 trl � NH 2.51-4. 10 3.45 3.45 2.51 3.15 3.10 4.10 3.20 3.28±0.48 3.40 3.70 3.55±0.21 1.70 1.65 2.1 51.83±0.28 en "" trl (")...... trl en 0 TABLE 2. Comparative chromosomes types in species of Eupsophus genus except undescribed E. nahuelbutensis karyotype (2n=30): 2n= diploid number, NF= "I:I � number of arms, m =metacentric, sm= submetacentric, st= subtelocentric, t= telocentric (Levan et al., 1964). 14* heterochromosome; ** Chromosomes with c::: "tl secondary constriction (nucleolar pair). c.-, C) "tl ::t: Species Pair 2n NF c::: c.-, 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14* 15 E. vertebralis m st m st St St sm m m m m m t m 28 56 E. emiliopugini m st m st st st sm m m m m m m m 28 56 E. insularis m sm st** m t m t t m t m t t m/t* t 30 44 I 45 E. calcaratus m sm st** t m t m m t m t t m t t 30 46 E. migueli m sm** st t t t m m m t t m t m/t* t 30 44 I 45 E. roseus m sm** St t t t m m m t t m t m/m* t 30 46 E. contulmoensis m st st** t t m m t t m m t t m t 30 46 E. queulensis sp. nov. m St St t** t m t m sm t t m l m/t* t 30 44 I 45

...... °' 162 A. VELOSO ET AL.

Paratypes. Males MNHNC 3787-3792, females (a) MNHNC 3793-3794, and unsexed juveniles MNHNC ,, + 3795-3797, collected by J. L. Celis-Diez and P. C. n Guerrero, on September 2002, at the type locality. tl 04 nl WO ttft 4\. 1' An W O Diagnosis. Eupsophus queulensis is a medium-sized 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 frog, distinguished by: (1) truncate snout, (2) left epic­ + oracoid superimposed to the right one, (3) xiphisternum i\I*''' a..,,.. . . " ;'• ...... without a notch, (4) prominent external and internal car­ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 14 pal tubercles, (5) yellow iris in life, (6) two melanic dots on both sides in the posterior half of the dorsal region, (b) (7) reddish ventral surfaces, (8) an heteromorphic pair ,, ,, + of sexual chromosomes, with a Y metacentric chromo­ Uil un some, and (9) secondary constriction at both homologs H\\an ttn 01 Iii IHl of the largest telocentric pair of chromosomes. 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 Description of the holotype. Adult male of medium + size, head as long as broad (HL/HW = 0.98), slightly IH t Ota iu: fHl At\ IU f M· ft O!j� iii� ft more than 1/3 of the SVL (HL/SVL = 0.38), laterally 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 14 spaced narines, canthus rostralis almost flat, short and FIG. 4. Male (a) and female (b) karyotypes ofE. queulensis. truncate snout, NH/ON = 1.35, prominent tympanic an­ Arrows indicate the sexual chromosomes and the nucleolar nulus, tympanic membrane covered with skin, vomerine chromosome pair. In the frames,these chromosomal markers are identified. teeth separated in the half line behind the lateral border of the elliptic coanes, robust forearms, nuptial pads on defined and the gray coloration presents a reddish first finger. Hind limbs slender, tibio-tarsal articulation tinge. Also, the iris of the live animal has a yellow upper surpasses the ante1ior border of the eye orbit when hind part and brown lower part. The eyelid edge is blue-gray. limb is flexed toward the head. Relative length of toes: 4 Variation in the co/oration pattern.Other male and

> 3 > 5 > 2 > l. Inner metatarsal tubercle present, outer female specimens do not show a yellowish dorsal mid­ metatarsal tubercle absent, interdigital membrane ab­ line (Fig. 3). sent. Relative legth of fingers : 3 > 1 > 4 = 2. Inner and Kmyotype. Diploid number is 2n=30 with a funda­ external carpal tubercles present. Left epicoracoides su­ mental number (NF) of 45 in males and 44 in fe males perimposed to the right one, xiphisternum without (Table 2, Fig. 4). The sexual pair is heteromorphic with notch, smooth dorsal and ventral skin, and a cutaneous a metacentric Y chromosome. The largest pair of telo­ tarso-metatarsal fold present, smooth plantar and palmar centric chromosomes is the nucleolar pair, depicting a surfaces. Measurements are summarized in Table I. secondary pericentromeric constriction. Colo ration in alcohol. Small gray dots along the edge Molecular markers. A mtDNA l 2S fragment of 319 of the upper jaw. Gray dorsal surface with dark stripes, base pairs was amplified. Maximum Parsimony (MP) extending from behind the eyes to the dorsum, on both and Neighbour Joining analyses gave the same tree to­ sides of the mid-line. A conspicuous white mid-dorsal pology. MP resulted in a single tree of 70 steps, with a strip, extending from the tip of the snout to the vent. Consistency Index of 0.86 and a Retention Index of Posterior half of the dorsum with irregular black spots, 0.66. Jn this tree, E. queulensis shares a clade with E. forming a geometric figure on both side of the mid-line. calcaratus and E. vertebra/is, apart from species of dif­ Two symmetrical black spots in the dorso-lumbar area. ferent genera. Within this clade, E. queulensis is is the Postorbital black spots extending laterally to the proxi­ sister species of E. calcaratus, with E. vertebralis as the mal end of the arms. Ventral pale yellow with black sister taxon of that clade (Table 3, Fig. 5). pigmentation in the throat region. Anterior extremities Natural history. Field observations were carried out with small black spots. Posterior limbs with transverse at the Reserva Nacional Los Queules, nearby forest frag­ black lines. ments and surrounding pine plantations. Within native Co/oration in life . The coloration in life contrasts Maulino forest, individuals were found only in moist with that of the preserved animals. Dark spots are more habitats including shallow streams, soil cavities, leaf lit-

TABLE 3. Genetic distances among species studied. In bold are the averaged distances estimated using Kimura 2 parameter model (below diagonal) and in italics is the standard error estimated by I OOO bootstrap replicates (above diagonal).

Species 2 3 4 5 6

I. Batrachyla taeniata 0.022 0. 020 0. 019 0.017 0. 015 2. Caudiverbera caudiverbera 0.136 0.026 0.027 0.024 0.019 3. Eupsophus calcara/us 0.111 0.178 0.012 0.016 0.019 4. Eupsophus queulensis 0.096 0.182 0.044 0.015 0. 019 5. Eupsophus vertebra/is 0.087 0.156 0.072 0.068 0.015 6. Telmatobius marmoratus 0.072 0.112 0.103 0.102 0.065 A NEW SPECIES OF EUPSOPHUS 163

while in E. roseus the opposite is true: the right being calcaratus "="�--- Eupsophus �-�'= '-- superimposed to the left. Iris colour in E. queulensis is 85.' 97 -- Eupsophu.s quoulensls sp. nov �--- Eupsophu5 vertebralis yellow in the upper part and brown in the lower part, '------Batntchyla tsenlota whereas it is orange in E. roseus. It differs from E. .____ Telmatoblus mannoratus '------Caudiverbera caudfverbera calcaratus by its truncate snout. It also differs from E. insularis in dorsal coloration, which is brown with ir­ 0.02 regular yellow spots as compared to the dark spots FIG. 5. Maximum Parsimony tree based on J 2S mtDNA found in £. queulensis. The new species differs from E. sequences for telmatobine species. The numbers indicate migueli in dorsal coloration, in its two conspicuous bootstrap values for the groupings. Bootstrap values are spots at both sides of the half line in the lumbar region, indicated on each node of the tree (MP/ML respectively) after and in presenting an unnotched xiphisternum. pseudoreplicates. I OOO Eupsophus queulensis differs from E. nahuelbutensis in ter and under logs. No individual was recorded in sur­ the colour pattern of the ventral region, which is whitish rounding pine plantations. Vegetation in the Maulino with dark-brown pigmentation in E. nahuelbutensis forest is dominated by a deciduous tree, (Nunez, 2003). Finally, it differs from E. contulmoensis glauca, along with evergreen trees such as Persea in presenting prominent external and internal carpal tu­ lingue, Gevuina avellana, Aetoxicum punctatum bercles. Also, the ventral coloration of this last species is among others (see Bustamante et al., in press). brilliant yellow (Formas, 1992). Vocalizations, composed of a low frequency sound fol­ Karyotypically, Eupsophus species can be grouped lowed by an abruptly finishing crescendo, were heard according to their diploid number (Formas, 1980; Iturra from September to January. Male and female pairs were & Veloso, 1989; Formas, 1991; Cuevas & Formas, found together with egg masses or recently hatched 1996, Nunez 2003). A first group is comprised by E. embryos in soil cavities near streams. Also, larvae at emiliopugini and E. vertebra/is (2n=28) and a second stage 35-36 (Gosner, 1960) were found in shallow waters. one includes E. calcaratus, E. contulmoensis, E. Eggs have large amounts of yolk; neither eggs nor lar­ migueli, E. roseus and E. nahuelbutensis (2n=30; Dfaz vae exhibit pigmentation. In gravid females, eggs are & Veloso, 1979; Formas, 1991, 1992; Nunez, 2003), to visible through the skin at the lower part of the abdo­ which E. queulensis should be added. Eupsophus men. These features are shared with other Eupsophus queulensis differs from its congeneric species in the lo­ species (Dfaz, 1986). cation of the secondary constriction (Table 2). Three of Geographic distribution. Eupsophus queulensis is these (E. insularis, E. migueli and E. queulensis) have known only from the typelocality. sexual heteromorphic chromosomes in the same stage of Etymology. The new species is named after the differentiation, with an X telocentric and a Y Reserva Nacional Los Queules, one of the few protected metacentric chromosome, the male being the heteroga­ areas aiming to conserve the unique biota of the coastal metic sex. Eupsophus roseus also has a pair of sex Maulino forest. chromosomes but with the same morphology (X and Y metacentrics) that can only be determined by banding DISCUSSION techniques (lturra & Veloso, 1989). Despite having the Eupsophus is an endemic genus which comprises same 2n=30 and sex chromosomes, E. queulensis differs eight species: E. calcaratus, E. contulmoensis, E. from E. migueli because the former has a telocentric E. emiliopugini, E. insularis, E.migueli, E. nahuelbutensis, shape of the nucleolar pair (AgAsNOR) while in E. roseus and E. vertebralis. As such, it is the most di­ migueli is sub-telocentric. versified genus of leptodactylids in the Nothofagus Based on external morphology, karyotype and mo­ forests (Nunez, 2003). Some species have their geo­ lecular data, the specimens collected at Trehualemu can graphical range restricted to their type locality, e.g., E. be assigned to Eupsophus. Despite the reduced number contulmoensis (Monumento Nacional Contulmo, of species evaluated, phylogenetic analysis of mito­ Cordillera de Nahuelbuta), E. nahuelbutensis (Parque chondrial DNA confirms that the new species described Nacional Nahuelbuta, Cordillera de Nahuelbuta) and E. here belongs to the genus Eupsophus; within this genus insularis (Isla Mocha; Formas 1995). Others have E. queulensis is closer to E. calcaratus than to E. broader distributions, and exhibit geographic replace­ vertebralis. High bootstrap values support this assertion ment with latitude, such as E. roseus by E. calcaratus (Fig. 5). Similarly, the differentiation of a pair of sexual and E. vertebralis by E. emiliopugini (Nunez et al., chromosomes, shared with E. insularis and E. migueli, 1999). The geographic distribution of E. queulensis suggests a nanow phylogenetic relationship with these ought to be assessed by sampling beyond the two species whose chromosomal system of sex determi­ Trehualemu area. nation (XY-type) is in the same stage of differentiation Eupsophus is characterized by medium-sized spe­ (lturra & Veloso, 1989; Cuevas & Fonnas, 1996). cies, eggs and larvae without pigmentation and The Maulino coastal forest contains a high number of polymorphism in colour pattern. Morphologically, fea­ endemic and threatened species such as Gomortega tures that distinguish E. queulensis from E. roseus are a keule (Gomortegaceae), Pitavia punctata (Rutaceae) left epicoracoid superimposed to the right in the former, and Berberidopsis corallina (Berberidopsidaceae) 164 A. VELOSO ET AL.

among plants, Dromiciops gliroides (Microbiotheri­ Diaz, N. & Veloso, A. (1979). Sistematica y evoluci6n de dae), Oncifelis guigna (Felidae), Pudu pudu (Cervidae) los anfibios de Chile. Archivos de Biologfay Medicina among mammals, and Megalometides discors (Curculio­ Experimental 12, 59-70. nidae) among . This unique biota is protected in Diaz, N. ( 1986). Biosistematica de los Leptodactylidae the Reserva Nacional Los Queules. chilenos. Anales del Museo de Historia Natural de The findingof more southern species, typical of the Valparaiso 17, 65-85. Valdivian forest, such as D. gliroides, Geoxus Formas, J. R. (1980). Chromosomes of Eupsophus valdivianus and /renomis tarsalis (Muridae), calcaratus and the karyological evolution of the genus Tachymenis chilensis chilensis (Colubridae), Liolaemus Eupsophus (Anura: Leptodactylidae). Experientia 36, cyanogaster cyanogaster (lguanidae), Protosphindus 1163-1164. bellus (Sphindidae) and Pteroderes tuberosa Formas, J. R. (199 I). The karyotypes of the Chilean frogs (Ulodidae) along with a new species of Eupsophus, pre­ Eupsophus emiliopugini and E. vertebralis (Anfibia: viously regarded as a southern genus, suggests that the Anura: Leptodactilidae). Proceedings of the Maulino forest is the current northernmost limit of the Biological Society of Washington 104, 7-1 1. Valdivian fauna, and also reinforces the importance of Formas, J. R. (1992). El cariotipo de Ja rana austral chilena this reserve for the conservation of this unique biota Eupsophus contulmoensis (Anura: Leptodactylidae) (Simonetti, 2001; Saavedra & Simonetti, 2001 ; Grez et con comentarios sobre la evoluci6n del genera al., 2003). In Trehualemu, pine plantantions are the Eupsophus. Boletin de la Sociedad de Biologfa de dominant landscape feature, while native forest is re­ Concepci6n 63, 67-72. stricted to small scattered remnants. The 145 ha Reserva Formas, J. R. (1995). Anfibios. In: Simonetti J.A., Arroyo Nacional Los Queules is one of the protected areas aim­ M.K., Spotorno A. & E. Lozada (eds). Diversidad ing to conserve the Maulino forest, which faces a high Biol6gica de Chile. Santiago: CONlCYT, 314-325. rate of destruction and replacement (Grez et al., 1997). Gasner, K. L. (1960). A simplified table for staging anuran The absence of E. queulensis from the extensive pine embryos and larvae with notes on identification. plantations suggest that, if restricted to native forest, E. Herpetologica 16, 183-190. queulensis could be threatened due to the scanty surface Grez, A., Moreno, P. & Elgueta, M. (2003). Cole6pleros of native forest remnants. (Insecta, Coleoptera) asociados al Bosque Maulino y plantaciones de pino aledaiias. Revista Chilena de ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Entomologia 29, 9- 18. We are grateful to Foresta! Terranova S.A. and to Grez, A. A., Bustamante, R. 0., Simonetti, J. A. & Fahrig, Corporaci6n Nacional Foresta] (CONAF, Chile), for al­ L. (1997). Landscape ecology, deforestation and lowing us to work on their proprieties. Thanks are due to habitat fragmentation: the case of the Ruil forest in

K. Busse for improving our fi eld observations, F. Chile. In Salinas-Chavez, E, & Middleton, J. (eds.) Campos for his guide in the field and to C. Correa, N. Landscape ecology as a tool fo r sustainable Vergara, P. Bachmann and M. Torres for their collabo­ developmenl in Latin America. Accessed July I, 2004 ration in the laboratory. M. Yan-owimproved the English at http://www.brocku.ca/epi/Jebk/grez.html. translation. Field work for this research was partially Hall, T. A. (1999). BioEdit: a user-friendly biological supported by DID, Universidad de Chile to A. Veloso sequence alignment editor and analysis program for and FONDECYT 1010852 to J. A. Simonetti. J. L. Celis­ Windows 95/98/NT, Version 5.0.9, 2001. Nucleic Diez is a Graduate Fellow from CONICYT, Chile. Acids Symposium Series 41, 95-98. lturra, P. & Veloso A. (1989). Further evidence for early REFERENCES sex chromosome differentiation of anuran species. Bogart, J. P. (1973). Method for obtaining chromosomes. Genetica 78, 31-35. Caldasia 11, 29-40. Kimura, M. (1980). A simple methods for estimating Bustamante, R. 0., Simonetti, J. A., Grez, A. A. & San evolutionary rate of base substitution through Martin, J. (in press). La fragmentaci6n de! bosque comparative studies of nucleotide sequences. Journal Maulino y su dinamica regeneracional, diagn6stico of Molecular Evolution 2, 87-90. actual y perspectivas futuras. ln Smith-Ramirez, C., Kocher, T. D., Thomas, W. K., Meyer, A., Edwards, S. V., Armesto, J.J. & Valdovinos, C. (eds.). Bosques de la Piiiibo, S., Villablanca, F. X. & Wilson, A. C. (1989). Cordillera de la Costa: historia, biodiversidad y Dynamics of mitochodrial DNA evolution in animals: ecologfa. Santiago: Editorial Universitaria. amplification and sequencing with conserved primers. Cuevas, C. C. & Formas, J. R. (1996). Heteromorphic sex Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the chromosomes in Eupsophus insularis (Amphibia: USA 86, 6196-6200. Anura: Leptodactilidae). Chromosomes Research 4, Kumar, S., Tamura, K., Jakobsen, I. B. & Nei, M. (2001). 467-470. MEGA2: Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis Cuevas, C. C. & Fonnas, J. R. (2002). Te lmatobius software. Tempe: Arizona State University. philippi, una nueva especie de rana acuatica de Ollagile, Levan, A., Fredga, K. & Sandberg, A. (1964). norte de Chile (Leptodactylidae). Revista Chilena de Nomenclature for centromeric position on Historia Natural 75, 245-258. chromosomes. Hereditas 52, 201 -220. A NEW SPECIES OF EUPSOPHUS 165

McCarthy, C. (1998). CHROMAS 1.45. School of Health Swofford, D. (2002). PA UP*: Phylogenetics analysis using Science, Griffith University. Queensland: Australia. parsimony (* and other Methods) version 4. Nufiez, J. (2003). Taxonom(a y Sistemdtica de las ranas Sunderland: Sinauer Associates. del genera Eupsophus ( Leptodactylidae ). PhD Thesis, Veloso, A. & Navarro, J. (1988). Lista sistematica y Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile. distribuci6n geografica de anfibios y reptiles de Chile. Nufiez, J., Zarraga, A. M. & Formas, J. R. (1999). New Bollettino del Museo di Scienze Na turali, To rini 6, molecular and morphometric evidence for the 481-539. validation of Eupsophus calcaratus and E. roseus (Anura: Leptodactylidae) in Chile. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 34, 150- 155. Reeves, A. & Tear, J. (2000). MicroMeasurefor Windows, version 3.3A. Colorado State University. Accessed July I, 2004 at http://www.colostate.edu/Depts/ Biology/MicroMeasure. Rubio, A., Zorondo-Rodrfguez, F. & Simonetti, J.A. (in press). Liolaemus cyanogaster cyanogaster: distribu­ tion. Herpetological Review.

Saavedra, B. & Simonetti, 1. A. (2000). A northern and threatened population of lrenomys tarsalis (Mamma­ lia: Rodentia) from central Chile. Siiugetierkunde 65, 243-245. Saavedra, B. & Simonetti, J. A. (200 1). New records of Dromiciops gliroides (Microbiotheria: Microbiotherii­ dae) and Geoxus valdivianus (Rodentia: Muridae) in central Chile: their implications for biogeography and conservation. Mammalia 65, 96-1 00. Sambrook, J., Fritsch & Maniatis, E. T. (1989). Molecular cloning: a laboratory manual 2nd ed. Col<;! Spring Harbor: Cold Spring Harbor Press. Simonetti, J. A. (2001 ). Presence of Ta chymenis chilensis chilensis at Reserva Nacional Los Queules, Central Chile. Gayana 65, 219-220. Accepted: 1.10.04 166 HERPETOLOGICAL JOURNAL, Vol. 15, pp. 167-172 (2005)



l.2Department of Biosciences, University of Mysore, Hemagangothri, Karnataka, India

3Department of Applied Zoology, Mangalore University, Karnataka, India

In order to test the hypothesis that anuran abundance does not vary between forest and commercial plantations, anurans were sampled along the streams ofreserve forests, and adjoining cardamom and coffee plantations on the western slopes of the Western Ghats. The species composition and relative abundance varied significantly between the three habitats. A fe w species showed complete dependence on the forest whereas many common species were least affected by habitat alterations associated with plantations. Analysis of variance revealed significant differences in the abundance of R. temporalis, Micrixalus saxicolus, Fejervarya limnocharis, Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis and Buja melanostictus, whereas the difference was not significant for lndirana beddomii, Nyctibatrachus species and Polypedates species. Key words: amphibian, frog, species composition, plantations, stream transects

INTRODUCTION wilderness areas by major anthropogenic activities and habitat modification for establishing new plantations Amphibian population declines have been reported such as coffee and cardamom, diversion of hill streams, from various parts of the world (Richards et al., 1993; and modification of water bodies for farming have re­ Fisher & Shaffer, I 996; Lips, 1998; 1999). One of the sulted in loss of breeding sites in recent years. The main reasons for such declines has been found to be synergistic interactions among diverse human activities habitat modification (Daniels, 1991; Lips, 1998; Lips et such as the land use change, climatic changes, habitat al., 2003). Anthropogenic activities such as deforesta­ degradation, vegetation removal and illegal removal of tion (Petranka et al., 1993) have been highlighted as an non timber forest produce (NTFP) has made the conser­ important threat. Amphibians relying on specific vation of the forest and wildlife a major challenge in microhabitat featuresmay be in danger of declining be­ these forests. cause of extensive forestry-related disturbances. In In the context of global amphibian population de­ southernIndia, selective logging in the primary forests cline, it is important to know the situation in one of the has converted the original forests to fragmented second­ world's amphibian diversity hotspots, the Western ary forests. Such isolation and fragmentation of forests Ghats. Many researchers have used observational stud­ results in drying of the forestfloor and altered vegeta­ ies and sometimes combined them with historic records tion composition. Because amphibians show site fidelity to document amphibian declines. However, in areas and have limited dispersal capabilities, disturbances where historic data do not exist, understanding the popu­ such as fragmentation, road construction and cutting of lation status has become impossible. Regular Jong-term trees may disrupt metapopulation systems (Osawa & monitoring of the amphibians in this sensitive area is Katsuno, 2001) and cause local extinction of species crucial to plan conservation strategies and management (Blaustein et al., 1994). activities to save species fromextinction. Our presence/ The forests of the Western Ghats are considered to absence survey in one such locality within the area be one of the world' s biodiversity hotspots, with en­ showed the decline in calling frogs during the early demic plants, butterflies, birds and amphibian species. monsoon season, especially Hoplobatrachus tigerinus Until now 196 species of anurans have been reported during 1999-2000 (personal observations, S.K.N.). from India (Daniel, 2002) and approximately 75% ofln­ Elsewhere the reasons for Hoplobatrachus tigerina de­ dian amphibians are endemic to the Western Ghats clines in paddy fields are thought to be due to the (Oommen et al., 2000). The distributions of amphibians indiscriminate use of chemicals in agricultural lands and are uneven even across India and within the Western trading of frog's legs (Dutta & Hejmadi, 1981). The Ghats. The medium elevations are considered to be the Conservation Assessment and Management Plan for richest zone in the Ghats (Daniels, 1992). Most of the Amphibians of India used the IUCN criteria for status ecological works on Indian anurans are restricted to dis­ assessment and has already reported the species as vul­ tributional records. The demographic status of anurans nerable (Molur & Walker, 1998). The amphibian in such pristine forests,where there is a concentration of species preferring cool evergreen forest habitats have many species, remains anecdotal. Encroachment upon patchy distributions, probably due to habitat destruction and fragmentation(Dani els, 1992). Correspondence: S. N. Krishna, Department of Biosciences, University of Mysore at Hassan, Hemagangothri, Hassan We sampled the streams for anurans in 2001 and 573220, Karnataka, India. E-mail: [email protected] 2002, from January to May, when the streams flow is 168 S. N. KRISHNA ET AL.

less swift and sampling was possible in the difficult tations. The main large-scale plantations in the area are sloping terrain of the Western Ghats. There are no pre­ cardamom and coffee estates. existing data on anuran abundance from unmodified The second site was in Hosagadde, a cardamom es­ habitats that the present data could be compared to. tate (28° slope) located on the hill ranging from 840-920 Therefore, only horizontal habitat comparisons can be m elevation, adjoining the Bisale Reserve Forest on the done to assess the effect of habitat modification on eastern side. The annual average temperature during anuran abundance. Here, we report for the first timethe 2002 was recorded to be 21.11° C, the humidity was abundance of anurans along streams in the forests of the 62.89% and annual total rainfall was 4790 mm. The car­ Western Ghats, and provide a measure of comparative damom (Elettaria cardamomum) is grown on the cool species composition and abundance in the two adjoining slopes of hills where there is heavy rainfall and more types of plantations. The objectives of our study were to moisture, whereas coffee requires less rain and drier (1) to establish baseline data on the relative abundance weather to produce seeds. The cardamom plantations in of a few selected riparian species in the pristine forest these areas were grown under the canopy, without clear­ streams so that the demographic assessments can be ing the undergrowth. Neither fertilizer nor insecticides done on the basis of present status of anurans for future were sprayed. population monitoring programme; and (2) to under­ The third site was a coffee plantation, 3 km to the stand the effect of habitat modification on the north-east of the forest site. Although the coffee planta­ abundance of such species, as it is important for habitat tions were developed on contours, the general terrain conservation and management implementations. was less undulating when compared to cardamom and forested sites (Table I). However, coffee (Coifea METHODS arabica) plants were grown in a completely modified

Bisale reserve forest (12° 15' N and 75° 33'E) is man­ habitat. Coffee plantations need more open canopy and aged by the Karnataka State Forest Department. The clear ground. Hence the canopy cover is removed offon forest is wet evergreen secondary forest. Three different a yearly basis and the undergrowth cleared. Coffee sites were selected for the study, one undisturbed forest plants were fertilized every year and the spraying of in­ and two modified habitats (plantations). Care was taken secticide was used as part of the cultivation practice. while selecting the plantation so that they were all lo­ Streams were treated as special transects (Inger & cated adjacent to each other, so that elevation and other Colwell, 1977) and were sampled for the occurrence of physical parameters remained almost same. The forest anurans. The data were collected from early morning site was at a higher elevation on the crest of the western transects (0530 to 0700 hr) along fi xed segments (500-

slopes of the Western Ghats at an elevation of 840 111 820 m) of the streams and sampled repeatedly. The above sea level. The Western Ghats in this area receive streams selected were flowing incurves and covered the an average of 5500 mm rainfall annually from the south­ entire habitat of our interest. Therefore, the stream sur­ west monsoon rains. This in turnhad turnedthe Western veyed was representative of the entire riparian habitat of Ghats into a main watershed for the Indian Peninsula, the areas in forest and plantations. Five volunteers, one with many streams and rivers. Many hill streams in the in the middle of the stream, two on either sides very study area feed the west flowing river Kumaradhara that close to the edge of the stream and two on the shores, in turn joins Arabian Sea. The vegetation is semi-ever­ moved forward and made a systematic search of the green (Champion & Seth, 1968) and classified as area. We monitored all the stream transects by scanning Dipterocarpus indicus - Kingiodendron pinnatum­ the banks and marginal vegetation after fl ushing out Humboldtia brunonis forest type (Pascal, 1988). The frogsby sticks, scanning emergent rocks, uprooting the edges of reserve forests in this region are circled by nu­ stones, sticks and litters withjn the streams. Care was merous small private land holdings. These private lands, also taken to release the captured frogs well behind the which were once forested, are being modified for the survey line so that recounting of the same individual was cultivation of commercial crops, paddy fi elds and plan- avoided. We recorded data from 820 m segments of the

TABLE 1. Site characteristics for the three habitats studied.

