Volume 57 Number 22 | May 28, 2012 Prroudlyoudly sservingerving oourur ccommunityommunity DDNDND 110%0% ooffff PPharmasaveharmasave BBrandrand Thank you for shopping locally! Just 3 minutes from the Base. MARPAC NEWS CFB Esquimalt, Victoria, B.C. Esquimalt Plaza, 1153 Esquimalt Rd. 250-388-6451 www.lookoutnewspaper.com CCommunityommunity aartrt An Aboriginal art display was unveiled in the Wardroom last week in honour of Aboriginal Awareness Week, and the strong link between Aboriginal history and CFB Esquimalt. Some artists gifted their work, while others have loaned it to the base; so, over time this display will change. Pictured here, artist Clarence Dick Jr poses beside the carved panel he made for this display. Photo by Shelley Lipke, Lookout www.canex.ca We proudly serve the Canadian Forces Community No Interest As a military family we understand HIGH PERFORMANCE LOW PRESSURE Credit Plan your cleaning needs during ongoing service, deployment and relocation. www.mollymaid.ca MILITARY We offer those serving in the military and DND a DISCOUNT: specialty discount. Not valid with any other offer. Month terms BAY STREET LOCATION JACKLIN ROAD LOCATION 708 Bay St. Victoria BC 2988 Jacklin Rd. Victoria BC (250) 744-3427 (250) 389 1326 (250) 474 7133
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