Birmingham City Council Planning Committee 12 November 2015
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Birmingham City Council Planning Committee 12 November 2015 I submit for your consideration the attached reports for the North West team. Recommendation Report No. Application No / Location / Proposal Refuse 8 2015/06210/PA 63 - 65 Penns Lane Sutton Coldfield Birmingham B72 1BJ Erection of a 50 bed nursing home (Use Class C2) and associated car parking, boundary treatment and landscaping. Outline application with Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale to be determined and Access to be reserved for later consideration. Approve – Conditions 9 2015/02901/PA Land at Windsor Street and Kellett Road Nechells Birmingham B7 4NQ Erection of 72 no. bedroom student accommodation block consisting of 35 no. studios and 37 no. bedrooms arranged into 8 clusters with associated kitchen/living spaces, ancillary facilities to comprise common room, launderette, cycle store, management office, refuse store and plant room Approve – Conditions 10 2015/06273/PA Wilkes Green Junior School Antrobus Road Handsworth Wood Birmingham B21 9NT Redevelopment of existing junior school with partial demolition, extensions and refurbishment works. Erection of two detached classrooms, MUGA and creation of new access road and pedestrian route. Page 1 of 1 Director of Planning and Regeneration Committee Date: 12/11/2015 Application Number: 2015/06210/PA Accepted: 21/08/2015 Application Type: Outline Target Date: 20/11/2015 Ward: Sutton New Hall 63 - 65 Penns Lane, Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham, B72 1BJ Erection of a 50 bed nursing home (Use Class C2) and associated car parking, boundary treatment and landscaping. Outline application with Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale to be determined and Access to be reserved for later consideration. Applicant: Moundsley Hall Nursing Home Limited Moundsley Hall Nursing Home, Walkers Heath Road, Kings Norton, Birmingham, B38 0BL Agent: Mr Richard Baily 3 Alpha House, Farmer Ward Road, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 2ED Recommendation Refuse 1. Proposal 1.1. Outline application for the erection of a 50 bed 24 hour residential nursing home (Use Class C2) with associated car parking, boundary treatment and landscaping. Appearance, landscaping, layout and scale to be considered only and Access reserved for later consideration. 1.2. The proposed residential care home would be sited over the footprint of the former two detached dwellinghouses that previously occupied the site. The building would follow the front building line of 59 and 67 Penns Lane although it would be set forward 0.4 metres of 61 Penns Lane. The building would be three storeys high with an additional semi-basement (lower ground floor) level and the second floor level accommodated mainly within the roof space. The lower ground floor would be concealed behind a railing fence at the front of the building and would open out onto a sunken garden to the rear. The building would be 30 metres wide and would include a 14.4 metre deep three storey flat roof rear wing. The rear wing would have staggered side elevations to prevent overlooking of the neighbouring rear gardens and a staircase would be located to the rear. 1.3. The building would have a symmetrical design to the frontage with a centrally positioned main entrance contained within a forward projecting brick gable and to either side there would be slightly smaller forward projecting brick gables, dormer windows and ground and first floor windows. The building would have rendered elevations to the front elevation between the gables and to the upper parts of the rear wing. A sedum green roof is also proposed to the flat roof rear wing. Page 1 of 13 1.4. Internally the accommodation would comprise a kitchen, storage room, staff room, treatment room, ancillary room, treatment room, plant room, a large dayroom and 7 bedrooms (with bathrooms) on the lower ground floor. The accommodation at ground floor and on the first floor would be similar with 16 bedrooms (with bathrooms), a separate bathroom and WC on each. There would also be a reception/managers area on the ground floor and a nursing area, ancillary area and hairdressers on the first floor. The second floor would comprise 11 bedrooms (with bathrooms), a separate bathroom and a dayroom. Access to each floor would be gained via a lift or stairs. All bedroom sizes and the rear garden including the sunken garden would comply with the minimum guidelines set out in Specific Residential Uses SPG. 1.5. 18 car parking spaces are proposed including 1 parking space for disabled people and one for ambulances. The existing footway crossing (that previously served No. 65 Penns Lane) would be widened to 5 metres (currently 4 metres). 