Site characteristics RF Stream Cardamom stream Coffee stream

Elevation <850 m 920-840 m 900 m Topography Hilly Hilly Flat Vegetation Secondaryforest Plantation Plantation Canopy cover Covered Covered Clear

Streams: Width (m) 4-5.8 m 4-7m 6-9m Gradient/Clarity Steep/clear Steep/clear gentle/clear Bottom Rocky Rocky Rocky & few mud bottom pools ANURAN ABUNDANCE IN THE WESTERN GHATS 169

stream in the forest and cardamom habitats and sampled terations caused by plantations. The ANOV As revealed them 13 and 24 times respectively. In the coffee estate, significant differences in mean abundance in four spe­ we marked a 500 m stream segment and sampled five cies, but the difference was not significantin lndirana times (Inger & Voris, 1993). Stream width varied from beddomii (F2 39=1.07, P=0.352), Nyctibatrachus sp. 6.1 to 10.2 m and the mid-stream depth varied from 0.7 (F =1.64, p,;,,0.205) and Polypedates sp. (F =0.82, 2.39 rn to 1.3 m. Intervals between the sampling periods varied P=0.446). The cardamom estate and the forest formed a from fiveto eight days. single group for five species and due to the significant As the transect length varied between habitats, abun­ variation in their abundance, the coffee estate was sin­ dance was measured as the total number of frogs gled out from the group. But the abundance of three observed per 500 m transect. Anuran abundance varia­ species did not significantly vary between the habitats tions along the streams running in three different (Table 2 and Table 3). habitats were compared using chi-square tests. Within­ INDIVIDUAL SPECIES ACCOUNTS species comparisons of abundance in three different habitats were done using multiple comparisons avail­ Rana temporalis. This is a medium sized, bronze col­ able in one-way ANOVA. Tukey HSD post-hoe tests oured, nocturnal frog. They are active both day and were used to compare the relative abundance of each night (Daniel, 2002) and retreat into rocky or mud crev­ species between the habitats to identify the homogenous ices in the banks of streams. Sometimes we have habitats (a = 0.05). observed them basking on the rock outcrops of streams. The species has Jong legs and leaps over considerable RESULTS distances when disturbed. The juveniles are always Eight common species representing three families found to inhabit the sandy banks close to water. We (Ranidae, Bufonidae andRhacophoridae) accounted for never sighted them away from the water source. more than 90% of frogs observed along the streams at Rana temporalis showed an uneven pattern of dis­ forest sites. The rare sightings included a single indi­ tribution, with 75% abundance in the coffee estate vidual of Ansonia ornata within the stream of forests. stream, but only 12.3% and 25.3% abundance along for­ The streams of cardamom estate and forest showed est and cardamom streams, respectively. The mean equivalent species composition. However, the stream number of frogs per transect was significantly higher in transects in coffee habitat revealed only six anuran spe­ the coffee and cardamom estate streams than in the for­ cies. Anuran abundance varied between the three est (F2 39=449.98, P=0.0001). Although the variation in habitats (X2 =1882.l, df=l6, P=0.001). They showed mean numbers of R. temporalis in the streams of forest significantly varied patterns of distribution in all the and cardamom estates was significant and formed a three different habitats (Table 2). Few species showed common subset, their abundance was extremely high in complete dependence on the forest streams. However the streams of the coffee estate and thereforethat habitat many common species were least affected by habitat al- formed a different subset (Table 2, 3).

TABLE 2. Mean numbers and F-values foranuran abundance in forests and two adjoining plantations of Bisale Reserve forests. Ranges are given at 95% confidence intervalfor Mean. N=number of sampling episodes.

Species Reserve Forest stream Cardamom stream Coffee stream F p Mean ±SE Mean ±SE Mean ±SE Range (N=l3) Range (N=24) Range (N=5)

Rana temporalis 6.03±1.7 23.9±3.9 271.2±13.19 449.9 0.001 (2.23-9.918) (15.83-3 1 .99) (234.56-307.83) Bufo mela.nostictus juv 0 0.33±0. 15 4.6±0.4 100.9 0.001 (3.48-5.71) Micrixa.lus saxicolus 19.69±3.57 22.79±2.38 0 8. 18 0.001 (1 1 .89-27.49) (17.86-27.72) Fejervarya limnocha.ris 2.53±0.74 3.95±0.65 30.2 ± 4.22 90.4 0.001 (0.9-4.1) (2.59-5.31) (18.47-41.92) lndirana beddomii 9.53±2.50 15.25±2.91 16.2 ± 1.3 51.07 0.332 (4.08-14.99) (9.22-21.27) ( 1 2.43-19.96) Nyctiba.trachussp. 8.61 ±2.00 27.66±8.04 19.20±0.96 1.64 0.205 (4.24 -12.99) (11 .02-44.30) (l6.50-2 1.89) Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis 0 0.12 3.20±0.8 48.09 0.001 (0.97-5 .42) Polypedates sp. juv. 0.46±0.26 0.62±0.22 0 0.82 0.44 (O. l 2-1 .04) (0. 16-1.08) 170 S. N. KRISHNA ET AL

TABLE 3. Post-hoe Tukey HSD test showing homogeneous habitats. Means for group in homogeneous subsets are displayed for three habitats, R.F., species along the stream of Reserve forest, Cardamom, species along the stream of Cardamom estate; Coffee, species along the streams of the coffee plantation.

Species Subset for a=0.05


Rana temporalis R. F. 6.07 Coffee 271.2 Cardamom. 23.91 Bufo melanostictus juv. R. F. 0.0 Coffee 4.6 Cardamom 0.3 Micrixalus saxicolus Coffee 0.0 R. F 19.69 Cardamom 22.79 Fejervarya limnocharis R. F. 2.53 Cardamom 3.95 Coffee 30.2 Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis R. F. 0.0 Coffee 3.2 Cardamom 0. 12 lndirana beddomii R. F. 9.53 Cardamom 15.25 Coffee 6.2 Nyctibatrachus sp. R. F. 8.61 Cardamom 19.2 Coffee 27.66 Polypedates sp. juv. R. F. 0.0 Cardamom 0.46 Coffee 0.62

Bufo melanostictus. This is the onlycommon toad en­ urinating when disturbed and jumps to a considerable countered in the area. The toad has been observed to distance. Adults are found resting on the stem buttress of retreat in the crevices during the dry summer day. In 3 the larger trees in the cooler habitats. Although informa­ cases we also noticed more than four individuals using tion on their habits is sparse, the species has been the common retreat sites, under a rock. Although the reported to be extremely common el sewhere (Daniel, adults are rarely found near the water the juveniles were 2002) often encountered near the streams in coffee and carda­ We observed the species to be more abundant along mom estate streams. The relative abundance of the the forest streams (relative abundance of 18.8%), fol­ species in coffee plantation was estimated to be I .09 % lowed by the cardamom habitat (16.1 % ). Although the were as in cardamom it was 0.3%. We did not sight any mean number of frogsdid not vary sigruficantlybetween juveniles the adults toads along the forest streams. the three habitats (F =1.073, P=0.352), the coffee nor 2•39 Micrixalus saxicolus. This stream frog is mostly habitat recorded the lowest abundance of the species found adhering on to the surface of rocky outcrops (4.12%). within the streams. Black tadpoles of this species were Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis. The skipper frog was observed to adhere fi rmly by oral suckers to the sub­ found mostly found along the coffee estate streams, but merged rock surfaces within the fast flowing torrential in relative low numbers (relative abundance= 0.55%). streams. This frog was the most abundant species with They were always sighted inside the pools of stream 43.95% relative abundance in forest streams. On the water. They were seldom found in swift flowingstream other hand, it was completely absent fromthe streams of waters. They were never sighted in the forest streams the coffee estate, and Jess abundant (23.38%) in the car­ and their number in cardamom estate streams was very damom habitat (Fig. l ). low (Table 2). Fejervarya limnocharis. Commonly known as the Polypedates pseudocruciger. This is among the least frog, this species was found to be more abundant studied species of the Western Ghats. Except for a dis­ in the coffee estate streams than in the other two habitats tribution report (Daniels & Ravichandran, 1995), there (Frn=90 .41, P =0.000 1 ). The species breeds during the is no other information on this species. We observed early rain from June to August in the pools and streams adults of this species along the streams in the rainy sea­ that flow less rapidly. son. We recorded the calls of eight individuals from Jndirana beddomii. This is a litter frog that some­ shrubs overhanging water bodies in two locations in the times occurs along the streams. The frog has a habit of forest at 940 m elevation. We sighted 15 individuals ANURAN ABUNDANCE IN THE WESTERN GHATS 171

I cultivation. On the other hand, the coffee plantations I 100% need more sunlight and therefore the canopy is cleared I 90% � a.. 80% every year. The understory is removed and herbs are Cl) (.) cleared in order to fertilize the coffee plants. The forests c: 70% "' 'tl 60% EJRc are modifiedcompletely in coffee cultivations and only c: ::i 50% Jj EIP.sp. a few trees are left intact. Due to the opening of the "' 40% Cl) •Rey canopy, the annual mean temperature is high and the . 30% ::: GJBm humidity is low in the coffeepla ntations when compared -; 20% (ii lljj N.sp. a: 10% to the forest and cardamom plantations. Monthly aver­ !SRI 0% age temperature ranges from20. 10° C to 24.03° C in the ' o' lllll l\/s � r:l v forest and the cardamom plantations, whereas the Rt Habitat ty pes monthly average temperature in coffee plantations lies I E:ll Rb L_ D between 24°C and 28° C. The woody coffee plants are also susceptible to different insect stem borers. There­ FIG Relative abundance of frogs along the streamsI of I. fore, these plantations are sprayed annually with Reserve forests (Rf), Cardamom estate (car), and Coffee estate (Cof) in the western slopes of evergreen forests of insecticides such as Rogor, Nuvacron and Metasid Western Ghats, Karnataka. Re, Rana curtipes; P. sp., (Daniels, 1991). Due to the slopping terrain and high Polypedates pseudocruciger; Rey, Euphylyctis cyanophyctis; rainfall, the residual insecticides may drain into the Bm, Bufo melanosticus; N. sp., Nyctibatrachus sp.; Rl, streams, which are used by anurans as breeding and re­ Fejervarya limnocharis; Ms, Micrixalus saxicolus; Rt, Rana treat sites. Our results indicate that some species such as temporalis; Rb, Jndirana beddomii. Ansonia omata, Micrixalus sp. and Polypedates sp. are along the stream in the cardamom estate and six indi­ absent in such streams (Table l ). Bufo melanostictus viduals along the forest stream. We never sighted them was not encountered along the streams in cardamom and along the stream transects of the coffee plantation. forest habitats. However, in the coffee estate, they were We observed that anuran abundance in the natural found to occur along the streams. This suggests that the forest and two human modified habitats varied signifi­ climatic changes such as increased temperature and re­ cantly for most of the species (Table 2). Rana duced humidity might result in a preference for cooler temporalis and B. melanostictus show significant varia­ areas along the streams in the coffeeestate. In concur­ tion in abundance between the three habitats, whereas rence with the observation of Dutta & Hejmadi (1981), M. saxicolus, F. limnocharis and Euphlyctis we observed that H. tigerina was absent from all the cyanophlyctis exist in almost equal numbers in the forest three habitats studied (N=42 transects). It is possible and cardamom streams. However, their abundance that modified habitats such as coffee plantations, where along the forest streams differed from that of coffee opening of the canopy increases the temperature and re­ streams. The least affected species were duces the atmospheric humidity, and with insecticide Nyctibatrachus, lndirana beddomii and Polypedates residues, might be detrimental for the existence of these (Table 2). species. Anurans like R. temporalis and R. limnocharis can be considered as hardy species, and are still more DISCUSSION abundant in coffee estate streams than other two habi­ Rana temporalis, Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis, tats. Micrixalus saxicola and Ny ctibatrachus sp. are strictly The monoculture plantations, whjch have fragmented aquatic. All the species listed in Table 2 breed in the forests and occupied the hilltops, except in the rainy streams, and therefore the juveniles are found on stream season, do not support amphibian diversity banks. Hence, our observations of dry season sampling (Krishnamurthy, 1999). Based on our data, we suggest include the juvenile counts of Bufo melanostictus, that the monoculture plantations involving large-scale Polypedatus sp., and Jndirana beddomii. However, ju­ habitat modifications - as in case of coffee - affects veniles remain along the stream for a brief period. Once anuran species composition and relative abundance in the area starts receiving monsoon rains, they disperse the rain forests of the Western Ghats. However, crops into the forests, which are their feeding grounds, and such as cardamom, when cultivated without modifying therefore, adults are rarely found along the streams. the natural habitat and grown as an intercrop in the for­ Our study shows that anuran species composition and ests of the Western Ghats, would form a suitable habitat relative abundance varied between the three habitats. for anurans. However, these natural forests in the area The terrain and the general physical conditions of carda­ are under high human pressure. The present water crisis mom plantations were similar to that of the forest. The in the eastern plains has forced the state Government to luxuriant growth and flowering of cardamom planta­ propose projects for the diversion of water from the tions is dependent on high rainfall, canopy cover for Western Ghats. Road constructions are exposing more their soft tissues and a sloping terrain. The canopy cover forested and streams in the areas. This progressive habi­ and the litter cover are maintained intact for the reten­ tat modification will convert the present forests into a tion of ground moisture in areas of cardamom drier zone and therefore many endemic species might go 172 S. N. KRISHNA ET AL.

extinct. Hence, it is vital to monitor anuran diversity and Lips, K. R. (1998). Decline of a tropical montane abundance in these modified forested areas. Further, the amphibian fauna. Conservation. Biology 12, 106-117. survival of anurans in the future could be assisted by Lips, K. R. ( 1999). Mass mortality and population declines managed forests in the form of cardamom estates. of anurans at an upland site in western Panama. Conservation Biology 13, 117-125. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Lips, K. R., Reeve, J. D. & Witters, L. R. (2003). We thank the Karnataka Forest Department and the Ecological traits predicting amphibian population estate owner Mr Umesh, for their support in conducting decline in Central America. Conservation Biology 17, the field observations. We thank H. Venkatesh, T. 0. 1078-1 088. Sajith, and Anil Kumar for their field assistance. We ac­ Molur, S. & Walker, S. (Eds). (1998). Amphibians of Jndia knowledge the assistance of students of Bioscience Report Summary 1998. Zoo Outreach Organisation Department, Hemagangothri, Hassan, during the data 13, ll-29. collection. We are grateful to Mark Wilkinson, W. Oommen V. 0., Measey, G. J., Gower, D. J. & Wilkinson, Wiister and two anonymous reviewers who provided M. (2000). Distribution and abundance of the caecilian useful comments on an earlier version of the manuscript. Gegenophis ramaswamii (Amphibia: Gymnophiona) The financial support was provided by Declining Am­ in Southern Kerala. Current Science, 79, 1386-1 389. phibian Populations Task Force, through the award of Osawa, S. & Katsuno, T. (2001). Dispersal of brown frogs Seed Grant to S. N. K. Ran.a japon.ica and R. orn.ativentris in the forests of the Tama hills. Current Herpetology 20, 1-10. REFERENCES Pascal, J. P. (1988). Wet evergreen fo rests of the We stern Blaustein, A. R., Wake, D. B. & Sausa, W. P. (1994). Ghats of India: ecology, structure, flo ristic Amphibian decline: judging stability, persistence, and composition and succession.. Pondicherry: lnstitut susceptibility of populations to local and global Fran�ais de Pondicherry, Tome 20. extinctions. Conservation Biology 8, 60-71. Petranka, J. W., Eldridge, M. E. & Haley, K. E. (1993). Champion, H. G. & Seth, S. K. (1968) A revised survey of Effect of timber harvesting on southern Appalachian the fo rest typ es of India. New Delhi: Manager of salamanders. Conservation. Biology 7, 363-370. Publications. Richards, S. J., McDonald, K. R. & Alford, R. A. (1993). Daniel, J. C. (2002). The Book of Indian Reptiles and Declines in the populations of Australia's endemic Amphibians. Mumbai: Bombay Natural History tropical rainforest frogs. Pacifi c Conservation Biology Society and Oxford University Press. 1, 66-77.

Daniels, R. J. R. & Ravichandran, M. S. (1995). The Ceylonese tree frog Polypedatus cruciger Blyth, a new record for lndia. Asiatic Herpetological Research 6, 36-37.

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Environment Report V, 78-85. Daniels, R. J. R. (1992). Range extension in some south Indian amphibians. Hamadryad 17, 40-42. Dutta, S. K. & Mohanthy-Hejmadi, P. (198 1). Effects of some pesticides on the development of the lndian bull frog Rana tigerina. Environmental Pollution. (Series A) 24, 141-161. Fisher, R. N. & Shaffer, H. B. ( 1996). The decline of amphibians in California's great central valley. Conservation. Biology 10, 1387-1397. Inger, R. F. & Colwell, R. K. (1977). Organization of contiguous communities of amphibians and reptiles in Thailand. Ecological Monographs 47, 229-253. Inger, R. F. & Voris, H. K. (1993). A comparison of amphibian communities through time and from place to place in Bornean forests. Journal of Tropical Ecology 9, 409-433. Krishnamurthy, S. V. (1999). Amphibian diversity in a few selected environs of Western Ghats. In Biodiversity of the Western Ghats complex of Karn.ataka resources potential and sustain.able utilization, 45-67. Hussain, S. A. and Achar, K. P. (Eds). Mangalore, Karnataka: Biodiversity initiative Trust. Accepted: 1.10.04 HERPETOLOGICAL JOURNAL, Vol. 15, pp. 173-180 (2005)



Institute of Integrated Sciences, Department of Biology, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany

The suitability of harmonic direction finding for tracking of dispersing juvenile natte1jack (Bufo calamita) and green toads (B. viridis) was evaluated in laboratory and field experiments. In a first step, dipole reflector tags were developed which combined low mass, small size and large detection range. The average mass was 114 mg, wire antenna length 42 mm and detection range usually varied between 2.5 m and 12.5 m - occasionally reaching 26 m - as assessed using a commercial portable scanning device RECCO 5000. In toads that had a snout-vent length of 22-24 mm, the mass of the reflector tag did not exceed 10% of the toad's body mass. Tags were externally attached by glueing to the dried dorsal skin of the toadlet. In a replicated laboratory experiment, almost all tags were shed 36 hr to 48hr after attachment. In 2001, 417juveniles toads were equipped with reflector tags and their dispersal was studied in a natural habitat (Urmitz, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany). The recovery rate of reflector tags was similar in B. calamita (35.9%, n=33) and in B. viridis (31 .6%, n=103). The maximum distances between release and recovery site were 588 m in B. calamita and 665 m in B. viridis. Results obtained suggest that this new method is better suited for monitoring the migratory activity and habitat use of small terrestrial anurans than passive tagging systems presently in use, such as microtags and passive integrated transponders (PIT). Nevertheless, detection range is still too small to rival active monitoring systems such as radiotransmitters which remain unsuitable for small anurans. Key words: Bufo calamita, Bufo viridis, postmetamorphic dispersal, passive tracking system

INTRODUCTION quency of an incoming radio signal to a harmonic fre­ quency and reflectthis harmonic as an outgoing signal. Neighbouring populations are linked by dispersing These techniques differ from active systems by the low individuals which do not only maintain gene flow but mass and low price of tags and from passive ones by a also counteract local extinction by recolonization of larger detection range (Langkilde & Alford,2002). Har­ empty habitat patches (e.g. Hanski & Gilpin, 1997; monic radar (radio detection and ranging) provides Poethke et al., 2003). Recent evidence even suggests information on direction and distance of free-moving that differences in dispersal ability among amphibians animals and has been successfully used to track bees may play an important role in their sensitivity to the glo­ (Riley et al., 1996; Carreck et al., 1999; Capaldi et al. , bal decline phenomenon (Green, 2003). In many 2000), bumble bees (Osborne et al., 1999) and moths amphibian species, distances covered by dispersing ju­ (Riley et al., 1998). However, radar studies require veniles by far exceed those of adults and thus, heavy equipment which is usually stationary. Harmonic connectivity among populations mainly depends on the direction finding (HDF) provides only information on early terrestrial life stage (e.g. Dole, 1971; Breden, direction, while the exact location of the tracked animal 1987; Sinsch 1991, 1997a). Nevertheless, our knowl­ has to be assessed by homing-in with a portable detec­ edge of the dispersal of juvenile amphibians is widely tor. This method has been successfully applied to restricted to chance observations because of the absence ground-moving carabid beetles (Hackmann et al., of a suitable quantitative monitoring technique (e.g. 1989), snails (JanBen & Plachter, 1998) and snakes Heyer et al., 1994, Cooke et al., 2004). Active systems (Webb & Shine, 1997; Engelstoft et al., 1999). Surpris­ such as radio tags are still too large and heavy for most ingly, harmonic direction findinghas not yet been used species and the detection range of passive systems such to monitor dispersing amphibians in which size limita­ as passive integrated transponders or microtags rarely tions prevent the use of radio tags as in most insects. In exceeds a 0.2 m (e.g. Sinsch, 1997b; Ott & Scott, 1999). a pilot study, we adapted this technique to track free­ Consequently, a new technique closing the gap between ranging juvenile Buja calamita and B. viridis toadlets the currently used passive and active tracking systems in by developing suitable reflector tags which were small amphibian population ecology is urgently needed. enough to minimize potential effects on behaviour and Harmonic radar (Riley et al., 1996) and harmonic di­ still provided an acceptable detection range (Leskovar rection finding (Mascanzoni & Wallin, 1986) are & Sinsch, 2002). As results obtained on a low number techniques to locate diode tags which convert the fre- of individuals were promising, the suitability of HDF Correspondence: U. Sinsch, Institute of Integrated Sciences, tracking of toadlets was tested in quantitative field ex­ Department of Biology, University of Koblenz-Landau, Universitiitsstr. l, D-56070 Koblenz, Germany. E-mail: periments. In this paper, we present (1) a detailed [email protected] description of optimized reflector tags weighing about 174 C. LESKOVAR AND U. SINSCH

