Voices from Mocho Panos Caribbean 9 Westminster Road, Kingston 10, Jamaica, W.I
Voices from Mocho Panos Caribbean 9 Westminster Road, Kingston 10, Jamaica, W.I. © 2007 All rights reserved. Published in 2007 ISBN 9789766107956 Translation and editing: Dawn Marie Roper, Panos Caribbean Final editing and coordination: Indi MclymontLafaye e, Panos Caribbean Technical advice: Siobhan Warrington, Panos London Design and layout: Orville Bloise Photos: Bryan Cummings, Ode e Eccles, Devon Brown, Horace Fisher, and other members of the Mocho Community. Oral Testimony collection team: Horace Fisher Ode e Eccles Devon Brown Fayone e Jones Tenaj Rhoden Maurice ‘Junior’ Lawrence Owen Allison Leon Clair Kenesha Go shalk Avia Francis Kurt Francis Dawn Go shalk Printing: Minute Press Limited, Kingston, Jamaica Acknowledgements This booklet would not have been possible without the hard work of the following persons: • Siobhan Warrington, Rod Harbinson and the Panos London team • The Narrators and Interviewers for the testimonies – in particular Ode e Eccles, Devon Brown, Horace Fisher, Junior Lawrence, Leon Clair, who have consistently gone beyond the call of duty. The other interviewers were Daughn Go shalk, Tenaj Rhoden, Avia Francis, Owen Allison, Kurt Francis, Kenesha Gottshalk and Fayonette Jones. • We were particularly happy to have the voices of educator par excellence – Livingston Moore and farmer Alfred Allison before they passed on in 2007. • Jan Voordouw, Panos Caribbean for keeping us within budget • Dale Rankine, The Global Environment Facility Small Grants Programme for funding and consistent support • The team at the Commonwealth Foundation Introduction Why Mocho? That is the usually the first question asked when this project is mentioned. It was however chosen on the following grounds: 1. It was one of the communities hardest hit by Hurricane Ivan in 2004 and so was deemed particularly vulnerable to disasters.
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