Vol.4, No.10, 904-909 (2012) Health http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/health.2012.410138 A knowledge-to-action approach to food fortification: Guiding principles for the design of fortification programs as a means of effectively addressing micronutrient malnutrition Laura A. Rowe*, David M. Dodson Project Healthy Children, Cambridge, USA; *Corresponding Author:
[email protected] Received 28 August 2012; revised 26 September 2012; accepted 5 October 2012 ABSTRACT clear and concise messages or frameworks that allow for scaling-up in changing, challenging, and dynamic envi- The gap that exists between research and the ronments [8]. dissemination and implementation of research This paper seeks to add to the already existing litera- findings has been well established. Food forti- ture on how to implement national food fortification pro- fication, one of the most cost-effective means of grams in a way that addresses the “knowing-doing” gap addressing micronutrient malnutrition, is no ex- by offering a streamlined model that facilitates moving ception. With decades of implementation experi- from evidence to application. Based on Project Healthy ence, there is need to strengthen mechanisms Children’s (PHC) experience assisting governments in that effectively broadcast proven strategies to the design and implementation of national food fortifica- promote the successful implementation of forti- tion programs in Rwanda and Malawi, in this paper we 1) fication programs in changing, challenging, and describe how nationwide, mandatory food fortification dynamic environments. This requires clear chan- programs, often missing from national agendas, are dis- nels of communication, well-defined in-country tinct in how they address the problem of malnutrition; leadership, and a streamlined and focused ap- and 2) document four core, arguably intangible and often proach that can be adapted to country-specific overlooked, principles needed to solidify engagement, contexts.