114 mg; (2) the corresponding detection ranges under soldered to either pole of the diode. The length of the laboratory and field conditions; (3) a suitable attach­ wire antenna was 42 mm(di ameter: 0.2 mm), the surface ment method for short-term studies on small-sized area of the foil antenna 15-20 mm x 2.5-3 mm, depend­ toads; and (4) the recovery rates of tags and migratory ing on the size of the toadlet which was tagged. The total distances quantified in field tiials with 92 B. calamita mass of a reflectortag averaged 114 mg (range: 101-130 and 325 B. viridis toadlets. mg; Fig. 1). The optimum length of the wire antenna

corresponds to /J4 = 42 mm with wave length [cm] = MATERIAL AND METHODS A speed of light c [300,000 km/h] I frequency of transmit­ Dispersal of juvenile natte1jack (Bufo calamita) and ter f [917 MHz]. The wire antenna was flexible, but did green toads (B. viridis) was studied using a harmonic not kink. Wire and foilantenna were fixed in a T-like po­ direction fi nding system. In 2001, juveniles (17.5 -44 sition to each other because the detection range mm SVL) were collected in the vicinity of the breeding decreased to about 50%, if the angle between the anten­ pond within a sandy gravel pit area near Urmitz nas was less than 90°. A copper wire which was wound (Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany; details on habitat round the diode five and a half times linked the poles. structure in Sinsch et al. 1999). During daytime, juve­ This coil provides a return path to prevent the rectifying niles mostly burrow into the sand or hide below stones action of the diode producing a DC charge distribution and wooden boards. Migratory activity is mainly re­ that would tend to bias the diode into the non-conducting stricted to the first half of the night. Snout-vent length state, but is of high enough inductance to avoid shorting (to the nearest mm) and body mass (to the nearest 10 out the 917 MHz signal (Riley & Smith, 2002). We ob­ mg) of toadlets of each species were recorded prior to tained the maximum response, if neighbouring windings experimental treatments. did not have direct contact. The optimal position of the wire coil was fixedusing nail varnish. Combinations of TRACKING METHODS AND EQUIPMENT different colours permitted batch marks indicating spe­ The HDF equipment used in this study consists of a cies and release date. Size and shape of the foil antenna commercial portable scanning device RECCO 5000 were optimized empirically as well as wire length and the number of windings between the poles. (size: 0.4 m x 0.1 m x 0.18 m, mass: 1.6 kg; supplier: RECCO AB, P.O. Box 4028, S-181 04 Lidingo, Swe­ den; price: ea. 5500 Euros) and self-built reflector tags DETECTION RANGE AN ATTACHMENT PROCEDURE (commercial silicium diode and antenna; price: ea. 0.50 The maximum distance at which reflector tags were Euro per unit). The hand-held RECCO 5000 includes a detectable under field conditions was assessed for 10 transmitter which emits a microwave (frequency: 917 randomly selected tags. Four combinations of tag loca­ MHz at 4-5 Watts), i.e. a directional signal, a detector tion and vertical distance between tag and detector were for incoming microwaves which are transformed to an tested: (I) tag placed on ground surface, detector waved acoustic signal, and a headphone which allows an op­ at 1.5 m above ground; (2) tag buried 0.05 m below erator to evaluate amplitude and frequency of the ground surface, detector at 1.5 m above ground; (3) tag acoustic signals. The self-built reflector tag used in this placed on ground surface, detector at 4.5 m above study is basically a dipole consisting of a diode con­ ground; (4) tag buried 0.05 m below ground surface, de­ nected with two antennas which reacts as the hollow tector at 4.5 m above ground. If the detection range was antenna in commercial RECCO reflector tags (dipole less than 4 m, the detector was moved towards the tag design adapted from JanBen & Plachter, 1998). If the until receiving the first signal. To explore the potential emitted microwave strikes the reflector diode, the in­ effect of tag contact with toad skin on detection range, coming microwave is reflected with the doubled we also tested the combination: (5) tag attached to a toad frequency (1834 Mhz), detected by the receiver of the and placed at the ground surface, detector at 1.5 m above RECCO 5000 and transformed to an acoustic signal of ground. correspondingly increased frequency (Mascanzoni & Wallin, 1986). The rechargable batteries (NiMH, volt­ age: 6V) permit an operation period of about 3-4 hr. Commercial reflectors provided by RECCO AB were too large and heavy to tag small animals. There­ fore, in all tracking studies using HDF tags were specifically designed and assembled to meet size, shape and mass of the target organisms, some for implantation (Webb & Shine, 1997; Engelstoft et al. 1999), others for external attachment (Langkilde & Alford, 2002; this study). Here, we describe the design of the reflector tag developed for toadlets (Fig. 1 ). Tags consisted of a silicium diode (75V, 0.075A, device number 1N4148, FIG I. Reflector tag consisting of a silicium diode, a copper size: 3.5 mm x 1.5 mm, mass: 44 mg), an isolated cop­ foil antenna and a copper wire antenna. The coin has a per wire antenna and a copper foil antenna which were diameter of 16mm. HARMONIC DIRECTION FINDING 175

External adherence of tags to the moist skin of am­ collected during twelve 3-hr afternoon surveys in the phibians using glue is a difficult task. Relying on the study area. Collection and release date, group size and long-term experience of attaching magnets to the skin of species composition were: 22 B. ealamita and 26 B. European Bufo for orientation experiments, we chose viridis (2107), 8 Be and 18 Bv (10/07), 26 Bv (7/08), 24

cyanoacrylate glue (Sekunden Alleskleber, Uhu) which Bv ( 17/08), 5 Be and 40 Bv (24/08), 26 Bv (30/08), S Be evidently does not have adverse effectsbesides an accel­ and 24 Bv (5109), 2 Be and 30 Bv (7 /09), 24 Be and 24 eration of moulting frequency(e.g. Sinsch, 1987, 1992). Bv (30109), 5 Be and 23 Bv (21/09), 5 Be and 32 Bv (27/ However, unpublished observations on other species 09), )6 Be and 32 Bv (21110). During and following the suggest that cyanoacrylate glue may cause severe surveys toads were kept for 3-7 h.r in plastic boxes (0.41

wounds in the skin of European Rana spp. and Hyla m x 0.61 m x 0.22 m before release at sunset. In order to arborea and that Bufo skin is the exception to the rule. reduce handling stress the tags were attached in the field Reflector tags were attached to the dried dorsal skin of a immediately before releasing the toadlets. As a group, toadlet by bending the flexible foil antenna around the the tagged individuals were placed on moist ground toad' s dorsum and fixing it with a small drop of glue (sand) below a wooden board close to the breeding pond (Fig. 2). (Fig. 3). As the release site was the same for all experi­ mental groups, the colour of the wire antenna indicated EXPERIMENT 1: ENDURANCE OF TAGGING UNDER the species and the colour of nail varnishthe date of re­ LABORATORY CONDJTJONS lease. Thus, we could identify any tag detected with Moulting is a limiting factor for the endurance of any respect to the corresponding species and the release tag attached to the skin of a toad. In B. ealamita the pe­ group. riod between two moults varies from 4.0 to 8.1 days We did not intend to follow the individual paths of (Sinsch et al., 1992). As the endurance of tagging can toads during their dispersal to avoid disturbance of the hardly be estimated in the field, we chose a laboratory resting or migrating individuals and therefore, surveys approach to quantify the time between attaching and to detect tags began 4-6 days after release, i.e. when al­ shedding the reflector tags. A total number of 87 juve­ most all toadlets had already shed the tags. Surveys were nile B. ealamita and 189 juvenile B. viridis were exclusively performed during daytime and limited by collected during July and August in the study area. They the maximum battery charge to 6-7 hr (two batteries were randomly assigned to four groups, fitted with re­ were available). The first search of tags following a re­ flector tags and kept at room temperature and a natural lease began at the release site with the receiver switched

light-dark cycle in plastic boxes (0.41 m x 0.61 m x 0.22 to maximum intensity and the detector antenna was held m) with moist sand (0.04 m deep) until all had lost the horizontally (Engelstoft et al., 1999). Jn the close vicin­ tags. Individual numbers and species composition of ity of the release site, the operator moved in a spiral by treatment replicates was: (1) 50 B. viridis and 33 B. steadily increasing the distance to the release site by ealamita; (2) 60 Bv and 25 Be; (3) 39 Bv and 14 Be; (4) about 7-8 m per turn. However, the landscape did not 40 Bv and 15 Be. The number of toads with attached tags permit an ideal spiral search at distances greater than per replicate was counted every 12 hrs. At the end of the about 120 m because large parts of the survey area were experiment toads were kept another 4-5 days in captivity to look for potential adverse effects of the treatment. Af­ ter this period they were released again in their natural habitat.


Between 2 July and 21 October 2001 , a total of 92ju­ venile B. ealarnita and 325 juvenile B. viridis were

FIG 3. Aerial view on the study site. The star indicates the release site, the inner circle (diameter: I km) the most FIG 2. Juvenile Bufo viridis fitted with a reflectortag. The intensely surveyed area, the second circle (diameter: 2 km) coin has a diameter of 16 mm. the outer limit of the surveyed area. 1 76 C. LESKOVAR AND U. SINSCH

covered by lakes, buildings, streets etc. (Fig. 3). There­ m, if tags were not attached to a toad and lay on the fore, the accessible regions of the inner survey area ground surface while the detector was moved at 1.5 m (diameter: 1 km) were systematically searched in con­ above ground. Any other test mode significantly re­ centric circle segments until completely covered. A duced average detection range (Multiple range test, complete survey of the inner survey area lasted 18-20 hr. P<0.05; Fig. 4). The survey within the outer search area (diameter: 2 km) Nevertheless, maximum detection distance occa­ was restricted to the area north of the railway because it sionally exceeded that of the standardized experiment. soon became clear that toadlets did not cross the railway Preliminary tests following the assembly of tags within dam during the tagging period. As this area is consider­ the University building yielded detection ranges of up to ably larger than the inner survey area, the outer region 30 m, e.g. if tags were placed on tables (75 cm above was scanned four times during 2001. A final complete ground) and intervening structures between tag and de­ survey to detect overlooked tags was performed two tector were absent. In the field, maximum detection years after the last release, on I August 2003. distance was 26 m in a reflector tag attached to a toad The most efficient method to detect the presence of which hid within the moist sand of a slope, i.e. tag was at reflector tags was waving the radar receiver at ea. I .5 m detector height. Nevertheless, the probability of detect­ above ground while moving through the habitat, be­ ing buried tags was lower than that of finding tags on the cause the signal intensity depends on the relative ground surface. Increasing the vertical distance between position of the linearly polarized receiver antenna to the tag and detector did not increase detection range. tag (JanBen & Plachter, 1998). If the acoustic signal in­ dicated the presence of a tag in the vicinity of the BIOMETRIC FEATURES OF TOADS operator's position, its exact location was determined by In experiment 1 snout-vent length of experimental ju­ a homing-in procedure, by progressively decreasing the veniles ranged between 18.5-34.5 mm in B. calamita sensitivity of the receiver until reaching the minimum. (median: 26.5 mm, n=87) and 19.5-31.0 mm in B. viridis The location of buried tags often required time-consum­ (median: 23 mm, n=l89); in experiment 2 the corre­ ing passing of soil through a sieve. Following tag sponding values were 22.0-44.0 mm in B. calamita identification its position was recorded as polar coordi­ (median: 32.5 mm, n=92) and 17 .5-32.0 mm in B. viridis nates consisting of the direction to (Suunto compass) (median: 25 mm, n=325). The overall size-mass rela­ and distance from the release site (Bushnell laser range tionship significantly differed between the juveniles of finder). B. calamita (regression model: logl O(SVL, mm) = -4.35

+ 3.22 x log! O(mass, g); n=l 89, R2=98.3%) and B. STATISTICAL ANALYSES viridis (regression model: logl O(SVL, mm) = -4.53 +

All data sets were tested for normal distributions by 3.32 x logl O(mass, g); n=5 14, R2=98.6%) with respect determining standardized skewness and kurtosis. Distri­ to slope (ANOVA, P=0.0072) and intercept (ANOV A,

butions of maximum detection distance per treatment ....-, 15 f- and frequency of toads with attached tags did not differ �s v from a normal distribution and were consequently com­ OfJ f- ' - pared using ANOV A and a multiple range test following @ 12 ... • Bonferroni correction or t-statistics. Means are always c: • 0 9 f- - given with corresponding standard error. In contrast, ·� (.) \ distribution of dispersal distances was significantly v - • v 6 f- t skewed and compared using the Mann-Whitney U-test "O t • and the Kolmogorov-Smimov test. We fitted a double­ 8 ;:l I • f logarithmic regression model to size-mass relationships s 3 - ' ' and calculated the Pearson product moment correlation. ·� Significance level was set at a=0.05. All calculations :E 0 were performed using STATGRAPillCS Plus for Win­ 2 3 4 5 dows, version 5.0. Detection mode

FIG 4. Maximum detection range of 10 reflector tags tested in RESULTS five detection modes. (I) tag placed on ground surface, DETECTION RANGE detector waved at 1.5 m above ground, detection range: 9.45±0.61 m (mean±SE); (2) tag buried 0.05 m below ground The location of the tag relative to the scanning device surface, detector at 1.5 m above ground, detection range: influenced the detection range significantly (ANOVA, 3.30±0.31 m; (3) tag placed on ground surface, detector at 4.5 F4.45=36.03, P<<0.0001; Fig. 4). Individual features of a m above ground, detection range: 5.90±0.37 m; (4) tag buried tag, e.g. size and shape of antennas also influencedde­ 0.05 m below ground surface, detector at 4.5 m above ground, tection range. Even if exposed to identical detection range: 3.25±0.29 m; (5) tag attached to a toad and placed at the ground surface, detector at .5 m above ground, environmental conditions, the maximum detection dis­ I detection range: 7 .30±0.53 m. If detection range was less than tance of the best tag was 1.92 times larger than that of 4.5 m (modes 3 and 4), the detector was moved towards the the worst performing one (e.g. 12.5 m versus 6.5 m). tag until receiving the first signal. Each dot represents an Maximum detection distance (±SE) averaged 9.45±0.61 individual tag. HARMONIC DIRECTION FINDING 177

P<0.0001, Fig. 5). The tag load varied between 3.3% EXPERIMENT 2: DISPERSAL OF TAGGED JUVENILE B. and 23.8% of individual body mass depending on toad CALAMJTA AND B. VIRIDIS IN THEIR NATURAL HABITAT size (Fig. 5). The snout-vent length at which the load With a few exceptions reflector tags were located af­ amounted to ea. 10% of the individual body mass was ter the toads had lost them. Average recovery rates per 22-24.5 mm. The maximum individual tag load meas­ release did not vary significantly between B. calamita ured in experiment 1 was 19.4% in B. calamita (median: (35.0±3.6%, n=9) and B. viridis (31 .0±3.0%, n=l2; t­ 7.0%) and 15.2% in B. viridis (median: 9.3%). The cor­ test, t=0.86, P>0.05). The overall recovery rates of tags responding values for the fieldtrial s were 11.9% in B. were 35.9% (n=33) in B. calamita and 31.6% (n=l03) calamita (median: 3.5%) and between 23.8% in B. in B. viridis. Nine of the 136 recovered tags were de­ viridis (median: 8.5%). tected during the final survey of the study area two years after the last release. In B. calamita five tags were found EXPERIMENT 1: ENDURANCE OF T AGGJNG UNDER LABORATORY CONDITIONS in cavities below stones which lay on the ground sur­ face, six tags were buried up to 5 cm in sand, and 22 tags The number of tags still attached to the skin signifi­ lay visible on the ground surface. In B. viridis one tag cantly varied in time in both species (3-factor ANOV A; was located on a toadlet sitting in the pasture, five tags F =1079.94, P<<0.0001; Fig. 6). In contrast, the time 645 below stones, six buried in the sand, and 81 on the course of reflectorloss did neither differ among the four ground surface. replicate trials (3-factor ANOV A; F 4 =1.02, P>0.05) 3• 5 The maximum distance between release and recovery nor between the two species (3-factor ANOV A; site was 588 m in B. calamita and 665 m in B. viridis

F 4 =0. 0 ' P>0.05). Single toads lost their tags during the 1 . 5 (Fig. 7). Neither medians (68 m vs. 61 m; Mann­ first 12 hr following attachment. However, most toads Whitney U-test, U=l 782, P>0.05) nor shape of the shed the tags after 36 hr to 48 hr. Maximum duration of species-specific distributions differed among each other tag attachment was 72 hr. Attachment period of tags was (Kolmogorov-Smirnovtest; two-sided large sample K-S unrelated to toadlet size. In a few individual s, skin statistic = 0. 769, P>0.05). In both species, most of the which had been exposed to cyanoacrylate glue and/or the copper foil antenna was darker than normal. There � 100 was no mortality within a week after tagging. e.... (/) 01 2 80 "CJ 1,1 Q) £: � () 60 ,...... _ -+- B. calamita 2 O> ro - 0,7 40 O> ., B. viridis 0 .Q� >- () c (/) Q) 20 -.-- B. calamita (/) 0,3 ::i - 0 12 24 36 48 "O -0, 1 60 72 0 [IJ Time [hi FIG. 6. Time course of reflector loss under laboratory -0,5 conditions. Tags had been glued to the dorsal skin of 87 B. 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,7 calamita and 189 B. viridis. Each symbol represents the Snout-vent length [log(mm)] average number (±SE, n=4 replicates) of tags still attached to a toad. (ii' (f) 24 CU � 30 E {')•·-· B. ca/amita > 20 "O 20 0 • .D B. ca/amita 16 � ro :t B. viridis 2.... 10 :::i "O {)' ·5 12 c 0 '6

FIG. 5. Size-mass (top) and size-tag load (bottom) FIG. 7. Distances between release and recovery sites of relationships in 179 juvenile B. calamita and 514 juvenile B. attached reflectors (B. calamita: n=33; B. viridis: n= I 03) . viridis studied in laboratory and field. For statistical details Data are presented as percent reflector tags within see text. consecutive 20 m classes. 178 C. LESKOVAR AND U. SJNSCH recovered reflectors (81.8% vs. 74.8%) were detected tagged toadlets are more conspicuous to visually hunt­ within a radius of 200 m around the release site. As the ing predators than untagged ones and may sufferfrom an toadlets were not individually tagged, data on the poten­ increased predation risk. This applies to those individu­ tial effect of tag load on the dispersal distance were not als which do not burrow during daytimeas occasionally available. observed in juvenile green toads. Due to diode size and antenna design, the resulting DISCUSSION tag mass of about 114 mg was greater than that reported Harmonic direction finding has proved to be a suit­ for vertebrates for snakes (4 mg; Engelstoft et al., 1 999) able method to track non-climbing, free-ranging or snails (69 mg; JanBen & Plachter, 1998). According juvenile toads in their natural habitat, as demonstrated to the recommendations for radio tracking, the total previously for carabid beetles (Hockmann et al., 1989) mass of a tag should not significantly exceed l 0% of a and snakes (Webb & Shine 1997, Engelstoft et al. toad's body mass (Richards et al., 1994). Applying this 1999). Compared to the few other available methods rule-of-thumb to HDF tracking by far most of the juve­ (e.g. microtags, passive integrated transponders), the niles were below this limit, but several individuals with small size and the low price of reflectortags combined 22-24 mm SVL and all smaller than 22 mm passed the with a detection range of about 7 m on average are in­ limit, reaching tag loads of more than 20% body mass. triguing advantages of HDF tracking (detailed We were unable to study thepotential effects of tag load discussion in Langkilde & Alford, 2002). Quantitative on locomotory activity as recovered tags could not be studies on the terrestrial dispersal of juvenile amphib­ assigned to individuals, but it is probable that dispersal ians have come closer into the reach of population velocity will be negatively affectedwith increasing rela­ ecologists because now tagged toadlets can be located tive tag mass. Consequently, more light-weighed tags even if not visible to the observer. Before, it was neces­ are needed to track metamorphs of B. calamita ( 6-l l sary to locate the target organism by other means and to mm SVL) and B. viridis (11-18 mm SVL) as well as establish the presence of a tag in the already captured small juveniles. individual. Besides the obvious advantages of this ATTACHMENT OF TAGS method, there are several limitations which have to be considered, if planning a herpetological fi eld study us­ Owing to the small size and the shape of toadlets a ing HDF (Engelstoft et al., 1999; Langkilde & Alford, surgical implantation of tags into the peritoneal cavity as 2002). commonly practiced with radio transmitters but also in HDF studies on snakes was notconsi dered (Stouffer et PREPARATION OP REFLECTOR TAGS al., 1983; Webb & Shine, 1997; Engelstoft et al., 1999). The tags which we describe here were optimized for External attachment of reflector tags to the moist skinof HDF tracking of ground-moving juvenile toads and dif­ amphibians is a greater challenge than glueing a tag per­ fer in size, mass and diode type from those used for manently to a chitin exoskeleton or to a snail-shell. We other target organisms. When testing different types of are aware of only two other studies on amphibians in diodes, we found that the detection range hardly de­ which HDF tags were used to track adult Litoria pended on the diode type but mainly on antenna lesueuri (Langkilde & Alford, 2002) and adult Hyla features. We used relatively large silicium diodes in­ arborea (J. Pellet unpubl.). In these studies tags were stead of Schottky diodes (e.g. JanBen & Plachter, 1998, fixed with an elastic waistband. The period in which Engelstoft et al. 1999) or germanium diodes (Langkilde frogs remain tagged is potentially longer using waist­ & Alford, 2002) because they fitted best to our antenna bands than using glued tags, however, waistbands design and smaller diodes would have required a more irritate frogs causing them to move more often sophisticated electronic laboratory equipment. The di­ (Langkilde & Alford, 2002). Moreover, experiences de­ pole antenna design was chosen to facilitate attachment rived from fixing mechanical tracking devices with to the toad skin and to enhance signal reflection which is waistbands suggest that they may cause skin lesions, if influenced by the alignment of tag and detector antennas they are worn more than a week (e.g. Sinsch, 1988; (JanBen & Plachter, 1998). In contrast, studies on free­ Heyer et al., 1994). We preferred tag attachment with ranging snakes and captive hylids used a single antenna cyanoacrylate glue because this glue does not seem to design with antenna lengths 70-130 mm (Webb & damage skin in the European toad species (B. bufo , B. Shine, 1997, Engelstoft et al., 1999, Langkilde & calamita, B. viridis; Sinsch 1987, 1992). However, cy­ Alford, 2002). We refrained from using antenna of this anoacrylate glue considerably reduced the period length considering the small size of toadlets and the risk between two moults from 4.0-8. l days to less than 2 that the antenna becomes entangled with vegetation. As days in B. calamita (Sinsch et al., 1992; this study). A none of therecovered tags was caughtwithin vegetation consequence of accelerated moulting is the temporal we assume that the external antenna length of 42 mm limitation of the tracking period to mostly two nightly was an appropriate compromise between signal reflec­ activity periods, if the rateof glue-induced tag shedding tion capability and obstacle for movement within estimated in the laboratory is similar to that in the field. vegetation. Nevertheless, due to the externalattachment However, considering that about 2/3 of the tags were not HARMONIC DIRECTION FINDING 179

recovered, the low endurance of the tag attachment above the normal level during the first days following guarantees that toadlets which are not recaptured will release (Sinsch, 1987). In adult Litoria lesueuri the not suffer frompotential long-term effects of the tag. presence of a tag and/or of a waistband was also ob­ The occasionally observed skin darkening was not lim­ served to increase the number of movements and ited to areas in direct contact with glue and more distance covered per hour (Langkilde & Alford, 2002). probably caused by the contact with the copper foil an­ Thus, migratory velocity observed in this study - and tenna. probably in several others - may tend to overestimate that of undisturbed anurans. DETECTION RANGE The significanceof a recovery rate of only about 1/3 The maximum distance at which HDF tags can be lo­ of all tags in both species remains to be discussed. Sev­ cated using a RECCO detector is reported to depend on eral factors probably contributed to the failure to detect the antenna length and the tag's position over ground the missing 2/3 of tags: (1) some toadlets may have (JanBen & Plachter, 1998; Engelstoft et al., 1999; moved further than the documented 665 m. However, Langkilde & Alford, 2002). Tags placed on the ground the number of wide-dispersers is not expected to be surface are detectable from ea. 3 m at 20 mm antenna large because the recovery rate exponentially decreased length and from ea. 20 mat 180 mm antenna length. If with distance from the release site. (2) Some detectable the tag's position is about 0.6-0.8 m above ground, tags have been probably overlooked during the surveys maximum detection distances of ea. 60 m are feasible. as in the natural habitat the scanning path may have de­ Signal amplitude is greatly attenuated, if HDF tags are viated fromthe intended search pattern. As an additional buried and they may even become undetectable nine tags have been detected two years following the fi­ (Engelstoft et al., 1999). Our data on ground-dispersing nal release, the proportion of overlooked tags may and burrowing toads corroborate these features into de­ account for about 10-20% of the missing ones. (3) Other tail and suggest that under field conditions the average tags probably became undetectable due to either broken detection range is 7-8 m. diode-antenna connection, unsuitable antenna position Further constraints influencing detection range are or simply for being lost in deep burrows. As these toads attenuation due to vegetation, to alignment of antenna usually bunow during daytime, we assume that most of and detector, and to the relative orientation of dipole the missing tags are still within the inner study area but antennas to each other (JanBen & Plachter, 1998; buried too deep to be detected with a RECCO device. Engelstoft et al., 1999; Langkilde & Alford, 2002). In conclusion, despite all of the shortcomings of HDF While vegetation is usually sparse in our study area and tracking of small anurans, we encourage population did not interfere, the optimal T-like orientation during ecologists to use this method to obtain reliable fieldesti­ laboratory trials is unlikely to be maintained in the fi eld mates on the direction and distance of postmetamorphic because the flexiblewire antenna surely changes its rela­ dispersal. It is surely an improvement on current meth­ tive position when a toadlet crosses vegetation or odologies - although the gap between the detection burrows. ranges of active and passive tracking systems has be­ These complex influences on the reflected signal's come smaller, it remains large. amplitude make tag location by harmonic direction find­ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ing a time consuming tracking method which requires a lot of manpower to collect quantitative data. As large The permissions forfi eld studies and handling of the detection ranges are rather the exception than the rule, toads were issued by the Struktur- and the distance between parallel scanning paths should be Genehmigungsdirektion Nord, Koblenz. J. Wein pro­ 4-8 m to reduce the number of overlooked tags. vided the diodes and assisted in the technical What can be learned from the field trial with free­ improvement of the reflectors. B. JanBen, University of ranging juvenile B. calamita and B. viridis? Reflector Marburg, shared with us his experience on harmonic di­ tags do not hinder juvenile toads to disperse more than rection finding. The helpful comments of J. Pellet and 600 m within a maximum of four days, but most prob­ two anonymous reviewers on an earlier version of this ably during two consecutive nights, i.e. HDF-tracking is paper are greatly acknowledged. well-suited to study short-time dispersal in the natural habitat. Available data on the velocity of dispersing ju­ REFERENCES veniles of comparable size are scarce, but a maximum of Breden F. (1987). The effect of post-metamorphic 800 m per night in Rana pipiens (Dole, 1971) and 600 m dispersal on the population genetic structure of within three weeks in B. calamita (Sinsch, 1997a) do Fowler's toad, Buja woodhouseifowleri. Copeia 1987, not suggest that tags substantially modify dispersal be­ 386-395 . haviour. We do not know whether the velocity reported Capaldi, E. A., Smith A. D., Osborne, J. L., Fahrbach, S. is representative for undisturbed toads or not because E., Farris, S. M. Reynolds, D. R., Edwards, A. S., prior to experimental estimates toads were handled and Martin, A., Robinson G. E., Poppy G. M. & Riley J. R. displaced from their capture site. At least experimental (2000). Ontogeny of orientation flight in the honeybee displacement is known to increase distances covered revealed by harmonic radar. Nature 403, 537. 180 C. LESKOVAR AND U. 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1Departamento de Biologia/CCBS, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