7 cycle storage facilities and a bin storage area that would be enclosed by a 2 metre high hit and miss timber boarded fence would be provided to the front of the building. 1.6. The site has been cleared of all buildings and trees except for two trees to the frontage consisting of a Beech tree and a Silver Birch tree, which are both subject to a Tree Preservation Order (TPO 1223). It is proposed to retain the Silver Birch tree and it has been agreed with my Tree Officer that 2 Holly trees would be planted along the frontage to replace a protected Holly tree that was felled without prior consent in 2013. It is also proposed to provide replacement trees within the rear garden. A 4.5 metre high hornbeam hedge, a 2.1 metre holly or yew hedge would be provided along both side boundaries shared with 61 and 67 Penns Lane. A low brick wall with a 2 metre high hedge behind is proposed for the front boundary. 1.7. The residential care home would employ 10 full time and 25 part time staff members. 1.8. The application has been submitted with a Design and Access Statement, Arboricultural Implication Study, Ecological Appraisal, Noise Impact and Sound Insulation Report, Sustainable Building Statement (which includes a sustainable drainage system and water conservation statement), Transport Note and Specification of Materials. 1.9. Site Area: 0.35 hectares. 1.10. Link to Documents 2. Site & Surroundings 2.1. The application site is rectangular in shape with a 34 metre wide frontage to Penns Lane and is currently cleared of all buildings and vegetation and only two trees remain (which are covered by TPO 1223). The site was previously occupied by two detached two-storey dwellinghouses set back from the road behind deep front gardens and discreet parking areas and with long rear gardens. 2.2. The site extends between 85 metres and 105 metres in length and the ground level falls from 120.50 to 119.90 across the road frontage (from west to east) and gently falls from 120.50 to 118.00 along the side boundary with 61 Penns Lane to the rear of the site. The site also falls gently along the opposite side boundary with 67 Penns Lane from 119.90 to 119.00 and then down to 117.50 in the north-eastern corner of Page 2 of 13 the site. There are two existing vehicular access points to Penns Lane that served the previous dwellinghouses. 2.3. The surrounding area is a mature suburb, comprising predominantly large two- storey detached and semi-detached dwellings set back from the road on relatively large plots. There have been infill housing developments in the area which have introduced a number of culs-de-sac developments that have involved larger dwellings sited closer to the road and on smaller plots. The area also includes a small number of three storey houses and there is a three-storey block of apartments (known as Riland Court) located on the corner of Penns Lane and Beech Hill Road and a three-storey nursing home at 1 - 3 Beech Hill Road (known as Beech Hill Grange Nursing Home). 2.4. The application site is located within 300 metres of Wylde Green Neighbourhood Centre which contains a number of shops, services and is well served by public transport services. There is also a bus stop and a cycle lane located on the opposite side of Penns Lane. 2.5. Site Location 3. Planning History 3.1. 17 December 2013 - 2013/07717/PA – Full planning application for the erection of 60 bed residential care home, withdrawn. 3.2. 29 May 2014 - 2014/01482/PA - Full planning application for the erection of 60 bed residential care home (Use Class C2) together with car parking, boundary treatment and landscaping, refused on the following grounds: a. The proposed development would result in an over-development of the site. The depth, width and height of the rear wing of the building would have an adverse effect on the character of the existing residential area and would therefore fail to take the opportunities available to improve the character and quality of the area and the way it functions. As such it would be contrary to Paragraphs 3.8, 3.10, 3.14C and 5.20 of the Birmingham UDP 2005, guidance in Places for Living / Mature Suburbs both adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document, the National Planning Policy Framework and the Planning Practice Guidance. b. The scale, massing and design of the rear wing of the proposed building would result in an overbearing visual impact and an unacceptable sense of enclosure to adjoining dwelling houses and their rear gardens. As such the proposed development would adversely affect the amenity of occupiers of adjoining dwellings contrary to Paragraphs 3.8 and 3.10 of the Birmingham UDP 2005, guidance in Places for Living, the National Planning Policy Framework and the Planning Practice Guidance. 3.3. Subsequent appeal (APP/P4605/A/14/2224939) dismissed on 10 November 2014.