2D epartamento de Zoologia, /nstituto de Biociencias, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Siio Paulo, Brazil

The ovarian complement of anurans exhibiting different reproductive modes is highly diverse, and intraspecific variation in reproductive output of anurans is generally related to variation in female properties and/or environmental conditions. The size-fecundity relationships, reproductive investment, and correlation between ovary mass and fat body mass were investigated for females of an anuran assemblage in the Pantanal, Brazil. Female body size was positively correlated with clutch size among seven of the eight species analyzed. However, these results seem to be influenced by seasonal variation in fecundity. lnterspecific size-fecundity relationships revealed that female SVL was positively correlated with clutch size and egg size regardless ofreproductive mode. Among 11sp ecies analyzed, the reproductive investment (Rl: ovary mass relative to body mass) varied from 5.5 to 18%, and there were no differences among reproductive modes and

activity patterns (explosive I prolonged). Rl correlated negatively with female size. Among three Leptodactylus species examined, negative correlation between ovary mass and fat body mass was verified for two species. Variations in the reproductive strategies are closely related to the reproductive activity patterns and reproductive modes exhibited by individual species, but are also influenced by environmental conditions. However, regardless of reproductive mode or activity pattern, each species seems to exhibit a reproductive strategy that allows them to respond differently to the same environmental restrictions. Key words: anurans, clutch size, fat body mass, reproductive investment

INTRODUCTION method used consists of establishing proportions as go­ nad mass relative body mass or clutch volume As life history traits affect organism reproduction and to relative to body volume (e.g. Crump, 1974; Lemckert survivorship, most of the interest in studying life history & Shine, 1993; Perotti, 1997). In female frogs, which evolution comes from the different possible combina­ devote a great amount of energy into egg production, tions of these traits which affect fitness (Stearns, 1992). interspecific variation in reproductive investment is re­ Tropical anuran species exhibit a great diversity of re­ lated to reproductive mode (Ryan, 1992). While productive patterns (Duellman & Trueb, 1986). The intraspecific variation in reproductive output of ovarian complement of anurans with different modes of anurans may be related to variation in female properties reproduction is highly diverse (Salthe & Duellman, and environmental conditions (e.g. Berven, 1988; 1973). Generally, large species produce more eggs than Liiddecke, 2002). However, comparative studies on re­ smaller ones, and species that exhibit the generalized re­ productive investment and fecundity are scarce for productive mode produce larger clutches than those with Neotropical frogs inhabiting the seasonal Chaco­ specialized modes. Furthermore, within a given repro­ Pantanal domain (e.g. Perotti, 1997; Prado et al., ductive mode there is a positive correlation between 2000). female body size and clutch size, and a negative correla­ The size-fecundity relationships and reproductive tion between clutch size and ovum size (Duellman, investment (RI) of female frogs from a Neotropical as­ 1989). Information on size-fecundity relationships for semblage in the Pantanal, south-western Brazil, are anurans has been published by Salthe & Duellman herein described. As this region is markedly seasonal (1973), Crump (1974), and more recently, by Lang with a long dry period, main predictions tested in the (1995) and Perotti (1997). present study were: (1) that Rl will be greater in explo­ Reproductive investment - also called reproductive sive breeders compared to prolonged breeders effort - has been defined as the proportion of resources regardless of reproductive mode; and (2) that females available to an organism of certain age, which is invested of prolonged breeders will produce larger clutches in in reproduction during a defined period of time (Gadgil the wet season compared to the dry season. Regardless & Bossert, 1970). However, it is much easier to define of reproductive mode, clutch size correlates negatively than to measure such investment, and the most common with egg size in anurans (e.g. Crump, 1974). Conse­ quently, we expect little variation in RI among species Correspondence: C. P. A. Prado, Departamento de Zoologia, lnstituto de Biociencias, Universidade Estadual Paulista, exhibiting different reproductive modes. Furthermore, Caixa Postal 199, 13506-970, Rio Claro, Sao Paulo, Brazil. individual variation in ovary mass and fat body mass E-mail: [email protected] was also investigated for three Leptodactylus species. 182 C. P. A. PRADO AND C. F. B. HADDAD

MATERIALS AND METHODS podicipinus), seven prolonged breeders, reproducing STUDY SITE for morethan three consecutive months, and six explo­ sive breeders. Five reproductive modes occur among the The Pantanal is a sedimentary floodplain located in frog species, with the majority exhibiting the general­ south-western Brazil, with an area of approximately ized aquatic mode, with eggs deposited in lentic water 140,000 km2between the paralells 16°-22° S and 55°- bodies and exotrophic aquatic tadpoles (Prado et al., 580 W. The study was conducted in the municipality of 2005; Table 1). Terrestrial modes are exhibited by Corumba, MS, at the Pantanal Research Station, Federal Phyllomedusa hypochondria/is, which deposits eggs in University of Mato Grosso do Sul (19° 34'S - 57° OO'W). leaves above water and tadpoles develop in lentic water, Climate is markedly seasonal ("Aw" type in Koppen' s Leptodactylus fu scus and Adenomera cf. diptyx, which classification), with wet summers from October to April deposit eggs in foam nests in terrestrial subterranean · and dry winters from May to September. Rainfall con­ chambers and tadpoles are carried to the pond subse­ centrates from November to January, with an annual quent to fl ooding. mean of 1215 mm at the study site, between 1995 and 1998. For the same period, mean annual temperature FIELD WORK was 25.1 °C, varying from 15.8 °C (June 1996) to 29.5 °C (January 1998). The topography is plain, formed Data were collected monthly between January 1996 mostly by hydromorphic soils, causing drainage prob­ and December 1998. Additional data were collected in lems, that partially explains its tendency for periodic the rainy season (October-March) in the years 1995, and prolonged floods (Por, 1995), which are common in 2001 and 2002. Clutches were collected in the field the region from January to April. The region is charac­ whenever possible, but most clutches were obtained terized by open formations included in the Cerrado from amplexed pairs or estimated based on number and domain (savanna-like vegetation). size of mature ovarian eggs fromgravid females caught in the field. STUDIED FROG ASSEMBLAGE Eggs of each clutch were counted ( = clutch size) and The anuran assemblage at the study site is composed individual egg diameter from different clutches was by 24 frog species belonging to four families: Bufoni­ measured to the nearest 0. 1 mm with an ocular microm­ dae, Hylidae, Leptodactylidae, and Microhylidae, and eter in a Zeiss stereomicroscope. Snout-vent length the reproductive activity concentrates in the rainy sea­ (SVL) of individuals was measured with a caliper ruler son (November-January; Prado et al., 2005). Herein we to the nearest 0. 1 mm. Body, mature ovaries, and ovar­ present data for 16 anuran species belonging to three ian fat bodies were measured on electronic balances to families (Table 1), with three continuous breeders (Hyla the nearest 0.001 g for the larger species, and 0.0001 g nana, Lysapsus limellus, and Leptodactylus for the smaller ones, after being blotted to remove ex-

TABLE 1. Reproductive modes, reproductive activity patterns,and reproductive period for 16 anuran species in the south Pantanal (source Prado et al., 2005). Reproductive modes: (1) eggs and exotrophic tadpoles in lentic water; (8) foam nest and exotrophic tadpoles in lentic water; (18) eggs on leaves above water; exotrophic tadpoles in lentic water; (21) foam nest in subterranean chamber; exotrophic tadpoles in lentic water (Duellman and Trueb, 1986); (3) eggs and early larval stages in foam nests in water­ filled basins constructed by males; exotrophic tadpoles in lentic water (Prado et al., 2002). Family/species Mode Reproductive pattern Reproductive period

HYLIDAE Hyla nana continuous Jan-Dec

H. raniceps prolonged Sep-Apr Lysapsus limellus continuous Jan-Dec Phrynohyasvenulosa 1 explosive Oct-Jan Phyllomedusa hypochondria/is 18 prolonged Sep-Mar Pseudis paradoxa prolonged Oct-May Scinax acuminatus explosive Oct-Mar S. fuscomarginatus prolonged Jan-May

LEPTODACTYLIDAE Adenomera cf. diptyx 21 prolonged Oct-Mar Leptodactylus chaquensis 8 explosive Oct-Mar L. fuscus 21 prolonged Sep-Mar L. podicipinus 3 continuous Jan-Dec Physalaemus albonotatus 8 prolonged Oct-Apr Pseudopaludicola cf.falcipes explosive Nov-Mar

MICROHYLIDAE Chiasmocleis mehelyi explosive Nov Elachistocleis cf. bicolor explosive Sep-Mar SIZE-FECUNDITY RELATIONSHIPS IN FROGS 183 cess liquid. Percentage of mature ovarian mass relative among different species. Considering allometric rela­ to body mass was used as a measure of the reproductive tionships between organ size and body size, to meet investment (RI). statistical assumptions, and to allow biological interpre­ tation and comparison (King, 2000), we calculated DATA ANALYSIS linear regressions and correlations with log-transformed Variables were tested for normality (Shapiro - Wilk data. The reproductive investment (RI) was compared W test) before each analysis. Size-fecundity relation­ among different reproductive modes and between ex­ ships were examined through linear regression analysis plosive and prolonged (including continuous) breeders. (Zar, 1999). Intraspecific relationships between clutch Comparisons of ovarian egg production in the dry and size and female SVL and clutch size and female body wet seasons were made for two continuous breeders, mass (body mass - ovary mass) were determined. Rela­ Hyla nana and Leptodactylus podicipinus. As most frog tionships between clutch size and female SVL, egg size species disappear out of the reproductive season, corre­ and female SVL, ovary mass and female mass, and re­ lation between ovary mass and fat body mass was productive investment and femalemass were compared examined only for three species, Leptodactylus

TABLE 2. Mean±SD female SVL and mass, clutch size (number of eggs per clutch), egg diameter, ovary mass, and reproductive investment (RI) for the anurans in the Pantanal, Brazil. Range and sample size in parenthesis. *Parameters based on ovarian eggs.

Family/Species Female SVL Female mass Clutch size Egg diameter Ovary mass Rl (mm) (g) (mm) (g) (%ovary/body)

HYLIDAE H. nana 21.3±1.5 0.6±0.1 242±125 0.9±0.05 0.09±0.01 15.6±4.6 (18.8-23.8;13) (0.3-0.7;13) (120-55 I;15) (0.8-1 .0;20) (0.07-0.10;5) (10.7-21 .4;5) H. raniceps 60.2±4.4 12.3±3.4 1991±533 1.3±0.10 1.64±0.73 11.9±6.0 (51 .0-70.8;34) (7.2-22.5;32) (I 220-3096;23)*(1 . l-l .5;30)* (0.94-3.04;6) (7.4-23.8;6) L. limellus 18.6±1.4 63±20 1.2±0.05 (16.0-23.0;45) (27-117;18) (l.1-1.2;16) P. venulosa 77.4±6.0 34.5±10.8 3981 ±27 I I .7±0. I 1 3.9±1.22 8.2±1.3 (67.7-86.0;10) (20.3-56.9; 10) (3625-431 0;6)* (1.4- 1 .8;30) (2.52-4.86;3) (6.7-9.3;3) P. hypochondria/is 43.0±1.5 4.0±0.5 89±30 2.1±0. 12 0.66±0.28 16.2±5.6 (41 .3-46.0;10) (3.1-4.8;10) (25-136; I 5) (2.0-2.4;26) (0.47-l . I 7;6) (10.8-25.2;6) P. paradoxa 57.5±8.0 27.2±13.5 1834±1,194 1.4±0.08 1.82±1 .40 5.5±3.1 (45.5-73.2;17) (8.6-62.2;14) (1000-4624;8)* (1.3-1.5;15) (0.80-4.90;7) (2.6-1 1.1 ;7) S. acuminatus 43.1±2.0 6.5± 1.2 879±274 I .1±0.07 0.77±0.36 I 1.1±5.3 (40.4-48.0;34) (4.9-9.3;33) (594-1352;9) ( 1 .0-I .2;65) (0.27-1 .70;2 1) (3.9-26.4;21) S. fu scomarginatus 22.0±0.9 0.5±0.0 337±132 0.9±0.05 (21 .0-22.7;3) (0.5-0.6;3) (185-42 1;3) (0.9- 1.0; 10)

LEPTODACTYL!DAE A. cf. diptyx 25.7 (1) 36 (1)* 1.4±0. 14 (1 .2-1 .5;5)* L. chaquensis 7 l .3±4.5 34.8±6.5 4936±1720 1.5±0.09 5.87±1.72 16.0±2.9 (60.7-80.1 ;50) (21 .9-49.0;50) (3007-8375;32)* (1.4-1 .7; 5) (2.97-8.92;26) (9.9-21.2; 26) L. fuscus 43.6±1.9 8.6±1.3 214±27 2.2±0.07 0.58±0.24 6.8±3.3 ( 40.0-46.2;21) (6.9-1 1.3;21) (185-248;4) (2.1-2.3;12) (0. 1 8-0.87; 8) (2.6-12.6; 8) L. podicipinus 39.5 ±2.l 6. 1±1.0 2102±442 1.1±0.05 1.08±0.28 15.0±2.6 (35.6-44.0;36) (4.4-8.2;27) (I750-2 953;6) (l.0-1.2; 20) (0.66- 1.34; 10) (11 .3-18.5; 10) P. albonotatus 23.5±2.3 1.2±0.4 719 ± 433 1.0±0.04 0.2 1±0.10 16.6±4.3 (20.1 -27 .0;41) (0.5-2.3;37) (246- 1562; 19) (0.9-1.0;43) (0. 1 2-0.52; 12) (11.0-22.4;12) P. cf.falcipes 14.3±0.8 0.30±0.07 32(1) 0.8 ± 0.02 (13.5-15.0;3) (0.25-0.35;2) (0.8-0.9;9)

MICROHYLIDAE C. mehelyi 23.8±0.6 217±33 I .3±0,09 (23.3-24.5;3) (183-250;3)* (l.2- 1 .4;30)* E. cf. bicolor 26.1±1.5 1.4±0.4 478±279 1.0±0.04 0.32±0. 18 18.0±4.5 (23.3-28.7;13) (0.8-2.3;9) (178-888;5)* (0.9-1.1;15 )* (0.21-0.53;3) (15.0-23.3;3) 184 C. P. A. PRADO AND C. F. B. HADDAD chaquensis, L. fuscus, and L. podicipinus. These species diptyx, and L. fuscus, exhibited much smaller clutches occurred throughout the year and sufficient data were than expected (Fig. I), and two species that deposit eggs collected for them. When variables were not normally in foam nests on the water, L. podicipinus and P. distributed, nonparametric tests were performed. Re­ albonotatus, exhibited larger clutches compared to the sults were considered statistically significantat the level remaining species. Egg diameter also correlated posi­ of P<0.05. tively with female SVL (R2 =0.43; P< 0.01; n= 16). Species with terrestrial modes, mainly P. RESULTS hypochondrialis and L. fuscus, exhibited larger egg SIZE-FECUNDITY RELATJONSHIPS sizes compared to the remaining species (Fig. 2). Ex­ Data on clutch and egg size were obtained for 16 spe­ cluding the three species with terrestrial modes, the cies (Table 2). However, due to the small sample size for relationship between body size and egg size became some species, intraspecific relationships between clutch even stronger (R2=0.68; P<0.01 ; n=13). size (= number of eggs per clutch) and female SVL were REPRODUCTIVE INVESTMENT only possible for eight species, and between clutch size and female body mass for six species (Table 3). Body Mean reproductive investment (RI), including all size was positively correlated with clutch size in the species and reproductive modes, was 12.8±4.4% majority of the species, with body mass explaining more (n=l l), ranging from 5.5 to 18% (Table 2). For the spe­ variation in clutch size compared to SVL (Table 3). For cies exhibiting aquatic eggs, mean RI was 11.7±4.6% L. fuscus, neither SVL nor body mass were significantly (range=5.5-18%; n=6), for the frogs with aquatic foam associated with clutch size. For P. albonotatus and S. nests, it was 15.9±0.8% (range=l5-16.6%; n=3), and for acuminatus SVL was not associated with clutch size. two species with terrestrial eggs, values ofRl were 6.8% For L. podicipinus, neither SVL nor body mass corre­ for L. fuscus and 16.2% for P. hypochondrialis. The re­ lated with clutch size (R2=0.09; P=0.23; n=17; and R2= productive investment was not significantly different 0.12; P=0.21; n=l5; respectively). But when females among these three categories of reproductive modes were analyzed separately by seasons (dry/rainy), both (Kruskal-Wallis, H=0.92, df=2, P=0.63). For explosive SVL and body mass were highly correlated with clutch breeders, mean Rl was 13.3±4.5% (range=8.2-18%; n= size in the rainy season (Table 3), period when peak of 4) and for prolonged species it was 12.5±4.6% activity occurred for the species. (range=5.5-16.6%; n=7), showing no significant differ­ Interspecific size-fecundity relationships were also ence (Mann Whitney U-test: W= l2.0; P=0.70). Ovary examined (Table 2). Clutch size was positively corre­ mass was strongly associated with female mass among lated with female SVL among the species compared (R2 the species analyzed (R2 = 0.91; P<0.001; n=l 1; Fig. 3). = 0.60; P<0.01; n=l6). However, the species with ter­ Results oflinear regression analysis revealed a negative restrial reproductive modes, P. hypochondrialis, A. cf. relationship between RI and female mass (R2=0.38;

TABLE 3. Results of linear regression analysis between female SVL and clutch size and female body mass and clutch size for females of anurans in the Pantanal, Brazil. NS = non significant results.

Family/Species log SVL (mm) log body mass (g)

VS. VS. log clutch size log clutch size

HYLIDAE H. nana R2=0.59; P<0.01; N= l2 y = -4.0 + 4.8x H. raniceps R2=0.25; P=0.03; N=23 R2=0.34; P<0.01; N=23 y = -0.15 + l.9x y =2.6 + 0.57x L. limellus R2=0.25; P=0.03; N= l9 y = -2.8 + 3.5x S. acuminatus R2=0.41; P=0.06; N=9 R2=0.51; P=0.03; N=9 NS y = 1.61 + 1.8x LEPTODACTYLIDAE L. chaquensis R2=0.30; P<0.01; N=26 R2=0.57; P<0.01; N=26

y = -0.89 + 2.5x y = 2.0 + I.Ix L. fuscus R2=0. 19; P=0.21; N= JO R2=0.05; P=0.5; N= IO NS NS L. podicipinus R2=0.65; P<0.01; N=9 R2 = 0.62; P=0.01 ; N=9

y = -4.0 + 4.6x y = 2.2 + 1.5x P. albonotatus R2=0. 18; P=0. 16; N=l2 R2=0.42; P=0.02; N= l2 NS y =2.6 + 0.82x SIZE-FECUNDITY RELATIONSHIPS IN FROGS 185


0.32221 .;w* r / 0.2304 1 ;_;,,...�,..,,. �E I � 0.1461 r M �---�� · Cme. � �ls3 � � 00792 t ·L� �• . • g; i "' ' Ol 0 °'114 ; q 11 Pal E!:>• - 0 0000 1 � •• 00456 v �"

-0.0969 i ��

I_____ · _._·--···----·-· . -·-- �· 1.1553 1.3424 1.5966 1.1553 1.3424 1.5965 1 .6531 1 6531 1-7597 1.2695 1.4099 1.7597 1 7.695 1.4099 Log SVL(mm) Log SVL (mm) FJ G. I. Relationship between mean log female SVL and log FJ G. 2. Relationship between mean log female SVL and log clutch size for 16 anuran species in the Pantanal (logy=- 1.I + egg size for 16 anuran species in the Pantanal (logy=-0.48 + 2.4 logx). Species: (Adi) Adenomera cf. diptyx; (Cme) 0.38 logx). Species: (Adi) Adenomera cf. diptyx; (Cme) Chiasmocleis mehelyi; (Ebi) Elachistocleis cf. bicolor; (Hna) Chiasmocleis mehelyi; (Ebi) Elachistocleis cf. bicolor; (Hna) Hyla nana; (Hra) H. raniceps; (Leh) Leptodactylus Hyla nana; (Hra) H. raniceps; (Leh) Leptodactylus chaquensis; (Lfu) L. fu scus; (Lpo) L. podicipinus; (Lli) chaquensis; (Lfu) L. fu scus; (Lpo) L. podicipinus; (Lli) Lysapsus limellus; (Pve) Phrynohyas venulosa; (Phy) Lysapsus limellus; (Pve) Phrynohyas venulosa; (Phy) Phyllomedusa hypochondria/is; (Pal) Physalaemus Phyllomedusa hypochondria/is; (Pal) Physalaemus albonotatus; (Pfa) Pseudopaludicola cf. fa lcipes; (Ppa) albonotatus; (Pfa) Pseudopaludicola cf. fa lcipes; (Ppa) Pseudis paradoxa; (Sac) Scinax acuminatus; (Sfu) S. Pseudis paradoxa; (Sac) Scinax acuminatus; (Sfu) S. fu scomarginatus. Curved lines represent 95% confidence fu sconwrginatus. Curved lines represent 95% confidence interval. Circles, eggs aquatic; triangles, aquatic foam nests; interval. Circles, eggs aquatic; u·iangles, aquatic foam nests; squares, terrestrial foam nests; stars, terrestrial eggs on leaves squares, terrestrial foam nests; stars, terrestrial eggs on leaves above water. above water.

P=0. 04; n= l I; Fig. 4), i. e., females of larger species SEASONAL CHANGES IN FECUNDITY AND RELATION­ tend to invest less in ovaries. However, RI in females of SHIP BETWEEN OVARIAN MASS AND FAT BODY MASS L. chaquensis, an explosive breeder that deposits eggs in For two continuous breeders, H. nana and L. foam nests on the water, was much higher than expected podicipinus, ovarian egg production in the wet and dry (Fig. 4 ) . In contrast, females of two species, Pseudis season was highly variable. Females of H. nana pro­ paradoxa, a prolonged breeder that exhibits the general­ duced, on average, 250± 130 (range= 139-55 1; n= 10) ized aquatic mode, and L. fu scus, another prolonged mature ovarian eggs in the wet season and 218 ± I 06 breeder, but with a terrestrial reproductive mode, in­ (range = 120-364; 11=7) in the dry season, but this differ­ vested much less in ovaries (Fig. 4 ) . ence was not significant (Mann Whitney U-test:

27ffl6 3 !399 3 6990 4.4C45 2.i'076 3.1399 3.6990 �AG45 2.9956 3.5237 39042 2 9956 3-. 5237 3. £<042 Log body mass (n�) Log body mass img) FIG. 3. Relationship between mean log female body mass and FIG. 4. Relationship between mean log female body mass and log ovary mass for I I anuran species in the Pantanal (logy = - log ovary mass/body mass (reproductive investment) for l l 0.27 + 0.85 logx). Species: (Ebi) Elachistocleis cf. bicolor; anuran species in the Pant.anal (logy=1. 7 - 0. 18 logx). Species: (Hna) Hyla nana; (Hra) H. raniceps; (Leh) Leptodactylus (Ebi) Elachistocleis cf. bicolor; (Hna) Hyla nana; (Hra) H. chaquensis; (Lfu) L. fu scus; (Lpo) L. podicipinus; (Pve) raniceps; (Leh) Leptodactylus chaquensis; (Lfu) L.fuscus; (Lpo) Phrynohyas venulosa; (Phy) Phyllomedusa hypochondria/is; L. podicipinus; (Pve) Phrynohyas venulosa; (Phy) (Pal) Physalaemus albonotatus; (Ppa) Pseudis paradoxa; Phyllomedusa hypochondria/is; (Pal) Physalaemus (Sac) Scinax acuminatus. Curved lines represent 95% albonotatus; (Ppa) Pseudis paradoxa; (Sac) Scinax acuminatus. confidence interval. Circles, eggs aquatic; triangles, aquatic Curved lines represent 95% confidence interval. Circles, eggs foam nests; squares, terrestrial fo am nests; stars, terrestrial aquatic; triangles, aquatic foam nests; squares, terrestrial foam eggs on leaves above water. nests; stars, terrestrial eggs on leaves above water. 186 C. P. A. PRADO AND C. F. B. HADDAD

10 -. (dry/rainy) in the cases of the prolonged and continuous breeders. In the present study, neither SVL nor body • • mass correlated with clutch size in L. fu scus, but in an­ • other population studied in northern Brazil (Martins, 1 j • • 1988) SVL and number of ovarian eggs were positively . ' s •• • £ • • correlated. An explanation could be that for the popula­ "' • • • "' • • ro • • tion in the Pantanal, females collected in different E ,., 0.1 reproductive seasons were analyzed together and in the CJ • 6 0 • • • .0 • study conducted in northern Brazil, only females from a • /\ .!'! f, L:. • OJ 6 • single reproductive episode were analyzed. But such 0 r/' ...J • • L> /\ ;� differences could also be due to multi clutching, or re­ 0.01 !:!. • !:!. lated to population differences, or even it is possible that l.\ more than one species are being currently identified un­ der the name L. fuscus (Wynn & Heyer, 2001).

------·--- 1 Our results on variation in fecundity of L. 0.001 +---·-- 'T 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 podicipinus and H. nana support seasonal predictions Log ovary mass(mg) (described above). Females of L. podicipinus, a con­

FIG. 5. Correlation between log ovary mass and fat body tinuous breeder at the study site, produced less ovarian mass in fe males of Leptodactylus chaquensis (squares), L. eggs in the dry season compared to the rainy season. fu scus (circles), and L. podicipinus (triangles) in the Analyzing all available females and clutches of L. Pantanal, Brazi l. podicipinus, neither SVL nor body mass correlated sig­ nificantly with clutch size. But when females were W=28.0; P=0.49). Females of L. podicipi11us produced a analyzed separately by seasons (dry/rainy), both SVL mean of 2272±464 (range = 1700 -2960; 11=9) ovarian and body mass were highly correlated with clutch size. eggs in the wet season and a mean of 1766±393 In contrast, the other continuous breeder, H. 11ana, did (range=l304-2526; 11=8) in the dry season. For L. not exhibit differences in egg production between the podicipi11us, ovarian egg production in the wet and dry dry and rainy season at the study site. When all females season differed signicantly (t=2.4; P=0.01 ). from all seasons were analyzed, body size was posi­ A significant negative relationship between ovary tively correlated with clutch size. Although both species mass and fat body mass was verified for the explosive are continuous breeders, our results suggest that they breeder L. chaquensis (Spearman rank correlation: r =- , exhibit different responses to environmental changes. 0. 74; P< 0.05; 11=50; Fig. 5) and for the prolonged As for L. podicipinus in the present study, variation in breeder L. fuscus (r = -0.69; P<0.05;11=21; Fig. 5). For , egg production between dry and rainy seasons was also the continuous breeder L. podicipi11us, there was no sig­ reported for another continuous breeder in the Pantanal, nificant correlation between ovary mass and fat body L. limellus (Prado & Uetanabaro, 2000). Such variation mass (r = -0. 16; P>0.05; 11=27; Fig. 5). , was also observed for Colostethus tri11itatus in a sea­ DISCUSSION sonal region in Venezuela (Praderio & Robinson, 1990), and the authors suggested that prey availability may di­ SIZE-FECUNDITY RELATIONSHIPS minish during the dry season affecting female nutritional Although female size correlated positively with state. This explanation could be applied for L. clutch size in most species (7/8 ; Table 3), body size ex­ podicipinus, or, as noted by Crump (1974), it is possible plained between 25% (H. raniceps and L. limellus) and that females regulate egg production according to cli­ 65% (L. podicipinus) of the variation in clutch size. Fe­ matic conditions. male size is positively correlated with fecundity in many Considering the reproductive modes in amphibians, species of frogs (e.g. Berven 1988; Lemckert & Shine, fromthe most generalized aquatic to the most terrestrial 1993; Ltiddecke, 2002), but egg production may exhibit modes, number of eggs deposited tends to decrease considerable variation among females in a single popu­ while egg size increases (Salthe & Duellman, 1973; lation (e.g. Berven 1988; Lemckert & Shine, 1993). Crump, 1974; Duellman & Trueb, 1986). Such a nega­ Besides size, other factors may influence female fecun­ tive correlation was verified in many studies on dity, as environmental conditions and female nutritional reproductive modes in anurans (e.g. Crump & Kaplan, state (e.g. Ryser, 1988, 1989; Lemckert & Shine, 1993). 1979; Hodl, 1990; Perotti, 1997). Although only three In prolonged or continuous breeding species, egg pro­ terrestrial modes were analyzed herein, such tendency duction may also differ if measured at different times was also observed. The species P. hypocho11drialis, (e.g. early, mid, or late season) during the breeding sea­ which deposits eggs on leaves above water, and son (e.g. Praderio & Robinson, 1990; Giaretta & Adenomera cf. diptyx and L. fuscus, which deposit eggs Kokubum, 2004). Variation in the regression coeffi­ in foam nests in subterranean chambers, displayed cients in the present study could be related to the fact smaller clutches and larger eggs compared to species that, for most species, samples included females and exhibiting aquatic modes (aquatic eggs and aquatic clutches collected in different years, or different seasons foam nests). Two species that exhibit aquatic foam SIZE-FECUNDITY RELATIONSHIPS IN FROGS 187

nests, L. podicipinus and P. albonotatus, had relatively Perotti (1997), in Argentina. Such inverse relationship larger clutches compared to other species. Perotti was also observed for the frog species in the present (1997) compared the ovary size factor (Duellman & study. This negative trend indicates that as body size in­ Crump, 1974), a method to measure fecundity which creases, proportionately less of the body size is takes into account egg size, among species in different accounted for by the ovary size, or less is invested in families and different reproductive modes in the Chaco, gonads. Crump (1974) suggested that probably this re­ Argentina. Two leptodactylid species present in the sults from the fact that large species have a

Chaco - L. chaquensis and Physalaemus biligonigerus proportionately larger amount of supportive tissue.

- that also deposit eggs in foam nests on the water, also The frogL. chaquensis invested more in gonads than had higher values of fecundity compared to other spe­ expected, and L. fu scus and P. paradoxa much less. cies (Perotti, 1997). lt would be necessary to have data Ecological differences among these species mainly re­ on other species with aquatic foam nests to test whether garding reproductive activity patterns and number of such larger clutches are phylogenetic determined or a clutches a female can deposit during a single reproduc­ common trait associated to this reproductive mode. tive period may explain such differences. Many studies lnterspecific analysis showed that female SVL was showed that individual females can produce more than positi vely correlated with clutch size in the present one clutch per reproductive season (e.g. Perrill, 1983; study, as registered before for other frog assemblages Lemckert & Shine, 1993). Based on presence of imma­ (e.g. Crump, 1974; Lang, 1995). However, considering ture ovarian eggs in nearly every gravid female, Crump intra- and interspecific analysis, body mass and mature ( 1 974) suggested that females breed repeatedly through­ ovary mass showed a much stronger correlation. Re­ out the year in the Neotropics. Such situation was also garding size-fecundity relationships, in comparison to observed for all the species in the present study (C. P. A. SVL, body volume or mass give a more accurate meas­ Prado, pers. obs.), and it is also suggested that females ure of the size of the frog's internal cavity and more of all studied species may produce more than a clutch clearly defines the ovarian capacity of anurans (e.g. per season. But the number of clutches a femalecan pro­ Crump, 1974; Lang, 1995; Prado et al., 2000). Our re­ duce may be under the control of environmental sults support previous studies cited above, with body conditions as well as the species reproductive activity mass explaining more variation in clutch size compared pattern. In contrast to other explosive breeders in the to SVL. Egg size and body size were not significantly Pantanal that breed many times during the rainy season correlated in a study conducted by Lang (1995). How­ (Prado et al., 2005), L. chaquensis is an explosive ever, Lang ( 1995) tested the correlation with breeder that only breeds during the first heavy rains in stream-breeding hylid frogs, which exhibited low egg the rainy season (Prado et al., 2000), a condition that is size variation. All the stream-breeding species had rela­ rare at the study site. As a consequence, females of this tive large eggs, probably related to the water current of species may not have the opportunity to lay many these habitats, which could explain the lack of correla­ clutches during a single breeding season, which could tion. When analysing species with different lead to a high reproductive investment. In contrast, L. reproductive modes, depositing eggs at different habitat fu scus and P. paradoxa are prolonged breeders that re­ types, egg size correlates positively with body size produce continuously for more than six consecutive (Perotti, 1997; present study). This fact may probably be months at the study site. Females of these species may related with many different selective pressures leading lay many small clutches during a single season, which to differences in egg sizes. would explain the extremely low investment in gonads.

REPRODUCTJVE INVESTMENT SEASONAL CHANGES IN FAT BODY MASS IN LEPTODACTYLUS Reproductive investment (RI), measured as percent­ age of ovary mass relative to body mass, varied from 5.5 In amphibians and reptiles fat is stored in special or­ to 18% among frog species in the present study. How­ gans, the fat bodies, located anterior to the gonads, and ever, the RI did not differ significantly among the three their sizes are good indicators of the nutritional state of categories of reproductive modes tested, neither be­ the organism (Jorgensen, 1992). Three Leptodactylus tween prolonged and explosive breeders. Percentage of species exhibited differences regarding patterns of fat clutch volume relative to body volume was examined deposition in the present study, indirectly indicated by for 23 species in different families and with different re­ the correlation between fat body mass and ovary mass. productive modes at Santa Cecilia, Ecuador (Crump, For L. chaquensis and L. fu scus, fat body mass corre­ 1974). Similar to values observed for the frogs in the lated negatively with ovary mass, i.e. females with present study, relative clutch size at Santa Cecilia varied ovaries containing eggs exhibited smaller fat bodies. from 3.1 to 18.2%, the smallest value being that of the However, for L. podicipinus, fat body mass was not cor­ largest species, Buja marinus, and largest percentage related with ovary mass. In temperate regions, fat bodies being that of the small treefrog Hyla cruentomma. in anurans are primarily known to serve as nutritional Crump (1974) foundan inverse relationship between the reserves, mainly during hibernation (Saidapur & Hoque, reproductive investment and body size, and so did 1996). However, involvement of fat bodies in game- 188 C. P. A. PRADO AND C. F. B. HADDAD

togenesis has been reported for many species both in REFERENCES temperate (e.g. Long, J 987) and in tropical regions (e.g. Pancharatna & Saidapur, 1985; Saidapur & Hoque, Berven, K. A. (1988). Factors affecting vanat10n in 1996). An inverse relationship between fat body size reproductive traits within a population of wood frogs and ovary size was reported for the temperate frogAcr is (Rana sylvatica). Copeia 1988, 605-615. crepitans (Long, I 987) and for the tropical frog Rana Crump, M. L. ( 1974). Reproductive strategies in a tropical cyanophlyctis (Pancharatna & Saidapur, 1985), suggest­ anuran community. Miscellaneous Publication of the ing that lipids are used for vitellogenesis, as for L. Museum of Natural History, University of Kansas 61, chaquensis and L. fu scus in the present study. For L. 1-68. podicipinus, fat body mass did not correlate negatively Crump, M. L. & Kaplan, R. H. (1979). Clutch energy with ovary mass. In a study with Buja woodhousei partitioning of tropical tree frogs (Hylidae). Copeia (Long, 1987), it was observed that although fat body 1979, 626-635. size did not correlate negatively to ovary mass, lipid re­ Duellman, W. E. (1989). Alternative life-history styles in serves were mobilized for egg production, and such a anuran amphibians: evolutionary and ecological situation could be the case for L. podicipinus in the implications. In Alternative life-history styles of present study. Differences in fat deposition patterns animals, 101-126. Bruton, M. N. (Ed.). Dordrecht: among the Leptodactylus species may be due to ecologi­ Kluwer Academic Publishers.

cal differences in reproduction. While L. chaquensis - Duellman, W. E. (1999). Distribution patterns of

an explosive breeder - and L. fu scus - a prolonged amphibians in South America. In Patterns of breeder - only reproduce in the rainy season, L. distribution of amphibians: a global perspective, 255- podicipinus reproduces throughout the year, which 328. Duellman, W. E. (Ed.). Baltimore and London: could explain the lower variation in lipid reserves The Johns Hopkins University Press. throughout the year. Duellman, W. E. & Crump, M. L. (1974). Speciation in The Pantanal is included in the Cerrado-Caatinga­ frogs of the Hyla parviceps group in the upper Amazon Chaco domain (Duellman, 1999), which is characterized Basin. Occasional Papers of the Museum of Na1ural by a subhumid to semiarid climate, high temperatures, History University of Kansas 23, 1-40. and low rainfall, that falls mainly in a short rainy season. Duellman, W. E. & Trueb, L. (1986). Biology of The climate is markedly seasonal in the Pantanal, with a Amphibians. New York: McGraw-Hill. defined wet period with unpredictable rains and a long Gadgil, M. & Bossert, W. H. (1970). Life historical dry season (Por, 1995). Floods are common in the re­ consequences of natural selection . The American gion, but the exact period and intensity of floods may Naturalist 104, 1-24. vary from year to year. Results herein described for the Giaretta, A. A. & Kokubum, M. N. C. (2004). frog assemblage in the Pantanal suggest that variations Reproductive ecology of Leptodactylus fu rnarius in reproductive traits - as variation in egg production, Sazima & Bokermann, 1978, a frog that lays eggs in patternof fat deposition, and reproductive investment - underground chambers (Anura: Leptodactylidae). although influenced by reproductive activity patterns He1pe1ozoa 16, 115-126. and modes of reproduction, seem to be strongly influ­ Hi:idl, W. (1990). Reproductive diversity in Amazonian enced by environmental conditions. However, the most lowland frogs. Fortschritte der Zoologie 38, 41-60. important conclusion is that, regardless of reproductive Jorgensen, C. B. (1992). Growth and reproduction. In mode or activity pattern, each species seems to exhibit a Environmental Physiology of the Amphibians, 439- unique reproductive strategy which allows them to re­ 466. Feder, M. E. and Burggren, W. W. (Eds.). spond differently to the same environmental restrictions. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. King, R. B. (2000). Analyzing the relationship between ACKNOWLEDGMENTS clutch size and female body size in reptiles. Journalof We thank J. P. Pombal Jr. and M. Martins for the Herpetology 34, 148-150. valuable suggestions on the manuscript, E. A. Pedroso, Lang, C. (1995). Size-fecundity relationships among E. Pereira, E. Q. Gomes, M. Uetanabaro, and P. stream-breeding hylid frogs. Herpetological Natural Landgref Filho for fieldassistance, and L. F. Toledo for History 3, 193-197. the help with the figures. This study was made possible Lemckert, F. L. & Shine, R. (1993). Costs of reproduction by the logistical support of Base de Estudos do Pantan al in a population of the frog Crinia signife ra (Anura: Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul. C. P. A. Myobatrachidae) from Southeastern Australia. Journal Prado acknowledges CNPq for financial support (proc. of Herpetology 27, 420-425. 521746/97 3/NV) and graduate fellowships (procs. Long, D. R. (1987). A comparison of energy substrates and 351 228/97 7, 140397/2000 0), and FAPESP for post­ reproductive patterns of two anurans, Acris crepitans doc fellowship (proc. 04/00709-0). C. F. B. Haddad and Buja woodhousei. Comparative Biochemistry and acklowledges CNPq and Biota FAPESP (proc. 01/ Physiology 87A, 81-91. 13341-3) for financial support conceded to the Labora­ Liiddecke, H. (2002). Variation and trade-off in reproductive output of the Andean frog Hyla labia/is. tory of Herpetology, Department of Zoology, I. B., UNESP, Rio Claro, SP, Brazil. Oecologia 130, 403-4 10. SIZE-FECUNDITY RELATIONSHIPS IN FROGS 189

Martins, M. (1988). Reproductive biology of Ryan, M. J. (1992). Costs of reproduction. In Leptodactylus fu scus in Boa Vista, Roraima Environmental Physiology of the Amphibians, 426- (Amphibia: Anura). Revista Brasileira de Biologia 48, 434. Feder, M. E. and Burggren, W. W. (Eds.). 969-977 (in Portuguese). Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Pancharatna, M. & Saidapur, S. K. (1985). Ovarian cycle Ryser, J. (1988). Clutch parameters in a Swiss population

in the frog Rana cyanophlyctis: a quantitative study of of Rana temporaria. Herpetological Journal 1, 310- follicular kinetics in relation to body mass, oviduct, 311. and fat body cycles. Journalof Morphology 186, 135- Ryser, J. (1989). Weight loss, reproductive output, and the 147. cost of reproduction in the common frog, Rana Perrill, S. A. (1983). Multiple egg clutches in Hyla regilla, temporaria. Oecologia 78, 264-268. H. cinerea, and H. gratiosa. Copeia 1983, 513-5 16. Saidapur, S. K. & Hoque, B. (1996). Long-term effects of Perotti, M. G. (1997). Reproductive modes and ovariectomy on abdominal fat body and body masses in quantitative reproductive parameters of an anuran the frog Rana tigrina during the recrudescent phase. assemblage from the semiarid Chaco, Salta, Argentina. Journal of Herpetology 30, 70-73. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 70, 277-288 (in Salthe, S. N. & Duellman, \V . E. (1973). Quantitative Spanish). constraints associated with reproductive mode in Por, F. D. (1995). The Pantanal of Mato Grosso (Brazil): anurans. ln Evolutionary Biology of the Anurans, 229- World 's largest wetlands. Dordrecht: Kluwer 249. Vial, J. L. (Ed.). Columbia: University of Academic Publishers. Missouri Press. Praderio, M. J. & Robinson, M. D. (1990). Reproduction Stearns, S. C. (l992). The evolution of life histories. New in the toad Colostethus trinitatus (Anura: York: Oxford University Press. Dendrobatidae) in a northern Venezuela seasonal Wynn, A. & Heyer, W. R. (2001). Do geographically environment. Journalof Tropical Ecology 6, 333-341. widespread species of tropical amphibians exist ? An Prado, C. P. A. & Uetanabaro, M. (2000). Reproductive estimate of genetic relatedness within the Neotropical biology of Lysapsus limellus Cope, 1862 (Anura, frog Leptodactylus fu scus (Schneider, 1799) (Anura, Pseudidae) in the Pantanal, Brazil. Zoocriaderos 3, 25- Leptodactylidae). Tropical Zoology 14, 255-285. 30. Zar, J. ( 1999). Biostatistical Analysis, 4th ed. New Jersey: Prado, C. P. A., Uetanabaro, M. & Haddad, C. F. B. Prentice Hall. (2002). Description of a new reproductive mode in Leptodactylus (Anura, Leptodactylidae), with a review of the reproductive specialization toward terrestriality in the genus. Copeia 2002, 1128-1133. Prado, C. P. A., Uetanabaro, M. & Haddad, C. F. B. (2005). Breeding activity patterns, reproductive modes, and habitat use by anurans (Amphibia) in a seasonal environment in the Pantanal, Brazil. Amphibia-Reptilia 26, 2 l J -22 l. Prado, C. P. A., Uetanabaro, M. & Lopes, F. S. (2000). Reproductive strategies of Leptodactylus chaquensis and L. podicipinus in the Pantanal, Brazil. Journal of Herpetology 34, 135-139. Accepted: 12.10.04

HERPETOLOGICAL JOURNAL, Vol. 15, pp. 191-194 (2005)



1 Institute of Biomedical and Life Sciences, Division of Environmental and Evolutionary Biology, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK

2Biology Department, Faculty of Sciences, University of Shiraz, Iran

Microhylids have the nares closed during most of tadpole life. In the microhylid Elachistocleis ova/is the external nares initially form in late embryonic stages but the nares then close when independent feeding begins and re-open at the start of metamorphosis. Examination of other microhylid species suggests that this may be a general feature. Given the uses of the olfactory system in tadpoles (e.g. kin recognition, predator detection), closure of the system in microhylids is a curious feature which needs further investigation. Key words: anuran, development, nostrils, olfaction, Microhylidae

INTRODUCTION During a study of the externalfeatures of embryos and larvae froma wide range of anuran taxa, we made simi­ Paired ectodermal placodes that form near the tip of lar observations in the microhylid Elachistocheis ovalis the snout of anuran embryos at Gosner ( 1960) stage 17 (Schneider). Here we present our observations on this are the earliest signs of the olfactory organs. The species and re-examine the specimens reported by placodes invaginate to form olfactory pits (presumptive Parker (1934). externalnar es), and soon after hatching each pit begins to divide into the anteromedial vomeronasal organ and the MATERIAL AND METHODS. posterolateral principal cavity. The lumen of the princi­ pal cavity extends towards the roof of the buccal cavity Eggs and tadpoles of E. ovalis were collected from and breaks through to form the choana (internal naris) by temporary pools in Trinidad over a number of years. Gosner stage 28 in Xenopus laevis (Hansen et al. 1998; Embryos were incubated in well-aerated dechlorinated staged using the approximation table in McDiarmid & tapwater at 28°C in the laboratory and fi xed in 2.5% Altig, 1999). Klein & Graziadei ( l 983) showed that the glutaraldehyde in phosphate buffer. Tadpoles were ' olfactory placode is composed of a superficial cell layer grown in particle-rich pond water and fixed in Bouin s which forms the supporting cells of the olfactory epithe­ fluid at stages before and around metamorphosis lium, with microvillate apical surfaces, and a deep layer (Gosner 37-44). Specimens were prepared by conven­ that becomes sensory cells with ciliated apical surfaces. tional methods for both scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and light microscopy using semi-thin resin em­ It has been known for some time that the olfactory de­ velopment of larval microhylids is unusual. Parker bedded sections stained with Toluidine Blue or wax ( 1934) noted that the external nares of free-living sections stained with PAS. For comparison, larvae of microhylid tadpoles "do not appear until shortly before two species with primitive olfactory organ develop­ metamorphosis." Wassersug (1980) examined the inter­ ment (Bufo bufo , collected in the UK; Hyla crepitans, nal oral anatomy of three species of microhylid tadpole collected in Trinidad) were also fi xed for light (stages 32-37) and noted that the internal narial depres­ microscopy. Microhylid embryos and larvae held in sions were not perforated in any case. Haas (2003) the collections of the Natural History Museum, London concurred with this conclusion from examination of six (BMNH) were examined with a dissecting microscope. more microbylid species, noting that the nostril passages RESULTS became open only during metamorphosis, and that closed nostrils are one of a set of derived characters that As viewed by SEM, the positions of the nasal distinguish microhylid tadpoles from those of other placodes of E. ovalis were first detectableas flattened groups. areas dorsal to the oral invagination at stage 18 but be­ Altig & McDiarmid (1999) briefly reported that em­ came more obvious as invaginations at stage 19 when bryos of the tadpoles of Gastrophryne carolinensis and the embryos hatched. By stage 20, each external naris heymonsi had external narial openings; they was a circular pit with a flattened base composed of found that the external openings closed at later stages, densely packed cells, most of which bore short apical and remained closed during most of larval development. microvilli, but some of which were ciliated. The pits were deeper by stages 21-22 and remained distinct Correspondence: J. R. Downie, Division of Environmental & through stages 23-24, but by stage 25, they had disap­ Evolutionary Biology, Graham Kerr Building, University of Glasgow,Glasgow G 12 8QQ. peared; their previous positions were faintly visible as a E-mail: [email protected] circular arrangement of the cells (Fig. l a-e). Although 192 M. NOKHBATOLFOGHAHAI AND J. R. DOWNIE

FIG. 2. Sections through the nostril region of three species of early larvae. a,b: B. bufo , stage 26, two sections through the same tadpole to show internal nares (a) and external nares (b). c: H. crepitans, stage 26, section showing both internal and external nares. d: E. ovalis, stage 23 showing external naris with thick olfactory placode at its base. e: E. ovalis, stage 25 showing internal naris and olfactory epithelium : FIG. I. Scanning electron micrographs of E. ova/is at external naris now closed. f: E. ova/is, stage 27 showing embryonic and early metamorphic stages showing external further development of the olfactory epithelium. Labels: a - nares. a: stage 20, b: stage 23, c: stage 24; d: stage 25; e: stage adhesive gland; en - external naris; in - internal naris; m - 25-26; f: stage 42. Labels: n - external nares; arrow - mouth cavity; n - nostril; ns - nasal sac; nv - nasal valve. All positions of former externalnar es. Structures below the nares figuresphotog raphed from PAS-stained wax sections, except in a-e are the central mouth and lateral adhesive glands. d, semi-thin Toluidine Blue-stained resin section. they had a few ciliated cells in their proximity, these late 25, and their later absence. Absence of nostrils as early embryonic/early larval external nares were not densely as stage 25 was confirmed forthree species. The precise suJTounded by ciliated cells, as Nokhbatolfoghahai & stage at which nostrils opened in later tadpoles varied Downie (in press) report for the external nares of many from stage 39-41, based on a few available species. other tadpole species. At stage 37, there were no signs of external nares. At stages 38/39, a pair of surface eleva­ DISCUSSION tions was visible at the expected positions of the external In E. ovalis, the nasal pits develop at tJ1e same stage nares but openings were absent. By stage 42, the exter­ as in other anurans, but they close externally around the nal nares were clearly open (Fig. 1 f). start of independent feeding and re-open at the start of Jn Buja bufo and Hyla crepitans (Fig. 2 a-c), the ex­ metamorphosis. Internally, E. ovalis has an olfactory ternal narial openings connect via an olfactory canal epithelium similar to that in other anurans, at least in with a thickened olfactory epithelium to the internal early tadpole stages, and open internal nares; we did not nares in stage 26 tadpoles. In E. ovalis, the olfactory pits examine the internal nares after stage 27. at stage 23 have a basal thickened olfactory epithelium; Parker (1934) wrote that the "external nares do not by stages 25 and 27, the external opening has closed but appear until shortly before metamorphosis" although he there is an internal opening and an elaborately thickened examined the late embryonic stages only of olfactory epithelium. Kalophrynus pleurostigma and Microhyla borneensis; Table 1 shows data fromspecimens in the BMNH to­ in the former, he noted shallow nasal pits in recently gether with our data from E. ovalis. Early larval stages hatched larvae, which we confirmed as stages 19-25. He were available only for Kalophrynus pleurostigma, and made no mention of nasal pits in M. bomeensis hatchlings, these confirmed the presence of nasal pits at stages 19- and these specimens are no longer available. MICROHYLlD TAD POLE NOSTRILS 193

TABLE I. Nostril appearance in developmental stages of different species of Microhylidae. Species Stages nostrils visible Stages nostrils not visible Stages nostrils not clear

Calluella guttulata 44, 46 37, 38, 42 43 Glyphoglossus molossus 42, 44 25, 26, 30, 35, 36, 37, 37/38 40, 41 Kaloula pulchra 39, 42/43, 45 38 38/39 Kalophrynus pleurostigma 19/20, 24, 25 29/30 Chaperina fu sca 42 29, 32 25, 26 Microhyla berdmorei 41, 42, 42/43, 44 25, 34, 35, 37, 37/38 39/40, 40 Microhyla butleri 36, 36/37 38 40 ' Microhyla heymonsi 36, 36/37, 37, 38 Microhyla achatina 37, 39 Microhyla pulchra 40, 43, 46 34 Microhyla ornata 25, 36, 37, 38, 42 43/44 Microhyla rubra 43, 44 37 Elachistocleis ovalis 19-24, 42 25, 26, 27, 37, 38/39

Altig & McDiannid (1999; personal communication) the chain of developmental interactions that forms the reported open nares in embryos of Gastrophryne olfactory organs. Therefore, even ifthe olfactory system carolinensis and Microhyla heymonsi with later closure is to remain unused during most of tadpole life, it has to that persisted through most larval stages. They also undergo these initial stages. Wassersug (1980) sug­ stated that the externalnares of nidicolous species of the gested that the closure of the internalna res in microhylid sub-family Cophylinae are open at least at the surface tadpoles was related to the efficiency of their buccal throughout development, but it is not known if this ap­ pumps; a reduction in the number of openings removes plies to other nidicolous microhylids. sources of leaks. This may be so, but it is surprising that Blommers-Sch!Osser (1975) reported that nostrils ap­ this is a big enough advantage to overcome the loss of a peared late in the development of the swimming sensory modality and it has yet to be established in how tadpoles of the cophyline Platyhyla grandis, though still many microhylid species internal narial closure occurs. before metamorphosis. The sensitivity and uses of the olfactory system in tad­ Open external nares have been reported from swim­ poles has not been fu lly investigated (review by Dawley, ming tadpole stages in a fewmicrohylid species. Berry 1998) but it is responsible for chemical mediated kin (l 972) showed open external nares from stage 26 on­ recognition in some species and predator detection in wards in Pluynella pollicaris; Mohanty-Hejmadi et al. others. E. ova/is tadpoles do not form shoals (Downie, (1979) described nostrils, without comment, in all personal observations), so it is unlikely that they show stages of Up erodon systoma from late embryos on­ kin recognition, but the ability to detect predators would wards. Kirtisinghe (1958) desc1ibed nostrils in tadpoles seem of importance. The stages at which the anuran ol­ of Ramanella palmata and Kaloula pulchra factory system becomes functional has not been fu lly taprobanica, but did not give stages. Parker (1934) ob­ established, but in X. laevis, there is evidence for func­ served late stage Ramanella tadpoles, but found nostrils tionality just before the start of independent feeding opened only in K. pulchra tadpoles with well-developed (Hansen et al., 1998). Assheton (1896) reported a pow­ hindlimbs (later than stage 38; our Table 1). Wassersug erfulcilia- generated current sweeping into the olfactory (1980) examined the internal narial depressions of three pits of recently-hatched Rana temporaria larvae. If the species of microhylid tadpoles from stages 32-37 and olfactory cells are functional at this stage, the current found that they were not open in any case. may bring useful sensory information which could then It would clearly be helpful to examine embryonic and be available to microhylid larvae in the early post-hatch­ early larval stages in more microhylid species but, if it is ing stages when their external nares are still open. possible to generalise from the present data, external ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS nares develop normally in microhylid embryos. These apertures then close about the time of independent feed­ We thank Margaret Mullin and Ian Montgomery for ing in nearly all species with free-swimming tadpoles technical assistance and advice, the late Professor Peter but remain open in species with larger eggs developing Bacon and colleagues at the University of the West on land. Internal nares also form normally, then close in Indies for laboratory space, Barry Clarke and Mark at least some tadpole species and re-open at metamor­ Wilkinson for their help in accessing and studying phosis. specimens at BMNH and Ronn Altig for sharing unpub­ Why does the olfactory system open up in the first lished results and commenting on a draft of this paper. place, and why does it later close off? It is likely that the We are also grateful for a comment by Alex Haas on the formation of the nasal placodes and their subsequent in­ development of the internal nares in microhylids. JRD vagination to form nasal pits is an essential early stage in acknowledges financial assistance from the Carnegie 194 M. NOKHBATOLFOGHAHAI AND J. R. DOWNIE

Trust and the University of Glasgow; MN carried out laevis: a light and electron microscope study. Journal this work while on a Government of the Islamic Repub­ of Comparative Neurology 217, 17-30. lic oflran postgraduate scholarship. McDiarmid, R. W. & Altig, R. (1999). Research. Jn: Tadpoles: the biology of anuran larvae, 7-23. REFERENCES McDiarmid, R. W. and Altig, R. (Eds). Chicago: Altig, R. & McDiarmid, R. W. (1999). Body plan University of Chicago Press. development and morphology. In Tadpoles: the Mohanty-Hejmadi, P., Dutton, S. K. & Mallick, S. C. biology of anuran larvae, 24-5 I. McDiarmid, R.W. (1979). Life history of Indian frogs 2: the marbled and Altig, R. (Eds). Chicago: University of Chicago balloon frog Up erodon systoma Schneider. Journal of

Press. the Zoological Society of India 31, 65-72. Assheton, H. A. (1896). Notes on the ciliation of the Nokhbatolfoghahai, M., Downie, J. R., Clelland, A. K. & ectoderm of the amphibian embryo. Quarterly Journal Rennison, K. (2005). The surface ciliation of anuran of the Microscopical Society 38, 465-484. amphibian embryos and early larvae: patterns, timing Berry, P. Y. (1972). Undescribed and little known tadpoles differences and functions. Journalof Natural History from West Malaysia. Herpetologica 28, 338-46. 39, 887-929. Blommers-Schlosser, R. M. A. (1975). Observations on Parker, H. W. (1934). A monograph of the frogs of the the larval development of some Malagasy frogs, with fa mily Microhylidae. London: British Museum notes on their ecology and biology (Anura: (Natural History). Dyscophinae, Scaphiophryninae and Copbylinae). Wassersug, R. (1980). Internal oral features of larvae from Beaufo rtia 24, 7-26. eight anuran families: functional, systematic, evolu­ Dawley, E. M. (1998). Olfaction. In Amphibian Biology, tionary and ecological considerations. University of 3: Sensory Reception, 711-742. Heatwole, H. (Ed). Kansas Museum of Natural History, Miscellaneous Australia: Surrey Beatty & Sons. Publication 68, 1-146. Gosner, K. L. (1960). A simplified table for staging anuran embryos and larvae with notes on identification. Herpetologica 16, 183-190. Haas, A. (2003). Phylogeny of frogs as inferred from primarily larval characters (Amphibia, Anura). Cladistics 19, 23-89. Hansen, A., Reiss, J. 0., Gentry, C. L. & Burd, G. D. (1998). Ultrastructure of the olfactory organ in the clawed frog, Xenopus laevis, during larval development and metamorphosis. Journal of Comparative Neurology 398, 273-288. Kirtisinghe, P. ( 1958). Some hitherto undescribed anuran tadpoles. Ceylon Journal of Science (Biological Sciences) 1, 17 1-6. Klein, S. L. & Graziadei, P. P. C. (1983). The differentiation of the olfactory placode in Xenopus Accepted: 18.10.04 HERPETOLOGICAL JOURNAL, Vol. 15, pp. 195-199 (2005)



Laborat6rio de Herpetologia, Faculdade de Biociencias and Museu de Ciencias e Tecnologia, Pontiffcia Universidade Cat6lica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre - RS, Brazil

The reproductive biology of Atractus reticulatus was studied based on the analyses of 135 specimens from preserved in collections, and on field observations in Rio Grande do Sul State, southern Brazil. The snout-vent length (SVL) of mature females was significantly larger than the SVL of mature males, and the tail length (TL) of mature males was significantly longer than the TL of mature females. Analysis of neonate body size, hatching time and seasonal distribution of body size classes (SVL) suggests that males reach sexual maturity at eight to 10 months old (SVL c. 198 mm) and fem ales at I l to 12 months old (SVL c. 242 mm). The reproductive period begins in late August, with clutches laid in November, December and January, and hatching occurring from January to March. Fecundity is low: the number of vitellogenic fo llicles varied from 2 to 6, and the number of eggs from 1 to 3. Relative to female size, the eggs are large and the clutches are heavy, corresponding to approximately 27% of female body mass. Key words: colubrid, fecundity, sexual dimorphism, snakes, reproduction

INTRODUCTION ous, forming hillocks. Some disjunct hills are present and the presence of man is high in some areas. The cli­ The genus Atractus Wagler, 1828 comprises about 80 mate is mesothermic temperate (IBGE, 1990). small fo ssorial species of snakes that occur in South America, from eastern Panama to western Argentina MA TERI AL EXAMINED (Fernandes & Puorto, 1993; Fernandes, 1995; Giraudo, 200 1 ). The reproductive biology of most species is This study was based on the dissection of 135 speci­ poorly known, and available data are mainly from very mens preserved in the collections ofMuseu de Ciencias small samples (e.g. Martins & Oliveira, 1993, 1998; e Tecnologia of Pontiffcia Universidade Cat6lica do Fernandes & Puorto, 1993; Murphy, 1997; Starace, Rio Grande do Sul (MCP) and Museu de Ciencias J 998; Cassimiro et al., 2002). Atractus reticulatus Naturais of Funda<;:ao Zoobotanica do Rio Grande do (Boulenger, 1885) corresponds to the southern distribu­ Sul (MCN) (see Appendix 1). Ofthses, three specimens tion of the genus, occurring in southern Paraguay, were maintained alive and laid eggs in captivity, pro­ north-eastern Argentina and south-eastern and southern viding additional data on clutch size and time of Brazil (Fernandes, 1995; Giraudo & Scrocchi, 2000). oviposition. This species inhabits forests, savannas, transitional envi­ ronments and semi-urban areas (Giraudo & Scrocchi, PROCEDURES 2000). The reproductive biology of A. reticulatus has The data recorded for each specimen were: snout­ been almost completely ignored. There is only anecdotal vent-length (SVL, mm), tail length (TL, mm), sex information on the incubation time of two clutches from (analysis of gonads or hemipenis muscles), number of south-eastern Brazil, and biometry of neonates from one vitellogenic follicles or eggs, size of the largest of them (Fernandes & Puorto, 1993). vitellogenic follicle or egg (in mm), and condition of ef­ Herein we present data on sexual dimorphism in body ferent ducts. size, sexual maturity, reproductive cycle, fecundity and Females with follicles at least 6 mm in length or with recruitment of Atractus reticulatus in southern Brazil. eggs in the oviducts were considered mature (modified MATERIAL AND METHODS from Shine, 1977). Males with convoluted and opaque efferent ducts were considered mature (Shine, 1988). STUDY AREA The age and size at maturation were estimated based on All specimens examined were from eastern Depressao the seasonal size classes of males and females over time Central of Rio Grande do Sul State, southern Brazil. This (as in Shine, 1988). This estimative is possible when re­ area encompasses a zone of lowlands (10-300 m above production (mainly hatchlings) is markedly seasonal. sea level) with dark red podzol soil, giving rise to poorly The size and sex of the neonates, and the time of drained land with high humidity. The relief is homogene- hatchlings were recorded from eggs incubated artifi­ cially (see below). The time of maturation was Correspondence: R. L. Balestrin, Laborat6rio de Herpetologia, Faculdade de Biociencias and Museu de considered to be the time interval between the Ciencias e Tecnologia, Pontiffcia Universidade Cat6lica do hatchlings and the firstappearance of mature males and Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Ipiranga 668 1, 9061 9-900 Porto femalesin the sample. Gravid femaleswere kept in cap­ Alegre-RS, Brazil. E-mail: [email protected] tivity until oviposition. Eggs were measured (largest 196 R. L. BALESTRIN AND M. DI-BERNARDO

length), weighed and incubated in vermiculite at about 310 • 25 °C. The relative clutch mass (RCM) was calculated 290 ' • • • • • • • by dividing the total clutch mass by the sum of female 270 • .. I . · · • = • . mass and total clutch mass. Only hatchlings hatched in 250 • • • , . .. • • • • I captivity were considered as neonates. The degree of 230 • • • • E 21 0 • • • sexual size dimorphism (SSD) was the difference of the .s • • mean size (SVL) of the largest sex divided by the mean ....J 190 > 170 size of the smallest sex to 1.0 (Shine, 1993). Statistics (/) 0 Q 150 0 0 0 were performed using SPSS for Windows v. 10. We em­ 0 0 0 1 30 0 ployed a two-tailed Student's t-test to evaluate the 0 0 110 6 0 statistical significance of sexual dimorphism. 90 0 RESULTS 70 Jan Mar May Jui Sep Nov BODY SIZE AND SEXUAL DIMORPHTSM Months Neonate SVL ranged from 77 mm to 117 mm (mean±SD = 107.7±12.9; n =10) and TL from 5 mm to FIG. 1. Seasonal distribution of body size in males of Atractus reticulatus from southern Brazil. Open circles, 17 mm (mean±SD =13.5±3.5; = 10). Mature female /1 immature males; closed circles, mature males. SVL ranged from 242 mm to 370 mm (mean±SD = 300. 1±30.0; 11=43) and TL from 26 mm to 44 mm (mean±SD = 35.0±4.54; 11=43). Mature male SVL 390 • ranged from 198 mm to 295 mm (mean±SD = 370 • 249.9±24.4; n=58) and TL from 26 mm to 51 mm 350 • • 330 • • • • (mean±SD = 38.2±5.8 n=58). The SVL of mature fe­ • ' • •• • 310 • • • males was significantly larger than the SVL of mature • • • . - • • • • • 290 • • • • males (t=l.98, df=99, P<0.001), and the TL of mature 270 • E' • males was significantly larger than the TL of mature fe­ 250 • • .s • • _J 230 0 males (t=l .98, df=99, P<0.001). The degree of sexual > 0 size dimorphismwas calculated as 0.20. (/) 210 0 0 190 0 170 00 0 SEXUAL MATURITY 150 0 0 0 0 The combined analysis of neonate body size, birth 130 0 0 0 0 time and seasonal distribution of body size classes 110 90 -.--- (SVL) suggests that males reach sexual maturity at eight c .0 >- c :; Ol Cl. > (.) rn Q) Cii c. rn :::i -, :::i Q) t5 0 Q) to 10 months old (SVL of nearly 198 mm, Fig. 1) and fe­ -, u. � <( � -, <( (/) 0 z 0

males at 11 to 12 months old (SVL of nearly 242 mm, Months Fig.2). FIG. 2. Seasonal distribution of body size in females of Atractus reticulatus from southern Brazil. Open circles, REPRODUCTIVE CYCLE immature females; closed circles, mature females. Vitellogenesis began in late August and lasted until late December (Fig.3). Females were collected together 40 • with mature males in November (11=2). Clutches were • 35 observed in November, December and January. •

Hatchlings were recorded fromJanuary to March (from • E 30 • three clutches). One female had vitellogenic follicles E -;; 25 while carrying eggs in the oviducts. Another female was Ol Q) 0 0 0 dissected immediately after laying eggs and also had 0 20 Q) 0 vitllogenic follicles. }2 15 0 0 u. 0 " CLUTCH SIZE AND B IOMETRY OF EGGS AND 10 0 0 NEWBORNS 5 0 Oo 0 0 0 e '§ 0 8 o 0 @ o oj Fecundity in Atractus reticulatus was low. The 0 .0 >- c :; Ol Cl. > (.) c number of vitellogenic follicles varied from 2 to 6 Q) Cii c. rn :::i -, :::i Q) 0 Q) rn u. � <( -, 8 z -, (mean±SD = 3.9±1.5, 11=9), and the number of eggs var­ � <( (/) 0 Months ied from 1 to 3 (mean±SD = 2.7± 0.8, 11=6). Within the six femalesthat contained eggs, five females(measuring FIG. 3. Seasonal variation in the diameter of largest follicles from 242 mm to 333 mm SVL) had three eggs, and one (open circles) and eggs (closed circles) of mature females of female (measuring 286 mm SVL) had one egg. Relative Atractus reticulatus fromsouthern Brazil. REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY OF ATRACTUS RETICULA TUS 197

to female size, the eggs are large (mean length±SD = delayed sexual maturity in females of Atractus

34.6±3.92 mm, mean mass±SD = 1.7±0.25 g, n = lO), reticulatus, in relation to conspecific males, may have and the clutches are heavy, corresponding to approxi­ advantages by allowing females to reach a larger body mately 27% of the female weight (calculated from size at time of reproduction, and to produce larger eggs means, n=4). After 66 days of artificialin cubation, one and hatchlings. Due to their faster maturation, mature clutch with three eggs produced three neonates measur­ males are available in the population when the first fe­ ing mean SVL±SD of 116.3±0.58 mm and mean±SD males reach maturity, which may improve the mass of 1.31±0.32 g. reproductive success of the species. However, only neonates of Atractus reticulatus emerging at the begin­ DISCUSSION ning of the hatchling period (January) appear able to BODY SIZE AND SEXUAL DIMORPHISM reach a similar SVL to mature individuals in the repro­ The SVL of neonates of Atractus reticulatus is rela­ ductive season subsequent to their birth. Late neonates tively large when compared to the SVL of conspecific (March) may remain immature until the second repro­ adults, and also large when compared to the SVL of ductive season, as recorded by Oliveira (2001) for the neonates of other Neotropical colubrids (Fernandes & colubrid Lystrophis dorbignyi on the North Coast of Rio Puorto, 1993). In snakes, female size and the number of Grande do Sul - an area geographically close to this eggs are usually correlated and this affects neonate size study. (Seigel & Ford, 1987). The small size of Atractus reticulatus and the low fecundity seem to be adaptations REPRODUCTIVE CYCLE to the underground environment, as observed in other In the study area, the reproduction of Atractus morphostructural characteristics of fossorial snakes reticulatus is seasonal, with recruitment during the hot­ (Cadle & Greene, 1993; Webb et al. 2000a, 2001). ter months of the year. In south-eastern Brazil, Lemen & Voris (1981) suggest that some small species Fernandes & Puorto (1993) recorded two clutches in of marine snakes (Hydrophis torquatus) may produce January, which corresponds to the end ofthe oviposition large offspring while reducing clutch size. Availability period of this species in southern Brazil. In Atractus of food is higher to large neonates than to small neonates pantosticus, a typically subtropical species with a more since the former can swallow larger prey. Madsen & northern distribution than A. reticulatus, the reproduc­ Shine (1998, 2000) recorded mortality rates higher than tive period is longer, with records of clutches from usual among Lias is fu se us neonates that were born late January to March (Fernandes & Puorto, 1993; and, hence, small in relation to their prey size. Cassimiro et al., 2002). Martins & Oliveira (1993, Larger SVL in females corresponds to the most com­ 1998) investigated the biology of eight species of mon pattern in snakes. It is recorded, as a rule, among Atractus (A. alphonsehoguei, A. latifrons, A. major, A. species in which male-male combat does not occur poeppigi, A. schach, A. snethlageae, A. torquatus and A. (Shine, 1978, 1984 ). There is no record of male-male trilineatus) at low latitudes (Manaus city and adjacent combat in A. reticulatus or in any other species of the regions), where the climate is typically tropical, and genus, thus the pattern found here was as expected. suggested aseasonal reproduction for two of them (A. Natural selection may also favour larger body size in fe­ latifrons and A. torquatus ). The temperate climate in the males that incur high reproductive costs (Bonnet et al., southern region of Brazil seems to impose some physi­ 1998). Atractus reticulatus seems to belong to this cat­ ological constrains that limit snake activity to the hotter egory since its clutches are small but comprise large and months of the year, and this influences the natural his­ relatively heavy eggs when compared to female body tory of the species. Thus, much of what is known for size. Brazilian snakes of tropical regions may not be useful as The sexual dimorphism in TL, with larger values in parameters for the same species (or closely related spe­ mature males than mature females, also corresponds to cies) in southern Brazil (Di-Bernardo, 1998). the most common pattern in snakes (King, 1989; Shine, 1993). Giraudo & Scrocchi (2000) analysed specimens CLUTCH SIZE AND BIOMETRY OF EGGS AND of Atractus reticulatus combining all available sizes and NEONATES ages and recorded sexual dimorphism in the number of The low fecundity of Atractus reticulatus may be re­ ventrals (greater in males), subcaudals (greater in fe­ lated to the small size of adults (Shine, 1983, 1984), males), and in the ratio tail length total body length I since the larger congeneric species, A. major and A. (greater in males). Our data demonstrate sexual dimor­ torquatus, produce larger clutches (Martins & Oliveira phism in SVL (greater in females) and TL (greater in 1993, 1998). The fossorial habit of Atractus reticulatus, males) in mature specimens. may also influencethe number and shape of the eggs of each clutch. Clutches of A. reticulatus consist of long SEXUAL MATURITY eggs, which probably limit the presence of additional In snakes the energetic costs incurred while reaching eggs in the oviducts. The increase in width and decrease sexual maturity seem to be smaller for males than forfe­ in length of eggs could allow accommodation of addi­ males with high reproductive costs (Shine, 1978). The tional eggs with constant mass (Ford & Seigel, 1989). 198 R. L. BALESTRIN AND M. DI-BERNARDO

However, wide eggs possibly restrain the locomotion of Cadle, J. E. & Greene, H. W. (1993). Phylogenetic fossorial snakes inside galleries under the ground. patterns, biogeography, and the ecological structure of Clutches with similar parameters to Atractus reticulatus neotropical snake assemblage. In: Sp ecies Diversity in (small and containing long eggs) seem to be common to Ecological Communities Historical and other species of this genus (Martins & Oliveira 1993, geographical perspectives, 28 1 -293. Ricklefs, R. E. & 1998; Fernandes & Puorto, 1993; Murphy, 1997; Schluter, D. (Eds.). Chicago and London: University Starace, 1998; Cassimiro et al., 2002), and to reptiles of of Chicago Press. other genera with fossorial or semifossorialhabits, even Cassimiro, J., Bertoluci, J. & Martins, W. P. (2002). fromphyloge netically distinct lineages such as Tantilla Atractus pantosticus (Fura-terra). Clutch size. (Aldridge & Semlitsch, 1982; Marques & Puorto, Herpetological Review 33, 137. 1998), and Amphisbaenia (Monopeltis anchietae and Di-Bernardo, M. (1998). Hist6ria natural de uma

Zygaspis quadrifrons, Webb et al., 2000b - but see comunidade de serpentes da borda oriental do Webb et al., 2001 with regards to typhlopids from Pianalto das Araucdrias, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. southernAfrica). On the other hand, some non-fossorial Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis. Claro. Rio Claro, Sao colubrid snakes fromsouthern Br azil, with SVL similar Paulo: UnESP. to that of A. reticulatus, may produce up to 13 eggs (e.g. Fernandes, R. (1995). Variation and taxonomy of the Liophis jaegeri, Pontes & Di-Bernardo, 1988). Atractus reticulatus complex (Serpentes: Colubridae). Fernandes & Puorto (1993) recorded mean length of Comunica96es do Museu de Ciencias e Tecnologia da neonate Atractus reticulatus similar to our records, but PUCRS, Serie Zoologia. 8, 37-53. recorded hatchlings during a much longer period. Fernandes, R. & Puorto, G. (1993). A new species of Although the fossorial lifestyle of Atractus Atractus from Brazil and the status of A. guentheri reticulatus makes the study oflive individuals challeng­ (Serpentes: Colubridae). Mem6rias do lnstituto ing, we show that some interesting reproductive Butantan 55, 7- 14. parameters can be accessed by dissecting preserved Ford, N. B. & Seigel R. A. (1989). Relationship among specimens. We propose that the fossorial lifestyle of body size clutch size, and egg size in three species of Atractus drives its reproductive parameters, for in­ oviparous snakes. Herpetologica 45, 75-83. stance, reducing the number of eggs and increasing their Giraudo, A. R. (2001). Serpientes de la Selva Paranaense y lengths, thus providing more mobility to the snake in the de! Chaco Humedo. Bueno Aires: LO.LA. subterranean environment. However, additional re­ Giraudo, A. R. & Scrocchi, G. 1. (2000). The genus search must be made to test the hypotheses proposed Atractus (Serpentes: Colubridae) in north-eastern here. A. reticulatus is a common snake that can be found Argentina. Herpetological Journal 10, 81-90. even in places of anthropogenic disturbance (e.g. the Instituto Brasileiro De Geografia e Estatfstica suburbs of large cities), and we suggest that it would (IBGE).(1990). Geografia do Brasil- Regiao Sul. Rio make a good model to test such hypotheses. de Janeiro: Secretaria de Planejamento da Presidencia da Republica e Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Estatfstica (IBGE) 2, 420. We are thankful to Moema Leitao de Araujo and King, R. B. (1989). Sexual dimorphism in snakes tail Maria Lucia Machado Alves for bon-owing part of the length; sexual selection, natural selection, or material used in this study. We thank Lize Helena morphological constraint? Biological Journal of the Cappellari, John Measey and David Gower for improv­ Linnean Society 38, 133-154. ing the manuscript and Roberto Baptista de Oliveira for Lemen, C. A. & Voris, H. K. (1981). A comparison of helping with statistical analyses. MD is partially fi­ reproductive strategies among marine snakes. Journal nanced by the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento of Animal Ecology 58, 89-101. Cientffico e Tecnol6gico (Process CNPq # 300.1 64/00- Madsen, T. & Shine, R. (1998). Quantity or quality? 9), and RLB has a Master fellowship from Coordenai;ao Determinants of maternal reproductive success in de Aperfeii;oamento de Pessoa! de Nfvel Superior tropical pythons (Liasis fu scus) Proceedings of the (CAPES). Royal Society of London, Series B 265, 1521-1525. REFERENCES Madsen, T. & Shine, R. (2000). Energy versus ri sk: costs of reproduction in free ranging pythons in tropical Aldridge, R. D. & Semlitsch, R. D. (1982). Female Australia. Austral Ecology 25, 670-675. reproductive biology of the southeastern crowed Marques, 0. A. V. & Puorto, G. (1998). Feeding, (Tantilla coronata). Amphibia- Reptilia 13, snakes reproduction and growth in the crowned snake Tantilla 209-218. melanocephala (Colubridae), from southeastern Bonnet, X., Shine, R., Naulleau, G. & Vacher-Vallas, M. Brazil. Amphibia-Reptilia 19, 311-318. (1998). Sexual dimorphism in snakes: different Martins, M. & Oliveira, E. M. (1993). The snakes of the reproductive roles favour different body plans. genus of Atractus (Reptilia: Squamata: Colubridae) Proceedings of the Royal Society London, Series B, from the Manaus region, central Amazonia, Brazil. 265, 179- 183. Zoologische Mededelingen 67, 21-40. REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY OF ATRACTUS RETICVLA TVS 199

Martins, M. & Oliveira, E.M. (1998). Natural history of Webb, J. K.; Branch, W. R. & Shine, R. (2001). Dietary snakes in Forests of the Manaus Region, Central habits and reproductive biology of Typhlopid snakes Amazonia, Brazil. Herpetological Natural History 6, from Southern Africa. Journalof Herpetology 35, 558- 78 150. 567. Murphy, J. C. (1997). Amphibians and reptiles of Trinidad APPENDIX 1 and To bago. Florida: Krieger Published Company. Oliveira, R. B. (2001). Hist6ria natural de uma popula9ao de cobra-nariguda Lystrop his dorbignyi (Dumeril, SPECIMENS EXAMINED Bibron et Dumeril, 1854), (Serpentes, Colubridae), da Brazil. Rio Grande do Sul: Esteio: MCN 9438; regiao das dunas de Magisterio balneario Pinhal, Gravataf: MCN 2954, 3000; Porto Alegre: MCN 1015, litoral norte do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. MCP 1907, 4842, 5186, MCN 8083, 8084, 8570, MCP Unpublished MSc. Dissertation. Porto Alegre: 9069, 9087, 9088, MCP 93 18, 9388, 10129, 10130, UFRGS. 10131, 10209, 10210, 10211, 10212, 10509, 10510, Pontes, G. M.F. & Di-Bernardo, M. (1988). Registros 10515, 10965, 11258, 11259, 11356, 11901, 11903, sabre aspectos reprodutivos de serpentes ovfparas 13178, 13179, 13180, 13281, 13299, 13300, 13363, neotropicais (Serpentes: Colubridae e Elapidae). 13364, 13365, 13382, 13383, 13384, 13385, 13386, Comunica96es do Museu de Ciencias e Tecnologia da 13407, 13408, 13409, 13410, 13463, 13464, 13465, PUCRS, Serie Zoologia 1, 123-149. 13466, 13527, 13528, 13529, 13530, 1353 l, 13532, Seigel, R. F. & Ford N. B. (1987). Reproductive ecology. 13533, 13534, 13716, 13792, 13793, 13794, 13795, In Snakes: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, 210- 13803, 13804, 13805, 13977 l 3978, 13979, 13980, ' 252. Seigel, R. A., Collins, J. T. and Novak, S. S. 13981, 14121, 14179, 14234, 14235, 14236, 14237, (Eds.) New York: Macmillan PublishingCompa ny. 14238, 14280, 14295, 14303, 14304, 14305, 14306, Shine, R. (1977). Reproduction in Australian elapid 14307, 14393, 14398, 14399, 14402, 14403, 14433, snakes. II. Female reproductive cycles. Australian 14434, 14435, 14436, 14437, 14438, 14439, 14440, Journalof Zoology 25, 655-666. 14441, 14471, 14472, 14473, 14474, 14570, 14596, Shine, R. (l 978). Sexual dimorphism and male combat in 14597, 14598, 14599, 14600, 14601, 14639, 14640, snakes. Oecologia 33, 269-277. 14641, 14642, 14643, 14644, 14645, 14646, 14647, Shine, R. (1983). Reptilian reproductive modes: the 14675, 14676, 14697, 14698, 14699, 14700, 14701, oviparity-viviparity continuum. Herpetologica 39, 1- 14702; Santo Antonio da Patrulha: MCP 4; Sao 8. Leopoldo: MCN 7450; Taquara: MCP 11727; Viamao: Shine, R. ( 1984). Ecology and small fossorial australian MCP 8983. snakes of the genera Neelaps and Simonelaps (Serpentes, Elapidae). University of Kansas Museum of Natural History, Special Publication 10, 173-183. Shine, R. ( 1988). Food habitats and reproductive biology of small Australian snakes of genera Unechis and Suta (Elapidae). Journal of Herpetology 22, 307- 315. Shine, R. (1993). Sexual dimorphism in snakes. fn Snakes Ecology and Behavior, 49 86. Seigel, R. A. & Collins,

1. T. (Eds.). New York: McGraw-Hill. Shine, R., Olsson M. M., Moore, I. T., LeMaster, M. P. and Manson, R. T. (1999). Why do male snakes have longer tails than females? Proceedings of the Royal Society London, Series B 266, 2147-2151. Starace, F. (1998). Guide des serpents et amphisbenes de Guyane franr,;aise. Guyane: Ibis Rouge Editions. Webb, J. K., Shine, R., Branch, W. R. & Harlow, P. S. (2000a). Life-history strategies in basal snakes: reproduction and dietary habits of the Afri can thread snake Leptotyphlops scutifrons (Serpentes: Leptotyphlopidae). Journal of Zoology, London 250, 321-327. Webb, J. K., Shine, R., Branch, W. R. & Harlow, P. S. (2000b). Life underground: food habits and reproductive biology of two amphisbaenian species fromSout hern Africa. Journalof Herpetology 34, 510- 516. Accepted: 2. 11.04 200 SHORT NOTES

SHORT NOTES a high mortality rate, because captured turtles are likely to be forced underwater for an unsustainable period of HERPETOLOGICAL JOURNAL, Vol. 15, pp. 201 -203 (2005) time. In some Mediterranean countries, mortality in­ duced by static nets was estimated through reports by - INTERACTION OF THE STATIC NET or inquires to - fishermen. Although this method poten­ tially gives low-biased estimates, high mortality was FISHERY WITH LOGGERHEAD SEA reported in most cases: 77 .7% (Balearic Islands, Spain; TURTLES IN THE n=45; Carreras et al., 2004); 94.4% (Corsica, France; MEDITERRANEAN: INSIGHTS FROM n=l8; Delaugerre, 1987); 53.7% (Continental France; MARK-RECAPTURE DAT A n=l49; Laurent, 1991); 54.9% (Croatia; n=51; Lazar & Tvrtkovic, 2003); while in Tunisia only 5.2% (n=58; 1 2 PAOLO CASALE , DANIELA FREGGI , Bradai, 1993). Such a high mortality rate may represent 3 R ROBERTO BASS0 AND OBERTO ARGAN04 a serious threat to the populations if a large number of turtles is caught. 1via A111onio Calderara 29, Roma, Italy Catch rate per static net vessel is probably low. For 2Sea Turtle Rescue Centre WWF Italia, Lampedusa, Italy instance, inquiries to fishermen provided estimates of 0.5-2. 1 turtles per vessel per year in Tunisia (Bradai, 3Museo Civico Storia Naturale del Po, Os1ella10, llaly 1993) and 0. 17 turtles per vessel per month in the Bal­ 'Dipartimento di Biologia Animale e dell ' Uomo, earic Islands, Spain (Caneras et al., 2004). This Universi1ii "La Sapienza ", Italy represents another problem for the study of this interac­ tion, because it hides the phenomenon if compared with Comparison of mark-recapture data collected using other fi shing methods that have much higher catch rates. different fi shing methods suggests that in the However, even low catch rates can result in high num­ Mediterranean the interaction of sea turtles with the bers of captures if associated with a high number of static net fishery is very important and comparable to vessels. other fi sheries. Given the high mortality rate observed in On the basis of inquiries to fi shermen, about 920 tur­ this and other studies, static nets are likely to represent tles per year may be captured by static nets in Tunisia a serious threat to Mediterranean sea turtle populations. (calculated from Bradai, 1993) and about 200 in the Bal­ earic Islands (Carreras et al., 2004). It should be taken Key words: Carella caret/a, Mediterranean into account that being based on inquiries, these figures sea fishery interaction, static nets may be underestimates, while the opposite is improb­ Loggerhead sea turtles ( Caretta caretta) are listed as able. Endangered in the TUCN Red List of threatened species Apart from these specific cases, it is difficult to gain a (Hilton-Taylor, 2000). Jn the Mediterranean Sea, the reliable estimate at the Mediterranean scale, because probable population sub-structure and genetic isolation this is an artisanal and amateur fi shery comprising very from the Atlantic - at least at the female level - small vessels dispersed along many small ports, and usu­ (Laurent et al., 1998), make loggerhead turtles particu­ ally not included in the country register, making official larly vulnerable to the serious threats affecting them in statistics unreliable (Di Natale, 2002): a realistic census the basin. One of the most important threats is the mor­ is therefore difficult to obtain. However, Di Natale tality associated with interaction with fishingequipment (2002) estimates that artisanal fishing vessels in the 21 (see Gerosa & Casale, 1999, for a review). Thus, it is of Meditenanean countries number more than 200,000. Of the utmost importance to improve our knowledge of the these, about half may be static netters, if the proportion impact of fisheries on sea turtle populations. found in some countries (Lamboeuf, 2000; Alarcon Trawl nets and drifting longlines have been recog­ Urbistondo, 2001) can be generalised. nized as methods that capture thousands or tens of Our data were collected in the period 1981-2000 in thousands of turtles in the Meditenanean (see Gerosa & the framework of a sea turtle tagging programme carried Casale, 1999, for a review; Casale et al., 2004; Casale et out in Italy in collaboration with professionalfishermen al., in press), thus representing a serious threat in this (Argano, 1992). Turtles were originally incidentally basin as well as in other areas (e.g. National Research captured by fishing methods, landed, and then tagged Council, 1990; NMFS, 2001). However, the possible and released by project personnel with monel tags (style impact of other fishing methods has not been adequately 49 or 681, National Band and Tag, Kentucky, USA), at­ addressed, especially for artisanal and amateur fisheries tached to front flippers. Tags provided a postal address that may use static nets (trammel and gill nets anchored and the words "reward premio remite". Except for the to the sea bottom in shallow waters). text on the tags, no particular emphasis was given to re­ Typically, the net is put in place at sunset and re­ wards for reporting recaptures, and rewards usually trieved the next monting, and this theoretically suggests consisted of project T-shirts. Recaptures were reported by fishermen directly to personnel involved in the tag­ Correspondence: P. Casale, Via Antonio Calderara, 2900125 ging programme (if operating in the area and known by Roma Italy. E-mail: [email protected] the fisherman) or by mail. We classified fishing methods 202 SHORT NOTES

TABLE 1. Proportion of recaptured turtles out of all the son to other countries, for two reasons: first, our re­ turtles captured in Italy by different fishingmethods. search program focused particularly on Iongline and Fishing method % N trawl, and second, Italian fishermenmight prefer not to report to Italian authorities the death of a protected spe­ Longline 0.8 1095 cies (Argano et al., 1992), which is often the case, given Static net 6.3 95 the high mortality rates above. Even so, static net Italian Unspecified 'net' 3.3 153 fishermenreported the highest proportion of recaptured Trawl net 3.0 296 turtles of the total number of reports (Table 1) and static Other 2.2 46 nets are well represented among the fishing methods re­ Unknown 5.6 72 capturing tagged specimens in Italy (Table 2). Total 1.9 1757 Furthermore, when recaptures reported by Italian fisher­ men directly involved in the project (working with as: drifting longline, bottom trawl, static net, unspeci­ longline and trawl) are excluded, so reducing the bias fied net (these records reported just 'net', which can towards longline and trawl, static nets are the main fish­ mean either trawl, drifting, or static net), other or un­ ing method by which tagged turtles were recaptured, as known gears (Table 1). it is the case for recaptures from other countries unaf­ We received reports of 105 turtles captured or recap­ fected by the suspected Italian biases (Table 2). A tured by static net fishermen (collaborating or not with similar result was observed in Croatia, where static net our programme) from Italy and other Mediterranean fishermen reported six out of nine turtles recaptured countries. Measured turtles ranged from 21 to 80 cm (Lazar et al., 2000). Curved Carapace Length notch-to-tip (mean = 45.8; Longline fishermen rarely take aboard a captured tur­ SD=l3.0; n=70). The condition was unknown for five of tle (and so they cannot see a tag), and this may explain them and 11 specimens out of the other I 00 died as a the low number of specimens recaptured by this method, consequence of the capture. However, fishermen prob­ known to interact with a large number of turtles (see ably preferentially reported the capture of live Gerosa & Casale, 1999). On the other hand, both static specimens, either to avoid providing evidence of the net and trawl fishermen have the opportunity of a close impact of their activity on protected species, or because look at the turtle. Hence, although alternative explana­ they believed dead specimens to be less interesting for tions cannot be excluded, the relative proportions of our study. In this respect it is interesting that when fish­ recaptures reported by trawl and static net fishermen ermen had an additional reason to report a capture (i.e. a suggest that in the Mediterranean the overall interaction turtle with a tag), the proportion of dead turtles was between sea turtles and the static net fishery may be as higher (five out of 11) than among turtles without a tag important as - or even more important than - the inter­ (six out of 89; Fisher exact test; P<0.005; n=100). action with the trawl fishery. Hence, the mortality rate estimated from fishermen re­ This scenario underscores the urgent need to obtain ports should be considered with caution, while the one reliable estimates of fleet size in different countries, and based on recaptures only is expected to be more repre­ related turtle catch and mortality rates, in order to assess sentative of the actual mortality. High mortality rates the impact static nets have on the Mediterranean sea tur­ were reported by another mark-recapture programme tle populations. too: of six tagged specimens found in Croatian static Acknowledgements. We thank the many fishermen nets five were dead (Lazar et al., 2000). and all the persons who participated in the "Progetto Recaptures of tagged turtles were probably Tartarughe" (Univ. Roma/WWFItaly). underreported by Italian static net fishermen in compari- REFERENCES

TA BLE 2. Percentage of turtles recaptured by different Alarcon Urbistondo, J.A. (200 1). lnventario de la Pesca fishing methods in the Mediterranean. For Italy, recaptures Artesanal en Espana Mediterranea (2000-2001 ). reported by fishermen not directly involved in the project are Madrid: FAO-COPEMED. also shown (see text). http://www. faocopemed. org/v I docs/00005 62/artfi_s p. pdf Italy Italy Other Argano, R. (1992). Sea turtles and monk seal in Italian All vessels Non-collab. countries seas: conservation and perspectives. Bollettino Museo vessels Jstituto biologia Universita Genova 56-57, 113-135. (n=34) (n=l 9) (n=l4) Argano, R., Basso, R., Cocco, M. & Gerosa G. (1992). Longline 26.5 0.0 0.0 New data on loggerhead ( Caretta caretta) movements Static net 17.6 31.6 57.1 within Mediterranean. Bollellino Museo lstituto Unspecified 'net' 14.7 26.3 21 .4 biologia Universita Genova 56-57, 137-163. Trawl net 26.5 15.8 7.1 Bradai, M. N. (1993). La tortue marine Caretta caretta Other 2.9 5.3 0.0 dans le sud-est de la Tunisie (Peche accidentelle - Unknown 11.8 21.1 14.3 Utilisation - Legislation). Tunis: Regional Activity Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 Centre for Specially Protected Areas, Mediterranean Action Plan, UNEP. SHORT NOTES 203

Carreras, C., Cardona, L. & Aguilar, A. (2004). Incidental Lazar, B., Margaritoulis, D. & Tvrtkovic, N. (2000). catch of the loggerhead turtle Caretta caretta off the Migrations of the loggerhead sea turtle ( Caretta Balearic Islands (western Mediterranean). Biological caretta) into the Adriatic Sea. ln Proceedings of the Conservation 117, 321-329. 18th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and

Casale, P., Laurent, L. & De Metrio, G. (2004). Incidental Conservation, I 0 l. Abreu-Grobois, F.A., Brisefio­ capture of marine turtles by the Italian trawl fishery in Duefias, R., Marquez, R. and Sarti, L. (Compilers). the north Adriatic Sea. Biological Conservation. 119, Miami: NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS­ 287-295. SEFSC-436. Casale, P., Freggi, D. & Rocco, M. (in press). First Lazar, B. & Tvrtkovic, N. (2003). Mari ne turtles and assessment of sea turtle catch rate by trawlers fishing fisheries in the Mediterranean : are we missing on the central Mediterranean African shelf. In something? In Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Proceedings of the 24th Annual Symposium on Sea Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Turtle Biology and Conservation. Miami: NOAA 5-6. Seminoff, J.A. (Compiler). Miami: NOAA Technical Memorandum. Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-503. Delaugerre, M. (1987). Statut des tortues marines de la National Research Council (l 990). Decline of sea turtles: Corse (et de la Mediterranee). Vie et Milieu 37, 243- causes and prevention. Washington, DC: National 264. Academy Press. Di Natale, A. (2002). Mediterranean fisheries: a different NMFS (2001). Stock assessments of loggerhead and world. El Anzuelo - European newsletter on fi sheries leatherback sea turtles and an assessment of the and the environment 9, 4-6. impact of the pelagic longline fi shery on the Gerosa, G., & Casale, P. ( 1999). Interaction of Marine loggerhead and leatherback sea turtles of the Western Turtles with Fisheries in the Mediterranean. Tunis: North Atlantic. Miami: NOAA Technical Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-455, 343 pp. Areas, Mediterranean Action Plan, UNEP. http:// www.rac-spa.org.tn/down/INTERACTION_eng.pdf Hilton-Taylor, C. (2000). 2000 IUCN Red list of threatened species. Gland: lUCN. Lamboeuf, M. (2000). Artisanalfisheries in Libya. Census of fi shing vessels and inventory of artisanal fi shery metiers. Madrid: FAO-COPEMED. http://www. faocopemed.org/v ldocs/0000029/ final_report. pdf Laurent, L. ( 1991 ). Les tortues marines des cotes franc;:aises mediterraneennes continentales. Faune de Provence 12, 76-90. Laurent, L., Casale, P., Bradai, M. N., Godley, B. J., Gerosa, G., Broderick, A. C., Schroth, W., Schierwater, B., Levy, A. M., Freggi, D., Abd El­ Mawla, E. M., Hadoud, D. A., Gomati, H. E., Domingo, M., Hadjichristophorou, M., Kornaraky, L., Demirayak, F. & Gautier, Ch. (1998). Molecular

re solution of marine turtle stock composition 111 fishery bycatch: a case study in the Mediterranean. Molecular Ecology 7, 1529- 1542. Accepted: 1.10.04 204 SHORT NOTES

HERPETOLOGICAL JOURNAL, Vol. 15, pp. 205-206 (2005) also investigated the influence of body size on intraspecificsize-altitude body size trends. BERGMANN'S RULE IS SIZE­ Population samples came from Slovenia, Croatia, RELATED IN EUROPEAN NEWTS Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro and (TRITURUS) FYR Macedonia. The studied newts came from Dr Georg Dzukic's Herpetological Collection (Institute for 1 2 lMRE KRIZMANIC , TANJA D. VUKOV AND Biological Research, Belgrade). Only mature newt indi­ S 1 2 viduals, collected during the breeding season, were MILO L. KALEZIC , studied. Due to the sexual dimorphism in newts, which

1 institute of Zoology, Faculty of Biology, University of is most prominent in T. alpestris (e.g. Kalezic et al., Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro 1992), males and females have been treated separately in our study. Our data set was obtained from 39 popula­ 2lnstitute fo r Biological Research "Sini.fo Stankovic ", tion samples of vulgaris (mean no. of specimens per Serbia and Montenegro T. sample±SD: 22.0±3.84 and 22.28±3.68 for males and The validity of Bergmann 's rule - which describes females, respectively), 19 population samples of T. the intraspecific increase in body size with increasing alpestris (24.8±5.3 males and 25.7±5.3 females), and altitude -was studied in a several populations of three 22 population samples of T. carnifex (l6.5 ±3.8 males European newt species. There was a positive correlation and 17.5±3.4 females). Samples were collected from between body size and altitude for smaller-bodied most of the vertical distributional range recorded for the

Triturus vulgaris and T. alpestris species, but no study species (see Griffiths, 1996). The ranges were: 0- relationship between body size and altitude for the 1650 m for T. vulgaris, 80- 2100 m for T. alpestris, and much larger sized T. carnife x. Body size therefore 0- 1550 m for T. carnifex. plays a role in the application of Bergmann' s rule to The snout-vent length (SVL), distance from the European newts. snout to the posterior edge of the cloaca, was measured for each specimen from each population. Variation in Key words: altitudinal gradient, morphology, Triturus vulgaris, Triturus alpestris, Triturus camifex body size within species, represented by the difference between the minimum and maximum average SVL val­ Bergmann's rule states that there is an intraspecific ues of the population samples studied, was as follows: tendency toward larger body size in cooler environments T. vulgaris 30. 1 -43. J mm and 30.3-44. 7 mm (males and (Mayr, 1956). However, tests of Bergmann' s rule have females, respectively); T. alpestris 37.7 - 48.2 mm in traditionally relied upon latitude or altitude as a proxy males and 42.5- 55.0 mm in fe males; T. carnifex 103.7- for temperature (Ashton et al., 2000). Originally re­ 129.7 mm in males and 1 17.0-146.9 mm in females. stricted to mammals and birds (Mayr, 1956), it was We used simple linear regression analyses to assess recently claimed that Bergmann' s rule holds true for am­ the relationship between body size (average SVL values phibians in general, but more clearly for tailed for sampled populations) and altitude for each of the amphibians than for anurans (Ashton, 2002a). However, Triturus species. Average SVL was significantly posi­ body size data (10 or more location sites) for several tively associated with altitude for T. vulgaris (r=0.44, populations spread over altitude/latitude gradients are P<0.01 for males; r=0.46, P<0.01 for females), and for available for only a few species. For instance, among the T. alpestris (r=0.59, P<0.01 for males; r=0.53, P<0.05 European newts (Triturus spp.), only limited data for T. for females; Fig. l ). However, the larger-sized T. alpestris and T. marmoratus have been reported (Miaud carnifex did not show a significant relationship between et al., 2000 and Diaz-Paniagua et al., 1996, respec­ SVL and altitude for males (r=0.010, P=0.96) or fe­ tively). More studies, with extensive sampling, of body males (r=0.087, P=O. 70; Fig. 1 ). size variation of amphibians are required to further To date, the relationship between body size and the evaluate the validity of Bergmann 's rule for this group. tendency of a Bergmann' s rule trend has been studied in We collected population body size data for three birds and marrunals. While no relationship between the Triturus species to further evaluate Bergmann' s rule in tendency of a Bergmann' s rule trend and body size has amphibians. The sampling locations vary considerably been found in birds (Ashton, 2002b; Meiri & Dayan, in altitude, but little in latitude (less than 5°). This ena­ 2003), conflicting results have emerged for mammals bles a test of the intraspecific association between body (Ashton et al., 2000 vs. Meiri & Dayan, 2003; size and altitude while minimizing the possible con­ Freckleton et al., 2003). Apparently, Bergrnann's rule founding effect of latitude. Because the three species of appears to be size-related in European newts. In con­

Triturus differ in body size (maximum total lengths for trast to the much smaller T. vulgaris (this study) and T. T. vulgaris and T. alpestris are about 100 mm, whereas it alpestris (Miaud et al., 2000; this study), large-bodied is about 170 mm for T. carnifex; Griffiths, 1996), we species (T. marmoratus, Diaz-Paniagua et al., 1996 and carnifex, this study), do not show significant rela­ Correspondence: T. Vukov, Institute for Biological Research T. "Sinifa Stankovic", 29. Novembra 142, 11000 Beograd, tionships between body size and altitude or latitude. Serbia and Montenegro. Larger-bodied species may not show signi ficant size E-mail: [email protected] trends because their large size makes them less sensitive 206 SHORT NOTES


• + . + • o.os Ashton, K. G. (2002a). Do amphibians follow Bergmann's r 0.01, r > rule? Canadian Journal of Zoology 80, 708-7 I 6. Ashton, K. G. (2002b). Patterns of within-species body size variation of birds: strong evidence for Bergmann' s : a 0r;O.S9, P9< 0.0I ' rule. Global Ecology and Biogeography 11, 505-523. •

200 400 Naturalist 156, 390-415. Lo<."llllty elevation (m) • Tr ilurw.- i•ulparls Diaz-Paniagua, C., Mateo, J. A. & Andreu, A. C. (1996). o Tri tumti; pc�tris af + Trit1trus curnifex Age and size structure of populations of small marbled newts (Triturus mannoratus pygmaeus) from Doiiana r = 0.09, P > O.OS National Park (SW Spain): A case of dwarfism among dwarfs. Journalof Zoology (Lond.) 239, 83-92. Freckleton, R. P., Harvey, P. H. & Pagel, M. (2003).

r=O.SJ, P

BOOK REVIEWS eluded in the main text. More importantly, most refer­ ences are just listed at the end of the respective species Amphibians and Reptiles of Portugal, Madeira chapters, which makes it difficult or impossible to know and the Azores-A rchipelago. Malkmus, Rudolf what statements stem from the personal knowledge of (2004 ). Distribution and Natural History Notes. the author, or are derived from existing data. Finally, A.R.G. Gantner Verlag, Ruggell, Liechtenstein Pp. those who are familiar with the Portuguese situation 448. ISBN 3-904 144-89-8. Euros 80.00 (cloth). know that the strong complaints about lack of care, out­ The new book by Mr Rudolf Malkmus on the 'Am­ right neglect and wide-scale degradation of the phibians and Reptiles of Portugal, Madeira and the landscape are by no means exaggerated. Azores-Archipelago' brings to a splendid conclusion This book is a must for anyone with an interest in the what is nothing less than a life's work. Malkmus relent­ Iberian herpetofauna. The listed selling price of 80 euros lessly surveyed the amphibians and reptiles all over is a fair price given the high quality production of the Portugal, over a period spanning nearly three decades, book. However, under the small margins for profitpro­ starting in 1976. This is one of the first national atlases vided by the distributor and with the addition of of a continental European country to be published in the shipping costs most bookshops will charge you around English language. Previous works by the same author on 110 euros. the Portuguese herpetofauna published in 1982 and REFERENCES 1995 are now superseded. In the firstextensively illus­ trated chapter, the environment and landscape, climate Ferrand de Almeida, N., Ferrand de Almeida, P., and vegetation are described, followed by short ac­ Gonr;alves, H., Sequeira, F., Teixeira, J. & Ferrand de counts on the systematics, evolutionary history and Almeida, F. (2001 ). Anfibios e Repteis de Portugal. palaeoherpetology of the Portuguese amphibians and Guias Fapas. Fapas, Porto, Portugal. reptiles. The natural history information is brief, but if Garcfa-Parfs, M., Montori, A. & Herrero, P. (2004). Fa una more background information is required the reader lberica Vol. 24. Amphibia. Lissamphibia. Museo may consult Garcia-Paris et al. (2004) for amphibians. Nacional de Ciencias Naturales and Consejo Superior As before, the focus of presentation is on the distribution de Investigaciones Cientificas, Madrid, Spain. maps (17 for the amphibians and 31 for the reptiles). Godinho, R., Teixeira, J., Rebelo, R., Segurado, P., The maps make use of the lOxlO km UTM-grid system, Loureiro, A., Alvares, F., Gomes, N. Cardoso, P., with a 5x5 km scale representation of records, therewith Camilo-Alves, C. and Brito, J. C. ( 1999). Atlas of the doubling or tripling the information content of previous continental Portuguese herpetofauna: an assemblage of atlases (Malkmus, 1995; Godinho et al., 1999), to over published and new data. Revista Espaiiola de 15,000 observations. The information density is such Herpetologia 13, 61-82. that one may start to discover real distribution gaps, Malkmus, R. (1995). Die Amphibien und Reptilien were previously such were mere interpretations Portugals, Madeiras und der Azoren. Westarp (Fen-and de Almeida et al., 200 1). The reverse is also Wissenschaften, Magdeburg, Germany. true; some ranges that appeared disconnected are now linked up (e.g. Salamandra salamandra and Hyla J. W. Arntzen, meridionalis). A word of caution is in place for the map National Museum of Natural History, Leiden projection over the UTM-grid that is not completely congruent to the earlier version. For example, the island Th e Venomous Reptiles of the Western Hemi­ of Berlenga, off the coast near Peniche, is sp here. Jonathan A. Campbell and William W. cun-ently situated at the bottom ofUTM grid cell MD65 Lamar, with contributions by Edmund D. Brodie whereas it was positioned at the top of that grid cell pre­ III, Edmund D. Brodie Jr., Ronald L. Gutberlet Jr., viously (Malkmus, 1995). The consequences of this Michael B. Harvey, Robert Norris, David Warrell, small inconsistency will hopefully be addressed in the and Vinicius Xavier Da Silva. (2004). CornellUni­ production of the 'Atlas Nacional Herpetologia', a work versity Press, Ithaca, New York, USA. Volume I: undertaken by us in Porto at CIBIO and our colleagues xviii+ 1476+28 pp. Volume II: xiv+477-870+28 pp. at the University of Lisbon, under the administration and Hardcover. UK £86.95; US $149.95. ISBN 0- funding of the Portuguese Institute for Nature Conser­ 8014-41-41-2 (cloth). vation. The printing and production of the hardbound vol­ Of the many books published during the last few dec­ ume is good. The book includes a large number of high ades on venomous reptiles, perhaps none have been quality colour photographs: about 80 full colour photo­ more widely acclaimed than The Venomous Reptiles of graphs of landscapes are well chosen and highly Latin America, by Jonathan Campbell and William illustrative and nearly 200 attractive photographs of the Lamar (Cornell University Press, 1989). With its de­ species - about half of them made by the author - include tailed coverage of all the dangerously harmful species the larvae of some amphibian species. What has not im­ known at the time from Latin America and the Carib­ proved over the 1995 version is the referencing. I found bean, it was greeted with universal praise and is now a couple of flawed citations among the fewthat are in- regarded as something of a herpetological classic that 208 BOOK REVIEWS paved the way for many subsequent studies. This new somely explicit, but they serve an important purpose in book fromCampbell and Lamar is essentially a revised illustrating just how variable and unpredictable the ef­ and updated version of the first, but in covering a much fects of snakebite can be, and are also a graphic reminder broader geographical range - expanded to include the of the kinds of injuries that some of these animals are United States and Canada - it deals with a larger set of capable of inflicting. Medical practitioners will find them species ( 192), among them all of the rattlesnakes and an especially useful in comparing the symptomatic features additional 14 species from Latin America described of bites from differentspecies. There are also 161 black since 1989. and white photographs, 109 ink drawings, eight full­ Th e Venomous Reptiles of the Western Hemisphere page colour maps of physiography, topography, and (hereafter VRWH) is published in two volumes, each of vegetation, and 113 completely revised distribution them strikingly presented with glossy dust jackets fea­ maps. All of the illustrations are of excellent quality. turing magnificent photographs of a Langsdorff' s Advances in venomous snake systematics have re­ coralsnake (Vol. 1) and Central American bushmaster sulted in many changes over recent years, none more so (Vol. 2). Volume 1 opens with a contents page, list of ta­ than with regard to the neotropical pitvipers. Several bles, preface, and introductory section on the overall new genera have been erected (e.g. Atropoides for the scope of the book, including a reasoned statement on jumping vipers and Cerrophidion for some of the terres­ species concepts and explanation of why the authors trial montane species, both previously contained within have chosen to adopt certain taxonomies but not others. Porthidium) and a number of taxa previously considered As in the original Latin American opus (VRLA), there as subspecies have been elevated to full species rank then follows a series of regional accounts with informa­ (e.g. the cantil Agkistrodon taylori and bushmasters tion on the occurrence of species in particular countries, Lachesis melanocephala, L. muta and L. stenophrys). including keys to their identification. For most countries Numerous other forms have been subsumed within syn­ the keys are given in both English and Spanish (or Por­ onymy. All of these changes have been implemented in tuguese for Brazil), but in several notable cases they are VRWH, and the authors themselves also recognise a not. Why Canada and the United States for example are number of additional forms, including a fourth species provided with Spanish versions but not Guatemala, of bushmaster from eastern Panama, Lachesis Honduras, Costa Rica and some of the other tradition­ acrochorda, and two new tropical rattlesnakes in the ally Spanish-speaking countries is a little puzzling. Crotalus durissus complex, C. simus and C. totonacus. Descriptive accounts of the major taxonomic groups are A conservative approach has been adopted throughout then provided, beginning with the venomous lizards, the book concerning the recognition of subspecies, but coral snakes, and sea snakes, and continuing in the first there is no consistency in their treatment within the text. part of Volume 2 with the pitvipers. Each of these sec­ While a full account of salient characters are provided tions are complimented with keys in both English and for the subspecies of certain forms, for example (e.g. Spanish (also Portuguese for the coral snakes and spe­ Micrurus dumerili, Crotalus oregnaus), only the basic cies of Bothrops) and include a list of generic synonyms, details of distribution are provided for others (e.g. etymology, characteristics, and an extensive summary Micrurus diastema, Crotalus simus). Since the appear­ of natural history with detailed information on activity, ance of VRLA our understanding of relationships behaviour, conservation, prey and feeding ecology, among venomous snakes from the Americas has in­ parasites, predators, venom, reproduction, and longev­ creased considerably, but it is clear from reading ity. Accounts of the species themselves include through the accounts in VRWH that for many, particu­ synonyms, lists of vernacularnames, etymology, distri­ larly the coral snakes, a considerable amount of work bution, habitat, detailed information on lepidosis and still remains to be done. For some of the pitviper groups colour pattern, comparisons to similar species, and a fi­ the taxonomic arrangement followedin VRWH is also nal 'Remarks' section with comments relating mostly to unlikely to be the last word on the subject, a case in taxonomy. The remaining part of Volume 2 is com­ point being the recognition of Bothriopsis as a genus prised of equally authoritative sections on venomous distinct from Bothrops. snake mimicry (by E.D. Brodie III and E.D. Brodie Jr.), An outstanding feature of VRWH is the remarkable evolutionary relationships (R.L. Gutberlet Jr. and M.B. depth of coverage provided in the taxonomic accounts, Harvey), venom poisoning by North American reptiles which together make up over half of the total page com­ (R. Norris) and the features and treatment of snakebites pliment (95-475 in Vol. I and 477-616 in Vol. 2). For in Central and South America (D. Warrell). A Glossary, some species they extend over more than fivepages (e.g. Literature Cited section, and Index (usefully repeated in Bothrops asper, Crotalus durissus). All of the informa­ Volume I) complete the work. tion is supported by numerous references and the Both volumes are lavishly illustrated with a com­ author's own research or extensive field experience. bined total of 1500 colour photographs. Most of these Having accumulated a large data set over the years dur­ are of the venomous species described or their harmless ing the course of herpetofaunal studies in Belize, I mimics, but there are also a considerable number (l35) subjected the descriptions of the eight species of danger­ showing the consequences of snakebite. Some of the ously venomous snakes known from this country to images in the latter category are by their nature grue- particular scrutiny, and found them to contain no con- BOOK REVIEWS 209

flicting information. Some of the comments were also detailed information on natural history and snakebite it revealing, particularly the identity of a pitviper specimen will undoubtedly appeal to many other potential users, from west-central Cayo (USNM 61781 ), on which has from clinicians and field biologists to ecotourists and hinged the disputed occurrence in Belize of Porthidium snake keeping enthusiasts. It is not without the occa­ yucatanicum, a species otherwise known only from th sional inaccuracy, but given its ambitious size and northern part of the Yucatan Peninsula. Since its first scope these are all relatively trivial and of little conse­

citation by Schmidt (1941 ) , USNM 6178 1 has been vari­ quence. To everyone involved in the production of ously attributed to Porthidium nasutum and P. VRWH congratulations are in order for a phenomenal yucatanicum, but on the basis of its seven enlarged achievement. supralabials and the presence of a Jacunolabial is, ac­ cording to Campbell and Lamar, a misrepresented REFERENCES example of Bothrops asper. Of the genus Micrurus in Campbell, J. A. & Lamar, W. W. (1989). The Venomous Belize, the authors remark on the spurious distinction Reptiles of Latin America. Cornell University Press, between M. hippocrepis and M. diastema, stating "were Ithaca, New York. it not for the report by Gutierrez et al. (1988) of differ- Gutierrez, J. M., Sol6rzano, A., Cerdas, L., and Vannini, J. ences in chromosomal morphology ...... we would be P. (1988). Karyotypes of fi ve species of coral snakes inclined to consider them conspecific" (page 172). In re­ (Micrurus). Journal of Herpetology 22, 109-1 12. spect of this it is interesting to note that the study by Schmidt, K. P. (1941). The amphibians and reptiles of Gutierrez et al. was restricted to material of diastema British Honduras. Field Museum of Natural History fromGuatemala and did not include examples from near Publications, Zoology Series 22, 475-5 10. the range of hippocrepis in Belize, where specimens ex­ Stafford, P. J. (2000). On the status of the coral snake hibit an intermediate (or at least similar) condition in Micrurus nigrocinctus (Serpentes; Elapidae) in Belize having a reduced number of black bands (14-20 on and its northernmost distribution in Atlantic Middle body and 5-8 on tail) with little or no dark pigment on America. Herpetological Review 31, 78-82. the red dorsal scales (pers. data). Notwithstanding the similarities noted by Gutierrez et al. between M. d. Peter Stafford, sapperi and M. d. apiatus, it also seems reasonable to The Natural History Museum, London wonder if the various component populations of 'di­ astema' are as different from each other in karyotype as they are fromhip pocrepis. The authors' inferred suspi­ Incubation of Reptile Eggs. Gunther Kohler cion that hippocrepis may represent nothing more than (Original German edition 1997, English edition another localised variant of diastema may well tum out 2005). Translated by Valerie Haecky. Krieger to be true, but whatever its status the entire species Publishing Company, Malabar, Florida, USA, 214 group is clearly in need of further investigation and pp. ISBN 1-57524- 193-5 US$38.50 (cloth). should benefit greatly from phylogenetic analysis using molecular data (currently in hand at the University of Eight years after his original German edition, Texas, Arlington). The distribution of 'hippocrepis' in Gunther Kohler has updated this book on incubation of Belize appears to be restricted to the eastern versant of reptile eggs and there has been an English translation by the Maya Mountains, not extending west of the divide as Valerie Haecky. This, and the American publisher, un­ suggested by the map in VRWH; a possible example doubtedly brings this work to a much wider audience. from Mountain Pine Ridge on the western side (MPM The result is an attractive hardback book that can be 7679), cited in Stafford (2000:81), has the usual low broadly split into three parts. The text is illustrated number of black body bands (11) but is somewhat throughout with lots of colour photographs as well as anomalous in also having irregular black spotting on the half-tone photographs and line drawings. red dorsal scales, and may instead represent an aberrant The first part deals describes the biology of incuba­ diastema. A further minor inaccuracy was detected also tion of reptile eggs in both the natural situation and in the regional account of Belize, where the highest under artificial conditions. Hence, after a brief introduc­ point is given as Victoria Peak (1 122 m), but is in fact a tion there are chapters on egg morphology, egg little known ridge in the south of the country informally development prior to laying and development of em­ known as 'Doyles Delight' (1160 m). bryos up to and including hatching. A chapter is devoted As the largest and most exhaustive treatment of the to the "Physiological foundations of reptilian incuba­ subject available, VRWH is an essential reference for tion", i.e. temperature, humidity, gas exchange, egg anyone involved in research on venomous reptiles of movement and defence mechanisms against microbes. the Americas, or animals of medical importance in gen­ Unfortunately, some this information - pai1icularly for eral. It deserves the highest recommendation and will the last category - is lifted directly from that we know almost certainly achieve the exalted status of its pred­ for birds and is not applicable to reptile eggs. Not that ecessor. Professional academics needing a you would think this from reading the text, which rather comprehensive and up-to-date reference on the species misleads the uninitiated. A chapter then deals with natu­ of this region will find it especially useful, but with its ral nests and incubation. The remaining chapters in this 210 BOOK REVIEWS

part of the book deal with maintenance of breeding rep­ data included in these Appendices would have been bet­ tiles in captivity and techniques forartif icial incubation. ter presented by some kind of analysis that provided a There is a useful section on the various methods for general description of the incubation conditions for a building incubators, which will appeal to the hobbyist particular family. and researcher alike. Finally, various problems associ­ My initial impression of the book was quite favour­ ated with development and incubation are discussed. able but reading it through I became uneasy about the The second part is a series of descriptions of the spe­ content. The data presented seemed to be patchy in de­ cific incubation conditions for various types of reptiles tail and accuracy, and at times there seemed to be a lot of as contributed by a variety of authors. These tend to be emphasis on data presented from a review book pub­ rather brief, partially through necessity given our gen­ lished back in 1991 despite the wealth of inforrnation eral lack of understanding of reproduction in many that has been collected since then. Kohler has made little species, but mainly because there are often no special attempt to bring together all of the available data and conditions for specificreptile types. The resulting text is summarise it in a meaningful way. There is too much not very enlightening although it does tend to highlight emphasis on presenting inforrnation without much ex­ specificscientific refere nces foreach type of reptile. planation of what it means. The last section, which forms a whole third of the The target audience is probably the amateur page count, consists of three Appendices. The first is a herpetologist keeping and breeding pet reptiles but I feel brief and incomplete table on the effect of incubation the errors and the omissions in the text mean that this temperature on sex determination in reptiles. We know was a lost opportunity to bring good scientific under­ so much more than what is presented - nowhere in the standing to a wider audience. If the book is aimed at the book does Kohler state that to date no snakes exhibit professional herpetologist then it fails to deliver a coher­ temperature-dependent sex determination. The second ent review of available knowledge. People like myself table gives details of the patternof weight change for a are forced to revert to the original source references to small number of species. Again, so much more is known ensure that the data are presented correctly. I am forced on this topic than is presented. The final table runs for to conclude that whilst Incubation of Reptile Eggs is an around 50 pages and gives species accounts for clutch attractive book and its main appeal is to those people size, incubation temperatures and duration, together breeding reptiles as a hobby, it could have been a lot with the appropriate references. Unfortunately, this ta­ better. ble has not been carefully prepared and checked in production so errors are common. For many species the inforrnationis limited to clutch size. As a result I find it hard to understand why this table is included. As a re­ D. C. Deeming searcher I will find the list of references useful but the Universityof Lincoln The British Herpetological Society, c/o The Zoological Societyof London, Regent's Park, BRITISH London, NWJ 4R Y, UK HERPETOLOGICAL SOCIETY

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Volume 15, Number 3 2005

CONTENTS Full papers

Size at male m(\turity, sexing methods and adult P. CASALE, 145-148 sex ratio in loggerhead turtles ( Caretta caretta) D. FREGGI, from Italian waters investigated through tail R. BASSO & measurements R. ARGANO

A new large tree frog from north-western Gabon S. LOTIERS, 149-152 (Hyperolidae: Leptopelis) M.-0. RODEL & M. BURGER

Can aggregation behaviour of Phrynomantis M. SPIELER 153-157 microps tadpoles reduce predation risk?

Description of a new Eupsophus species A. VELOSO, 159-165 (Amphibi2, Leptodactylidae) from the J. L. CELIS-DIEZ, remnants of Maulino forest, central Chile P. C. GUERRERO, M. A. MENDEZ, P.-ITURRA & J. A. SIMONETII

Variation in anuran abundance along the streams S. N. KRISHNA, 167- 172 of the Western Ghats, India S. B. KRISHNA & K. K. VJJA Y ALAXI

Harmonic direction finding: a novel tool to C. LESKOVAR & 173-180 monitor the dispersal of small-sized anurans U. SINSCH

Size-fecundity relationships and reproductive C. P. A. PRADO & 181-189 investment in female frogs in the Pantanal, C. F. B. HADDAD south-western Brazil

Embryonic external nares in the . microhylid M. NOKHBATOLFOG HAHAI 191-194 Elachistocleis ova/is, with a review of narial & J. R. DOWNIE development in microhylid tadpoles

Reproductive biology of Atractus re ticulatus R. L. BALESTRIN & 195cl99 (Boulenger, 1885) (Sepentes, Colubridae) in M. DI-BERNARDO southern Brazil

Short Notes

Interaction of the static net fishery with P. CASALE, 201-203 loggerhead sea turtles in the Mediterranean: D. FREGGI, insights frommark-recapture data R. BASSO & R. ARGANAO

Bergmann' s rule is size-related in European newts I. KRIZMANIC, 205-206 (Triturus) T. D. VUKOV & M. L. KALEZIC

Book Reviews 207-2 10

Herpeto/ogical Journal vol. 15, no. 2 was published on 29 July 2005